[blows a party streamer from in-between the bars on the vent cover]
THAT'S MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!
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I almost set my laptop on fire trying to post this.
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do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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do you think they explored each other's bodies in the fetus frightening room?
(inspired by @michael-palin-is-the-loml )
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An early photo of the Marx Brothers. From the left: Harpo, Gummo, Chico and Groucho.
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Someone get this man a beer. 馃嵑
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my mother told me that this was the first photo ever taken of me. my mother lies a lot.
she also told me that when it was taken it was the youngest person in my family (me) with the oldest person in the family. i don't remember what the woman's name is. if she's 80 to 100 years old in the picture, she would have been born between the early 1860's and the 1880's. possibly in norway, but probably in the 1870's in the united states.
i recall that the woman is a distant cousin on my mother's side, but that's all. i'm not going to start communicating with my mother to find out.
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about 20 years ago (around 2005) my mother packed up all our family pictures and sent them to my aunt on the other side of the united stated so that my aunt could digitize them. for years my mother complained about how she hadn't gotten them back yet and what was taking so long. after my aunt died, she complained she'd never gotten our family photos back.
i was sad, but had resigned myself to just not having any pictures of my life, or of me as a child. nothing to be done.
a couple of years ago, around 2022, she could no longer live on her own, and my brother J, packed up her house. i was estranged from both my brother J and my mother by then.
a few months ago, in september 2023, my brother J was getting rid of my mom's stuff. my daughter was told one saturday, that if she wanted anything that she had to get it on sunday, because monday it would all go to the landfill. that sunday she showed up with a plastic bin full of photos. my whole childhood was in there. apparently my mother had been lying about the photos for years. they had just gone to the back of the garage. she spent 20 years cursing her sister for mishandling pictures that had never left my mother's house.
it was 7 1/2 months before i could actually open the box and start looking at them.
these are the pictures arranged in chronological order or as close to it as possible. i'm going to talk about everything i remember or know about the pictures and what's in them. i think they are interesting in a vintage photo sort of a way. if you want to read the whole thing in order, i'm going to tag each post with a number starting at #0001.
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