rayhantow · 4 years
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Irfest 2020 tu seru dan inspiratif bangettt. Disini aku dapet banyak banget pengalaman dan pelajaran yang tentunya bakal berguna banget buat aku kuliah di HI Unair kedepannya. Konsepnya seru banget pake faksi-faksi divergent gitu, dan tema Climate Change nya bener2 eye opening banget. Aku juga banyak tau tentang MUN, cara bikin paper, dan banyak lagi pokoknya.
Terima kasih buat kakak kakaknya, terutama calielkuuu Kak Diba dan Kak Andi thank you so muchhhh :)). Terima kasih juga sama temen2 Vanuatu yang udah semangat menjalain irfest dan ngerjain tugas bareng bareng. Thats all from me thank you all for this wonderful event (^_^)
Rayhan Amadheya Totokusumo 045 Vanuatu
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rayhantow · 4 years
UN 101: Summary
Rayhan Amadheya Totokusumo_045_Vanuatu_SummaryUN101
History, Structure, and Membership of The United Nation
The United Nations (UN) is one of the most important IGO (Interstate Governmental Organisation) in the world today. The organisation hosts almost all of the existing sovereign countries, and functions as a platform of all of its members to achieve global progress and world peace. These goals are written in its formal declaration during the organisation formation, and the ways for the members to express their interest have also existed since 1945 Charter of The United Nations.
The origin of the UN has existed long before its formation. It all started with an organisation named International Telecommunication Union (ITU) that was established back in the year 1865. While highly different compared to the current UN, ITU had served as a medium for state's government to speak about the current issues in the world, as a part of UN’s specialised agencies.
The United Nations has been through a lot of defining moments in its path to its formation on the 24th of October, 1945. The League of Nations (LoN), concocted by the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, was an IGO that meant to focused on preventing another world war from happening again, and to foster global progress, similar to that of UN’s purposes.
Despite its egalitarian goals, LoN failes to prevent the start of the catastrophic event that is The Second World War, and later on its member has abandoned it. Only in the year 1942 that the motion of a ‘united nations’ was circulating again in the mind of the Allied leaders. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration by United Nations was a behest for the twenty-six nations of the bloc to reverse the Axis dominance on Europe and the rest of the world.
The path of UN’s emergence, soon followed throughout the years of conflict, with the Dumbarton Oaks and Yalta Conferences. To simplify, the conferences brought together the most prominent country leaders of the ‘United Nations’ to recognise the need for a postwar world organisation, synthesise the mentioned organisation’ blueprint, and to arrange a high-level meeting to declare the birth of the United Nations. Following Imperial Japan’s unconditional surrender to Allied Powers, fifty states representatives met in San Fransisco to jointly declare the year zero for the UN, and its basis of the United Nations Charter that has been catalogued by the United Nations Conference on International Organization.
Believing that the UN in general will be incredibly difficult to deal with just provisional affairs, the charter thus has created six main bodies of the UN to help manage the organisation's affairs. Those main bodies are the United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Security Council (SC), Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, and United Nations Secretariat. In the paragraphs below, I will explain briefly about these bodies, in terms of their roles and membership. 
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the largest entity of the UN in term of its membership. It hosts all of the 193 members of the UN, various non state actors, and three "observer states": The Holy See, The State of Palestine, and the European Union, in its annual debate and hearing sessions. These sessions provide a platform for all the heads of the UN member states to address and debate many key aspects of the UN and the international world itself. 
The UN Security Council, provided by the UN Charter, deliberate the creation of actions towards the maintenance of global peace and security, and the ways of its implementation in the world. It has fifteen members, ten of which are elected by the General Assembly for a renewable years term. While the other five are the permanent members of the Security Council, consisting of the P5 (the United States of America, People’s Republic of China, The Russian Federation, The French Republic, and The Kingdom of Great Britain), nations who possesses the veto right. 
Thirdly, we have The Economic and Social Council which, true to its name, focuses primarily on economical and social topics that are suggested by its fifty-four member states. On the formal level of definition, this council acts as the UN’s central platform for its UNGA-elected members to discuss and debate ways on implementing and keeping track of sustainable development. For the sake of the effectiveness of this paragraph, I will also explain the Trusteeship Council which are now currently suspending its operation since 1994. The reason for its suspension was because the eleven trust territories that were meant to be supervised, had either gained independence, or a high level of self-governing autonomy.
The fourth main body of the UN, the International Court of Justice is the only main body of the UN that doesn’t base itself in the main building of The UN. Instead they headquarter themselves at the Peace Palace of The Hague, Netherlands. This body functions as the primary judicial organ that settle legal disputes submitted by the member states, in accordance with the international laws. However, unlike most judicial court practices, it doesn’t impose verdicts on the cases the fifteen judges of the ICJ handles, but rather recommends advisory measures to solve the case at hand for the opposing parties.
And Finally, we have the Secretariat of The United Nations. This particular body comprises the Secretary General of the UN, as well as tens of thousand internationally-recruited staffs all over the world. Via its numerous offices and commissions, the Secretariat’s tasks is to coordinate the mentioned boards to carry on the routine tasks of UN’s various organs across the world. The UN decides on who should become the Secretary General through process of deliberation in the UNGA. One person will be elected as the Secretary General of the UN for a five year term. Other than acting as the UN’s Chief Administrator, The UN’s Secretary General is also filling the tasks as the Head of The Secretary. 
Taking the role as one all encompassing platform of discussion for the nations of the world, The UN must provide nations that are internationally active and eager to contribute to world peace, the means of membership admission. Before one state could become a full member of the United Nations, it must undertake the steps of this admission. To start, a state must submits an application the UN’s Secretary-General as well as a letter confirming its acceptance of the obligations provided by the charter. Secondly, the applying state must have at least nine out of fifteen votes of affirmation from the Security Council’s members, while also having none of the P5 nations vote against the state’s admission process. 
After that, there are two requirements left to finish the membership procedure. The requirements include: a recommendation from the SC for its membership; a two third majority vote from the General Assembly to admit a new state; and an adoption of the admission’s resolution. Afterwards, membership becomes effective immediately after the resolution has been adopted by the UN. The latest state to joined the UN was the Republic of South Sudan in 2011, and the UN has had 193 member states ever since.
Still until today, The United Nations has played a significant role in the history of world. It has become a beacon of international cooperation and the main defender of world peace. Because of that in the future it will become interesting to see how well does the world peace that the UN so tirelessly uphold will stay intact. For that we can ony hope that all of its member states stay comitted to these causes.
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rayhantow · 4 years
Rayhan Amadheya Totokusumo - 045 - Vanuatu
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Banjir rob adalah salah satu bencana yang berdampak sangat besar di Indonesia. Mulai dari pesisir barat Lampung hingga pesisir selatan Nusa Tenggara Barat, banjir rob ini memberikan ancaman besar di setiap wilayah pesisir di Indonesia. Bencana ini menyebabkan dampak yang besar seperti kerusakan infrastruktur, intrusi air laut, dan tentunya kerugian ekonomi yang luar biasa.
Terdapat banyak penyebab dari terjadinya banjir rob ini, seperti pasang air laut dan terjadinya badai. Namun, faktor dasar yang mendorong terjadinya banjir rob adalah kenaikan air laut, dan tentunya kita tahu penyebab utama dari kenaikan tersebut adalah perubahan iklim. Oleh karena itu, kita sebagai warga Indonesia bisa mencegah terjadinya bencana ini. Mungkin kita tidak bisa membangun infrastruktur pencegah banjir atau menanam bakau besar-besaran, akan tetapi hanya dengan cara sederhana, seperti menggunakan transportasi publik, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, dan menghindari penggunaan plastik kita sudah bisa mencegah terjadinya bencana yang sangat merugikan banyak orang ini.
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rayhantow · 4 years
Nama: Nareswari Wahyu Fianda (Finda)
Asal daerah: Kalimantan Timur
- Suka halu sama iqbal
- Pake kostum ratu inggris pas acara westphalia
- Rumahnya sebelah ramayana
- Jago tiktok
-B*go banget gak bisa main snaps is the name of the game
- Gampang dibohongin
- Rambutnya dulu pink
Filosku ini orangnya sangat unik. Orangnya sangat cheerful dan happy. Tingkahnya juga bikin ngakak. Berdasarkan cluenya mungkin sebenarnya orangnya agak aneh juga. Cuman pas meet up filos sinyalnya jelek jadinya sering offcam :(. Tapi gak apa lah bagus pokoknya filosku. Sip banget mo meninggal.
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rayhantow · 4 years
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1. Nama: Rizky Adriansyah Kusuma Putra (Rizky)
Ttl: Surabaya, 07 Agustus 2002
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: kalau mau kuliner jangan lupa ajakin ya ahaha
2. Nama: Gita Adjipersadani (Gita)
Ttl: Surabaya, 10 September 2002
Asal daerah: Sidoarjo
Pesan: lets become a good friends!!
3. Nama: Putri Audy Fahira (Audy)
Ttl: Sidoarjo, 30 Mei 2002
Asal daerah: Sidoarjo
Pesan: gatau apaan, ganbatte aja yall🤩🤩🤩✊🏻
4. Nama Lengkap: Muhammad Sholeh (Alee)
Ttl: Sidoarjo, 8 Juli 2002
Asal daerah: Sidoarjo
Pesan: "Semangat untuk mengejar mimpi dan selalu percaya akan masa depan"
5. Nama: Atilla Dani Putra (Atilla)
Ttl: Surabaya, 30 Mei 2002
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat terus buat kedepannya, pantang mundur
6. Nama: Fayza Miryam Mahatma (Aysaa)
Ttl: Banjarmasin, 29 Desember 2002
Asal Daerah: Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Pesan: Jangan lupa kenalan lagi kalo udah kuliah offline ! Jangan sungkan, aku nggak ngigit 🤩👌 Maafkan kepolosan/keributan ku di grup yaa 😭🙏
7. Nama: Christin Chatrin Nebore (Itin)
Ttl: Sorong, 17 Februari 2003
Asal daerah: Sorong, Papua Barat
8. Nama lengkap: Dihersy Puji Rahayu (Diher)
Ttl: Tarakan, 1 November 2001
Asal daerah: Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara
Pesan: Salam kenal ya!!✨
9. Nama: Kurnia Larasati Harianto (Nia)
Ttl: Surabaya, 6 November 2001
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Semoga betah di HI UNAIR yaa, semangatt kuliah online nyaaa. Yokk berjuang bareng! ✨
10. Nama: Rafi Karismawan (Rafi)
Ttl: Sidoarjo, 6 Desember 2002
Asal Daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Jangan lupa pakai masker
11. Nama: Sindhie Ananda Dwianti (Sindi)
Ttl: Indramayu, 29 April 2002
Asal daerah: Indramayu
Pesan: Salam kenal! Bantuu aku survive di HI yaa! semangatt trss✨
12. Nama: Ash Syifa Triananda Putri (Syifa)
Ttl: Bekasi, 31 Mei 2002
Asal daerah: Bekasi
Pesan: semoga akrab ya kedepannya!
13. Nama Caliel: Andi Dwi Prasetyo (Andi)
Ttl: Kediri, 05 Desember 1999
Asal daerah: Kediri
Pesan: Terus bergerak maju, jangan mau dibutakan zona nyaman, terus berkembang. Rintangan paling awal dan akhir adalah diri sendiri jadi jangan lupa untuk terus optimis dan berpikir positif. Semangaat ~~~
14. Nama Caliel: Diba eriestantia (Diba)
Ttl: Dumai, 15 Mei 2001
Asal Daerah: Pekanbaru
Pesan: Semoga seneng sama pelajaran2 di hi, bisa mengembangkan potensi nya selama kuliah
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rayhantow · 4 years
Rayhan Amadheya Totokusumo - 072011233045 - Vanuatu
Rethinking International Community's Role and Contribution in Climate Issue
Perubahan Iklim adalah salah satu masalah terbesar yang dihadapi umat manusia di dalam zaman modern ini. Secara mendasar, definis perubahan iklim adalah perubahan pola iklim global atau regional dalam jangka panjang yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia yang menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca (Zakkiyah, 2020). Terdapat banyak dampak yang dapat terjadi seiring berjalannya climate change seperti banjir bandang, kekeringan, siklon tropis, karhutla, gagal panen karena kekeringan dan kebanjiran. Dan juga disrupsi-disrupsi dari dampak bencana ini dapat menyebabkan krisis yang lain seperti munculnya penyakit baru, kekurangan supply makanan, kekurangan air, dan rusaknya infrastruktur.
Penyebab utama dari perubahan iklim adalah tingginya gas rumah kaca yang terjebak di atmosfer. Sumber dari gas kaca ini adalah tambang batubara, PLTU, produksi minyak, transportasi udara, permafrost meleleh, industri pertanian, pemupukan, karhutla, pembakaran hasil panen, dan landfills (Zakkiyah, 2020). Kesepakatan dunia terkait perubahan iklim sudah sangat banyak dari dibentuknya IPCC pada tahun 1988 hingga pada Paris Agreement 2015. Indonesia sudah berjanji akan menurunkan GRK sebanyak 29%, tetapi pada kenyataannya kebijakan yang diterapkan masih sangat kurang. Oleh karena itu cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menyebarkan pesan tentang perubahan iklim ini adalah dengan model AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, dan Action).
Oleh karena itu salah satu hal penting untuk menghambat jalannya climate change adalah dengan transisi energi. Pada tahun 2030 sektor energi akan menjadi penyumbang GRK terbanyak di Indonesia (Isfandiari, 2020). Salah satunya adalah batubara sebagai penghasil gas emisi terbesar. Padahal batubara adalah penyedia listrik terbesar di Indonesia dan akan dibangun puluhan PLTU baru di masa mendatang. Hal ini sangatlah aneh karena di belahan dunia yang lain penggunaan batubara sebagai sumber listrik sudah berkurang sebanyak 2/3 dari penggunaan sebelumnya. Padahal sebenarnya ada sumber energi alternatif yaitu energi terbaruka, yang artinya adalah energi yang berasal dari sumber yang akan terus bertambah dan tidak mungkin habis seperti air, angin, geothermal, dan lain-lain. Namun, pemanfaatan energi terbarukan di Indonesia masihlah sangat kurang dan dibandingkan dengan negara ASEAN yang lain Indonesia berada pada peringkat terakhir (Isfandiari, 2020). Sedangkan faktanya, penggunaan energi terbarukan akan membuka banyak lapangan pekerjaan dan secara biaya jauh lebih efisien dari batubara. Oleh karena itu, beberapa aksi yang bisa kita lakukan adalah climate strike di Indonesia bersama publik dan pemerintah, menjadi saksi dari kejadian (bearing witness), mencari tahu lebih tentang dampak perubahan iklim, mengefisiensikan penggunaan energi, turut bersuara menyebarkan pesan climate change, dan mendukung pemerintah dalam kebijakan climate change
Indonesia sendiri sudah melakukan banyak kebijakan dalam komitmennya terhadap pengendalian perubahan iklim. Salah satunya adalah dengan merencanakan dua agenda ambisius di tahun 2030 yaitu SDGs (Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Lingkungan) dan NDC (Saifuddin, 2020). Hal ini dilaksanakan dengan kebijakan seperti meratifikasi kebijakan Internasional ke dalam perundang-undangan dan memasukkan 17 SGD Goals ke dalam Rencana Aksi Nasional. Beberapa kebijakan lain untuk mendukung agenda ini adalah target penurunan emisi di berbagai sektor, belanja mitigasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim, Sovereign Green Sukuk, dan banyak lagi. Tentunya aka nada banyak tantangan yang dihadapi untuk mewujudkan ini terutama masalah funding. Namun, dengan disusunnya Kerangka Kebijakan Fiskal Perubahan Iklim harapannya masalah ini dapat teratasi.
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Zakiyyah, Lia. 2020. Dalam Webinar Climate Change Issue, International Day Project. Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Isfandiari, Adila. 2020. Dalam Webinar Krisis Iklim, International Day Project. 2020. Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Syaifudin, Noor. 2020. Dalam Webinar Dana APBN, Internasional Day Project. 2020. Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
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rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: Nail Ompi (Nail)
Ttl: Banjarbaru, 28 september 2002
Asal daerah: Banjarmasin
Pesan: semangat IRFEST nyaa!
2. Nama: Haikal Kurnia Maulana Ritonga (Haikal)
Ttl: Medan, 3 Juni 2003
Asal daerah: Medan
Pesan: semangat irfest dan kuliahnya teman teman!
3. Nama Caliel: Afkar Annibros Muhammad (Afkar)
Ttl: Kabupaten Semarang, 25 Februari 2001
Asal daerah: Jakarta
Pesan: Semangat Kuliahnya! Berjuang sampe akhir, tapi jangan lupa kebahagiaan diri sendiri
4. Nama Caliel: Nadiah Robbi Rodliyya (Narob)
Ttl: Trenggalek, 22 juli 2001
Asal daerah: Malang
Pesan: this too shall pass so keep strong 💪
0 notes
rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: M. Rizal Hafiz (Rizal)
Ttl: Trenggalek, 4 Juli 2002
Asal daerah: Sidoarjo
Pesan: Salam kenall, mohon bantuannyaa
2. Nama: Ahmad Rajendra Rafa'a Azis (Azis)
Ttl: Sukoharjo, 18 Juli 2002
Asal daerah: Solo
Pesan: "pokoke sing tenang"
3. Nama Caliel: Belva D. A (Belva)
Ttl: Wonogiri, 31 Mei 2001
Asal daerah: Wonogiri
Pesan: semangat
4. Nama Caliel: Madelyn Nora Abidin (Madelyn)
Ttl: Kediri, 14 Oktober 2000
Asal daerah: Kediri
Pesan: Nikmatin setiap proses IRFEST yaaa soalnya nanti bakal banyak kenangannya. Terus selama kuliah di hi nanti jangan nyerah. Kalo mungkin nanti kamu ngerasa jenuh bosen apa stress tetep inget2 mimpi kamu apa knp sampek milih hi. Harus komit dan bertanggung jawab sama pilihannyaa dongsss. Okkayyy ... Semangattttt
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rayhantow · 4 years
Rayhan Amadheya Totokusumo - 072011233045 - Vanuatu
1. We humans are inherently social creatures. In order to fulfill our needs as living human being, humans will always seek other that can help them fulfill those needs. Thus, it is no surprise that we will seek those that are more similar to us. If for example, two individuals speak completely different language, then they can’t understand what each other saying and interaction will become difficult. From this we can see that similarities of language, culture, history, and other societal values will accelerate the integration of individual or group into a new community. These community will feel as if they have a common identity. This common identity that a group of people have is what we call today in IR as a ‘nation’.
The next step after communities is the creation of a state. A state as we all know is a form of government which have sovereignty to rule over a population in an area. If most or all of the population in a state identify as a nation, and the state support the interest of the nation, then it can be distinguished as a nation state. Thus, the definition of nationalism can be concluded as a situation where the nation in a nation state creates a strong bond between each other (Knutsen, 1997).
2. One of the most important aspect of these nation state is obviously it’s national identity. National identity is the main driving force of states. There are several important features that a national identity has, such as historic territory, common myths, public culture, a common legal rights and duty, as well as common economy with territorial mobility for members (Smith, 1991). The national identity of a state is incredibly influential in deciding the role that a state occupy in the realm of global interactions between states. If another actor has similar values in their identity then it is much easier to cooperate and work together. On the other hand, if another state has different and conflicting goals in their identity, then it is highly unlikely that these states will cooperate and there is a high risk of diplomatic conflict that can even lead to war.
3. Thus in commencing these interaction it is essential that a state has power. It is difficult to make a make a thorough explanation of power. However, in my opinion it can be roughly be defined as the capabilities and influence that a nation has in the global stage compared to other actors. There are several types of power such as hard power, soft power, and smart power.
Hard power is often defined as power that comes through material capabilities such as military strengths, population, and economic resources. It is usually enforced through coercive and repressive means. There are many example of states enforcing their power through means of war, diplomatic pressure, espionage and many others. In Europe for example from The Napoleonic wars, The Thirty Years War, and The World Wars all are driven by the desires of European countries to achieve their dominance over the European continent by amassing superior military forces than their neighbors,
Soft power on the other hand is power which stems from influence of the non-material kind. It is shown in influences of culture, ideology, and regional affinity. It is usually spread through a persuasive and attractive way.  One of the most famous examples is the cold war, where the two ideologies of liberalism and communism clash against each other for dominance on the world stage. 
Lastly is smart power. Smart power can be seen as a combination between hard and soft power. Usually it combines the ideological and cultural influences with the capabilities of economic and military power. One of the examples today is the ‘New Silk Road’ foreign policy of China. It mainly is dealt by means of investment and sometimes military enforcement. However with the influence that these investment create China can spread their view of what the true China is to those countries, instead of what is actually happening in there.
Knutsen, Torbjørn L. 1997. A history of international relations theory. Manchester University Press.
Smith, Anthony D. 1991. National Identity. University of Nevada Press.
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rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: Philiphus Mikhael Priyo Nugroho (Miko)
Ttl: Kabupaten Blora, 8 Agustus 2002
Asal daerah: Kota Semarang
Pesan: Semangat kuliah, semangat LDR.
2. Nama: Nohan Rembulan Wahyu Wandira (Nohan)
Ttl: Demak, 28 November 2001
Asal daerah: Demak
Pesan: let's get to know each other more, semangat irfestnya rayhann!!
3. Nama Caliel: Jonathan Imanuel Misman (Jonathan)
Ttl: Manado, 16 Oktober 2000
Asal daerah: Manado
Pesan: update terus sma isu" internasional, rajin baca rm sma ngerjain tugas, dengerin dan pahami baik" klo dosen lagi ngajar dengan begitu km bisa survive
4. Nama Caliel: Reine Syifa Insyirah (Reine)
Ttl: Bogor, 25 Agustus 2001
Asal daerah: Bogor
Pesan: nikmati tahun pertamamu dengan aktif kegiatan2 kuliah selagi masih ada waktu...
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rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: Zefanya Kharisma Nugroho (Josh)
TTL: Surabaya, 11 November 2001
Asal daerah: Surabaya
2. Nama: Dandy Bagas Naufaldy (Dandy)
Ttl: Surabaya, 22 November 2001
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat buat kuliah, jgn cepat menyerah dan semoga bisa tambah akrab
3. Nama Caliel: Nareswari Wahyu Fianda (Finda)
Ttl: Bontang, 15 Oktober 2001
Asal daerah: Kalimantan Timur
Pesan: Semangat kuliah di hi, semoga betah ya
4. Nama Caliel: Samuel Elisa (Samuel)
Ttl: Jombang, 11 Juni 2000
Asal daerah: Jombang
Pesan: Jangan pernah patah semangat atau menyerah. Walaupun terkadang kamu merasa sangat berat, beristirahatlah. Setelah itu tetaplah berjuang hingga apa yang kamu inginkan tercapai. Semangat IRFESTnya!!! Yok bisa yok
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rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: Juan Kusuma (Juan)
TTL: Surabaya, 19 November 2001
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Tetap semangat! Jangan lupa istirahat 😊
2. Nama: Arya Ahmad Afani (Arya)
TTL: Tangerang, 29 Desember 2001
Asal daerah: Tangerang
Pesan: Saya berharap HI Unair menjadi HI terbaik se-Indonesia. Selain itu, semoga HI Unair 2020 bisa solid dan kompak.
3. Nama Caliel: Ida Bagus Dama Wisnu Palguna (Wisnu)
Ttl: Denpasar, 5 April 2001
Asal daerah: Canggu
Pesan: semangattt udah di HI Unairr yaa rayhann!! Semogaa waktu udah kuliah online bisaa seru seruan bareng secara langsung di acara acara hi nantii!! Semoga terus sukses dan berprestasi yaa!!
4. Nama Caliel: Savira Nur Aisyah (Savira)
Ttl: Surabaya, 31 Maret 2001
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat ya rayhan kuliahnya, jangan terlalu capek dan sukses slaluu
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rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: Guruh Aryasatya Mahendra (Guruh)
Ttl: Mojokerto, 3 Juni 2001
Asal daerah: Mojokerto
Pesan: semangat, kompak terus dan saling tolong menolong ya
2. Nama: Khalish Hilmy (Kolis)
Ttl: Bontang, 3 September 2002
Asal daerah: Magetan
Pesan: Kuliah yang bener ya gais
3. Nama Caliel: Dorothea Anjani Dawolo (Anjani)
Ttl: Malang, 24 september 2001
Asal daerah: Denpasar
Pesan: selamat menjalani dunia perHIan yang anarki yaa
4. Nama Caliel: Mizanul Amal (Izan)
Ttl: Surabaya, 24 Maret 2000
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Ttp semangat ajaa buat kuliah nyaa sama ospek nya ya rayhann
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rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: Hammambara Di Dzatulazha (Mam)
Ttl: Surabaya, 21 November 2001
Asal Daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Jangan sumpek2 ta bosen di HI Uner sama aku rekk😂
2. Nama: Suviana Suwoto M (Suvi/Vian)
Ttl: Manado 30 Juni 2002
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: sampai ketemuu di kampus offline yaa bro!!🙋‍♂️✌️
3. Nama Caliel: Nur Muhammad Syahid (Syahid)
Ttl: Bekasi, 10 Juli 2001
Asal daerah: Gresik
Pesan: Semangatt kuliah di HI.nyaa.....terutama pas IRFEST harus lebih semangat lagii......good luck🔥
4. Nama Caliel: Berliana Oktafiani Nugroho P. (Berliana)
Ttl: Bojonegoro, 12 Oktober 2000
Asal daerah: Bojonegoro
Pesan: Semangat buat irfest dan kuliahnya. Semoga bisa survive di hi Unair dan bisa lebih akrab sama kating
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rayhantow · 4 years
1. Nama: Radhia Muhammad Alfaroz (Faros)
Asal : Bandung
TTL : Pati, 27 Nov 2001
2. Nama : Robertus Kevin Damario Cahyono (Kehbin)
TTL : Ponorogo, 3 April 2002
Asal Daerah : Ponorogo
Pesan: If you ever still felt guilty for yourself, remember that everything that you do is for yourself and you have the right to do it. Tetep semangat, jaga kesehatan, moga cepet bisa ketemu yaa. Love you to the moon and the saturn 💚💚💚
3. Nama Caliel: Syadza Hasna Azzahra (Sasha)
Pesan: Semangat kuliahnyaa, jangan lupa kembangin diri selama kuliah! :D
Ttl: Surabaya, 20 Juni 2001
Asal daerah: Surabaya
4. Nama Caliel: Muhammad Ditya Satrianto (Tio)
Ttl: Surabaya, 20 Mei 2001
Asal Daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat buat irfest sm ospek jurusanya yaa, oiya semangat juga jurnal perdana nihhh
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rayhantow · 4 years
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Semoga dengan saya masuk HI saya dapat mendapatkan banyak kesempatan pergi keluar negeri untuk merasakan pengalaman baru dan bertemu teman baru. Selain itu, semoga saya juga bisa dimudahkan untuk mendapatkan impian saya untuk menjadi duta besar mewakilan negara Indonesia
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