raznilblog · 21 days
Third Blog: BMC Pitching
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Our team decided to create an online website aimed at helping those seeking work without putting too much effort. This decision came after a long discussion and brainstorming with the team. After going through interviews, researching, and after the BMC pitching, we decided to go through with the idea. During our pitch, the team and I gained valuable insights on how to effectively develop a business, thanks to the evaluators. They taught us proper methods and techniques to make our business idea more feasible. Their suggestions and corrections provided us with significant knowledge to help us and our business improve. Additionally, we made several revisions to our business venture based on their feedback. The journey of developing and pitching a Business Model Canvas (BMC) is an enlightening experience that transforms a conceptual business idea into a structured, strategic plan. The BMC, is a powerful tool that breaks down a business into nine essential components, making it easier to visualize, analyze, and communicate. Moreover, after the BMC pitching we have learned essential knowledge taught to us by the evaluators and the team will continue improving to better suit the needs of the customers.
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raznilblog · 2 months
Second Blog
“Para sa akoa kay ang kulang gyud na mga basurahan especially sa market” -Joey Ybanez
Our respondent, Joey, a first-year electrical engineering student, highlighted the lack of garbage bins, especially in the market, as a major issue in the CMU.
“Kuan gyud bay, lagyo kaayo ang mga buildings” -Earl Flores
Furthermore, Earl, a first-year mechanical engineering student, emphasizes the issue of the proximity of buildings within the campus. With students having classes at opposite ends of the campus, frequent transportation becomes a necessity. He also highlighted the inconvenience of the distance to the CMU market, making it a hassle for him to purchase his personal necessities.
“lisod makakita ug trabaho bay bisag pang sideline lang ba” -Jess Flor
Jess, an electrical engineering student, tackled the issue of having difficulty looking for a part-time job or any student-friendly job that would help sustain or aid their needs. Among this list of difficulties faced by a variety of students, the challenge during the hunt for part-time jobs was the one we picked to solve, more so that we also sometimes experienced the inadequacy of funds.
These are the results of the interviews we gave to CMU students, highlighting their problems and challenges felt in CMU.
After consideration our team decided to create a job seeking platform where students can use out platform to find jobs to meet the needs of the students. But before we made the final decision, we also considered other things, such as food delivery, and bike rental services in CMU. But we decided to not follow with the other options.
Our team learned to better communicate and better research the needs of people in order to fix the problems of students. We also learned that we may not be able to fix all the problems of our students but we can, however, fix some of their needs such as finding a job as Jess Flor has said is one of his problems.
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raznilblog · 2 months
What I Have Learned In The Introduction
Hello everyone! This is my blog for today regarding what I have learned during the introduction our subject: The Entrepreneurial Mind.
We first started discussing entrepreneurship as a concept and I learned that Entrepreneurship is a process of creating or seizing an opportunity, and pursuing it regardless of the resources controlled, in other words, entrepreneurship is about taking risks to pursue an opportunity. I also learned that it is very challenging since we are to use our skills in strategic thinking to pursue entrepreneurship.
I learned that entrepreneurship starts with startups, starting from small businesses until it grows to a global business (if you're really good at business). Usually those who grow to be global businesses are based in science and technology which are scalable and impactful from what I learned. Examples of this are technological apps such as Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram to name a few, all of which are global giants.
Our professor discussed about startups, which was said to be an act of rebellion by Ken Singer. It disrupts meaning it changes orders of things. I found out entrepreneurs take huge risks to grow their business or even just starting their business. And finally, they must risk being wrong to be right.
That is all for today's blog folks! I will keep you updated for more to come!
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