realfangurlshit · 9 months
Drew Starkey is my roman empire 😩🙏
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realfangurlshit · 9 months
thinking about something happening in season 3 where the pouges need to sneak into rafes boat to steal something or get evidence that he stole the cross and as they’re about to leave to take whatever it is they came for rafe and barry come back.
and they think oh shit okay let’s just wait it out be as quiet as possible they aren’t gonna stay that long
and then rafe and barry start arguing and it’s getting heated and they’re getting closer and the pouges have never seen rafe look intimidated like this
except he doesn’t look intimidated. he looks turned on.
and rafe is saying things to intentionally get under barrys skin and then barry has rafe by his expensive shirt. they think for sure he’s going ti punch him but instead he kisses him.
the pouges go completely still under the deck their spying from and most of of them cannot look away.
psychotic dominating rafe is making out with his drug dealer meters away from them but there’s nothing dominant about him in that moment. he’s letting barry take complete control of him, moaning into his mouth.
it’s obscene.
they have to wait until they’ve finished fucking against the wall before they can leave.
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realfangurlshit · 9 months
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realfangurlshit · 10 months
For the rafe x barry prompts: anything where rafe is jelous and angry. Like rafe walking into Barry’s trailer, like usual, expecting to find barry alone and ready to listen to him complain and rant about his life or whatever, but instead he’s with someone (maybe a girl) and they’re sitting too close on his couch. Maybe they aren’t even together yet but still, Barry’s his.
I finally got my shit together and wrote this yesterday at 1 am. You can see how I gave up in the end but I hope you like my take on it!!
Rafe parked his bike in front of Barry's trailer, tonight he needed a distraction, someone to take his mind off all the chaos in his life. Barry was always his go-to for that and he wouldn’t want to be with anybody else but him right now.
He barged into the trailer without knocking, as was customary between them. "Barry, you wouldn't believe the day I've had," Rafe announced dramatically.
However, the sight that greeted him took him by surprise. There, sitting on the couch beside Barry, was a girl he had never seen before. Her smile was big and bright, and it seemed like the two of them had been enjoying each other’s company for some hours, based on the several empty bottles of beer on the table in front of them.
Rafe scowled, feeling a surge of irrational anger. "Well, well, well, look who's got some company."
Barry raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, Rafe, you always know how to make an entrance. This is Hannah an old friend."
An old friend huh? Rafe thought. What does that mean? Like an old girlfriend? And why did he even care? (Rafe knew deep down why he cared though.)
Hannah gave Rafe a friendly wave, seemingly unaware of the tension in the room. "Hi there, nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Rafe muttered through gritted teeth.
Barry chuckled, clearly noticing Rafe was pissed of and enjoying it. "So, what's got you all riled up today? Trouble in paradise again?"
“Nah, just a rough day, I guess” Rafe said and looked away.
Barry's expression softened slightly as he realized Rafe was more on edge than usual. He glanced at Hannah and back to Rafe. "Alright, man, take a seat. Let's chill for a bit."
Rafe hesitated for a moment before sitting down on one of the creaking chairs. He couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that Barry and Hannah had some kind of special connection and it hurt more than it should.
As the conversation continued between the three, Rafe struggled to keep his jealousy in check. He found himself provoking and poking fun at Barry and Hannah, trying to mask his vulnerability.
Hannah had this smug smile on her lips and Rafe felt himself getting really annoyed at it. “What?” he barked at her.
She giggled softly. “You know, I’ve been married for four years. His name is John.” she said.
Rafe fell quiet for a few seconds, reflecting on this new information and what it might mean. The then gave her a genuinely confused look, as he was wondering what that had to do with him.
“So you don’t have to be jealous, honey. Barry and I have known each other since when we were kids and never ever have there been anything romantic between us, so you can chill.” She continued.
Rafe just stared at her with his mouth half open. He didn’t know what to answer. He looked over to Barry who looked equally confused for a moment before a smirk began to form on his face.
“What are you suggesting right now?” Rafe asked her, nervous of the answer he suspected was coming and how the hell he would reply to it. Hannah just smiled and looked from Rafe to Barry and back again.
Barry's smirk grew wider, clearly amused by the situation. He leaned back on the couch, putting his arm around the back of it, as if settling in for some good entertainment. "Seems like Hannah's just trying to clear the air, Rafe. No need to get all worked up."
Rafe's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and frustration. He hadn't expected to be caught in his jealousy so easily, and he didn't like feeling so exposed. "I'm not jealous," he muttered defensively, trying to brush it off.
“Oh but you are” Hannah chuckled “and the two of you are in love so just kiss already.”
Rafe's eyes widened, and his heart seemed to skip a beat at Hannah's blunt remark. He felt like the ground beneath him was shifting, unsure how to respond to her bold declaration. Barry's arm remained casually draped over the couch, but he was now looking at Rafe with an intensity that made him squirm uncomfortably.
"Okay, that's enough, Hannah," Barry laughed, but the look of uncertainty on his face evident.
Hannah just shook her head, smile never faltering. "Uh huh I’m sorry but I’m not gonna let this slip Barry. If there is one time in my life I’m gonna wingman somebody it’s now.” She said apologetic and turned to look at Rafe.
“Me and Barry have been hanging out the whole evening and half of the time it has just been Rafe Rafe Rafe.” she continued.
Rafe felt his face burning hot, and he glanced at Barry, who was now looking a little flustered as well. “I’m gonna head home for the night and leave this conversation up to you.” She smiled and stood up.
As they said their goodbyes and good nights to Hannah and she had closed the door after her their gazes met. Rafe didn't know what to say. His feelings for Barry were complicated, and he had spent so long denying them even to himself. The idea of admitting them to Barry, let alone acting on them, was terrifying.
Rafe swallowed hard, trying to find the right words, but they seemed to escape him. He felt a mix of emotions swirling inside him - fear, desire, and a deep longing.
Barry leaned a little closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Hey man I don't know what to tell you dawg, Hannah has a way of being pushy, but she means well." He laughed softly.
Rafe could feel his warm breath on his skin, that’s how close they were. It would be so easy to just lean in the last few inches and close the space in between them but it would also be the riskiest bet in his life so far.
”So you’ve been talking a whole lot about me, huh?” He chuckled instead. Still just inches the other man.
“So you’re jealous of me spending time with girls, huh?” Barry countered.
“What if I am?” Rafe responded tentatively, careful to keep the eye contact even if all the wanted to was looking away from those scrutinizing, beautiful brown eyes.
No point in backing out now he thought, it’s do or die. He would probably either get his ass kicked or have Barry laughing the entire situation off just to never bring it up again. But he had to give it a shot so he bit his lip and continued “What if Hannah’s right and I’m just madly in love with you?”
Rafe's heart pounded in his chest, his vulnerability laid bare in those few words. The seconds that followed felt like an eternity as he waited for Barry's response. He was torn between the fear of rejection and the hope that maybe, just maybe, Barry felt the same way.
After a few entireties passed Barry finally let out a soft laugh. “What if you are, country club, and what if I feel the same way?” Braver than Rafe, he reached his hand forward to grace Rafes neck. Rafe took a tentative step forward just to show Barry that he wasn’t fucking around, waiting to see if Barry were, expecting a slap in the face at any point now. But there were no slap, just a warm mouth on his, and rough hands on his body. Rafe immediately answered the kiss, probably to rough, to needy, but he wanted this for far to long to hesitate even one second.
And that’s how Rafe being his own dramatic self landed him a boyfriend. *jealous girl by Lana Del Rey playing in the background*
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realfangurlshit · 11 months
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Lady Chatterley’s Lover 2022 | Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre
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realfangurlshit · 11 months
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DAVID HARBOUR Stranger Things S01XEP01 "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers"
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realfangurlshit · 11 months
rafe refusing to sleep with barry again in season 3 (post betrayal) saying he’s “over that shit” and barry is only helping him and he doesn’t have any feelings anymore. this obviously doesn’t last very long but how do you think this would play out him trying to resist barry
okok omg here it goes
They had it all going, him and Barry. Their relationship was odd, he’ll admit that but they had it going.
He could be vulnerable with Barry and he liked that. He had spent most of the days and nights at Barry’s for the last couple of months. Barry complained all the time that the boy was getting on his nerves but he never actually asked him to leave and he could’ve done that. But he didn’t.
After some time together the spiteful comments towards each other died out a little and Barry replaced it with lingering gazes when he didn’t think Rafe saw him. The atmosphere changed. Their hands brushed together more often while passing each other a spliff and Rafe began to slowly and cautiously move closer to Barry’s spot on the ragged couch. And Barry let him.
It wasn’t long til Barry took the initiative and leaned in to kiss Rafe in the middle of him ranting about the cross or whatever. It took him by surprise but at the same time he has almost felt it coming and deep down he realized right there that he had hoped and longed for it so he answered the kiss deeply and eagerly.
After that it didn’t take long until they went further. Rafe had gotten the confirmation he needed and got more confident, leading Barry on until he got what he wanted.
For weeks they finally spent their nights in the same bed, Rafe waking Barry up with a blowjob or Barry bending Rafe over nearest table when he thought he was talking too much shit.
But that was then, before Barry betrayed Rafe and turned him in to the cops. Rafe was still pissed of half a year after, even after Barry had tried to explain away his actions by saying he had no other choice, that he didn’t trust Rafe. Rafe couldn’t accept that though. He was aware that he wasn’t the most reliable person but he could never rat Barry out like he did and he wouldn’t hurt him or betray him like that after all they had been trough together.
But now he needed Barry’s help and he was planning on taking advantage of Barrys remorse in order to get him to do what he wanted.
They were sitting opposite from each other going trough the plan on how to steal the cross when Barry laid his hand to rest upon Rafes. Rafe angrily pulled away and looked Barry dead in the eye. “Hey look, I’m ready to move past this shit you pulled but that’s just because I need your help with this, okay?” He said coldly. Barry put his hands up in defense ”shit I hear you county club, I was just trying to be friendly. I’m not soft for you anymore.” Barry assured him. Rafe rolled his eyes. “Right.”
But Barry’s body language told him different. He still noticed his gaze on him, trying to sneak in flirty comments and waving them of as jokes when Rafe gave him an angry look. Rafe was not having it. Eventually Barry seemed to give up and they went trough with their plan. They were partners in crime again, but just that. Focused, professional.
It was a success. They got the cross, melted that shit down and Rafe could finally relax and enjoy the wealth that he knew all along was meant to get. They were sat down on his family’s yacht bringing their glasses of whiskey together in a toast to their accomplishments. Rafe should drop the other man now, throw him to the wolves as Barry did to him, now that he didn’t need him anymore.
Barry lighted a perfectly rolled spliff and leaned back in his chair. Rafe couldn’t help to study him, the sun hitting his skin, his eyes closed. His eyelashes looked soft but his skin looked rough. Rafe knew it was, had touched it many times before. The thought made him angry so he shoved it away.
Barry smiled smugly at him but Rafe looked away. “Stop looking at me like that Barry.” He said. Barry continued and leaned over, face inches from Rafes. “Wanna celebrate a little more?” he whispered, breath hot and smelling of weed and whisky. Rafe quickly stood up, almost knocking the table over.
“What did I tell you man, I’m over that shit!” He told Barry, voice raised.
Barry said nothing just stood up and went up to him. “I know you ain’t baby” he said, at least no stupid smirk this time. Rafe looked him dead in the eye, didn’t move an inch. He just let Barry caress his face, then his neck. Barry just carefully tilted Rafes head a little to place small, sloppy kisses to the exposed, sensitive skin at his neck. It sent sparks in Rafes body but he didn’t give it away. He refused to give Barry the satisfaction of knowing he got to him like this. Rafe lightly shoved Barry off him, just lightly to make a point, to show him that he wasn’t okay with this. Lightly, without risking that Barry stopped - not that he thought he would anyway. Barry had showed him by now that he wasn’t the one to give up on what he wanted.
When Barry took a steady grip around his jaw with one hand and around his waist with the other Rafes legs started to tremble and he knew that he couldn’t hold back anymore. He had missed this. Barry could handle him like no one else could, careful and with force at the same time. When Barry kissed him he kissed back. He felt Barry smile into the kiss but he didn’t care about the satisfaction this got Barry anymore. He needed this as much as Barry did. So he grabbed the back of the dark haired mans neck and dragged him to the nearest bed inside of the boat.
They tore each other’s clothes of, couldn’t wait one more second. When their naked skin touched Rafe couldn’t help to let out a small moan and felt how Barrys dick shifted. He felt proud that he could make this man so hard for him without even touching him properly.
Barry fucked him slow and steady into the mattress, face to face, slipping him praises and compliments regularly. “You look so pretty baby” “doing so so good” and Rafe was not only doing good, he was feeling good. Better than ever. They both came at the same time, looking into each other’s eyes. “I fucking missed this” Rafe admitted breathing heavy. “I knew you did, baby” Barry smirked and Rafe was still a little pissed but mostly he was happy.
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realfangurlshit · 11 months
Feel free to send me Rafe/Barry prompts
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realfangurlshit · 11 months
This is my first rafe/barry story and English isn’t my first language so pls be kind <3
Warnings: explicit content 🔞 usage of drugs.
Pretty boy
Barry had just been Rafes drugdealer at first, nothing else. Then they became sort of enemies for a while. After that they made peace and become partners in crime and later on a form of friendship began to form.
Rafe was seeing this girl called Sofia and the two of them was standing on the patio close together, Rafes arm around her shoulder. There was a party going on in the big house, which belonged to Rafes family.
Loud music was playing from inside the house and people were having fun, drinking and chatting. Barry sat down at one of the couches with a spliff in the corner of this mouth and a beer bottle in hand, watching as Rafe stroked Sofias back. The two of them had been seeing each other for a few weeks and it was bothering Barry for some reason. When he saw them together he got irritated. He didn’t really want to admit it but the feeling in his gut and chest was without doubt the feeling of jealousy.
Rafe was a beautiful disaster. He had done so many bad things but deep inside he was sensitive and a sweet person. Barry knew this because he was his friend and had been there to comfort him through tough times. He had seen it all, knew what he had done- good and bad. Sofia knew practically nothing.
Rafe was tall and attractive, smile bright and skin tanned. No wonder Sofia was drawn to him. Sofia turned to kiss Rafe on his lips and Barry’s heart sank. He hated himself for feeling like this. Barry had doubted his own sexuality times before but Rafe definitely wasn’t gay. He had no chance and also - he already had a girl.
As Sofia and Rafe began to move towards the living room Barry stood up. “Ayyy country club!” He greeted Rafe. Rafe smiled and went over to Barry to sit down beside him at the couch as he gestured to Sofia that he would join her soon and Sofia continued her way into the house. “What’s up man?” Rafe said as he patted the back of the slightly shorter man.
Barry shrugged his shoulders and took another hit off the spliff. “You know how it is.” Rafe took a swig of his beer. It was cold and refreshing. They sat there for a while, listening to the music and chatting about various things.
Rafe was telling Barry about his new business idea. They discussed memories from their period as enemies. Both men laughed and toasted to life but Rafe could tell something was off with the other man. He decided to ignore it for now.
Barry was used to it by now - Rafe looking over to the door where Sofia was sitting. She was laughing and talking to someone. He could see her from here. She was wearing a tight black dress. It hugged every curve of her body and accentuated her breasts. Her hair was shiny and flowing. She was beautiful. Barry was jealous. He thought to himself, why did I have to be here to witness this? It’s truly torture.
He saw Rafe studying her. “So how’s things going with you two?” Barry asked glancing over at Rafe. He didn’t actually want to hear the answer because it would probably not make him any less jealous.
Rafe looked at him and shrugged his shoulders. “She’s sweet.” He looked away and then back at Barry. “So what do you think of her?” Rafe asked.
“Well I haven’t really had the opportunity to get to know her properly but I’m sure she’s lovely.” Barry took a chug of his beer so that Rafe wouldn’t notice how his voice almost broke. Why was he so pathetic?
He was a grown man. He shouldn't feel like this. He should be happy for his best friend. "She's a nice girl. I can tell." He continued. Rafe nodded slowly and looked at Barry. “is everything good with you man?” he asked Barry.
“Yeah yeah, it’s all good” Barry answered and forced himself to a big smile. Rafe smiled back to him and got up to get them both another beer.
Barry studied the other man as he moved confidently trough the party, greeting some people on his way to the big fridge. He was wearing a white linen button down, material soft and thin so that you could almost make out his tanned skin trough it. The sleeves of the shirt hugging his arms in all the right places. Barry had imagined those arms wrapped around him numerous times.
As Rafe sat back down besides him he felt a huff of expensive perfume hit him and he just wanted to bury his face in the crook of his neck. Rafe passed Barry one of the beer bottles and Barry took it. “Cheers mate”
Rafe said and they clinked their bottles together. Rafe took a sip of his beer and leaned into Barrys space. He put his hand on Barry's shoulder. Barry tensed up at the touch. He didn't want to feel Rafe's hand on him. (Although he also did) He couldn't handle it. He turned to look at Rafe. He was smiling. His smile smug and his eyes bright. Barry looked away. He was probably blushing. He hated it when he got like this.
"Okay that’s it, what's wrong?" Rafe asked, probably having sensed that Barry was acting weird. Barry shook his head and looked back at Rafe. "Nothing" he said. "You're lying." Rafe said and he placed his hand on Barry's thigh.
Barry tried to move his leg away but Rafe held onto it firmly. "Tell me" he whispered. Barry looked into his eyes. He wasn't smiling anymore. He was serious. "I don't want to talk about it" he said. Rafe looked hurt. “Why not?" he asked. Barry looked away.
He didn't want to try and explain himself. He didn't want to let Rafe know that he was falling for his best friend. That he had feelings for him. It made him feel weak. He couldn't deal with it. He wanted to run away from him. From all of them. From the whole situation. He needed to leave. He needed to go home and hide.
He couldn't take it any more. "It's not your business" he said. Rafe looked disappointed. He squeezed Barry's thigh gently. "Come on man. You can trust me. I won't tell anyone." He said. Barry looked at him and sighed. "It's complicated" he said. Rafe nodded. "Alright." he finally said.
They finished their beers and Barry headed towards the door and grabbed the keys to his bike. Rafe watched him do it. He looked at his friend. He had a pleading look in his eyes. "What is it?" Barry asked.
“Please stay” Rafe said and took a step closer to Barry. Barry shivered a little at just the thought of Rafe wanting him to stay. “I don’t know man, I’m not the biggest fan of parties” Barry said.
“You know what?” Rafe said, a smile spreading on his face. “Fuck this party, let’s just sneak upstairs and smoke a shit ton of weed and chill out, just the two of us”
Barry hesitated. The thought of having Rafe all by himself was too tempting. Maybe he could just stay for a short while - at least he wouldn’t be tortured by Rafe’s gaze on Sofia up there. He laughed and gave in. "Alright man, can’t turn down a shit ton of weed.” he said. Rafe grinned and grabbed Barry's arm. "Let's go." He said and pulled him through the crowd.
Rafe led Barry up to his fancy big room and opened up the doors to the balcony. The both of them sat down on it and Barry began to roll them a joint. The evening breeze was warm and they could clearly hear the party going on down there. Some people calling out “CHUG CHUG CHUG” followed by cheering.
He lit the joint and passed it to Rafe who inhaled deeply. "Mmmm" he said and closed his eyes. "Man, this shit is good" he said and passed it back to Barry. Barry took a drag and watched the other man as he was resting his head against the wall beside him with his eyes closed. He could look at that face all night long. He looked so perfect. Barry looked away again. He felt guilty looking at his friend like that.
He had never thought that he would be attracted to someone like him. Some rich brat who played golf and wore polos. Who could have even guessed they would become friends? And he knew he shouldn't be thinking these things about his best friend. But he just couldn't help it.
He wanted to kiss him. To hold him. To touch him. To fuck him. He wanted to do everything to him. He wanted to taste every inch of him. He wanted to make him scream. He wanted to make him beg.
He wanted to be inside of him. He wanted to feel him. He wanted to hear him. He wanted to make him feel good. His eyesight began to blur a little.
Rafe suddenly opened his eyes and caught Barry staring at him. It almost startled him.
“What are you doing?" he asked. "Nothing" Barry replied. "You're looking at me like you want to fuck me" Rafe said and laughed. "No I'm not!" Barry protested. A little to fast. "Yes you are" Rafe said and stood up.
“Don't lie" he said and walked over to Barry. He put his hands on his shoulders and pushed him back against the wall. Barry thought that he would hit him at first but then he leaned into him and kissed him hard. Barry gasped as he felt Rafe's lips on his.
His body responded immediately. He felt himself getting hard and he wrapped his arms around Rafe's neck. Rafe moaned into his mouth and kissed him harder. Barry was in shock but couldn’t think clearly.
Rafe pulled away from the kiss and looked into Barry's eyes. "I want you" he whispered. Barry just stared at him for some seconds but then he admitted "I want you too" and moved his hands to Rafe's waist. Some guests of the party passed under the balcony, they hadn’t seen them but Barry heard them calling out Rafes name, looking for him, wondering where the man of the house was at. Little did they know what was going on a few feet from them. It kinda turned him on and Rafe just ignored them.
He pulled Rafe closer to him. He felt his cock press against his leg. He wanted him so bad. He wanted to take him right there, even with the risk of being seen. Wanted to show everyone that he belonged to him. That he was his.
He didn't care if anyone saw. He needed Rafe. He pushed him against the wall again and started kissing him again. Rafe moaned louder and pressed his body against Barry's.
Rafe wrapped his arms around his neck and held him tight. He broke the kiss and looked into Barry's eyes. "I want you to fuck me" he said. They both felt heat rush trough their veins.
“What about Sofia?” Barry asked. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought her up but at the same time he felt like he should ask . “I don’t care about her, I want you.” Rafe stated.
“But what if she finds out?” Barry said just to hear him say those words again. That Rafe wants HIM.
"She doesn't need to know, and if she knows so be it." Rafe said. "You're such an asshole" Barry smirked and pulled Rafe closer to him. He kissed him again and felt his cock grow even bigger.
He could tell Rafe liked this because he moaned loudly into his mouth. He felt Rafe's hand move down to his crotch and rub him through his pants. He moaned louder and began to remove Rafes shirt. They took it into the bedroom and closed the doors to the balcony. Barry could let the world know that he was about to fuck Rafe Cameron but he didn’t want someone to interrupt them.
He took of his own shirts and pressed his own chest against the other mans while he trailed kisses down his neck. He could feel Rafe shiver and reached for his belt and unbuckled it. He undid his pants and slid his hand inside of them. He found Rafe's cock and he stroked it slowly. He could hear Rafe breathing heavily.
“Pants off now” Barry demanded and Rafe got out of them quickly. Barry did the same. They kissed hard again and Barry felt Rafe's dick throb in his hand. He moaned into Rafe's mouth and then he stopped to look at him.
“Get on the bed baby” Barry told Rafe.
Rafe nodded and got on the bed. Barry climbed on top of him and kissed him again. He sucked on his neck and bit it gently. He felt Rafe's hand on his back, nails digging into his skin.
Barry turned to whisper in his ear. “You sure this what you want country club?” Rafe nodded. “Fuck me.” He panted. “This your first time?” Barry asked and Rafe nodded again. Of course this was not the first time Rafe had sex, Barry knew that. But as he suspected this was the first time Rafe had sex with a man, his first time having someone inside of him. Barry shuddered at the thought. He had to be careful with the pretty boy.
“Okay ‘baby, this may sting a little. Barry slowly entered a finger inside of Rafe shortly followed by another. He made sure to be gentle and that Rafe was comfortable but soon Rafe began to fuck back at his fingers so he added a third one and went a little faster.
“I want you inside me now” Rafe begged and Barry couldn’t resist anymore when his boy asked so nicely.
He slowly removed his fingers and put his tip right at Rafe's entrance. He slowly pushed in until his balls hit Rafe's ass. He groaned loudly. It was tight. It was hot. It was perfect.
He slowly pulled out and thrust back in. He checked in with Rafe before he fucked him harder and faster. Rafe moaned loudly. Chances are big that someone down at the party could have heard him. He could feel Rafe's muscles tightening around him and his own orgasm building up. He slowed down his pace a little but kept fucking him. Rafe was panting, hands gripping his hips tightly.
Soon Rafe was crying out his name. It was like the most beautiful music he had heard. He came inside of Rafe, filling him up.
Rafe's body was shaking beneath him. He kept pounding him until he finally collapsed on top of him. He kissed him softly on the lips and then he rolled over onto his side. He laid there looking at Rafe.
He smiled. Rafe was smiling too. He was still lying on his side. They were both covered in sweat. Rafe leaned over and kissed him. They lay there like that for a while. Rafe's arms still wrapped around him.
He could hear Rafe's breathing slow down and get deeper. He kissed Rafe again. He wanted to stay like this forever.
They fell asleep like that, in each other’s arms. Just for half an hour or so. When Barry opened his eyes again Rafe was already looking at him. He smiled and they kissed again. This time they didn't fall asleep. They stayed awake all night, talking about everything and nothing.
They took a long shower together to wash of the sweat and cum. They both knew, though that they probably would make a mess again and they did. Twice that following day. Rumors spread that Rafe was fucking some girl in his room during the party and Sofia had left him a angry message on his phone but Rafe couldn’t bother to care right now. All the wanted to think about was Barry’s dark eyes, his strong arms holding him and his lips making him feel all sorts of good things.
The next few weeks passed quickly for them. The two of them were spending almost every waking moment together. They were hanging out at the pool, going to the gym, riding their bikes (and Rafe was riding Barry) and eating dinner together.
Barry still couldn’t quite wrap his mind around it. He never in a million years thought it would happen but it did. They kept it a secret for now but someday Barry would show the world his pretty boy.
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realfangurlshit · 1 year
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171 notes · View notes
realfangurlshit · 1 year
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473 notes · View notes
realfangurlshit · 1 year
I asked an AI to write a #rafebarry fanfiction and it was wonderful
Title: "Tides of Love"
Chapter 1: A Serendipitous Encounter
Rafe Cameron, troubled yet charismatic, found solace in the soothing waves of the Outer Banks. It was on one fateful summer day that he found himself wandering along the shore, seeking refuge from the weight of his family's notorious reputation. As he gazed out at the vast ocean, he noticed a figure in the distance—a young man with tousled hair and a mischievous smile.
Barry, a carefree and adventurous soul, had come to the Outer Banks in search of new experiences. He reveled in the freedom of the coastal town, immersing himself in the vibrant atmosphere. As he meandered along the beach, he couldn't help but notice a brooding figure who seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Their paths intertwined as fate beckoned them closer. Rafe's troubled eyes met Barry's playful gaze, and in that fleeting moment, a spark ignited. Their connection was as natural as the ebb and flow of the ocean, drawing them inexorably together.
Chapter 2: Dancing in Moonlit Shadows
In the evenings, Rafe and Barry found solace beneath the starlit sky. They discovered a hidden cove where the moon's gentle glow illuminated their hearts, allowing their souls to intertwine. It was there that they shared stolen moments, whispering secrets and dreams into the night air.
Barry's infectious laughter brought joy to Rafe's troubled existence. Rafe, in turn, offered Barry a glimpse of vulnerability he had never shared with anyone else. Their conversations flowed freely, each word a testament to their growing affection.
As the days turned into weeks, Rafe and Barry explored the secrets of the Outer Banks together. They ventured into hidden caves, chasing the thrill of discovery. With each daring escapade, their bond deepened, transcending the boundaries of friendship and edging closer to something more profound.
Chapter 3: Stormy Seas and Unyielding Love
But love, like the sea, is never without its storms. Rafe's tumultuous past caught up with him, threatening to shatter the idyllic sanctuary they had found. His family's dark legacy cast a shadow over their budding romance, and Rafe feared he would lose Barry if the truth came to light.
However, Barry's unwavering support and understanding broke through the barriers Rafe had built around his heart. Together, they weathered the storm, finding strength in each other's embrace. Barry's unconditional love provided Rafe with the courage to confront his demons, and Rafe vowed to protect their love at all costs.
Chapter 4: Love's Redemption
In the face of adversity, Rafe and Barry emerged stronger than ever. The tight-knit community of the Outer Banks rallied behind them, offering solace and support. Rafe's transformation from a troubled soul to a man fueled by love and redemption inspired those around him.
With the sun setting on their unforgettable summer, Rafe and Barry found themselves standing at the water's edge once more. This time, however, they were not alone. Their friends, a testament to the power of love and resilience, encircled them.
As the ocean whispered its final secrets, Rafe and Barry exchanged vows, promising to navigate life's uncharted waters together. They pledged to forge a future brimming with love, adventure, and the unwavering bond they had discovered in each other.
Epilogue: Love Beyond the Outer Banks
Years later, Rafe and Barry remained a beacon of hope and love within the Outer Banks community. Their love story served as a reminder that even in the face of darkness, love could prevail. Together, they continued to explore the world,
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realfangurlshit · 1 year
your camera roll if you were dating rafe cameron
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realfangurlshit · 1 year
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This is the experience of being an American Wh*re
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realfangurlshit · 1 year
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this is daddy
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