rebcllicus · 2 years
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An iconic moment from every B99 episode: The Oolong Slayer 3x04
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rebcllicus · 2 years
also 👫 for funsies if youre up for it
four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship.
in university if such and such wanted to have the best party they’d make sure to invite val and elli because they were always on their A game.
val talked elli into jumping off a roof and into a pool at one of these parties where elli broke her wrist, but she didn’t actually mind.
sober moments while sparse consisted of midnight snacks and early breakfasts the two of them would talk about their wants in life. elli always believed val was capable of taking over the world.
nothing quite hurts like a break up with your best friend but even after their fallout elli still stalked Val’s life from afar, her quietest and anonymous supporter.
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rebcllicus · 2 years
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rebcllicus · 2 years
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rebcllicus · 2 years
“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”
— (via naturaekos)
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rebcllicus · 2 years
four headcanons i have about our muse's relationship:
during uni time ted was always the person that elli would drunk call or show up at his dorm/apartment drunkenly knocking and screaming his name only to say that she loved him.
after their fight she wrote him letters because her therapist told her it might help & she continued to do so. she'll definitely never show him.
in uni whenever one of them were having an off day they'd pack a picnic and go to art galleries or just a hike. there probably wasn't a lot of talking except for the daily joke elise had to share with him.
definitely jokingly put hair dye in his shampoo bottles one time because he had told her that she'd never be able to have hair like his & her response was " at least it wasn't nair"
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rebcllicus · 2 years
# :^)
send a # for cellphone
what your muse's name is in mine's phone ?
willie wonka
what's your muse's picture ?
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what's our muse's ringtone ?
whatta man by salt n pepa
my muse's last text to yours.
elli: william... how do i mail this document to you ? ( 15 min later ) elli: wait nvm you're here now...
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rebcllicus · 2 years
7, 10, and 26
random questions meme
celebrity crush ?
she definitely has the biggest crush on keira knightley & keanu reeves
greatest regret ?
not taking every moment that she could've with her godmother before her passing.
do they have a certain aesthetic or style ?
i think comfort chic is the best way to describe her style, but honestly she might lean also to the eclectic side cause she will wear just about anything.
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rebcllicus · 2 years
closed starter for @rebcllicus​ || location: “the art room”
nate’s favorite part about moving to skopelos was definitely getting to spend moments like these with elli. it didn’t take much convincing from her part for him to move here to help her out, given there was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. but when she brought up the secret art room she kept inside the hotel, and talked about how it would be their little secret too: nate was beaming with excitement. as much as they supported each other’s art during their college years: this was something they didn’t really get to do back then, having a space just by themselves to create together. even if they never lost touch, nate had missed elli like crazy when he moved back home after graduation: and as much as he hated new beginnings in foreign places (given his teenage trauma over moving from america to scotland), getting to see his favorite person every day again made it all worth it. this new beginning definitely didn’t feel remotely as hard as the one he had to face when he was younger. and here they were again, at their secret safe haven: ready to try on some new acrylics that nate suggested. when reaching for a bottle and attempting to open it: he held it too tight, causing the paint to splash all over his (already messy) go-to painting shirt. paint reaching a bit of his face too. hysterical laughter following. “shit... see? i should have trusted you with these instead. now i’ve wasted a perfect cobalt blue. a federal crime”  
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         elise didn’t think it was going to take too much convincing on her part to get nate to join the circus of their friends in skopelos always aware of his dislike for moving, though she wasn’t expecting how easily it actually was not that she would change it. missing him came in waves and yes they had always kept in touch she couldn’t help but delight in the fact that he was here finally.  he was her favorite person and he was here in the room that she had deemed theirs to create or hide away in. laughter spilling from her lips as she shook her head at him. “ A heinous crime. I tried to tell you that I could’ve handled it, but did you listen? Nope.”  popping the ‘p’ in nope she gently shrugs her shoulders, eyes drifting back up to his with a mischievous glint to them. “ Though you could just be our palette now since you’re wearing most of it. All you need is a few of the others.” a sly grin paints her features while she swipes her paintbrush that’s already generously coated with a white across his cheek. “See couldn’t ask for a better palette” 
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rebcllicus · 2 years
random moments send a symbol for…  
🧠 a time my muse thought about yours. 
☀️ a time my muse let yours take care of them.  
📱 a time my muse texted / called yours.  
🗯️ a time my muse didn’t text / call yours.
🖼️ a time my muse talked about someone from their past.
🌷 a time my muse said they loved yours. 
💔 a time my muse said they hated yours.
💧 a time my muse cried.
💡 a time my muse laughed.
🔥 a time my muse got caught doing something bad.
👀 a time my muse told a lie. 
🌙 a time my muse told the truth.
🍎 a time my muse felt safe with yours.
🍃 a time my muse left home.
⚙️ a time my muse talked about something they made, drew, built.         
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rebcllicus · 2 years
Phoenix loved animals even if their parents never allowed them and their brother to have any pets growing up. They still believe that somebody had to be heartless, downright evil even, to not melt at the sight of a baby puppy. It was only when they tended to be meddlesome did she find them to be much less charming. She wasn’t sure if the cat that weaved between her legs belonged to someone or was one of the few strays. Either way it gives them a start and the hearty plate of breakfast they had made for themselves (nevermind the fact it was well into the afternoon and they had a late start, like always) falls out of their hands. “Fuck! My eggs.” She calls out helplessly before directly addressing the animal. “Listen up. I’m going to spank you. I am going to spank you so hard that your great, great, great grandma kitty will feel it. And then— " By the time Phoenix sees another person it’s too late. “I don’t…I don’t actually spank cats.”
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       elise was making her way back to her favorite table on the patio, hands full with a plate of bagels and having the time of her life watching phoenix’s interaction. “ Could’ve fooled me love with the threats you were making to missy. Oh my gosh were you actually the cat spanker in college? I could’ve sworn that they were only a legend.” she teases with a sly smile. elli wasn’t sure if the cat was actually named missy or not, but that’s what she had taken to calling the creature that had wondered to the hotel. “ Don’t worry phe, I’ll make sure your secrets safe with me and my bagels though I’d might be up for sharing if you want ? .” 
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rebcllicus · 2 years
🎥       /       ﹔       open   to   all   . 
location        ﹔       aura   .
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ⅰ.       🎥       /       ﹔       “    not   gonna   lie   .    i   am   interested   in   all   these   stuffs   .    i   think   they’re   interesting   to   know   .    ”      another   hand   takes   another   piece   of   crystal   on   the   collection   as   he   returns   the   other   one   and   studies   the   new   one   he’s   holding   well   .    if   there   aren’t   any   piece   of   paper   displayed   to   let   people   know   what   each   crystal   means    ,    keon   would   have   no   idea   what   that’s   for   or   what’s   its   purpose   .    he’d   remain   clueless   and   pick   any   crystal   for   the   sole   reason   that   it’s   pretty   .    he   picks   up   the   light   blue   marble   colored   crystal—    his   favorite   color    ,    and   raises   it   to   show   it   to   them   .      “    what   do   you   think   this   means    ?    do   you   think   it   has   any   meaning   at   all   or   is   it   solely   for   decoration    ?    ”
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   cocking her head to the side while elli studies the pretty crystal in keon’s hands, lips lightly pursed as she wracks through her brain for any type of information she could recall from her one time working at a crystal shop. “Maybe it’s for clarity or bringing you good calm energies ? Even if it’s for decoration it is really pretty.” she offers though she truly doesn’t know what the blue rock could harness. “ I’m thinking whatever it is I might be able to use it as a blacksplash for the hotel maybe or somethin similar I really enjoy the color.”
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rebcllicus · 2 years
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             It’s late into the evening,   with conversations dying down to small groups around the room and random bursts of laughter coming from his friends.   William is sitting next to Elise,   drunk and content,   and he has that vague fuzziness in his vision as he stares at one of the decorations on the table.   After a second,   he leans forward with a soft sigh of effort and smiles.
       “Thanks for bringing us all back together.”   The words are sudden,   though the emotion in them isn’t heavy;   it’s warm and at ease.   It’s been years since the whole group has been in the same room,   and while it’s not the same as it used to be,   William feels that familiar tug of fondness in his chest.   He can tell that this is a moment he’ll remember,   despite the fact that there’s little happening in the scene.   All it is is his friends talking–   some drunk,   some laughing,   some in fervent arguments–   but it leaves an impact on him.   The kind of positive impact that he hasn’t had in many years.
       “I know that the circumstances must be stressing you the hell out,   the hotel and all,   but this–   this is nice.”
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑  — @rebcllicus​.
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         elise is very tipsy borderline drunk and wholeheartedly enjoying being a fly on the wall  watching her friends. the whole scene warms her entire being more than the alcohol that she had consumed. sipping at the fruity drink in her hands she gives william a genuine smile. she knows how he feels by watching him observe everyone else and it nearly makes her emotional again.   “ I’m lucky to have you all to bring together. “ she says in response eyes wondering from will to the others. “ I wouldn’t have it any other way stress and all if it means we get these types of moments more. “ she’s being truthful with her statements because she would take on any all types of stress if it meant she would get to make these types of memories again with her loved ones. “Thank  you for helping me with everything.. I’d be a fish out of water without you” pausing to swallow the lump in her throat that would surely send her crying. “ Without everyone actually. “ 
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rebcllicus · 2 years
“You’re always allowed over,” Grant promised in response with a small smile to her. “Just don’t tell everyone that, then everyone will be constantly at my apartment.” He let out a small laugh to show he was joking… mostly. “Tad longer as in today, or tad longer after the restorations?” he asked. “Because I suppose I can do both, but for the latter, I’m just trying to take everything day by day honestly.” Grant shrugged at her last comments though. “I don’t think you want to hear about my plane ride, 30 hours of travel by plane is probably boring talk.”
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       “ My lips are sealed. “ she says even going so far as doing a locking motion over her pursed lips and throwing the imaginary key over her shoulder. rolling her eyes briefly at him elli shrugs her shoulders. “ Well I was talking about longer as in today, but I mean if you’d like to talk about staying after restorations you won’t hear any complaints from me. “ elise has missed him more than she actually knew and while that could be said for nearly everyone that had shown up it was especially true for grant. “ I dunno did you have any good snacks ? “ 
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rebcllicus · 2 years
who: elli where: dinner table
the night is going well, smiles and all, piñata dead and all, and ted is content. happy to see everyone, though he feels a bit overwhelmed. his eyes are searching for a quick exit, and suddenly, there’s an opening. and ted would be stupid to miss the occasion to sit down next to elli. cooperating for the theme of tonight’s dinner had brought some normalcy to them, which brought ted hope for a reconciliation. he sits next to her, coming back from the restrooms, his first neon green drink in his hand. “i think this dinner is a success,” he says, bringing his chair closer, offering her a small smile. “mini tequila bottles were a hit, i think your choice was spot on.”
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        elise wasn’t naive enough to think that one hug and an actual conversation later that everything was fixed between ted and her, but it gave her hope that they were on the right track. giving him one of her genuine toothy grins she bows her head in thanks. “ Thank you sir, and your choice for llama piñata's was ultimately the superior option.” she offers while sipping at her pina colada. “ What do tell did Will make you to drink ? It looks like you’re drinking the neon toxic waste from cartoons. “ looking at the green liquid with much interest she can’t help but laugh again. “
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rebcllicus · 2 years
𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : family dinner 𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 : for @rebcllicus​
🪅 — elise was one of the first people to walk into the restaurant , not including susie herself. she had been there about an hour or so before to do some last minute touches for the decorations. the past week she had taken the task a bit too seriously for a simple dinner - but , that was susie. her eyes lit up when she noticed elise. ‘ there she is ! my favorite blondie. ’, the girl practically jogged to the other to pull her in for a hug. ‘ you look amazing , as freaking always. love the makeup , the hair, and by the way why the freak did you and ted pick the most difficult theme for this dinner ? ’
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        squeezing susie tightly she playfully rolled her eyes at the comment. “ C’mon Suse I didn’t really think that a fiesta theme would be that hard for you.” she teases gently elbowing her. stealing the chance to finally look at the decor that surrounded the restaurant and while it may not have been susie’s best work it still was a sight. “ I think you guys did wonderful! Did Val help you with the piñatas ? “ while she knew that inviting val might lead to tension within her friend group she was really hoping to avoid most of it. 
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rebcllicus · 2 years
“Water’s already on, should be boiled any minute now,” Raj said, moving to the cabinet. He opened the door, eyes searching for a moment. There. Picking up the familiar mug, Raj offered it to Elli: it was the one he had reserved for her whenever she had visited his apartment in college. In truth, Raj had a mug that “belonged” to each of his friends; he’d kept them all, after all this time, traveling with them when he could, or storing them at his parents’ house when he could not. His heart, his sentimental heart.
Lost in thought, Raj realized he had taken out all the tea he owned to offer up to Elise. He let out a sheepish laugh, turning to her. “Pick your poison.” At her praise, he smiled. “Really? I feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew, but how can I say that when we are here to run a hotel? Forget the bookstore,” Raj waved off her kind words. “How can I help you? Do you need a pool boy? Do things need to be set up?” He tried to think what Elli could be missing but his years of hospitality classes failed him and he came up empty. “I’m keeping the shop closed this weekend, actually. I’ve been meaning to hang a sign on the window. I know everyone’s here but I, well, I want to be around for you, in case you’re taking on too much and not mentioning it?” Raj raised an eyebrow at her just as the kettle came to a boil. He set to pouring them some tea, waiting for her reply.
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       a toothy grin spreads across her features when her eyes fall on the familiar mug, an apple that has a pine tree sticking out of it that’s shouting ‘ i’m a pineapple’  hands grasping it gently as if she could actually hug it. “ I cannot believe you still have them all. “ she murmurs softly and it’s a lie she can believe it because it’s undoubtedly something raj would do. grabbing her preferred tea she offers it over to raj before giving him a small shrug of her shoulders. “ What’s life without a little bit of over chew?? I don’t think that’s the saying. “ softly laughing at herself before wiggling her brows at her friend. “ I mean I will never say no to you being my pool boy Raj.” she teases eyes diverting back to the mug.
elise didn’t think she was overdoing anything for once she was actually staying on task and with william’s help with all the legalities of the hotel she actually felt like she could breath again. “ My head is above water actually, and now that everbody is here I think things will start to go better so please don’t close on my account Raj at least not the entire weekend.” 
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