rebelnori · 10 months
"You're too young,"
This morning my co-worker was talking about how she can feel the pain in her joints during rainy, humid days. Another coworker said that she doesn't, and her response was "it's because you're too young," and I had to hold myself back from interrupting their conversation. That coworker is only two years younger than me.
So I went over and casually inserted, "I've had chronic back pain since I was 12," to which there wasn't a reply. I realized how much it bothered me because I've been told that very thing all my life. "You're too young to be in pain," they say, as if I'm lying or exaggerating? As if they doubt me? I decided to say something because I want to spread awareness about these invisible illnesses and disabilities. I have been treated unfairly for my invisible illnesses all my life and I want to end that privileged mindset.
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rebelnori · 10 months
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I just couldn’t resist the urge to draw something based on this by @samthecookielord 😂 Isn’t that comforting 😂
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rebelnori · 11 months
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rebelnori · 11 months
I'm kinda sick of all sex hormones. Estrogen (and progesterone) made me feel like shit. Testosterone made me super self conscious. I just want neither. But I also want to stay healthy, and human bodies need sex hormones to stay healthy. Scientists, I'm begging you to come up with something that can be used to maintain the health benefits of sex hormones without all the binary sex characteristics that come from the current ones. PLEASE! Or I guess the other option would be to no longer have a human body... That doesn't sound so bad either tbh.
Submitted July 10, 2023
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rebelnori · 11 months
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rebelnori · 11 months
I am not forklift certified.. ITS ME AND @lordsooga WITH OUR YIGA COSPLAYS AAHHHHH
Glory to Master Kohga!
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rebelnori · 11 months
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my wife and i caught covid before they could finish colouring this collab we were doing but im extremely proud of the sketch and linework i did for it so pls, take link and ganondorf but princess mononoke'd
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rebelnori · 11 months
Why is it so hard to do things I want to do? I want to voice train, not because of dysphoria but because I just want the ability to have extreme variation in my voice. I want to take some (free) classes to further my career. I want to learn ASL. I want to bake some banana bread. I want to learn how to knit. Am I doing any of these things even though I have (minimal) time to do them? No. Why am I not doing them? Idk... It's just hard to get started. And whenever I try to force myself to do something I REALLY won't do it. This is an autism thing right? It's gotta be.
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rebelnori · 11 months
I don't really use any gender labels for myself, including non-binary, but many of these questions are still relevant. Feel free to ask anything!
non-binary ask game!
1. what does non-binary mean to you?
2. do you spell it non-binary, nonbinary or non binary?
3. do you use other labels alongside non-binary? which ones?
4. which stripe in the non-binary flag represents you most?
5. do you consider yourself trans? why/why not?
6. how do you like the term enby for yourself?
7. is your gender or lack thereof influenced by other identities (such as neurotype, ability, body size, race etc.)?
8. what are your pronouns?
9. name something that gives you gender euphoria.
10. what misconception about being non-binary bothers you most?
11. do you feel included in gay attraction? lesbian attraction? veldian attraction? straight attraction?
12. do you use a title (i.e. Mx, Mr, Ms)? which one?
13. how often would you say you think about your gender?
14. free space! ask whatever you want!
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rebelnori · 11 months
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I like to think when Riju is in turmoil, Link knows how to help her, because he went through the exact same thing before, and it was Urbosa who helped him out
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rebelnori · 11 months
It's hard being neurodivergent and also not fitting into the gender binary. I don't have any friends or family who understand gender the way I do nor who I feel safe to explore myself around. But I also can't just go out and make friends. I've tried. Whenever I try joining groups with similar interests or specifically for trans people, I find people I enjoy hanging out with but ultimately just stop hanging out eventually. I can never get past the acquaintance phase. It's like no matter how long I hang out with people, I never feel like I can get to know them or them get to know me. And then of course that leads me back to the fact that I don't feel that I can explore who I am by myself. I need someone around so we can build each other up together. But I don't think that's ever going to happen.
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rebelnori · 11 months
disability pride ask game
I'm so sleepy but I have persisted anyway bc i am so brave
feel free to reblog, try and send an ask to the person you're reblogging from so the game doesn't die, and absolutely never be pressured to answer anything that feels too personal--this is about/inspiration for what you Want to share about disability and experiences being disabled, not what you feel like you have to! (also: this ask game is PRO SELF DX.)
what disability/ies do you have? (and are they mental, physical, or both?)
how long have you known you're disabled? does that match up with diagnosis?
what, if any, disability aids do you use? (mobility aids, sensory aids, braces, communicative devices, IVs, etc. meds also count here). do you customize them/their containers/outsides?
do you know any disabled people irl? what about online?
if you have multiple disabilities: do they affect each other? how?
what's something good that's come out of being disabled?
what's a struggle you wish more people talked about?
does your disability affect how you experience other parts of your identity? (gender, queerness, culture, even hobbies/life goals you're very passionate about)
how do you measure your energy? (spoons, battery, something else?)
whats something youve come up with or integrated into your life that makes disability easier, besides typical aids?
how would you label your support needs?
what's something (a struggle, a symptom, a weird phenomenon, or even a funny experience) people don't realize about your disability?
whats the most Abled Person Thing someone has said to you?
has there ever been a time where you felt solidarity/community with another disabled person in a situation with you?
what does disability pride mean to you?
free space to talk about whatever disability issue or experience you want !
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rebelnori · 11 months
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rebelnori · 11 months
Just watched Nimona. What a voidpunk movie. Literally any dehumanized group could see it as an allegory for them. My first thought was it being a trans allegory with how much Nimona disregards others calling her a girl. But it's more than that too. Is it a trans allegory? Absolutely. But it's an allegory for all other dehumanized groups too. This quote comes to mind: "Once everyone sees you as a villain, that’s what you are. They only see you one way, no matter how hard you try."
But here's the best part: the moral of the story wasn't "oh, eventually people will learn to accept you as kinda normal too". No. It wasn't "weird people can change too! You can be normal too!" No. It was "society wasn't built for you and that's a problem. Be yourself because 'normal' is what's wrong with society. And people should see you and love you for who you are whether or not you fit society's expectations for 'humans'". (But what we call humans, the movie called "heroes".) Seriously you can't get more voidpunk than that. I could go on about this, but just go watch the movie.
"They grow up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different. And I’m the monster?"
"We are villains. Embrace it."
"What if you held it in? If you didn’t shape-shift?" ... "I wouldn’t die die. I just sure wouldn’t be living."
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rebelnori · 11 months
Hi! I'm rebelnori. You're welcome to just shorten my name to nori if you want.
• they/them or no pronouns, please!
• I don't use gender labels for myself and don't believe in focusing on the amab/afab dichotomy. I am altersex
• queer and aroace
• autistic
• voidpunk
• some sort of libertarian socialist and pacifist
• really into the Legend of Zelda
• trying to learn how to knit
DNI: terfs, transmeds/truscum, non-binary exclusionists, asexual and/or aromantic exclusionists, hornyposters, blogs devoted exclusively to shipping
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rebelnori · 11 months
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rebelnori · 11 months
Autism plus anxiety culture is wanting to wear headphones/earplugs because of the noise, but deciding not to because you're worried you won't be able to hear enough of your surroundings to protect yourself from cars and people.
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