redvelvetzine · 4 years
All emails have been sent out!
We’re so glad to finally start this project, we’ll be waiting for everyone to join us in the discord server, and slowly start to work on this project! 
Thanks to everyone who applied!
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Update on Apps
Due to some of our mods working and being sick, we’ve decided to extend our review of apps and will be sending emails out on March 24th
We hope that you guys understand as we recover and review all the wonderful apps we’ve gotten.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask or of you want to share ideas about what a noir lifestyle would be like for Kirishima and Bakugo
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Our apps are closed, and we can't thanks enough people who applied!
We had a total of 62 applicants and they are all really interesting!
We will take the time to review each one of them, before sending emails!
- The Red Velvet Team
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Important Announcement
Greetings!  We have an important announcement!  Mod Yoyo resigned from her position as a mod in this zine, due to some big issues in another zine she's a part of, living her no time to work with us anymore.  We were really happy to work with her, and we hope everything works, and get fixed for the zine, and we wish her a lot of luck!  Don't worry, this will not affect this zine, and the mods will still work all together as a team!  Thank you all for your understanding!  - The Red Velvet Team
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Hello! I haven't been able to see this anywhere, but who are the mods?
Greetings! We made a post, a few days ago, with the mods reveal! You can find it >hereredvelvetzineThank you for the interest in the zine! - The Red Velvet Team
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Do I need to have Kiri or Baku in my sample piece for merch?
We will ask that at least one of your sample have Kirishima and/or Bakugou in it!
For the others, feel free to link us anything!!
Don't hesitate to ask us anything!
Thanks for the interest in the zine.
- Mod Kahi
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Are sketches and/or bust shots ok to use as samples in the artist app?
Yes, it's okay, but your others samples need to be complete pieces, one of them must contain a background, and/or the ship kiribaku, or one of them invidually!
Don't hesitate to ask us anything!
Thank you for the interest in the zine!
- Mod Kahi
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Can I use nsfw artwork for the links? In the application?
Greetings! Yes, you can totally use NSFW artwork, just be sure to fill the section “CW” for each sample, if one of your artwork contains some!! Thanks for the interest in the zine! -Mod Kahi
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Contributors Applications are open!
Greetings!  The time has come! Our Contributors Applications are officially open today! They will stay open until March 15th at 11:59pm CET (UTC+1) For now, our mind is settled for 10 artists, 10 writers, and 5 merch artists! But it might change as the applications go!* All the links needed are below!! We are so happy to finally open the applications! Reminder, this is an NSFW zine, we won't accept any minors! *Since it's a digital zine, we might accept more! Artists Application: Artists, please follow this link to fill your application! We are incredibly curious to see your style and know about you!  Artists App
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Merchandises Artists Application: Merchandises Artists, please follow this link to fill your application! We can't wait to see what you have in store! Merch Artists App
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Writers  Application:  Writers, please follow this link to fill your application! We're ready to read all of your pages! 
Writers App
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- The Red Velvet Team
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Extra! Extra! Read All about it!
Mods are on the loose! be aware of them and their contributors (TBA)
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Mod Apps Emails Sent out!!
We are the 31st, and all the emails have been sent out!
We are incredibly glad of the interest you showed us, and can’t thank you enough! We will soon start working with all the other mods!! - Mod Kahi
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
We accidentally deleted someone question, and we are deeply sorry! We will directly answer here!
The question was from an anon, asking if they could create some rumbles for their application as graphic mod and if they could use them for their portfolio, and would they be able to use them in their portfolio even if they aren't accepted for the role.
The answers for the first two are yes! You totally can! You are totally allowed to create new pieces for your application, and use them in your portfolio!
As for the last question, if you're not accepted for the graphic mod role, we wouldn't see any objections for you to use your pieces. You created them, and you own every rights to them.
Again, we're sorry for the inconvenience of this accidental ask deleting, and hope we were able to give you a proper answer. Don't hesitate to send us another ask if you want more informations, or you can directly send us a DM!
Thank you for your interest for the zine!
- Mod Kahi
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Mod applications are open!
Finally, we’re so happy to open our Mod Apps!  We hope to be able to build a solid team, with you!
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>> Please follow this link to fill the application!! << We are looking for four mods! - Graphic Design/Formatting Mod - Finance Mod - General/Discord Mod - Social Media Mod We can’t wait to see all of your applications! - Mod Kahi
@zinepolice @zine-scene @fanzines @fanzinewatch @zinesubmissions @zinefans @fandomzines @uahigh-newsletter
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
We are really happy and excited to finally share the schedule for the zine!
They might change in the future, as the mod apps will be opened soon, but for now, here they are!
Stay stunned for more!
- Mod Kahi
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redvelvetzine · 4 years
Some news about the zine
Hello there!  We’re back with some info for Red Velvet! 
It was a lot of work to decide everything, but it was worth it!
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So of course, with Tumblr policies against adult content, we’re going to be extra careful about what we post here! Our twitter account will host the full pieces thought! 
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redvelvetzine · 5 years
Interest check answers!
Hi there!  We took the time to answers the questions we got on the interest check!!  Don’t hesitate to ask us anything!  Via our ask box  On our twitter Or via mail, at [email protected]
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redvelvetzine · 5 years
Interest Check Ask
We’ve got a few questions on the interest check, so here’s are the answers!
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We would be aiming for 30 contributors! 20 artists and 5 writers, with 5 guests in!  And the zine would be digital-only! 
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The color scheme being the big part of the theme (after the KiriBaku ship), we would totally accept any edgy/dark/noir themed arts/fics! The only thing we would ask for is to not show anything too graphic and/or gore!  Thank you for asking these questions! Feel free to ask us anything!! We will gladly answer them! :) Mod Kahi
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