reedbstranger · 9 months
Yeah I have parasocial relationships with creators. Not platonic or romantic parasocial relationships, but therapeutic ones. I watch my favorite creators and diagnose them all with ADHD or autism
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reedbstranger · 10 months
There is a profound joy in giving someone else’s cat a nickname and then everyone slowly adopting that nickname
My partner’s cat is named Peanut and I called him Mr Nut Man the first time I went to their friend group party and now the entire group calls him Mr Nut Man and it is so wonderful
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reedbstranger · 10 months
Today in “fuck adhd memory loss”, I have just realized I don’t remember my grandpa’s voice. I have a vague idea of what he sounded like, I know he was a baritone and had a wonderful folk voice, but I can’t hear it in my head anymore. He died eight years ago this summer. And it was probably longer than that I heard him sing, he had a stroke a couple years before that. I miss my grandpa. I wonder if Mom has any recordings of him.
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reedbstranger · 10 months
Music people have we figured out a word for the genre of “music performed by wind/string instruments and possibly choral vocalists” besides classical bc I’m tired of “well ackshually”-ing myself every time I give a recommendation
or are we just “sparkling instrumental”
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reedbstranger · 1 year
I used to be so angry all the time, rage and annoyance and fury, and while I am still furious at a societal level, my girlfriend (who I met well into my self work era) told me that she can’t imagine me actually angry, and I am so proud of that. She told me that she sees me as the “blue coded” person instead of “red coded”, the calm and rational person in our relationship. I could never have imagined that as a teen. I’ve had to do so much work because I realized I didn’t want people to be afraid of me even jokingly, I didn’t want to snap at people or have them be nervous to approach me in case I yelled at them, I wanted to have friends and be friendly
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reedbstranger · 1 year
I work with and test dangerous machinery all the time at work, grinders and slicers and boiling water and cutting shitloads of meat with sharp knives
I have yet to hurt myself on any of the actual dangerous equipment
I have however sliced the fuck out of my hand on a cardboard box, cut my fingers using a pair of tongs to pry off a canning jar lid, and currently have my hand wrapped up to protect the blisters I got from cutting up 15lb of apples. Oh and nearly wrenched my shoulder getting a grinder out of a box that weighed about 30lb more than I thought
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reedbstranger · 1 year
Getting reprimanded at work for dressing too slutty bc I rolled my sleeves up past the elbows smh can’t handle them sexy forearms
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reedbstranger · 1 year
No seriously I found myself on the edge of a breakdown this week staring at a 13lb chunk of beef with a 10” knife in my hand, fully just stabbed it in frustration at one point
More explanation, cw lots of meat talk, for the testing I was going to do, I needed ~20lbs of strips of meat with as little fat or tendons or mess as possible. The store was out of my preferred cut eye of round that is super easy to clean up, so I had to get beef knuckle or brisket. Brisket is full of intramuscular fat, which I can’t just cut out, and beef knuckle is lean meat surrounded by messy connective tissue and fat and tendons, which I can cut out. So I went with 2 cuts of beef knuckle, about 25lb, brought it back to work, and started trying to trim it and prep it for testing.
I’ve been doing this job for almost two years, and can trim down 40+ lb of eye of round in about an hour. It took me two and a half, close to three, to get these goddamn knuckles trimmed and sliced down. The muscle tissue was folded and twisted in connective tissue, and I had to stop and sharpen my knife three times. The second chunk of meat I couldn’t even find a good starting point, and I had other work I needed to do, and I had knife in my hand, and I just stabbed the fuckin beef I was so frustrated. That uh was where I took a pause to contemplate existence, and then finished up the prep
All jobs and workplaces have an Entity alignment, if you think yours doesn’t it’s probably Eye or Web, maybe Spiral
Mine is unfortunately Flesh and Spiral
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reedbstranger · 1 year
Looking at new cars after the old one dies is fun with both ADHD and autismz
ADHD: ooooh fun new project! Lots of research! Collect information to make good choice and learn things!
Autism: aaaaaaa routine is off, driving with different cars, can’t be messy in other cars
ADHD: WOW look at all the cool new features! I can do so much more! Ooo cool displays and things!
ADHD: mm bored of research and trying things, time to move on
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reedbstranger · 1 year
All jobs and workplaces have an Entity alignment, if you think yours doesn’t it’s probably Eye or Web, maybe Spiral
Mine is unfortunately Flesh and Spiral
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reedbstranger · 1 year
“I don’t care if my coworkers like me” “I don’t need to have a good relationship with my coworkers I don’t want to be friends I just want to get my work done and leave” what a terrible existence and work environment. Good for you if your work is completely solo and you never have to interact with coworkers to do it, but most jobs you have to work with others and it makes it so much easier if you have a positive relationship? Have you never worked with someone who was just rude and snippy and made everything unpleasant?
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reedbstranger · 1 year
I know it’s a thing that nuance can’t exist online, but jesus christ, TikTok is so bad for it. I posted a joke on TikTok reenacting a moment when I accidentally masked with my gf and didn’t communicate directly like we usually do, and initial response was positive so I posted a couple more hypotheticals, and then people started being mad about “why don’t they say what they mean” “that’s not neurotypical communication that’s just bad communication” “the indirect communication is so inefficient oh my god”. I post some responses clarifying with ask vs guess culture and other factors of communication, I try to explain why indirect communication has a place and why it is used. I post a longer video going more in depth on the subtext of a common conversation, and then I get so many comments like “this is so stupid why don’t people just ask to invite why do they need to avoid rejection” and “this is too complicated I don’t care if coworkers like me if they can’t be direct we’re not gonna be friends”. I know it’s mostly kids, but not all, and I’m just tired. Being misunderstood or having my words twisted around and taken weird is one of the most frustrating things in the world
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reedbstranger · 1 year
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Don't cry captain, not in front of me.
Who will catch your tears if you can't catch me, darlin'?
Crew of the year needed to be celebrated.
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reedbstranger · 1 year
I don’t want them to be Strong And Perfect Women That Save The Day I just want more dipshits that I can point to and go “same”
I hope the new female characters on ofmd are buffoons like the rest of ‘em. Just absolutely nonsense disaster people like everyone else.
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reedbstranger · 1 year
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Cute struggle noises can be heard at your feet along with a large thud. You look down to see this little guy at your feet struggling to pick up a half wrapped rock. Finally his makeshift arms of an arrow and sword pick it up and he offers it to you with pride.
“-huff- For you!”
Woubble has been watching all his new friends play a game where they roll tiny funny looking rocks. He searched the woods for hours until he found a similar big rock for his friends to roll. He wrapped it all by himself too!
As a small thank you for all the support over the past year, I’m giving all of Woubble’s fans this art as a digital download and coloring page! You can get it printed at your local printer or at home or give it as a gift to someone. You can find it here https://www.laurenwalshart.com/downloads
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reedbstranger · 2 years
I think the best most human thing in the world is strangers doing a silly thing together
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reedbstranger · 2 years
The urge and need to scream vs the terror of being heard
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