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Ncuti is a treasure
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Happy pride month maybe I’ll start watching Doctor Who again
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Me taking my hypothetical children to pride:
See that man in the dog mask? He's playing a game of make believe with his friends to have fun, just like we do! See how his tail is wagging?
See that man with a gun? He's part of a violent institution that serves the ruling elite and upholds white supremacy. Fifty years ago he would have been raiding all these bars and arresting us all. He could shoot you in the face right now and probably not even lose his job. If he tries to talk to you, remember to say, "I won't speak with you unless I have an attorney present."
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I’m gonna have to break the “no politics” rule I have with my family in order for us to remain civil. Because it’s time to know if they are this far gone or if they have any sense of decency left. If they don’t the leverage I have in our relationship is my presence and it might be time to leverage it.
“Less than 24 hours after the verdict, Trump’s campaign already boasted raising over $30 million from Republican supporters. Republican lawmakers have nearly universally condemned the verdict and presented it as a sign of a republic in crisis. Right-wing pundits are depicting the verdict as a sign of a deep-state conspiracy and impending civil war. Snap polling data shows a much higher proportion of Republicans saying they’re more likely to vote for Trump because of the verdict than the share who say they’re less likely to vote for him because of it.”
The Trump verdict isn’t a game-changer for the 2024 election
It’s a cult.
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
I love that the internet saw people comparing women and other alienated groups of people and went, “they’re dating,” and, “they support each other.” We’re improving as a society.
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
just learned that magnolias are so old that they’re pollinated by beetles because they existed before bees
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
the thing about adulthood is when someone says something extremely rude to you, you can either turn the other cheek or calmly & firmly correct them. The third option is to tell them “say that again, I’ll bite you” & everyone sort of nervously laughs and tries to move on from your little joke. Which is why I think it’s very important that when they do say it again you follow through. Nobody actually expects you to bite them. We should be biting more. Also if you’re with the county health department do not read thi s post
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
talking to people recently out of prison: a do-and-don't guide
Don't ask, "How was prison?" (Answer: traumatic!)
Do ask, "What are you most looking forward to doing again now that you're out?"
Don't ask, "How long were you in for?" (Answer: too long!)
Do ask, "Is there any technology or pop culture I can help catch you up on?"
Don't ask, "How are you going to avoid getting back into bad behaviors?" (Leave the paternalistic bullshit to their PO.)
Do ask, "How's your support network? Do you have people helping you adjust?"
Don't ask, "Do you have a job yet?" (Their PO is asking them ALL the time, don't worry.)
Do ask, "Are there any opportunities I should keep an ear out for and let you know about?"
Don't ask, "Do you have an ankle monitor?" (And definitely don't ask to see it - no one likes to be gawked at.)
Do ask, "Do you have parole restrictions we need to accommodate when making plans?"
Don't say, "Hey, you shouldn't be doing that - it's against your parole!" (A lot of parole restrictions are bullshit, and they are an adult who deserves agency, even the agency to take risks.)
Do ask, "Are there any bullshit parole restrictions you need help working around?"
Don't ask, "Are you an addict?" (Not everyone in prison is, and they'll tell you if they want you to know.)
Do say, "If there's stuff you might get in trouble for, like empty alcohol containers, I can throw them away at my place."
Don't say, "It's probably best if you put your whole prison life behind you and start fresh." (Just because it was traumatic doesn't mean important experiences and relationships didn't happen there.)
Do say, "If you have letters from friends on the inside that you don't want your PO to find, you can keep them at my place."
Don't say, "You paid your debt to society." (Regardless of what they may have done, harm cannot be repaid through senseless suffering.)
Do say, "You are more than the worst thing you've ever done."
Do not ever ask "What were you arrested for?"/"What did you do?"/"Were you guilty?"
People are more than the worst thing they've ever done.
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
i really do think about this video every single time i’m on the freeway
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
Exactly. So conservatives want Fauci locked up for doing his job pretty damn well but for the crime of not being omniscient. Whereas Trump should be excused of any wrongdoing for any and all reasons at all times.
I’m so frustrated I could bite through a broom handle.
The Fauci testimony was such a shit show.
He is such a reasoned, impressive speaker who understands nuance and communicates it well.
But Republicans are allergic to nuance. So that did not matter at all.
And they can't handle that he made suggestions based on a complex set of variables during a time when we did not have all of the information necessary. Yes, he and his team guessed. And those guesses were mostly accurate. But they are acting like the guesses that didn't turn out to be 100% right were some horrible travesty.
Aside from the conspiracy theories the big thing they tried to trip him up with was the 6 foot distancing. He said that recommendation was not based on science. And it wasn't. There were no studies at that point. It was just a common-sense measure.
Like, if someone is infected with a potentially deadly virus, what's the closest you want to be to them?
Later studies showed 3 feet was probably enough distance. But do you really want to be the minimum distance away? So doubling that is probably exactly the distance it should have been.
That was a good fucking guess.
And they are acting like this kept grandmas from hugging their grandkids and everyone is going to be sad forever.
It was the COVID. The COVID kept them from hugging.
And then Marjorie just yelled for a while and kept repeating we should put an 80 year old retired scientist in prison for... reasons?
Personally, I'd prefer to put the convicted felon in prison.
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 hours
Where's that post that's like "I can't buy expensive things like plane tickets on my phone, I have to use my laptop, big purchases are for the big screen"
Because apparently this is a literal actual thing that retailers hate cuz you think more before spending a lot of money, they want you to spend a lot without thinking about it so much
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Keep buying Big Things on the Big Screen, it's healthy for you financially to think before spending a lot of money!
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