rheasonly1 · 2 months
Every look is hot
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this is probably one of her hottest looks 🤤
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rheasonly1 · 5 months
I’m so obsessed with this. Honestly it’s made my morning reading this.
I See You
She’s beautiful. He tries not to notice that, but it’s hard. She’s dressed practically, much more so than the other women in the town, but it does nothing to disguise the perfect contours of her. Makes his hands itch. Then she smiles at him and it’s all he can do not to glance behind himself like a moron because surely someone else is behind him. Nobody smiles at him like that.
Warnings: smut, cussing (LOTS of cussing).
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The first time he sees her is only a few moments after walking through the gates at Alexandria. A pretty face that for some reason catches his eye in the clusters of people staring the group down as they walk along the main street. Big eyes. More curious than wary.
He doesn’t think on it long. Too much else to worry about.
The second time is just after he lays out the little fucker who went for Glenn. Those big eyes again. While everyone else is panicking, staring at him like he’s some wild animal about to go rabid, her gaze is just interested. Like she’s just watching, waiting for something else to happen. The idiot limps to her, holding his bloody nose, clearly expecting something.
‘You’re the dummy swung at someone better’n you,’ she says to him. ‘Clean up your own damn mess.’
For one irrational moment Daryl feels like he wants to guffaw with laughter. Something about the deadpan delivery and the look on Aiden’s face, combined with the mildly scandalised glances of the townsfolk, hits the spot. Her voice isn’t what he expected, either; dusky Tennessee with a hint of mountain twang. He realises he wants to hear more of it, takes the thought and locks it down, tight.
No time for that. Never time for that.
Keep reading
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
Let Your Heart Be Light
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Alexandria Era
Warnings: None
Summary: You want to make the holidays something special for Daryl. Throw in a little Christmas magic and it just might mean something more to you too.
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This run hadn’t been about gathering supplies or intel. This run had been about making a holiday for Judith. The adults understood that just being alive and together were gifts. But little Jude? Smart as she was— and she was smart —hadn’t yet grasped that concept. 
Things had already been gathered for her by everyone else, but Daryl had never really celebrated as a kid. Never gave gifts or received them. Before Alexandria, there was never a reasonable sense of safety that allowed for celebration. This would be a first for the archer. When you asked what he had found or made for the little girl he so obviously adored, he had appeared gutted. Of course, you had offered to go with him and help him find something. 
The sky was thick with purple clouds as you burrowed into Daryl’s back and tilted your face upward just enough to watch the puffs of lavender magic float carelessly across the limitless expanse. The wind was icy but the elements never seemed to bother the hunter. You, on the other hand, were freezing your proverbial balls off. Your heavy jacket, gloves, scarf, and toboggan hat did little against the onslaught. You couldn’t help but wonder how Daryl hadn’t turned into an ice archer. You also weren’t above pondering why the fuck he had insisted on taking the motorcycle!
When the bike rolled to a stop outside a little strip mall, you could hardly wait to jump off. You squealed about your ass being numb and zipped past him and up to the first door. Daryl started to intervene but swiftly shut his mouth when you acted accordingly, tapping the blade of your knife against the window to lure any walkers. 
When none shuffled forward, you gave him a thumbs up. “You start on that side, I’ll go here. Look for coloring books, crayons, stuffed animals. Nothing with small pieces that she could choke on.” You advised, watching him nod blankly. You smiled at his adorable cluelessness and ducked inside, willingly leaving him on his own. Usually you would pester him to stay together but you had your own search to conduct. Judith wasn’t the only one getting a gift this year. 
You did intend to help Daryl as you’d promised, but you had some selfish reasons for coming along as well. You hadn’t heard if anyone else had come up with something for the archer, but you sure as shit would. He was your best friend. Your person. This would be the start of happy memories for the season.
None of you could be sure when Christmas actually was but hell, it didn’t really matter at the end of the world. Decorations had been found here and there, enough to decorate Rick and Michonne’s house. You’d all gather there so it made the most sense. 
The store you had chosen appeared to have once been a pawn shop. Toys were in abundance so you took a moment to grab a babydoll and a stuffed monkey before heading to the display cases. The glass had long ago been broken and weapons all swiped. That wasn’t what you were looking for anyway. You wanted something less…violence oriented. No jewelry either. He wasn’t the type. You would know the perfect gift when you saw it. 
And you did. 
Grabbing it up, you stuffed it and the toys into your rucksack and headed to the next mall space, hoping it held what you needed to go along with the first present. Considering how certain items were treated like gold in those times, you didn’t hold your breath. 
You had to be sneaky or Daryl might catch on, considering the type of store. You watched for him while repeating the process to check for walkers. Met with silence, you ducked inside. Pickings were slim— almost nonexistent —just as you’d expected. You had just allowed yourself to be bummed when you spotted one peeking out from beneath the counter. After a short happy dance, you hid this one in your bag as well.  You grabbed a few newspaper pages to use as wrapping paper and started to open the door when you saw the archer walk by and into the pawn shop you had just vacated. 
Stepping outside, you moved off the walkway and waited for him. He emerged a moment later, looking a little concerned. 
“Thought ya’d still be in there.” He huffed, holding out two coloring books— one of safari animals and the other, Dora the Explorer  —and a box of crayons with two missing. 
“Were you worried, mister Dixon?” You smiled sweetly while taking the items to place in your bag. “Hey!” You dissolved into giggles when he pulled the front of your toboggan hat down over your face. He was already walking back toward the back by the time you fixed it. “I found a couple of toys too!”
“Got wha’ we came fer.” He swung a leg over to straddle the bike and waited for you to climb on. “Le’s head back. Snow’s comin’.” You grumbled and secured your scarf around the majority of your face. “S’the matter? Don’ like snow?”
“I love snow. Just not on a motorcycle.”  Taking your place behind him, you wrapped your arms around his middle and went ahead with burying your face in his back. You felt more than heard his chuckling. 
Without a way to predict the weather, there was no way of knowing that scattered flurries would soon turn into a complete whiteout. Daryl had pushed the bike as far as he could before the snow on the ground became too dense. You hated watching him leave it behind, but if he was distraught, he didn’t show it. 
You both had your packs, yours full of gifts and Daryl’s stuffed with a little food, a canteen, and scant medical supplies. You’d be okay for a day or two until the weather cleared. You had radioed home while the archer brought the fireplace to life. Your signal was choppy but the message was received. 
A little while later, the snow was surging down outside, making it impossible to see even the trees that were littered around the small cabin the two of you had stumbled upon. Literally. You’d almost walked into the side of it with the limited visibility. 
Your coats were hanging up near the fire to dry. You had a small meal of jerky and an apple. Now the two of you sat quietly, the silence not uncomfortable. You were bummed that you couldn’t make it back for Daryl to give Judith the gifts. More disappointed for him, really. This was supposed to give him good memories. 
Your gaze left the winter wonderland on steroids to shift over where the archer was perched by the fire. He was holding the stuffed monkey while he stared into the flames. Standing from the chair by the frosty window, your bare feet hardly made a sound as you padded across the room to sit cross-legged by his knees. 
“Don’t be sad.” You folded your hands on his thigh and rested your chin on them, looking up at him from under your lashes. 
Those ice blue eyes slid over to you and held your gaze before he looked away with a dismissive ‘pfft’, tossing the stuffed animal on top of his rucksack. “Ain’t sad.”
The smile you gave him was soft, sympathetic. “Yeah, you are. But you shouldn’t be. She’ll be just as excited tomorrow as she would have been today.” Your head tilted, smile broadening. “Judith doesn’t care what day you give her a gift. You’re Uncle Daryl. She’ll beam at you like you hung the moon no matter what.”
One corner of his mouth ticked upward. He hummed and ruffled your hair, the other side of his lips mirroring its counterpart. Sitting back, you swatted his hands away with an exaggerated series of waves. 
“We can still make this special.” Teeth worried your bottom lip but you fought to push down the anxiety slithering around in your tummy. When the archer tilted his head, waiting for an explanation, you crawled across the floor and reached into your bag. The newspaper wrapping was sloppy with no tape or bows to make it nice but it was the end of the world. You worked with what you had. Shuffling back to him on your knees, you sat back on your heels and held out the black and white papered mess. “Here.”
His face was unreadable, that scowl firmly in place as he stared at your offering. You would have felt dejected had you not seen the myriad of emotions steadily streaming through those pretty blue eyes. After what felt like hours, Daryl cleared his throat and reached for the wadded mess. 
“Ya didn’… uh…ya didn’ hafta do nothin’ like this.” It was easy to discern the slight tremor in his hands. 
“Yeah, I did. I wanted to.” You wiggled back and forth, both eager and nervous for him to unwrap it. When he just held it, you stilled. “What’s wrong?”
“I, uh…” The archer carefully lowered the gift to his lap but kept his hands around it, his thumb rubbed back and forth across the newspaper. “Never really had stuff like this growin’ up…presents n’ shit.”
Rubbing your lips together, you placed a hand on his knee, just beside the gift. He didn’t look away from it. “Just open it when you’re ready. I’m in no hurry.” Keeping your hand where it was, you maneuvered into your previous position: cross-legged with your chin on the very edge of his leg. 
He was committing the moment to memory. You could tell by the way he studied the object, tilting it back and forth just so. But this is what you wanted; to break through the past he had suffered with thoughts of a future full of new memories to make. And to share. 
He cleared his throat again. It was then that you noticed the shine of moisture holding steady on his waterline. “I… got ya, uh… I got ya somethin’ too.” He balanced the gift on his lap with one hand and dug around in his pocket before finally pulling out a small, blue drawstring bag. So much hesitance; he started to hand it over before pulling it back. He did that three more times before he allowed you to take it. 
Now, your eyes began to leak. “Oh, Daryl.” You pulled the little bag toward you and pressed it against your chest. Whatever was concealed inside was hard and twisted but you didn’t venture to guess. You wanted complete surprise. 
His eyes flitted between your gift and his. Still, he made no move to open his own. The present you’d given him was quite a bit larger. Maybe he was worried that that somehow bothered you. When he finally looked up at you, your heart clenched. He was adorably lost. 
“Open it?” You suggested gently, lowering your hands to your lap with the small bag visible in your cupped palms. He was chewing on the inside of his bottom lip for several seconds before he slowly began to unfold the paper. You watched with bated breath as the items were revealed, studying his demeanor as discreetly as possible. If he didn’t like it, you wanted to know for next year. 
Next year. A bittersweet thought. How many of you would even still be there to see it? You minutely shook away the distressing notion and just in time, too. 
The corners of his mouth slowly lifted into the smallest yet most genuine smile you’d ever seen him wear. A calloused finger traced over the image of a motorcycle on the shiny Zippo. There was a carton of cigarettes and a small container of lighter fluid as well but the lighter had his complete attention. 
“Now look, mister. I don’t condone your habit but I figure we all need our guilty pleasures now more than—”
“Thank you.” So soft that you barely heard it. 
You melted in an instant into a gentle smile that he didn’t see, hiding behind a fringe of dark hair. “You’re welcome.” You waited him out. He was having a hard time with the entire concept and you may have heard a quiet sniffle but no, you didn’t. 
“Ya gon’,” he cleared his throat and sniffed, “ya gon’ open yers?” You looked down at the bag, seeing him wipe his face on the back of his hand from the corner of your eye. You’d never tell him, though. You’d let him keep that one. 
You were careful with your expression, keeping the excited gleam in your eye as you pulled the top of the bag open. It could be an acorn and you’d adore it because it was Daryl who went through the trouble of finding such a pretty little bag for it. Just for you. 
You dipped two fingers inside, curling them around cold metal, prodding your curiosity. What you began to pull out was a thin, braided chain. It was still a shiny silver. You weren’t even sure what it was made from and it didn’t matter. It would remain around your neck even if your skin turned green. Still, once the entire thing was revealed, it wasn’t the chain that held your focus. 
Your inquisitive gaze lifted to find his cheeks a shade of pink and one hand rubbing at the back of his neck. 
“S’a…well, s’a hex nut.” Your head tilted. “From my bike.”
You stared at him in complete awe, knowing that when he finally looked at you, he was going to panic but you’d settle him once you worked through your own emotions. You carefully placed the chain over the edge of your hand so the nut laid in your palm. It was small with small knicks and dark areas, indicating use. You were so enthralled with it that you didn’t feel the tear escaping down your cheek. 
“Know s’stupid but—” 
His arms shot out to the side when you collided with him, your arms tight around his shoulders and face against his neck. Once the initial surprise had worn off, he wrapped one arm around you and then the other, his cheek against the top of your head. 
“Thank you.” You whispered. “This is the best gift anyone’s ever given me.” When he huffed out a laugh, you sat back and wiped at your face with the tips of your fingers, the necklace he’d made for you still dangling from your hand. “Don’t say a word. I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass. It’s really the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever been given.” Your hand traveled out to rest against his cheek. “And I love it. Will you put it on me?” 
“Um, okay.” 
You beamed at him and held out the chain, spinning around and gathering your hair out of the way. Daryl was hesitant, you could just picture him trying to work through how to get it around your neck without invading your space. You knew it was impossible but you’d let him figure that out on his own. 
Finally you felt him reach over your right shoulder, then your left, to part the two ends and pull them back to fasten against the back of your neck. Your breath hitched when his fingertips lingered against your skin for a moment longer than necessary. 
“There ya go.” 
Your skin felt colder when he pulled away but you didn’t linger on it. You turned to face him, holding the piece out so you could look down at it with a brilliant smile. 
“Thank you.” You said again, twisting the gift back and forth. 
“Yer welcome.” He mumbled. 
Shimmying closer, you laid your head against his leg and looked at the fire, fingertips still brushing against the cool metal hanging from your neck. Above you, he was flipping the lid of the Zippo open and closing it repeatedly, as if it was the first one he’d ever seen. You were admittedly surprised he hadn’t already lit up at least three cigarettes.
“You did replace the nut you took from the bike, right?” You erupted into giggles when he bounced his leg and jostled your head.
It was almost comical to you that Daryl was this tough badass but so shy when it came to even someone as close as you were to him. It was incredibly endearing. Tilting your head back, you smiled up at him. He responded by placing his hand over the entirety of your face, his expression remaining neutral. You still saw the twinkle in his eye when you freed yourself. 
Then your smile disappeared, replaced with a sudden look of bewilderment. The archer noticed immediately, brow drawing in concern. 
You weren’t looking at him though. You were looking past him, at the ceiling. Slowly you sat up straight, tilting your head while holding your gaze steady. Daryl finally followed your line of sight to the area above your heads. 
There, hanging from the wooden rafters, was a branch of what appeared to be fresh mistletoe. A red bow was tied prettily around the stem. 
“Is that—” You began. 
“—mistletoe.” Daryl finished. 
Both your heads lowered, your eyes meeting. You could tell from the way he looked at you that he wasn’t ignorant of the tradition. Your own cheeks had grown warm just as you watched the subtle flush settle over his. 
You should have been questioning the presence of the plant. How it got there. Why it looked new in an otherwise desolate, dusty cabin. 
But those inquiries paled in comparison to the way Daryl’s eyes flitted down to your lips and back up. 
“Be a shame to go against tradition.” You reasoned. 
“Yer the expert.” He gave a single-shouldered shrug. 
With a soft breath past your lips, you sat up on your knees, inching a little closer. Daryl moved toward the edge of the chair, leaning down slightly. You were so close that you could feel his breath against your lips.
“Merry Christmas, Daryl.”
A beat. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
When your lips met, nothing else mattered. 
Not the snow that now fell in gentle flurries. 
Not the motorcycle that now leaned against the wall just outside. 
And certainly not the bare rafters above your heads where nothing was hanging.  
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@thegeorgiahuntsman @livingdeadblondequeen @feral4daryl @deansapplepie @walker-bait-1973 @lazyneonrabbitt @bizquake @littlelovingideas @ririi-3 @ankhmutes @blackvelveteen1339 @sokkasimp101 @lehhos @loganlostitall @callmeyn @she-who-writes-for-multi-fandoms @gutsby @isakyakiisak @in-this-minute @eljaynosine_triphosphate @abbyreedus @wifeof-barnes @bigbaldheadname @bananafire11 @graciepies @georgiadixon @esgoraths @hutchersonsgurl @she-could-never @Kenzimae67 @nessa-mayfield @ilovedilfs4eversthings @KatelynAngel @richardsamboramylove55 @m0ss-g0blin @annhells @abi67sblog @nessieart @imgeorgeclooney @brinteylovesaliens @eduardast4rgirl @ass-butt-themusical @daryldixmedown @willowaftxn83-87 @ashtonbabe @atyourmomshouse01 @dixonzzgirl @unhingedbiatch @bultamer @lumimon47
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
Hey guys so I’m thinking of starting a small series on here instead of doing the one shots. This series will have chapters I’m not sure how many but it’s not gonna be book long (literally nowhere near) but I will make it worth reading.
I just felt like I wanted to switch it up a little bit and see how it goes. Let me know what you think of this idea!
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
I just Hit 100 followers on here Thankyou so much! This means a lot because tumblr is a new-ish platform to me so growing on here is more difficult then other apps I’m used to.
Love you all x
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
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You and Daryl had been in the dating game for 4 months and it was safe to say it was going well. You enjoyed your time with Daryl even more ever since you decided to push your relationship to the next level. However, recently you seemed to notice something different about him. Considering the fact that you two we’re together he didn’t half disappear on spontaneous runs and be gone for days on end.
You tried to convince yourself it was normal and that this had been happening before you two became close. It didn’t work you still felt that funny feeling in your stomach every time he returned. It would take a while for Daryl to become comfortable with you again after one of his trips. He would sleep on the couch for a week or two and barely speak to you until one day he’d go back to normal as if none of it happened.
You decided to turn a blind eye, scared that if you confronted him about it that he would shut down and distance himself further away from you.
That time had come again where he was packing his bag in the kitchen and not saying a word. After months of this happening you started to feel frustrated, the relationship felt very one sided and you needed to tell him how you felt.
He zipped his bag closed and picking it up he went to leave.
“Not so fast.” You said loudly.
He spun on his heel almost stumbling over at your strong, confident sentence. He shifted uncomfortably under your gaze and started fidgeting with a strap on his bag.
You rested one hand on the counter and one on your hip.
“You gonna tell me where you’re going this time? Or maybe where you’ve been going all these months?”. His eyes widened and his mouth opened to speak but no words came out. You jerked your head gesturing for him to speak.
“Just out fer supplies.” He mumbled.
You snarked at his very lame excuse and shook your head in disbelief.
All of a sudden Daryl found the floor very interesting and it was as if his eyes were glued to the ground.
You scoffed to yourself.
“You know what? Who am I to pry? I’ll see you…whenever I see you next.” You said enthusiastically but sarcastically, suggesting you didn’t know when you were going to see him again.
He slowly turned back around and walked away and soon enough hours had passed after his leave and you were left alone in the house again.
You had cried a river of tears throwing ideas about in your head. Was it something you had done? All the way to. Had he found someone new?
No. You wouldn’t blame yourself for his unexplainable actions. Swiftly, you got to your feet and grabbed some of your belongings.
After shoving it all into a bag, you quickly put on your boots and lazily knotted the laces. Without a second thought, you strode out the door letting it slam behind you.
You swung your bag over your shoulders as you sneaked out the gap in the wall, leaving the commonwealth behind for a couple of hours maybe even days. Who knew? Not you.
Night had fell upon you leaving you using your only useful senses to track down the archer. His dense footprints you had no sight of since the sky had been consumed by darkness.
A crunch of a tree branch snapped you out of your focused manner and you spun around immediately with your weapon in hand. You cautiously scanned the area for any threats.
The place of a firm hand on your shoulder made you do a full 360 as you attacked the stranger behind you. You were quickly stopped in your tracks with an arm secured around your neck.
“Watch it tiger.” That familiar voice invaded your head once again and drove you crazy. You had forgotten what you had intentionally came for and had gotten easily distracted.
You didn’t bother to try and get out of his grip you knew his touch all too well and it wouldn’t be mistaken.
He let go and turned you around holding you by your shoulders.
“Why are ya out here?” he asked suspiciously.
You huffed and dug your boot into the ground kicking some gravel around with your toe.
“I wanted to see what was so special about it. You know because you’re always out here.”
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging it with the tips of his fingers.
Suddenly he had you pinned against a tree, the bark digging into your shoulder blades causing you to groan and squirm. He hummed in your ear getting hard at the sound of your moans. Holding your two arms up above your head, he used his free hand to trace the outline of your curves. He went up and down your torso all the way to your hips going slower each time. It made you tense every time his fingers lingered at your waist.
“yer wanna know why I’ve been pushing myself further away from ya?” He whispered close to your ear.
You nodded your head squeezing your eyes shut as he continued to feel your body with his big calloused and rough hands.
“It’s because ya keep me up at nigh’. Can’t be in the same bed as ya without touchin’ ya.”
His words made you freeze in your spot. For a minute the world stopped, you could hear your shaky breaths and your heart beating through your chest. He placed his hand on your heart.
“This is how ya make me feel. Can’t keep m’self composed when yer around.”
Before he could say anything else you pulled his face to yours and you crashed your lips against his. You ripped off his flannel shirt and he pulled off yours chucking it on the floor.
Your bra quickly landed on the ground and you had both entangled yourselves into one hot steamy mess. There was no time to waste. You had both longed for this moment and there was no stopping the two of you. His hands roamed all over your body like an explorer in a jungle.
His mouth attacked your nipples, sucking and biting, swirling his tongue around them. You grabbed a hand full of his hair and guided his head following the circular shape of your breast as he played with it inside his mouth. As he let go, a long thick stretch of saliva still travelled its way between his lips and your nipple.
A loud pop escaped his lips as he stopped sucking on your nipple like a baby with its dummy. Slowly he got down on to his knees leaning back on his heels. He admired every part of you, head to toe. He shuffled closer to you and ran his hand along the back of your right thigh. He lifted it and placed it over his shoulder, placing kisses along the inside from the bottom to the top.
He paused and stopped at your already throbbing cunt which was concealed by the denim shorts you were wearing. He quickly undid the button and pulled down the zip revealing you not wearing any panties.
“Ma dirty girl.” He growled against your skin, his voice acting as your own personal vibrator.
Pulling down your shorts, he gripped your thighs tight which now had your leakage dripping down them. He used his tongue to clean up the mess on your legs humming at the taste of you. You groaned at the feeling of his wet tongue against your skin making you all hot and bothered. He teased you placing kisses just out side of your lips before actually running his tongue along your clit.
That was it. Just him even slightly wetting your folds with his tongue sent you into a frenzy. Your eyesight went blurry and all you could see was doubles of everything. You didn’t care where you were as long as you could feel him.
Soon he started pushing his tongue in and out of you making you gasp and let out sounds you never knew you could make. He gripped you tighter digging his fingernails into your skin like a wild animal claiming it’s prey. He was a lone wolf after all.
The feeling of pain was overridden with pleasure as your head was racing and you were filled with nothing but pure ecstasy.
As much as you enjoyed Daryl fucking you senseless, you craved the tender feeling of him making you feel good, not just in pleasure but in appreciation. He wanted you to know he was yours and yours only and he loved you for who you were.
Well hello there! This took a turn into a totally different direction to what I originally planned…but who’s complaining?? (Not me). I’m very VERY proud of this and I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you all enjoy reading it. I don’t know if I’d count this as a comeback because I wasn’t even gone that long but if it was it would definitely be a strong one.
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
I Need more where they are both werewolves 🙏
The softer the skin the sharper the teeth.
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Requested: Fic request: WereDaryl and Glen find a she wolf (in human form) out and talk to her about coming to the prison. She and Daryl are mates
🐺 🐺 🐺
A freshly skinned and eaten deer carcass let the two men know this house had recent visitors.
"Fuck.." Glenn's voice dragged on as he slumped through the hallway back where the archer who accompanied him was fishing some painkillers out of the deepest end of a cabinet.
"Whatcha whinin' about this time? Forget ta give yer wife a goodbye kiss?" Daryl's face held a teasing grin as he stood up and showed off his finds.
"Nope. But now I'm seriously confused because there's a neatly taken apart deer in the kitchen, but also still unfound painkillers here?"
Daryl stalked past his companion and into the kitchen, inspecting the leftovers noticing none of it had even slightly dried out and the person who carved it couldn't be far away. "Ya check the area, Imma head upstairs."
Your hiding space upstairs was probably the worst idea you ever had. Hidden away in the bathtub, praying the wolf downstairs wouldn't sniff you out. There were two people on your trail. One was human, it was faintly there underneath a heavy cloak of the dead. The only reason you knew these weren't dead was because you heard them talking.
Now, the other one was the one you were terrified of. You praised your late father for teaching you to hide your scent and appear human to even the most skilled of hunters.
The wolf that stalked around the lower floor had no intention of hiding his identity. If there was any other creature around they were gonna know what he was which meant he was strong. Weaklings hid while the strong ones paraded around their might.
And in all honesty it was working for him. His scent was ...Oh no, no no not gonna get attracted to the first male wolf you met since the world went to shit.
You kept yourself hidden for as long as possible, which wasn't long at all as the shower curtain was torn down and the creature revealed itself.
You raised your hands in defeat but couldn't help to give him a once over from the gorgeous blue eyes behind messy brown locks to the dirt covered muscles and the crossbow currently pointed at your head.
"I travel alone. I don't want trouble."
Luckily Daryl didn't want trouble either.
He also knew you weren't lying. There was no scent of any other people on you, he made sure to double check. And then triple check, and one more time for good measure. He couldn't help it, you smelled so damn good.
“Can take ya home with us.” The words came without a second thought, same with you accepting his offer.
When Glenn came back from his quick area check he was shocked to see Daryl with a random woman, seeming to be friendlier that he had been with anyone in a long while. He found it strange, but was happy to see the other survivor they stumbled upon wasn’t a threat.
“She coming with us?” Glenn asked question after question before a round of introductions was done and you all went on your way back to the prison.
After you went through your introduction again with the leader of the group and then a couple more times with other people who came to say hi to you.
“Daryl,” carol came up to the archer when he returned from checking the fence. “Why did you bring the girl here?” She glanced at the prison entrance where you were getting rid of piled up walkers.
Daryl gave her a look like he had no clue what she was talking about, looking your way as he talked.
"Wouldn't ya have taken her in? Was all alone 'n Glenn agreed." He turned his attention back to his best friend who was way too nosey for her own good. "Why're ya askin' anyways? She do somethin'?"
Carol only laughed at the horrible way Daryl was hiding his truths.
"Oh, Pookie.." She placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort. "If you were showing your tail it'd be wagging like a little puppy staring at a plate of ribs."
Daryl scoffed and looked down, the skin of his thumb chewed to shreds already. "She also turned down my cookies, saying she's allergic to chocolate and I'm pretty sure I saw her snack on raw leftover meat yesterday." Her smirk was clearly one of having caught her friend's true intentions. "Sounds pretty familiar, huh doggie?"
Daryl only answered in grumbles as Carol smacked his arm. "You have a crush on her. You found a lady wolf and you're head over heels but too scared to admit it." Her voice went quiet at the last bit, not wanting to draw attention to Daryl's love struggles.
Daryl just kept quiet, letting her words sink in and weigh his options. He had to be honest and admit he had no idea why his wolf tried to tear out of his skin every time he got close to her, howling like crazy and making it barely possible to focus on anything.
"Want me to talk to her? I might be able to carefully let her know we're all okay with non-humans." Truly she was curious about what you thought about Daryl.
Before Daryl could even think up an answer Carol had decided to go relieve Maggie of corpse duty and have a chat with you. "I'll report back later, see ya Pookie." She winked at him on her way down the field as Daryl could only stand and watch, knowing not even he could change her mind.
"Hey Maggie!" Carol's voice reached the girls easily. "Hershel was looking for you, I'll take over so you can go see what he needs."
Maggie thanked her for coming to fetch her and said waved you goodbye as she walked off and Carol took her place.
"You lie." A simple statement made it clear you weren't in the mood. "I heard you and Daryl talk. And it's not what you think it is. He doesn't have a crush on me." You hauled another corpse onto the burn pile as you went on with your talk as Carol was only getting more confused now. "I went with him because we're supposed to be together. I thought that's why he asked me to come here but he hasn't made a move yet so I kept my distance as well.” There was a clear sadness in your eyes now as you looked back up at Carol. “I guess his family never taught him the signs of meeting your mate..” carol knew that word, maybe not entirely in the right context, but she got the general idea.
“Sweetie, Daryl knows nothing about relationships, human or werewolf. He got bitten and didn’t have anyone to teach him anything.”
This time it was your turn to be confused. Daryl was a bitten wolf? You were always under the assumption they were weaker and lesser than born, pureblood werewolves like you but then again, you had never met one before since your parents were very strict about who they let into their pack.
A laugh left your lips once you realized you had been an idiot all this time. Your mate who you were so desperately waiting for to make a move, didn’t even know he was supposed to. All those nights of your wolf making you dream up these scenes of you finally presenting yourself to him so you could be be mated properly.
“Well, why don’t you do that then, if Daryl doesn’t know how to make the first move.” Her voice made you quite literally jump up in surprise. Did you say all of that out loud? “Did I say all of that out loud?” Carol nodded and you begged for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. Your face turning beet red as you stammered out a response. “I.. It’s not something you do when others are around..” Fidgeting with the handle of your knife you still couldn’t believe you mentioned that to a human. “It’s.. Intimate. Something for after you’ve, I don’t know the human terms. We meet, learn we are mates and then after properly introducing our packs we …mate.” You look at her, hoping you made at least some kind of sense. “So when you say you mate, you mean you two have sex, right? As the last bit of your relationship ritual?” A bright smile makes its way onto your face and you nod, letting her know she got it right.
“Is Daryl still around? You can smell him if he is, right?” You nodded again, pointing towards the closest wall that surrounded the outside kitchen area. “He’s probably trying to listen in on us. Why?” Carol was one with plans for everything. On the spot she’d come up with solutions or tryouts for any issue you found yourself having. She just smiled and turned around before taking a deep breath and called out for the archer to come over, stating she needed help with heavy lifting.
Reluctantly Daryl made his way over to the two women at the far end of the field. “Ya don’t need help, so what’s it?” He looked between the two of you.
“I’m sorry for staying away from you and making you think I disliked you.. I really didn’t mean to.” Daryl didn’t understand where the current confession came from, but Carol must have set you up to this. “I really want to talk in private, if that’s okay with you.”
A hesitant nod came before he responded with a soft ‘yeah’.
Carol took this as her cue to leave and make sure no one would bother you here at the fence for a while. “Go talk, lovebirds.”
“Do you know what mates are, Daryl?” You sounded so childish and you hated it, feeling like you had to teach the pups in your pack about the whole ordeal, but instead of pups it was your adult mate who never learned from another wolf. “S’what mah head’s been howlin’ at me every time yer near me. Makes me wanna claim ya.”
You cover your mouth as a laugh spills from your lips before you get a chance to stop it, but nodding as well. “Yeah okay that’s a healthy response.” You took a step closer to him and took his hand, looking him in the eyes. “I want you to.. Claim me, as you say.” You bit your lip and blushed like a little girl, feeling so weird to be making the first move. You noticed him sniffing around as soon as you had stepped closer to him and found the action to be adorable. He was absolutely clueless to a point where you had to spell everything out for him. Yes he was an almost perfect hunter and possibly the most terrifying werewolf you’d ever met in terms of strength and might, but he knew nothing about the rest of his instincts. “Can’t get enough of my scent, huh?” Your soft voice sent shivers down his spine. Your hand reached up to pull his face into the crook of your neck. He took a long whiff and growled against your skin. “Why?” He asked against your skin as he kept his face buried in your neck.
“Because it’s how we find our mates. You know,” You pull away from him to look him in the eyes once again. “Our partners for life. The ones we have puppies with?”
He could only blink down at you. How had you so casually spoken the one thing out loud that had been haunting his filthiest dreams ever since he found you.
Your mouth hung open in awe as you realized what his frozen response implied. It also didn’t help he suddenly reeked of arousal at your last words.
“I’ll teach you all there is to know about being mates, yeah? Puppies is the last step. Giving me a kiss right now is the first.” You leaned back up as you talked sweetly at him.
“Ya really want this? With me?” The insecurity in his voice was so sad to you, you had to resist the urge to jump his bones right there. You were going to take this slow so he could learn and one day teach his sons how to properly court a lady.
“I want this with you, Daryl. Only you. No one else.” You nudged his cheek with your nose, returning his sweet gesture of taking in his scent and growling softly before pressing your lips against his jaw.
A smile pulled at his lips and he pulled you flush against him so he could kiss you properly, his wolf howling in celebration as yours did the same now that your mate was finally yours.
He may still had to learn a lot, but you were willing to teach him everything you knew.
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
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You were covered head to toe in walker blood after your run into the abandoned town a few miles from Alexandria. Your feet felt like they were about to fall off after repeatedly hitting the ground over and over again, until you stood outside the gates of your new found home. A big tired sigh escaped your throat after you lazily walked through.
As you entered the gates you saw people in every direction working hard to rebuild the walls of Alexandria after the whisperers’ vicious attack. You scanned the area until your gaze landed on the brunette archer who soon started walking over to you with a goofy smile on his face.
“Yer back.” He drawled sounding relieved. He embraced you into a warm hug caressing your back for a few moments before releasing you. You chuckled at his droopy smile and he grinned at you even more before grabbing your hand and walking you to the wagon he had been filling up with supplies for the next run.
“So soon?” You asked a bit disappointed.
He pressed his lips together firmly giving you a knowing look. You scrunched your nose not wanting to go back into the cold forest and having to trudge through the thick snow.
“it’s only for ‘few days, we’ll be back sooner than ya think.” He grumbled.
You nodded and gave him a faint smile. Holding his hands you realised how cold he was and only just noticed how much he was shivering. His nose was stained red along with his rosy cheeks and his skin was pale. You started rubbing your hands over his to try and warm him up. It was no use he was as cold as an icicle.
He sat down on a wooden fence huffing and kicking his feet at the ground before splaying out his legs like a petulant child. You stepped between his legs and started pulling out flakes of snow in his hair and flicking them on the ground. You looked at him as he lifted his head to look up at you with those bright blue eyes admiring you and yours right back at him.
The tips of his ears had turned red, you covered them with your hands cupping his head whilst stroking his hair with your thumbs. His hands traveled to the back of your thighs and he stroked them lovingly. Another huff escaped his throat and he dropped his head against your stomach humming to himself at the warmth coming from your body.
You started rubbing the tips of his ears between your fingers and massaging them warming them back up to circulate his blood flow. He nuzzled his head further into you rubbing himself against you like a cat he began purring. You let your fingers wonder to the top of his head giving him head scratches. He practically melted at your touch and that sent butterflies swarming in your stomach.
“I love ya.” He mumbled.
Hiii I’m sorry I haven’t been writing anymore requests I’ve just felt unmotivated to write them at the moment (I was barely able to write this) and I don’t know if I will write them to be completely honest I’ve just been lurking on here reading other fics and stuff but still feel free to send requests
Also I thought this was a cute idea I don’t feel I executed it very well I feel someone else could’ve done way better 😭
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
Just to clarify I do know how to spell Daryls last name and I know it’s Dixon not Dixion.
don’t know how long I’ve been using those hashtags with the wrong spellings but that will immediately change.
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
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Nightfall was the planned time to meet him. You would bang three times on the fence and he would know It was you.
6 weeks you had survived without your loyal and loving companion by your side. The sleepless nights and the empty side of the bed haunted you like a ghost. The room was much colder now and felt no where near as comfortable without the blue-eyed archer softly snoring next to you.
Oh how you missed the warmth of his body snuggled up against yours.
Everybody in Alexandria had lost hope. But there was something inside of you telling you that he was still living and breathing. Still going strong just like you knew he could.
This small spark of hope gave you the grand idea of making a trade with the sanctuary. Fairly simple yet such a big sacrifice. You decided you would switch roles with Daryl. You would become one of many of Negan’s wives, and Daryl would be granted his freedom. He’d return living in Alexandria with the group.
The plan was brilliant. You would keep it from everyone and have them think you died or got lost out on a run. They’d look for you and eventually give up hope.
Just like they did for Daryl.
You were mad towards them at how easily they gave up on him. You didn’t care how much they were struggling because they had no idea what Daryl must be going through.
And it made you more upset that Daryl wouldn’t be surprised, knowing he was used to such poor treatment.
You didn’t even want to begin to imagine how Negan was torturing him right this second.
That set you off. You’d been waiting long enough and decided to get there early. You snuck underneath one of the broken walls that hadn’t been fixed. Successfully you went unnoticed.
3 hours later you were outside the gates of the Sanctuary. The nerves crashed down on you like a ton of bricks nearly making your legs buckle underneath you, but you managed to compose yourself.
Immediately the intimidating gates opened for your entry. Hesitantly you began walking up the path leading to the main building. Soon enough two armed saviours appeared either side of you, eyeing you up and down inspecting every inch of you. Their prolonged stare made your skin feel like it was burning but gave you goosebumps at the same time.
“Leave her.” A rough voice demanded.
Simon appeared from behind a large container holding onto his belt like his life depended on it. He started to chuckle.
“Didn’t think you’d have the balls to go through with this…especially arriving extra early.” He looked around at the saviours who had suddenly appeared all around you.
“Right?”. He asked nodding at a few of them whilst still laughing.
All the saviours joined him in a Mexican wave of laughs.
“Well then! Let’s go meet the man.” He said as he started to walk to the front doors of the building.
Once again two armed saviours accompanied you, one on each side.
Simon had guided you through almost all of the sanctuary and it felt like hours until you got to the point of your arrival.
Simon banged on the door of Negan’s office.
“Come in.” A voice from the other side of the door ordered.
The door swung open and you were practically thrown into the room by both of the saviours beside you.
“Guys guys guys. No need to be so harsh! She is doing us a favour after all.” He teased as he grinned at you.
That disgusting smile sent shivers down your spine every time and he knew it. Simon pulled out the chair in front of you as the gentleman he was. “Please take a seat.” Negan offered.
It was a short conversation with Negan about the deal and it was put into action straight away. Daryl was taken from his cell and was granted his freedom, left to venture out on his own.
You were walking through the sanctuary when you froze in your spot.
You didn’t expect to see him so soon. He was battered and bruised. His frame shook as he walked, with his shoulders shrugged and his head pointed down at the floor. A hoarse sob escaped your throat and his head flew your way.
Without hesitation he ran towards you and threw his arms around you holding on for dear life. He soon let go and grabbed your hand “cmon let’s go.” He whispered. You stood your ground and refused to move. something you were dreading.
“No Daryl.” You shook your head as tears started to form in your eyes.
He stood there confused and his eyes narrowed as if he was angry. He walked back over to you and grabbed your hands caressing your knuckles softly. “You’re free. Go back to Alexandria they need you.” You whispered.
You didn’t give him time to respond as you crashed your lips on to his cupping his face in your hands knowing this could be the last time you ever saw him.
Suddenly you heard Negan’s voice not too far away. You quickly pulled away. “Daryl you need to go. Now!” Hesitantly he ran over to one of the many motorcycles firing it up and rode away hopefully back to Alexandria.
And just like that he was gone. The deal was done and you had given yourself up to Negan to do his bidding.
This was requested by: @bizquake
This was hard to write only because I found it difficult to make it flow one scene into another. But other than that I really loved this idea. Its quite angsty and I’m working on being able to write angst stories better.
But Thankyou so much for this request!
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
I have a request!! 🙂
-After Daryl is taken by Negan. Reader goes to Negan to see what it would take to get him released. She takes his place as another wife in exchange for his Daryl’s freedom. She makes Daryl believe she snuck in to help him escape . Once they reach his bike, reader stops. Daryl- “Come on” -“ Reader- “I’m not going with you Daryl… Negan would only let you go if I stayed” 😭 he starts to tear up at her sacrifice. Then kisses her.
This is so interesting! I’m going to start this straight away! Thankyou so much for requesting 💙
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
I’ve decided that I will start doing short stories of other twd characters instead of just Daryl!
So don’t feel like you have to request one about Daryl it can be any twd character you like!
Lots of love 🫶🏻
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
Just a tad embarrassed that only one person has requested a story so far. I hope the fact that i published the only request quite quickly shows you all that I am committed to doing them 🥲.
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
He has such a beautiful genuine smile and it never fails to make me happy. Everytime I see him smile like this I just wanna scream. 🥹🥹
norman reedus doesn't usually smile this big, specially for pictures where he tends to keep a straight face. even though he looks breath taking either way, i find it so cute when he smiles this wide, all natural, no posing 🥺🥺 also, can we talk about how his canines are a bit more pointy?? it might be my favorite detail about him
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i want him to bite me.
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
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The moonlight shining in from your windows awoke you from your ‘5 minute nap’ and you shot up realising how late it had gotten as the sky was now pitch black. You sighed to yourself as you got out of bed and put on some clothes that were tossed aside on the floor.
You heard the bang of the front door swing open which sent you sprinting down the stairs. You came to a halt as you saw Rick and Glenn helping Daryl through the door. You rushed to their aid taking Rick’s place.
“I got him.” You said waving off Glenn and Rick.
They watch by the front door as you haul Daryl into the kitchen and lean him gently against the island. You walk over to the door and usher them out.
“The others could use your help, I’ve got here under control.”
They both nodded and ran for the infirmary where Denise was helping other Alexandrians with their injuries.
Locking the door you make your way back into the kitchen where you had left Daryl. Leaning against the counter he turns his head towards you as you enter the room.
“Everythin’ alrigh’?” He drawls.
You nod your head whilst crossing your arms. “Rick and Glenn have gone over to help they should be fine.” He furrows his brows and gives you a confused look.
“Why aren’t you over there helpin’ em?” He scowls.
“They don’t need my help, I’m busy taking care of you.”
He scoffs. “ ‘m fine I don’t need ya help.”
You roll your eyes as he attempts to walk out of the kitchen. He gets to the bottom of the stairs until he can’t venture any further without you.
“And I’m telling you you’re not.” You say sternly as you walk over to him.
You throw one of his arms over your shoulder and use your free arm the grip the side of his waist. Slowly and carefully you both start walking up the stairs heading for the bedroom.
Kicking open the door with your foot you guide Daryl towards the bed and gently place him sat down on it. He leans against the headboard with his shoulder and his head soon follows.
“Stay here I’ll be back.” You tell him.
You run to the bathroom and fill up a small bucket of warm water mixing it with some soap. Then grabbing a wash cloth you go back to the bedroom where Daryl was still slumped against the bed.
“Move up.” You say pointing to the empty side of the bed.
Daryl moves to the other side just enough for you to perch beside him. You drench the cloth in the bucket of water and ring it out.
You bring the rag to Daryl’s chest and start scrubbing off the dirt and walker blood. A small groan escapes his mouth of the warm feeling of the cloth against his skin.
After wetting and ringing out the cloth a couple times and scrubbing over his body, the stench and horrific sight of walker blood was gone. Daryl looked more relaxed and you could of mistaken he had fell asleep. You returned to the bathroom and poured the dirty water down the toilet and chucked the washcloth into the bath.
You returned from the bathroom with a towel and some clean clothes for Daryl to get changed into.
“why’d ya do all this…for me?” he asked.
You pressed your hand on his and smiled. “I told you I’d take care of you.”
This was requested by: @murdadixon
Hiii, i really enjoyed writing this and I think it’s a cute little scenario where Daryl is shown that he is cared about and that he’s important to people. I hope this is up to expectation!
Please request more in the ‘ask me’ at the top of my page :)
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
Can ppl please upload more Daryl gifs I’m struggling to find ones to match my stories 🥲
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rheasonly1 · 6 months
Hi, love!
Could you do reader cleaning up Daryl after an injury leaves him dirty and bloody? He just doesn’t get why they aren’t helping the other injured instead of paying such attention to him. So lovably dense. 💙
I absolutely love this idea! I will start writing it straight away 💙
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