roastyoualive · 1 month
This guy doesn’t seem so bad, Warren decides. It’s only half because he doesn’t mind the language. Yeah, that’s definitely only a small part of it. 
Hundred percent. 
Warren sighs, letting his back slide down the wall until he was sitting. The floor is even colder. That’s fine. It’s too far down on the list of actual problems to warrant a reaction. He doesn’t have the energy for that. (Doesn’t have much energy at all right now. He’s usually tired, but after escaping the school? He’s exhausted. Yet another reason he was glad to see some competent adults for a change.) 
“Yeah, no kidding.” He says, pushing his hair back with both hands. He’s dealt with his fair share of villains at this point - they all had. And yeah, sometimes those villains wanted to take over the world. 
But it had never worked before. Their plans had all been stupid before. Sure, some had come close, but they never WORKED. 
This one had worked. Somehow, whatever it was, it had worked. And now they were here. And yeah, Leo is right. It wasn’t fair. It was so far removed from fair it was in a different continent altogether. And yes, this is what the real world was about. Warren knew that. He knew it better than any of the kids here - except Ash. They knew. But unfair usually meant not having enough money for food. Unfair meant having to send her sisters off to her dad’s place. It meant knowing they couldn’t rely on anyone but themselves to really get the problems solved. It didn’t mean the end of the world. 
Until it did. It did, and they hadn’t even graduated yet. But the world didn’t care if you had your licence yet. The world didn’t care if you were ready. There was no shallow end. 
It’s yet another reason he’s glad - and if he had to guess, the others were, too - that there were adults here. Especially competent ones. … Even if it was a different kind of ‘competent’ than they were used to. 
Very different. 
But maybe they needed different. He was choosing to ignore how sharp ‘Leo’s teeth were. 
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“Yeah.” He puffs air out from his cheeks and slouches against the wall. “Just remember, we can’t-” He stops, reconsiders. “We shouldn’t hurt most of these people. It’s not like they want to kick the crap out of us.” 
Leopold knows he isn’t helping matters when his response to the juvenile explicative is to giggle softly; a small titter of sound that ends in a snort as he composes himself again. Penny will have words for him based on how she levels a disappointed look his way, mirroring the look she gives her son, but he doubts they will be too severe. It’s not like he encouraged the outburst or laughed outrageously at it, after all.
He flashes a smile at her, contrite and placating, but thankfully he’s too old now to include sticking out his tongue or pulling down an eyelid to tease her like the little brother he is. It would ruin the effect.
“In my experience, the enemy rarely plays fair.” He comments softly, well aware that it’s not going to help make Warren feel better about what’s happening. It wasn’t meant to, is the thing. He’s not about to spare anyone’s feelings, not with the stakes as high as they are; Penny and Barron are probably figuring out how they’re going to address the reality of the situation to the kids, so Leo doesn’t exactly regret doing it himself for Warren.
It’ll save them the effort. 
“You’re used to supervillains. They want attention, accolades… They think it’s a game. Even when they’ve created a doomsday weapon most of them will be unprepared to actually set it off.” 
He sucks his teeth, runs his tongue along points that are far sharper than they were a moment ago, and rocks his head sharply to pop his jaw. It's not time yet, he reminds himself; put those away.
“This one wants to be a threat. They’re not going to play by the unspoken rules you’ve been taught. They’re…” He doesn’t look at Barron. Not even for a second. Leo might not be willing to spare feelings about the situation over all, but he won’t bring Warren’s father into this. It’s not even equivalent, although someone less generous might try to make it sound otherwise. “They want anyone coming for them to be afraid of the consequences. Use your rules against you. They want you feeling hopeless to stop them, like your hands are tied.”
Utterly at odds with everything he just said, König looks directly at the boy and grins with nearly all of his teeth showing; scars through his lips and across his cheek pull the expression unevenly, twisting it into more of a sneer, and if the other children had seen it they would likely think he was getting ready to kill Warren.
“Which means they must play with me now.” He says with concerning levels of enthusiasm.
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roastyoualive · 3 months
hey vote for my cat and i'll love you forever
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roastyoualive · 4 months
hey vote for my cat and i'll love you forever
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roastyoualive · 4 months
Send me a 📁 for a small random headcanon about my muse
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roastyoualive · 4 months
I'm throwing out a starter call so. Drop the heart <3
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roastyoualive · 4 months
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@zoomingupthathill asked: is there a small habit that they do every day?
There are a few of them! One of the first things he does when he wakes up is make his bed. (Or, he tries to. Sometimes depression kicks his ass. But even just pulling the blankets kind of back into place helps.) It’s a habit he made himself keep up. In canon, it’s because his room is small, and he doesn’t want to make more work for his mom. Mess takes up space. Their apartment is tiny, and he has to fit basically all he needs in it - he doesn’t have room to let things pile up. It just won’t fit. And he feels bad leaving chores for his mom. He barely ever sees her, since she’s often working one of two jobs. A lot of the time he only gets an hour with her at most. He doesn’t want that wasted by cleaning. 
There’s also, subconsciously, the fact that his life is a mess that spiralled out of control the day his dad got arrested. He loved his dad and his dad loved him, and once Barron was gone, Warren lost everything. They had to move, his mom had to work around the clock, he lost his friends, and the super community ostracised him. It’s chaos. His room is one small thing he can control. He likes to keep it that way - it helps him feel more secure. 
In other verses, he likes having his room neat for different reasons - ranging from easy to up and leave to force of habit to conditioning - but yeah, he always makes his bed. It helps. 
Another habit he has is that he always checks the fridge door before he leaves the apartment. He usually has a to-do list there (though his chores never really change), and more importantly, sometimes his mom leaves notes there. There are days when those notes are the only communication he gets with her. It’s usually just little things. Notes that she’s going to be home late, what she got for dinner, that she loves him, that she hopes he has a good day at school. Typical mom things, but it means the world to him. 
He also makes sure he has his work uniform in his school bag. He has to go right from school to his job a lot of the time, and it’s easier to just get dropped off from the bus closer to the restaurant than go home and walk. He just needs to make sure he has everything he needs. 
Those are the main three! There are some smaller habits, too. He always double-checks to make sure the apartment is locked whenever he enters or exits the building. Given where he lives, that’s just common sense. He’ll double-check his desk(s) at school before he leaves, just to make sure he didn’t forget anything. He tries to do the same with his things at the restaurant and his book bag before he goes to sleep at night, but sometimes you’re just tired. (He’s tired a lot.) 
But yeah, that’s the big ones!
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roastyoualive · 4 months
Swooping in to say happy Friday! But I'm also here with a small message. Every week I say to practice some health care, and there's good reason for that; Not every day has to count or accomplish something big! Some days are for repairing, resting, mourning- And that's okay. You don't have to perform every day. Some days are for doing nothing. For sleeping all day or being on your phone. Relaxing is ok, allowed and encouraged. Do what you need to do. Relax when you can to be your best self, it's important. You can't fill others' cups when yours is empty as well. I hope you find some time to do things you love with people you love this weekend and upcoming week. I'm cheering for you with all my heart! -- 💜💜 Victoria
"Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from cares which will not withdraw from us." - Maya Angelou
Happy Friday again, lovely! I hope this week has been good to you. How’d the lion dance you went to go? Was it fun? How many lions did they bring out? 
We’re heading into the fundraiser weekend for me. It’s going to be very busy, but I’m looking forward to it. I hope your weekend is just as awesome!!!
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roastyoualive · 4 months
Oh my gosh! It's already the second day in February! To me, it felt like January lasted 2 months. But here you are, one month down and a second month into 2024. Good job! There were some dour moments, but also some sunny ones as well. And for that, I am proud of you. Life is hard, but for 33 days you've been doing your best to live, survive and thrive. And that gives you 333 (We get an extra day this month, how exciting) you will be doing the same. It's a bit daunting, but with support you'll get there. And, guess what? I'm here cheering you on and giving you all sorts of support. As always, I hope you and your family remains healthy, and I hope you have time to practice some self-care that you absolutely deserve! Get yourself a yummy treat, please! - 💜💜 Victoria
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou
Happy Friday, lovely! I’ve had a busy few weeks. It's the Chinese New Year, so my lion dance team has been running all over the city for show after show. I’ve got a fundraiser this weekend we’ve been prepping for for a while - it's a lot of work, but it's for the food bank, so. Worth it! Plus the usual job and training and life stuff… You know how it goes. Busy hands make fast days! 
What about you, anything new and exciting?
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roastyoualive · 4 months
what is their favorite lego set?
what do they tend to look for in thrift / antique shops?
which golden girl are they most like?
what is their favorite exhibit at an aquarium?
what does their breakfast look like?
what gaming console was the first one they ever played?
is there a small habit that they do every day?
what color was their childhood bedroom?
what is their favorite wine / liquor?
what's their guilty pleasure tv show?
have they ever gone to an estate sale? does it weird them out?
what is their favorite scent of candle?
what's their favorite board game?
what good deed have they done today?
how much water do they really drink in a day?
do they collect anything?
how do they take their coffee / tea?
do they take any medications?
how often to they fall asleep on the sofa?
what are they like when they're sick?
did they / do they still play pokemon go?
do they watch the olympics? do they prefer summer or winter?
what do they usually buy in a gift shop?
what clubs / sports were they involved in as a child / teenager?
how often do they do their laundry?
do they listen to music or watch tv more often?
how many pillows do they sleep with?
what holidays do they decorate for?
have they ever tried to write poetry?
do they keep a daily journal / planner?
what's their favorite time of day?
how often do they clean out their fridge?
what hill are they willing to die on?
do they prefer ice cream in a bowl or a cone?
what religion are they? how do they practice?
do they give money to the homeless?
what's their least favorite chore?
they can pick one skill to suddenly have, what is it?
do they watch the superbowl even if they aren't into football?
what does a typical day off work look like for them?
do they actually use their stickers or just collect them?
have they ever done volunteer work?
mun's choice: tell us something about your muse!
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roastyoualive · 4 months
Oh my gosh! It's already the second day in February! To me, it felt like January lasted 2 months. But here you are, one month down and a second month into 2024. Good job! There were some dour moments, but also some sunny ones as well. And for that, I am proud of you. Life is hard, but for 33 days you've been doing your best to live, survive and thrive. And that gives you 333 (We get an extra day this month, how exciting) you will be doing the same. It's a bit daunting, but with support you'll get there. And, guess what? I'm here cheering you on and giving you all sorts of support. As always, I hope you and your family remains healthy, and I hope you have time to practice some self-care that you absolutely deserve! Get yourself a yummy treat, please! - 💜💜 Victoria
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou
GOSH can you believe we’re into the second month of 2024? Time really is moving by faster than we know. I’m still writing the wrong number whenever I jot down the date. Oh well!
How are you handling the new year? Any big plans or ambitions?
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roastyoualive · 4 months
A lot of times, it feels like we don't celebrate our wins until they feel "big" enough. But, really, no matter how "big" or "small" those wins are, they should be acknowledged for the effort you put in to get there. Celebrate yourself today. Be proud of every step you take and every sacrifice you made to get those wins. You worked hard. You don't need to wait until those wins feel "big" enough, and you don't need permission to feel proud of yourself. I'm proud of you. Please remember to take care of yourself with small acts of self-care (Whatever that looks like to you. For me it's taking a nice soak in the bath and some bubble tea!). I'm cheering you on! -- 💜💜 Victoria
"For what it's worth... it's never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of and if you're not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
AAAH I’m getting behind on these ;; I know I’ve said it before, but I LOVE how dedicated you are to this. Yes, it is free to be kind, but this still takes a lot of time and effort. Remember we love and appreciate you too! You’re such an important part of this community and we love you dearly!!!
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roastyoualive · 4 months
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Anonymous asked: what is warren's relationship with zach and ethan like? 
Well, it’s different if you mean his relationship with Zach, or his relationship with Ethan. He reacts to them both differently. They are, after all, very different people. Let’s start with Ethan. I know people say this about Will, but in my opinion, Ethan is the real soft boy of the group. He’s the smallest. He has his moments where he stands up to himself, but there aren’t a lot of them. Zach’s kind of a dweeb too, but he’s taller than Warren. (Warren hates this, by the way.) Ethan isn’t like that. Warren took one look at Ethan in the hall, and his first thought was that the kid was going to get skinned alive. He wasn’t exactly wrong. The more he got to know Ethan, the more he figured that would be the case. Yes, Ethan learns to stand up for himself, sort of, but it takes a while. And even then I imagine it can be difficult to get that kind of confidence all at once. So once Warren is forcibly adopted, he decides he’s going to take care of this kid. He has to. Sky High is cruel and unforgiving and Ethan is going to get ripped to shreds. I don’t think he tries to make it obvious. He doesn’t want people thinking he’s ‘soft’. It’s a perceived thing, but he knows at the same time his image does keep him safe. He’s not stupid. He’s gotta keep that up. It comes in handy. It especially comes in handy for looking after Ethan. 
Beyond his protective streak, I think Warren and Ethan bond over science. This can take people by surprise, but Warren is a nerd. He’s a scholarship kid. He’s always reading. He’s smart. He likes having Ethan around because they can actually talk about chemistry and stuff. 
Beyond that, I don’t have a whole lot to work with. I’ve yet to write with an Ethan, and we were DENIED OUR THREE SEQUELS D I S N E Y, so. I’m fine. Not bitter.
Let’s move on to Zach!
I don’t think Warren is quite as guard dog over Zach. Ethan is the one who keeps hiding behind Warren in the final fight, after all. Plus, like I said, Zach is tall. Taller than Warren. And as I said, Warren doesn't like that. He doesn't like being shorter than people. As much as it does sound like a joke, it makes him feel antsy. It activates his fight or flight. Like I said, Warren uses his image to protect himself. It keeps him safe. People don’t mess with him directly because he’s scary. It’s partly why he’s so different at the Lantern as opposed to how he is at Sky High. He doesn’t have to protect himself at the Lantern. It is very hard to feel scary, intimidating, and safe when he has to look up to talk to Zach. No, he doesn’t have to look up a lot, but still. It bothers him. 
Beyond that, though, he likes Zach. He’s a good kid. A little awkward, sure, but a good kid. He means well. He’s one of the first people to shove food at Warren when Warren isn't eating. What do you mean you aren't hungry? You’re huge and on fire. You have to get your calories, my dude. 
I like to think they share a love of comic books. Warren will read anything, but we see him reading a graphic novel or comic book a few times. He likes that kind of thing. He and Zach bond over that. They go over to Zach’s house to watch the movies sometimes, too, since Warren usually can't afford tickets.
And the three of them play video games together.
Will comes too.
It's boys' night.
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roastyoualive · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Application
Do you like to cuddle?: 
Can we make-out?: 
A night in or dinner out?: 
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: 
Chocolates and roses?: 
What makes you a good Valentine?: 
Would you cook for me?: 
Would you let me cook for you?: 
Where would you take me on a date?:
Who’s paying?: 
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: 
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roastyoualive · 4 months
He sighs, puffing air out his cheeks as he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“I guess.” He shrugs. Everyone changes. He knows he did. More than even he’d be able to admit. … But still. It’s hard to imagine in this situation. He let his weight rock back until he was leaning against the wall. The hallway is empty now, quiet. He liked it like this. It was peaceful. It was safe. It got pretty chaotic in between classes - that wasn’t really his thing. Thank god for spares. For a moment, he looks down the hall. Nobody’s there. It’s quiet. If he’s right, they have about five minutes before the bell rings. He doesn’t feel like going back to class for that. He loves school, he does, he wants to do the most he can. But still, it’s five minutes. He wouldn’t get anything out of that. And he’s tired. It’s been a hell of a week. 
“I still don’t get what you see in them.” He says, shaking his head as he turns back to his locker. But, hey. 
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He couldn’t judge her for being weird.
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---☁︎。⋆。 "We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives." @roastyoualive
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roastyoualive · 5 months
Sometimes you can tell when people are having trouble dealing with issues. But, sometimes, you can't. People deal with it silently and with a mask of smiles and strength. With those people, it's harder to tell and harder to give the love they need. I just want to tell you that you matter. You're so busy surviving; And that's a huge feat! I'm proud of you. This time of year feels hard as much as there's a lot of hope and optimism for how the rest of the year is going to hold. But just know that you always have someone who cares, who is there for you to reach out, who is proud of you. I'm certainly one of those people. And on a happier note; It's time for me to remind you that you're a little rockstar! You deserve to treat yourself to something sweet, some self-care, and to relax! This week is almost over, and I'm cheering you on! -- 💜💜 Victoria
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Friday to you, too, angel! I hope this weekend is going to be great for you! Do you have any plans?
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roastyoualive · 5 months
Last song: Rocket - Def Leppard
Favorite color: Purple <- Same <3 
Currently watching: Been binging Drawfee lately, does that count? We’re also marathoning Brothers of Destruction v. Wyatt Family tonight, so there’s that– 
Last movie/tv show: Raw
Spicy/savory/sweet: Sweet tooth, guilty as charged. But also savory. <- Also same, which is the winner depends on the day. 
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: ‘Best foods to eat when sick’ (my allergies are flaring up lol)
Current obsession: Wrestling, alt fashion, cooking, working out, horror stories, the Illiad, sewing, makeup… That kinda thing. 
TAGGED BY: @havvkinsqueen
TAGGING: if you read this? you're tagged
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roastyoualive · 5 months
imbrandonfarris : google translate makes beef welleington! … sentence starters
“I didn’t do nothing.”
“You don’t want him.”
“Now I know your tricks.”
“Finally, a little more flavor.”
“Gimme at least a heads up!”
“That’s a big puddle of water.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m super excited.”
“Kinda looks like human skin.”
“No, I caught onto that real quick.”
“Did I just make a kitchen swing?”
“Just don’t put your hands on me.”
“No, I don’t care how good your hair is!”
“You’re gonna do great. you might melt.”
“Pretty weird, I don’t suggest going there.”
“Salt bae? More like salt restraining order?”
“I think I spoke 5 commas into that sentence.”
“Do you know how to fix a hole in the ceiling?”
“Alright, that should be… some kind of violation.”
“Do I have to do…? Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“I can’t. Knees. Knees are weak. Arms are heavy…“
“Someone’s at the door, but I have pepper in my hair.”
“I swear, I don’t want to have to explain everything to you.”
“You’re not seeing any of this? You’re not concerned one bit?”
“You’re a little more desperate than I am. I’m doing this for you.”
“Yes, it is. Has been. ever since… you told me to do it. The first time.”
“What did they do back in the 1980′s when they didn’t have utensils?”
“I didn’t gasp for a reason, I just wanted to gasp to get your attention.”
“That’s the least ‘make a fire in my kitchen’ step that we’ve done so far.”
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but this is… also going to hurt.”
“Good, I was hoping that you wouldn’t have any trouble finding the place.”
“I can’t help but notice you didn’t stop me or try to help. What do you have to say for yourself?”
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