roseking03 · 1 year
Chris Mclean x Female Reader
PLOT: CHRIS IS STRESSED AND SICK It's a sunny day so you don't expect any rain. At this time you and him and girlfriend and boyfriend. You wake up right from Chris's bed. You kiss him on the forehead but realise that he's more sweaty than normal. Chris is sleeping and you obvs don't want to disturb his sleep. You look at his nose and it's a rosy red colour you can tell he's got a cold. I mean you could tell by his sneezing, coughing and a runny nose. But you've noticed something he always looks stressed. So you look through his files and he has a debt to pay. You saw a tape and you watched it. CHRIS WAS CRYING! Gosh no! Poor Chris had to go through all this. You go downstairs to get some medicine for him. By the time you get upstairs he's already awake. You check his temperature and it's so hot you could crack an egg on his head and cook it. Y/N: Good morning Chris! Chris: Oh hey Y/N! [sneezes] Y/N: [pours medicine in cup] Here you go. Chris: I don't want it. [whines] Y/N:~Oh Chris~. Chris: Fine I'll take it. Y/N: Are you done? Chris: Yea. Y/N: I'll make you breakfast. Chris: Thanks Y/N. [with a hoarse voice]
You make him pancakes and maple syrup with orange juice. You use to have seizures but not anymore at least you thought so. You collapse onto the floor. When you wake up you see Bridgette. Since she has been trained for first aid. Y/N: Hey Bridgette. [nervously] Bridgette: Hi are you okay? Y/N: Yeah it's just a seizure. Bridgette: Well Chris was worried about you. Bridgette doesn't know about you and Chris. So you nod slightly. Chris: Y/N are you okay? What even happened? Y/N: Well it was just a seizure and yes I'm okay. Chris: I was [ sneezes] so worried about you. You guys go home and you touch Chris on his groin and he says Chris: Not today. Y/N: Aww. Chris softly kisses your lips and makes you feel loved. So you kiss him back. Y/N: Goodnight Chris. Chris: Goodnight sweetheart. You go to bed and sleep. You wake up and hear somebody crying so you go to Chris's office to see that he's crying. Y/N: Chris what wrong you can tell me? Chris: I don't have enough to pay the bills their like $100,000 [crying]. Y/N: It's going to be alright. Plus I have more than that. As soon as you said that Chris automatically stopped crying. Seriously trust me this is why Chris hasn't gotten a girlfriend for a good 17 years now. You give him the money and gosh he is happy. It's the End Now. Bye!
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