ross-powell · 3 years
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Ross raised a brow slightly, looking over at his wife with concern. “Just wondering what the plan was for dinner tonight.” He stated, looking over at her for a moment. “Are you okay, love?”
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Marianne blinked, bringing herself back to the moment and looking up at the person in front of her. How long had they been standing there? “I’m so sorry…. what?” Mari winced, a little embarrassed.
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ross-powell · 3 years
Dahlia and her family had perfected their Christmas routine, and while her mother complained about her being on her phone too much, it was just as normal as any other Christmas. The day after Christmas was much the same, her parents followed their usual routine of going out to another couples house for the night, letting Dahlia have a night to herself to decompress. What she hadn’t expected, was a knock at the door shortly after her parents had gone. Pulling the door open to see Ross, she smiled. “Hey baby.”
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Ross smiled back at her, he couldn't help it. Those dinners every Friday night were slightly torture because he couldn't touch Dahlia or be with her. But it was worth it because he was able to see her. So that counted for something. "Hey, love." He said this, as he made his way inside. Closing the door behind him, before he could even stop himself he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Kissing her softly and deeply before pulling away slightly. “How long do we have until your parents get home?”
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ross-powell · 3 years
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Ross was out doing some thinking because well he had needed to. Things with Dahlia were pretty tense sometimes and he had to keep lying to Marianne and that -A text message. So yeah, Ross was out doing some thinking about everything. When he felt someone step on his toes, that was when he looked up before he grabbed his bag and got up. “It’s okay, Dani. Really.”
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Danielle was wandering around the Christmas market, even though Christmas was over. She liked the atmosphere and it had snowed overnight and everywhere was finally picture perfect like a postcard. She’d text Rachel to check in on her but she figured her friend was better off away from this town. She wandered, thoughtfully looking at a few things and then found herself stepping right onto somebody else’s toes. “Oh my god!” She jumped back lightly, slipping a little in the snow. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t—” By this time she’d looked up and realised that it was Ross.
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ross-powell · 3 years
What if I sent all these pictures I have to your wife.... or your boss? -A
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ross-powell · 3 years
Ross wasn’t exactly able to get away on Christmas so he took the day after as his chance to see Dahlia. He waited for her parents to be gone before he moved up to the door and knocked on it. Waiting for her to answer. Of course he had something for her Christmas but he didn’t just want to show up randomly on Christmas Day plus his wife wouldn’t let him get away. But he had text her as much as he could throughout the day. It wasn’t easy. Today, he had told his wife that he would be gone at work most of the day because he had to get some papers graded. That was the excuse that he told her. Raising his hand again, he knocked on it hoping she was home.
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ross-powell · 3 years
{ text : mr. powell }
Dahlia: So do I still have to keep my texts professional
Dahlia: Or am I allowed to text you about the dirty dream I had about you last night
Ross: Yes but I'll let it slide this one time.
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ross-powell · 4 years
“Sort of.” Dahlia shrugged slightly, keeping her eyes on him. “Well I’m safe, I promise.” She told him, at his admission she chewed her lip. “Really?” She hadn’t known that he hadn’t been with his with. “Are you asking… Because if you are, I would say okay… As long as you aren’t sleeping with anyone else, including her.”
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"Have you slept with him?" Ross looked back at her now, licking his bottom lip. At this point he wasn't sure if he wanted the answer or not. "Yes really." It had been awhile since he had been with his wife. “Yeah, I am asking.” Nodding his head a little bit. “Alright, I can do that. Can you?”
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ross-powell · 4 years
Dahlia nodded slowly, doing her best not to laugh at how jealous he was. “He’s a friend.” She said simply, mostly just trying to get a rise out of him now. “What all he has? Do you think I’m that unsafe?” She asked, tilting her head. “Well I don’t like sharing you, but I have too. Besides, you’ve never asked me not to see other people.”
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"Just like I am?" He questioned as he put his phone away. This was the last thing that he expected for them to be doing. "I don’t think you are but accidents do happen.” There was a small sigh that left his lips. “I can’t remember the last time my wife and I were together intimately.” He admitted. “And if I did ask what would you say?”
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ross-powell · 4 years
“Oh…” Dahlia thought about pulling her arms away, but he had placed his hands on her waist so she didn’t pull away. At lease not until she saw the photo of her and Jeff. “That’s Jeff…” She mumbled, looking up at him. “Why does it matter?”
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"Yeah.." Ross stated, looking at her for a moment before back to his phone. “And who is Jeff? And what is he to you?” He questioned, raising a brow slightly. “Because it matters.” He stated, trying not to get frustrated. “I don’t know who he is and I don’t know what all he has. And I don’t like sharing you.”
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ross-powell · 4 years
Dahlia followed him out, at a respectable distance, just in case someone happened to look at them. Once they were alone she immediately went to put her arms around his neck, her brow furrowing slightly. “Okay… What is it? Is it serious?” She asked, if he was breaking up with her, he really could’ve picked a better time.
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Ross shouldn't be jealous but he was. When he felt her arms around him, he placed his hands onto his waist. "Yeah, it is serious. Maybe." Reaching into his pocket, he took out his phone and found the message. Showing it to her. "Who is that guy? And why are you guys like this?”
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ross-powell · 4 years
Dahlia heard all the gossip about the woman who had interrupted the wedding, but honestly, it didn’t matter that much to her, so she ignored it. At Ross’ comment on boundaries she let out a small laugh, lightly dragging her nails over his lower back before pulling her hand out from under his jacket. She glanced back to the door before nodding. “Of course.”
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It was just funny to Ross that people still do that. Granted it was unexpected but still funny as hell. But still it must have sucked but the brides but the wedding continued to maybe that was a plus or something. He ignored the feeling that she was giving him when he felt her nails going over his lower back. Glancing around again, he left the room. Heading outside with her. Glad that no one was there right then. “We do need to talk about something.”
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ross-powell · 4 years
The most interesting part during the wedding was when that woman had stood up and interrupted it. Now it was time for the reception and he was glad for that. Of course he made some small talk with people. Once he was able to get a moment alone, his eyes started scanning the crowd for Dahlia. But stopped when he felt her hand up the back of his suit jacket. “Boundaries, Ms. Phillips.” He muttered, turning his head to look at her. “Come outside with me?”
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Dahlia felt lucky her parents hadn’t dragged her to the ceremony, instead she only had to attend the reception, which was fine by her. It meant she got to put on a nice dress and go drink, dance, and flirt with Ross as much as she pleased. She spotted him in the crowd as soon as she’d arrived, but she didn’t approach until she saw him standing alone, walking up behind him and casually slipping her hand up the back of his suit jacket. “Well hello professor, fancy seeing you here, are you having a good time?”
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ross-powell · 4 years
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ross-powell · 4 years
[picture - dahlia&jeffrey] Just don't go thinking you're the only one! She's not Danielle. -A
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ross-powell · 4 years
Text || Dahlia
Dahlia: And yet you still asked ;)
Dahlia: You miss me... Really?
Dahlia: Think it's worth the risk?
Ross: Yeah..I did. ;)
Ross: Yeah...I do miss you.
Ross: Truthfully I think it is.
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ross-powell · 4 years
Text || Dahlia
Dahlia: You know them just as well as I do, they will absolutely make me go.
Dahlia: Why do you want me there? When you have your wife there...
Dahlia: It's going to be a lot harder to sneak around when she's there.
Ross: That I do. So I know you'll be there.
Ross: Cause maybe...maybe I miss you.
Ross: I know.
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ross-powell · 4 years
Text || Dahlia
Dahlia: As much as I love a party, I don't really know them. Odds are my parents will make me go though.
Dahlia: Yet you're wondering if I'll be there...
Dahlia: Sounds like you want me there, Mr. Powell.
Ross: They most likely will make you go.
Ross: I am wondering that.
Ross: Maybe..
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