rwbyshenanigans · 6 years
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White Rose Week - 8: Free Day
Playing around with a stain glass window like style. 
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rwbyshenanigans · 6 years
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White Rose Week 2018 - 6: Kids
Baby Ruby and Preschooler Weiss.
Yang invited Weiss over and readied a camera. She was not disappointed~
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rwbyshenanigans · 6 years
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White Rose Week 2018 - 5: Mythological/Fantasy AU
She ran - swift as the wind and fleeting as the furies.
Yet behind her bellowed the accursed hunting horn. A clamor of snapping jaws chased her relentlessly through the undergrowth.
She never believed the stories - the warnings to never go out at night, to never enter the forest carelessly, to always heed the hunting horn and never, ever run.
That she had forgotten. The moment she heard that ethereal crescendo, her feet moved before her mind realized it. The whirling winds and crunching leaves drew their attention and she knew there was no escaping.
Sparing a single glance backward became her undoing.
“Ahh!” She cried out sharply as she bounced off of something hard while she wasn’t looking.
Before she could hit the ground, strong hands caught her. And there she gazed upon the fearsome bony visage. Antlers pierced the blood red hood, no doubt stained from the countless quarries hunted down without mercy.
She never believed in those legends... she certainly did now. She was face to face with the Wild Hunt.
"You shouldn’t have ran,” a bell like voice echoed in the forest. “But I’ve caught you now, little Windsbraut.”
Quick little sketch with Windsbraut Weiss and Wild Hunt Ruby who only chases down those who run. Play nice and she might even invite you to join for a night.
Ran of time so I could only do the basic line work. I thought it would be a hilarious skit if Weiss feared the big bad Wild Hunt only to find out it’s a little girl. Then Weiss decides to take the initiative~
...Though Ruby makes good on Weiss’ namesake and keeps calling her “My Weissbraut”. ;p
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rwbyshenanigans · 6 years
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White Rose Week 2018 - 4: Snuggles
Waking up in a tangle can be troublesome, but Weiss wouldn’t give up that snuggling for anything.
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rwbyshenanigans · 6 years
On RWBY, Jungian Psychology, and Alchemy in Wolf Love
Really boring. Ramblings of a sleep deprived fanfic-writer. Read at your own peril.
Might be spoilers for Wolf Love? Who knows.
Bit of a preface, while I have lightly read through a few articles and interpretations of Carl Jung’s works, I am in no way an expert, and am more like an incompetent, in the field of psychology.
Nevertheless, I found myself looking back at how I set up team RWBY in Wolf Love and how I unconsciously applied Jung’s four stages of alchemy to their personalities and struggles. This was never my intention and yet it seemed interesting so here we are.
Please note that I have no idea if this can be applied to canon or was a part of the conception of the team. These are just my observation on my own writings.
Magnum Opus and the Four Stages
Latin for “Great Work”, the magnum opus is the process but can also be considered the final crystallization of an ideal. In alchemy, this is often the Philosopher’s Stone; in psychology and philosophy, the Self and our place in the cosmos.
To attain this however, one must traverse the four stages. Of note, others have argued there are more or less stages, but we’ll be focusing on Jung’s interpretation. They are ordered as such:
Nigredo -> Albedo -> Citrinitas -> Rubedo
Nigredo, the Blackening
Rot and putrefaction, this is the first step in which everything breaks down into its most basic components, prima materia. The “Shadow” of the self - where the person is unaware of their connection to their unconsciousness, their instincts.
I set up Blake to face the obstacles her ideals will present her. Freedom, equality, respect - all admirable goals. However, how will the Faunus attain them? Breaking down those ideals and comparing them to reality results in a much harsher light as Weiss’ father points out.
Free the Faunus from the Dust mines? No problem. But who will clothe, feed, and employ that many individuals? Are the White Fang or the global Faunus communities ready to receive an enormous influx of refugees? Without a plan, an ideal will always remain just that.
As a secondary, while Blake acknowledges her Faunus heritage, accepting it is another story.
Albedo, the Whitening
After the reduction in nigredo comes the separation in albedo. A purification process and in Jung’s psychology, associated with reflection and the animus and anima.
Of the four, I feel that she is the one who reflects and analyzes the situation the most, providing insight into deeper and more complex issues. 
While almost every character has a duality, Weiss in particular stands as a reflection of her family’s past and current deeds. She has to reconcile that just because she is a part of her family does not mean that she is her family. Furthermore, right does not imply good, nor mercy imply kindness.
Her secondary struggle (though considering how much I like to focus on it...) is a bit more mundane, though equally important: her relationship with Ruby. Her wants and desires sometimes conflict with what she knows her partner needs at the time.
Citrinitas, the Yellowing
With age comes change and wisdom, and in Jungian psychology, this milestone is represented by an older figure, one who has experienced the world.
Yang fills the older sister role to all of them to a degree. Despite her hot-hotheadedness and penchant for punching her problems out of the way, she hides a deeper understanding and sympathy for others.
Sadly, I will admit that I have devoted the least amount of time to developing Yang. She just seems more capable of balancing her own problems and goals in relation to everyone else. Ah well, perhaps I’ll finally get to tackle some deep seated issues later on.
If Blake is the Shadow and Weiss is the Animus, then I would associate Yang with the Persona.
Rubedo, the Reddening
Finally, we come to the end goal, the crystallization of everything. For Jung, the goal is individualization, where the psyche and experiences come together to form the whole.
Of course, I’ve focused primarily on Ruby throughout the whole story and in a sense, I can point to scenes where I think I’ve showcased her progressing through the different stages.
One of the more blatant examples I can think of is manifestation of her other self. I probably could have handled that a bit more subtly.
Still, Ruby was forced to face truths that challenged her assumptions and questioned her beliefs. From each trial, she learned a bit more, not only of the world and others around her, but also of herself and the experiences she gained. Moving forward, she tries to apply those lessons and steadily makes her own choices.
Ultimately, I think it is quite fitting that I’ve set her up to be the end goal, the whole.
My thoughts
While I think this is interesting, does it mean anything? No, most likely not. This might just be me trying to see meaning in something that should be left alone.
If anyone with a higher understanding of psychology in general wants to point out all of my mistakes, please do. My own interpretation might need to be broken down, reflected upon, and recreated anew.
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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Facing each other. Sitting in chairs. Even putting her partner into an arm lock.
For some reason, Ruby kept squirming - infuriatingly wiggling about and making Weiss nearly cut her to the quick. How was she supposed to concentrate on those slender, cute fingers when her silly little puppy was so energetic?
This was the only position Weiss could get Ruby to sit still long enough to trim her nails.
Thank you Cun for the suggestion!
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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“Ruby... explain.” Weiss glared down imperiously while her partner twiddled her fingers like a child caught.
“W-well, I saw you getting a l-l-love letter and...” Her voice trailed off weakly before surging back with emotion. “And what if you had accepted?!”
“Why the heck would I have accepted?!” Weiss cried back just has heatedly.
“Because you’re really cool and could be with anyone you wanted and I don’t know anything about that person but maybe they were really amazing as well and you could see yourself having a better future with-!”
Weiss clamped a hand over Ruby’s mouth to silence her rambling. In a softer and calmer voice, she clarified, “I meant: why would I have accepted when I already have such a wonderful girlfriend?”
Afterwards, Ruby apologized to Weiss and the first year who hadn’t known about the two’s relationship. Happy end~
Credits: Models: whimsicottish Accessories: Love Letter (PivUHT), Crescent Rose (MMD3DCGParts & Spirit-x-Ninja) Backgrounds by: saler1 & amiamy111
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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Chapter 10 of Wolf Snippets
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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If you could take Ruby Rose on a date, how would you go about doing it? Where would you go and what would you do?
-Bakery breakfast. Chocolate milk and croissants and cookies.
-Use the energy to go for a morning run/race. Obviously she wins. She’s delighted.
-Take her to a zoo. Preferably one where there are animals to pet. She’ll want to see puppies so we’ll go to a shelter to pet some puppies and kitties.
-Take her to an amusement park. Roller coasters and lots of fast rides and then burgers and fries and soda for lunch. And more cookies.
-Go to the beach and try to see who can get closest to the water without it touching our toes.
-Look for shells and critters.
-I have prepared a cooler with huge sandwiches and her favorite milk from a carton. Lots of snacks. We eat everything while watching the sunset and then make a fire pit to make smores for dessert with.
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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A Walk Through The Clouds by @hanasaku-shijin
Cute scene deserves a cute little illustration~
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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White Rose presents~
Ruby saved up all year to buy Weiss a gift. It wasn’t very big or impressive, but Weiss loved it all the same. Ruby cared enough to put in the time and effort, purely because she wanted Weiss to be happy. 
Weiss could have bought literally anything for Ruby. Price was negligible to one of her affluence. So she wanted to give Ruby something no amount of money could buy... her affections~
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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Drunk Qrow got run over by a Sleipdeer! Stumblin’ ‘bout Signal Christmas eve You can say those Sleipdeer are not real But as for me and Ruby we believe~
He’s been drinking too much whiskey And dad wanted us home by nine I asked him if I should hail us a taxi But he just waved and slurred we’ll be just fine~ I held Ruby’s hand while we were walking Our sense of dread starting to grow A blur of black just knocked him over! He’s now lying there and twitching in the snow~
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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A cannibalistic Grimm that hunt and forage in small herds. Those too weak to keep up, either through age or injury, are systematically culled and devoured. Their physiology is interesting in that they retain traits of their eaten kin. An ancient Grimm can posses countless limbs and a forest of horns.
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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I hope this is correct.
Thank you InductionMagnet for suggesting this in a review!
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rwbyshenanigans · 7 years
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Chapter 5 of Wolf Snippets
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rwbyshenanigans · 8 years
... You just do some of everything don't you? You're living up to my stereotype of touhou fans (even if I only know you know of touhou due to that one short), by being good at fan works. ~Cloy552
Haha~ The difference between those fans and I is that they do really *really* *really* good work! XD
I just play around, try to learn new things, and have fun~ :)
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rwbyshenanigans · 8 years
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For this Thanksgiving, I decided to try my hand at felting~
I had a bit of trouble getting the bones and tail to take shape and clean lines in general. If anyone has any tips, I’d love to hear them~
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