rynthetyn · 2 months
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PEMDAS is a conspiracy according to far-right idiot and friend of Elon Musk.
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rynthetyn · 2 months
Tumblr Code.
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rynthetyn · 3 months
I wish I didn't know that Fallon Fox actually had a middling career in women's MMA and lost to the only fighter she went up against that had a positive win/loss record.
I wish I didn't know that orbital rim fractures are one of the most common injuries in MMA.
I wish I didn't know that Veronica Ivy's world record was specifically set in the 35-39 age bracket.
I wish I didn't know that her record was beaten three months later by a cis woman.
I wish I didn't know that those two trans girls in Connecticut bombed at regionals, and that the only reason they broke so many records at their school is because the school was severely lagging behind the rest of the state.
I wish I didn't know Lia Thomas' name.
I wish I lived in a world where when my supposed "allies" saw headlines that say "trans woman crushes a woman's skull in mma" that they didn't respond with "okay well maybe the bigots have a point this time".
Maybe, if they didn't always respond that way, I wouldn't have to know half of the things I know about other trans women athletes.
Maybe they would stop seeing women like me as a problem to be solved.
Damn that would be nice.
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rynthetyn · 3 months
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Have you experienced shifts in your identity after transitioning? You may be eligible for a study conducted by a team of LGBTQ researchers.
Participants must meet the following eligibility criteria: 
-aged 16 and older
-living in the United States or Canada
-have ever discontinued a gender transition* or detransitioned
-desiring to detransition but feel unable to take steps
*We define gender transition as social, legal, and/or medical interventions used to affirm a trans/nonbinary identity. People who have desisted are eligible to take the survey.
The survey is available at:  thedarestudy.com
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rynthetyn · 3 months
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Have you experienced shifts in your identity after transitioning? You may be eligible for a study conducted by a team of LGBTQ researchers.
Participants must meet the following eligibility criteria: 
-aged 16 and older
-living in the United States or Canada
-have ever discontinued a gender transition* or detransitioned
-desiring to detransition but feel unable to take steps
*We define gender transition as social, legal, and/or medical interventions used to affirm a trans/nonbinary identity. People who have desisted are eligible to take the survey.
The survey is available at:  thedarestudy.com
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rynthetyn · 3 months
Whatever name you want to call the ideology, Gender Critical/TERF ideology isn't just a slippery slope pipeline to Nazism, it is Nazism.
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rynthetyn · 3 months
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I can't stress enough how much I miss StumbleUpon
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rynthetyn · 3 months
Touchscreens do not belong in cars
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rynthetyn · 1 year
Everyone is busy distancing themselves and their branch of Christianity from Bill Gothard, but there's all kinds of receipts
The Chain of Command
by Bill Gothard, Jr.
Editor’s Note (Bob Jones): For some time now we have been approached from many sources asking whether we agreed with and endorsed the principles set forth in Bill Gothard’s Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts.
We had had no personal contact with Mr. Gothard, nor had we attended one of his Seminars. On one hand, we had heard many favorable things about his ministry. Others had expressed their concern about certain points in Gothard’s philosophy and emphasis. We had reserved judgment and declined to commit ourselves until we had an opportunity to talk to Mr. Gothard and members of his staff.
A few weeks ago we were approached by a mutual friend who said that Mr. Gothard had expressed a desire to have us meet with him, stating that Mr. Gothard was eager to assure that his ministry was in line with sound Scriptural principles.
The president of the University, the friend who had approached us, and I spent several hours at the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts headquarters. We were impressed with the cleanliness and efficiency we found there. Bill Gothard impressed us as a man who loves the Lord and who desires to do the Lord’s will and who has a strong sense of the importance of Scriptural authority and the necessity of obeying Scriptural injunctions in every aspect of life. His staff were courteous and attractive young men and women–the men with their hair at a reasonable length, the women modestly dressed. We had the opportunity to attend one of the staff prayer meetings and saw a dedicated and devoted group of young people.
The chief point of criticism of the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts seems to center around Mr. Gothard’s teaching on the chain of command or authority. He clarified the position with us and expressed eagerness to make his position more clear and easily understood. I suggested at that time that he write an article for Faith for the Family, setting forth his position. I am delighted to publish it herewith. 
An explanation of the basic factors behind the principle of authority taught by the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts. Without doubt, the concept of obedience to authority has prompted more discussion in our age than in any other. There is good reason for this. It strikes at the very core of Satan’s grip on today’s generation. The inability of Christians to conquer secret sins and the resulting practice of every man doing “that which [is] right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25) will always be natural by-products of the failure to understand what is behind the principle of authority.
Obedience to parents –The principle of authority does not teach, as some have supposed, that we are to obey men rather than God. There are in Scripture and there will always be throughout history instances where Christians must suffer for not doing what they are told when what they are told violates the Word of God.
But the tragic reality of our day is that most of those who think they are suffering for Jesus’ sake are actually suffering for their own immature or ungodly attitudes.
I have seen this happen many times. For instance, the parents of one Christian young man rejected Christianity. He became very active in his church and a leader in his youth group. One day he called me to report that his parents had given him an ultimatum: either reject Christianity or move out of their house. He moved out and became something of a hero at church.
He was a little surprised when I asked him if he could arrange a conference between his parents and me. He was even more surprised when his parents eagerly agreed to the conference. When we met I listened for a solid hour as they poured out a documented report of their son’s laziness, ungratefulness, disloyalty, unnecessary indebtedness, unacceptable dating standards, and a host of other faults in character which had nothing to do with suffering for Jesus’ sake.
They further reported that, even though they didn’t accept Christianity, they had been thrilled when their son called them months earlier and asked if he could get back under their authority in every area except denying his faith in Christ. At first they saw such progress that they even suggested he enter full-time Christian work. But then he slipped back into his old ways and excused himself on the basis that he was following the Lord’s leading. It was then that they gave him his ultimatum.
Let’s project this situation three steps further. Suppose that he would get into a Christian school, then get married, and then go into full-time Christian work.
He may get through school without much conflict, since the normal grading system today is based more on academic achievement than on character development. But when he gets married he will have conflicts with his wife, and when he gets into Christian work he will clash with the authority over him as well as with those around him. The very character lessons which he failed to learn from his non-Christian parents will become the same faults in character which will destroy the potential of his marriage and of his Christian work.
But some would still argue that Ephesians 6:1 says, “Obey your parents in the Lord.” To them the phrase “in the Lord” means either that your parents must be Christians or that their counsel must be in harmony with what God has told you. In either case, these interpretations make the teenager the final authority as to what he will or will not do. Such interpretations are neither supported by the Greek nor by the sister verse of Ephesians 6:1, Colossians 3:20–“Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.”
Obedience to authority –The next important question is, “What if someone in authority asks me to do something that I know is contrary to the Word of God?” There are at least six basic questions we must ask ourselves in order to insure that by refusing to do it we will suffer for the Lord’s sake and not for our own sake.
First, have our attitudes been Christ-like toward those in authority? Second, have we conscientiously fulfilled all previous responsibilities assigned to us? Third, have we discerned what our authorities’ basic intentions are? Fourth, have we tried to design a creative alternative which will reach their goal without violating Scripture? Fifth, have we appealed to them in the same spirit as Daniel when he was commanded to eat meat and drink wine (Daniel 1)? Sixth, have we given God time to change their minds?
Only as we wisely respond to these six questions are we ready to discuss the prospects of suffering as presented in such passages as Matthew 10:34-39. Jesus could have forsaken His parents at the age of 12 on the basis of needing to be about His Father’s business. Instead He became subject to His parents until His public ministry began at the age of 30. In so doing, He “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).
Conquering personal sin –On many occasions I have talked with Christians who sincerely wanted to overcome sin but who found that they were powerless to do so. They had prayed, read their Bible, asked God to fill them with the Holy Spirit, dedicated their lives to God, and in many other ways sought deliverance.
The basic reason that many of these Christians were not able to have power over sin was that they had knowingly or unknowingly rejected the authority which God had placed over them. “Rebellion is [like] the sin of witchcraft” (I Samuel 15:23). What is witchcraft and how is rebellion like it? Witchcraft is exposing oneself to the realm and power of Satan’s control. When a Christian rebels against God-ordained authority, it is like getting out from under the “umbrella of God’s protection” and exposing oneself to the destructive powers of Satan (see Proverbs 30:17).
The New Testament writers explain this same situation from the position of grace. Grace is not some static quality which God gives to us. Grace is the dynamic force within us through God’s unmerited favor, which gives us the desire and the power to do God’s will.
God gives grace to the non-Christian to repent of his sin and to be born again by the Spirit of God. “By grace are ye saved” (Ephesians 2:8). He also gives grace to the Christian to gain victory over his sin. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and wordly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world” (Titus 2:11-12).
It is also possible for a person to resist the grace of God. This not only quenches the work of God’s Spirit but opens the way for Satan to do his destructive work described in Hebrews 12:15: “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.”
Paul’s constant prayer for those under his spiritual care was that they would grow in grace. At the same time he stressed the importance of their submitting to proper authority (see Romans 13:1-6 and I Timothy 6:1-6).
The great importance of these two truths is that the second is necessary in order to achieve the first. Both Peter and James emphasize this fact. “Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble” (I Peter 5:5). “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:1, 6-7).
The first and clearest act of pride in history was when Lucifer decided that he no longer wanted to be under God’s authority (see Isaiah 14:13). Instead he wanted to have a voice equal to that of the authority over him. It is quite logical, then, to expect that the cause of his downfall will be the very same area in which he will appear as an angel of light to deceive as many others as possible.
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rynthetyn · 1 year
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Trying the center part since Kids These Days think side parts look old ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://www.instagram.com/p/CoJTAC6tgXu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rynthetyn · 1 year
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New sunglasses from @payneglasses. I kind of want to get the same frames in regular glasses because the orange temples on my everyday frames don't go with everything. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn5tBHtu2kY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rynthetyn · 1 year
I find it absolutely hilarious that after playing the popularised sexy man “James Bond” for what feels like a millennium, Daniel Craig has only now reached tumblr sexy man status by playing a funky southern gay detective with a hubby that bakes sour bread. If this is not the most on brand tumblr thing I don’t know what is
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rynthetyn · 1 year
They definitely all got covid
glass onion was amazing and I wouldn’t change anything about it. BUT I do think it would have been hilarious if there was a post credit scene with all of them getting covid, because of course miles’ gun vax thing doesn’t work.
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rynthetyn · 1 year
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Embroidery stand acquired. Now I can sit outside and live out my Jane Austen fantasies. . . . #RynEmbroiders #EmbroideryJournal2023 #EmbroideryJournal #embroidery https://www.instagram.com/p/CmxNKpBOHCj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rynthetyn · 1 year
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Finished the year. I'm trying to decide whether to stitch all the months in advance, or do each month at the end of the month, and pick the colors based on the high or low temperature for the month (or both, somehow?). . . #RynEmbroiders #EmbroideryJournal2023 #EmbroideryJournal #embroidery https://www.instagram.com/p/CmoDlTtOvvM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rynthetyn · 1 year
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Movie theater selfie. I always forget that I've got these shoes, I need to wear them more often. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIh_5ouSnP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rynthetyn · 2 years
I think it's important to remember, as a rule of thumb, if you take advantage of a social service, it actually makes it easier for other people who need that service to access it. Most of the time, when these services get cut, it's because politicians will look at usage and say "see, no one is really using this thing, we can afford to trim the budget for food stamps by at least half". Whereas if you decide to step up and use these programs, even if you feel like you "don't really need it", at bare minimum it's another data point advocates can use to say "hey, look, people are using this thing, this is an important service we are providing, do not cut our funding".
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