sabrielrec · 5 years
Okay I’m looking for a fic that I lost it’s on ao3 and it’s where Sam and dean are assassins and Adam is in jail and they hire Gabriel and cas to get him out of jail because they’re defense attorneys or something like that? Please tell me you’ve heard of this fic
No, sorry. Maybe one of the followers has? 
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sabrielrec · 6 years
I really like High School Aus. And I was hoping if you know some about Sabriel?
Here’s the tag! 
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sabrielrec · 6 years
im looking for an older fic? its not exactly highschool au but its got destiel and side sabriel who have an age difference. all i remember is that they eat pancakes together and i think pancakes is part of the title :/
doesn’t sound familiar, but maybe one of the followers has heard of it?
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sabrielrec · 6 years
I'm looking for a Sabriel fic. It has Gabriel and him falling in love with Sam's soul repeatedly. One life is Sam as a priestess and he's killed. Another life involves Gabriel as Loki and Sam pretty much lives on the streets and etc. I can't remember the fic title for the life of me so a little help?
No dice from me. Maybe one of the followers?
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sabrielrec · 9 years
Angels on Ice
Author: Aria_Lerendeair
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 45,276
Status: Complete
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester are up-and coming hockey players on the US Olympics team. Gabriel and Castiel Novak are members of the Canadian Figure Skating team. They meet up (and shack up) when they find out someone has been hazing the Winchester boys, in a way more serious way than was appropriate for the Olympics. Oh, and Gabriel is trying to win a gold medal by doing a jump he’d never landed before. He’s also completely lost his passion for skating. Good thing a certain hockey player can help him find it again.
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sabrielrec · 10 years
Hey there! In case you (or your followers) had an interest, we (SPN tagwranglers on AO3) have started a blog at spnwrangling(.)tumblr(.)com. There will be guides, posts about current issues in tagging, as well as posts about the newest tags getting canonized! We also wanted to know if you'd be okay with our listing your blog on our Fic Rec Blogs page?
That'd be awesome! Thank you! 
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sabrielrec · 10 years
The Only One for Me
Author: superpotterlock (fvalconbridge)
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel 
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,158
Status: Complete
Summary: So Gabriel's been acting kind of strange lately, and Sam is determined to get to the bottom of it. He really didn't expect it to be something so... human. Sam just want's Gabriel to be able to see himself as he does, utterly perfect for him in every way.
Prompt: slytherin-queens said: Gabe's kinda insecure about his cute little tummy fat, and sam realize's this and they have a lovely evening starting out with sam worshipping Gabe's pudge and it leads to other things ;)
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sabrielrec · 10 years
Do you know of a story where Sam and Dean are familiars and Sam gets bonded with Gabriel who's a witch and Dean gets bonded with Cas who's a demon?
Haven't read that, sorry. 
In A Bartered Soul, Sam is sold to Gabriel. In Bring It On Home, Sam and Dean are sold to Heaven. All the stuff I know involves Cas and Gabe as angels, so sorry I couldn't help you there. 
I'll let you know if someone thinks of something like that. 
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sabrielrec · 10 years
The Lucky Ones
Author: Winnywriter
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel 
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 42,221
Status: Complete
Summary:  Sam is running away. Running from his past, from his future, from everything that seems to be going wrong in his life. It seems like all he has to look forward to are long stretches of road and desert in front of him. That is until a stranger in a beat up old pickup truck stops on the side of the road and asks him if he needs a ride.
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sabrielrec · 10 years
Nemo titulum istum interpretari scit
Author: Aria_Lerendeair
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel, implied Dean/Cas and Cas/Crowley
Rating: Explicit 
Word Count: 17,994
Status: Complete
Summary: Gabriel is a stripper at one of the hottest nightclubs in the city. So when he meets Sam, hottest dude of his unknown dreams, he has to take advantage of him. Over and over again. Falling for him was never part of the plan...but it happened anyway.
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sabrielrec · 10 years
You wouldn't happen to have any posessive!Sam or posessive!Gabriel fics, would you?
Personally no, although sabrielstories has tags for both.
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sabrielrec · 10 years
Hey um I was wondering if you had some really good fics where Sam's like hurt or something and Gabriel has to fix him up because I really loved Like Glass by entanglednow
Personally, no. You could always check the tag on AO3. Or maybe one of the followers has an idea?
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sabrielrec · 10 years
Hi yes so I read Sweet, Not Salty by OneOddKitteh on AO3 and I really love the ptsd/panic attack/hurt/comfort thing and I was wondering if you had suggestions?
I haven't read that, but here's a couple ideas. Half Unlearned (How to Live) - Dean and Castiel return from Purgatory, but they drag up an unexpected (and seriously broken) guest with them. Sam puts on some (figurative) scrubs and gets to work trying to coax Gabriel back to being civil and healthy. It’s a long road back to normal for Gabriel and Sam nearly gives up on him more than once. But by the end, countless hours and candy bars and one purple beanbag chair later, Sam is glad he chose to help the archangel.
Like Glass - Sam wakes up on the bathroom floor. (Sam is really hurt and Gabriel's trying to heal him).
If anyone else has ideas, let me know! 
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sabrielrec · 11 years
Author: nommunication
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 33,333
Status: Complete
Summary: In the six months after Dick Roman’s explosion into a pile of black goo and Dean and Castiel’s disappearance, Sam has been leading a desperate (and so far unsuccessful) search for a way to bring them both back. What he really needs is help from someone with power and knowledge that he doesn’t have. With a big-ass ritual and a sprinkle of ~I do believe in archangels, I do, I do!~, he manages to bring Gabriel - and by extension, the Norse god Loki - back to the land of the living. His chance to get his brother back may just lie in accessing a pagan side-door to purgatory - though of course, this is Sam Winchester we’re talking about here, and God forbid the universe make anything simple for him…
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sabrielrec · 11 years
The Many Problems of Sam Winchester
Author: trenchcoatsexual
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 9,572
Status: Complete
Summary: The problem with Sam Winchester's life is that there are so many problems and each and every one of those dilemmas can somehow be traced back to, referred to, originated from, or be directly related to his best friend: Gabriel Novak.
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sabrielrec · 11 years
taking things slowly (then rushing ahead)
Author: authocracy
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel
Rating: Explicit 
Word Count: 2,862
Status: Complete
Summary: When he brings the dog, Sam knows it's getting serious.
Original prompt from the kink meme: Gabriel keeps borrowing Sam's clothes. Sam's confused by this, but also incredibly turned on.
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sabrielrec · 11 years
Antimony Heart 
Author: mia6363
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,168
Status: Complete
Summary: The night Gabriel sat down across from him, Sam had been looking for life’s answers in a stained napkin.
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