sammygirlism · 25 days
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sammygirlism · 2 months
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sammygirlism · 2 months
i am not arguing with a man with curly hair. whatever you say babygirl
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sammygirlism · 3 months
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sammygirlism · 3 months
i fucking hate supernatural
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sammygirlism · 3 months
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sammygirlism · 3 months
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Sam & Charlie | 10.11
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sammygirlism · 3 months
save me Josh Hutcherson characters with curly hair, save me
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sammygirlism · 4 months
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mini oneshot (request) - mike schmidt pretends to hate the reality tv shows you (his partner) watch, but one day he catches you watching - and can't help but get himself hooked on the drama (800 words) pairing - mike schmidt (five night's at freddy's) + gn reader tags: just a short lil thing, established relationship, reader lives with mike, you're watching 'love is blind', abby is sleeping!
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
✰ he'd recognise that god damn intro song from anywhere. it bleeds through from the television in his living room into the kitchen where he was attempting to reheat leftovers in the microwave. even the humming from the old, dated machine couldn't block it out.
✰ mike had no idea what the name of the reality show was, just that it was your favourite to watch after a long day. it was cute, how absorbed you'd get into the drama. but mike wasn't into all that shit - he had enough drama in his own life never mind watching other people's misery.
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
notes: thanks for the request anon! this was so silly, cute n fun to write! i had to write it immediately uwu
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
✰ he'd recognise that god damn intro song from anywhere. it bleeds through from the television in his living room into the kitchen where he was attempting to reheat leftovers in the microwave. even the humming from the old, dated machine couldn't block it out.
✰ mike had no idea what the name of the reality show was, just that it was your favourite to watch after a long day. it was cute, how absorbed you'd get into the drama. but mike wasn't into all that shit - he had enough drama in his own life never mind watching other people's misery.
✰ you were cosy on the sofa, wrapped up in your favourite blankets - they were mike's, but you'd pretty much stolen them at this point. your eyes were fixated on the screen. it didn't bother you that mike wasn't interested in 'love is blind', (you'd told him the name at least eight times, but he'd scoff at even the mention of it), you were too engrossed to care.
✰ the show began, introducing each of the excited yet nervous bachelors and bachelorettes. his ears pricked up at the talking, and mike supposed he had time to kill while his food was becoming edible.
✰ poking his head around the corner, his eyes land on the tv over your shoulder. you don't notice. "some of these people are so fuckin' shallow. . ." mike mumbles, half paying attention. you're surprised to hear him, turning your head towards his voice. he's leaning against the wall, eyes on the tv - but they're suddenly on you.
✰ like he's been caught in the act, he huffs and retreats back into the kitchen. it's subtle, but you catch a blush on his cheeks. he's embarrassed. but it wasn't like he was actually watching it. he was just waiting for his food. that was all. the show was dumb. remember?
✰ a few minutes later he's at the kitchen table, leftovers in his bowl, positioning his chair so he can just see the tv from where he's sitting. from the corner of your eye, you notice him - but choose not to point it out, this was a breakthrough. maybe you should get it on camera.
✰ a few of the couples on screen begin to meet - well, blindly, a wall separating the two of them as they begin to chat. love is blind, after all. you're once again gripped by the romance, the excitement, the secret of it all.
✰ mike's food is growing cold, he hasn't touched it since he sat down. "that guy is flirting with her hard but he was also doing that with the last girl," he suddenly pipes up in a disapproving tone, scrunching his nose, "what's his issue?"
✰ your eyes light up and you try not to make it too obvious how excited you are by mike's words. he's watching love is blind with you. like really watching. "they have to find a date, mike." you say, nonchalantly with a shrug of your shoulders, "they sort of have to flirt with everyone until they find the perfect person and then they meet once they've both decided they like one another."
✰ he scoffs, clearly finding this premise stupid. this causes him to withdraw back to his now cold food. but it's fine. you know he's hooked now.
✰ ten minutes pass without another word, and mike is silently behind you now, standing behind the sofa with his arms firmly crossed like a grumpy old man, ready to shake his fist at the news. you'd noticed as soon as he stood up from the dining room but hadn't dared to turn around to catch eyes with mike - knowing full well that he'd act like a deer caught in the headlights and scatter away.
✰ "this guy. . ." he tuts, speaking for the first time in forever. "dave." you correct him. "dave," he repeats, "this. . . dave, he's a complete asshole to natalie." a large grin grows on your lips. once he knows their names it's all over. "i mean," he continues, "he's giving it all to - what's her face, rebecca? and then with natalie he's being a total douchebag." sighing, mike shakes his head, brows furrowed. the look of someone totally in too deep with love is blind.
✰ and yet, he walks back into the kitchen a few moments later, carrying his bowl through and you deflate a little. maybe he wasn't hooked. your disappointed expression aims back at the television. watching in silence.
✰ . . .
✰ "did dave do anything stupid while i was gone?" mike asked, hurrying over with a bowl of popcorn. he practically spills half of it trying to sit down next to you in a hurry, ushering your legs into his lap - his eyes didn't leave the screen. you can't help but smile, really smile, a goofy smile directly at him.
✰ a glance in your direction. "don't." he says firmly, "and if you tell anyone i watched this with you, you're dead." you hold a hand up, "i won't tell a single soul." "good, because i need to see dave get his ass dumped." mike says with smirk, shoving a fistful of popcorn into his mouth.
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sammygirlism · 4 months
I’ll never call myself a sam apologist because he has nothing to apologize for
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sammygirlism · 4 months
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peeta mellark + being that bitch
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sammygirlism · 4 months
You want me to go to college?? The thing that killed Jessica Moore
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sammygirlism · 4 months
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Well I say, jackpot.
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sammygirlism · 4 months
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Here’s some more of Josh being a cutie patootie because why tf not?
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sammygirlism · 4 months
you ever see a boy so cute you just have the urge to peg him
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sammygirlism · 4 months
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Supernatural S2E12 Nightshifter
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sammygirlism · 4 months
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Supernatural S5E14 My Bloody Valentine
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