scarbeau · 2 months
how come you not online as much anymore??? ur art is rlly good btw :))
Honestly, its because i didnt really have an online presence before this account, so i kinda just fell back into that again, and my interests has moved around a lot since stranger things and didnt really feel like continuing to post that.
my art has also very much changed since last time i posted to say the least, if i ever do come back to posting on here/in general (which i doubt will happen anytime soon, sorry) ill either use this account or just make a new one.
Btw thank you for asking! Didnt know people still thought about this account! <33 <:))
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scarbeau · 1 year
First off I just wanted to say really like your art, but i wanted to ask if I could post a drawing i made that is based off of one of yours? I will post it with creds ofc. The drawing fits in with with a scene in the fic I’m writing, but before posting i thought it better to check with you first.
oh absolutely go for it!! course that's fine <:))
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scarbeau · 1 year
Just wanted to say I love your art!
Also what are your thoughts on Elmax? I think they'd look really cute in your art style :)))))
(and also your thoughts on them in general, do you ship them?)
i would love too draw them but i really do not have time for art as if late <:,))
i really really enjoy Elmax, its quite a cute ship and makes sense to me. Its one of those ships where i go "yeah i see it" and enjoy content off it. So my general thoughts are quite positive about it !! :DDD
I do quite like Elmax though so yesyes, also thank you!! <33
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scarbeau · 1 year
Hi! I hope this isn't intrusive or weird but do you think you could expand on your thought process or what you mean about "bad spoons"?? I do that too but I didn't know other people did it as well or that it could be something related to autism so now I'm curious. But please ignore this if you don't feel like answering! Thank you :) Btw your art is super lovely!
The whole "bad spoons" thing in autism stems from sensory issues I belive, as some spoons feels right and others doesn't. It's like, some spoons feel icky and weird to use and others feels right and fine to use? im far from any "expert" on autism and the whole "bad spoons" thing isnt a trait in itself, its the "sensory problems" part of it thats a trait of autism. though from what ive seen its a very common thing within people with autism (or sensory issues specifically) to have "bad spoons" or "good spoons".
Sensory issues isn't just "bad and good" spoons though! So id look into sensory issues if i were you. Sensory problems isn't just autism thing though! people with ADHD experience it too <:))
and thank you!! that's very kind of you <33 again though, im no expert in autism, and i advise you to do some research into it yourself!
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scarbeau · 2 years
Wait genuine question, how old you all think i am?
(I wont judge you on your answer dwdw)
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scarbeau · 2 years
Im making a presentation in my language class about byler “vs” milkvan, im peaking in the byler truthing.
The best part is that my teacher said she was excited for it because she said she liked byler- im winning in the teachers i have.
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scarbeau · 2 years
what are your thoughts on genderqueer mike wheeler? :))
YeSSS!! God i love genderqueer mike, personally my headcanon of him goes either genderqueer or genderfluid, i very much love it yes!!
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scarbeau · 2 years
thoughts on autistic mike wheeler hc?
(and if you like it could you make a sketch related to it sometime?)
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oHHH i love the autistic mike wheeler hc!!!! absolutely !! bad spoons are a real thing and i dislike specific spoons so im projecting with this one but still.
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scarbeau · 2 years
I think someone has been reposting you art.
lovemikew on tiktok.
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHvdjcd/ I think the first two slide are you.
oh yeah im aware, ive gotten a lot of tiktoks with my own art in it with no actual credit but idk, thank you for bringing it to my attention though <:)) <333
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scarbeau · 2 years
First off just wanna thank you for creating art for us, it's like seeing the sun peek through the clouds after a rough day.
Second, I was wondering, what drawing program do you use?
Thank you again. Peace and love my Byler friend, keep being awesome <3
Hello!! that's incredibly kind of you to say <:,))) <333 I use clip studio paint!! Thank you for asking :00
i made a post with a bunch of links to brushes i use a while back, you can probably find it somewhere on here (idk how updated it is atm but it has at least most of the brushes I've used in my drawings on here) <33
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scarbeau · 2 years
I love your art a lot, but please don’t let people make you feel pressured to deliver stuff all the time. You don’t owe it to anyone, if you don’t feel like it or you don’t have the time, you don’t have to post! <3
awh thank you so much <33 i really dont mean to pressure myself to post, but old habits die hard i guess. Ive been quite busy lately due too school + other personal stuff so havent even been able too draw as much as ive wanted sadly, but im in no way pressuring myself currently to post if youre worried about that <:)) <33 just think its maybe nice too let people know im not litterly dead or something like that.
its quite nice of you to say this though thank you <333
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scarbeau · 2 years
You draw El so pretty!! May I ask you draw her form s2? No pressure tho Beau !! 💕
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i absolutely love El in s2 so yes course ill draw her form from then <33 and thank you!!
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scarbeau · 2 years
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soft byler hug :,))
been a little too busy to draw lately which is upsetting, but hoping to draw them more soon </33
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scarbeau · 2 years
since nobody else is willing to ask for what we really want I WILL.
Mate, my first post on this blog is exactly that, byler at the snow ball, if anything id love too draw more of byler at the snowball (if i had the time atm)!!!
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scarbeau · 2 years
Sorry for the extreme lack of art the few days, school hit me like a goddamn brick and idk when ill get the actual time to get around too drawing st stuff other than in the weekends :( i do wanna draw em but i cant seem too have the time tbh :,))
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scarbeau · 2 years
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doodles of mostly mike wheeler (+ Will and El) because hes fun to draw
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scarbeau · 2 years
okay, Pines Twins but El and Will In their places 😗 just a concept…
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this!! its been on my mind quite a lot but yes you're very right, though it really just looks like ive drawn Dipper and Mable tbh and not just will and el dressed as them PFF think that speaks for it self how (visually) alike they are
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