OC x Canon Week, Day 2 - "Flirting Behind The Sheets"
Mundane tasks/"Seriously, I mean it. Thank you."
(with Leonardo from TMNT, 2007 movie)
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<<Seriously, Leo, you don't have to.>>
<<But I want to.>> The turtle replied, carrying the laundry basket and walking ahead of the short blonde toward the washing line outside the cabin. <<And we're used to help whenever we come here, so I'd feel lazy not helping you.>>
<<I could call you a lot of things, but certainly not "lazy", be sure of that. And thank you, anyway, seriously.>>
Leonardo took discreetly a look toward the cabin while they shook the first sheet: April and Casey were out in the near town for grocery shopping, he saw Master Splinter meditating under a tree on the other side and Raph, Donnie and Harper were busy in the garage arguing about the possibility of doing some modifications on the Turtle Van. The only one who's whereabouts he was uncertain was Mikey, but considering last time he saw him his younger brother was carrying with him a folder of the latest "Sandman" comics, so he was pretty sure that he wouldn't be snooping around them.
So, as soon as he got closer to Ginny while they folded the sheet before hanging it, he closed furtherly the space between them. By pressing his lips to hers for the briefest of kisses.
<<Happy to be of assistance.>>
<<Leo!>> She gasped in surprise, instinctively whispering and turning her head toward the wooden house to check if someone had seen them before looking back up at him.
<<What?>> He smirked at seeing her reprimanding expression.
<<Was this an excuse to flirt?>> She questioned him as they secured both ends of the sheet on the line with pegs. Which gave her the chance to grab one of his hands and pull it toward her own lips, her blue eyes glinting with mischief as she placed a kiss on the back of it.
<<Because two can play this game, you know?>>
They did finish hanging the rest of the laundry basket's content, but they also did end up taking longer than it was supposed to.
A little bit of context here: Leonardo and my OC, Ginny, had a long story of mutual pining and pushing each other away before actually ending up together. So, when they finally decide to give a romantic relationship a try, they keep it a secret for a while to test the waters between them.
The problem is that they're the Ross and Rachel of the group, so everyone actually already suspects or is sure that they're together and they just pretend not to know to let them test the waters in peace...
While also being shippers.
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OC x Canon Week, Day 1 - "Did You Just Throw a Pillow at Me?"
Play fighting
(with Zevrain Arainai from "Dragon Age: Origins")
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A pillow hit the right side of Manwë's head, falling then on the desk and on top of her mess of notes and books.
She didn't know how to react at first, so she just stared down at the offending fabric casing and absentmondedly wondered how it ended up on her copy of "Essay on the Possible Uses of Felicidus and Vandal Aria". At least until a pretty pronounced cough made her turn her head toward the right.
Where there was her bed.
And her husband. Her fresh-out-of-the-bath, loving, unfairly attractive and probably rightfully annoyed husband, who was kneeling on the bed with crossed arms and tapping his fingers while waiting for her.
Once upon a time, Manwë would have reacted to that expression on the face of anyone with a profusion of apologies and immediately stopped whatever she was doing to remedy.
Now, though, she went through a Blight, the refounding of the Grey Wardens in Ferelden, a perilous journey to Antiva, several attempted assassinations and a stable and mutually supportive relationship that she was pretty sure was going to last until the end of her days. All things that inevitably and radically change a person.
So the reply that her steely backbone suggested to her was an incredulous:
<<Did you just throw a pillow at me?>>
<<Did you just tell me for the fifth time "just another five minutes and I'm coming to bed"?>> was Zevran's immediate reply, subtly pointing out that, while her research was undoubtedly important, a good night of sleep - and of cuddlying and doing possibly more with the fellow elf who loved and adored her - was similarly so.
Something that Manwë could agree with, really. If Zevran had tried to get her attention in a slightly different way, she would have come to bed in a more amiable way.
But he decided to childishly throw a pillow at her. So, if that was how he wanted to play...
Manwë was in no way a physical strong elf, all her power and capabilities residing in her magic and her brain, but Zevran's eyes still went wide when she charged the bed with the pillow raised high above her head with a battle cry that would have made a berserker proud.
<<Querida, mercy!!!>>
Sooooo, it's OC x Canon Week again and I'm once more trying for it. I can't promise my inspiration will fuel me for all seven days, but last year the attempt was fun, so I decided to give it a shot again.
And who else could I start with if not the couple that I always come back to? Zevran and Manwë are my babies and even though I'm not as fully absorbed in Dragon Age as I used to I still can't fully move past them.
So, they're the opening couple to this year's event: this drabble is set somewhere during the years between the end of Dragon Age 2 and the start of Inquisition, Manwë and Zevran aren't technically married yet but basically consider themselves as such. I didn't really think of a context, I just wanted to write down a bit of a playful scene between them. ^^
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Rise, rise, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE from the ashes like the beautiful phoenix that you are!!!
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Everyone reblog this IMMEDIATELY
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EEEEEEEEEEP, adorable!!!
Plus, your Bonnie girl looks gooood!
Hey, Merm, I saw that your ask box is open and I was wondering... How would Bonnie look like as a yuki-onna or, more generally, a snow spirit?
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I put in a little too much too it, but it was fun nonetheless.
Thanks for the suggestion! 💖
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Mom, live for another century!
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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This blog has been created to try and give more visibility to OCs and their creators - original creation doesn't have the visibility of established fandom characters and it means a lot of difficulty to get one's art out there; this blog thrives to help with that.
All OCs are accepted; original OCs, fandom OCs, anthro or humanoid or creatures or mecha, we welcome them all!
Submissions are open if you want to be shared - just look over the guidelines to know how it goes, send your post to my DMs, and your art will be queued right up.
If you like this initiative, feel free to follow, reblog some OCs, share yours with us, and spread this post to help us reach more people!
Thank you and happy creating ♥
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scarletinkthelibrarian · 10 months
And I love so much how she came out and I'm really happy to have commissioned Loch, thank you very much again!!!
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A character design comm for @scarletinkthelibrarian of their TMNT OC, Ginny!!
Had a lot of fun with this one and was honoured to be able to design her <3
Be sure to check out my pinned post~
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scarletinkthelibrarian · 10 months
I just finished the second season of Good Omens...
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Half of my family is from Calabria and the other half is from Veneto, I grew up in Lombardia and very, very, very confused.
i love it when italians argue about italian. like we don’t even know how our language really works we just roll with it
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...................................... covers her face and screams for a while
..... Now that I got that out.... Awwwwwwww, thank you very much, Birthday Twin! I haven't been able to celebrate at all and this post really lifted me up! (It's just because I'm in the middle of the week and I'm working, no one is neglecting my birthday or anything, it's just that I don't have time! XD) And, as a Leo fan, I think it's pretty obvious that I'm horrifically biased toward him and his romantic rooftop date. ^^ places a kiss on her Leo plushie
Birthday Shenanigans! (Various Turtle x GN!Reader)
Today is June 21st, which means it’s mine and @scarletinkthelibrarian ’s birthday! 🥳
So, why not post a short scenario about what the turtles would do in celebrating their partners birthday!
No TW, just fluff! 😄
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Leo is definitely treating your birthday in the most romantic way possible.
That man is treating you to a candlelit dinner on top of an abandoned building on the farthest side of town where his brothers couldn’t track him down and purposely left his phone at home so Donnie couldn’t track him down so that they could scope the date out.
Leonardo blindfolded you on your way up the fire escape, leading you up with his hands over yours, extending out in front of you, telling you when to step up.
Going up the final ladder pretty much gave the location away that you were on a rooftop, but you kept your mouth shut. You wanted to see what your turtle had in store for you.
Leo pulled the blindfold off of your eyes, revealing the candlelit dinner in front of you.
Lady and the Tramp style, your heart fluttered at the scene before you turned to Leo in awe.
He looked at you, looking for approval.
You threw your arms around his neck and smiled, “You’re the best! I love you so much!”
He returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around your waist and spoke.
“I love you too, now, let’s eat.”
You two ate the meal that Leo had made for you, unlike the spaghetti in L&TT— but it was still amazing!
And after dinner, Leo pulled out a small gift bag, handing it to you with a soft smile on his face.
“ You didn’t have to do that,” you stated softly, taking the bag from him. He only nodded his head towards the bag, signaling for you to open it.
Once you did, you pulled out a box with a necklace inside, on the necklace held a locket with a picture of the two of you on the inside.
“I fall more in love with you everyday, thank you, my love.”
“Happy birthday, my love.”
Walking into the lair, Mikey immediately greeted you with open and welcoming arms.
“Happy birthday, my precious angel!”
Your face brightened up with a smile as your partner hugged you, and you quickly returned the hug.
“Thank you, baby!” You replied, planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Of course, sweetcheeks,” Mikey grinned before releasing you from his grip.
You let go as well, but that didn’t stop the turtle from grabbing your hand and, as if his life depended on it, dragged you towards the kitchen.
Before you could tell him to chill out like before the bottoms of your shoes no longer existed he announced the decorated kitchen to you.
“Tada!” Mikey looked at you with an excited expression, flinging his arms up in the air.
You gazed around at the party decorations that covered the kitchen, streamers, confetti, balloons, you name it, it was there. You also noticed the cake and poorly wrapped gift box on the island, with two plates and two forks.
Looking back at Mikey, who now stared into your soul at you with puppy dog eyes, awaiting your response to what he thought was the BEST surprise ever, you gave him the biggest smile and thanked him.
“I absolutely LOVE it, M-Dawg! Did you decorate it?”
“Yes! I even baked you your favorite cake and I got you something!” Mikey exclaimed, walking over to the island and sitting down, you following behind.
You sat down beside him, watching as he poked candles into the cake to signal how old you were and lit them up, then slid the cake in front of you.
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to my snookie wookie cookie gumdrop! Happy birthday to you!”
Mikey sang before you attempted to blow the candles out. They went out for a second before illuminating again. Blowing them out again, they relit a second them. One more time, and they sparked right back up.
You looked at Mikey with confusion, who busted out laughing, “Gotcha! You got fooled with trick candles!”
“Oh you butthead!” You exclaimed, smacking him on the arm with a smile on your face.
Doing away with the danged candles, you finally got to enjoy the cake with your partner.
Mikey pretty much swallowed his entire piece, and once he saw that you were done with yours, he nonchalantly slid the box over to you.
“Nothing is going to jump out at me, right?” You asked.
“No babe, I swear,” Mikey smiled, genuinely.
“Okay, I’m trusting you,” you replied, ripping the paper off of the box and opening it.
Inside was a stuffed turtle, like you would see at Build-A-Bear. Although, this one was clearly special as it had a makeshift orange mask around it’s face that closely resembled Mikey’s mask. You pulled the stuffed animal out of the box and hugged it before looking at your partner.
“I love it, Mikey!” You exclaimed, placing the stuffed animal to the side before tackling the turtle in a tight hug.
He giggled before returning the hug. “Good! Happy birthday, babylove!”
“Ralphie, where are you taking me?” You asked, being guided by Raph’s larger hands in front of your eyes.
He had covered them at a point of the two of your guy’s trip through the city, and had been pretty silent since.
The sounds of the ocean didn’t help with the fact that you couldn’t see.
“Come on! You’re killing me!” You begged, struggling to walk at this point, feeling Raph guide guide you now with one hand, while he used his other to cover both of your eyes.
“You’ll see.”
“Are you planning to kill me? Is that it?” You asked, earning a small chuckle from him— but yet, still no answer.
“Oh my god, you are,” you stated dramatically.
“Alright now,” Raphael speaks, you can hear the smile on his face.
Eventually, he uncovers your eyes, revealing a hidden cove of sorts alongside the ocean. On the sand lays a blanket, to which Raph gladly guided you over to.
Laying down on the blanket gives the two of you the perfect view of the star written sky above, and you can’t help but feel all of the butterflies in your tummy.
Tonight will forever been etched in your memory.
You laid there, curled up next to the turtle and watched the starry sky above. You were in awe on how he could’ve chosen such a perfect activity— how he knew the sky would be clear and beautiful like this.
“I think I fall more and more in love with you everyday, Ralphie,” you spoke softly, gazing away from the sky above to look at the turtle.
He was running his fingers through your hair, or caressing your skin, and his eyes had never seemed to have left you.
“Yeah, sure,” he spoke, giving you a soft smile, “I love you, too.”
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you before he perked up, sitting up and moving you off of him as he walked towards the back of the cove.
You looked back, confused, at what the turtle was doing.
Whenever he returned, he was holding a gift bag. You rolled your eyes, “You didn’t have to get me anything! This is more than enough just to spend time with you!”
“Uh huh, open it,” he demanded, extending his arm out with the gift bag.
You went quiet and took the gift, pushing the paper aside and pulling out the the present.
It was a framed drawing of you that Raphael had drawn, with his signature below. Beside your figure was an extremely short love message.
My heart is and will always be yours. Raphael.
Your jaw dropped as you gazed over the drawing.
Holy fu—
“Thank you, Raphael, I love it,” you replied, smiling like crazy at the photo before looking at him and giving him a big ole kiss.
“Glad you do. Happy birthday, dear.”
Oh yuh, this turtle is nervous.
In fact, you had asked him if he was okay earlier that day when you had stopped by at the thought of spending that afternoon together in celebration for your birthday. He was sweating buckets, chattering teeth, the whole shabang.
It’s only because it was your first time celebrating your birthday and Donnie INSISTED on planning something for you— to which he did. Yet, he was nervous that you wouldn’t like what he had planned.
You had showed up on time, like you said you would, and he was floored at how good you looked.
“Ready to go, yeah?” You asked, a smile on your face as the turtle nodded.
“Y-Yeah! We don’t want to be late!” Donnie replied as he walked up to you, nervously slipping his hand in with yours and guiding you out of the lair.
You followed, and luckily you were able to make conversation with Donnie that brought him out of his nervous state.
Once the two of you reached your destination, he told you to meet him on the rooftop because it was a tall building.
Making it to the rooftop, Donnie showed you what the surprise was.
Directly below was the concert to your absolute most favorite band of all time, you couldn’t believe you eyes.
“There’s no way,” you mumbled, looking between the concert and Donnie— who looked at you with nervous eyes.
“You’re the best! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” You exclaimed with excitement written all over your face, reaching up and entangling the turtle in a big hug.
He smiled, a sigh of relief escaping his throat as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re welcome, darling,” he replied.
Watching the concert with glee, Donnie would ask questions here and there about a song name or what a song meant, more and less wanting to see you excitedly tell him about the band you love so much.
Then, once it ended and the two of you were back at the lair, he surprised you with a gift.
You looked at it and then back at him, taking it, and opening it front of him.
He played with his hands, anxiety building as he watched you open the gift.
Once you pulled it out and looked at it, examining what it was.
Inside was a carefully crafted wooden music box that Donnie had made himself, patterned with designs of that of a turtle shell. Opening it, on the inside of the lid had a border of the same designs, while the middle had a love note written by Donatello.
I will love you like there’s no tomorrow until I breathe my last.
When winding the music box up, your favorite song from the band you just saw in person plays, and you can’t help but gush over the gift.
“Did you make this?”
“I did.”
“I absolutely adore it, Dondon.”
He blushes at the new nickname.
“Thank you, darling.”
So… If you made it, does that mean that you’re good with your hands?”
“Happy birthday, you dingus.”
“Hey! I had to ask!”
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They are valid and deserve more appreciation
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... at least my favorite turtle was pretty in his own issue. XD
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Soo...today on Discord I learned there is a prequel comic to the 2007 movie.
And this is the art.
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It's so cute!!!
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First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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OC x Canon Week (Day 3) - "Not the right Leo"
Caress of the face / Soulmate AU / "I can't believe it…"
(with Leonardo Hamato from ROTTMNT, with mentions of Leonardo from TMNT 2007)
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It had been a nice night: just her, Leonardo - not her Leo, but this universe's version of Leo - and an empty basketball camp where they played 1 versus 1 because neither of them could sleep.
He may have cheated a bit to go easy on her and she had definitely exploited that to win, before deciding to relent and softly chastise him for that.
It almost felt like back home for a moment: Ginny had to remind herself not to reach up to kiss him.
Thank God for those glaring red stripes.
But now they were sitting on the bleachers, in comfortable silence…
"Do you really have to go back?"
… Until he had asked that question and turned toward her with that look on his face and she felt both like melting with love and freezing up with panic.
This universe's Donatello talked about this: recurring elements in the multiverse, the tendency of certain events or details to repeat themselves across multiple parallel dimensions.
That was the explanation why, even though this clearly wasn't the Earth she came from, there was still a Splinter who adopted four turtles, an April who befriended them, a Donatello who was a genius or a Shredder the Hamato family fought against…
Still, the differences that were there - Raph being the oldest, one Casey who was a girl and one who came from the future… - were enough that Ginny thought that this may as well don't end up happening at all: this Leonardo looking at her with the same tender devotion and longing as her Leonardo.
Was this a recurring event too? A Leonardo Hamato falling in love with a Ginny Truscott? … What about her falling in love as well?
"... Where does this come from, Leonardo?"
He wasn't that much younger than her or her Leo, but the turtle in front of her still looked so boyish in the way he bashfully looked down, his usually arrogant facade falling down as she turned the tables on him.
Yep, she knew of this too well: the difficulty of lowering his walls and being vulnerable. She learned how to open a breach, though, while he had no idea how to defend himself.
"It's just that… damn…"
He curled his legs close to his chest and put his elbows on the knees, partially hiding his face in his arms as his face reddened up like his marks.
Too bad it was his Michelangelo who was a box turtle, Ginny could almost imagine Leonardo retracting in his shell as well.
"... You knew ever since I ended up here that I want to go back to my universe. You all promised to help me with that. We tried to open a portal this afternoon. So, what's up?"
"What's up is that I was happy that we didn't make it work!"
There it was.
Leo always ended his missions: whatever the universe, he never backed down from a challenge and he never went back on his promises, always finishing whatever he started.
And he always blamed himself whenever his emotions put a dent into that.
Like today.
No wonder he couldn't fall asleep.
"Because I… I like you, okay?" the turtle continued, turning his face toward her but still unable to really look at her face.
"Because you're beautiful and kind and love my family and I like that! Because I can't believe that idiot of my other self took more than two years to make a move on you and you can't wait to run back to him and I… I'll never see you again and…!"
It didn't matter that it wasn't her Leonardo.
All that mattered is that he was about to cry and she was there for him, so she reached out for his cheek.
"Hey. It's okay, Leo…"
"... No. No, it's not!"
He held Ginny's hand against his cheek, nuzzling into it as tears started falling down.
"Because I'm so selfish it makes me sick: I know we're not your family, I know I'm not your Leo and I know this isn't your world! I know all of this and yet I still feel like this! Like keeping you here!"
"And yet…"
Her other hand came up to cradle his other cheek, making him look at her.
She had to steel herself because watching him cry always had the power to destroy her, but now he needed her and she was going to be the rock he could lean on.
"And yet you're still trying to help me. And yet you're torturing yourself because you know exactly what is the right thing to do and you're going to do it even if it hurts. Because you're the most brave and generous person I've ever met, no matter the universe, and nothing could ever convince me of the contrary, not even you."
Her thumbs wiped the trails his tears were leaving behind, tracing soothing circles on his cheeks as Ginny tried to pin her conviction inside Leo's mind.
She was aware she could never do it - she still didn't manage back home, no way she was going to succeed with this turtle she had known only for some weeks - but nothing was stopping her from trying.
And maybe she was helping a bit, considering how tension seemed to be leaving him as he leaned into her touch, his hands coming up to hold hers.
"Do you… do you think that, maybe… I could try to look for you? Here, I mean. It… I know she won't be you, but still… Maybe we could make it work here, too?"
"You could, I don't see why not. Just… remember that, okay? She won't be me, just like you are not my Leo. She will be her own person, so… don't look for me inside of her, can you promise me that?"
The blonde didn't expect him to turn one of her hands in his and press a kiss on the back of it and once again she had to keep herself from crying.
"Promise. No trying to turn her into you like some kind of obsessive stalker supervillain."
Okay, he was feeling better enough to make jokes again... But Ginny knew he would take that to heart.
And who knew? Maybe she really was around in this universe too.
And she could definitely see herself falling in love with him again.
She already did, after all.
I keep writing such tender things for this @theocxcanonweek, what does it say about me right now?
A bit of context: my TMNT OC, Ginny Truscott, is in a relationship with 2007!Leonardo, but she ended up in the Rise!Verse due to a portal mishap and she ended up bonding with the Rise turtles and their Leo too developed feelings for her.
I know it isn't exactly a Soulmate AU, but considering how I have a Rise version of Ginny as well it can be said that, technically, in my own TMNT multiverse she and Leo are soulmates (just like Donatello and my other TMNT OC, Harper, are), soooooo... Yeah. ^^'
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OC x Canon Week (Day 2) - "Pretty Green Eyes under the Moonlight"
Dancing / Fantasy AU / "Just one little kiss"
(with John Hancock from Fallout 4)
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"Hey, Captain?"
If anyone asked, Hancock did not just cough out a smoky heart and also did not almost lose the grip on his pipe and let it fall into the waters below while he tried to disperse said smoky heart.
Damn beautiful sorceress and her weirdly light feet!
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't want to spook you!" Scarlet immediately apologized, stopping in her tracks right behind him but still leaning over in concern.
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" the ghoul quickly reassured her and himself, managing somehow to recover his sexy and nonchalant facade before turning toward her, leaning oh-so-casually against the rail.
She really fixed herself up quite well for the shore leave night, the dark blue dress she chose making her pretty green eyes pop from behind her glasses and he knew from back at the tavern that she was showing a lot of skin under that jacket she put on.
Honestly, she always looked good even without putting in the effort, but this evening?
John had difficulty believing she wasn't willingly trying to inspire impure thoughts into him.
"So, why back so soon, sister? Party already dying down?"
"No, no, it's still in full swing, Magnolia was trying to convince me to do fire tricks on stage when I managed to sneak away. I mean, for a while I thought she was joking, but then when she put me on the steps and everyone started chanting "Fire, Fire, Fire"? Nope, Nope, Nope!"
She closed the distance between them and planted her elbows on the rail next to him at her last "nope".
Hancock was pretty aware that he had more than encouraged Scarlet's relaxed attitude around him, but he still had to get used to how she seemed to naturally gravitate close to him.
She usually did, at least.
"So, running away to avoid having to repay Charlie? At the very least for arson? Good idea, Glasses." he joked, twirling his pipe between his fingers and mentally stomping on the image of MacReady flirting with her while the innkeeper served them rum.
"Well, it was partly because of that… and partly because the Captain promised me a dance and then ran away before keeping that promise."
She turned toward him as she said that, her eyes focusing on him in that way she usually did whenever she wanted to tear the truth out of someone.
And damn her, she did look so lovely, especially under the moonlight…
"Either I'm going deaf or there's no music here." he found himself murmuring to her, or, rather, to the little mole on her upper lip: he just couldn't help it whenever she was this close, he just wanted to kiss it. Just one little kiss, he could dare to ask for that much, could he?
The lips under that mole stretched open in a shy little laughter as Scarlet took his hand, dragging him with her away from the rail and in the middle of the deck, her other hand coming up to push a brown lock of hair away from her face.
"Does it matter? I could hum something, in that case."
The weed he smoked was probably going to his head or maybe it was her magic, but everything was suddenly feeling like a dream: the pirate ghoul was pretty sure he didn't remember when his arm ended up wrapped around her waistline or when the sorceress' free hand found a place on his shoulder.
She did indeed start humming something - some long forgotten song from her time, before the world ended and those who came after were left to pick up the pieces - and they found themselves falling into steps, her head resting tentatively against his shoulder, like asking for permission.
And who the heck was he to deny her, when he just wanted her even closer?
"Feeling cuddly, are we?" John asked, his head resting against hers, giving Scarlet the permission she didn't need.
"You are cuddly." she replied, now fully resting against him, her chest pressing to his with a relieved sigh.
"Heh, hardly."
A ghoul, cuddly?
"You are." she insisted, pressing her forehead hard against his neck, like trying to imprint her mental image of him in him, her breath and lips so close he almost felt dizzy with it.
"And you're charming, too. And generous, and brave. And kind… you're so kind, John, I…"
John found himself gulping, probably to try to swallow his heart back to its right place: she almost never used his first name, he could count on the fingers of one hand the times she did in all the months they had known each other and she was doing it now.
And the way she said it… it was so soft, so careful, like handling delicate porcelain rather than a feared captain pirate that looked just crawled out from the grave…
He really wanted to ask her where this was going, what she was doing, why she should be here with his ugly mug instead of anywhere else in the world - maybe back with blue-eyed MacReady or with that heroic friend of hers, Preston, he thought? - but his throat had just run dry because she once again turned those breathtaking green eyes back to his degraded ones and she was getting even closer, her lips coming to brush his…
"Hey, Charmer, finally found you, I had to ask around a bit and-oooooh, shit."
Hancock had already a long list of reasons not to like Scarlet's shapeshifter friend but now he had a very good one to make him walk the plank.
If she didn't roast him first, considering the flames he saw flicker in her eyes for a moment.
Whew, this entry for @theocxcanonweek came out longer than I expected!
I decided to put my self-insert Sole Survivor, Scarlet, and her lover, John Hancock, in a Dnd-like fantasy AU with some needed modifications: satisfying what seems to be a common fantasy between us ghoul lovers, our beloved Mayor is now a pirate captain! And the world got flooded instead of burned to the ground by nuclear warfare, so yoho, yoho, a pirate life for us!
And my Survivor put down the flamethrower I usually equip her with and learned fire magic and presumably got frozen up by ice magic rather than hybernation, but details, I replayed Fallout 4 recently and needed to dote on my raisin husband. u.u
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OC x Canon Week (Day 1) - "Magical Mishap at the End of the World"
Holding Hands / Apocalyptic AU / "If it wasn't for you…"
(with Zevran Arainai from Dragon Age Origins)
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"M-mi amor? I know this isn't probably the time to point it out, but I don't think this is normal…"
Lot of things weren't normal at the moment, considering the freaking Veil just got torn open and it was the end of the world, but still hearing that trembling in Zevran's voice was enough to steal away all of Manwë's attention, her head whipping from the green tear in the sky and toward her husband.
Her husband who suddenly got flaming hands but was apparently feeling no pain one should've from flaming hands.
If a damn demon dared to poke from the corner before she finished tending to him, Manwë wasn't going to show it any mercy.
"I find this really hot when it is you doing it, but I may need some teachings before achieving your mastery…"
Normally she would have relished in the levity of his tone, but given that he was still staring wide-eyed at the fire he unwillingly conjured…
He was definitely in a state of shock.
And he was trembling a bit too, but she could fully realize how much only when she reached out, her hands coating with frost to extinguish the flames on his.
She had to be quick with her grip, because he tried to wrench them away as soon as he saw her coming closer.
"No, no, it's okay, you're not going to burn me." she gently shushed him, her fingers lacing with his as coldness fought back against heat and she pushed her forehead against her husband's, forcing him to look at her eyes.
"Deep breaths, okay? Look at me and breathe deeply, okay, love? Let me help you."
Finally those pretty, honey-colored eyes focused on hers and Manwë could feel him lean against her.
He was calming down and she dared let one of his hands go to stroke his cheek, the residual cold from her magic making him flinch a bit but not avert his eyes.
"Good boy, shhh…"
She dared to look down to check his hands, now enveloping her own: the flames were simmering down, so she slowly shut down the flux of mana that fed the frost in her fingers.
As soon as she was sure Zevran had no more reason to fear, she raised their conjoined hands in front of his face, placing a soothing kiss on them.
"There, see?"
She could feel his trembling finally stopping and see the relief in his eyes while he finally took a relieved breath, before giving out a nervous laugh.
"Guess now I could literally burn for you, my love."
"Okay, you're flirting, now I'm sure you're fine."
"I would've roasted myself if it wasn't for you, let me express my gratitude, mi bella!"
Too bad that the demon Manwë promised herself she would have no mercy for before decided that now was probably a good time to try its luck.
"Maybe later, now that I think about it!" Zevran exclaimed, pulling her out of the way of a slash. "After we survived the end of the world!"
Okay, here's my first entry for the @theocxcanonweek featuring my Warden, Manwë Surana, and her husband, the canon character Zevran Arainai!
Since one of the prompts was Apocalyptic AU I thought "hey, Solas basically would cause an apocalypse if he ever manages to tear down the Veil, so let's go with that!".
And I saw many theorize that one of the consequences would be that all elves would finally have access to magic again, so I decided to write how Zevran would react: I agree that he would probably have fun with it, but as soon as it happens? A bit of panic is understandable. u.u
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