scarscandestroyus · 1 year
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Maybe we’re not so different after all.
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
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ONE YEAR OF THE BATMAN (2022) dir. Matt Reeves
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
characters who are so inauthentic. characters who only show what they want other people to see of them. characters who simply must have control over every part of themselves. do you even get it
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
*reading my own writing* wow this really does cater to all my specific needs
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
This change without fanfare was an absolute shock, and a buzz around the office. Selina couldn’t shut up about witnessing the ‘big decision’, and she did a funny Bruce impression. Her and the other assistants would joke about it, making it almost an inside joke. It didn’t even feel real. At first, it felt like posturing on Bruce’s part, at least to Selina. But these steady changes were made known to her through the hushed voices of gossip. That’s why when he arrives today in the office that she does not immediately jump down his throat. “Huh, What a treat to see you.” She mused, producing files assigned to be delivered. “What brings mister popular in?” Just pressuring the leverage she had on him, being a much stronger personality than Bruce. He wouldn’t fire her for such talk, he appeared too weak. Peering into the office, the ornate decor was overwhelming, unfamiliar and pedestal worthy. Everything screamed
Do. Not. Touch. Which was exactly the type of bag Selina chased. Ah, but she was being good lately! She can’t slip up now, even though it is Bruce Wayne.
“Huh?” Bruce replied, internally jumping at the woman’s sudden appearance. A treat? To see him?? He grunted in reply, feeling dazed from last night’s activities, never mind Selina’s unexpected compliment. He took the files from her, haphazardly putting them on the huge oak desk in front of him. “Uh I have some work to do.” He replied, turning. “Come in.” He invited her, the woman’s eyes scanning the room. Some how she had distracted him from his thoughts about his father but now they returned.
The place had a thin coating of dust. It was cleaned every month but that clearly didn’t do the job, he would have to ask to have it cleaned weekly if he was now going to be using it. Maybe.
“Sorry bout the mess.” He said looking around. “This…” He was about to bring up his father but he thought better of it. “it hasn’t been used in a long time.”
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
As if to lay it on heavy, Selina took her time to take the equipment from him. And that makes her salivate with disgust for herself. She can pretend to be so lax and physically kind to him, but hold back all the words that went along with that. Usually that honesty flowed from her for the right person.
It reads on her face, the outer corner of her eyebrow quirks, and it almost seems like she is fighting every urge. “Bats…” Her voice sounds like she is testing him, as her hand closed around the small case like her life depended on keeping it safe. “Imma do this for you, but can we talk? I feel like I havn’t been real with you…” Those auburn eyes scan his reaction desperately. He didn’t even need to say a word for her to know the reception.
“I missed you.” Plain as day. “I don’t miss anyone until they are dead, man.” As she speaks, she removes her wig and tosses it on the coffee table, as if to show she really was putting away some character act. Her tired, glittery eyes dart from Batman’s face like she doesn’t want to face the music of her actions. “…Did you miss me, too? Did you worry about me, like I worried about you.”
It felt like they were moving in slow motion as the world around them moved normally; the cats meowing and walking to-and-fro, as the two people were frozen, their fingers brushing against each other slowly.
He held his gaze on her as she called him a nickname. He had never had one before. It felt very intimate, friendly. He finally broke eye contact to look down at the box as Selina admitted she hadn’t been honest with him. Here it comes, he thought to himself. He took a breath, trying to look stoic.
“Oh…” He thought, a renewed hope in his chest. He caught her eyes again. She looked genuine. Tossing away her wig, her could see all her barriers falling away; physical as well as mental. Well, most of them at least. She looked as though she was as tired of holding up the façade as he was. Even when he took off the mask, Bruce was still in disguise. He never let his walls down, not even with Alfred. Something had changed the night his parents were murdered. It felt like his DNA was fundamentally damaged, like he could never be the person he had meant to be. He didn’t even know who that person was any more.
With Selina, however, he was starting to feel like he could be somebody. At least some of his barriers could finally come down. Maybe. It all felt very new and he felt apprehensive. Looking into her eyes, however, made him feel braver. Those warm brown eyes looked like they could see him. Maybe see him better than he could see himself.
Reaching out he put a gloved hand over hers and squeezed. Physical affection didn’t come easy to him but he felt compelled to reach out to her now. “The city needs you….” He said clearing his throat. “I…. need you.” He admitted quietly.
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
“Damn right they do…” Her line of sight is tossed over her shoulder, her words left her lips, like it was natural. They rolled around her mouth frequently, they made a home in her mind. 
As quickly as the cat is at his side, she slinks away to tend to others needs. The office made her feel like a baby sitter of adult men. It was just as true to her night persona, at first a support, only to go off and do her own bidding. Though she was in and out of the room, printing papers for unprepared attenders, refilling coffees, her eyes were trained and ears open. She was acutely aware of Bruce and the new tune he was playing, and wanted to know his intentions, if any. 
As Selina was about to re-enter the meeting room she was stopped, another employee talking to her. As if on command her acrylic nails close on the stack of papers like sinking into flesh, and her jaw locked. Somehow she knew what she was about to be served. 
“Cecilia, I don’t think someone as new as you should be in on this meeting.” 
“It’s Selina.” Her voice is stern. “And I don’t see why not. It’s like any other meeting I attend. No one knows what they are doing and everyone is awkward.” “It’s just… It’s more sensitive, information. Don’t take it the wrong way.” The employee kept his hand on the door frame, as if to suggest she steer clear.  “Well, I was assigned to assist Mr.Wayne today. He has fire under his ass today so maybe you shouldn’t piss him off in case.” She said with a sarcastic smile, before ducking under the mans arms to continue snooping and being attentive. 
The scammy side of Selina wondered if she sweet talked Bruce enough, if he would punish him for being rude. The idea of manipulating that toxic power to change her personal situation was tempting. Maybe she could get a raise? 
Unfortunately, Bruce was unaware of this interaction and only returned to the corridor after he visited the rest room. “Selina?” He called, his voice a little louder than his talking volume but not by much. “Thanks for . . . today.” He said with an awkward smile, when he had gained her attention. He had no more to do in the office and was eager to get some shut eye before tonight. With a small wave he left, heading for the elevator.
It was a few days later before he would return to the building. Things started to move in the right direction regarding the new Wayne Renewal Fund but he had come across some inconsistencies and needed to look into it. He hadn’t been expected that day, not wanting to call in advance and go through that rigmarole all over again. Briefly acknowledging the woman at reception, who look surprised and greeted him with a wave before picking up the phone quickly to notify upstairs of his arrival.
On the top floor, he headed for his office; really his father’s office. It was at the end of the long corridor; either side of which were individual offices and larger meeting rooms, including the one he had occupied a few days previously. Although another man had been put in charge of running the company on Bruce’s behalf, no one was using Thomas Wayne’s old CEO office. It was an ornate room, filled with oak carvings and a huge desk with a grandfather clock behind it. It looked like something out of a gothic novel but was in fact a 1920s gothic revival style; the same as Wayne Manor in fact.
Although the building was old, it was full of modern technology. Bruce fumbled with the key pad next to the large double doors of the room. The code was easy, but his hands were shaking slightly in anticipation of entering his father’s old office.
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
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Batman / Selina — THE BATMAN (2022) dir. Matt Reeves  
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scarscandestroyus · 1 year
“That guy will sing for anything.” Selina wags her head. “I don’t know if he’s wise or just straight up stupid.” Her lips purse with thought. Some part of her felt loyalty to the man, in the sense that he was the power house of the club. He made sure she wasn’t in 45 below all the time. It kept her grounded in some normal reality, where you didn’t watch those who you were supposed to trust make a mockery of their career.  
When he presented the little box she kissed her teeth. “Ugh, that again?” She muses a soft laugh, pleased he was aware that the contact was uncomfortable for a few reasons. She wasn’t an eye contact person. Not usually, at least. Not in that hell hole. The mens eyes bore holes into her, stripping what ever wall she put up. She was sick of saying the same things to let them down, though they never backed down. 
The Batman, however, had her captivated. For a man of few words, his eyes spoke so much more than he ever would, she was sure of it. Even now as they speak her warm auburn eyes are trained on his face, cascading down his cheek with fondness. The heating bill hadn’t been paid, but she was feeling warmth in her chest. She didn’t look to him for protection, she was more than capable, but the thought of being side by side again gave her the hope to keep fighting the good fight. 
As she sat comfortably on her love seat, Selina reflected that she had never seen him ease so much as a muscle. “At least sit down if you’re gonna be talking business.” She nods to the seat beside her. “More than enough room. Unless you’re leaving already.” With that comment, she tosses her gaze out the window that poured moon light into the small flat. It was like she was disappointed in herself for saying something so… soft. Not with sweetness but with a sense of pain. Ache. That feeling wracked her chest when she was away, and it haunted her when she was back in Gotham. She couldn’t face him herself, she shouldn’t make the first steps, that’s desperation, thats dependence. 
Everything she promised she would never be. 
Batman nodded. He acknowledged Selina knew the Penguin better than he did. As much as he had been fighting against the criminal underbelly of Gotham for the past two years, he had remained on the side-lines. Sure, he gotten his hands dirty but that was not the same as being part of that world. He was outside of the criminal world just as much as he was outside the law. An outsider in all spheres.
When she responded negatively to the contact lenses, he began to cover them over again before he heard her laugh. She was readily admitting how uncomfortable they were but was still prepared to go through with it, for him. He nodded gratefully.
His eyes were turned away, but he could see the way Selina was looking at him; taking in his features. He felt a warmth. He wondered if she felt it too? He would have brushed it off but he reminded himself of that last kiss. That, at least, had not been his imagination.
The vigilante blinked, surprised by the sudden offer. Without a word he walked over to the sofa and sat down beside her. He tried not to feel too awkward; the suit gave him a confidence he never felt as Bruce, but this woman managed to get under his skin if he wasn’t careful. But maybe he didn’t want to be careful.
“These should be a little more comfortable than before.” He said, passing her the box. He had worked on a newer model since she had been away. As he handed it to her, regaining eye contact, he felt her fingers glide against his. His heart began to race and he prayed to the god he didn’t believe in that she couldn’t hear.
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
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Source: This
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
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                                             the batman 2022 inspired joker.
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
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❝It can be cruel, poetic or blind. But when it's denied, it's V I O L E N C E you may find.❞
— indie, semi selective The Riddler, with verses for Batman: Unburied and The Batman (2022). Highly crossover friendly.
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
[hello! yes replies will be seen to shortly!]
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
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BRUCE WAYNE’S OUTFITS THE BATMAN (2022) dir. Matt Reeves — requested by anonymous
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
is this blog still active?
Yes! Life just got busy but I intend to start writing again in the next week or two! :)
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
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Robert Pattinson as Neil — TENET (2020) dir. Christopher Nolan [40/∞]
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scarscandestroyus · 2 years
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Robert Pattinson as Neil — TENET (2020) dir. Christopher Nolan [39/∞]
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