scenteddelusion5 · 2 days
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Based on one of the funniest scenes from @prince-liest’s fanfic series 666: Live on Air!
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scenteddelusion5 · 2 days
A Daring Creature - Part 4
Zestial x fem reader angel
Note: I at first wanted it to ba a longer chapter but I like the way it ended right here. I felt adding to it would make the sweet moment, like, POP less. If that makes sense?
Word count: 1462
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Two months went by, every other day did Zestial take Y/n out to explore the pride ring. The two grew closer and closer, he got enamoured by her antics and she started to appreciate his calm and stoic personality, even though she also liked to rile the demon up sometimes.
The new cloaked stranger that was always with Zestial did not go unnoticed by the masses. Demons either were too afraid to get involved or wanted to know everything about the girl, the latter of which were mostly fellow overlords.
It started to become more and more difficult to keep Y/n away from people like Alastor and Vox, avoiding them became a daily struggle. Zestial almost wanted to keep Y/n inside for a few weeks so the fuss would die out but after seeing how her face immediately lost her shine and became saddened, he scratched that idea. And thus they continued the hide-and-seek game.
And Zestial had to admit, he was pretty good at it. That was until one day the two were walking down the street and saw Alastor walking around the corner. Without a second to think, Zestial turned to two around to walk the other way, only to see Vox and Valentino on the other side.
He quickly grabbed Y/n by the arm and dug into an alleyway. If he remembered it correctly, he was pretty sure there was a backway entrance to Carmine's home there. Finding the door, they swiftly made their way inside without the overlords seeing them.
"I'm getting sick of having the hide every time we see one of them," Y/n complained, "I wish they would just leave me alone."
"I understand, however, we can not afford one of those finding out thy secret." Zestial straightened his own cloak.
"Zestial?" Carmilla walked into the little hallway. "It isn't like you to visit unannounced."
"Mine own deepest apologies Carmilla," Zestial greeted his old friend, "it was an emergency."
"I see." She looked Y/n up and down again, a hint of disapproval could be found in her stare. "Come in, now that you're here I would like to discuss something with you."
Y/n was about to follow the two overlords into another room, when Carmilla stopped her.
"I would like to discuss this alone." Her tone changed from disapproving to downright hostile. "Sit still and stay here, do you think you can accomplish it this time or should I call in someone to watch you like a pet?"
"I'll be fine," Y/n answered while gritting her teeth.
As soon as the two overlords made it to the office, Zestial gave the woman a glare. "Yond wast uncalled for Carmilla."
"It is true. You've been prancing this girl around town like a pet, showing everyone one of your weak links and for what?" She questioned, "we both know there would be easier and safer ways to go about holding up your end of the deal."
"I hast mine own reasons for doing this," he argued back.
"What reasons? Because of your deal you can ask anything of this girl, there is no need to butter up to her so she'll agree to spy on the heavens for you. She'll HAVE to agree!" She took a few breaths to calm down. "As long as you haven't decided why you are doing all this, I can't support you. I won't do anything against you but I can't risk my people's and my safety for a plan you yourself may sabotage."
"Carmilla, I greatly appreciateth thy concern and opinion, however, this is the way I hath chosen to handle mine own planeth." Zestial stood up and made his way to the door. "So thee and I shall not beest meeting eachoth'r for a some timeth."
"Unfortunately yes," the other overlord agreed.
Y/n had been sitting on a small chair in the hallway, brooding. How dare that bitchy overlord woman call her a pet? Who does she think she is? It's true that Carmilla was smart, strong, powerful and a badass business woman... But still, she couldn't just talk to others that way! ....Or maybe she could? Y/n was in hell after all, things like equality and basic respect for others didn't exist here, something Zestial had shielded her from.
Such thoughts plagued the angel's mind
If he had been walking through the streets with Carmilla, all if this wouldn't be happening... Imagining Zestial and the other overlord walking around, laughing, going on outings, it twisted Y/n's stomach. It was the unfamiliar, sickening feeling of jealousy.
That's when Zestial appeared back in the hallway with a scowl on his face, one Y/n had been able to draw out many times with her stunts. However, unlike before, she felt something heavy on her heart.
"Alloweth us wend." Zestial didn't give her glance as left the building, assuming the angel would follow him, which she did.
The two walked the streets in silence. Before Y/n had wanted to propose going to that lovely park with the flowers again but she was afraid their moods would just sour the good memories she had there. Instead she just looked down at the pavement and wandered behind Zestial aimlessly.
The overlord was barely paying attention to where he was going. All he could focus on were Carmilla's words ringing in his ears. It's true that all of this could be done easier but going around town with y/n was a good way to build up trust and a relationship with her. That he needed because, well because...
He needed it. He decided, not letting himself ponder further on the subject, too afraid of what he would find. Instead he noticed the unusual lack of disruption from the angel.
Looking back, he noticed Y/n. She was looking sad, hiding under the cloak and big hood. Zestial could barely see the girl's face. Had Carmilla's comment really bothered her so?
"Doth not beest bothered, Y/N," he spoke up, "I doth not bethink of thee as a pet. Carmilla was simply trying to behold out for me and becameth a did bite too hostile towards thee in the processeth."
"So, you aren't mad at me?" She asked in almost a whisper.
"I couldst never be angry with thee."
Y/n's face lightened up after hearing that. "Really? That's a very dangerous statement you just made there," she taunted.
"I am sure." Zestial had a small but sincere smile on his face. "I doth not maketh false statements."
"Alright then mister tall, dark and spidery, I'm taking your hat!" She jumped up and tried to grab his hat but was unable to reach it.
"Absolutely not." Zestial commented as Y/n made several more attempts to reach it, all of which the overlord was able to avoid.
"What's with the stern tone? I thought you just said you would never get mad at me?" She smirked.
It was truly a sight to behold, first the two were almost dancing around each other as the anger was trying to steal his hat and now she was on her tippy toes staring up at him. The sight made Zestial's heart beat faster.
"No one hast did dare to challenge me in such ways thee doth." Zestial blushed slightly. "Thou art a truly daring creature, Y/n."
"It's called banter." Y/n was swiftly able to snatch the hat off as the overlord had put his guard down.
"Yes, banter." The angel was adjusting the hat, fiddling with the hem and turning it slightly. "Maybe you should buy a dictionary."
Zestial chuckled at the way his hat was clearly too big for her. "I owneth enough dictionaries."
"A modern one, I mean."
"Anon, thou art very much pushing it."
Having noticed how tired Y/n was, the overlord decided to bring her back home. They had a long day and he had to work on a few of his papers again. Zestial had to admit, he had been neglecting his duties a bit.
Zestial was sitting in his office. The old clock on the wall read 3 am. It had been a while since he had to work this late but it was the price he had to pay for his daytime outings. It did give him time to reflect on the eventful day.
"Edward." The overlord called upon his contractee.
The small demon appeared immediately. "Yes, sir?"
"How is Y/n faring?"
"She ate well and is now sound asleep," he reported, "would you like me to wake her up?"
"Alloweth her to sleep" Zestial sighed, "prithee wend out and buyeth a dictionary for me."
"A dictionary?" Edward mumbled to himself. "A particular preference? I heard the Store for Old Books and Testaments has acquired an old dictionary."
"No, I wanteth a modern one."
"A mode-"
"I'll see to it sir."
Part 5 - unfinished
I was finally able to work in the title!!!
Masterlist/Request guidelines
Taglist: @sirenetheblogger
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scenteddelusion5 · 3 days
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I laughed so much while drawing this 💖 anime overlord high AU
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scenteddelusion5 · 17 days
Happy birthday to me!!!
A great excuse to buy Hazbin merch!!!! If my country didn’t have insane taxes on packages
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scenteddelusion5 · 19 days
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scenteddelusion5 · 22 days
A Daring Creature -Part 3
Zestial x fem angel reader
note: I hope you like it!!!
Word count: 1792
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Zestial started looking everywhere for her, even sending out some of his contracts to search for her.
Y/n had been walking around town with Angel Dus when she saw a familiar figure running her way, it was Edward. IT WAS EDWARD!!! WHAT TIME WAS IT?! OMG, she had completely lost time and worried Zestial and Edward.
"Y/N! Where have you been?!" The older man scolded her. "Zestial is sending everyone out to look for you!"
"Wait, like the Zestial?" Angel Dust asked. "Don't tell me you're in trouble with that old fucker, I doubt anyone could protect you if so."
"It's fine, we're friends. I probably worried him." She turned to Edward. "I'm sorry Ed."
"It's fine, just let's go now!"
The two quickly made it back to the manor, with Zestial arriving only five minutes later after he heard news of her being found.
"WHERE WERE THOU?!" He yelled at Y/n who was looking down at her feet. "Thee couldst hast been discovered! Or worse, hath been killed!"
"I know I shouldn't have sneaked out but you shouldn't have looked me in another stupid mansion when you promised to take me out!" She yelled back.
"Thou art so irritating." He mumbled while holding his hand on his forehead.
"If you had just upheld your end of the deal I wouldn't be so IrRiTaTiNg."
"Edward, please taketh her away."
"Yes, my lord." Edward stepped forward. "Come on Y/n, let's get you back to your room."
"I know I shouldn't have snuck out but he didn't need to yell at me for it!" Y/n complained. "I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions!"
Edward sighed, "I think we all know you are an adult but you don't know hell. Anything could have happened to you." He frowned. "Do you know how worried I was when I heard you were missing?"
"I'm sorry Ed." She opened the door to her bedroom and plopped down on her bed. "I didn't want to worry you but... Zestial is just so frustrating! He says he'll show me around and then locks me up again."
"Perhaps, he's just worried about you too."
"I doubt that. He just wants to use me for his own personal gain."
"You never know." Edward closed the door after he left.
Y/n was left alone in a room, again. Ugh! Why was Zestial such a stuck up, lying asshole. There is no way that man cared about her. He just wanted to use her without actually putting any effort into his side of the deal.
She slowly fell asleep with her, still in her normal clothes.
"I doth not understand her." Zestial complained to Edward. "Wherefore wouldst a blesseth being risketh her life for something as foolish as exploring hell? And Wherefore wilt she beest so stubborn about it?"
"If I'm allowed to give my opinion, sir?" Once he was sure Zestial didn't object to it, he continued. "Y/n is a very free-spirited soul. She takes risks, even when it endangers her do, and uplifts the people around her to be as happy and carefree as her. You won't be able to control her as you would like too."
"Then what doth thee suggesteth I doth with her?"
"The easiest is to just go along with her. It might be a bit risky but I trust that she can handle herself in an emergency and I'm sure you'll come to like her entics too of you give her a chance."
"I seeth."
The whole night, Zestial stayed awake mulling over Edward's advice. He could give it a chance and so long he is there, Y/n wouldn't be discovered as an angel too easily.
Y/n woke up with an awful feeling like she was being watched. She carefully opened her eyes to find Zestial sitting in the corner of her room working on some documents or something alike.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Putteth thy coat backeth on." He looked up into her eyes. "We art going out."
Y/n looked at the overlord confused. "We are?" She questioned.
"Yes, we art." Zestial stood up and made his way to the door. "Beest downstairs in twenty minutes."
The angel was left dumbfounded in her room. What just happened?
Waiting downstairs were Zestial and Edward, already ready to go out.
"Wait, you're actually taking me out and not dropping me off somewhere?" Y/n pulled up the hood of her coat.
"Yes", Zestial answered, "we shall beest getting breakfast and seeth where all goeth from there."
Edward opened the door. "After you my lord."
The three made their way down town into a more classy area. It was still very hellish but the shops were more refined and less damaged. They finally arrived at a restaurant called Hell's Kitchen, which sounded quite familiar to Y/n but she shook it off.
A waiter came up to them by the door and let them to their table. The restaurant had pristine white walls, tiles and tablecloths. As Y/n was looking around the waiter brought them their plates and an absurd amount of cutlery; three forks, three knifes and three spoons each. They were also handed the menu.
"What are some dishes that I can only get down here in hell?" Y/n asked looking at all the options.
"Anything really," Edward answered, "every ingredient down here in hell tastes starkly different than on earth."
"Then I think I'll take the... Screaming pancakes?" She looked over the menu again and realised they all had such weird names; wrath's toast, imp wrap, devilled eggs, no wait that one's actually normal.
Everyone had put in their order and Zestial and Edward got lost in a conversation Y/n didn't care enough about to pay attention to. Instead she took in the rest of the demon's that dined here. It was obvious this establishment was targeting the higher class.
At one table sat a blue birdman dressed in a fine suit with a younger girl, probably his daughter, dressed in a more emo-style attire.
At another table sat a girl in a pretty dress with blond hair and clown cheeks. Across from her sat a young man dressed in green. His hat has was decorated with yellow eyes and teeth.
At a table much closer to hers sat another two demons. One of which she could only see the back of; a woman with white hair and a beautiful, large hat. The man who she was dining with was completely dressed in red. On top of his head stood two antlers and a set of deer ears.
Y/n hadn't realised she had been staring until the demon looked right at her, she quickly looked away but the damage had already been done. She could hear footsteps coming her way. When she dared to look up, the man was hovering over her.
"Good morning Zestial," the man greeted him like an old friend, "it's not like you to eat breakfast out. What's the special occasion?" The demon had a strange voice, almost like she was listening to a radio and not a man speaking right next to her.
"It is nothing special, Alastor," Zestial answered calmly, "I am simply taking two of mine own servants out to consume a fine breakfast."
"I've never seen this one around before." Alastor pointed to Y/n. "Is she a new contract of yours?"
"Yes, the lady hast been untrusted under mine own care."
"Don't you think it's rude to wear a hood whilst inside?" Alastor asked.
"She is an exception." Zestial stayed calm, knowing it will only arise suspicion if he acted any differently.
"I see... Is she also the one you were thinking about when you were distracted yesterday?" Alastor knew he was pulling his leg with this one bit the hooded stranger could mean a possible weakness to exploit.
"No." Zestial's sounded slightly irritated. "I wast not restful yesterday, wherefore I wast not paying attention. It hadst nothing to doth with Y/n."
"You sound tense," the other overlord jested, "I'll leave you be. Enjoy your breakfast."
When Y/n was sure Alastor was out of earshot, she turned to Zestial and Edward. "Who was that?"
"He is the Radio Demon," Edward answered.
"One of the strongest human souls in hell," Zestial explained, "If it be true thee wouldst ever cometh across him on thy owneth, runneth the other way. He is one of the lastest demons thee wanteth to figure out thy secret."
Through the whole breakfast, the Radio Demon had kept an eye on her. It creeped her out, so once they were finished, she was happy to get out of there.
"Where to!?" Y/n asked while skipping.
"Thee may hath chosen. We art here for thee after all."
"Hmm, do you have fun stuff here?" She asked, "like an arcade, a museum with hell's history and stuff or maybe a theatre!"
"I am afraid we doth not hasts museums, however, I couldst taketh thee to a theatre." Zestial led the way with Edward and Y/n following behind.
The day went by with a breeze. The theatre ended up being an actual theatre, not a movie theatre to Y/n's surprise. After bickering back and forth between Y/n and Zestial, they ended up going with her choice; Immoral, based on a popular pride ring franchise Sorcerer of Shizz. While it was not of Zestial's usual tastes, he enjoyed the amazed look in the angel's eyes.
After that they walked around in one of the few well maintained parks in hell. Y/n jumped from flowerbed to flowerbed, looking at the strange hellflowers. It put a smile on the overlords face.
"Look at this one!" She yelled. "It's beautiful!"
As Zestial made his way to her crouching down form, his eye caught the flower that had entranced the angel. The pride hydrangea was hell's version of the normal hydrangea but it's blue colour had a reddish hue to it when held in the light, bigger and...
"Its pollen art poisonous." Zestial reached his hand out and plucked one. "However having one or two around shouldst not beest much of a problem." He delicately held the flower between his fingers, slowly bringing it to Y/n's face and putting it behind her ear. "Taketh one."
"Thank you." She smiled brightly at the others kind jester.
As everyone got tired they made their way back home. Once there Zestial immediatly went to his office, Edward brought Y/n a very small vase for the flower and she dropped down on her bed.
Zestial had grabbed a book from his shelve and continued his notes in it, thinking back on the day the whole time. Edward wast right, the overlord thought, it wast easier to wend along with her antics. And perhaps he enjoyed her antics.
"Edward," Zestial called upon his contractee.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Cleareth out mine own schedule for this Wednesday," Zestial ordered, "and asketh Y/n where she wanteth to wend to."
Part 4
Masterlist/Request guidelines
ALSO!!!! If you have an idea where the two could go next tell me. IDK why but I actually had trouble with coming up with fun ideas! Put it in the comments, send me a message or put it in my inbox!
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scenteddelusion5 · 24 days
Happy Easter! 🐣
I think someone is having a great time decorating some Easter eggs…😆😜
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scenteddelusion5 · 25 days
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Maybe the real treasure was the boops we made along the way
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scenteddelusion5 · 26 days
Reblog if its ok to spam you with boops
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scenteddelusion5 · 27 days
A Daring Creature -Part 2
Zestial x angel fem reader
Note: The chapters of 'A Daring Creature' are a lot shorter than the multi-chapter fic I've written for Vox and the reason for that is because writing old english is a lot more exhausting and I don't want to make you wait too long. Hope you understand!
Warning: inacurate middle English and attempted (sexual is implied) assault (It doesn't go far)
Word count: 1458
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Zestial had barely knocked on her bedroom door, when the door opened revealing Y/n. She wore a simple dress with her hair put up, every single one of her angel features were noticeable.
"I'm ready to go!" She made a little jump of excitement.
"Nay, thou art not." Zestial held up his old, black coat. "Putteth it on. I doth not wisheth for everyone to knoweth I am housing an angel."
"Fine." She took the coat and used it to cover her angelic wings. "Happy?"
Zestial grabbed the hood and pulled it over her halo. "Yes."
The two made it down the stairs and out the front door. Y/n was hopping around, being able to take in hell for the first time.
"Where are we going first?" She asked, staring at the growing city in the distance.
"We art just going to doth a few tasks, nothing special." As Zestial was walking around, the demons around disappeared from the streets out of fear. "Keepeth quiet and doth not interact with aught."
"Don't worry, I can handle myself."
Zestial didn't answer but the silence made his scepticism clear.
He was looking at her prancing around with wonder. It was a strange sight, seeing someone so mesmerised at the horrid streets of hell like it was wonderland. Although if he went to heaven, he too would be intrigued by the underworld. Maybe even visit, like Y/n had done.
She was prancing from one side of the sidewalk to the other. At some point she looked into the show window of an abandoned store, they had run off when Zestial came into view.
"Where is everyone?" She asked. "It's says that it's open but no one's inside."
"It doest not matter." He walked past her. "Keepeth walking, it is unbecoming to beest late."
When she noticed she was a bit too far behind, she ran up to him. "You haven't actually told me yet where we're going."
"First, we art going to visiteth an old friend. Then thee stayeth there while I wend to a meeting." Zestial took a sharp turn to the side entrance of a building.
"So you are leaving me inside again?"
"If it be true thee maketh not trouble-" He knocked on the door.- "I shall taketh thee to where ever thee wanteth to wend this afternoon."
The door opened, revealing a tall woman with white hair pulled up to look like horns. Her red eyes looked Y/n up and down. The glare made a shiver go down the angel's spine.
"Zestial, it's good to see you." The woman stepped aside to let him and Y/n inside. "I see you brought a friend. What can I do for you?"
"Carmilla, I am afraid I has't to asketh thee for a favour." Zestial put his hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Can thee host Y/n in thy home here during the overlord meeting?" He pulled down her hood, when Y/n was about to pull it down. "I hadst to bringeth her out and I didst not wanteth to headeth all the way back to my manner to receiveth her afterwards."
"Who is she?" Carmilla questioned. "It isn't like you to pick up charity cases."
"Thou art as attentive as ever," Zestial admitted, "Y/n is an angel." He ripped of the cloak revealing her glowing halo and majestic wings.
"I take it you want to keep this under wraps." She inspected the angel in front of her once more. "As long as she doesn't cause any trouble."
"Doth not worry, she shall not."
Carmilla had Y/n showed to common room where she was to stay. The two overlords had been gone for half an hour when Y/n started to get bored. No one was around, she had no one to talk to like at Zestial's home and there were no activities she could possibly come up with without making a mess. Y/n realised she ended up in a worse situation than if she had stayed back.
How she wanted to explore hell already... Maybe she could. It couldn't be that bad and if something happened she could just run back to Zetial's or Carmilla's home.
The angel's eyes landed on an open window. It was very high up but the only one that was open. She took of her cloak and folded it up in her arms. Finally being able to stretch his wings. Y/n spread time wide, jumped up and made her way through the window.
The angel landed in an alley. She quickly looked around, making sure no one had seen her and then covered herself with the cloak again.
Y/n recognized the street as the one she walked with Zestial on with. If she was careful with her turns, she could probably find her way back, besides Carmilla's home was very recognizable.
Walking through the street was very different than when she was with Zestial. Demons roamed the street, yelling fighting or just minding their business. Looking too her left, she recognized the shop she had seen earlier. Now it was filled with demons.
After a few turns, she seemed to have caught the interests of a group of denizens. A big, muscular, shark demon seemed to be the one in charge while smaller demons of all kinds followed him around.
"And what's a girlie like you doing out here?" The shark demon smirked, showing off his sharp teeth. "Don't you know I'm in charge around these parts?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just exploring, I will get out of your way." Y/n smiled awkwardly and tried to step around the group.
"Where do you think you're going? I'm not just letting you go." The demon stepped in front of her again.
"Yeah!" One of the other demons yelled.
"So, what are you going to give us?"
The group started to get uncomfortably close. Some started even pulling at her cloak.
"Leave me alone! Stop it!" Y/n looked around in horror in the hopes of finding help but everyone ignored it. She had to remember, she was in hell now and this was normal here.
Just as she lost hope, someone intruded.
"Leave the girl alone fuckers!" The demon had white hair all over his body, had six arms, and had one white and one black eye. "Or I'll fucking kill you!" He held up two guns.
"Then do it, cowardly SLUT!" One yelled.
As soon as he heard it bullets went flying, some of them barely missed her.
"You alright?" He held out a hand. "The name's Angel Dust."
"Y/n", she smiled, "does stuff like this happen often here?"
"Yeah, you'll learn how to defend yourself." Angel put the guns away and quickly fixed his hair. "Which way were you going, love?"
"I don't really know. I was just looking around, exploring."
"Then I have to show you the best places to party. Come on!"
Zestial was sitting through a painfully long meeting. The overlords of the newer VVV-group were picking fights with the others. There was an especially strong tension between Vox and Alastor. Subjects that normally took two minutes to discuss, took now ten.
Zestial decided to stay out of most of it, they weren't worth his time and the headaches that would be caused by arguing with them. He wondered what Y/n was doing, knowing her, she was probably bored out of her mind, dramatically laying down on the couch in woeful self-pity. He smiled at the thought.
"What has you smiling so, Zestial?" Alastor asked, putting everyone's attention on the spider demon.
"Doth thee knoweth the declaring curiosity hath killed the cat?" Zestial asked.
The Radio demon's smile widened. "Only if the cat got caught but if you don't want to tell us then so be it."
He wasn't sure why he had reacted that way. It's true that Zestial was worried about people finding out he was harbouring an angel but this seemed to be an overreaction. Why was he so overprotective of the girl? Had he already grown fond of her? No, he shouldn't be. The spider demon only needed her for his own agenda, that's the only reason he's protecting her.
The meeting took another two hours, when it was finally finished. Zestial and Carmilla swiftly made their way to her mansion. Zestial entered the common room, shocked to find it empty.
"Y/n, where art thou?" He asked, maybe she was hiding somewhere or she made up another ridiculous activity. "Y/n!"
He didn't get an answer. The two overlords started searching around the room. When there was no sign of her, they looked around the rest of the mansion, still nothing.
Zestial looked up, seeing the open window. She wouldn't have.. No! She would, she definitely would.
"That insolent angel."
Part 3
Masterlist/Request guidelines
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scenteddelusion5 · 28 days
Well, I saw you doing requests so I couldn't lose such an opportunity. Could you do a Rosie x male reader? The reader would be a new resident of the hotel and somewhat like Nifit, which is to say extremely psychotic but gets shy around Rosie when she visits there. She would keep visiting after just to see him get all shy and flustered. I would ask it to be a smut but you can do fluffy, whatever. Hope you have a nice day.
Eyes Full of Nothingness
Rosie x insane male reader
Note: It did go through! I just hadn't gotten to it yet! I have a hard time seeing Rosie be, uhuhm, intimate, so I will keep it fluff.
Word count: 1599
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Y/n had been attending the hotel for only a week but he had already freaked everyone out, even Alastor. He wasn't actually there for redemption, of course not, however, no one at the hotel knew the actual reason he was there.
In truth, he was there for Alastor's connection with a certain cannibal overlord. Y/n had fallen in love with the demon from the day he fell down into the hell pit. Her empty eyes reminded him of the beautiful black hole of failure and worthlessness, two of the most important part of his secretive ideology. One he had killed to achieve and there Rosie was, encompassing those traits in physical form.
Then there were her sharp teeth, teeth that represented her delightful diet. A diet that showed of cruelness in the most domestic form it could have. Y/n also fell in love with her blush cheeks and old-timey but classic attire. She looked cute.
The time he laid his eyes on her for the first time he realised he wasn't in hell, no. It was heaven, for him at least. Rosie had been making her way to an overlord meeting, walking confidently through the dangerous streets.
Y/n was searching around, hoping to find a place to stay. While being distracted with a shitty looking job-listing poster, he accidentally walked into someone's back. When he looked up, Y/n was staring into those amazing eyes.
"I'm sorry miss," he apologised, wanting to say more but was unable to thanks to his flustered mess of a brain.
"It's alright, sweetie!" She waved him off. "I'll be off then."
And as soon as he gained her, he lost her. Y/n wasn't giving up yet though, he was going to find her. And find her, he did.
Y/n ended up in Cannibal Town, staring at Rosie's Emporium. She was inside, ready to be enchanted by him... He couldn't. No matter what, Y/n couldn't muster up the confidence, so he stuck to spying on the overlord.
This went on for a few weeks, until the other cannibals started to notice. He was swiftly hunted out of their town. His last chance was meeting Rosie at the hotel. He had known about her friendship with Alastor, he had been spying on her after all. So it only took a quick investigation to find out that Alastor was working in the Hazbin Hotel.
In the first week Y/n had not only joined the hotel but also integrated into the little friend group. He got well along with Nifty, having similar... Interests. Although, he hated Charlie's exercises, he guessed it came with the territory, besides it's not like she could actually stop him from going to the doomsday district and 'help' demons get to see the nothingness of the world.
Even so, he had yet gotten the chance to meet Rosie...
It was just another normal day in hell when a seemingly recently-arrived denizen bumped into her back. Rosie looked the poor thing up and down, she had to admit he was kind of cute. Alas, she had to get to her meeting, so she said her goodbyes and left, never guessing she would see him again.
Yet, only a few she noticed a familiar demon stand outside her emporium, observing her. Had he been interested in her? So much so that he came to find her? The though made the woman blush but she wouldn't approach him. Rosie was from a different time and wanted the man to come up to her himself. So, she waited and waited and waited.
Weeks went by, the demon always following her, in and outside of Cannibal Town. Rosie had to admit, she kind of liked to have someone be this interested but she wouldn't give up on this game. A mistake, because when she came down the stairs one day, she noticed a lack of eyes staring at her. That's when she found out that he had been chased off by the cannibals. As much as Rosie appreciated their concern, she was sad, especially when he never came back again.
One day she had been invited by Alastor and Charlie to have tea at the hotel. Them three along with Vaggie and Nifty sat down in the Parlor, Alastor having summoned them tea.
"And how have you been doing Nifty?" Rosie took a sip from her cup. "I'm sure you've been keeping everyone here on their toes."
"Yeah, but there are less and less bugs to hunt down. Y/n has been catching them for some reason." She had to climb her way on the sofa and plopped down on thee cushions.
"One of our guests, that demon even overshadows Nifty with his insane mind," Alastor told his friend, "it's quite admirable."
"You could say that, haha," Charlie's laugh came out awkwardly, "we are having a hard time getting him to participate in the hotel's redemption program."
"Well, some people just need a harder push than others, if he didn't want to be redeemed, he wouldn't be here," Rosie reassured the princess.
"It could be that or it could be any other reason," Vaggie commented, "that's why I think we should be keeping a closer eye on him."
"Still... He deserves privacy, I don't want to take that away from him." Charlie looked down into her cup, where the tea showed a faint reflection of her frowning face.
"I could go talk to him, if it puts you at ease." Rosie offered.
Alastor's eyebrows went down into a glare. "Don't worry yourself about him Rosie. It's unnecessary, I have it under control."
"What's under control?"
Everyone looked back to Y/n standing by the stairs. Rosie's head turned, taking him in... It was him, her little stalker. So his name was Y/n? She had finally a chance to talk to him.
"So, you are Y/n." Rosie made her way to him and held out her hand." My name is Rosie, it's good to meet you!"
Y/n's eyes studied to woman in front of him. It was her, finally. he could finally meet her. He tried to introduce himself but something strange happened. Y/n's hands started to sweat, his face became flushed and when he tried to speak, nothing came out. He was completely flustered.
"Y-ye-ah." He managed to say.
"Is everything alright, Y/n?" Charlie stood up, about to make his way to him.
"Don't worry about it dear." Alastor glared at the other man. "He seems to just be flustered."
Realisation hit the other hotel staff. Their heads turned to the conversation going on between te overlords and their resident. Th Radio Demon was right, Y/n kept looking down, face red and stuttering out his words. It was weirdly cute, if you didn't know how insane of a person he usually was.
They kept themselves out of it though, this was between Y/n and Rosie.
Rosie kept visiting after that day. Every time she was there, Y/n would be a flustered mess, doing everything he could to make her happy except for holding a proper conversation. It's not like he didn't want to but every time he tried, he became completely flushed and nervous.
Every time she wasn't there though, he would be is usual crazy self. He would collect bugs for unknown rituals in his room, he would confess the craziest shit that even scared Nifty and kept preparing his homemade hummus that even Alastor wouldn't dare try.
The only thing that did chance was when anyone even mentioned Rosie, he would fall apart. This came in handy for Charlie and Vaggie when they wanted Y/n to participate in group activities or for the others when he was being just a bit too eerie.
One day Rosie and Alastor decided to make a trip to the tailor together.
"I take it you have noticed Y/n's absolute infatuation with you."
"How could I not?" Rosie smiled wide. "He is cute."
"You know you can get way better right? I'm sure I could help you find a suitable partner for you."
"That's very sweet of you Al but I've already fallen in love with him. I was just pushing the conversation off because his reactions are so adorable."
"I don't see how anyone could fall in love with such a demon. The denizen is hardly a gentleman."
"You don't understand anything about romance Al." Rosie started to blush. "I think I'll even confess tonight."
That night Rosie was standing in front of the door. After knocking on it, the door swung open with Y/n standing in the doorframe.
"R-Rosie?" He muttered. "W-w-w- what are you doing here? Uhm, come in." He stepped aside.
Y/n's room sure was something. Bugs were trapped in a glass container. Next to it stood several used weapons; a knife, hammer, matches and even a bottle of acid. Residue of the bugs rested next to them. The bed was messy. Blood soaked into the hardwood floor in the corner.
"I was hoping to talk to you."
Y/n just nodded his head in response.
"You see, I know you had been stalking me and I have to say... I think you're kind of cute too."
He looked up, seeing Rosie's beautiful eyes of nothingness stare right at him. "I LOVE YOU!" He screamed out.
"Me too." Rosie's smile was as sweet as sugar.
Her face got closer and closer to him until their lips touched. Y/n's lips opened and their kiss turned into making out. Stopping their kiss felt like being torn away from heaven.
"W-will you go on a date with me?" He asked.
"I would love too."
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scenteddelusion5 · 1 month
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First art post on here 🫶 wanted to share my Alastor body hcs! Saw someone on tiktok do smthing similar. I always pictured him as having many scars
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scenteddelusion5 · 1 month
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 5 (FINISHED)
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: LAST PART!!! Are you ready?!
Word count: 4074
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Y/n's eyes slowly opened. How long were they asleep? They slowly pushed themselves up. Familiar sheets covered them, it was theirs. Looking around they were on their room, only it looked to be a lot cleaner. All their dirty clothes had disappeared, their box stood newly organised in the bookcase and the dirty cup that usually stood on their nightstand was gone. In its stead stood a beautiful vase with their favourite flowers in it.
Their shoulder was patched up. It hadn't completely healed yet, it still hurt but not as much anymore. Y/n threw his legs out of bed, trying to stand up only to fall down again. They hadn't had any energy left, despite having slept for at least a few hours.
"Where's Vox?" Y/n whispered to themselves.
That's when it hit them, Vox had gotten hurt because of them. their adrenaline pumped up again, giving Y/n the strength to stand up again. They ran, or rather stumbled, out of the room.
Alastor ran up from his eat when he heard noises coming from upstairs. His child was finally awake. He ran to the stairs and there they were.
"Careful, little fawn, you'll fall." Alastor held them up using his shadows.
"Vox! No, where's Vox?!" They tried to pull themselves away from the shadows. "I have to get to Vox."
"Your... 'boyfriend'... is fine." Alastor said with disgust. "He is coming by later in the afternoon. You should lay down again."
"You aren't going to hurt him?"
"As much as I dislike him, I now see that you two are truly in love." He held them by the arm and let them back to their room. "You've been asleep for two days, the angelic rope had drained a lot of your energy." He sat them down back on the bed. "That noisy picture box of yours had come by six times since he had awoken, even brought you flowers."
"He brought these." They mumbled, reaching for the flowers.
The Radio Demon looked at their child smiling at something as simple as a few flowers like they were the biggest treasure in the world.
"Little fawn, I'm sorry. I tried to protect you to the best of my ability but I almost lost you because of it." He pulled them into a hug. "Please forgive me."
Y/n hugged him back. "I forgive you."
"Now, what would you like to eat?" Alastor pulled back and patted their head. "You must be starving."
"Jambalaya sounds really good right now."
"Good old Jambalaya it is then." He stood up and was about to leave the room. "Oh, I almost forgot, he left you a gift. I put it on your desk." The door closed with a click and they were all alone again.
They stood up again and slowly made their way to the desk. A small unfamiliar, black box sat in the corner. Inside it sat a brand new VoxTech phone, a new phone case and a note:
I'm sorry love but after what happened I kept the tracker on. -Love Vox <3
Picking up the case, it had a cute drawing of a deer in the green woods on the back. Y/n turned on the phone, on it popped the same picture of Vox and them. He had transferred all their data and settings.
Y/n looked at their two contacts; Vox and Velvette. Their finger hovered over the calk button. Alastor said he would came by later anyway... But they really wanted to hear his voice, just to see if he is okay. They clicked.
It took Vox only two seconds to pick up. "Y/n? Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm doing fine. I just woke up. How are you?"
"Now that I'm talking to you, better than ever doll." His voice deepened, trying to sound cooler. Y/n really loved this dork.
"Sir, the presentation is-" A squeaky voice could be heard through the call.
"Don't you see I'm on the phone." Vox dismissed him.
"If you're busy I can calk later."
"NO! Don't worry about it, I'm not busy, Vox said quickly, "you know what? I'm so not busy I will come over right away!"
"But sir-" The voice spoke again.
"Bye bea, I'll see you in a minute!"
Y/n could only imagine the panic on his worker's face when Vox sprinted out of that meeting. After speaking with him again, Y/n felt their energy recover even more and decided to head downstairs.
Alastor was working on his special Jambalaya in the kitchen. His little, deer tail swaying to the sound of jazz music coming from the radio. Hearing Y/n enter, he turned around.
"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked. "You should be resting more."
"I feel rested enough." Y/n stalked over to the stove. "It smells amazing."
"Of course it does, I made it. I also put in the 'secret ingredient'." He winked. "Even used your favourite."
A knock came from the front door.
"I'll get it!" They rushed to the front door. "Hey Vox!"
"Y/n!" He hugged his lover. "How are you healing up? Does it still hurt? Should I get tou some painkillers?"
Alastor rolled his eyes hearing the TV Demon at the door.
"No need, I'm doing fine."
The two walked back in through the hallway into the kitchen.
"More importantly, how is your wound?" They gently grabbed his arm to inspect the wound. "I'm sorry, I hurt you."
"You didn't do anything! I-I jumped in front of you! It's my fault." Vox slightly buffered as he was talking a mile a minute. "I'm just happy you're fine." He put on his adorable, dorky, little smile.
"Vox, I wasn't expecting you until 5 pm." Alastor's voice sounded irritated but his smile didn't falter.
"Well, Y/n called me. So I rushed over."
There definitely still was tension between the two, a lot of tension. But they weren't openly nor aggressively hostile towards each other. It was progress.
Alastor's smirk grew wider. "Then why don't you join us for lunch. I made Jambalaya." He put down the pot on the dining table.
Vox sat down next to Y/n, wrapping his arm around them. "Sure."
Vox regretted his decision as soon as Alastor pulled of the lid revealing the Jambalaya. A familiar smell reeked from it, there was demon meat inside it.
"You know what, I think I'll pass." Vox laughed nervously.
"I can't believe how rude your boyfriend is being Y/n. Not eating the food I so lovingly prepared." The Radio demon took a big scoop and put it on a plate. "At least take a bite."
"It's fine if you don't want it." Y/n pulled the plate away from him. "I'll finish it for you."
"What kind of man can't even finish his own plate?"
"Those are old-timey values, dad."
"Hmm." Alastor looked him up and down. "It's still disrespectful."
"Like we have ever had respect for each other, you old bastard," Vox said holding up his middle finger.
"See, that's not any way to talk to the father of your partner."
"Dad, stop it." Y/n scolded him. "You don't have to eat anything you don't want to."
Vox looked down to the Jambalaya and then back up to a smug looking Alastor. "I'll try it."
"Splendid!" Alastor grabbed two more plates and filled them up. "Bon appetite!"
Vox slowly used his fork to bring the Jambalaya to his mouth. He had eaten demon flesh before, this shouldn't be any different. Just bite through it.
The TV Demon swallowed as fast as possible. "Blur, that was... sure something."
"Aren't you going to finish your plate?" Alastor challenged him.
And so the lunch went on. Vox almost throwing up with every bite while Alastor was smirking at him every time.
"There, I finished it!" He yelled, victorious.
"Then would you like seconds?"
"Dad! Leave him alone. You've bullied him enough." Y/n was quite surprised by hoe civil the two still were but that didn't mean they had fully forgiven him. "Besides, you had hurt him pretty badly too during my 'rescue'. Don't you think he deserves an apology?" They knew they were pushing the Radio Demon's limits with that one and yet they still wanted to see if he actually would.
Alastor sighed, "Vox."
Was he actually going to?
"My sincerest apologies, I hadn't realized how weak you truly are and therefore used too much force."
"Oh fuck you."
"Now that that's out of the way, we have more important things to discuss." Alastor stood up and brought the dirty dishes to the sink. "You see, after my poor fawn had passed out and Vox decided to be dramatic, I captured the demon behind the attack. I still have him, Paris and the imp in my possession"
"Hmm, you know, I've always wondered what imp tastes like." Y/n cheekily suggested.
"As for Paris, I will have some fun with him and then hand him over to Rosie." Alastor had washed off the dishes and was putting them back in the cupboards. "He's her responsibility. The last Demon's fate is up to you, DEAR future son in law." The nickname was spat out like venom.
"So, who is the fucker that wanted them dead anyway?" Vox enquired.
"It seemed a certain colleague of yours had gotten jealous and decided to take my little fawn out."
"Val," Vox whispered. "I knew he was acting weird."
"How are you planning to deal with him?"
Vox looked at Y/n, their deer eyes staring back at him. He could have lost them forever, all because Valentino couldn't get over being dumped. He had to kill him. Not only to ensure Y/n's safety but also to prove himself to Alastor. To prove that nothing comes before them.
"Do you have angelic weapons here?"
Vox, Y/n and Alastor had wondered deep into the forest on the Radio Demon's territory. Nothing could be heard except for some hellbirds chirping.
"Doesn't this bring you back, little fawn?" Alastor lamented. "I still remember your first hit, we buried his leftovers next to that old tree. Haha, those were the days!"
"Yeah, I couldn't even finish a liver back then!" Y/n laughed.
As terrifying as their conversation was, it could not compare the what he was going to do. He knew Val had to go, for their sake, but he was still an old friend. One HE had to kill. He couldn't even discuss it with Velvette first!
Oh she was going to be so mad, with Valentino gone both their workloads would increase tenfold.
They stopped at a clearing. Vox held the gun in his sweaty hands. Alastor opened a pitch black portal. Out of it he pulled a tied up Val.
"Don't you know how shitty it is in there!" The overlord yelled. "Ah, Voxie baby, thanks for getting me out of there."
Vox held up the gun and pointed it straight at the man's head.
"Wowowow, what's all this about?" Valentino looked around seeing Alastor and Y/n glaring at him. "Are you seriously choosing them over me? You FUCKING need me! YOU NEED ME!!!" He started to approach Vox. "These two are going to get rid of you after me!"
"Goodbye Val." Vox pulled the trigger. An angelic bullet shot straight through the demon's head, killing him instantly. "So, what are we going to do with the body?"
"Don't worry, the animals will take care of it."
A month went by like a breeze. Vox had to find a new face for the V's 'film' department, in the meantime he had to take over as Velvette refused to take on more work.
"Fuck no!" She had yelled when he even brought up the possibility of taking over a little bit of paperwork.
So it all fell on him. This also meant he had less time to spend with Y/n, which they understood. And Alastor got to enjoy the chance to tell him how much of a terrible boyfriend he was for not spending enough time with them.
All and all, things went well.
As Vox's workload got smaller and smaller the couple started to spend more time together, which Alastor loathed. So the man took every chance he got to interrupt the two.
Going to the movies, suddenly there is a power outage. Having dinner at restaurant, Alastor invites himself along. Taking a walk through the forest, suddenly he NEEDS Y/n's help with something.
It became a sort if challenge between the two, who could keep Y/n's attention for the longest.
The couple were laying on the bed in their room Y/n reading a book while Vox was handling some more documents. Door wide upon as per Alastor's rules.
"I swear he is doing it on purpose!" Vox complained. "I mean, he straight up attacked me this time."
"He wants to see what you can do, train you." They turned over a page in their book. "It's his way of bonding. He already likes you a lot better, I swear!
He sighed, "if you say so, sweets. I sometimes just wished we could get along better, not just for my comfort but for yours." Vox set down his tablet on their nightstand and combed his fingers through their hair. "It must be exhausting to have us bicker all the time."
Before Y/n could answer, however, they got interrupted.
"My little fawn!" Alastor walked in. "I have to go to a meeting and I was wondering if you would come with me?"
"Oh." Y/n looked up at Vox. "I think I'm staying here. I haven't had the chance to hang out with Vox in quite some time."
"That's so unfortunate, you see." The overlord smirked. "It's quite the chance to build some steady connections for when it's time to climb up the ranks for you, but oh well!"
"If that's the case, why don't you take Vox with you?!"
"He is an overlord too, connections would be useful, right?" They looked the TV Demon in the eyes.
"Uhm well yes, bu-"
"Then this is your chance!" They jumped up from the bed and started pushing Alastor out of the room. "He'll be down in five."
For some strange reason or another, the Radio Demon didn't make a fuss about it. Just accepted that Vox would come with, strange... Very strange...
Alastor and Vox stood awkwardly next to each other right outside the front door.
"So, are we taking a car, or...?" Vox broke the silence.
"If we still lived in my time we would have just taken the trolly," the Radio Demon remarked, "But we aren't so get those legs moving. It's quite far."
The TV glared at the other walking away. "Where are we going, anyway?"
Alastor looked back at the man catching up to him. "Don't worry your ugly little head over it!"
"This 'ugly head' scored your child, motherfucker!" He retorted.
A shadowy tentacle shot out of Alastor's back. The appendage hit Vox right in the middle of his screen, almost cracking it.
"I didn't take you for a gambler," Vox said, staring at the buzzling casino the two were about to enter, "what would Y/n think of you?"
"I don't frequent establishments of this kind often but when I do, I don't plan on losing." Alastor made his way inside, the other following him. "This is your chance to show me what you're made of. Don't ruin it."
Vox followed the demon into the back where a familiar overlord was sitting at a poker table.
"Husker my old friend, I see you are at again!" He sat down at the table and as soon as he did, a few of the denizens that excused themselves. "How about a round? Even brought easy pickings."
"I'm not easy pickings!" Vox yelled whole sitting down, not willing to back of from this challenge.
"Vox, huh, didn't realise you became chummy with the Radio Demon." Husker looked him up and down. "Fine, you can join but remember, we're dealing in souls over here!"
As soon as Vox sat down, chips appeared before him. These chips, however, weren't your usual casino chips. No, these held a soul in them. He couldn't believe this was happening, gambling with souls was very risky and here Alastor, fucking Alastor, was willing to risk it against the overlord of gambling. Not only that, but the man had pulled him along too.
The cards were shuffled and everyone got their own deck. This was insane, losing even one game could mean losing his position as an overlord. Now that Vox was thinking about it, Alastor had planned to bring Y/n along for this.
He was willing to risk Y/n's power and soul for a stupid game! This didn't feel right, Alastor would never. Then maybe, just maybe, the Radio Demon had already secured the win before even starting the game.
Vox looked over at the man, and the face he saw confirmed it. The Radio Demon was smirking even wider than ever before. This was going to be Husk's last night as an overlord. For him this meant to protect his own souls at all costs and let Alastor handle the rest.
"Come on Husker, are you really going to back out now?" Alastor teased, "Maybe you'll win it all back in one last round!"
"I don't have more souls." Husker glared at the giant stack of chips in front of the other two.
"Well technically you do have one more... But I understand why you wouldn't gamble with it." The Radio Demon put on a fake disappointed face while still maintaining his signature smile. "I guess that's it for the gambling overlord."
The two other demons were about to stand up and leave before Husker spoke up, "Wait! One more round but keep in mind that I have only one souls to bet!"
"It's a deal then!" The Radio Demon immediately agreed. "I'll put in all my chips for your singular soul."
"I'm backing out." Vox took his chips and made them disappear. Knowing Alastor, the demon would've taken all his souls too this round if he didn't. Besides, he had even gained a few souls that night.
"Heads up, then?" Husker asked at which Alastor agreed.
It was a brutal sight. The horror in Husker's eyes after he realised he not only lost his position as an overlord but also lost his own soul, all in the same night.
"Well good friend, it's getting late and I have to prove to my little fawn I didn't kill their suiter!" Alastor made all his chips disappear. "Come on Vox, Y/n is waiting on us."
"Right..." Vox was still flabbergasted about what he witnessed that day.
Once outside, he gained the confidence to speak up. "What was that?"
"Just some dealings, shouldn't an overlord like you understand such a simple concept?" Alastor chided. "Or are you as incapable as I first guessed you were!"
"That's not what I meant! You were going to have Y/n gamble with souls?!" Vox stepped in front of him, blocking the way. "You know how risky that would be you lollipop looking FUCKER!!!"
"They would've been just fine," he shrugged, "besides, it's about time they gained more power. I can't always be there for them, especially when they go behind my back." He shot a glare at the other man.
"Then why were you fine with me coming?"
"Hmm, if they're going to be with you, I should make sure you can protect them."
The rest of the way back was silent. Vox mulling over the other's words.
Weeks went by and instead of fighting over Y/n's attention, Alastor started to pull Vox away from them for 'training sessions'. While Vox found them to be tortures, he couldn't deny they weren't useful.
It was Y/n's birthday, the house was decorated with banners and guests were coming over. Vox had already been there since morning, annoying their father. Rosie, Franklin, some other cannibals and even Velvette came over. Gifts stacked on the table, snacks were available next to the pile.
"Oh darling, it's good to see you." Rosie shook their hand. "And another happy birthday!"
"Thanks, Rosie!"
At some point Alastor pulled Vox away from the party into his study.
"I need to talk with you." The Radio Demon filled his cup with whatever was in the ceramic pitcher. "As you know I am quite the traditional man."
"I'm aware," Vox answered.
"Then I probably won't have to tell you this but I just want to make sure." He took a sip from his mug. "If I find out you two partook in any... Usual marital affairs before you two could wed, I will hunt you to the edges of hell and rip your soul apart." Alastor grew twice in size, his eyes turned into dials, and static and symbols appeared all around him. "G̸̟͉̍̃͒̐͝Ö̴͔̫̀T̸̻̹̆ ̶̺͉̻̫̝̯̈̉̅̏̑ ̸̠̞͌͋͛͑͛̉͝͝I̵̖̩̓̃̈͝Ṫ̷̨̧̥̺̤̗̳̹͒̐?!"
"Yes, sir!"
"Great!" In one second the Radio Demon was back to his usual self. "Now let's get back to the party, shall we?"
Guests came and went, until only Alastor and Vox were left.
"So, uhm, the night's almost over but I haven't given you my gift yet." Vox held a rectangle box in his nervous sweaty hands. "Here."
Y/n carefully pulled of the ribbon and the wrapping paper, revealing a box. It was a V-Reader.
"Thank you."
"I wasn't sure you would like it but it can hold of 5 million books, designed it myself!"
"It's perfect." Y/n kissed the screen right between his eyes where his nose would have been.
"Erhmehm," Alastor fake coughed while glaring at the other overlord, "You also haven't received my gift yet." He grabbed their hand, holding it tightly.
Before Y/n realised what he was about to do, pure power started running through their veins from their hand to the rest of their body.
"I got these souls recently and have no need for them. I figured you could use some more power."
"I see, thanks."
The rest of the night was spend with just the two lovebirds in their room, door open of course.
"Dad's been acting weird, don't you think?"
"He has been his some old annoying self as far as I've noticed." Vox ran his fingers through their hair. "Why do you think that?"
"He would've never given me souls if it wasn't for something important and instead of trying to pull me away, he has been 'training' you." Y/n laid their head on his chest, listening for his heartbeat. "He has also been very sentimental the last few days, looking back on childhood memories, cooking together, hunting together. It all feels off."
"Then we'll ask him about it tomorrow, I doubt he would want to worry you."
"If you say so."
They were never able to ask him, because when the two of them woke up without the father yelling at Vox to get out of their bed, the two knew there was something wrong. They looked around the house, Alastor, however, was nowhere to be found.
They went to Cannibal Town to ask around, but no one had seen him there either. Not even Rosie knew where he was. Y/n's worry grew and grew. It got so bad that Vox decided to use his camera's to look all over hell to look for a sign of the Radio Demon.
Nothing, absolute no sign of Alastor.
Months went by, still no sign. Y/n moved into Vox's apartment, for both safety and not to feel lonely in their old home where everything reminded them of their father.
Even after all this time, Y/n still held hope, however, after two years that hope dissolved too. Vox and them started taking over all of the Radio Demon's responsibility.
After a while the two of them even got engaged and Y/n had accepted the fact that their father likely would never come back.
Seven years went by and the love birds were extremely happy, until one day Vox was working in his office and one of his camera's that he had around the princes' new hotel picked up something.
"THAT FUCKER IS BACK!" Vox yelled, staring at the screen showing the Radio Demon casually hanging out at the Hazbin Hotel. "He didn't even tell Y/n. Oh, I'm going to make him suffer for their grieve. I'm going to make you wish you'd stayed gone!"
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And that's the end. My next long series is with Zestial, part 1 already out. But if you have any one-shot request for me check out my pinned post with all the characters I write about!
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Taglist: @hxzbinwrites
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scenteddelusion5 · 1 month
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scenteddelusion5 · 1 month
Hello there! I do hope you are doing well! I was wondering if I could request a Hazbin Hotel imagine with Alastor x reader? Maybe the reader works at the Hotel and has for some time but is missing her life back with the living, so she heads to the kitchen to make some comfort food. Reader is from the South like Louisiana or Mississippi and makes Jambalaya. As she is cooking and dancing around the kitchen, Alastor is drawn in by the familiar smells and sit down and lots of fluff ensues? Maybe they get together at the end? Thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night! :)
One O'Clock Dinner
Alastor x homesick fem reader
Note: I decided to just have Y/n be from New Orleans as I'm not too familiar with United States' topography. Not my greatest work but still enjoyable!
Word count: 2174
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Alastor definitely wasn't your ordinary demon. He was a ruthless overlord that concurred hell when he just arrived. His terrifying broadcasts were planted in almost everyone's memory, well except those that died when he had mysteriously disappeared. One of them was a certain demon from Louisiana.
Y/n had lived in New Orleans since she was a baby and never knew a different home until the day she died and was cast down to hell. She knew she wasn't the best person during her life but she wouldn't really consider herself so bad to be cast down to hell for eternity, a decade in purgatory maybe. Alas purgatory did not exist, so she was stuck there.
Until half a year after she arrived, she saw a news broadcast of Charlie Morningstar and her redemption program. Everyone had laughed at the princess but Y/n saw this as her chance. She made her way over and signed into the Happy Hotel.
Th Radio Demon knocked on the door only a few minutes after she had checked in.
"Alastor, darling, pleasure to be meeting you! Quite the pleasure!"
Y/n had heard whispers about him but nothing that went into detail, so she eavesdropping on Vaggie telling the story to Angel. The man seemed very dangerous. Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea after all.
"So we're is your hotel staff?"
Charlie had agreed to take Alastor's help and now he was going around the room seeing what everyone could do.
"What about you, dear?" He had seemingly teleported right in front of Y/n, startling her.
"I-" She stumbled over her words as the Radio Demon's big red eyes were right staring at her. "-I can cook, I guess."
"Wonderful! As for the rest, I suppose I can cash in a few favours." He proceeded to summon a cat, bat like demon who became the bartender and front desk personnel, and a small cyclops demon who would take care of all the cleaning.
As much as she started to enjoy being around these people, Y/n quickly became tired as she had never been able to rest easily after landing in hell.
Before she could leave, however, the wall was blown up. A zappelin floated high on the sky. The demon inside it challenged Alastor but was easily defeated by the overlord.
She stared at the left over rubble. "I'm going to bed." Y/n swiftly left and made her way upstairs to her room.
A week went by and everywhere she went, Y/n felled someone staring at her in the shadows. She wasn't sure who nor why they were interested in her. It was making her squeezy, so much so that every time someone tried to talk to her, she jumped.
"Sorry Angel, didn't see you there!"
"Nifty! Where did you come from?"
"Oh! Husk, right just Husk."
The worst time it happened she was walking up the stairs, looking over her shoulder to search for whomever was following her. Y/n walked right into someone and almost fell from the stairs. Luckily that person caught her.
"You ought to look where you're going darling!" The Radio Demon helped her up the rest of the staircase. "Can't have our staff get hurt, you would be difficult to replace!"
"I'm sure there are other demons in hell who can cook. Besides didn’t you cook the other day?" She asked.
"Well yes, but they wouldn't be half as interesting as you!" Alastor smiled.
When Alastor had first arrived he saw her sitting there. The demon didn't seem to recognize him, sitting in her own little world. He had to admit that the girl was attractive but that wasn't what irked him, no, there was something about her.
From that day on he started observing Y/n, trying to figure out what was so special about her. He had found out she just died half a year ago. He learned about her skills and hobby's, he also had to admit that her cooking was amazing. Maybe even better than his, maybe.
The only reason the Radio Demon had kept his cooking in higher regard was because hadn't tasted any of her southern Louisianan dishes.
Alastor was watching her form the other side of the room. Y/n looked around while walking up the stairs, when she slipped. He quickly moved through the shadows and caught the girl. Her wide eyes were looking up at him. The Radio Demon couldn't get enough of them. How he wished to steal those eyes... He swiftly said his goodbye and disappeared into his room.
Why did he do that? There was no reason to intervene, but he did like the feeling of holding them... Alastor started to scold himself. Perhaps he is just hungry? He hadn't eaten demon for quite some time.
That night he went out and hunted down his victim. The first floor was empty, everyone was asleep. Alastor brought his bag of 'groceries' to the kitchen. He grabbed the left-overs of that night's dinner and mixed in the fresh meat. The mixture of his favourite food and Y/n's cooking was heavenly.
Even when his hunger was satiated, Alastor couldn't stop thinking about her. Something was definitely wrong with him. He kept think about her, her stupid smile and her jokes. The Radio Demon hadn't actually held many conversations with the girl but he had stalked observed her enough to know what kind of person she is.
Alastor knew her and yet, he craved for more. To not only be around her but to make her smile, genuinely smile, and to understand her.
Another two weeks went by and the horrible feeling of being watched only got worse. Now the spectator was even following Y/n into her room. She became more and more reserved, didn't even introduce herself when sir Pentious joined the hotel. Y/n started crying herself to sleep at night, she wished she was still alive with her family. She missed them.
Unconsciously she made her way to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge. She was craving the food from her home and by chance she had just the right ingredients. Y/n put on her apron.
The Radio Demon was pacing around the room. Y/n hadn't been her usual charming self for the past week. She was quiet and always looking around. It made his gut wrench, what could she be so hung up about that she was crying herself to sleep?
Alastor's curiosity had grown to an obsession and he knew it. He didn't just want her to be happy, he needed her to be happy. When she wasn't, he was restless.
As the Radio Demon was weighing his options, a familiar scent attacked his nostrils. It gave him a moment of peace. He made his way down the stairs, following the smell like he was in a trance.
Someone was singing in the kitchen. He opened the door to find Y/n cooking and swaying to her own tune. For the first time in two weeks, Y/n had a smile on her face.
"And what are you cooking up at one in the morning?" Alastor looked over her shoulder. "You should be getting your beaty sleep, darling."
"I was just really craving it," Y/n explained after she got over the scare of him standing there all of a sudden. "I wasn't able to sleep."
"What are you making?"
"Just some Jambalaya." She lifted up the lid to show him. "I'm also preparing beignet's."
Alastor looked at the dough, which were waiting for the oil to heat up. "Louisianan?"
"Yeah, I'm from New Orleans." She lifted up one of the beignets and dropped it in the pan. "Learned from the best chefs in the city." The dough slowly turned a darker brown.
"That's such a coincidence! I grew up in Orleans too!" He took another whiff of the Jambalaya. "Mind if I join you?"
"If you set the table."
"It's a deal, my dear!" Alastor joked, even getting a chuckle out of the girl. The sound shot straight to his heart. Oh, how he wished his microphone had recorded it.
When the Jambalaya and the beignets were ready, the two sat down and ate VERY late dinner, or rather early breakfast. It was a surprisingly domestic scene. The two went along well.
"Yeah, I grew up in the big city too. Back then it looked a lot different though. It was overrun by secret speakeasies those were the days." He mused over the past.
"I wouldn't be able to imagine for those being illegal! Hey, what did you do to get send to hell?" Y/n so daringly asked. "I heard you were pretty powerful ever since you first got here."
"Oh well," Alastor blushed like a high school girl telling someone about their embarrassing crush, "I was a serial killer. Ate up my victims and threw their leftovers in the bayou."
Y/n spat out her drink. "Wait!" She screamed while coughing. "You are THAT Alastor. They teach about you in history classes!"
"Do they now? I suppose I was quite the man."
"I wouldn't say that," Y/n mumbled, "But it is impressive how you climbed up the ranks here in hell. I almost feel safe sitting around you." She looked at Alastor's widening smile again. "Almost."
"Why wouldn't you feel safe my dear?" Alastor questioned. "The Hazbin Hotel had both me and the princess of hell protecting it."
"I might sound... Crazy, but I feel like someone has been watching me." She looked down, even though she didn't feel the eyes on her right now. "I haven't been doing too well because of it."
The reason she hadn't been her usual self was because he was freaking her out. It all clicked now for the Radio Demon.
"Well then I have to apologise." Alastor used his shadows to move right behind her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You see, I have been keeping an eye on you. It was not my intention to make you feel uncomfortable."
"You have been stalking me?"
"No, no my dear. Just... Observing," the Alastor corrected her.
"Tomato tomato." Y/n looked up into his terrifying, red eyes. "And why has the infamous Radio Demon been stalking me?"
"Just answer the question."
"..." He sighed, "I'm not too sure either. The only way I could describe it is you interest me."
"Well, next time you can just knock on my door. I prefer not to be watched during my cry sessions."
"Oh, but I loved hearing you sing when you thought no one was there."
The two started laughing, treating the stalkerish behaviours of Alastor as a joke.
"No but really, stop. It's creepy!"
"If the lady demands it."
The night went on long after the dinner was over. In a moment of confidence, Y/n implied that she was interested in seeing his radio tower and Alastor happily brought her there. She shuttered walking up the stairs into the little booth.
"Take a seat." Alastor pulled back the chair and when she sat down, scooted it up to the desk.
He started to explain what all the buttons and switches where for and how the antenna's send out radio waves or whatever. Y/n was only listening to half of it. The other half of her attention on Alastor's face. She had never realised how handsome the deer demon truly was. And his voice was incredibly soothing, at least for those who weren't scared of him.
His big eyes were beautiful and his wide smile was incredibly charming. Y/n's eyes drifted up to his head. His ears looked soft and fluffy, she wondered if she would ever get the chance to touch them. The antlers sticking out of his hair gave him a more manly appearance, contrasting the cute ears.
Y/n started leaning into him, getting incredibly close to his face.
"And these make sure tha-" Alastor immediately stopped talking when he turned his head and realised how close the two really were.
His nose was touching hers and he could feel her breath. Alastor's heart started pounding harder and harder, a slightly red blush decorated his face matching his attire and his eyes stared right into hers. He could only think about how beautiful she was.
Unconsciously he moved closer and closer and so did she. Until their lips touched. Y/n took this chance to deepen the kiss.
It lasted only a minute but to the two of them it felt like forever. They wished to keep going, however, they were unable to keep in their breath for that long.
As they pulled apart from one another, the realisation dawned on them. It was quiet.
They went back to their own room, neither of them dared to say a word. Perhaps it was just a fluke or perhaps this would grow out into more. Whatever Y/n was going to do about it could wait for tomorrow, it was 3 am after all and she was tired.
For the first time in weeks, Y/n fell asleep with a smile.
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scenteddelusion5 · 1 month
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 4
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: I had so much fun writing this!!! I hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 3174
Trigger warning: suicide attempt (This is based on Romeo and Julliet after all).
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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"HahaHAHAha," Alastor's laugh could be heard through the entire restaurant.
Denizens left early so they could get away from him as soon as possible. There were a few tables that stayed, however. One of them was a group of girls in the corner. Y/n couldn't really see them, but they could hear a giggle come from there every once in a while. The worst part of the dinner was how well Alastor and Paris got along. It was agonizing.
"You are one hell of a gentleman, Paris," Alastor joked. "Don't you think so Y/n?"
"Yeah, sure."
The overlord had noticed how out of his child had been after their conversation. He tried to cheer them up the whole time, he hated seeing them frown, but nothing would work. Alastor supposed it was his fault so of course it wouldn't work. Instead, he tried to get the attention on Paris in hopes he would be able to cheer them up. This was another failure.
Velvette had been texting Vox the whole night. She couldn't enjoy her food, only a few of her girls could to be honest, so instead she stared at the table in the middle of the restaurant. She sat in just the right spot where she wouldn't be noticed by the other two overlords.
They is frowning the WHOLE time Like they look like they want to leave real bad
Can you take pictures? Send me pictures Should I come over and help them?
RELAX!!! I'll take your stupid picture
Just as Velvette was about to sneakily take a picture of them, she saw Paris pull out a small box from his jacket.
"No fucking way," she mumbled under her breath.
"I know Y/n and me have only been seeing each other for a little more than a week," Paris started his speech, "I've fallen deeply in love with them and I'm personally ready to tie the knot." He opened the little box with a very fancy ring in it and presented it to them.
This seemed to take Alastor by surprise, there was no possibility his little fawn would say yes to such a premature proposal. Y/n was more... Refined than that.
"I- uhm, I will..."
What? This wasn't like them. Alastor didn't have much time to ponder what was going on when the wall exploded. His head snapped 360° to look at the destruction. As his head was turned, from the other side a glowing lasso wrapped around Y/n.
"Ẁ̸̟͎͙̰̑̂̿ͅH̷̞̦̕ͅA̸̗͉̣̝͓͆T̶̨̫͍̖̽ͅ!̵̤͍̱͓͑́̎͘͠" They looked down to the obviously angelic rope. They tried to tug out of it but was unable to.
As he heard their voice, Alastor's head turned around again. He saw the lasso around them, on the other end stood an imp with a cowboy hat. Alastor's shadow tentacles immediately shot out, but he was too late, the imp had pulled them back.
"I̴̘̹͍̒̄̚ ̴̻́W̵̨̺̌̂̉̐Ǐ̵̥̖̀̑L̶̜͂͒̑L̸̮̼̳͖͒ ̷̫̋ m̷̎͜a̴̖͂k̴̢͗ȩ̶͋ ̶̺̌ȳ̵̹o̶͙͌u̶̞͝ ̵͈̋r̷̨̈e̴̢̓g̸̳̎ṙ̴̫e̵͕͌t̴̙̍ ̶̡͗̈Ţ̶͉̥͛͌̕H̵̜͎͝I̴̭̩͛́̔͑͜ͅS̶̮͔̯͕̐!̵̡̘̀͑̓!̸̜̣̤̤̎̾!̷̦̤͕̦̄̍͆" His voice was distorted and his antlers grew triple in size. More and more shadows showed up to get to Y/n.
"Then you better hurry." Striker tightened the rope causing Y/n to scream.
Rosie was quick to help her friend but she was quickly distracted by another explosion, and another. Before they knew it, the whole building exploded and Y/n and Striker had disapeared.
Alastor's eyes widened, staring at the now empty spot where they just were. Everything become distorted around him, static filled the air and the Radio Demon grew to an enormous size.
"W̴̤͂̇H̸͔̓E̸̙͝R̷̫̩͌̌E̴̳͝ ̸͙͌̚A̵̖̻̐R̴͇̜͋͛E̸̘͠ ̴̛̫̔Ỳ̸͓O̴̳̟͒Ų̴̲̽͐?!!" Blood streamed out of his mouth down to his chin, his eyes turned into dials and the parts of hsi eyes that were usually red turned black. "W̷̘̯͕̾H̸̨͒Ë̵̢N̶̯̈́̂͐ ̸̞̠̈́I̵͉͚͌̓̀ ̵̼̦̎F̸͍̑Ḯ̸͔͔̚ͅN̶̖̆D̵̠̻̱̾̕ ̷̡̥͔̊̃Y̶̰̕͘Ȍ̵̭̜̈U̵̹͊̂̔͜!! When I F̶̼̺̲̥͕͉̖̓̄̓̍I̸̯͝N̸̡̮̥̯̲̦̩̒̋̏̂̊̒̚D̵̙̀̿ YOU!!! I WILL D̸͓͛̂̇̉Ȩ̴̟̗̫̼͎̙̏͗̓̿́S̴͖̩̹͉̣͖̑̉̈́ͅT̸̜͚͔̮̬̩̮̏R̴̟̪͓̍̍̑̽̉̃Ọ̴̡̺̝͆̍̈́̚͘Ỳ̶̙̠̻̱̥́̊̀̋ͅ ̸͈̆͗̿̂͠you!!!"
Alastor started destroying everything around him, pushing over buildings and throwing around random sinners. He couldn't find them. WHERE WERE THEY?
Velvette got blinded by the light that came from the explosion. Once she had rubbed her eyes and looked up again, she saw Y/n being pulled away by an imp. More explosions went off around Rosie and Alastor.
"God DAMN, you owe me Vox." She quickly got up and ran out the building, doing her best to follow Y/n and the kidnapper. Her efforts were in vain, when she lost them in the Vee's district.
It took hours for Alastor to calm down enough to stop his rampage. He sat down on the rubble scratching his claws into his leg.
"It's going to be alright Al. He wanted them alive so we still have a chance to find them." Rosie sat down next to him. "Paris and me will help you."
"What the FUCK happened to this place?" A voice came from the left.
Vox was sitting at home, blowing up Velvette's phone. She had just promised to send him a picture and suddenly she ignored him. What was happening over there? Maybe he should check it out, just for a second. Vox walked down to his car and got into his limo.
On the way there a notification popped up on his screen; a 666 news broadcast just started. He quickly put it on the TV he had hanging by the minibar.
"Good evening hell, we just got news that the Radio Demon was spotted reaping chaos." Katie Killjoy talked a mile a minute. The little box in the corner showed glitchy footage of a giant Alastor destroying the city. "Eyewitnesses say he is after someone. I wouldn't want to be in their position."
"Drive faster!" Vox yelled at his brainwashed employee.
Alastor's attention snapped to the Vee that just got to the scene. One of his tentacles shot out to the TV demon.
"What did Y̴̦̥̩̝̱̥̬̑̃̏͑̿̈́̀̋͝O̸̢͙͈̖͍̱̞̹̘͖̳̝̓̌̕͜͠Ü̶̦͖̿́́̄ do to Y/n?!" Alastor's shadows pulled Vox by the limbs. He was ready to tear the other overlord apart.
"I didn't do SHIT do them!!!" Vox buffered. "Where ARE they?!"
"Alright, alright, stop it Alastor." Rosie put herself in between them. "I dislike the guy too, but tearing him apart isn't going to find Y/n."
The Radio Demon let go of Vox but did keep a close eye on him. "You have one minute tell me where they are."
"I DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!!!" Vox yelled. "I don't even know what the FUCK is going on!"
"Y/n just got kidnapped by an imp with angelic weapons," Rosie explained.
"And how are we planning to find them?"
"WE?" Alastor asked. "You are going to get us to them before I destroy you."
"I didn't do it!"
"You've been trying to use them to get to me from the moment you two met."
"If you loved Y/n half as much as I do you would notice the FEET KISSING FUCKER that has actually been using them." Vox retorted while pointing at Paris.
"Me?" Paris put on his best confused face. "You're ridiculous."
Alastor was slowly growing in size again. He had enough of Vox's act. He would find Y/n even if he had to kill all of hell. "How D̸͎̤͉͑̈́͊À̸͙̱̹͎͓̀Ȑ̴̻͈͉̪͈͖̘̻̔̓E̷͍̤̲̻̠̾ you suggest I don't love them enough!" The Radio Demon shot out his shadows reaching for Vox. When he got the TV Demon by the leg, he pulled him back and imprisoned him with his claws.
Vox had to act fast. "Y-you really think Y/n would have agreed to that bastard's proposal if he wasn't blackmailing them!!"
The Radio Demon stopped in his tracks. He was right, they would never had agreed. He shrunk again, now turning to the cannibal demon. Y/n had been acting weird... But what would be enough to blackmail his child? He was one of the most powerful overlords in hell, anyone that messed with them messed with him. Y/n had to just come to him and he would take care of everything.
"Stop spewing such nonsense, of course Y/n would want to marry me!" Paris yelled literally looking down on Vox who was still pinned to the rubble. "Only someone like me is worthy of marrying the Radio Demon's child."
Alastor had never heard Paris spoke in such a way before. If the demon was just an acquaintance, he wouldn't have mind it, hell maybe even encouraged it! But this was the man who had been courting his child. His child who would've hated to be put on a pedestal, especially if it was for simply being the Radio Demon's child.
Alastor turned to the man. "Paris? What did he mean by 'if he wasn't blackmailing them'?"
"... You aren't believing what this filth is spewing, right?" Paris' face gradually turned from confusion to fear when he realised the demon wanted actually wanted an answer. "I... Of course, I didn't!" He began to sweat. "I-I would never..."
Alastor knew how men looked when they were scrambling for anything that would save them, a lie, a knife, a rock, anything. He had seen it over and over again on his victims, on his father.
"Listen, you have Ỡ̵͉̰͋̀̅̄̀̈́N̵͉͎̦͖̼̖̣̼̣̈́̌̃E̶̛̖͐̀̕͝ chance tell me the truth or you will be the next voice on my broadcast." Alastor loomed over Paris, symbols and static surrounding him. "I'm all ears."
"I- uhm..."
"It's not wise to lie dear," Rosie advised him, "it'll only make things worse."
"I-it's true." He mumbled but it was loud enough for Alastor to hear.
Before Paris knew it a black hole was opened up underneath him. Giant, black tentacles dragged him down, deep in the unknown.
"I'll deal with him later, now, you." He turned to Vox who was still traumatised by what he just witnessed. "E̵͙͇̳̬̬͐́X̷̣̭̫̞̄̔̿̀͘P̸͍̜̯͉̂̀̓̾̋̕͜Ĺ̵̪͌̋͌͘A̷̤͍͎̓͂͊̏͜ͅI̸͍̊͝N̶̫͇̥̅̆̒́̍͐!̵̡̭̲̱̭͝ Please."
"It doesn't matter how many times you threaten me-" Vox slowly stood up. "- or how many times you beat me up." He continued to confidently walk up to Alastor. "My answer is still the same fuckface!!!" His face was pulled into a frown and he shoved his finger into the Radio Demon's face. "I LOVE Y/N!!!!"
Alastor was put off by his enemy's attitude. This wasn't his usual front in which he pretended to be strong and confident. For the first time he saw the genuine Vox shine through.
"Fine then, prove it." The Radio Demon straightened his suit jacket. "Are you willing to risk your life and soul finding them?"
"Without a doubt and I know exactly where to start."
The three overlords were walking into the Vee tower, up the elevator to Vox's office. For anyone walking by it was a strange sight. Vox, the overly controlling and vengeful overlord inviting his rival into his office... And Alastor agreeing! This would have been the talk of the town if Vox hadn't mind controlled every single one of his employees to stay quiet. He has an image to uphold after all.
Alastor looked around the office, it was... Something. A circular door with the VoxTech logo on it let the three overlords into what he could only describe as a monstrosity of a workspace. The Demon's office was a circular platform surrounded by a sort of, very deep, mote. In the mote swam robotic sharks. The walls held a thousand screens, each showing the footage of a different camera. On the platform hang even more screens in front of a single chair and a desk.
"Talk about being paranoid." Rosie said looking around the room.
"Only a madman would have this much surveillance." Alastor quipped.
"Well the surveillance of this mAdMaN is going to find Y/n, so shut up and let me concentrate."
"Of course." The Radio Demon nodded his head. "And how exactly?"
Vox rolled his eyes. If Alastor wanted to look down on him that's fine but the man isn't going to distract him from finding his love. "Well I'm going to try and restart the tracker in their phone."
"Their what now?"
"Their phone that I gifted. I had disabled the tracker but I might be able to restart it remotely," Vox explained.
"You gave my child one of your picture phones?" Alastor's eyes turned into dials. He couldn't believe how much Y/n had been hiding from him, it was a lot to find everything out in one evening.
"Yes, I wasn't able to contact them otherwise because of their overprotective freak of a father." Vox was typing away on his computer, getting past the firewall and excessing their phone settings.
Alastor promptly got cut off by Rosie. "How about we deal with all this fighting and secrets later? Now we should focus on Y/n."
"Fine," Alastor sighed, "how long will this take?"
"Almost done I just have to excess the hidden settings and..... it's turned on!" Vox zoomed in on the map that showed the entire pride ring to the little glowing spot. "That's weird, it says they're on your territory, right by your garden."
"I doubt this kidnapper would have taken them to my house."
"How about I go take a look and you two try looking for something else?" Rosie proposed. "As long as you two stay civil with each other, of course."
"Don’t worry." Vox mumbled while all his focus was on the screens.
"That's not going to be a problem," Alastor said with a strained smile.
Rosie left the two of them alone. Maybe this would be good for them, she thought.
"I will never accept you as my son in law." Alastor stated.
"I know." Vox connected himself to the computer. This way it was easier to look through the thousands of security camera's around hell. "But I also never wanted to hide it. Whether you hate me or not, Y/n deserves better than sneaking around to go on dates."
"Then tell me my old friend, what makes you think YOU deserve them."
"I don't think I do, however, Y/n loves me and they deserves to be with someone that actually loves them back." Vox was following the tracker in Velvette's phone and looking through the cameras on that route.
"Tell me, how far along has your... affair with Y/n come?"
"If you're asking whether I've fucked them, then the answer is stage minus twenty. We've just been going on dates and talking."
Alastor scuffed at the overlords bluntness
"Look at this, I've got the two on camera."
He turned to the screen that showed the footage and there they were. Y/n bound with angelic robe with that imp dragging them along.
"They are headed for the edge of town." Vox skipped to the cameras there and sure enough, there they were. The imp dragged them into a warehouse.
"Hey dearies-" Rosie entered the office again, broken phone in hand. But as soon as she stepped inside the two men were already gone. Alastor disappearing in his shadow while Vox zapped through the camera.
"Who are you? What do you want from M̴̨͈͕͍͂͘Ȩ̷̛̙̪̱̤͊͒̑̇̋ͅ?!" Y/n yelled doing their absolute best to get their hands free from the bounds, alas it was pointless.
"It's no use fighting back. Not even Goetia would be able to get out of those." The imp's tail smashed against the wall in a whip-like motion. "Now be a good little sinner and wait, he wants to come down here and kill you himself."
"Your boss is a stupid man." Y/n was able to stand up, their hands and torso still bound. They looked around, they were inside some old buidling. Angelic weapons lined the wall, from guns to knifes.
"Hah! Tell him that yourself, he'll be here soon enough." A knock came from the door. "As if right on que." Striker opened the door and as he did, he was immediately shoved against the wall by black tentacles.
Through the doorway came Alastor and Vox. Y/n started running up to them.
"Fawn, I-" The Radio Demon stopped talking when he realised they weren't running to him but to Vox.
"VOX!!" Y/n cried throwing themselves onto them.
"Y/n." Vox took off the angelic bounds. "Are you alright?" He cupped their cheek.
They leaned into him. "I am now."
Alastor was fuming at the sight. He quickly grabbed the angelic rope and bound Striker before turning to the two. The Radio Demon proceeded to pull Vox away from them, pulling him in four different directions by his limbs.
"Thanks for the help but I have no use for you now, Ģ̵͖̯̅̂͜Ỏ̴͚̥̖͍̃O̷̳͙͗̍D̴̤̽̅̚B̸̢̦͇͑̔͋̿Y̶̪͕͔͎̹̱̊̎̓̕Ë̴̫͇̘́͋͜͝!!!"
"S̶̛̛̹̮̘͔͕̰̓́̀̋̾͛̕T̸̢̡̥̤̬͇̖̟͙̜̳̦͐̋O̷̢̨̫̰̪̯̟̼̞̼͈̥͜͝P̴̙͎̓̋̔̊̅͌̈!!!" Y/n stood by the wall of angelic weapons. "Let him go, I love him."
"Darling, I know what you think but you are confused, I will fix this for you." Alastor pulled harder earning a scream from Vox.
"DAD, let go of him, or... I will die with him." They pulled a knife from the array of weapons and held it to their neck.
"Y/N! Don't!!!" Vox yelled out. "It's not worth dying for me!"
"NO! If you die, I will die PERMENANTLY!"
"Little fawn, you will have to bluff better than that." The Radio Demon chuckled. "I will teach you one day."
"I'M NOT-" They yelled, -BLUFFING!!!" Y/n pulled the knife back and stabbed themselves into their shoulder, leaving the knife in, for now.
Alastor's antlers shrunk, his eyes focused on the wound, looking at it in horror. "Y/n, this man isn't worthy of you." Unconsciously, he had let go of a now coughing Vox.
He slowly made his way to them, coughing and limping.
"That's for me to decIDE-" They pulled the knife out, blood pooling out of the wound. "And HE IS!"
Y/n tried to push the knife right into their chest but something was blocking the blade. Vox had thrown himself at him and the knife went right through his suit and into his arm.
"V-Vox, what are you?"
"You are really stupid, you know that?" He joked. "How could I just stand by and watch you get hurt?"
"I love you," they whispered.
"I-I lo... Love..." Vox fell down, all his weight came down on them.
"Vox..? Vox? VOX!" Tears spilled out of their eyes. "VOX!!! WAKE UP! Ple-ease wake up!"
Alastor just stood there, as Vox of all people, saved his child. He tried to come closer, his hands shaking.
"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!" Y/n glared at their father.
"Y/n, you're bleeding too, l-let me help you." He tried to take another step.
"S̶̛̛̹̮̘͔͕̰̓́̀̋̾͛̕T̸̢̡̥̤̬͇̖̟͙̜̳̦͐̋O̷̢̨̫̰̪̯̟̼̞̼͈̥͜͝P̴̙͎̓̋̔̊̅͌̈!! D-don't... you'll h-hurt hi-" They too lost consciousness.
The Radio Demon carefully picked up the couple, two tentacles wrapped around their wounds putting pressure on them. Before he could leave with them, a voice came from the door.
"Stricky!! Sorry, I'm late. I saw the broadcast though." The door slowly opened. "I can't wait to kill the whore and get my Voxy ba-"
Valentino saw what was actually happening inside. Striker was bound up, Vox and Y/n knocked out and he now stood face to face with a incredibly pissed of Radio Demon.
Alastor quickly pulled Valentino and Striker into a blackhole. He really wanted to pull them both apart but he had other prioritise right now.
"Rosie! Get the first aid-kit!" Alastor barged into the emporium carrying the two.
Rosie looked at the wounds. "I'll get the town doctor too, wait here."
Alastor sat down next to his child. He gave them a kiss on the forehead.
"I'm sorry Y/n, please forgive me," he whispered.
Part 5
Masterlist/request guidelines
Taglist: @hxzbinwrites
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scenteddelusion5 · 2 months
can you write a zestial x reader where the reader is an angel and they have a secret relationship but the seraphim found out and b an ned her from heaven
A Daring Creature -Part 1
Zestial x angel fem reader
Note: AHHH!!! I LOVE this!! Also why don't we have yellow text colours! I also had to take a LOT of liberties writing Zestial because we don't know much about him.
Warning: inacurate middle English
Word count: 1880
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Zestial was more than 400 years old, he lost the real count a LONG time ago. What he would never lose count of was how long he'd known her. To be fair it wasn't all THAT long ago, only 42 years ago, but he swore to himself he'd never forget that day.
He was hiding out in his mansion on his territory during extermination day when he heard a loud pang outside. Something must've hit the ground very hard, if it was a sinner they would probably already be dead by this point and if it was an exterminator, he didn't want to cross paths with them. So instead he hid deeper, in the basement of his mansion.
The day went on without a hitch and Zestial could leave his manor again to check what happened. While he was exploring his garden, he found a strange creature had crashed into the path, having destroyed the beautiful tiles. She had giant white wings and a yellow halo above her head. small wounds and bruises adorned her body with golden blood flowing out of them, they were, however, healing quickly. She wasn't dead.
Was this angel an exterminator? No, she didn't wear their uniform nor did she hold a black hallow like her military sisters, then why was she here. Zestial had many questions, but first he had to decide. Was it worth bringing in this angel to gain their favour even though she could become a threat later on?
She didn't seem to have any angelic weapons on her, she wouldn't be able to kill him... Zestial decided to bring her in and laid her down on a bed in one of his guest rooms. He designated one of his demon contracts to take care of her and warn him when she wakes up.
Y/n woke up with a headache, the last thing she remembered was falling face first into the ground and now she was in a bed? How did she get here. She slowly sat up, looking around the room, it was decorated with red, black and greenish yellow decor. Did this mean she made it to hell? Another look over her eyes landed on a man standing in the corner, he was short, wore a butler-like uniform and had a web in his hair. What she assumed to be a demon, had red skin and black horns.
"H-hello," she spoke but the demon stayed quiet. "Where am I?"
The demon looked at his watch. "Please put on this attire and wait here. I'll be informing master that you're awake." And with that the demon left without answering her question.
On the chair laid a simple black dress, nothing fancy but it also wasn't a rag. She slowly got out of bed, being careful with her headache, and changed out of her very badly damaged angel attire.
Who was this guy's master? The demon who lived there seemed to be very well of and thus powerful. What kind of mess did she get herself in now?
A knock came from the door, "lady, if you're finished changing please come out."
When she walked out, she saw the same demon waiting on her in the hallway.
"Follow me."
Looking around the hallways, the building looked like it was decorated by someone from th 17th century. Besides all the luxury paintings and dressers, what really stood out were the strange spiderweb motives all around the building, from the wallpapers to the candle chandeliers.
They ended up in front of a pair of doors that were at least 3 meters (10 feet) tall. The tops were arched and the handles looked like spiders.
The demon knocked on the giant doors. "She's here, sir."
"Thee can enter!"
The demon didn't react, so Y/n opened the door just enough to walk through. Inside was an office. The wooden walls as well as the furniture had flowery carvings in them, the fabric used for the cushiony parts of the furniture had web patterns in them and the candle light glowed green instead of yellow.
On the armchair behind the desk sat a tall figure, he had four green glowing eyes, a dark black cloak wrapped around his body, spider held the place of where his bowtie was supposed to be and a hat sat upon his head making his already tall figure even taller.
"Please, sitteth down." The man conjured up two cups of thee, one of which he took a sip from. "Now, wherefore is there an angel down here? Thee aren't an exterminator."
"I was just really curious about hell and kind off... Snuck down." Y/n awkwardly looked around the room avoiding eye contact with the demon in front of her. "What is an exterminator?"
Zestial choked on his tea hearing her question. "Does thou not knoweth?"
"No," she answered.
"Alloweth me to proposeth a deal." He got her attention again after she started to search around the room again. "I shall bid thee about the exterminations and hell, in turneth thee bid me in detaileth about how thee did get here." Zestial held out his hand, it became surrounded by glowing webs.
"Uhm sure, but we don't have to do the hand thingy." She laughed it off. "So when I first arrived in heaven three years ago, I started to wonder what hell was like. Nobody could give me a concrete answer, not even the seraphim. I made it my mission to find out what's it like. After two years, I realised a group of angels went down every year..."
"Hey lute!" Y/n ran up to the older angel. "Where were you yesterday?" "Work." "For a whole twenty four hours?" She asked. "Yes," Lute sighed, "what do you want Y/n?" "I was just curious." "Too curious, it's none of your business where and how I work."
"I knew I just had to follow them, so the next time they gathered, I snuck through the gates and jumped after them. On the way down, I had a bit of an accident, my wing got caught on the metal tip of a strange tower and it ripped through me. And that's how I ended up falling into the ground."
"I supposeth I shouldst hold up my own endeth. Every year, the heavens sendeth down an army of exterminators." As Zestial was telling her this Y/n's eyes widened. "Thy sisters cometh down to slaught'r."
"I... I know Lute and the others aren't model angels, but I doubt they would-"
"T's the thruth." Zestial stood up from his desk. "Anon, t's better thee leaveth. I wanteth not beest the targeteth of thy sisters."
He was about to snap his fingers when Y/n yelled, "WAIT!"
He stopped.
"How about another deal? No one of the angels know I'm here and I have a strong alibi. You seem like a powerful demon and I probably wouldn't survive the streets of hell. So, I stay with you for a year, you show me around and I'll give you... Whatever you want...?" Even though she talked a million miles a minute, he still understood her.
"I aught to want?" He considered it for a few seconds. "Dealeth." Zestial held out his hand and the glowing webs were back.
"You haven't said what yet..." But y/n didn't get an answer. "Fine, ONE thing you want."
Zestial nodded his head.
She shook his hand and for a slight second, his whole appearance seemed to change. The man became even taller, spiders crawled around his body and webs covered their intertwined hands. And then it was gone again, like it never happened.
"Edward shall be in chargeth of thy careth. I expecteth thee to never grise foor of these grounds unless thee has't mine own permission to doth so. Thee may taketh thy leave now." He shoed her away.
Y/n walked out of her office finally realising the gravity of the situation. She just gave a DEMON to make her do or get anything he wanted from her without any limits, except that he could only do so once of course. How stupid could she be? At least now she had a safe place to stay and a very intimidating tour guide.
A week went by and Y/n hadn't been able to explore hell at all. She was stuck in the manor, barely even allowed into the garden. At least she grew closer to the demon butler Edward.
At first the man was distant and cold but he slowly opened up to her. His wife and kids had gone to heaven while he was cast down for protecting them. Zestial had offered the safe and comfortable job as his butler and Edward accepted.
She also learned he was a lot more of a joker than he made himself out to be. When Y/n was helping him prepare dinner for only them two, which they decided was going to be pizza, she had tried to spin the dough and toss it in the air. It went horribly wrong, the dough landing on top of her face. Edward laughed so hard he started crying, after a while the man decided to try it too, only to end up in the same predicament.
Zestial was aware the two had grown closer, he didn’t mind, however. It meant that she wouldn’t bother him and go to Edward for everything. What he wasn't aware of was for the fact that Y/n had made it her mission to create fun activities in an otherwise boring mansion.
One day, Zestial was walking down the corridor to go and ask Ed to pick up an important package for him, only to find the strangest display in the hallway.
"This is going to go horribly wrong," the butler stated.
"It'll be fine, loosen up!" She laughed.
Edward sighed, "If you get hurt, I'm not patching up your wounds."
"I'll take that risk."
What Zestial saw was that the angel had tied sponges to her shoes and tried to skate around on the wet and soapy marble floor. He was just about to speak up when she slipped and fell back. Her back hit his waist, he quickly caught her.
"What art thee doing, î̷̟n̷̰͆͜s̴̢͍͒o̷̖͐l̷̟͇̂͠é̷͖n̶̙̫̑t̶̲̘̅͝ angel?" The overlord was glaring at her.
"I'm sorry sir, uh... Zestial sir." Y/n looked down at her soapy boots. "But you haven't showed me around all the fun stuff in hell, so I decided to make the fun!"
"I can't even but now," he explained, "Everything in doth timeth."
"Then I'll keep finding fun things to do."
Zestial sighed. Maybe this angel was more work than she was worth. "Fine, I shall taketh thee out tomorrow morning." He caved. "Doth not maketh me regreth it."
That nights Zestial was pondering about his angel guest while looking for a big robe. She was quite bothersome but then again, he had made the deal to show Y/n around. Although, the manor had been much more livelier in the week she had been there. Almost every day, he would walk through the hallways and hear laughter, which was a stark difference from before. The manor used to be eerily quiet, maybe she wasn't too bad after all.
Part 2
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