scrambleclan · 12 days
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And here's another one! Decided to draw Siltsplash for @loudclan-clangen since their patterning looked intriguing lol. That said I 100% goofed up in some places but it's cool I'm still pretty new to drawing cats like this haha.
Very happy with the pose here, would've shaded if I knew how lol.
As for news on my own clangen. Uh yeah I've kinda lost interest in doing that and I'm sure as hell not gonna force myself to do something I don't actually want to. I enjoy making these fanart pieces but that's because they're just one-off things y'know?
I might regain motivation for my own stories after a few weeks, and I definitely don't want to just abandon all the cool ideas I had for it. It's just not something I'm interested in doing currently. I've been mentally unwell for quite a while now so my energy can drop pretty unpredictably (but also quite predictably in hindsight. I have a habit of... how do I put this, "unsustainable fixation"?), hopefully I can get it back for clangen but for quite a while I think random fanart is all I'll put here haha.
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scrambleclan · 23 days
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The first of many fanart pieces I plan to make for the clangen blogs I follow! This one goes out to @ashpaw-is-alone and goofy goober Olivepaw!
The arms are a bit wonky but shhh I'm still wrapping my head around proportions and perspective-
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scrambleclan · 1 month
YOU Will Have the Power to Alter This Story's Lore!!
That's right! Since lore planning has always been grueling, draining work for me that very quickly takes the fun out of a project, I realized I needed to approach this one with a much looser, more collaborative mindset.
Because. When one mind cannot fathom the crevices of its own creations, surely the minds beyond it can aid to seal the fissures?
Excuse my random poeticness there lmao BUT
This clangen story will rely HEAVILY on user input to solve issues in the lore and fill weird plot and logic holes!
You will literally help me build the story! You are ALL co-writers!!
Okay you don't actually get to write the official chapters BUT you ARE absolutely extremely invited to send in asks suggesting ideas for the lore, sort of like theories except I'll be choosing one or more to make canon.
From time to time throughout this story once I finally get it going, I'll be soliciting you guys for brainpower when I hit a Crevice in the lore. I may even collect your ideas into a poll that everyone can then vote on, to move things further out of my own hands and lessen the pressure on myself even more.
This story will be yours just as much as it will be mine!
And obviously you don't HAVE to present ideas, that's not like a requirement for being here. I just kind of. I'm gonna Need them from Someone
But yeah! As the story gets made, I'll present any tidbits of lore that I think are relevant, and answer asks giving some more context based on the stuff I DO have. Might even make a master document of sorts to keep it all in one place. Yeah
I'll have the prologue out for you within the next two months. Gotta get out of the stress of school first and I gotta give myself a comfy amount of time to practice drawing cats and writing some non-canon stuff to test things first.
Stay tuned, pixel cat likers. This is gonna be a Weird One
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scrambleclan · 1 month
So um. Yeah I've been plummeting straight into my usual harmful creative habits with this. Overthinking the lore, fretting over its originality, giving myself so many characters right off the bat that I don't know where to begin, all the ingredients are there we've got the full recipe for Motivaticide Salad.
So I'm going to follow one rule and one rule only for this blog.
Fuck it, we ball.
If my lore ends up being total nonsense and unfinished and disorganized, I'm not gonna care!
If I go in writing a character and have Absolutely NO idea what their inner voice is like, I'm not gonna care!
If I have literally nothing planned ahead and thus am completely lost as to how the hell I'm gonna tie things together, I'm. Not. Gonna. Care!
Fuck it! We ball!
This blog is supposed to be For Fun! As soon as I start actually Thinking about how things can make sense and stay consistent, It Stops Being Fun!
I want this to be fun For Me! I want to do this not because I feel like I have to, but because I'll end up ENJOYING it! It's supposed to be LEISURELY for fuck's sake!
So I'm just gonna fucking blaze ahead and start doing Totally Random Shit, and the only way it can all tie together coherently is if it magically does so itself! I'm not concerning myself with that shit anymore!
With that said. Another post is in order. A more important one addressing how the blog's gonna work now. Thought I'd separate it from this one to Emphasize its importance.
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scrambleclan · 1 month
Yeah sorry to anyone who reblogged this but. Yeah I'm gonna have to restrain myself here and only draw the cat kiddos I picked myself. In the future I wanna use that "six clangen cats" template as like a monthly practice thing but this will not be that yet. Right now I'm just gonna draw fanart of cats from blogs I follow and which inspire me, at my own pace and without adding many more to draw.
I've realized that my brain tends to short-circuit in the face of tasks whenever it's possible that a new one could be coming soon, and especially when a new one does get added to the pile. Even if I don't plan on getting to any added tasks until the ones I was originally gonna do get done, those added tasks still make it vastly difficult for me to start anything.
So yeah sorry no reblog-refs. I do appreciate the like two who did do that though. Just trying to take better care of myself so I can ACTUALLY start Doing Things haha.
The fanart I AM doing will probably be very gradually sprinkled here and there as I focus on general cat art studies and developing my own characters. I was originally gonna make them in equal batches of like 5-8 but now I'm like. Nah fuck it we ball how about one or two randomly every 5 days - 4 weeks. Gotta lessen the pressure lighten the load
So like. I need to seriously practice doodling feline specimens
So I'm gathering a SHIT TON of Goobers from other clangen blogs of which to make fanart. I've already got FIFTEEN to do lmao but every one of them doubles as a special thank-you gift because they're all guys from blogs I follow and which inspire me to continue work on my own stuff here.
I doubt anyone's gonna see this BUT feel free to reblog with a ref of a cat kiddo you'd like me to Add To The Pile haha. I need all the practice I can get and these fifteen I've got now will be excellent for that but it wouldn't hurt to get even more
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scrambleclan · 1 month
Yeah I uh. I haven't been working on the fanart stuff. Hit a weird valley of demotivation toward creative endeavors, I may or may not be burned out to some extent? I have other WIPs unrelated to WC that I've been chipping away at for years and I think the cycle I've been in of unwilling project neglect straight into overthinking every aspect has been taking a toll on my mental health.
I mean this clangen project is definitely uh. HOOOOOOooooo. I'm playing hundreds of moons ahead in each clan so I can weave everything together nicely but. I can't even identify what most of the things within "everything" ARE-
I've always had this bad habit of deliberately making my projects as comically complex as possible and then believing I should work hard to make every tiny thing make sense. Probably out of fear that someone's not going to like my work just because of a tiny plot hole or inconsistency.
So uh yeah. I need to take better care of myself and lower my damn standards haha. As a result, my art and writings for this blog may be a bit sloppy or rough around the edges, but I just really want to try and train myself to stop having perfectionist thoughts and accept imperfect art and prose. That'll also apply to these batches of fanart I'm doing soon. I do feel the motivation returning now that I took some time to listen to the Minecraft OST so I'll be making some fun cat art for other clangens soon.
As for my own clangen story. Uh. Yeah I might have to rethink how I'm gonna present it. Might do a more casual approach focusing on introducing the characters separately, sort of developing them independent of the story, I dunno. Gotta find something that'll be more sustainable based on how my weird mind works.
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scrambleclan · 2 months
So like. I need to seriously practice doodling feline specimens
So I'm gathering a SHIT TON of Goobers from other clangen blogs of which to make fanart. I've already got FIFTEEN to do lmao but every one of them doubles as a special thank-you gift because they're all guys from blogs I follow and which inspire me to continue work on my own stuff here.
I doubt anyone's gonna see this BUT feel free to reblog with a ref of a cat kiddo you'd like me to Add To The Pile haha. I need all the practice I can get and these fifteen I've got now will be excellent for that but it wouldn't hurt to get even more
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scrambleclan · 2 months
Might As Well Make An IntroDuctory Post
Wait why did I capitalize the D lmao-
So this blog's gonna be a bit empty for a while until I can get my lore all planned out and shit, but as you can see below I do try to post random vaguely related stuff here and there in the meantime.
Call me Dyrpyn (he/him)! This is the name I go by in all areas of the internet, but I understand that it can be kinda hellish to spell for some so I'll also go by a blog-specific alias Scramb here. Whichever you prefer is fine!
Read this post for more context on whatever the hell is going on here
I will most certainly make a new 'Ductory post when I actually get some completed works for my clangen runs in here, so consider this a placeholder just for the sake of my name and shit lmao-
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scrambleclan · 2 months
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So these are some extremely rough and messy doodles of me sort of evaluating myself on cat drawing knowledge. Seems like I know a fair bit but there's still a lot I gotta learn lmao. Need to fight The Urge to draw all cats as amorphous blobs and start thinking with an Anatomical Correctness mindset
Also gotta figure out how. In the hell my style is gonna translate when it's fully colored and every character in this story is made to look like a true individual haha hooo boy that's gonna be a doozy to figure out
So yeah! I'm Learning! I Do Not normally draw cats like this! Expect illustrations starting out to look mad goofy!
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scrambleclan · 2 months
UPDATE: Just finished writing the first part of the prologue, once I have the whole thing written and illustrated I'm 100% going on a hiatus to unSCRAMBLE the lore hehe. But there will definitely be something here sooner rather than later <3
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scrambleclan · 2 months
This sounds super duper exciting! I love the idea of the multiple clans in one, it will be hard to choose favorite cats:) I can’t wait to read it!
This one comment is SUPER MOTIVATING for me thank you so much <3
Especially while I'm at a point in my mental fluctuations where it's been hard to find energy to work on my projects. For real thank you for the boost I'm going to get So Much Done for this a little bit later today
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scrambleclan · 2 months
I'm only using my Clangen saves as Inspiration. You might see this often in Clangen blogs, I mean seriously creative freedom should absolutely be prioritized and sometimes the RNG just ties you into knots but. I mean more like.
I'm literally gonna move around the timeline and add significant events and deaths that never happened in-game. I'm having some kits get born like dozens of moons earlier than they do in-game. I'm having leaders lose more lives. I'm having romantic pairings get together even if they only have a little bit of romantic attraction and never become mates in-game. I'm switching around patrols if I decide a different in-game prompt than what I got would set up something better for the cats involved.
Because. Do Whatever You Want Forever.
With that said, the only thing I'll be sharing directly From Clangen is cat sprites. I mean I never took any screenshots anyway, I just have notes lmao. But still.
Explaining this more for myself honestly. It literally Does Not Matter.
Except for how much extra work it puts on me hahaha. Legitimately just said "screw RNG it's just a loose guideline" and took this shit into my own hands
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scrambleclan · 2 months
So this blog's been empty for a while now, huh? Might as well explain why just to have something here instead of nothing and also for anyone who may be lurking around waiting for me to reveal something lmao.
> I started playing Clangen to satiate a hyperfixation I had gotten on other people's Clangen blogs. Did a first run and wasn't liking where it was going, then restarted and absolutely fell in love with the goobers there. So much so that I wanted to give them the most very specialest story I could possibly give them. And I... tend to set. Very high standards for myself when it comes to that so. I threw in a boatload of ideas and I'm now having trouble linking them together.
> Oh yeah, I'm doing multiple Clangens in one, because 1) I have ideas to interweave their lore, and 2) I really don't want to have to make multiple Clangen blogs and feel like I'm juggling several projects for this when I can instead stuff them all into one Large one and maybe that'll be easier on my energy as I tackle this. That said, we're looking at three different groups right now, maybe more if I decide I need another to explain things or provide a place for something important to connect to.
> The two other Clangens I had created were done out of personal challenges. The original ScrambleClan was a normal run, but I began a side group out of the leave-one-kit-alive-remove-everyone-else challenge, and then I made a third Clan out of a death curse challenge I made up on the spot lmao. All three of these will be pretty prominent on here; any others I end up making may just stay in the background unless I end up really attached to the characters there. I dunno I'll figure something out
> Planning to do a writing-heavy layout for this blog. Comics have never really suited me besides silly purposes, and I want this to HAVE silly energy but also be more serious and. Writing's just easier on me for that. I will definitely have lots of accompanying art on my posts though, both for visual aid and just because it's Cool As Fuck.
> Don't know for sure yet but this blog may rely heavily on user interaction. Like you guys may come into play for decision-making on lore bits. Mostly because the aforementioned lore is half-intentionally nonsensical. You'll see why eventually lmao
But yeah. I should be able to do the very first part of the story without too much hassle sooner rather than later, but then I may have to go on hiatus because. Good golly what the hell and fuck am I creating I can barely comprehend it
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