sdhamann · 10 months
Multimedia Summary Post
I have viewed and analyzed many different media sources from the Netflix series "Never have I ever" to the hit movie "Avatar" to a Post about a Mexican immigrant named Raul. While all these medias have differences, they do have some things in common. These similarities include a common theme of struggle. Whether it's for social standing within society, keeping traditions alive, or trying to establish yourself in an unknown land. I thought it was very interesting, seeing underlying themes in these medias, whether obvious or not. Avatar especially. I grew up watching that movie, and when I dug deeper into the meaning behind what it conveyed, there was much more than what met they eye. Furthermore, one can takeaway information given by these sources, to influence their daily actions in life.
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sdhamann · 10 months
Multimedia #2 Avatar
The epic science-fiction movie follows the journey of Jake Sully, a Marine veteran who, in place of his recently deceased brother, agrees to inhabit an avatar: a science grown replica of one of the Na’vi (the native population on Pandora). He soon becomes conflicted, disagreeing with the malicious intent of the Earth military. He meets Neytiri, one of the Na’vi, and over the course of the movie, Jake becomes part of their tribe and earns their trust. At the same time, the Earth military (who he was technically a part of) starts a war with the Na’vi (who he has become a part of) to battle over Pandora’s land. After witnessing the inhumane death and destruction the military was causing to the people Jake had come to love, he stands up to the tyrants and fights with the Na’vi to fight rightfully for their land.
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While there are aspects of many histories and cultures within the movie Avatar, the most prevalent is in regard to the colonization of the Native Americans. The "earth people" just like the Europeans, intended on exploiting Pandora’s natural resources for profit. Same way fur traders pushed Native Americans off of their land for their own personal gain. Another similarity between the earth people and the Europeans, was viewing the natives' differences as negative, and inferior, just another reason to get rid of them.
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Another concept though is more relevant in today's discussion on global warming. The Earth people had pushed their planet the end, exhausting its natural resources, making the need for a space conquest relevant in the first place. which they are destroyed to the point of an environmental crisis.
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Furthermore, the idea of space travel, and life other than on earth brings up the topic of aliens. This is a feeling, that in itself, majority of people have felt at one time or another. “alien”, Whether it was because they didn’t fit in with friends, or because their physical appearance created a barrier that others and/or society has enforced.
Lastly, Avatar, had some ties and reflection on Hinduism, just as the humans temporarily leave their human form to inhabit their Avatar, Hinduism uses the term Parakava Pravesham as temporarily leaving one’s body and entering the body of another person. It sheds the light on other cultures and beliefs in a very unique way.
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Avatar. Directed by James Cameron, performances by Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, and Sigourney Weaver, Twentieth Century Fox, 2009.
“Hinduism: The Eternal Way—Let's Look at World Religions.” Films On Demand, Films Media Group, 2012.
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sdhamann · 10 months
Multimedia #3 Raul's story
Story of Mexican immigrant named Raul.
Raul's story started off like many others. He immigrated from Mexico to the United States, seeking better pay short term, and a better life long term. He started off picking tomatoes, which paid 100$ a day. Since the job was seasonal, he needed something year-round to make money and send money to his family, so he went to California and worked in a factory. After 11 years, he moved to Iowa, and " He loves Iowa as it is calm and there are no gangs. He says that the people living there are friendly and that he feels safe there."(immigration.com) He went on to get his green card and citizenship, and now helps others like him do the same thing.
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Raul represents a big chunk of the people seeking citizenship in America, and not just from Mexico, but all over the world. "Raul says that people in Mexico do not have educational opportunities and that it is very difficult to find a job in Mexico as there aren’t many jobs." The Us is the way it is because of the diversity and mixing of cultural and racial identities from all over the world. While there is still controversy about immigration, especially on the Mexican border, the barriers have slowly been coming down and people are generally more open and inviting/helpful than they were in the past, probably has something to do with the last 100 years of activism and artivism. Not to mention, the selfless help of citizens to help find jobs for these immigrants, help find homes, and help get their citizenships.
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As of 2021, there was an estimated 37,000,000 Mexican immigrants living in the US.
which leads to my next point, maybe the biggest factor is the amount of people. In the same way after slavery the African Americans worked together to fight for their rights. The Mexicans throughout history have teamed up with each other and those of other races to fight for their rights and get social equality.
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Going off of my previous point, as their numbers increase, they are able to more effectively stand up for their beliefs.
Hispanic population in the U.S. by origin 2021 | Statista
Story Of A Mexican Immigrant - Raul - US Immigration Blog (us-immigration.com)
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sdhamann · 11 months
Multimedia Journal #1, Never Have I Ever
The main topic of my selected media 'Never Have I Ever', is showing the life of an Indian-American teenager, Devi Vishwakumar, following her father's sudden death. As she navigates the highs and lows of high school in America, she encounters may hardships such as struggles with social status, relationships with friends and family, and her own self-awareness. First, her struggle for social status, is a never-ending scuffle throughout the series. She constantly is seeking approval and validation from her fellow students. She goes for the hottest guy in the show right away, but also dates the smartest guy at the same time to keep her high status in that regard. Second, the struggle with her friends and family. She has hesitation about telling her friends things like how she really feels about Paxton (her bf), and throughout the show has a resentment towards arranged marriage, as Pati, her grandmother, attempts find her a "suitable Partner". Back to her friends, she really doesn't value them, and puts her eggs in the wrong places, often ditching her friends to hang out with boys. Third, Devi's struggles with self-identity are clearly evident throughout the show, this is first seen with her constantly questioning how much she really identifies with Indian culture and beliefs. Which leads into her next dilemma, the "challenger" or other Indian girl at the school. She feels insecure about who she is, and thus takes it out on the off-brand version of herself, despite thinking she is better initially, the do end up befriending one another after they realize they have more in common then she may have thought.
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Devi is lacking the confidence in her Indian roots, unlike her mother.
As mentioned above throughout the selection summary, Devi the main character has many struggles in regard to her race and ethnic identity. She feels the need to seek social status, while trying to uphold two cultures that differ drastically. This goes deeper into reflecting Indian culture and furthermore, women's roles in that culture. Similar to the Chinees women, they are expected to wait on their husbands, and arranged marriages are normal, this is one of the things Devi apposes as she is searching for her identity.
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Bollywood dance, symbolizes a coming of age and self-understanding
Bollywood | History, Movies, Actors, Actresses, & Facts | Britannica
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