hate the culture around anxiety. do you really want to be like this forever? because thats whats gonna happen if you don't try
its not cute, its sad, and at a point it becomes your fault its still an issue
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*settles down in bed* Can you please tell me the story about the rats and the lawyer?
went to miami to recover father sotirios. and made some new friends.
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these animals... they are wise. I recruited them to avenge my dear brother. I was then escorted out of the sea world.
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I saw Goody CrystalTarot69420 with the devil!
People will be like "hi I worship demons, here's my etsy" and then just blaze that
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A lot of people are talking about banning books, the history of banned books, how such and such politicians need to stop trying to ban books (forgetting that the politicians THEY support have successfully lobbied to have different books "banned," and have unsuccessfully lobbied to have many other books "banned"). However, here's what we need to get straight. I don't think anyone with any power in the United States is talking about actually banning books. There are two things that people are actually talking about today in the United States.
1.) Disallowing parents and teachers from actively showing sexually explicit content to children. Every reasonable person knows that there is some threshold of acceptability in what to show children, even if we disagree about where that threshold is. No one would say that a law against showing pornography to kids is a ban on books, so anyone can see the difference. It's a disagreement on what can accurately be called pornographic or sexually explicit.
2.) Preventing certain books from being stocked in children's sections of libraries or in school libraries (or in school libraries at certain age ranges). In these cases, the parents would not be prevented from purchasing the books from their children, or checking the books out of adult sections of the public or private lending library. The books would just not be kept where children for whom the content might not be right would be likely to find them. And in some cases, including at least one in my hometown that I was able to independently verify, this has included sexually explicit material.
Neither of these is "banning" books. When we talk about Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, and radicalized Iran banning books, we're talking about laws or policies against adults owning or possessing them, against publishers printing them. We're talking about people being killed and imprisoned. We're talking about homes and businesses being burned to the ground. We're not talking about moving a book with illustrations of sexual acts from the children's picture book section to adult non-fiction. That's not banning a book. That's changing it's Dewey categorization.
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Informing OTHER people of what the most defining aspect of their personality and worldview is, ironically, reeks of entitlement. And, yes, it is an insult to say that someone's achieved everything they've achieved because of the color of their skin, especially when there are poor white people who work all day and wealthy heir minorities who don't have to work. It's an insult to those working poor white people's work. It's designed to be an insult, as evidenced by the fact that you use it as an argument to insult white people and demonize anyone who doesn't accept it, and I doubt that, if asked, you would be able to speak of white privilege in an uninsulting way. It's not a positive or neutral term. It's intent is always negative. And, no, refusing to accept that insult as factual of entire races (as there are multiple white races, as any anthropologist will tell you) does not make someone a KKK or neo-nazi sympathizer.
And before you say anything, no, I'm not white. I'm just not accepting of the demonization of entire races, some of whom include dear friends and people who have inspired me. I really wish there was a term I could use for having negative views of the character of an entire ethnic people group, but English is a weird language, ya know?
remember that you're white before you're anything else and this impacts every single way you interact with the world compared to poc
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No...? Earth's atmosphere is ALSO 21 percent oxygen and mostly nitrogen, so assuming that Galifrey's really is 21 percent oxygen, Earth and Galifrey's atmospheres have the same exact concentration of oxygen. And breathing in oxygen at higher concentrations wouldn't make a human, at least, high, anyway.
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Okay so, the Doctor is from out of space but does he only breathe oxygen like everyone else? Does Gallifrey have an atmosphere like Earth’s? Because I’d never thought about it before now but he seems to be struggling just as much as everyone else and he does seem to have the same basic anatomy as a human, other than the two hearts. 
Anyone care to answer?
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If someone had told teenage me that a stream of pornbots would endlessly follow me in the future, there's a zero percent chance that I would have guessed how annoying it would be, or what that meant.
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Welcome to Fortnite's latest Battle Pass! This season, since a third of the map is medieval themed, we've naturally got a magical girl who shops at Journeys, her three friends who also shop at Journeys, Doomguy (for some reason), and a knight! Plus, with the new traversal emote, you can make your character look like they're riding the world's worst hemorrhoid around the map!
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Love to be on a website where I can join such hit 2022 fandoms as "century old public domain novel being read very slowly" and "half-century old mafia film that does not actually exist."
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Kinda fucked up and nasty how vampires drink blood, imo. Like. Pepsi costs a dollar seventy five
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(me, my parents, my sister, and the baby are sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch)
baby, pointing at the light fixture over the table and signing "on": o.*
my sister: we actually can't turn that light on right now, because the lightbulb inside is burnt out! it needs a new one.
baby: ighbu.
sister: yes, lightbulb! granddaddy said after we eat he's going to climb up there on a ladder and change it, and then the light will come on!
baby: gadada! adda, uuu! ighbu o!
sister: exactly!
baby, signing "on" and pointing at the light and then my dad, with increasing urgency: GADADA ADDA UUUU. O.
my sister: we're going to finish eating first though, ok?
baby: nonono. O. gadada adda uuu.
[a split second goes by]
baby, pointing to himself: ba. adda uuu. ighbu.
me: you're going to climb the ladder and change the lightbulb yourself?
baby: dzyeah. *pointing to the buckle where he is buckled into the high chair* ububu.
me: unbuckle you? so you can change the lightbulb?
baby, highly businesslike: dzyeah.
*pronounced like "on" without the n
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I've committed a sin against God.
A sin of gluttony.
See below for the recipe for the Cafe con Senza, as I'm calling it.
1.) 6 oz hot water
2.) 1 oz sweetened condensed milk.
3.) 3 oz coffee liqueur
1.) Combine ingredients and stir.
2.) Repent, for this is forbidden carnal knowledge.
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broke: midsommar is a girl power movie
woke: midsommar is a horrifying movie about a manipulative cult
bespoke: midsommar is a litmus test to tell how easily you could be indoctrinated into a cult and if your first thought after watching it is that it was a girl power movie you’re very susceptible to cult tactics and you should be aware of that
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He hasn't changed the dictionary, yet, at least.
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“i wish i could go on platonic dates with people”
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