At the beginning of all Ritual/Magickal Workings within SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE the Rite CONJURING THE REALM OF COALESCENCE should be performed and prior to that the Petition put forth here should be recited to call forth the force and benediction of Our Lord Satan to empower the Workings to be performed. This primary Summoning is THE PETITIONING OF OUR FATHER SATAN and it must be issued before all Rites and Black Arts offered forth in this Book. The Initiate should stand before The Satanic Altar and light the two outer Candles upon it (these should be placed to the left and right of the Altar) … also present on the Altar should be Satan’s Pentacle, an unlit Candle at the center behind the Pentacle, the Candle Snuffer, Grimoire, Altar Bowl, the Incense/Oil Burner, the Ritual Knife and any other Implements required such as the Black Mirror or another Scrying Tool. After lighting the two outer Altar Candles the Initiate should recite the following: “It is time to awaken this Altar that the Conjuring Of The Realm Of Coalescence may be Summoned and the union of Demonic and Mortal once more be instigated … that the Sacred Rites and Arts given forth from Hell may be carried out here before The Satanic Altar … I ignite these Candles in Honour of Our Infernal Father Satan … the Dark Lord who I now seek to Petition to offer forth the Benediction of His Power here …  to infuse and empower the Rites that shall be performed before His Sacred Shrine!” The Satanic Initiate now takes a moment to meditate upon the calling of Satan and their union with their Infernal Father, when the time is right the Initiate proceeds with THE PETITIONING OF OUR FATHER SATAN: “I offer my supplications to you my Lord Satan … I Call upon your Unholy Power Infernal Father … Dark King of the Infernal Legion … Master of the Physical World … let the veils between our planes fall at this time . . . may the Gate open beneath this Sacred Working Space and the power of your ineffable force rise to engulf it with the Infernal Current of your Blackened Flame . . . imbuing this the Altar erected in your Honour with the Demonic aura of Hell . . . Satan . . . Master of the Black Arts . . . Bloodied Nail . . . Bloodied Thorn . . . Serpent of Old . . . Black Goat of the Mysteries . . . lend forth your Power this night . . . that the Workings that are performed over the open Gate of your making . . . may be favoured with the Benediction of your Almighty Decree . . . I beseech you Dark Father of Hell . . . to whom my Soul eternally belongs let the Black Arts manifest this night be infused with your ineffable and unhallowed force . . . Hail Satan!” (c)Barnabas 2018
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I walk the path others fear to tread + I journey into the dark realms beyond the physical + into the spheres of the unknown where the dread creature exist + and the ones between life and death roam + further than this I traverse the Gates Infernal and take my sojourn into Hell + into those darkened planes where the Demons reside and the Black Throne of Our Father Satan is erected + I am the creature of the nocturnal hours for the day holds little fascination for me + I am the Predator driven by wrath and the Poet driven by passion + I am the Sorcerer of the Black Arts + the Weaver of Mysteries and the one who Conjures Demons + I have rebuked the ways of repression, denial and piety + I openly embrace the libertine, the carnal and the primal + I pleasure the grail of woman bringing her to many raptures with the Serpent Tongue of Satan + and take pleasure from all sexual practices that deny the procreation of the human race I rejoice + and from these acts are Demonic Servitors born + I Curse the followers of God and laugh has their pallid bodies are lowered into the sodden earth as their kin folk weep and pray to their impotent God + I protect and heal my own Kindred and teach them in the knowledge of Satan’s given Arts + those who honour the Hebrew God Jehova, the foul God of Islam Allah + those who speak of the glory of the pallid Nazarene and the foul Mohammed + these are my enemies + these are the rancid filth I would wash from my hands after vanquishing them + I am of the Dark + of the eternal Fires of Hell + I am of the Demon + of Our Father Satan + the Black Ram + who is both Lord of Hell and Master of this the physical dominion + I am the upholder of the decadent + the seeker and giver of Unholy knowledge + Kin to the Demons + Child of Satan + the one who lustfully devours the flesh and bathes in the blood of the hallowed + I am born of the vistas of Acheron + forged from the Black Fires of Hell + I AM A SATANIST!
(c)Barnabas 2018
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A question I am often asked is ‘what are the main powers and energies behind the Workings of Satanic Magick?’ … the answer to such a question cannot be given in a brief sentence to any satisfaction. In short the main powers behind Satanic Black Magick are the power of Word, the power of Imitative Magick, deep faith in the force of Satan and His Demons, Carnal and Primal currents and the ineffable power of Inversion. These are of cause the working powers behind Black Magick in a practical sense but the true Power lies with Satan and the Demons of Hell themselves, for it is their Power we are summoning through the above practical techniques. The Primal and Carnal energies behind the Workings of Black Magick are physical and emotive currents such as sexual rapture, blood letting, the raising of emotional powers such as rage, lust and desire … and of cause the forces of creation themselves. As said however Inversion is also a powerful tool along with its kindred elements such as reversal, blasphemy, deviation and adversity, and so the merging of Inversion with these primal and carnal currents is of even greater power. Therefore sexual acts which cannot lead to procreation are an adverse action and one blasphemous to God, therefore oral and anal sex are sacrosanct acts in the eyes of the Demonic. The Arts of Fetishism and the merging of pleasure and pain are also adverse sexual acts in the eyes Name of God for they are obtaining sexual rapture and mental stimulus through actions which not only please the Demons themselves but offer no gain to the Nazarene’s order to “Go forth and multiply” … sexual pleasure and climax from deviant methods of sexual practice are powerful tools in the Black Arts. Of cause blood has always held a powerful role in Ritual Magick and Black Magick Rites be it through the devotional spilling of the Initiate’s blood in offering to the Dark Ones or the act of Blood Sacrifice to the Infernal Lords of Hell. Voluntary Blood Sacrifice (as in that promoted by Order Of The Nine Angles) is a power Ritual action which encompasses both of the above intentions, involuntary Blood Sacrifice releases even greater power as the fear, pain and death laced with terror from the victim releases a potent merging of Dark Negative and Primal Creative energy. The power of Word is another important aspect of Dark Satanic Rites, few things in life carry more sustaining energy than words, they are at the core of life on all levels. Be it the emotive Poem, the inspirational Speech, the mystical Incantation, the Powerful Conjuration, the brutal insult or the loving statement words penetrate deep within the subconscious and activate forces within that strange realm. The verbal injury shall be remembered long after the thrown fist in anger, the declaration of love long after the rose has shriveled. The powerfully written Evocation, Invocation, Incantation or Curse vibrates through the veils activating responses on all realms and words should always be carefully selected when being applied to the Magickal Text - they root themselves in the realms they are designated to take effect. The power of Names is also an extension of this Magickal Current and the Names of Spirits contain the very core of their Power … we have all seen the warnings not to speak a Demon’s Name or the secret Names of God aloud. These are not the idle warnings of the nervous, the very whispering of the Name of a Demon vibrates on the spheres of Hell, to speak the Demon’s Name is to draw the Demon’s attention and energy toward you. Imitative/Sympathetic Magick is another powerful tool in the armoury of the Satanist, the use of this kind of power raising dates back thousands of years and can be found in the oldest form of Magickal Workings and beliefs in Animism. The binding of an object to the person one is Working Magick upon and then the inflicting of whatever is intended for that person upon that object is one of the most primordial forms of Magickal practice and one which carries immense power. There lies connections between all things and many things (be they physical, emotive or other) have rich symbolism connected with them … the Black Magician harnesses these symbols and these connections in league with the aforementioned strands of Arcane power to form a tapestry of ineffable Magickal energy. Some of the most obviously recognized of these Imitative Practices are of cause the use of effigies in Ritual (wax, clay or material figures) to represent the intended recipient of the Magickal energy often with a charged connection by the inclusion of hair, nails, blood, handwriting or photographs of the Magickal human object to encourage and sustain the link between them. At the beginning of this Text faith was also mentioned as one of the strands of the Black Magick tapestry and this is of great importance … if you have no faith or belief in the Entities you are Conjuring then already the practice being performed is damaged severely. It is hard in an age of cold scientific fact to believe with the faith people used to have - but know that Satan IS REAL, the Demons ARE REAL … the fact that Science cannot prove their existence yet is no reflection on the reality of Demonic beings but a statement on the immeasurable length of which Science has yet to progress. Before Science and invention gave us Telescopes and Microscopes certain planets, atoms or diseases could not be detected, this does not mean that these very real things did not exist before they could be seen … the Scientist believes only in what can be seen or quantified which is a flawed perspective that would have resulted in no discovery ever being made if it has been adhered to from the start. In closing this Text I should mention one more important element which ties all of the strands of the Magickal tapestry together and that is the energy of desire, without this all Magick is doomed to fail. Performing a Rite to kill someone in anger if you do not really want them dead will fail . . .  love Magick to bring someone to love you will not work if you do not really love them from the core of your soul. The Dark Occultist must truly desire the end result of their Infernal Working if they are to see that result manifest before them … lack of sincerity, depth, feeling, true desire and intention are the harbingers of almost all failed Magickal Workings. ©Barnabas 2018
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It is time now to detail the setting up of The Satanic Altar and the Ritual Implements which are used upon it. The Ritual Tools listed first of all are the Implements that are required by the Satanic Initiate to undertake the Workings within SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE. This is followed by a listing of Ritual paraphernalia which will be required to be kept stocked at all times, finally the third listing is of other items used in the Workings of this Book in specific Rites. The Implements of the final list should not be of concern to the Initiate on starting out upon their journey, the first two lists are of much greater importance as the items of the final list will only be used on singular occasions and depending on the Initiate’s personal decisions on what Rites to undertake it is possible that they will never be used.
THE ALTAR The Altar can be anything which the Initiate finds suitable, a table, sideboard, chest, cupboard, any piece of furniture which suits the Satanist’s needs and accommodates the Implements required for Ritual. MATERIALS: The Altar should always be made of wood or stone THE ALTAR CLOTH The Black Cloth covering the Ritual Altar which may be plain or emblazoned with a Satanic symbol . . . suitable symbols for the Workings of this Book are the Inverted Pentagram, Inverted Cross or the Sulfuric Cross.The Baphomet or Luciferian Sigil are not conducive to the Workings of this Tome. MATERIALS: Should be made from cotton, satin or velvet. SATAN’S PENTACLE The disc shaped Pentacle bearing the encircled Inverted Pentagram is the most important of the all Ritual Implements in the Workings of this Book and should be obtained as soon as possible.It is the power center of the Ritual Altar and the Implement which harnesses, gestates and releases the Demonic Power raised in Ritual. MATERIALS: Should be made from wood, pewter, brass, Iron, copper, obsidian or gold. THE THREE ALTAR CANDLE HOLDERS These should be matching, two are for illumination and the awakening of the Altar the third is to hold the ‘Petitioning Candle’ and should be placed at the center of the Altar. MATERIALS: Should be forged from gold, brass, copper, iron or pewter. INCENSE/OIL BURNER Important Tool for the burning of aromatic scents during Satanic Rites, I would recommend the use of an Oil Burner as it is easy to manage and less messy than working with Charcoal Discs and loose Incenses. MATERIALS: Optional THE GRIMOIRE The Satanic Initiate’s personal copy of the Grimoire, this may be handwritten from the original by the Initiate (as is tradition) or a printed copy direct from the original source for those who would rather not carry out the task of writing the whole of the Grimoire by hand. MATERIALS: Optional THE BLACK MIRROR The Black Mirror may be an ordinary Mirror painted black or a specially forged one from Obsidian, although it is not used in all of the Workings of this Book, it is an Implement of great Power and utilized in a number of important Rites and Arts . . . can also be used in the Arts of Scrying. MATERIALS: The Mirror should be either formed from obsidian or a looking glass painted black, the frame of the Mirror is optional but should not be formed from silver. THE CANDLE SNUFFER An Implement for the extinguishing of Temple and Altar Candles and the end of Ritual and Magickal Workings. MATERIALS: Should be forged from pewter, copper, brass or iron. THE RITUAL DAGGER/KNIFE A bladed Tool of some kind shall be required in certain Rituals, Rituals that shall be carried out by all of those who seek to follow the Workings of The Black Book Of Barnabas (which is the Grimoire contained within SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE), it should not be blunted as in some Pagan traditions as it will be required for blood letting and other duties which require its blade to be clean and sharp. MATERIALS: Optional THE ALTAR BOWL/DISH A Bowl/Dish shall be required for the Ritual Altar also, this is utilized in the burning of materials and other infrequent uses. MATERIALS: Should be made from iron, copper, brass or other strong metals. THE RITUAL ROBE The Traditional Vestment of the Satanic Initiate is that of the Black Hooded Robe or Black Hooded Cloak, it is always preferable to observe this requirement but if not possible any garments worn should be of black. MATERIALS: Optional SCRYING/DIVINATION TOOL For those who seek to incorporate the Arts of Seership and/or Divination into their Workings Implements will be required for this also. DIVINATION TOOLS Useful Implements are The Tarot or Rune Stones . . . if using a Tarot Deck refrain from those with Religious or Occult symbolism adverse to Satanism such as The Crowley Thoth Deck or the Waite Tarot. It is probably best to aim to obtain a Tarot deck that has strong dark imagery and aesthetic which are conducive to the Satanic Current . . . two particularly dark decks are Victoria Frances’s Favole Tarot and Luis Royo’s Labyrinth Tarot. SCRYING TOOLS Useful Implements are a Crystal Ball, Scrying Mirror, Obsidian Scrying Disc or the Initiate may prefer to utilize such Arts as Pyromancy, or other such Scrying techniques which shall be detailed later in this Book. REGULARLY REPLENISHED IMPLEMENTS CANDLES Candles will be a regular requirement of the Satanic Initiate for the Altar and others to illuminate the Ritual Temple, Candles should either be black,  red or ivory . . . other colours may be substituted but this is not recommended and white Candles should never be used. INCENSE/OILS A regular supply of Incenses or Oils will also be required for use in Satanic Workings . . . I would recommend either Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Mint, Sulfur, Pine or Tobacco for Satanic Workings PARCHMENT PAPER This is required for the forging of Oaths, Pacts, Magickal Writings etc and should be always be kept at hand for the Satanic Initiate’s use. PARCHMENT CARD Ideal for forming Ritual Demonic Talismans, Markers etc . . . Paper Parchment can be used as a substitute for these Implements if necessary. CRYSTALS Not a necessity, but they are incorporated in certain Workings and can be great conduits for Demonic Power . . . suitable Stones are Black Tournaline, Obsidian, Jet, Apache Tear, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Hematie or Onyx. ADDITIONAL IMPLEMENTS WORKED WITH THROUGHOUT SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE SEVERED HUMAN HAND Utilized in the Workings The Bound Hand Of The Dead and The Black Hand Of Glory . HUMAN SKULL Utilized in the Working The Skull Of The Satanic Seer. FULL LENGTH MIRROR Utilized in the Workings The Gate Of Acheron and The Doorway Of The Dead. HUMAN/ANIMAL HEAR Utilized in the Workings The Hearts Bound In Blood and The Nailed Heart Hex. CLAY Utilized in the Workings The Cocoon Of Infernal Healing, The Golem Of The Satanic Necormancer, The Making Of The Sentinel and The Golem Of The Satanic Temple MANDRAGORA ROOT Utilized in the Workings The Mandragora Homunculi, The Infernal Root Of Nurturing and The Infernal Root Of Infertility. EXTRA LARGE GLASS JAR For use in Workings appertaining to the Homunculus. There are indeed other Implements that will be required in the Dark Rites and Black Arts of SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE, particularly those in Part Two of this Book BEYOND THE DARKENED DOOR, but these Implements are of an highly insidious and dark nature and shall be dealt with at the appropriate time. (c)Barnabas 2018
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Here I present The Demonic Monarchy worked with within the Black Arts and Satanic Rites of SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE, below each Infernal Being of this Monarchy is given by Name along with the Gender they are inclined to manifest as and also the areas of existence over which they hold power and influence.Throughout this Manuscript separate Texts are dedicated to each of these Demons in which their manifest guises are presented along with specific Evocations and additional Notes appertaining to the Demon and its Nature and Qualities. NAME: Satan GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Power - Wisdom - Knowledge - Seduction - Desire - Protection - Gestating Desires - Black Magick - Blasphemy - Adversity - Wrath - Lust - Creation - Healing - Destruction Of The Pious - Authority - Influence - Bending The Will Of Others - Mastery - Command - Leadership - Occult Knowledge - Witchcraft - Seduction Of Women - Control - Inspiration. NAME: Beelzebub GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Authority - Leadership - Influence Over those In Authority - Possession - Warfare - Military Tactics - Bravery - Justice - Command - Loyalty - Alliances - Victory - Defeat Of Enemies - Battles - Conflict - Victory In Battles - Strategics - Monarchy - Ruling - Virility - Vitality - Power. NAME: Abaddon GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Torment - Hexing - Ill Omen - Torture - Binding - Protection - Isolation - Pain - Misery - Desolation - Evil - Fetishism - Sexual Deviation - Hatred - Wrath - Destruction - Banishment - Unholy Power - Blasphemy - Wickedness - Depravity - Death - Bloodshed - Loneliness - Sadism - Domination. NAME: Asmodeus GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Lust - Desire - Seduction Of Women - Possession - The Ouija - Protection - Wisdom - Sensual Pleasure - Pleasures Of The Flesh - Cunnilingus - Wrath - Bloodlust - Virility - Fortitude - Sexual Possession - Obsession - Courage - Intellect - Protection Of Others - Protection Against Magickal Attack. NAME: Lucifuge GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Prosperity - Riches - Management - Good Fortune - Wealth - Heirlooms - Speculation - Business - Money - Investment - Employment - Promotion - Stability - Endurance - Blood Sacrifice - Lust - Ambition - Objectives - Domination - Gold - Commerce - Evolution - Luxury. NAME: Arioch GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Justice - Revenge - Vengeance - Bloodlust - Retribution - Karma - Balance - Destruction - Punishment - Vendetta - Grudges - Hate - Willpower - Strength - Avenging Those Wronged - Legal Victory - Death - Carnage - Justification. NAME: Unsere GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Childbirth - Fertility - Healing - Pregnancy - Nourishment - Safe Pregnancy - Protection From Miscarriage - Fertility Of The Land - Healing Children - Growth - Power - Health- Fortitude - Motherhood - Beauty - Healing Nature - Strength. NAME: Belphegore GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Androgynous AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Invention - Love - Alliances - Reconciliation - Creativity - Ideas - Concepts - Creative Planning - Craftsmanship - Artistry - Binding Lovers - Reconciling Friends - Relationships - Inception - Plans - Beginnings - Inciting Love In Others. NAME: Naamah GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE -  Fornication - Seducing Men - Inciting Adultery - Lust - Female Sensuality - Infidelity - Nymphomania - Libertine Attitude - Exhibitionism - Harlotry - Sexual Excess - Sexual Slavery - Sexual Deviation. NAME: Delepitorae GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Enchantment - Seducing Men - Glamour - Seduction - Beauty - Sexuality - Fornication - Lust - Desire - Sex Magick - Love Spells - Seduction Spells - Adultery - Sensuality - Witchcraft - Compelling Others - Hypnotism - Magick - Incantation - Immorality. NAME: Alastor GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Death - Execution - Torture - Pain - Slow Unnatural Death - Assassination - Putrefying Wounds - Death By Blade - Homicide - Bloodlust - Bloodletting - Hatred - Wrath - Violence - Harm - Destruction - Inflicting Pain - Domination - Chaos - Brutality. NAME: Rimmon GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Healing - Health - Medicine - Banishment Of Disease - Nursing - Science - Vanquishing Malady - Pharmacists - Surgery - Good Health - Recovery - Fortitude - Medical Knowledge - Healing Others - Discovery - Convalescence - Cures. NAME: Sargatanas GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Androgynous AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Safe Travel - Astral Travel - Astral Projection - Astral Protection - Guardianship - Protection From Psychic Attack - Protection From Magickal Attack - Journeys - Realms Beyond - Talismanic Magick - Defiance - Fortification - Strongholds. NAME: Sonneillon GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Discord - Breaking Alliances - Dividing Lovers - Anger - Arguments - Divorce - Division - Feuds - Disruption - Disorder - Animosity - Separation - Dividing Friendship - Grudges - Jealousy - Quarrels - Hate - Violence. NAME: Xaphan GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Androgynous AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Fire - Pyromancy - Destruction By Fire - Safety From Fire - Command Of Flames - Heat - Death By Fire - Destroying Enemies By Fire - Burning - Ash Scrying - Smoke Scrying - Burns - Sustaining - Strength - Passion - Infernos - Catastrophe. NAME: Adramalech GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Plague - Pandemic - Decay - Blood Sacrifice - Destruction of Earring - Destruction Of Sight - Disease - Diseased Organs - Death - Destruction - Death By Malady - Mass Infection - Incurable Diseases - Contamination - Blood Letting - Sacrifice - Wrath. NAME: Jezebeth GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Deceit - Cunning - Slander - Lies - Gossip - Infamy - Wickedness - Infidelity - Cheating - Intimidation - Seduction - Corruption - Blackmail - Revenge - Treachery - Destruction Of Character - Temptation - Sin - Disgrace - Fraud - Immorality. NAME: Melchom GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Androgynous AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Money - Business Contracts - Finances - Obtaining Work - Money Lending - Debt - Corruption - Miserliness - Business - Inflicting Poverty - Selfishness - Greed - Avarice - Fortune - Savings - Thrift - Trade - Financial Obsession - Materialism. NAME: Leonard GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Black Magick - Sorcery - Voodoo - Witchcraft - Magick - Occult Knowledge - Curses - Charms - Hexes - Dark Arts - Image Magick - Bindings - Knowledge Of Magickal Operations - Spellcraft - Divination - Initiation - Arcane Wisdom. NAME: Ukobach GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Adrogynous AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Fire - Flames - Benevolence - Protection From Fire - Protection From Burning - Pyromancy - Passion - Fighting Fire - Defeating Fire - Energy - Heat - Hellfire - Fire Elementals - Illumination - Warmth - Wax Reading - Natural Heat. NAME: Eurynomous GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Shapeshifting - Melancholy - Suicide - Selt Harm - Depression - Schizophrenia - Mental Issues - Loss - Apathy - Emptiness - The Loss Of A Loved One - Futility - Mental Breakdown - Misery - Desolation - Loss Of Hope - Self Hatred - Hatred. NAME: Cressil GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Impurity - Sin - Laziness - Slovenliness - Harlotry - Blasphemy - Ruination - Desire - Sloth - Greed - Addiction - Decadence - Lewdness - Exhibitionism - Voyeurism - Deviance - Excess - Desecration. NAME: Verdelet GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Androgynous AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Transport - Flight Of Witches - Witchcraft - Journeys - Ceremonial Magick - Sabbats - Ceremonies - Festivals - Enticement - Witchery - Seduction Of Women - Celebrations - Gatherings. NAME: Agramon GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Terror - Madness - Insanity - Fear - Paranoia - phobia - Schizophrenia - Instability - Self Harm - Nightmares - Illusions - Apparitions - Trepidation - Uncertainty - Loathing - Delusions - Mistrust - Suspicion. NAME: Vetis GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Temptation - Seduction - Lust - Sexual Obsession - Temptation Of The Holy - Corruption - Possession - Decadence - Corruption The Pious - Violation Of The Chaste - Seduction Of Another’s Spouse - Infidelity - Charm - Wit. NAME: Biffant GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Female AREAS OF INFLUENCE -  Death - Destruction - Wrath - Murder - Bloodlust - Discord - Horror - Mutilation - Wounds - Insidiousness - Wanton Violence - Violation - Bloodshed - Possession - Oaths - Hexes  - Curses - Oaths - Magickal Attack. NAME: Uphir GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE - Physicians - Medicine - Curing Disease - Medical Exploration - Medical Research - Banishing Diseases - Natural Remedies - Alchemy - Cures - Ridding The Body Of Malady - Relieving Pain - Surgery. NAME: Succorbenoth GENDER WHEN MANIFESTING: Male AREAS OF INFLUENCE -  Avarice - Wanton Behaviour - Lust - Jealousy - Envy - Obsession - Greed - Disrespect - Immaturity - Demands - Selfishness - Dictatorial Behaviour - Oppression - Command - Domination - Possessiveness - Angst. (c)Barnabas 2018
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DISCLAIMER I find the concept of a DISCLAIMER as inane nonsense, the fact that someone can be persecuted for the actions of an individual because they acted upon knowledge provided in the Book of an Author who never even knew them is - to me - a travesty of idiot proportions. However a DISCLAIMER is required in a Book such as this which contains material which goes against a number of laws on a number of levels. And so here we are . . . . I hereby state that I do not claim to have practiced all of the Black Arts within SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE, at the same time I do not claim not to have taken part in all of these Workings . . . nor do I claim to have known or not to have known others who have delved into all of the Workings of this Manuscript. Also I do not encourage nor discourage . . . condemn nor condone the practicing of the Dark Rites and Arts within this Manuscript, it is put forth as a record, a treatise on the various of elements of Satanic Black Magick and Ritual. The actions of any one individual must be taken responsibility for by that individual, in no part of this Book do I instruct anyone to do anything, I merely provide the information required to Study, Practice or immerse oneself in the Knowledge of such Black Arts. This way of thinking is even more relevant with this Book as a treatise on Satanic Dark Arts, the Satanist is a lone traveler and one of independent individual will, they are not inclined to be instructed to do or not to do anything they are told. I put forth this Book that knowledge long hidden appertaining to the Black Arts of Theistic Satanism may at last be obtained, what each individual decides to utilize that knowledge for - if anything - is not of my concern nor my responsibility.
©barnabas 2018
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The Rites and Arts of Part Two of SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE are themselves divided into two types of Workings - there are those that have been proven and are known to have been proven and there are those that fall under the heading of Experimental or Exploratory Satanic Occult Operations. There was a slight reluctance on my part to include these Exploratory Workings as they will no doubt incur the slurs of 'the stuff of legend' or 'pure myth' but eventually I decided that if this Book was going to reveal and delve into every element of the Satanic Black Arts that these too should be included. The Occult realm has become stoic of recent decades with Practitioners quiet happy to work only with Rites and Arts that are put forth by those who practiced them, the time of Occult Explorers such as Crowley, Grosche and their ilk long gone. With the exception of Chaos Magick Initiates and certain areas of Luciferian practice the sojourn of Left Hand Path Occultism has become stale! Hopefully the inclusion of such Exploratory Workings will spark once again the desire to travel further into Darkness and explore the uncharted spheres of Black Magick Practice which still require evolution, mastery and vindication. A number of these Workings are centered upon the development of Magickal Beings such as variations of the Homunculus, the creation of an Infernal Child, The Phallus Of Satan And The Cocoon Of Demonic Breeding and The Rite Of The Child Of The Dead and these Operations more than most in the second part of SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE require the Initiate to enter into the darkest and unexplored realms of Dark Magick. Yet others such as The Breaking Of The Ten Seals Of God test the ethical and moral mindset of the Initiate of the Satanic Arts, then again, this is only the case if the Initiate is still effected and repressed by the moral tenets of Orthodoxy. As with the Workings of the Satanic Sanctum 'Order Of The Nine Angles' (possibly one of the only genuine Satanic Circles true to the Sinister Path in this World) there are Rites and Operations in this Book which will challenge the Initiate of the Black Arts on every level and this is part of the ultimate challenge of the Satanist to surpass the boundaries of the mundane and enter through the Gates of Hell! Many of the Workings in this Book are directed toward the Infernalization of the Initiate, the leading of the Seeker of Dark truth into realms, situations and challenges that separate them more and more from the inane state of banal humanity. Rites such as The Grand Rite Of Demonic Hybridism, The Damnation Of The Nazarene, The Demonic Vessel and The Demonic Doorway all guide the Dark Initiate into a state of Merging with the Demons of Hell and an eternal alliance with Our True Infernal Father Satan. Even the Initiation Ritual within this Manuscript - The Rite Of The Sworn Covenant - is geared toward this eventual state of Demonic Hybrid fusion and is in truth the inception of this process. May the darkened sojourn that lies within SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE guide you on a journey into the stygian realms you have always sort and bring you the Knowledge you have always desired!
©barnabas 2018
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Welcome to the Book SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE: The Black Book Of Barnabas . . . I am Barnabas and this - my Manuscript - is the collated Work of over forty years involved in Theistic Satanism and the Occult and is derived from Workings I learned of during my time spent in contact with an Underground Satanic Cabal, research and contact with many Satanists and indeed Demons. The Title of the Book is self-explanatory for within its Writings the secret Dark Workings, Black Arts and Satanic Rites which have so long remained hidden within the shadowy Sanctums of clandestine Satanic Orders are at last revealed. All of the contents of this Book are completely original material but the Writings of the Second Part of the Book titled BEYOND THE DARKENED DOOR are what truly sets this Book apart from any other published on the Black Arts of Satanism. For this second section contains Rites, Ritual, Arts and Operations that are blasphemous, Unholy, experimental, dark and insidious . . . some even contain acts that are unethical, immoral and on occasion illegal. But I have deliberately not retreated from any such Workings, I Vowed to My Father Satan that I would before passing from this life leave behind a written legacy which unveiled all of the Dark Workings of His Infernal Mysteries . . . even those which may no longer be practiced in the modern World. I am an Automatic Atavist (meaning I have the ability to see into the past through deep Meditation) and this skill along with hours of research and knowledge I gained from my past Mentors (who held wisdom of Rituals of the old Devil Worshiping  Cults) has allowed me to compile the most complete Work of the Satanic Black Arts ever released for public perusal. While this Book may provide interest for students of the Left Hand Path Workings of the Occult or the individual with a general interest in the darker elements of Spirituality and human nature, it is written for - and will resonate most - with those who are of true Dark Soul, hungry for real knowledge of the Satanic Black Arts and genuinely devoted to Satan the Old Paths of Traditional Satanism and Devil Worship. Only the true Seeker of the darkest Satanic Knowledge will gain real power and wisdom from the Workings of the second part of this Book . . . Infernal Operations such as The Rite Of The Unhallowed, The Fire Of Gestation, The Breaking Of The Ten Seals Of God, The Demonic Dagger, The Demonic Doorway, The Severed Oracle and the Mysteries of the Homunculus are not for all and guide the Satanic Apostle into the very depths of Hell. As do other Rites within this Book such as The Gate Of Acheron, The Damnation Of The Nazarene, The Vessel Of The Dead and The Revel Of The Damned . . . and these Rites actually reside in the lesser Workings of the first part of SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE. It is difficult to label myself, I would call myself a Traditional Theistic Satanist with strong overtones of Devil Worship and Demonology, what is for certain that there will be Workings in this Book which shall appeal to those who follow any such paths. The Demons worked within this Book are a selection of those who I have been drawn  to Work with myself upon my journey into the Black Arts . . . they are mostly drawn from Classical Satanism and those found in listings of Spirits regarded as part of Christian Theological Demonology. To my mind and from the experience I have had in Communion with them I have no doubt that the Infernal Spirits utilized in this Manuscript have always been Demonic Entities and are in no way Fallen Angels. Many famed Demonic Names have been omitted from the Satanic System of Working within SECRETS OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE . . . Spirits such as Lilith, Samael, Azazel, Lucifer, Raniel, Paimon and Ashtaroth will not be found in the Writings of this Book. None of the Seventy-Two Spirits of the Goetia will be found within this Manuscript, I have Worked with them on many occasions and they are Mighty and Worthy Spirits but they are in truth not Demons but Djinn (Spirits of the Smokeless Flame) . . . and while they can be Worked with by Satanic Practitioners they are not particularly suited to the formula of Satanic Black Magick put forth in this Tome. One small point before ending this Introduction, the Sub-Title of this Manuscript 'The Black Book Of Barnabas' is the Title of my own personal Grimoire from which the Magickal Writings of this Book have been extracted. In closing I can only say that I hope that those true Seekers of Satanic Dark Knowledge, knowledge of the Blackest Arts of the Hidden Satanic Cabals . . . those who have longed to penetrate the veils of the Mysteries of those Cabals will at last find the Satanic power, the Demonic majesty and the true Infernal  Occult Workings that will both aid the obtaining of their own desires and draw them into the Arts which aid Satan and His Demons here on Earth and beyond.
Brother Barnabas High Priest Of The Satanic Arts EnglandNovember 5th 2018 ©barnabas 2018
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