#the tapestry of satanic black magick
A question I am often asked is ‘what are the main powers and energies behind the Workings of Satanic Magick?’ … the answer to such a question cannot be given in a brief sentence to any satisfaction. In short the main powers behind Satanic Black Magick are the power of Word, the power of Imitative Magick, deep faith in the force of Satan and His Demons, Carnal and Primal currents and the ineffable power of Inversion. These are of cause the working powers behind Black Magick in a practical sense but the true Power lies with Satan and the Demons of Hell themselves, for it is their Power we are summoning through the above practical techniques. The Primal and Carnal energies behind the Workings of Black Magick are physical and emotive currents such as sexual rapture, blood letting, the raising of emotional powers such as rage, lust and desire … and of cause the forces of creation themselves. As said however Inversion is also a powerful tool along with its kindred elements such as reversal, blasphemy, deviation and adversity, and so the merging of Inversion with these primal and carnal currents is of even greater power. Therefore sexual acts which cannot lead to procreation are an adverse action and one blasphemous to God, therefore oral and anal sex are sacrosanct acts in the eyes of the Demonic. The Arts of Fetishism and the merging of pleasure and pain are also adverse sexual acts in the eyes Name of God for they are obtaining sexual rapture and mental stimulus through actions which not only please the Demons themselves but offer no gain to the Nazarene’s order to “Go forth and multiply” … sexual pleasure and climax from deviant methods of sexual practice are powerful tools in the Black Arts. Of cause blood has always held a powerful role in Ritual Magick and Black Magick Rites be it through the devotional spilling of the Initiate’s blood in offering to the Dark Ones or the act of Blood Sacrifice to the Infernal Lords of Hell. Voluntary Blood Sacrifice (as in that promoted by Order Of The Nine Angles) is a power Ritual action which encompasses both of the above intentions, involuntary Blood Sacrifice releases even greater power as the fear, pain and death laced with terror from the victim releases a potent merging of Dark Negative and Primal Creative energy. The power of Word is another important aspect of Dark Satanic Rites, few things in life carry more sustaining energy than words, they are at the core of life on all levels. Be it the emotive Poem, the inspirational Speech, the mystical Incantation, the Powerful Conjuration, the brutal insult or the loving statement words penetrate deep within the subconscious and activate forces within that strange realm. The verbal injury shall be remembered long after the thrown fist in anger, the declaration of love long after the rose has shriveled. The powerfully written Evocation, Invocation, Incantation or Curse vibrates through the veils activating responses on all realms and words should always be carefully selected when being applied to the Magickal Text - they root themselves in the realms they are designated to take effect. The power of Names is also an extension of this Magickal Current and the Names of Spirits contain the very core of their Power … we have all seen the warnings not to speak a Demon’s Name or the secret Names of God aloud. These are not the idle warnings of the nervous, the very whispering of the Name of a Demon vibrates on the spheres of Hell, to speak the Demon’s Name is to draw the Demon’s attention and energy toward you. Imitative/Sympathetic Magick is another powerful tool in the armoury of the Satanist, the use of this kind of power raising dates back thousands of years and can be found in the oldest form of Magickal Workings and beliefs in Animism. The binding of an object to the person one is Working Magick upon and then the inflicting of whatever is intended for that person upon that object is one of the most primordial forms of Magickal practice and one which carries immense power. There lies connections between all things and many things (be they physical, emotive or other) have rich symbolism connected with them … the Black Magician harnesses these symbols and these connections in league with the aforementioned strands of Arcane power to form a tapestry of ineffable Magickal energy. Some of the most obviously recognized of these Imitative Practices are of cause the use of effigies in Ritual (wax, clay or material figures) to represent the intended recipient of the Magickal energy often with a charged connection by the inclusion of hair, nails, blood, handwriting or photographs of the Magickal human object to encourage and sustain the link between them. At the beginning of this Text faith was also mentioned as one of the strands of the Black Magick tapestry and this is of great importance … if you have no faith or belief in the Entities you are Conjuring then already the practice being performed is damaged severely. It is hard in an age of cold scientific fact to believe with the faith people used to have - but know that Satan IS REAL, the Demons ARE REAL … the fact that Science cannot prove their existence yet is no reflection on the reality of Demonic beings but a statement on the immeasurable length of which Science has yet to progress. Before Science and invention gave us Telescopes and Microscopes certain planets, atoms or diseases could not be detected, this does not mean that these very real things did not exist before they could be seen … the Scientist believes only in what can be seen or quantified which is a flawed perspective that would have resulted in no discovery ever being made if it has been adhered to from the start. In closing this Text I should mention one more important element which ties all of the strands of the Magickal tapestry together and that is the energy of desire, without this all Magick is doomed to fail. Performing a Rite to kill someone in anger if you do not really want them dead will fail . . .  love Magick to bring someone to love you will not work if you do not really love them from the core of your soul. The Dark Occultist must truly desire the end result of their Infernal Working if they are to see that result manifest before them … lack of sincerity, depth, feeling, true desire and intention are the harbingers of almost all failed Magickal Workings. ©Barnabas 2018
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The Foundations Of Occult Satanism
Devil Worship, Dark Infernal Witchcraft and Classical Satanism … these are the core strands that weave the tapestry which is Occult Satanism. The Path itself is one which demands three things from the Initiate who embarks upon it … first of all it is required that the Initiate abandons and rebukes the foul tenets of the Abrahamic Religions and for the individual to swear themselves as an Adversary of those paths and all that have spawned from them. Secondly the Path of Diabolic Satanism requires the Initiate to become fully liberated and free from the moral, ethical and spiritual laws and the laws of man which have been derived from the teaching of Abrahamic Religion. Thirdly and most importantly of all it requires the Initiate to believe in the power of Satan, in his existence and the existence of the Demonic Legion over which he rules and to give of the self to the Work of that Legion in bringing forth the Aeon Of Flame upon this World. On an Occult level concerning the Dark Rites and Black Arts of Diabolic Satanism the Initiate must again be able to leave the false morals and ethics of the Orthodox herd behind and immerse themselves in the darkest forms of Infernal Sorcery and Devilish Witchcraft. In addition to this of cause the Initiate of the Path of Occult Satanism is urged to utilize the Black Arts of the Satanic Mysteries to enrich their own lives satiate personal desires and attain objectives they seek to achieve. The Path is one which leads the Initiate into fully merging with the Demonic, an opening of the self to the Infernal Currents of Hell and the following of an Infernal lineage which contained some of the Darkest Arcane Arts ever practiced. A lineage of Dark Apostles which immersed itself within Rites of Blood Sacrifice, Sexual Magick, the blackest Arts of Occult experimentation and the creation of Demonic beings here upon the physical realm. Occult Satanism is certainly not an Infernal Sojourn which will appeal to all who follow the Left Hand Path … rather that refute the labels of evil, decadent and malevolent often aimed at Satanists, the Initiate of Occult Satanism embraces such labels and immerses themselves in the cultivation of a lifestyle and Magickal arena which honours them! The Occult Satanist honours and serves the Lord Satan, the Devil of the Dark times now lost to memory and legend, the Black Goat of the Witches Sabbat … they honour Satan for is true self, an ancient and powerful force that has nothing at all to do with Fallen Angels. Satan has always been the Devil, a Creative and Destructive Monarch who is far more ancient than the concept of God, if Orthodox Religion has contributed to the Devil of this Tradition at all it is in more than providing various archetypal guises to add to the many this Dark God already had. Satan, the Devil Himself is primordial … a power of ineffable force that has been here always and it is in this form and in the guise of the Horned Goat Headed God that the Occult Satanist observes and honours their Infernal Father. For those who can embrace true darkness and take the descending path into Hell the Magickal Powers and Knowledge which lies before them is truly of the highest form and they will find themselves on a journey that opens themselves not only to the pleasures on the realm of the flesh but beyond in spheres beyond our current perception!
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Original Image Source ~ Artwork by Carin A Hazmat
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The Black Grimoire Text 1
Welcome to THE BLACK GRIMOIRE, the most complete collection of Black Magick Workings, Satanic Rites and Demonic Occult Operations appertaining to the Paths of Classical Satanism and Devil Worship ever released for public viewing. Drawing upon Rituals and Dark Magick from both the past and the present this Grimoire guides the Practitioner of the Black Arts into realms of Demonic Sorcery never before revealed … Rites and Black Magick Practices that have until now been held in secrecy within the clandestine Satanic Orders that prevail within the Occult Underground. The lineage of secret Infernal Occult Orders throughout Europe can be traced back to the Renaissance and beyond into the Diabolic Practices of the Witches of the Sabbats of the Black Goat. Through a plethora of methods the Rites and Arts of these Satanic Orders have been brought together into one Tome, THE BLACK GRIMOIRE and merged with more modern Occult Infernal Workings to compile without doubt the most extensive study of the Black Arts of Satanic Magick and Rite ever to be published. Study, experiment, exploration, practice, Automatic Writing, Seership, Historical Remote Viewing and past life regression are just a number of the methods that have been employed to draw together the strands of this Unholy tapestry. Unlike Publications released many years ago this one has the added advantage of being compiled by one who follows the Path of Classical Satanism and Diabolism, one who has practiced and tutored in the Black Arts of Satanic Magick for forty years. Some of the Dark Arts examined in THE BLACK GRIMOIRE have been left out of other compilations of Black Magick Workings, no doubt due to the fact that some remain unproven and highly exploratory while others were practiced in a time when such Arts could be but are now defunct due to elements within them being illegal under the current legal structure. Others have been omitted I believe due to lack of complete material ever being available, being regarded as of the realms of legend or because of their reliance on the power of blasphemy and inversion which were prolific in the Old World Workings of Devil Worship. In beginning this Grimoire I decided from the outset that this would be a complete Tome of Infernal Occult knowledge, independent of the origins, vague records or uncertainty of certain Dark Workings, these Workings have been included to provide the first complete study of the Black Arts of Classical Theistic Satanism ever recorded. I Vowed the production of such an Infernal Grimoire to my Father Satan some years ago and the release of THE BLACK GRIMOIRE shall be the fulfillment of that Vow to the Infernal Lord of Hell. Occult knowledge has become more available and the Occult itself has undertaken many transitions over the forty years that I have walked the Infernal Left Hand Path, this Grimoire reflects this in many ways drawing - as it does - on Workings from long ago and merging them with Dark Occult Sciences observed in the present day to forge a system of Infernal Sorcery and Satanic Occultism which is potent, primal, powerful, experimental and evolutionary in its approach and in its open mindedness to some of the darker Satanic Rites which have been sadly neglected. There is material within THE BLACK GRIMOIRE which the reader shall never find anywhere else, this material has been derived from direct communion with Demons, Automatic Writing practices with Demons and from teachings from the aforementioned underground Satanic Orders I have been fortunate to be allied with over the years. The Grimoire being unveiled here is unique and its material is all original, certain Practices within it never being examined so intently before as they are in the following texts. I hope that as well as fulfilling my Vow to Satan this Grimoire will also bring forth a revival in interest and the practice of the Rites and Arts of Classical Theistic Satanism and Devil Worship and also bring to the sincere Satanic Student the knowledge that they have long been denied through secrecy and oppression.
DISCLAIMER All Infernal Workings put forth within the texts of THE BLACK GRIMOIRE are for the study purposes of the genuine seeker of Satanic Occult knowledge, in writing this Grimoire I seek neither to urge nor discourage the reader to practice the Workings held within it. While I hope that many who come to peruse THE BLACK GRIMOIRE will enter into the practices contained within it I recognize that some of these practices drawn from times past are now not viable in the current social structure in which we live and that they contain elements within them which would fall under the label of illegal under modern legal rulings. Such Workings I do not encourage for obvious reasons but they have been included to compile a complete study of Satanic Black Magick Workings as they have been practiced in the past and are now performed in the present!
Frater Mathurin High Magister January 15th 2019 England
Mathurin© copyright 2019
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Before entering into the full Texts of this Book I offer forth this brief note in way of an introduction. I am Brother Cathal, an Old World Satanist, Black Magician, Dark Sorcerer, Diviner, Seer and devout Apostle of Our Lord Satan. I am 55 years old and have spent 42 of those years devoted to Satan as a Student, Neophyte, Initiate, Practitioner and Teacher. I am very much of the Old School as a Satanist, many have told me I fit more into the description of a Devil Worshiper and I find no offence in that considering it was as a Traditional Devil Worshiper that my Infernal Path began. Devil Worship resonated deeply with me in my younger years and still does, I am not a Soul of Light, in fact whatever Light resided within my Spirit was extinguished long ago . . . I am more Demonic than human and I am void of compassion for any human apart from those who walk the Dark Paths of Satanism, Demonolatry, Black Magick and so on. I am at one with the night, with the shadows . . . I have delved into my past lives and found that their too I was of the Diabolic, always a Son of Satan, always drawn to the Black Arts. I believe the sojourn I have taken in this incarnation is but an extension of those in previous lives, in this life however I have suffered greatly on many levels as the tests of fire were placed before me . . . I have felt the oppression of Governmental governing bodies, law enforcement, social repression and endured times of heartbreak and personal oppression that has been at times hard to bear! This has long lead me to believe that this incarnation is not just an extension of a journey carried forth over many lives but a culmination of the Work gestated throughout those lives . . . it is in this incarnation that I must weave the strands of those lifetimes now past into a tapestry of power which shall be as a legacy for those who come to read my Works in the present and the future. It is the time to culminate my Work for My Father Satan in what short time is left and present in forth in Honour and Devotion to the Infernal Lord I have always served . . . the Demonic Lord who I shall always serve here upon Earth and in spheres beyond. Let BEYOND THE INVERTED CROSS be that legacy given forth to those who truly desire knowledge of the secret Black Arts of Old World Satanism and Devil Worship and let it remain as a testimony of my unbreakable devotion to the Grand Lord Satan and the Demonic Entities who reside with him in Hell! Cathal December 1st 2019 England
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The First Writing Of The Book Satanic Summoning
So here begins the Book SATANIC SUMMONING, something of a unique Black Magick Grimoire as all of its Workings are focused on the power of the spoken Word. The utilization of Demonic Evocation, Invocation and Conjuration, the use of Infernal Psalms, Litanies and Calls . . . the power of Satanic Benedictions and Maledictions, all such forms of verbal Satanic Occult Workings lie at the heart SATANIC SUMMONING. As a small child - despite my early attraction to the Dark Side - I also held a fascination for the practices of Catholicism, the power of the words of their Rituals, the use of Litanies and Psalms. A few years later my studies into Witchcraft and the use of Incantations, Worded Spells and Curses furthered my interest in the power that lay within Words when utilized in the use of Magick. As someone who has been writing and reading poetry from since a very early age I already had an instinctive understanding of the power that was held in words how that power could be harnessed and increased through the formulating of them in verse and prose. These early foundations lead to a long and rewarding journey into the realms of verbally transmitted Magickal energies . . . my dedication to and passion with the Dark Path of Satanism over the years merged with my fascination with the power of word and poetry, these also merged with the underlying interest I had always had with the adverse system of the Satanic, that of Catholicism and an unyielding and ever evolving connection with My Infernal Father Satan and the Demonic Entities under his command. It is these unfurling and merging strands that have weaved together to create the tapestry that has resulted in the Book which now manifests before you. For SATANIC SUMMONING is a complete system of Magick founded upon the Power of Word and its use in Satanic Magickal Arts. When we observe the power of the Catholic Mass there is little doubt that the main source of its energy is the words within it, when one witnesses a Catholic Exorcism again the use of the power of word is ineffably tangible as is the power of the Name of the Demonic Possessing Spirit which is needed by the Exorcist to vanquish it. Examining and reversing such techniques, the creating of darkened versions of such practices lead me to becoming intrigued by the idea that one could devise a similar Rite of Satanic Exorcism, utilizing alone the power of Word to vanquish invading or attacking Spirits . . . not only did I find this to be a viable idea but I also found myself in the possession of the power to carry out such Rites and have done so successfully on a number of occasions. It may seem strange to other Satanists that I have an interest in the use of words of power in Catholic Practices but this should not be taken as a liking for this Religion, as a Traditional Satanist those of the Cathollic Faith are my sworn mortal enemies as their God is my sworn Spiritual enemy. My interest comes simply from the fascination I have developed throughout my life in the power of words and also a recognition that the Catholic Faith is not only the sworn enemy of the Satanic Apostle but also the most powerful enemy. The true core of other faiths founded upon Orthodoxy such as Judaism, Islam and Christianity have weakness lying at their core. The only power in Judaism lies with their faith which has been weakened drastically over the centuries, the power within Islam is no more than barbaric fanaticism and their literally is no power within Christianity at all . . . the Christian Priest when faced with a Demon dissolves into the cowardly and weak individual that mirrors their beloved Christ. The Satanic Black Magick put forth in SATANIC SUMMONING is a system of Infernal Verbal Power . . . it dispenses greatly with the endless Ritual Tools and seemingly infinite Magickal observations of other Occult systems and delves into the raw power and emotive force that lie within the spoken word. Sound is one of the most powerful forces in the realms of creation and Words are the verbal and emotive expression of that force on a deep level. Do not doubt the power of such a system . . . consider the power of Prayer, Mantra, Incantation, Prose, Speech and Conjuration and the effect they can have within Ritual and Religious context and you will understand the power that may reside within the Workings of Infernal Occultism that lie within this Book. Father Thorn All Hallows Eve 2018 Europe (c)Tyler Gittens 2018
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johnellysmere · 7 years
Departing The Black Temple
As Conjuring The Black Temple is utilized at the beginning of majority of Infernal Workings the Rite of Departing is  carried out at most of the Practices also. The purpose of the Rite is to release The Black Temple and return the self and the state of mind to the physical world and also to release and direct the power raised to its desired objective. The Departing commences with the Initiate standing before the Altar of Satan in silent meditation on the Workings that have been carried out before reciting the following:
“The Rites of the Black Temple are at an end once more . . . the seeds of desire and objective have been sewn once more in the subconscious spheres of the subconscious . . . woven into the darkened tapestry of Hell . . . seeds that will gestate and flourish within the black spheres of the Infernal and reap the harvest of our intentions upon the physical realm . . . the realms have merged once more in this dominion which lies between worlds . . . this domain where the Mortal and Demonic Kindred of the Infernal unite in allegiance . . . Ave Satanas!”
The Initiate dips their forefinger in the remainder of the Ritual Wine and traces the Inverted Cross upon their brow saying:
“The union with Satan has empowered me, I am at one with my Infernal Father!”
If others are present they too should receive the benediction of the Inverted Cross and also recite the above words ~ following this the Initiate raises their left hand in the Satanic Salute and recites the Pledge of Allegiance:
“My reverence, devotion and gratitude I proffer to you My Lord Satan and the Demons who have entered this dominion this night (Name Demons) . . . may the fruits of our Work here be rich and evolve that which has been proclaimed . . . always shall I stand dedicated and resolute as a Disciple of the Infernal . . . as a Practitioner of the Arts of Black Magick . . . and as a Son/Daughter of the Infernal Kindred that reside within mortal and spiritual spheres . . . even beyond the veil of death my Soul shall serve the Demons of Hell and Our Unholy Father Satan until again I am sent forth to Earth to claim a vessel of flesh as a temple in honour of Satan and His Infernal Legion here in the realm of mortality . . . Ave Satanas!”
The Initiate shall now take up the Pentacle of Satan and move to the center of the Working area where they place it upon the ground, following this the Initiate stands in silence concentrating their will on the drawing up of the circle of scarlet fire about the perimeter of the Black Temple into a flaming red orb which remains pulsating with power at the far side of the Working area facing the Altar of Satan. The Initiate now draws the orb of scarlet flame forth into the Pentacle of Satan through an act of visualized mental will, they witness in the mind’s eye the Pentacle of Satan engulfed in the Infernal crimson energy of the Satanic Current and then take up the Pentacle once more to return to its place at the center of the Altar of Satan empowering the Sacrosanct Implement once more. The Initiate now turns away from the Altar and concentrates in stoic silence upon the darkness about the Working area and when ready says:
“The Dark Veil of Hell has conjured and surrounded the Black Temple this night . . . it is now that this Temple must be released and the power that has been raised within it be released also . . . that it may journey to exact the intentions of the Rites performed here . . . bring transformation upon realms beyond this world and within this world also of which Satan is true Master . . . for the forces of Hell are beyond all laws, be they the laws of humakind or nature . . . and may shape what is so desired by those of the Infernal into physical manifestation . . . by the power of My Lord Satan . . . I release the Black Temple . . . and channel the power that it has harnessed to deliver the objectives of the Infernal Workings performed this night . . . Ave Satanas!”
With this the Initiate extinguishes the Altar Candles and declares:
“By the will of Satan may all desire be made manifest!”
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