selassiespeaks · 5 years
Hello guys, so I know I have been MIA (Missing in Action) on the blog for some time now but I’m back with some big news of what I have been getting my hands dirty with. I got my three books published and launched all in one day! Yayy! And it was a huge one. So grateful for the support from family, friends, organisations and individuals.
I wrote the three novels: Padiki, Bineti and Camouflage at different periods in my life last year. Some of you may already know what the Padiki story is all about if you have been following the Seventy Times Seven series on my blog. But don’t think you have read everything yet! The book offers some more revelations, backstories and suspense to the plot.
The three books, ‘Bineti,’ ‘Padiki’ and ‘Camouflage’ revolve around various themes like the challenges of Girl Child Education in Ghana, Teenage Pregnancy, Child marriage, suicide, desensitization, cancer, sexual abuse, friendship, love and hope.
The preparation process, the planning and the writing of the books was undoubtedly tough. I had so many disappointments and there were times I wanted to give up on this book project. It has undoubtedly been a long wait of challenges, hard work, setbacks, disappointments, sweat and tears but in the midst of it all, the strength was given to sit down and write.
The whole planning process taught me that there are some people who would support you and some people who will not because either they just don’t like you or they are envious but you have to keep moving no matter what. I’m glad things turned out fine in the end because there was a lot of help around.
So back to the great triple launch. These books were launched on 16th February, 2019 at the International Palace Church Auditorium and it was well attended. The Special Guest speaker was Dr. Mrs. Helena Asamoah-Hassan and she is the Chairman of the Ghana Library Authority. She is also the Executive Director of the African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA). The other speaker was Mr. Carl Ampah and he is the Programs Manager at UNESCO. Uncle Ebo Whyte, the CEO of Rovermann Productions also gave a moving talk in a short video which warmed my heart. There were a few organizations who also represented; Writers Project Ghana, Rovermann Productions and CitiFm.
The day was not just a day of the triple book launch but it was a day to celebrate art in all its forms. There was a guitar recital by Delali Mensah, a cultural display by the Ghana Dance Ensemble and the cadet, a classical music selection by Mitch and Black and a song ministration by the Press on Kids. It was certainly an evening where arts came to play.
And then I got to deliver a speech that got everyone talking. These were words written from the heart. You should have been there to hear it! (Perhaps I’ll publish it here someday :P)
Writing has always been more than just an activity to me. It is an experience. Because it is with writing that I create characters and build cities and villages with words. It is with writing that I can control the events that occur in the lives of characters and it is with writing that I am able to share my truth and the truth of others.
ccording to George Burton Adams, there is no such thing as a self-made man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the makeup of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our successes. Special thanks to CitiFm and CitiTv, particularly to Philip Ashong, Apiorkor Ashong – Abbey, Bernard Avle, Michael and Sam Atta Mensah for taking me in like a family does and supporting me all the way through interviews and publicity.
would like to thank these few individuals who made the launch possible.
Philip Ashon, Bernard Avle and Apiorkor
This man saw the announcement of my three books and just told me that he would like us to work on the launch and publicity. I am so grateful to you Philip Ashong. I also want to thank the whole Citi Team for the interviews and publicity.’
Pastor Nathan and his wife, Nana Asorbea
I’m very grateful for this couple. There were very instrumental in the preparation of the venue for the launch.
Dr. Bernard Mensa Adams and Mrs. Rosina Adams
Writers’ Project Ghana
Auntie Rita
Bro Sackey and Sompa
Julius Tornyi
Adrian Afun
Special thanks to my sisters who served as ushers on that day: Jessie, Marisa and Afotsoo
And to all the other ushers, thank you!
Thank you to all who made it. The world will be a much better place if everyone supports each other.
If you didn’t make it for the book launch, then you missed papaaa. You can order copies of the books on whatsapp number +233 502208792. If you are in Ghana, especially Accra, it will be delivered to you. A copy goes for 20 Ghana cedis, the set of three for 60 Ghana cedis. I am currently working on getting the books on Amazon soon for interested persons all over the world so it will be announced when I do.
You would surely hear from me more on the blog soon!
Bisuous, Always!
Big News! –Three Books in a Day Hello guys, so I know I have been MIA (Missing in Action) on the blog for some time now but I’m back with some big news of what I have been getting my hands dirty with.
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selassiespeaks · 6 years
Two hours, a miracle!
Two hours, a miracle!
You would have been seven years old today, my angel, but your death sentence was already set in stone. You had barely seen the light of the day when the doctors said the mission needed to be aborted. Triso-Something. They called it. A condition that makes you incompatible with life. A condition that pressured your lungs and brain. I didn’t understand. How could a human being be incompatible with…
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selassiespeaks · 7 years
Camouflage I - ChopBox Blessings
Camouflage I – ChopBox Blessings
“Eiiii Sompa, come and see o, come and see what the Lord has done!” Naomi screamed for her friend to come to the balcony. The whole hall seemed to be in an uproar at whatever Naomi was excited about.
“What is it?” Sompa run to her side. She wondered if Naomi had seen an angel in broad daylight.
“See…see that boy with the chopbox. Aden? Does he still think he’s in SHS? 6his parents forgot? I won’t…
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selassiespeaks · 7 years
Love in one Logologoline
Love in one Logologoline
We are back! We are back like we never left! Woohoo! Lol, :D actually I did leave on a long break from blogging with unfounded excuses of a tight school schedule filled with projects and no time to engage in hobbies like blogging. Honestly, I intended to continue blogging once I was done with school but well, what better way to continue than now. Thanks to all those who have tirelessly worried me…
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selassiespeaks · 7 years
Author’s Note and A BIG Thank You
Author’s Note and A BIG Thank You
Hiyaaa, lovelies!!! We are already well into the new year and I’m so glad to find you present this year. Indeed, God is faithful. This is just a post to share the inspiration behind the Seventy Times Seven series, to share a few lessons and experiences that happened in 2016 and to say a big Thank you for sticking around and eating the meals prepared on the blog. This post is dedicated to you, my…
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selassiespeaks · 7 years
Seventy times Seven X
Seventy times Seven X
Woohoo! It’s the final episode of the Seventy and I want to thank you for going on this ride with me. It hasn’t been an easy one with a few bumps and sometimes when my characters just wouldn’t speak to me but I’m so glad you were with me through it all. You were amazing! I wish all of my readers a happy and prosperous new year! God has been faithful indeed. This post is dedicated to Mawufemor,…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy times Seven IX : Sticks and Stones
Seventy times Seven IX : Sticks and Stones
Great weekend!!! Hope you are all doing well, my awesome readers. KNUST buddies, hope the exams has been good so far. We are giving no way to trails oh! So learn wai and to all my other readers and virtual friends, hope your weekend has been LITT (too much Suits is influencing me…hehehe). And the good news is, Episode nine is here!  
Today’s episode is dedicated to Azoteyine  Sally who celebrated…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy Times Seven VIII
Seventy Times Seven VIII
“Somebody’s knocking at your door,” the choir sang at church service, “somebody’s knocking at your door. Oh sinner, why don’t you answer? Somebody’s knocking at your door.”
It was a cold Sunday morning and outside it drizzled lightly. This Sunday, Padiki found herself at church service. It had been quite long since she had attended church because she had always felt like a fish out of water…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy times Seven VII
Seventy times Seven VII
  Hiiii guys, it’s a #SolaceSaturday and we are back to the Seventy times seven series. Hope your weekend has been good so far. Many of you thought I was being mean when last week I didn’t post the continuation of the series. Well, I was preparing for the mid-semesters. To all my KNUST friends, hope you killed the papers in the mid-semester exams; we thank God for bringing it to a successful end.…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
100 things I’m thankful for and that makes me happy
100 things I’m thankful for and that makes me happy
Mood: My joy definitely up ten notches! Super excited!
Heyylo Loves, my weekend has been a rush of adrenaline and spontaneity so far! Mainly because it was getting close to my birthday and I had some people already wishing me in advance (lol) and I couldn’t get around to posting anything because my weekend was full. I spent a lot of the weekend out of the room; I got to go out with my roomie,…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy Times Seven VI
Seventy Times Seven VI
“Hello, stalker.”
Padiki looked into the eyes of Damien giving him a stern look. He was looking very casual, in jeans trousers, a blue tartan shirt, some sneakers and a cap. And he wore a sheepish grin.
“My God, what are you doing here?” she asked, “Have you been following me?” She knew that was rude of her but she was in no mood for this little game they were playing.
“Yes I have,” Damien looked…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy Times Seven V
Seventy Times Seven V
Joojo looked up from the bundle of papers before him at the person at the door. Immediately the comfort he had felt just a few minutes ago, vanished. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead and he looked ready to explode or rather, ready to vanish.
The lady at the door was dressed provocatively. She wore a beige dress that stuck to her like a second skin. It highlighted her sinful curves.…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
His eyes followed uncle and niece, watching the various emotions passing their faces. Only one thing was the same; Padiki was wearing a condescending smile that never wavered.
Her face was just full of contradictions. The smile that went against the hurt and anger in her beautiful eyes. And he hated the look of unbridled regret on Padiki’s face. That really confirmed his decision to make it one…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy times Seven
The wedding reception was going on steadily, and Padiki’s malicious reverie was broken when her mother called to her as she made her way to her daughter.
“Padiki dear, come and help us serve the cake,” Mrs. Nettey called. Seeing them together, one could see how much Padiki was a doppelganger of her mother. They both had a dark chocolate complexion, both were tall and when they smiled, you would…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy times Seven II (The Red Velvet Wedding)
Seventy times Seven II (The Red Velvet Wedding)
Every bride is beautiful but today, Irene was the most beautiful bride in the entire world. The gown she wore was a sparkling white gown which flowed down to the floor. It accentuated her curves and at the same time, left much to wonder. She wore a white flowered crown that was covered by the royal white veil. And her accessories tastefully complemented her whole outfit. Today, she was the queen…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Seventy times Seven (I)
Seventy times Seven (I)
I will destroy him, I will destroy him. Those were the murderous thoughts running through my mind as I looked down at the wedding invitation in my hand which my mother had left on the table. ‘Joojo weds Irene’ it said. The card was beautifully and tastefully designed with cream and shiny gold colours and it smelt just like America.
I seethed as I traced his name and the name of his soon-to-be…
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selassiespeaks · 8 years
Day 3 of the 3 Day Quote Challenge
Day 3 of the 3 Day Quote Challenge
Wooohoooo! It’s the last day of the 3 Day Quote Challenge. Hope you were inspired so far! Thanks so much Mimispassion for the nomination. Make sure to check out her mouth-watering posts at http://www.mimispassion.wordpress.com. She has loads of poems and other article entries!
The Rules 1. Thank the person that nominated you. 2. Post 1-3 quotes each day for 3 consecutive days. 3. Nominate 3…
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