serchukwarrene · 2 months
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serchukwarrene · 2 months
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serchukwarrene · 2 months
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serchukwarrene · 3 months
Defrauded marauded traumatized terrorized past 8 years now being Forced yet again via family court threat of police arresting in bedroom again to remanding to prison if I don’t “voluntarily” surrender myself to Allan Serchuk, the SA government and global major violent crimes and terror syndicate to another corrupt rehab centre making it 2,5 yrs total of past 7 years of slavery held captive in the wrong country, continent hemisphere, impersonated globally primarily in the UK for employment contracts and salary of £30 million that they highjacked along with my special licenses contracts and frequencies all linked directly to my telepathic brain and body so vocal chords and ability to communicate thousands of kilometres vocally, no microphone, with a mere whisper. No headset for telepathic ability that I was traumatized into in London, Hampstead Village June/July 2016 covert hypnosis into mental into synthetic telepathic and vocal fqy abilities all induced by psychedelic spiking s as ay least 12- 20 times London and Cape Town. To my knowledgeably k9m, deductions and their confessions it was only meant to be a vocal fqy network namely project viper the whole thing was orchestrated highjacked and carried out by this criminal syndicate operating on inside info and slick “mechanics”. I have been forced to defend innocent lives against mortal danger and work for global neighborhoods in efforts to reach people morally, mentally, spiritually and emotionally as I have done around the clock literally since July 2016 to date. This most certainly was never my intended remit as attempted life was meant to be the complete opposite past 7 diabolical years in pain, trauma affliction and suffering . Was meant to be living my past Normal life of 37 beautiful years travelling the world communicating on my fqy’s whilst motivating, inspiring, aiding, educating attempted tittilating to instil a sense of passion in peoples’ lives from individuals to families, neighbours at home to the workplace, to fire up passion in life and ultimately an esoteric feeling of romanticism and the embracing of a culture technology relationship in our lives which is there inherently disproportionate ito growth levels and progress curves. Love peace hugs and smiles, wa wa aka Arc Angel “original Angel” “sweetooth” Serchuk xx
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