sharedramblings · 2 months
Was waiting for the right time to add to this.
Larissa would draw circles on your waist unintentionally the first time, but upon feeling how you squirmed and faltered, will do it again intentionally to tease you. She absolutely loves how easily she affects you.
The both of you will look at the mirror behind you when you ask her to check if your application was alright, and then she'd squeeze you and hum in approval before looking at you directly with the softest smile. You melt at the look, and preen at the approval.
All throughout, your eyes will zero in on her lips, waiting and anticipating for a kiss, so it's no wonder why applying her lipstick actually took the longest time. Sneaking kisses again and again because you two can't get enough. By the end, you two will look in the mirror again, Larissa all dolled up wearing her signature red lipstick just the way she prefers, while you've got lipstick marks smeared on yours.
hehe thinking of r nervously and excitedly doing larissa's make up in the quiet early morning. the silence. the intimacy. the little moments and reassurances. 🥰
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sharedramblings · 3 months
hehe thinking of r nervously and excitedly doing larissa's make up in the quiet early morning. the silence. the intimacy. the little moments and reassurances. 🥰
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sharedramblings · 4 months
just read some of the stuff i posted, and "can't believe i wrote this" thought is bouncing off my head.
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sharedramblings · 4 months
Her laugh heals my soul
Source X
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sharedramblings · 6 months
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Oh my gosh!!!!!!!
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sharedramblings · 6 months
i just read a few of your fics. shsjskskd i love them i don’t know what it is about them but i now feel fuzzy and happy?? anyways, thank you for writing them <33
omg, hii! thank you so much for this! this really means a lot to me, especially now. and i'm glad you loved them! thank you for reading (now i feel fuzzy and happy) <33
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sharedramblings · 7 months
Larissa who supports her dancer girlfriend in her performances vs Dancer girlfriend who looks directly at Larissa when doing a sexy/flirty/sensual key move to tease her and see her reaction.
Send post.
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sharedramblings · 7 months
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She pulls you into her strong long beautiful feminine arms…
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sharedramblings · 8 months
For Halloween, Larissa likes to go all out with her costumes. Sometimes she shape shifts, other times she just puts something on. One year she wore a black cat kigurumi and said she was twinning with her cat, Agatha.
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And you're right!! Larissa would go all out for Halloween every single time. She takes it seriously, feeling and embracing the Halloween spirit. Personally though, I can't see her voluntarily wearing a kigurumi (had to search what it was) all by herself but!! If it's the theme or the motif however... then I feel like that's another story. 👀 Gonna keep the rest (aka the longer version of this text) under the cut because I got carried away 😅
Everyone who works with or meets Larissa knows the woman is dedicated. In every party, competition, or event, it's simply a given fact that if there's a theme, then she will adhere to it. And that's what she's been doing for all the parties held in Nevermore, the annual Halloween party included.
She alternates with wearing a costume she bought somewhere, checking the little details to ensure it's the closest thing possible to her chosen ensemble that year. Or she puts her shape shifting abilities to use, delighting in the shock faces the faculty and students wear when she walks inside the hall as a heavily known artist, or performer, or a well-known person in the outcast community.
There's exactly one month left before the yearly Halloween party, and the theme hasn't been finalized still. So to shake things up a bit, Larissa asked the faculty to spread an online form to the students, asking for their preferred theme for the party. Whatever theme emerges with the most votes gets to be the final motif, but it will all be monitored, of course, to filter out any inappropriate suggestions. One week will be allotted to collecting ideas, and another one week for the voting.
And then the news spread out, students were only allowed to submit one suggestion, the faculty checking the form to finalize the options for the poll. After clustering and organizing, the students are then asked to pick one they'd like, and lo and behold, one particular option has won by a big margin: a kigurumi-themed halloween party.
Larissa raised her eyebrows when the voting time ended. A what theme? She has no idea what that was so she looked it up, her eyebrows shooting up even higher to her forehead on the images that flooded her laptop screen. A soft-looking one piece garment, designed to resemble a cartoon character or an animal. That's what the majority of the student population chose.
That was... one interesting outcome to all of this. The principal chuckled, baffled, she supposed she should have seen this coming. But there's no time to undo it all, and going against her own words wouldn't result in anything good. And so with the lingering feeling of incredulity still in her, she asked the teachers to disseminate the winning choice.
The theme was a glaring contrast to the dark one they had last year, and the air around the academy was buzzed and charged after the announcement. Most of the students were excited about picking their costumes, while there are a few who begrudgingly chose whichever. The same goes for the teaching staff, some teachers choosing the most adorable kigurumi to wear for the party.
Larissa, of course, has spent most of her free time searching for her own costume. She wasn't about to be the person who would break out of the motif. Because if she, the headmistress of the academy herself, would not commit to the bit, then it's a solid trail for everyone else who would rather not participate.
The amount of time the principal spent on surfing and looking for a costume that she likes to wear is absurd. Just about any kigurumi she saw is either too cute or too colorful for her liking. With a frustrated groan, she decided to rest her eyes for a while. That's when Agatha, her black cat, decided to grace the woman with her presence, climbing in her lap and rubbing its head in the principal's stomach.
Larissa smiles down at the cat, petting her on the chin, earning a satisfied purr in response. "Hi, my darling girl. Planning to help me with my Halloween outfit?"
The cat, seemingly understanding the question, stopped purring to answer. "Mrow"
That made Larissa chuckle a little before an idea forms in her mind. "That's right. Thank you for your input, Agatha." She went to pet the black cat again, before it decided it had enough, walking away and out of the principal's office, planning to roam around the campus once more. Larissa finally made up her mind.
The week before the party was hectic, especially for the staff and students who volunteered to form the committee. After days and days of hard work and effort, the day of the party finally arrived.
The hall was transformed into a tasteful and colorful palette of party decorations, the table cloth and foods complying with the palette as well. As the students and teachers mingled around in their own kigurumi, the whole thing looked like a huge slumber party. In the crowd there are a few people in a stitch costume. There's also tigger and piglet from winnie the pooh. Cartoon characters from monster inc, and pokemon, and many other movies and series. While there are also some people in animal costume design. A koala, bears, dinosaurs, a fox, bunnies, and even magical creatures like unicorns and dragons.
However, the students, aside from the committee, have yet to see their ever punctual principal. It has been a habit to look for her at some point in a party, curiosity piqued for the headmistress' outfit. Minutes later, the hall's door opened and walking in is the woman herself, wearing an all black cat kigurumi, accompanied by none other than Agatha, her cat who has been also dubbed as the academy's honorary pet. Larissa hadn't worn the hood yet, her intricately done silver hair updo contrasting with the clothing.
Giggles out of giddiness could be heard around the hall, the students couldn't contain their reaction to seeing their elegant, statuesque principal in a onesie. The sight is adorable, especially since some of them doubt that Larissa would still follow through.
Enid, in her wolf kigurumi, gleefully walked towards the principal with a question in mind despite the obvious answer. "And what, or who might you be, Principal Weems?"
Larissa humored the question, carefully pulling the hood up in place, the cat ears attached standing visibly, "I'm Agatha's twin." Pointing to the already disinterested cat walking away.
The blonde student squealed then, only expecting to be told that the principal was indeed a cat, and not at all coming as her cat's twin, gushing about how cute that idea was and shouting how it's nice to meet both Little Agatha and Big Agatha tonight, making the motive of the costume known to everyone (and Larissa being jokingly called as Big Agatha the whole night).
The party committee, after giving out the prepared trick-or-treat goodie bags that are packed in a plastic pumpkin bucket for those who complied with the theme (which is a great tactic to make everyone follow the decided theme), assembled everyone in the quad to take a picture, commemorating this year's Halloween party.
Author's note: Thank you so so so much for this! As you can see, I really enjoyed it and decided to ran away with it. This was so fun and really had me going, and I hope it's alright that I absolutely rambled on and on with your headcanon (I'm not sure what response I should be doing, so hoping this is okay). I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, Alicia. Thank you for sharing this with me!
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sharedramblings · 8 months
Icy Problem
Summary: You are cold. Miranda has a jacket. You don't want to take it. Problem created.
Author's note: I think my attempt at crawling out of the funk is doing well. So here, take this thing that I did. It's yours now.
Your stubbornness, most of the time, proves to be a great quality of yours. You don't put your foot down when you really really want something, not easily deterred when things don't go your way the first few tries. Once you set your sights on something, you're determined to have it, work for it, stand by it, simply fueled by your own stubbornness.
But pair it with your inattentiveness for the simple little facts that makes you you... then you suffer from situations like the one you currently found yourself in.
You're easily cold, prone to immediately feeling the low temperature creeping under your skin when you stay in an air conditioned room for a long time. Or even when the night falls deeper and the air becomes cooler. Or when you finish a tall cup of an iced drink, the amount of liquid more than you can normally consume. It's simply a fact of life for you— you easily feel cold. You easily get cold.
Yet you don't automatically bring a jacket with you, or any other piece of clothing that could help warm you up. Why would you, really, when every time you tremble from the cold, you can power through it? Until the worst of it passes, until your body can finally regulate your body temperature. So long as you can endure and survive around it, that fact simply doesn't matter that much to you. Like you have no recall for these kind of things, paying them little attention, even when the time comes that it matters most.
The intervention for this idiotic combination of yours comes in the shape of one tall constable, with her short blonde hair and milky white skin. Your girlfriend. Miranda Hilmarson.
The woman is observant, her eyes almost always roaming around when she's in a new, unfamiliar place. Attentive when in the presence of someone she only met. Always curious. Quite clumsy, but at the same time mindful. Especially when it comes to you.
It becomes her personal task to always grab you a jacket once the weather slowly leans on the colder side, aware of your susceptibility to the cold after months of being together. When the telltale signs that come in the form of goosebumps and slight shivers takes place, she promptly drapes the piece of clothing on your shoulders, which, truthfully, doesn't take that long to happen.
This time, however, she doesn't have one of your jackets with her, seeing as you two decided to meet here since she was on duty.
So here you are, standing under the cold night sky in the well-lit night market with your stomach full of mouthwatering street foods, visibly shaking as you listen to the street performer sing. Finishing that chocolate fudge brownie ice cream down to the last bite was a wrong decision. A delicious, chilly, wrong decision.
Beside you was your girlfriend, wearing dark pants with a white shirt underneath her gray zip-up hoodie, looking warm and cozy. Miranda has noticed your state, even before the full on trembling that you're trying so hard but absolutely failing to contain. She has offered you her hoodie then, unzipping the garment, but you refused and told her you're alright. Her cerulean orbs then did a quick sweep over your form before deciding to let it go.
The next time she brought it up, your arms were crossed in your chest, trying to preserve the body heat you still have. You can feel the quivering of your knees, the motions definitely out of your control.
"Here, take my jacket" she said, and still you shook your head.
"It's not that cold" is what you reasoned. You experienced far worse than this.
Miranda sighed, knowing you won't easily back down. But she also won't, more than willing to match your stubbornness.
"You're literally trembling from the cold." She stated the obvious, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Besides, I've been wearing this since I got here."
"Mir, baby, no. I'm fine, p-promise." You reassured, which didn't go exactly as planned, seeing as your teeth decided it was time to chatter, making your voice shaky. The cold was truly biting your ass, seemingly enjoying the way you tremble in place.
"At least take my hand? And move closer to me." There wasn't any room for argument as Miranda was quick to hold your hand in hers, feeling how icy your palm has become. She pulled you closer afterwards, becoming more conscious of the tremors that took over you.
Unconsciously, you leaned in, drawn by the warmth from her side. You squeezed her hand, laying your head on her upper arm, squishing your cheeks on the soft material of her hoodie which is a size slightly larger than her frame.
The little compromise made way for enjoying the performance in front of you. It was nice, the singer's voice was pleasant to hear, and she was truly enjoying each song she sings, which adds a lot more flavor.
And then the wind picks up. If you weren't in such a state, you're sure it was just a gentle, cool breeze, blowing through the night and over into the open space. A breeze you think you'd enjoy any other time. But you are cold, and it feels like a harsh, frigid air as it moves to get to you. As a result then, a violent and totally irrepressible shudder jerked down your spine as the wind made contact, and you have no time to cover it up, even with a miserable try.
"Okay, that's it. You're wearing this whether you like it or not." Miranda lets go of your hand as she tried to remove her hoodie as quickly as she could, failing to swiftly do it in her haste. That gave you the chance to stop her movements by holding the zipper adjacent to her chest closer to her.
"No, I wo-won't! I can't have my girlfriend feeling c-chilly" You argued back with a more trembling voice, unrelenting still. Miranda's cheeks were already tinted pink, and you're pretty sure that the low temperature has something to do with it. You weren't keen, more now than ever, on the idea of wearing her jacket just because you don't have yours.
"Well, I can't watch my hardheaded girlfriend freeze to death!" She yelled back, mirroring your use of words, exclaiming and emphasizing the last word.
"Freezing to death is a bit absurd, M-mir."
"Not when you haven't stopped shaking!" The scowl in the blonde's face was enough to silence you, a show of the mixture of the worry and annoyance she feels towards you. Deep down you knew she was right, and instead of acknowledging it, you figured it's better that you don't retaliate, also taking into account the fact that your stammering helps further prove her point.
"Five minutes. You'll either take my hoodie or we'll go home." She said with finality, taking your hand in hers again before going back to watching, the furrow in her eyebrows not letting up.
You two decided to stay longer when you were both eating each of your ice creams, as it has been too long since the last time you two were mindless about the time, simply enjoying the peacefulness of not always hurrying to do errands. And that was about to get cut short because of your carelessness.
Despite the tiny disagreement, Miranda hasn't let go of your hand. Rubbing at the skin of your knuckles while her attention is divided on you and the performance. She was gracious with time, letting the second song finish first, the last note ringing before going to the concern at hand.
Before she can speak, however, you step to her front, maneuvering her arms up sideward, arms snaking beneath the jacket and effectively slotting and snuggly fitting yourself in the space between the piece of clothing and her shirt, hugging her. That was the choice. You don't want to end the night prematurely, wanting to spend more time with her outside the apartment.
Miranda's face was flushed from the cold then, but the rosiness on the apple of her cheeks spread more and deepened in color at your actions, the split-second confusion melting to give way to a giddy, soft smile before securing you in her arms, rubbing the side of your arms to help warm you up faster. What a smart choice it was, simultaneously dealing with the problem at hand while subtly apologizing, using Miranda's love for hugs to your advantage. Not to say that you aren't craving to be in her embrace, just that it was a double win situation.
"Can we stay longer now?" You ask, looking up at her. You let the short-haired blonde envelop you in her warmth, almost being covered in her gray jacket.
"So long as you're no longer cold." She said softly with a hint of inquiry, checking if you're starting to get warm and comfortable.
You nod then, swaying you both in the tune of the next song, changing position a few minutes later so you too could face and watch the street performer. Miranda's arms were on either side of your head, resting on your abdomen while she rests her chin on the crown of your head, both of you warm and shielded from anymore trembling.
Additional note: This was entirely fueled by a prompt I've seen in passing (months ago) of sharing clothes with a character, and what better way than sharing a jacket with Miranda?
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sharedramblings · 8 months
mutuals whose hands I would give a gentle squeeze to let them know that they aren't alone in this world
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sharedramblings · 8 months
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Gwendoline Christie from Harper's BAZAAR for Porsche
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sharedramblings · 8 months
everytime I remember that lesbian couple that have a marble statue of the two of them embracing and sleeping on a bed together over where their graves will be because the artists didn’t believe they would be able to be married before they died, so what they couldn’t have in life they could have in death, I fucking breakdown
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sharedramblings · 8 months
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I have no words to describe how beautiful this woman is
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sharedramblings · 9 months
Does anybody else get legitimately worried when a fanfic author who was updating regularly just suddenly disappears with no warning? Like, is it a serious case of writers block or are they in a coma? Did they just up and quit? Was it me? Were my reviews not good enough?! Did they die 😳?! Were they kidnapped? Do I need to file a missing persons report? Excuse me officer, there’s been 13 weekly updates and now nothing for months! Find them! What’s their name?! Name!? I don’t know their name but they write 3k+ chapters and I need them safe and back in my life!
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sharedramblings · 9 months
Larissa Weems
Larissa was suspicious - she had never seen you this nervous, not since you had first asked her out for a date. She remembers it so fondly, the way you had gazed up at her, eyes wide and sparkling with hope. They way you couldn’t mask the tremour in your voice as you mustered up the courage to ask her ‘can I take you out for dinner?’.
In your rush you had forgot to get her number, set a time, place, and a date. All you had was her first name, you didn’t even know her surname, when you smiled at her and said you couldn’t wait before hurrying off.
If she hadn’t called out after you and written her number on your hand - it fit perfectly in hers she had noticed - then you would’ve possibly never got that date. And if she hadn’t had that date with you then she wouldn’t have spent the following months falling madly in love with you, and she wouldn’t have had the most wonderful three years of her life with you.
They were pure bliss but as any and all relationships - you had your fights, your disagreements but no matter how blown out of proportion they got, no matter how huge they were, no matter if you weren’t able to see eye to eye in the end, neither of you could last the night without the other. You both had learned to listen to one another even if you didn’t understand. Although having very similar morals and beliefs did help.
Initially Larissa was confused, your anniversary was six months away, and there were no other special occasions. She couldn’t figure out why you had told her you had cleared her schedule for the evening and to dress up, for you had a reservation at a very high end restaurant in Burlington. How you managed to get a table there was beyond her - the place was usually fully booked and a reservation had to be made months in advance.
The evening before you had insisted on having a little spa night, you had bought face masks and even cut up cucumber to put over your eyes. It was very reminiscent of a preteen girl’s sleepover. You had even laboured over painting her nails a luscious deep red. Making sure they were painted perfectly.
You had said you had a few errands to run and would meet her at the restaurant - had you said that to her in the earlier stages of your relationship she’d start to worry you were losing interest. That you’d stand her up. But she knew you’d be there early waiting for her. No matter how punctual Larissa was - when it came to you, she was never the one waiting. You were always there first, with you she was never alone.
She had arrived at the restaurant, you had called a taxi for her, insisting that she need not bother herself driving. Like always her heart skipped many many beats as she saw you sat at the table nursing a glass of water as you stared out into the sea of other diners. You always took her breath away, and with the low lighting and candles that littered the establishment, you looked ravishing.
Your melancholy look vanished the second you spotted her - making room for pure adoration on your face. That's when she caught sight of a deep maroon velvet box you were fiddling with in your lap. In a fluid movement you had shoved it in your bag and rushed to stand, pulling out her chair for her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Larissa was unable to respond, her heart was racing and the only way she could describe what she felt in that moment was pure elation - no high from a drug could ever compare.
And so here she sits, enjoying the meal - a fancy filet Mignon, it had been cooked to perfection (medium rare) and the garnishes complimented the steak. It melted in her mouth and took very little effort to cut. Paired with the Rioja Reserva - recommended by the waitress - Larissa’s tastebuds were in heaven. Contented hums would escape the blonde as she’d close her eyes - relishing the flavours that burst in her mouth. But in the back of her mind she wondered when you would pop the question.
Before your meals were served you had made a move to stand but thought better if it, saying something about needing to use the restroom when she had given you a questioning look.
The waitress has come back, cleared your table and replenished the empty wine glasses. When she asked about seeing the dessert menu you eagerly said yes, ignoring Larissa’s singular raised eyebrow. You didn’t have a sweet tooth.
The next time Larissa saw the velvet box was when you set it on the table in order to find your purse. So you could foot the bill. The entire time the blonde would look at you — admiring those eyes of you’re, down at the box, and then back to you. She was on edge with anticipation.
“Ready to go?” You asked, playing with your hands.
“Ready if you are darling,” she cooed, looking at the box. A bemused smirk on her tempting lips.
She watched intently as you round the table to pull her chair out for her. Her heart hammering away in her chest. You offered your arm for her to link hers with, and started to head to the exit. In a swift movement she grabbed the box and held it in her free hand. Peering down at you curiously as you walk through the restaurant.
“I was thinking we could take an evening stroll?” You asked with a startling suddenness.
“That sounds wonderful,”
You smile up at her, a deep rooted adoration in your eyes as you head down the street. The sun was just beginning to set. Your hand reaches into your little bag searching for something that isn’t there. You gasp sharply.
“I’ve forgot something at the restaurant, I’m so sorry can we head back- ”
“Any chance it’s this?” Larissa holds out the velvet box and relief floods your body.
“Yes! Thank you,” with no further comment you take it from her and place it back safely into your purse.
Oblivious to Larissa’s bewilderment.
There’s a lovely lakeside walk not too far from the high street, the waters surface is left undisturbed — creating a perfect mirrored surface, reflecting the oranges and yellows that blaze through the sky. A myriad of wild flowers decorate the other side of the path, sprinkled between long grass and trees. It’s rather romantic.
At various viewpoints you stop only to start walking again. Every time the words on your lips die — never to be spoken aloud.
The blonde takes note of the tremour in your hands, she squeezes it with her own in a bid to soothe your nerves. She doesn’t know why you’re so anxious, she knows her answer is yes, she just needs you to ask.
The trail is almost over, the buildings that make up the city are slowly creeping into view. The tiniest bit of disappointment claws it’s way into Larissa’s chest. But she won’t let it ruin how lovely the evening had been.
“Larissa!” You didn’t meant to shout her name so loudly, but if you hadn’t your voice would’ve come out as a strangled whisper.
“Yes darling?” She leans down just so she can be closer to you. An endeared smile on her lips.
“I- uh, these last three years- ”
Finally. Is all Larissa can think as her face almost splits from her grin.
“-have been the best years of my life, you mean the world to me- ”
She found the way your voice shook, ever so slightly, absolutely adorable.
“-and I love you more than you’ll ever know.” You take a deep breath. Too scared to look into those mesmerising blue eyes.
Now or never. You relinquish her hand and grab the box from your bag. Running your fingertips over the plush velvet, as you go down on one knee and open the box — you fumble with it for a moment, Larissa can’t help but stifle a giggle — and crane your neck all the way up to finally look into her eyes.
The look of unadulterated, pure love in her eyes takes the words out of your mouth. You can’t help your staring, in that one split second you know you haven’t made a mistake and ruined the best thing in your life.
“Larissa Edith Weems,” you pause, soaking her in, “will you marry me- ?”
The ring truly is a work of art, a thin delicate gold band with decorative etching around it, sporting a modest diamond. You knew her well, Larissa was never one for a garishly large stone, she considered them gauche and tacky. Preferring subtler alternatives.
You feel tears build behind your eyes as you reach for her hand and slide the engagement ring on. It was a perfect fit (you didn’t go to all the hassle of wrapping string around Larissa’s finger as she slept without waking her for nothing) and once it was on it was as if she had been born with it.
You’re quick to stand, too quick — colours swim in your vision. And you sway a little but strong arms are around your waist holding you. You kiss the nearest part of her, which happens to be her neck. She purrs in delight.
“I was wondering how long you’d take,”
“You knew I was going to propose?! How?” You pull back to look at her.
“My sweet darling, I even handed you the box after we left the restaurant,”
You laugh at yourself as you reach onto your tiptoes to kiss your fiancée. Thankful she was so patient and found your antics amusing.
AN - this is a bit rambly but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless x
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sharedramblings · 10 months
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Bold of Weems to assume she would find peace in death with an Addams around
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