Nate And The Super-Duper Pajama Kids Adventure Book & Merch is here, by Sharon Walton Books!
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Nste And The Super Duper Pajama Kids Adventure Book and Merch... Help your kids over fear!
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 1 year
Nate And The Suer-Duper Pajama Kids Adventure (SDPKA) Explainer Video
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 1 year
Nate And The Suer-Duper Pajama Kids Adventure (SDPKA) Episode 1
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 1 year
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Nate, from Nate And the Super-Du[er Pajama Kids Adventure...
Check me out @  shronwaltonbooks.com 
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 1 year
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 1 year
I Won!
Indie best writers writing contest...Check me out @sharonwaltonbooks.com
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 3 years
Nate And The Super-Duper Pajama Kids Adventure profiles the fears of children, at bedtime, all around the globe. This first adventure is a familiar one from the USA-- About the Boogeyman, but it doesn’t stop there. It travels to Germany, where the Wolpertinger is terrorizing a little girl named Ada. Some how, Nate and Ada pit the Boogeyman and the Wolpertinger against one another. You have to see how it goes down!
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 3 years
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It’s here! Do you remember the Boogeyman? You remember the Boogeyman! He’s at it again in Nate And The Super-Duper Pajama Kids Adventure...
Get it at  www.sharonwaltonbooks.com
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 6 years
Legal Issues In Entertainment (LIE)
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My original goal for this course was to move past self-absorption, see people as they are, and read other’s intentions accurately. This course helped me to achieve my goals by stretching me to focus on things for which I had no idea how or what to research to find the answers. Thus, it dislodged me from being stuck, just ruminating.  From this course I have learned to always seek to communicate clearly and effectively, where to look to find answers to legal questions I didn’t even know I had, and it has taught me to rely heavily upon my attorneys; in fact, to seek the kind of attorneys who will not look at me as a business client, but as for someone whom they care. I will apply what I have learned in everyday-life to minimize disputes, I will rely heavily upon my attorneys prior to making agreements, and endeavor to have even the smallest agreement in writing.
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 6 years
Business Model Development Class Journal
Sharon Walton                                                                                         3/25/18 Business Model Development Journal Entry
1. What your original goal was for this course. 2. How the goal was met by the course. 3. What you learned from this course. 4. How you will apply the material learned in the course personally or professionally.
My original goal for this course was to not become limited by my current status, to hone in on my business weaknesses, and to keep expanding my horizons. The Business Model Development course at Full Sail University helped me with my business model development goal of not becoming limited by my current status, by prompting me to continue to further improve my concept and providing a diversion from thinking about the things I have no idea of how, yet, to accomplish. Streaming my thoughts and providing a tangible example of a business model to examine the actual nuts and bolts of the what and how to do, of something I love, (Cirque Du Soleil) made it easier to maintain consistency in focusing on my business model. Thus, it helped me to hone in on the things I could improve, rather, than on the things over which I have no current control. It also helped to maintain momentum and prevent what would have, otherwise, been a stall of the entire creative/ innovative process that must be completed in order to bring this product to fruition. Finally, having such an astounding model to explore inspired me to think of ways to brand an “out of the box” experience for my users, and gave me more ideas of how to make it work.
From this course, I learned to just keep moving and in order to do that, we have to operate in what the now-moment demands.
The Holy Scriptures, in Hebrews 11:1, talk about something called “Now Faith.” Now faith is a substance; the substance of things hoped for. The thing about this word hope is that, in a lack of understanding of what is hope, people make it abstract, as though it is a feeling that lives in the same place as where knowing a thing comes from, and they try to call it hope or faith or even belief. When I think about hope I think of something more tangible than non-tangible. Example: when I was a young girl I had a relative, who would call me up on Monday, after school and tell me I’m going to come pick you up on Friday, so we can spend some time together. From that moment, I would begin to ruminate and chew this scenario, swallow it, regurgitate it back up again, chew it, and repeat this process over and over again until I was walking out the door with my duffel bag in hand and on the way to the car. It was something that consumed me. I present to you, this is hope. It also became evidence because it caused me to pack my bag and be ready, so there was a corresponding action.  
Now Faith is also the evidence of the things that we can’t see. Thus, the things of which I currently have no knowledge are not the things the moment demands, because, according to Hebrews 11:1, primordial substance of a thing is the fact that I conceive its possibility enough to bring it to fruition, and the fact that I do this thing is the evidence of its existence. Reiteration: if you can conceive the image of the thing in your mind to the point that you extrapolate how to bring it to fruition, it already has substance and evidence of existence. Why? Because there is no new thing under the Sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
This helps me to understand in the moment demand is the thing that you already know how to do; the one that needs to be perfect in order to attract designers, attorneys, concept artists, etcetera, who are needed to supply the information which has currently not been revealed.
If you possessed the ability, peripheral vision and or capacity needed to supply everything required to bring your product to fruition, there would be no lack of knowledge or anything otherwise, and the need for these other disciplines would not exist. Thus; if you keep moving in what you know to do, the result is a continuous flow to fruition.
I have adjusted and will continue to adjust my perspectives of what it takes to arrive at the telos: the point aimed at, or the expected end. When I become overwhelmed I will quell it with research of other successful business models to see if they were affected by the same, and how did they respond to it.
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 6 years
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The goals I set for the Full Sail University’s Innovative Entrepreneurship Masters, Business Feasibility Class are to not become limited by my current status, Home in on my business weaknesses, and keep expanding my horizons while working tirelessly on them to improvement. This class has helped me to gauge where I am in the start-up process and to relax from the I have no idea what I am doing mindset. It has also helped me to gain a greater understanding of Business model development, and in so doing, has kept me mobile inspite of the what the heck’s I don’t know and how stiflingly overwhelming that can be for a person like me who is used to just going and doing.
I have learned the processes to take to identify my business model weaknesses, and how to ignore failures at this time in order to keep looking for ways to succeed.
Bobak, M. J. (other). (unk). All Progress Takes Place Outside the Comfort Zone. unk, unk; The New York Times online. Retrieved from https://www.incomediary.com/21-key-principles-for-success-in-modern-business
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 6 years
Product Design and Development Timeline Review
Sharon Walton                                                                                                1/27/18
 My original goal for this course was to Enlarge the work concept, awaken the dimensional mind, acquire new skills, and alter my perspectives. This course has met these objectives in that I can honestly say the content I have absorbed has remobilized me, by providing a paradigm shift and helping me to overcome the ambiguity and anxiety that comes from not being in a familiar place when you know, not everyone has your best interest at heart and those who wish to see you fail really do exist. If they can profit by taking what you have and monopolizing upon it, they will. They don’t have to be haters; just greedy.
 It has gotten me out beyond the four walls of my own mental habitation and forced me to look at my project from an outside perspective, and that, based on empathy. It gave sinew to the foundational bones of having a desire to give back to the community, but not knowing what to do. It gave muscle to the skeleton of enlarging the work concept by providing a backdrop against which I could dispel the fear of the unknown; thereby creating an opportunity for me to mobilize my efforts and lay a hold of some tangible products with which to begin my market testing.
 It also broke me out of the mental conundrum I felt I was in, by not being able to think my way through of the obstacles that seemed to be looming in my way, then it pointed the way and illuminated the path to follow with regard to allowing my product to continue to evolve. I think it evolved four times during the creation of my Product Vision Board alone.
 I have learned that every new start-up is by nature an experiment, so we may as well begin with a goal to fail and fail quickly so we can evolve the product through the stages of its processes.  The main Idea of finding a need and filling it is that it is a truly substantiated need for a market that really does exist, and if we do this with the customer in mind and not being puffed up in our own vain deceits, we can arrive at true empathy, which is the life-blood of favorable consumer reaction.
 Personally and professionally, I will build, measure learn and repeat the steps of formulating my ideas, researching my ideas, applying what I have learned in order to modify my ideas, studying my market in order to know what they desire, and what they expect from my product so that it can continue to evolve, and I will maintain a process of discovery mindset treating each iteration as a new experiment until I arrive at a model customers actually want, and I shall do all of this while knowing in the back of my mind the possibility always exists that I may need to pivot in order to keep from losing everything because a pivot isn’t necessarily the  process of quitting—Especially if there truly is a need for the product—as much as it is changing the manner in which I need to present explain the product. 
Reiss, E. (n.d.). The Lean Start Up (pp. 22-47). New York: Crown Business.
Blank, S. (2013, May). why The Lean Startup Changes Everything. In Harvard Business Review. Retrieved January 14, 2018, from Kauffman founder School (R1305c).
 Greene, R. (2012). Mastery. Strand, England: Penguin Book LTD. Retrieved October 22, 2017, from Vital Source Book Store.
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 7 years
Sharon Walton                                                                                                                        12/13/2017
Business Venture Research
DP 4 Mastery Journal
 My goals for this class were to come one or more steps closer to:
1.    realizing whether or not I wish to self-publish, or seek out an agent or publisher for my latest project.
2.    Understanding all of the topics I need to research when contemplating a start-up.
 While I am still undecided about which way to go with respect to the publishing options, this class has given me enough exposure to point me in the right direction as it pertains to the various research topics that should preclude any start-up, as well as providing good information into the concept of the entire creative thinking process, where to place value, or the value proposition, while maintaining a common thread of how empathy and social entrepreneurship are oftentimes the fuel behind the most successful businesses; a thought that had never crossed my mind, but one which I have come to sweetly, embrace. 
The goal was met by the course in the consistent emphasis on how the creative process as a whole should rest upon the understanding of who is the customer, what do they need and how do they respond to your interpretation of what they need. I learned things like, how important it is to nail my value proposition right on the head, from knowing what is my reason to understanding whether or not the thing I have to offer is the thing my clients need, want, and can’t do without so they’re going to buy, now, and not just one, but another one for their sister’s kid, or whoever. I learned the value of researching similar products to learn what made them successful and or fail to succeed. I learned the value of having a diverse, and adept team with similar core values, who I can fall-out with, and fall-right-back-in with, knowing if either of us is down, we will pick one another up. And that it is detrimental to be so in love with my own project that I fail to recognize if the likelihood of failure is preeminent. Thus, I lose a lot of money.
Gallup for Consumer Research, Entrepreneur, and Trade magazines period, Gartner and Forrester for Technology-Related Research, and Retail Leaders are research sources I had no idea existed but plan to utilize for future research. I will utilize the material to write, rewrite, think, meditate upon, and rewrite again and again throughout every creative process I encounter from building my team to creating a dream, and maintaining a team that dreams.
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 7 years
Time Line Goal for Creativity and Innovation Class
I cannot honestly say I had a specific goal for this particular course when I started in my master pursuit, or any other course for that matter. As I understand it, I am in the process of learning everything I need to know in order to be properly equipped to achieve my end goals of having a solid foundation from which to launch out into the deep. My goals are not just to labor in another man’s field long enough to achieve some level of confidence in what I’ve learned along the way so that I can take steps toward launching out into the deep.  Attending this program and completing these collective Mastery courses are my steps. The next step after this, for me, is the deep.
As it pertains to my mastery time line, the class has given me the confidence to press forward to the trial and error of doing something towards discovering the what and the how, and to trust the process. As a result of taking this class, I have decided, surely, I will  produce my own material whether it be books, film, or whatever. I never know where the resources are coming from. I set out in some direction, praying every step of the way, giving and receiving in return, treating people right, helping others way more than I ask for help, and whenever I am ready for things to happen, somehow; God-how, things happen.  
As a result of taking this class, I have come much further along the road of my plans to design a whole new way in which children read books, and not only children but boys. Statistics say that it is difficult to engage boys in the love of reading, but having 11 nephews before I ever had a niece, and working 11 years in direct care residential treatment center with latency age boys, and having five grandsons and before I had my two granddaughters have given me quite a perspective on what seems to hold their interests.
This class has given me the focus to specify the direction in which I need to move in order to empower my dream to grow into a reality; especially as it pertains to the Empathy maps. I would like to complete several more prior to arriving at the final method of my design approach. Not only this, but I will probably do one for my marketing plan as well.
While I have much work ahead of me and a plethora of decisions to make, I feel more rounded and clued-in after taking this class. Learning about Social Entrepreneurship, the principles of empathetic design, the importance of diversity, and contending with myself and her own ideas has given me a broader perspective on just how important is having the right team diversity and freedom to create a carefree atmosphere in which to dream towards the end design. (“How to Design Breakthrough Innovations,” date unknown.) In addition, having just the right combination empathetic design and social entrepreneurship can provide an instant audience for the things I create.
All of the above expands my ideas on how to continue building my team for the many projects that lay ahead for The Walton Group, Inc.  I will apply the principles of Empathetic Design to the products that I design and spend the majority of my planning stage time to flesh them out from behind the eyes of my clients rather than from behind my own eyes. I will seek out a way to engage the community, the world, the globe in the benefit of my design with Design for a Cause as my end goal. “The Rise of Social Entrepreneurship Suggests a Possible Future for Global Capitalism,” 2013.) What cause does this design address with respect to leaving the world a better place and making the design sustainable? And I will be conscious of the products I use and the effects they have on the globe for the generations to come.
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 7 years
A good picker-upper.
Washington, D. (Narrator). (2017). The Mindset of High Achievers [Online video].   
           unk: Youtube.com. Retrieved from youtube.com.
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sharonwalton-blog1 · 7 years
Real Talk...
Vujicic, N. (Actor). Vujicic, N. (Narrator). (2011). Inspiration to Life - Motivational video [Online video]. Retrieved from Youtube.com.
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