tw: mental health talk
to all my moots and followers<3 thank you for keeping up with me these past few months that i’ve been on tumblr!
i need to take a break from social media for a while. i’ve struggled with my mental health a lot over the better half of my life and i’m currently going through a really bad low, and everything is affecting me. i need a break from shifting, a break from social media, and i just need to get my mind right. no, i’m not giving up on shifting; but i need time.
i love you all so much<3 take care of yourselves, idk when i’ll be back.
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Let's get one thing straight-
To all the die hard LOA bitches who will literally go out of their way to tell anyone who had a "failed" shifting attempt that it's their fault, literally shut the fuck up..💀
Some people are different from you, the term "everyone is different" literally is TRUE. So let's say someone is shifting, but it's noisy, AND THEY CAN'T SHIFT WITH NOISE, because that's how they are, and they can't do anything about it, and don't tell me I don't know how LOA works, I damn well do, I've done my research on it for years, but infinite possibilities also means LOA can quite literally not apply to someone, get that through your head before basically shaming someone for not shifting and disguising it as "harsh motivation", get a grip.
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the two genders are “i no longer wish to be perceived” and “i have to be the most fuckable person at the grocery store”
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no no see, domesticity IS hot. how intimate it is to make food with someone, to share a bed, to brush your teeth at the same sink, to shower and use the same towels and the same laundry soap, to grocery shop and hold hands through the aisles, to be cornered in the kitchen to make out while a pot of pasta boils over on the stove. to fall asleep and hear them snoring softly and laugh at the little trail of drool out of the corner of their mouth. to spend money together and share chores and pick on each other for your weird habits. it's not always perfect and beautiful, but it's comfortable and familiar and I just think it's neat.
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there’s nothing else you have to learn.
let go and go home.
you are the universe and more, babes 🎀
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let's try
tonight when you go to sleep imagine a short scene that will fulfill your desire. lose yourself in it for as long as you can until all you feel is happiness from your fulfillment and then go to sleep with the thought that you already have everything. don't expect anything from 3D in the morning because why should you? get up in the morning and make sure you have it in your imagination.
that's it.
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him: whose pussy is this
me: mine why
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what the hell
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your desires, SP, and higher self watching you give up on persisting when you were so damn close
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you literally CANNOT fail! get it together!
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I miss my s/o so much right now. :(
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shut the fuck up right now.
(yes ik he interacts with every comment on his kurt account but LET ME HAVE THIS)
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I will never be satisfied till my eyes meet his.
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i think holding joe keery’s hand and telling him he’s the prettiest boy in the world would heal all my wounds tbh
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via joewalsh1997 insta
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Joe Keery's lips & hands tho.
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