shutupvestler · 2 months
Despite L being my absolute favorite, Light's death (in the anime) hits on a different level because Light and only Light and his actions led him to such a pitiful end. He is the person who ruined his own life with his very hands, and also he ruined the lives of people who were around him, whether they tried to support him or suppress him. Light is the epitome of the phrase "I will take you to hell with me". His death is too familiar for us because most of the time we fucked up our lives on ourselves
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shutupvestler · 2 months
it's funny that both L (canonically) and Light (according to my observation could be in a spectrum but the autistic features they both spread off are quite distinguished from each other because Light's characteristics could imply that he is in a spectrum revolve around a mental aspects meanwhile L's features show themselves on a more physical level. For example, L has sensory processing issues which are very common among neurodivergent people. L has a ritual that could be solely based on a power of self-convincing (here I'm referring to the fact that L refuses to sit normally stating that if he would sit normally his iq goes down to 40 % meanwhile in reality his favorite spouse for sitting could be the reason of many issues, including decreasing cognitive capacity due to brain being deprived of enough amount of oxygen due to the troubles of blood flowing. Also to the elements of ritualism could be seen in the way of how he treats food sometimes. I think, in this case, it works for him as a way of stimming when he is overwhelmed, which is also well-known among autistic people. Hyper-fixation. L clearly showed that he has a strong hyper-fixation on a certain food which could be associated with ADHD but it was proven that many times people who were diagnosed with autism had adhd alongside. Such hyperfiction on food that mostly presents fast carbohydrates that serve for the quick releasing of dopamine could suggest that L also struggles with the natural receiving of this hormone which also could apply to neurodivergence.
In addition to my previous post with Light I would like to add that even if Light was canonically on the spectrum, he definitely would be a high-masking
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shutupvestler · 2 months
it's been a while since my last post but here Death note headcanon - theory: Light is on a spectrum.
It's been proven that L is undoubtedly autistic. But such a theory has never aroused about Light, and I think it's a big loss. So, it was scientifically proven that neurodivergent people's brain receives and process information differently but Light shows many times that he understands L's logic and process of thinking far too many times which could serve as a prove that they could share the process of thinking. I mean, skillful experienced people from the task force, who were on police duty for many years couldn't do that but Light could.
Light has black-white thinking. Black-white thinking is also one of many characteristics that could be associated with autism (I'm not saying that every autistic person has to have this feature). However, it is an arguable matter because Light found a death note at the age of seventeen when his prefrontal cortex wasn't fully developed yet when he was prone to such way of thinking due to neurophysiology and died at the age of twenty-three without his prefrontal cortex being fully developed yet, meanwhile in cases of most people prefrontal cortex usually develops at the age of twenty-five or even later.
Hyper fixation. The desire to change the world (which solely could be based on black-and-white thinking could hardly be called a "hyper fixation" but in Light's case, I think it would judging by the fact that he was ready to give up his life into service of the goal he created for himself.
Lack of interest in intimacy/personal life. This also could be attributed to strong hyper-fixation showing that Light has a lack of understanding and urge to experience human basic desires that could be connected to his strong hyper-fixation.
Fatalism. I honestly don't know if fatalism could be applied to autistic features but it's an interesting detail about Light's character. He is a fatalist, and he sincerely believes that he is a chosen one despite Ruyk telling him that he isn't special, that he hasn't been chosen, it's just a coincidence.
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shutupvestler · 3 months
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excited 4 the anime
edit: I didn’t know this was a jontron quote I just found it on a twitter text post
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shutupvestler · 11 months
Incorrect Alegraves quote that keeps me awake #13
Alejandro: (Turns on Instagram live, tear streaming down his face as he’s sobbing ) My husband whom I've been married for 5 years just said he doesn't love me anymore.
Graves: (Yelling from off-screen) I just said you shouldn't drink too much tequila at tonight's party because you have a 2-mile training run tomorrow.
Alejandro: (Bursting out of tears loudly) Isn't it the same! He says it again!
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shutupvestler · 11 months
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mw2 doodle dump
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shutupvestler · 1 year
Horangi: I will climb you like a fucking tree König, nerviously vibrating: please don't
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shutupvestler · 1 year
So, I'm currently watching Barry season 4, and I noticed some cyclicality of events of 1 season and 3 season, to be more preceicive the cyclicity of events that made Barry react in a certain way. And I personally think that season 3 was an apogee of Barry development as a character. So, in the episode when mr. Kuzino asked his students to show the event Barry went trought in Afghanistan, they showed it as people who have never actually was in a battlefield, fighting and being under adrenaline rush for every desicion snd move they made. They demonstrate ot absolutely opposite of what happened in reality, especially Barry's reaction on when he made this legendary shot of his. The difference of how he react in reality and how other people, normal people portrayed this event was really drastical, so it made Barry realized how wrong was his own reaction, so he lied, telling everyone that it what happened exactly. I'm sure at that moment he was ashamed of himself. And I also think that this scene was a starting point in Barry's character development. The realisation of the fact that he isn't a good person hit him, so he stsrt seeking reassurance that it isn't true by asking mr. Kuzino or even Hank. The realisation of it also formed his high interest in acting class because he understood that if he won't become someone he will become nameless killer. He will become no one. Honourable mentioned the scene from season 1 in which Sally asked him if he knows how it's feel when everyone tell you who are you. Barry said that he doesn't know, ehich is absolutely bulshit because among all people thst were in the house Barry was the only one who actually knew how it feels like. Being told what to do for most of his life might have unfluenced his self-perception as well, so he really knows how it feels like. "We are not talking about bthe same things, we are not. If I don't do this, I don't live. I have to do this to fucking live!" So, I'm assuming that all Barry's character is based on a fear of not becoming "someone"
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shutupvestler · 1 year
Sally, creating account on Facebook for Barry in 1 season: you exist! Barry, at season 3: If I don't do this I don't live! I need to do this to fucking live!
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shutupvestler · 1 year
Most people are obsessed with the idea of how Vash represents humanity, and they are undoubtedly right but how you ever consider how Wolfwood character, especially his crucifider could represent the mortality of human kind? He carries this crucifieder, as his future tombrstone, being doomed by a narrative, the same as people carry they own bodies, perfectly knowing that sooner or later they will be the reason of their death.
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shutupvestler · 1 year
Vash: I don't want to run anymore. It makes me feel useles (I don't want to live in a hole anymore. It makes me feel poor) Wolfwood: but it's the only thing you are really good at (but we are poor) Vash: Komsi Komsa.
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shutupvestler · 1 year
Soap, approaching Ghost, singing; I'm on my way to see me husband
Ghost, trying to avoid him: I don't know him
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shutupvestler · 1 year
Soap: show me your face
Ghost: negative
Soap: are you ugly?
Ghost: quite the opposite
Soap: are you enjoying this?
Ghost: it's possible
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shutupvestler · 1 year
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shutupvestler · 1 year
I like Million Knives character normal amount (literally) but when I start thinking that fear is what his personality and his motivation based on, and that that fear is a literaly core of his personality which he can't or refuse to aknowledge, sublimating it into rage, I go to the mood "don't talk to me"
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shutupvestler · 1 year
Million Knives love language is to do something no one asked and then be offended that nobody prised his efforts
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shutupvestler · 1 year
/Vash and Wolfwood, ordering coffee/Vash: hey, can I get latte macchiato with caramel syrup, please?
Wolfwood: are you gay or something?
Also Wolfwood: can I get frappuchino with strawberry syrup?
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