silverdreamsstudios · 2 years
we're back~
hello stowaways, omg !!! we're finally back LOL after being on hiatus for like... 10 months......... wow XD has it been that long really @.@
I'm so sorry for taking so long LOL -- a lot of reasons factored into our long hiatus including my own mental health being in the trash, lack of time, amongst other things -- I'm so happy we're back~ especially with the announcement of Episode Six coming around the corner in a little more than a month!!
In any case, please enjoy this episode -- naturally it's the episode that I cried editing LOL Jose really outdid himself here ;w; -- link is in the notes because I'm not sure if tumblr links(?) are broken still LOL
We're so happy to be back!! Thank you so much for your patience !!!
Lastly!! We're looking for people to join our editing team ~ please consider filling out the form in the notes if you have any interest and/or experience.
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
hey~ 😏💕
collaborated with the lovely and amazingly talented folks at @silverdreamsstudios on a birthday present for the kind, beautiful, talented, hard-working, magnificent, @deli-cious-arts!!
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
a6 dub update ♡
hi everyone!! i'm really sorry it's been very quiet on the radar, it's been very hectic lately!!
to be transparent, because i like honesty LOL i haven't been doing great personally ;; life is really at a stressful sort of state right now because school has been steamrolling me LOL combine that with my broken computer problems™️ and it's been just kind of messy and not great. i started my internship this monday, which i really love, but it's basically a full time job. because my semester hasnt ended yet it's been i go to work 9am-5pm and then i come home and do school for the rest of the night LOL and repeat ;;  i don't really have any time for recreational things and my hobbies so that makes me stressy and not in the best of moods at times (rip) i just haven't had any time and my computer . is still not fixed. LOL im doing my best to try to stay positive through at all but it's also just taking a huge toll on me mentally LOL @.@ the past couple weeks have been very hard for me to get through because i'm just not very good at handling large amounts of stress without tears and tissue boxes XD
thus, unfortunately with all this stuff going on, i think the dub will probably end up going on hiatus for several weeks until i can get it together LOL i didn't edit as far or as much as i wanted prior to all of this >> and im praying they can fix my computer and get it back to me at a reasonable amount of time. so when my semester ends (finally), my computer is fixed, and i feel better mentally, we will be back XD
i'm really sorry we have to on hiatus ;; it's not something i wanted LOL but unfortunately just something i need -- hopefully not a long one though -- i hope to be back soon!! i don't have an estimate currently because it's all dependent on when i get my computer back, but hopefully before the end of june, we'll be back. i’ll post updates as things happen!! please wait for us ^-^
idk why anyone would have any questions or concerns LOL but if u d(?) or just want to talk to a6 with me because im always down for that LOL, you can always reach me at discord (Silver#7086)!! i respond here but im a lot slower on tumblr!!
thank you for your continued support ❤ ,
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
a few weeks ago, austin sent a picture of simba with his duck that he took to bed with him, the cutie pie!! simba is now the co-mascot with my cat holly LOL
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our babies are too precious omg
now i want vexx with a dog just like austin's LMAO
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
Penne Q&A
The next Q&A we will be having is with Penne, who is absolutely one of the most crucial members of our team, as they video edit, draw the thumbnails, voice Oppo, and are the assistant director! Please send us questions through the tumblr ask box ❤
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
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the angsty scene is finally edited LOL
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
Penne Q&A
The next Q&A we will be having is with Penne, who is absolutely one of the most crucial members of our team, as they video edit, draw the thumbnails, voice Oppo, and are the assistant director! Please send us questions through the tumblr ask box ❤
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
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i was talking with @labyrinthofleah the other day in dms because we were making silly A6 headcanons like what instruments they could play, high school aus, etc. and then we made ourselves sad accidentally LOL
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
me: *editing the angsty scene with june*
me, picking out the take for each line: ok which one of these makes me the most sad?? thatll make everyone else sad and thats the goal for this scene :')
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
a6 dub presents: simba
hi everyone i keep forgetting to post about this but ive made a note to in my head like 50 times but !! i forgot how we originally got on the topic, but austin (vexx’s va) owns a dog named simba and he’s honestly the cutest little dog ever!! i thought everyone should know of this little angel's existence!
also can u imagine if vexx had a dog in game omg or any kind of pet!!! he honestly deserves a ray of sunshine like Simba after everything he's been through after chapter 5 :'D amr???
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anyways stan simba for clear skin
thank u for coming to my ted talk
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
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im editing rn and jose is the type of VA that gives me like 10 takes with varying intonations (all of them are SO different) (usually i ask for 3 takes w/ variation) and so now i have literally 10 takes of him saying “nico?” and so now all i can think of is that nico nico nii~ meme LOL 
so that’s where my braincells are at today
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
hello again lol
broken computer update from me:
so the guy to fix computers that i talked to last friday emailed me yesterday like i cant find any parts that i need for your computer and im like :) great LOL so what might potentially happen now is that i use my broken computer the way it is for the rest of the semester and then when i go home for finals week, thatll be the time where i Don't Have My Computer soo(?)
at least i can audio edit >:D so that’ll decrease the chances of us going on a hiatus since i’ll just try to plan way ahead of time and also audio edit way ahead of time!! 
i hope everyone’s staying safe ^-^
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
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Welcome to Divinity’s Knight
Divinity’s Knight is an upcoming fantasy LGBT+ visual novel that allows you to romance any character, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Romance is also optional, and not required to enjoy this adventure!
Set in the medieval Kingdom of Eria, creatures of all kinds live side by side in harmony. When the resident elves, orcs, and other inhumans begin falling under the spell of an evil Tyrant’s mind-control, it seems that only humans are immune to the magic’s grasp. But when the curse is used to rage war, no one will be safe until the Tyrant is brought to justice.
You are a human, safe from the grasp of the curse, but one fateful night is all it takes to make you wonder just how safe you really are.
Recruit and party up with 6 unique, romanceable characters and journey to liberate the people of Eria!
Divinity’s Knight is currently in early stages of development. Updates on art, progress, & release dates will be posted soon! 
With love, Deli
Patreon | Ko-Fi 
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
hi lol
so asdhfdshajf the TLDR story is that my computer is broken LOL the hinge is kind of off and when i took it to the We Fix Tech Things place on campus and theyre not sure like if its a $10 fix or if it's a I Need A New Computer situation until they take my computer apart LOL 
so potentially we might be on hiatus potentially until i get this solved LOL it really depends on things though ashbjfsdjfa im gonna try to get ahead and mix q Q&A coming up and another episode audio this week really quickly so we’re a couple weeks ahead (?) and penne can edit the video portion of the official dub episode whenever they do it lol but im not 100% sure that’s going to happen because i have a huge presentation monday and also a huge project due that saME night so we’ll see but yeah 
i really hope we wont have to go on hiatus because that makes me :’) really sad LOL but even if we do it hopefully shouldnt be for that long(?)!! maybe????? ill keep updates going but yeah that’s where we’re at :’)
thank u as always for supporting the dub ToT it means the world to me to be able to have the dub and i really appreciate u and hope yall are having a good day!! 
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
a6 fandub cast out of context pt2
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we get more chaotic as time passes
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
my friend leah and i are replaying the a6 DLCs today in voice call and
her: the doors on the ship are soundproof me, quietly: wink wink
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silverdreamsstudios · 3 years
Aya: Tell me I’m pretty. Cal: You’re pretty fucking annoying is what you are.
Original post here by @incorrect-andromeda-6
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