simping-for-kamski · 2 months
(you can choose a different ending if you find the hidden backdoor)
Yes, it's another DBH fic cover
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Make It Yours (Ao3)
After finding out that his oldass dad is *dating* newly reappointed CyberLife CEO Elijah Kamski, Leo will do what it takes to steal Kamski for himself, just to spite Carl. For great justice, and hopefully for great sex. Will the new Chloe RT900 kick Leo's ass? Will Leo change his views about androids? Will we learn what became of Markus and Connor? Will your favorite androids get a second chance at being alive? It's more likely than you think~
Lots of sex (but maybe not the best selling point here)
The cutest YK Edition Markus
Deep debates about whether androids are alive or not
100% Queer/ND cast (woops, birds of a feather~)
Laughing out loud humor
*gasp* Plot twists
Music you know
Also contains tarot if the cover wasn't a dead giveaway. And I know, you're probably thinking "yeah cool, although not my blorbos" and you would be right. It's a cool fic with a kickass cover. Give it a reblog for the friends who wouldn't want to miss out on a good fic! ♥
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
Make It Yours - chapter 36
Yup, new chapter owo Time for some serious talk...
He made himself cute as he squirmed closer. Neal crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, barring the way. “What owes me the honor?” Leo bit his tongue, growing nervous. “I just miss you. Elijah’s busy doing some supersecret work or something, so I’m finally getting some free time and… Y’know, I hoped you might be… available?” Neal appeared unimpressed. “You’ve had plenty of time and plenty of opportunities you didn’t take before that. Looks like you’re having a good time with my brother.” Leo blew some air and shook his head. “He’s going all out, I know, but… You know Elijah, he likes to be the puppet master and play with people.” “So you’re just playing boyfriends with him?” Neal huffed. “Could have fooled me. You must be taking your job very seriously.” “Are you jealous?” Leo asked with hopeful eyes and a slightly teasing smile.
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
Make It Yours - chapter 35
Guess what, new chapter of MIY just dropped o0o (u kno, the fic in which Kamski got Leo to be his personal slut, feat. baby Markus, comedy and tragedy)
Elijah had taken Leo along because he knew the boy would be excited by a trip to the big city, and why—Elijah was intent on keeping his little lover close. They had sex on the plane and Leo was a bouncing ray of sun when they arrived, until he realized they weren’t in New York but in Virginia. They’d landed at the Ronald Reagan airport in the DC area. “I thought we were going to New York?” Leo complained at once. “We will go to New York, but first, I have a meeting at the Pentagon,” Elijah explained. “We’re going to the Pentagon,” Leo repeated like, are you kidding me? “Why?” “Because I have a meeting.” “Oh, fuck, don’t play smartass with me! You know what I’m asking!” “And you know I can’t answer your curiosity. My lips are sealed, but your ears and eyes aren’t, so if you really want to satiate your mind, open it. Game?” “No fun.” Leo sighed. “Bet it’s gonna be one of those stupid meetings where I get to play the potted plant in the background.” Elijah kissed his lips. “Exactly. But don’t worry, it won’t be long; we’ll be at the White House in time for lunch and you’ll get to sit by my side for once. Just don’t let anyone know there’s a brain in that beautiful head of yours.”
Read from the beginning! (don't miss out on epic levels of chaos)
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
@regencypoet Damn ♥ loving those chlorine eyes, he's so aesthetic!
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sometimes we just need more Kamski
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
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Hi Lysle, I hope you're having a wonderful day today!! Happy Valentines!!
OMG Frank!! you are SO precious! this is so adorable! incomprehensible gushing about sorry i find this so late, uni ate my fanwork
He's so cute, lookit him handsome chibi tech bro mcfuckface of blorbo, I love him so much. 3s countdown before the pollen in those flowers triggers an allergic reaction in his pristine sensitive bodeh ♥
Also, taking this moment to say I am So Sorry for not being more active and not managing to reach out to y'all friends to slip in a little reminder that I actually think about you and miss you. Turns out uni is a lot more demanding than I expected, so scrolling on tumblr is a big no-no while having to focus on books. I still post on Ao3 and have taken root in the vent channels of some dbh discord servers to try and cheer up frens. That's it~♥
God I love that lil ear, nerd boy is so cute.
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
Smooth Criminal
As he came into the window It was the sound of a crescendo He came into her apartment He left the bloodstains on the carpet
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She ran underneath the table He could see she was unable
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So she ran into the bedroom
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She was struck down It was her doom
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Annie, are you okay? So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?
You've been hit by You've been hit by a smooth criminal
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
still one of my fav pieces. still mad i haven't written a scene for that ship or smth
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Leo deserves love so he's getting some from Elijah and Gavin!
It is, of course, Leo's flat. Carl gave him that painting and then Leo made it better. Gosh there are so many details, I can't go through them all, just look, see what you find :D
ALSO THANK YOU FOR BEING MORE THAN 50 FOLLOWING ME NOW!! AND GARDENGATE HAS 150 KUDOS HOLY SHIT!!! (that fic is on fire, this fandom isn't so dead yet)
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
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"Icey treat"
For @connor-sent-by-cyberlife's Late Summer prompts
Day 4: Popsicle
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
Markus no :u
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Markus Booped Leo too hard
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simping-for-kamski · 2 months
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What were we celebrating again?
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simping-for-kamski · 3 months
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Also, Kamski, ok zoomer, let the boy enjoy his life a lil.
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simping-for-kamski · 3 months
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Let me just fantasize what wild things this guy has done in the past. 
 Also, good job Chloe on keeping this human plant alive!
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simping-for-kamski · 4 months
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simping-for-kamski · 4 months
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simping-for-kamski · 5 months
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS, IT MEANS SO INCREDIBLY MUCH THAT YOU ACTUALLY WENT AND DID THIS 💙💙💙This is my boy and he looks so good, I love him so much it hurts
I'm no 3d artist, but I love y'all wonderful people who do renders, and I was aching to see some content with my faves who hadn't been ported yet, so I commissioned zeppersart to port Carl and Leo!
If you want the files, here they are, beautifully ported in G9 📁🎁TAKE THEM, USE THEM, DO THEM DIRTY
If you need ideas what to do with them, what about Manfred fam pics? Leo getting arrested by Gavin? Post-rehab Leo sharing all the hugs with Carl and Markus? 4 hands piano playing Markus and Leo? Indulgent Carlski and Leoski pics? 😏😏😏 If anyone makes a pic of Leo doing figure skating with Connor edgily riding an e-scooter, please tag me, this mental picture has been haunting my mind for months, alas I lack time to draw it, bonus point for every pair of sunglasses and Jerifam member in the chaos pic lmao
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Leo for @simping-for-kamski <3
Same scene, different characters 1/3
(click for better quality)
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simping-for-kamski · 5 months
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@detroitbecomeonline ha, yeah, it's a bit of a joke (partner and I joked a lot about Leo yelling "Markus parkus" at Markus to tell him to get into parking mode, then it sorta led to this cuter take, also with a bit of a thought for one of my fave songs by Princess Chelsea!
Goodnight little robot child Close your eyes go to sleep Tight little robot child Starman's waiting for You've been running around with your robot friends And your battery's feeling so low Tomorrow's gonna be another big day Better catch yourself forty volts For tomorrow's gonna be another big day Better catch yourself forty volts You've been running around with your robot friends And your battery's feeling so low
Markus gotta take breaks from doing parkour with his Jerifam! (god I love Markus so much, I just want him and Leo to have lots of deserved healing together, and I'm so happy this sticker is getting so much love!)
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i made a goodnight sticker for my discord server UwU
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simping-for-kamski · 6 months
carl: well fuck
carl: and then he called her a-
carl, glancing at newly activated markus: b-i-t-c-h
kamski: he can spell
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