simpsonssitcom · 2 years
Holy Canoli! Now, I’ve never watched Riverdale. In fact, the most I know about that franchise is that in 1969, “Sugar, Sugar” was #1 on Billboard’s Top 100. You know, because it was by the Archies.
Anywho, as a fan of all Simpsons-related transformative works (the entirety of Bartkira and Lee Hardcastle’s gory Couch Gag series come to mind) I gotta say, this is pretty terrific. While I can’t say I’m a fan of some of the interpretations of characters relationships, what the hey– it’s a drama, those have rarely been my cup of tea anyways. Very well made and it’s clear the labor of love that went into it.
here it is.
after years of talking about it online, working on it on and off, discussing it with my friends, creating playlists, and sending drafts to anyone who cared, i am proud to reveal SPRINGFIELD.
for the unaware, the premise is simple: what if the simpsons was an edgy teen drama on the cw that mirrored the likes of riverdale? a horrifying concept to many, but an intriguing one to others. regardless of where you fall, i hope that you’ll read, share, and enjoy SPRINGFIELD. 
a labour of love four years in the making. i’m so happy to finally sharing it with you all.
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simpsonssitcom · 2 years
So lots of things have been said about the ever-changing Simpsons house. Because I am a personal fan, my favorite discussion would likely be TheRealJims’ “Simpsons Mysteries” video about the house. However, I’m not here to talk about how the layout changes over the 30 seasons, or even episode to episode. I’m here to talk about the exterior design of the house in the earliest stages of the show. Because origins will always been considered in this project, I wanted to look at the Tracey Ullman shorts up to Simpsons Roasting, and see how the exterior has changed. With one exception (I will note later), we’ll only be covering what is seen on-screen, and no production art or concepts.
Anyways, here’s the first on-screen look the viewers ever see of the exterior of the Simpson home. It’s a small glimpse of just the roof and a simply-colored wall, shown in “Babysitting Maggie” when she chased a butterfly out the window and off the roof. Hardly any identifying features.
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The very next episode, The Pacifier, once again only shows us a small amount in just the corner of the house. These tiny glimpses keep coming in Football, and Skateboarding. Skateboarding also marks the first time we see more than just a window on the corner. There’s a front door, a path leading up to it, and a doghouse too!
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We don’t get another exterior shot until the short “Simpsons Christmas,” but we do get our first full house shot! It looks pretty odd (is it a coloring error or just blue because of the cold?) but still keeps consistent the doghouse and path up to the door. The lack of a driveway implies something shown in a later short (it’s in the backyard)
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The next appearances seem to solidify previous designs and add some detail. Two shorts after the Christmas one, we get basically a reenforcement of the “Skateboarding” house facade in “Bart the Hero.” Then, in “Bart of the Jungle,” another full house shot, this time closer to the established color scheme. Interesting prototype of the backyard patio here. While there’s no backyard driveway, (see next episode) it’d most likely fit in where the far right window is, according to the next entry. I should also note that, much like in most of these, the backyard is a seemingly endless wilderness.
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The last exterior feature short is practically a repeat of “Babysitting Maggie,” and it’s a multi-parter I see called “Maggie in Peril.” In Part 2, Bart specifies in the narration that the area where him and Lisa are chilling is the backyard, implying the Simpsons have a backyard driveway in this episode. We get treated to lots of different angles of the house in this one, but I only included the least repetitive shots.
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Now, before I show you the first time the house is seen in the show, I’d like to touch on my one, noted-above exception about off-screen art. And that is the “official” floor plan of the house. As is to be expected, this mostly just applies to the interior, but I figure it’s worth noting. Frankly, I don’t know when this was made. While I’m certain it was sometime after those shorts, and I know even long after this house plan existed that certain rooms were moved around for the sake of a joke, the extant endless hallways and mystery rooms that remain through season one make me wonder if they were using this plan or not yet. Either way, I’m putting it here for clarity.
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Now, while I’d like to cap off this post with the house’s first appearance in the main show, it’s difficult for me to say what that is. So, I’m gonna show you the house’s first appearance in “Simpsons Roasting on An Open Fire,” then its first use in “Some Enchanted Evening.” After all, that was the first episode produced and intended pilot.
Simpsons Roasting first shows the house at night, to show off the shoddy lights Homer put up, so I’m gonna put both that shot and it’s first daytime appearance in the episode so y’all can get a clear view.
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But “Some Enchanted Evening” was made first, and deserved the honors of being here. Compare the establishing shot of the house in the unaired rough pilot (top) with the final aired version (bottom). I zoomed in on the aired version a tad, as the pilot is zoomed in so much that it cuts half the garage off the screen. By contrast, the un-cropped, aired version of the same establishing shot gives an extremely wide angle, showing off even small portions of the neighbors houses! At least in the final version, we get their proper bay-view windows, and the treehouse!
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simpsonssitcom · 2 years
I’m on season 15 now and it does get harder to get through as you go on. Like, the Simpsons is my primary special interest. Has been for nearly eight years now. I still adore the show. Even if a joke doesn’t land as well as it may have in the earlier years, I get sheer bliss out of pausing whenever my beloved characters show up, giggling like a child at some of the more wholesome jokes (bc even if they aren’t that clever, I like joy), and pointing out little animation errors with my eagle eyes– every time I do, I quote to myself, “Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder!”
But I’m not even halfway through. I take several month breaks, so I don’t burn myself out… I honestly have no idea how I’ll be feeling once I get through every episode.
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i dont think anything else but these two thumbnails sum up the sheer soul crushingn experience of watching every episode of the simpsons so well 
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simpsonssitcom · 2 years
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I realize it’s been quite some time, but I’m not done with this blog! I got discouraged due to lack of engagement, but hey, I’m never gonna get feedback if I don’t create anything to give feedback ON!
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Cartoon Yellow People
Now to address what is probably the biggest design choice of the Simpsons and how it will be handled in this hypothetical reboot. The Simpsons are yellow, that is what has been and what will be. What about everyone else? It’s generally consistent that white people have a bold yellow skin tone, and any other skin color is represented with a more accurate hue. Although closer to the actual tones, these portrayed colors may have a yellow, red, or blue cast, or may be washed out and pale. Especially in the earlier seasons, this emphasizes the pastel and jewel tones of the scenery that made the show a bit more surreal.
In our depictions, exaggerated RBY casts to skin tone will be shown more consistently to match with the constantly vibrant yellow of Caucasian characters. Washed out, greyish colors will be avoided in healthy characters of all races, in the interest of keeping a consistent palette as well as not conflating lighter tones with ill palor.
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
I’ve gotten absolutely no feedback, but I’ve made my decision! #2 is our final explanation: all wacky hair colors of established characters are translations for natural hair colors unless otherwise stated. Generally, most more recent characters have more traditional colors anyways, so if a more modern character has brightly unnatural hair, it is likely dyed. This also means that all skin tones and things like four fingers are stylistic as well, which is a seperate issue. For example, the OG show has a habit of portraying both sickly white people and East Asians in a paler yellow than the main “white” cast. This is... a little troubling. And much like with hair, towards the more recent seasons there’s been a tendency to lean towards not only more realistic skin tones, but they up the detail on the facial features on newer characters, as if they’re all celebrity cameos. Seeing newer and older characters together is somewhat offputting for this reason, and will be addressed in a seperate post.
Hair Design
I thank you all for being patient with updates. I mean, I know there isn’t really fan base for this AU since there’s so little content out, but the comments I have gotten have been very kind and supportive so I apapreciate it. I wanted to ask, for anyone who sees this, what are your thoughts on how I should progress with general character design for this “series.” I have some thoughts that I’d like to list the pros and cons of. Each of thing I think have been the actual in-universe assumption as different points in the show, but one of my main tenants with this is consistency.
So this is kinda throwing me for a loop, even more than skin, which we’ll cover next. How should hair colors work? We want to keep it consistent, but leave room for gags. There’s a few ideas.
1. Blue, purple, pink, etc. are all natural hair colors in this world. All the ones that have appeared in the series as natural are such, and aren’t stand-ins for other colors. A pro: this could avoid confusion as to why some “grey haired” people have purple hair, and some are actually grey. Funny jokes could be made about “wacky hair dye colors” like green when a person has natural blue hair. Con: confusion about what hair colors are supposed to be interpreted as natural and which are supposed to be dyed. Would something like that disconnect their world from the real one we’re trying to parody? By doing this, we’d trade off one sort of hair gag for another, do we want this?
2. These strange hair colors are stand-ins for natural hair colors: blue = black, purple = grey, pink = ginger, green = brown, yellow = blonde. In universe, people like Marge and Clancy Wiggum would have the same hair color as Apu and Reverend Lovejoy, the difference is purely stylistic. Pros: meta gags could be made about hair color that characters wouldn’t get. Realism would be added to the world, making it more grounded and allowing to absurd to lie in the jokes. Allowing for these things to be purely stylistic could apply as well to design choices like Bart & Lisa’s hairline, yellow skin, and four finger characters. Cons: the same confusion about natural vs dye as before (note this confusion exists to an extent on the wiki for even the original show), also the same tradeoff of jokes: meta jokes would replace jokes in character, raises questions about why some hair is depicted normally and some stylistically.
3. They are unnatural hair colors and all characters who have them have dyed hair. Pros: consistency and realism all rolled into one! Keeping the iconic designs. Cons: dying their hair weird colors goes against some characterizations, “actual” hair colors must be determined.
4. Change the weird colors to normal hair colors. Pros: I don’t actually expect anyone to be in favor of this idea, just putting it out there for feedback. Cons: why change them?
Please vote or make comments or anything!! I came up with the idea but just like the wife team of writers on the Simpsons itself, having many different minds than make this into something bigger!
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Killing Mr. Burns
I feel like I’ve gone nowhere on this AU and that’s on me. I have most of the “first episode” written, I just... Witout finishing the preliminary ideas, I don’t feel comfortable publishing it? You know? I never settled on the hair thing and that just stopped all my momentum.
I do have a question... There’s quite a few characters I know will he deceased in this AU, and I’m wondering if Mr. Burns should be one of them. It likely won’t be necessary if we reset the continuity so he’s only in his 70s or so, but still, as a big bad, is he outdated? I mean, definitely not in the sense of representing systematic issues mainly perpetuated by corporations. That’s still very relevant. But I find a lot of the conflict the modern American family finds is with the extremist public. Incel reddit and the Alt-Right pipeline and all the little bigoted people given voices through media where everyone is a performer, you know? I find someone like Herman Hermann, a “true American” obsessed with war and his own rights to violence to be more apt. Or perhaps the now teenaged Milhouse, a somewhat isolated nerd who is very susceptible falling into a circle of negative reinforcement from online forums to becoming bitter and hateful. There are many smaller characters too that could fill the role, but my idea is basically that maybe something different may be needed for a more apropos overarching villain.
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Hair Design
I thank you all for being patient with updates. I mean, I know there isn’t really fan base for this AU since there’s so little content out, but the comments I have gotten have been very kind and supportive so I apapreciate it. I wanted to ask, for anyone who sees this, what are your thoughts on how I should progress with general character design for this “series.” I have some thoughts that I’d like to list the pros and cons of. Each of thing I think have been the actual in-universe assumption as different points in the show, but one of my main tenants with this is consistency.
So this is kinda throwing me for a loop, even more than skin, which we’ll cover next. How should hair colors work? We want to keep it consistent, but leave room for gags. There’s a few ideas.
1. Blue, purple, pink, etc. are all natural hair colors in this world. All the ones that have appeared in the series as natural are such, and aren’t stand-ins for other colors. A pro: this could avoid confusion as to why some “grey haired” people have purple hair, and some are actually grey. Funny jokes could be made about “wacky hair dye colors” like green when a person has natural blue hair. Con: confusion about what hair colors are supposed to be interpreted as natural and which are supposed to be dyed. Would something like that disconnect their world from the real one we’re trying to parody? By doing this, we’d trade off one sort of hair gag for another, do we want this?
2. These strange hair colors are stand-ins for natural hair colors: blue = black, purple = grey, pink = ginger, green = brown, yellow = blonde. In universe, people like Marge and Clancy Wiggum would have the same hair color as Apu and Reverend Lovejoy, the difference is purely stylistic. Pros: meta gags could be made about hair color that characters wouldn’t get. Realism would be added to the world, making it more grounded and allowing to absurd to lie in the jokes. Allowing for these things to be purely stylistic could apply as well to design choices like Bart & Lisa’s hairline, yellow skin, and four finger characters. Cons: the same confusion about natural vs dye as before (note this confusion exists to an extent on the wiki for even the original show), also the same tradeoff of jokes: meta jokes would replace jokes in character, raises questions about why some hair is depicted normally and some stylistically.
3. They are unnatural hair colors and all characters who have them have dyed hair. Pros: consistency and realism all rolled into one! Keeping the iconic designs. Cons: dying their hair weird colors goes against some characterizations, “actual” hair colors must be determined.
4. Change the weird colors to normal hair colors. Pros: I don’t actually expect anyone to be in favor of this idea, just putting it out there for feedback. Cons: why change them?
Please vote or make comments or anything!! I came up with the idea but just like the wife team of writers on the Simpsons itself, having many different minds than make this into something bigger!
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Character Directory
Here is the directory of all character tags! (starting with the main five, then in alphabetical order of first names, if known) Continually updating.
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Hey, sorry I haven’t updated in awhile everyone. My friend got me into a show and between that and school, my brain power has been at its limit. Still love the Simpsons, and still working hard on the AU, it just may be awhile until things are in shape to post. I never thought I could keep a consistent blog, I knew I wasn’t at a place where it was possible for me, but I just love this AU so much and have put so much work into it, I want to share it.
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
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I put on my Instagram story a comic about bee safety by Shen, and NANCY CARTWRIGHT SAW IT SOMEHOW. NANCY HAS BEEN TO MY PROFILE.
I am starstruck.
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Do you habe anything in mind for the other family members? Like Patty and Selma or Grandpa?
O definitely! I just didn’t include them in the initial post because they are still secondary characters here.
I’m working on a part two of the character design post, I’ve just been starting a new semester so I haven’t found much time to work on it. (Also my new D&D character has been getting a lot of my creative attention, I won’t lie) The part two will give more brief descriptions of secondary characters as well as some explanation behind world design rules. Like I said some in explanations for Marge’s hair, I initially thought that “blue/green = black hair,” “purple hair = brown,” “pink hair = ginger hair,” any lighter versions of those are greying and all natural hair colors represent themselves. Now, I’m reconsidering that and have definitely found myself in a feedback loop where I cannot make a decision. I want to try to get that post out as soon as possible, but if you all have any other questions in the meantime, I’d be happy to answer them!
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
i really like ur ideas for the redesigns, especially maggies, so cute!!! but i dont understand why marges hair would be shorter? like ignoring the rabbit ears thing i feel like her huge hair is so iconic, why change it?
Thank you for leaving a question! I’m so glad you like the designs I’ve settled on. I wrote a whole post in response, but tumblr was a jerk again and the app quit on me before I finished. It’s alright though, I didn’t particularly have my thoughts gathered either. Your question really made me question myself, do I really want Marge to have shorter hair, did I make the decision too quickly without thinking? I’m going to try and run through my thought processes here, but I’d be happy to hear more feedback if anyone else has support or criticisms, regardless of subject.
The initial reason is that I just liked how it looked, that’s what sparked it as a possibility in my head in the first place. They have a couple instances in the show, typically flashbacks or forwards where she has shorter hair, and I’ve always taken a shine to it. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t influence the decision. I just like it.
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The second reason is because I want to cut down on some of the magical realism elements in the show. Things like blue hair (and yellow skin) and the children’s lack of hairlines can be explained as a style choice, but since the height of her hair physically interacts with the environment, you can’t do that. Think of how her hair is pushed back when she’s in a car, or pokes through a sunroof or port-a-potty. She stores things in it, uses a helium tank to inflate it, and it can support a beach umbrella, puppies, or a cat. At the same time, it can be pushed over by a weak breeze. It’s been mistaken for a bush, a marching band hat, and has had perfectly shaped holes shot through it. The magical realism is doable (for me) for one-off jokes or minor characters, but it can throw consistency into question when it comes to major character design points. I do acknowledge that some good jokes can come out of things like that, and it’s not like she can’t still store small things in her hair, but I decided in the end that I’d be willing to change the nature of the jokes regarding her hair to less absurd things for the sake of realism.
Relating to the above point, it also had to address the consistency I want to keep for the show. It’s curly, yes, but it’s also inconsistent how she keeps it up. Is it a beehive, hair supported by pins and product, or is it more like an afro, where although it still requires effort, part of the style is that it is only possible with certain types of curly hair? The question of weather her hair is like that naturally, needs tons of effort to make it that tall, or anything in between has different answers based on the episode. A less drastic hairstyle still leaves room for lamp-shading while being able to keep some singular explanation. After all, her hair is still blue, and still in a beehive, which many people consider to be ridiculous on its own. I will admit, I have planned on her blue hair actually being black, with colors of the characters just being a design choice like the yellow skin. But the whole reason I haven’t come out about the part two of the Character Design post is that I’m not sure if that’s what I want. There are some good stories to be told if her hair is unnatural, but are they grounded? And by unnatural, I don’t just mean dyed. She could be dying it blue, or dying it black to cover up grey. Is blue an unnatural hair color in universe? The Van Houtens have blue hair, is that natural? If you just make blue a a natural hair color in the Simpsons universe, that would remove jokes about “Marge’s ridiculous hair” anyways, but with the characters with purple hair, green hair, and more blue hair that’s seemingly natural, wouldn’t that just make it consistent to say that?
My point being, since Marge is keeping the style and the color, I don’t see the height mattering too much. At the same time, I realize I can miss the point on certain things and the importance of certain symbols, I think it’s an autism thing, or maybe just a me thing. Either way, that’s why I chose to make her hair shorter, but I’m up for changing that if someone wants to explain to me a reason otherwise.
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Character Design (Pt. 1)
The Main Family
I want to preface this by saying I already wrote a post about the designs in this AU, but it was vague, uncertain, and most importantly, deleted by a tumblr glitch after a couple of days. This is an updated version of that. I also won’t put at many pictures; I’ll try to just name episodes and/or condense photos into a collage for a single character.
Anyways, this post is about changes to the design of the main family. Anything not addressed will remain the same. These will also only cover standard, present, everyday designs. Special clothes and flashback designs will be addressed as they come up.
Marge’s physical changes might be the least drastic. Her hair, still blue, will be one “head” smaller. By this I am referring to her pages in “The Simpsons Handbook: Secret Tips From The Pros.” Marge’s hair is broken into three sections: around her head, one head size above, and another head size above. Let’s level that down to only one “head” above. She’s not hiding rabbit ears anymore, we can do this. As for her outfit, I had a little trouble in deliberation, but I’ve decided on it mostly being the same, except her green dress has a sleeveless turtleneck on top like her orange peplum dress. This is mainly due to her job as a cashier now; her apron would look weird over a tube dress and I wanted her to have the same outfit at work (like how Homer wears a tie over his normal shirt at work). She has two bracelets like her early design (from her sisters) and still has her necklace. I considered maybe adding the flowers from her early design to her dress. After all, she has an art streak not just in painting but in sewing (think of her cute modifications to her pink Chanel outfit) and adding her own pattern onto the dress to “spice things up a bit” would be such a Marge thing. Still, I didn’t want to made her design too busy, and I also didn’t think flowers were super Marge. She’s more into classic looks and solid colors, I think.
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Anyways, Homer’s shirt is pink now! I outlined a ton of reasons for my Homer outfit decision in the original post, but I’ll make it brief. It’s mostly that pink was a strong color in the early stages of the show, that Homer isn’t as aggressive in this AU, and that we know pink with blue (his jeans) is a good color combo on him from his outfit in Stark Raving Dad, his prom outfit, and his suit at Lisa’s wedding. Speaking of Lisa’s Wedding, his bodily appearance will closer resembling that of that episode. It’s only a five year timeskip so he won’t be too different (no eye wrinkles for example), but he’ll be more top heavy, his shoulders and neck getting larger to even out his pear shaped beer belly we have now. His hair will be deteriorating too, instead of a zig-zag on the sides, it’s just individual strands.
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The children will change the most, as obviously they are growing up. They’ll get taller and their hair will change too to better distinguish them. Maggie’s got fairly consistent hair in her future appearances: longer and parted with three spikes in front and 4-5 in back, depending on the episode. Her hair isn’t that long yet at 5, but it’s certainly parted already. Her face, to help distinguish her from Lisa, has a mouth more like (younger) Homer’s, with the curved upper lip.
So, I have something I’ve added as part of Maggie’s character which I’m only mentioning on this post because it helps inform her design. I am autistic and, although I know there’s a running gag in future episodes that she’s apparently talks a lot, here Maggie is nonverbal autistic. Anyways, I’m bringing this up because of my #1 favorite in-show future Maggie design choice: her pacifier necklace. You wanna know why? Stim jewelry. Now, Maggie has a necklace like Lisa or Marge, but hers only has one bead, and she sucks or chews on it sometimes to stim. Next, what do to about the onesie? I’d like to keep it something comfortable, maybe very loose, because that gag of Maggie constantly dripping over her own clothes can be kinda funny (so long as it doesn’t seriously hurt her, I never liked that trend of just tagging on characters for no reason) A blue sweater (looking like the top half of her onesie) and some bootcut jeans that are too long for her legs is essentially what I wore at that age, why can’t she do the same? All that matters is that she’s comfy.
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Okay, we gotta talk about Lisa’s dress. A middle school girl in a strapless dress? Has the world gone mad? Yes it has, but in the American public school system, that’s not gonna fly. So what do we do, put straps on her dress or give her a whole new outfit? After a lot of consideration, I decided on a skirt the same color as her dress (blood orange, or is it “fucking red”?) with the spiky bottom too, with a lavender polo. Why lavender? Well, Bart’s imagination in “O, Brother, Where Bart Thou?” gives us a good look at that color combo (complete with white neck accessory) on someone with the almost exact same features as Lisa. We also see Lisa’s dress with straps, which looks okay for adult Lisa, but there’s too much cleavage for what I’d consider putting on a thirteen year old.
In addition to getting taller, like all of the Simpsons children, Lisa’s hair is changing, but it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. In a all her future appearances (much like Maggie, likely to help differentiate since they’re almost identical when grown), her hair is always styled one way: pushed back and down. But specifically I’m going to draw her hair design from, you guessed it, Lisa’s Wedding! What can I say, it’s just a good episode for character design... mostly. But I love the way her hair starts to curl in that episode. If we take the curl as coming from Marge, it’d make sense if she grew to look more like her parents.
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Alright, Bartman! Bartholomew is probably getting the most change, hence why I put him last. After all, he’s changed a lot in the show too (the color of his shirt from blue to... again, is it orange or red?) and his future appearances arguably vary the most. His hair is interesting, because although the design I’ve settled on for it matched fairly close to his 15-year-old self in Barthood, it’s actually based off of the music video for Deep Deep Trouble. He got his head shaved as punishment, and since I saw it I HCed that this happens whenever Bart gets in big trouble, so his hair is constantly a buzzcut because it’s always just growing out. As he matures a bit and doesn’t get caught as often, he can grow his hair out more. As for height... although most of his aged up appearances have him keep that pear shape to look like Homer, I figure since he has a bit more of an active lifestyle, he would shed some baby fat. I particularly liked his lanky look in that one “2006-2013 Family Portrait” couch gag, where he just kinda... stretches. It makes him look like he took after Marge some, which I like.
Clothes are fun. Bart has always been a rebel, and a very creative kid, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he started expressing himself in his clothes more. His lucky red cap and his earring from Simpson tide would almost certainly appear more, but in terms of his clothes, a simple orange shirt won’t cut it anymore. The bright orange might be too close to homer’s salmon pink or Lisa’s warm red, I’m altering the shade to be more brick. The shirt itself will be a floral button up (the pattern being his classic orange and OG blue as an homage) inspired by his clothes in Homer’s Phobia, Bart to The Future (where he also has an earring), and this post by @springfieldblues, which I love.
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That’s it for part one! Part two will focus on the nature of how character design will function in this AU as a whole, as well as changes to more minor characters. 
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
I absolutely adore this analysis, and if it’s okay with you OP, I may take inspiration to inform the writing of my timeskip AU. Let me know how this sounds to you.
The scenario would be, Bart’s class all being around 15, Martia (mar-shee-ya) is out and starting to socially transition. The kind of ignorance in the original writing would have a light shed on it through the portrayal (and mockery of) the high school staff.
Few thoughts on Martin
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If there’s something I’m conflicted about, it’s what Martin counts as. And it’s kind of a shame, especially since one can say, for once, that there’s a canon basis for thinking a character might be trans. I mean it’s not often you actually get any official material that even brings anything like that up. I’ve seen a few people on board with it too. And ordinarily that’d be great. Only problem is… well…
It seems to be rooted in a very transphobic sentiment. NONONO I’m not saying the fans who are on board are. But the show has this highly reocurring problem to it when it comes to representing trans women…
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The show seems to have this teeny-tiny little thing with constantly conflating “gay” with “trans” because I guess it’s either men are only gay because they want to be women or that trans women are just gay men trying to trick straight men into sleeping with them. Or straight men trying to trick lesbians. The first of which Smithers seems to be hit with a few times as well.
And well, Martin’s been heavily implied to like dudes.
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And I’m pretty certain the “Martha Princess” line comes entirely from the above mindset of “gay=wants to be a woman” especially since the next future ep which seems like it’s supposed to be in continuity with the previous one has Martin show up… looking particularly male.
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So I’m not sure Martin as a trans girl really seems right to me… and it is a bloody shame considering there’s canon basis but with the above formula to portraying trans and gay people on the show it feels more like a really ignorant stab at both gay guys and trans women…
It also sucks because Martin could totally pull it off.
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I guess this is a “think what you want” scenario but I guess until there’s some earnest attempt at implying he’s a trans girl and the above jokes have been entirely dropped I’ll probably just stick with “Gay or heavily male leaning Bi”…
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Glad people are following this blog!! Thank you so much for taking an interest, this is something I’ve had in the works for a long time. I will post an updated version of the character design post later today, but I have so work to do so it may take awhile.
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simpsonssitcom · 4 years
Millennial Simpsons: Reanimating Zombies Twenty Years Too Late
This show, which I will refer to as “Simpsons Sitcom,” or “Millennial Simpsons: Reanimating Zombies Twenty Years Too Late,” will restart the continuity and history of the Simpsons, being a slightly alternate world with slightly alternate characters in order to more accurately satirize today’s media. The show will more closely reflect the average American family today, but attempt to maintain some of the most integral aspects of the characters.
- rebellious satire
- comedy grounded in character
- Heart
These themes are based off of some analysis of the basics of the original show, something detailed in this great video by LS Mark.
Marge has a job as a cashier. (The opening will see her from the other side of the register, but the gag with Maggie will stay, except now she’s pulling things out of the bag and eating them without anyone noticing.) Most families need both parents working nowadays, and the Simpsons most certainly would to keep their iconic house.
Character designs changes: Marge’s hair is one head smaller, Homer wears a pink shirt, Maggie’s spiky hair droops a little, taking after Marge’s curly hair, Lisa’s dress has straps (dress code episode maybe), Bart has earrings (maybe one). I will elaborate what some of this means in a later post.
Blue hair just means black hair, and pink hair means ginger. Light blue is grey. White skin is yellow, deliberation is still being made as to if darker skin tones should be more realistic or just other wild colors, sort of in the style of Doug.
I’m thinking the kids should be older... Not sure. It’d make more sense. But I wouldn’t know how much older to make them. Maybe 15, 13, and 5? Bart starts high school, Lisa is in middle school, and Maggie is starting Kindergarten. Functionally, this could allow us to focus on a wider variety of stories while making it less weird.
Since the original intent of this project would be an idea that could possibly be doable in real life, most characters retired due to the passing of their voice actors will also be retired here, with some exception.
The secondary main purpose in this is consistency: there will be one canon and we will stick to it. As such, certain contradictory backstories will be cut down, as I can only pick one to be canon in this AU. It may not be the one you prefer.
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