slutfics · 1 month
all of these will have nsfw included.
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slutfics · 1 month
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LIA clarified kankuro / obito uchiha cumslut ᡣ𐭩 20 s/her. taurus. intj. multifandom. adult content.
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ABOUT ME. lia, 04 baby, mexican / filipino, slow writer.
༉‧₊˚. 𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐘 : request rules ⋆ m.list ⋆ anon list.
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© SLUTFICS. . . please do not repost, steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms, however reblogging and ♡ are greatly appreciated.
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slutfics · 1 month
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characters: obito uchiha, kakashi hakate, itachi uchiha & neji hyuga.
warnings. none. fluff, domestic life, not proofread.
writers note. how i think they’ll act as fathers, kakashi isn’t married i believe and the other ones are dead, so i just wanted to make a little something for my beloveds, especially for obito since he’s been nothing but a nuisance in my head. I love him.
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he’s definitely the ‘big family’ type of guy, probably would want at least four kids, five the highest. yea, he likes having little spawns, even if he doesn’t look like it.
he doesn’t yell or spank his children, however there’s been times when he has yelled because they were acting out.
when he’s irritated, his children would know it’s time to stop, his voice deepens and becomes stern and he has a look that makes them stop whatever behavior they were doing. he could be scary, but other than that he’s a chill dad.
his ‘time-out’ methods are putting his kids in the corner or extending their chores. sometimes he’ll make them clean the front yard and bathroom.
he actually smacks his kids over the head when they don’t listen or throw his slippers at them. depending the age of his children, let’s say ten through fifteen, they’ll think it’s funny before he has them cleaning something they don’t wanna do.
his uchiha genes are stronger than yours, they’ll have his eyes and hair color and depending how many kids you have with him, only couple would have your hair color and eyes (the skin color will possibly slip in). they’re also short tempered.
he likes training his kids and is often proud of them when they finally have it down.
he keeps all of their colorings they’ve made him, he keeps them somewhere safe so they can’t get ruined or lost. (he might go bonkers if they get lost).
he’s a very overprotective dad, his children have to be home at a certain time. he will personally hunt them down if they’re not home by the time sunsets.
obito spoils his children but not to the point where they don’t understand ‘no’ he will put his foot down and doesn’t tolerate tantrums. he also doesn’t have favorites, he knows that isn’t right, especially as a parent, all of his children are treated equally.
wise words from obito to his children: “get your ass down from there right now.” “keep acting like lunatic and I’ll send you home and you won’t come out there until dinner, do you understand?”
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kakashi would only want two kids, a boy and a girl. he sees this as a perfect amount, he’s fine with children, he just doesn’t want a zoo of them, and plus he’ll probably have grandchildren in future.
he’s a very chill and patient dad, he knows how to handle his children and they listen pretty good, however.. they’re sassy and he knows they got that from him and he refuses to admit it. his kids are pretty mean, but they mean well.
he also doesn’t spank his kids, but he does make his kids clean the entire house and makes sure there isn’t a single speck of dust flying around.
kakashi knows his children’s interests and will personally try to understand it, even if some of them are a bit weird.
he’s the type to tell his children that santa won’t bring them presents because they’re misbehaving and won’t listen to him. he’ll also tell them that the boogieman will drag them out of bed by their feet and take them away. (they haven’t slept in their own room for a week).
he likes to pinch his children cheeks, he thinks it’s adorable. he also ruffles their hair, especially if his children possessed his beautiful spiky hair.
kakashi’s genes are strong, but it’s a well mixture of yours, if you have moles, freckles or whatever, your children with kakashi will have them.
there’s been times where he doesn’t know how to handle temper tantrums, the only thing that comes to mind is to send his kids to their room to have them scream it out. (they’ll fall asleep afterwards and by the time they wake up dinner is already done.)
kakashi is a good listener, he knows how to handle his kids emotions and is there for them. however there’s been times he has to be straightforward with them, he knows he can’t always sugarcoat things just because they’re his kids.
kakashi may be chill, but he does have strict rules for his children to follow. he has tied his child to a tree and will do it again if he has to.
kakashi’s wise words to his beloved children: “oh! is that so? would you like me to tell mommy what you have been doing? no, then knock it off.” “you are in big trouble when we get home, you are to clean the bathroom, do I make myself clear?”
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itachi, the gentle soul that he is. he’s also someone who will have two children, genders are irrelevant to him, he’s just happy to have a family, even if his little spawns have him stressing and worried.
he’s the type of dad that you wouldn’t want to be mad, they know it’s time to settle down when he’s upset. itachi doesn’t have to say anything but look at them, and you wouldn’t know if he’s mad, but they do, they know when he’s pissed and that has them shutting up within an instant.
itachi doesn’t lay a hand on them nor does he yell, but he does put them in time-out or send them to their room and have them think about what they have done.
itachi is a rather patient dad, and if his kids are toddlers he would know how to handle them and calm them down. he likes taking them on walks and have them cry on his shoulder as he tells them a little story or something to have them keep their mind occupied. if that doesn’t help, he’ll try putting them down for a nap.
he likes making them their foods. he’s the one who packs their lunch for school and makes them breakfast in the morning, he also makes sure that his kids have healthy meals. yes, he allows his children to eat junk food, just not all the time. he wants his kids to grow big and strong, as he likes to tell them.
he likes listening to them talk about their day at school or just have a casual conversation with them, he really likes quality time.
his children don’t get bullied in school, he’s scared them off, as much as he’s a gentle man, he’s still a scary guy and doesn’t tolerate other children bullying his own. he doesn’t like seeing them cry. however, he will speak the child’s parents in hopes to settle things.
when his kids suggested a game, he lets them win, especially if it’s hide n seek, he knows exactly where his kids are hiding and he hides in the most basic spots for them. (he just really likes hearing their squeals and giggles when they find him.
if his children are older, he would like to know where they are heading off, he doesn’t restrict them from having fun with their friends, he just doesn’t want anything bad happening to them when they are out. they have a certain time they have to be back home. will not tolerate back talk.
he does ground his children, the longest time they have been grounded was three months and no, he doesn’t forget and will make sure they learn they lesson. he loves them, but he will teach them that their actions have consequences.
itachi’s wise words to his children: “you are misbehaving, would like me to grounded you? then stop that.” “I will not be teaching you that, you have not been listening to be for the whole day.”
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neji is aware how difficult it will be to rise kids, so he’ll possibly have two or three kids, genders don’t matter to him, he made them and he’s going to raise them the best he can. there’s a lot of things that he doesn’t tolerate with them and that is back talk, he doesn’t like back talk, at all.
neji definitely spanks his kids, is it hard? no, not at all, but it’s enough to sting and he’s well aware how heavy his hand could be. he also has a major soft spot for them, so spanking his kids isn’t often.
his byakugan does actives when he’s pissed off with them and that could be a scary sight for them and they know they’re in deep trouble, especially when they did something they weren’t supposed to do. his children don’t purposely make him mad, it’s horrifying to them.
neji doesn’t like when his kids cry, it makes his heart pang and he tries his best to comfort them.
his the one who bandages them up when they get hurt and will lecture them as he does so. he knows how reckless children can get, especially when they are unattended. sometimes he’ll have to supervise them.
when he trains his kids, he does not overwork them, once he sees them tired and barely holding themselves up, he’ll either stop or have them rest up a bit before continuing. he makes them tea and food, or give them water then have them shower.
his children have a bedtime routine, his kids need to be well rested and will not stay up to early, he has them study occasionally so they know what they are doing.
he’s the type of parent to pinch his kids arms, that’s a warning sign for them to knock their shits off or they’re in big trouble once they return home. or sometimes he’ll simply just look at them and they’re already know they’re in trouble.
if his children were to snitch on another and they’re yelling who did and who’s denying, everyone is in trouble and they are to stand in the corner until he says they can leave and if they start acting up, he sends them to their room to take a nap or he’ll train them.
neji is a good dad and he’s a bit on the strict side when comes to them, however he doesn’t prevent them from doing things they want to do, as long as it’s not criminal or cause them serious harm. he’s also the type to tell his children to get up back and try again or tell them to walk it off.
neji’s wise words to his kids: “do you want me to give you pow-pow? then stop this nonsense.” “get in the corner and think about what you did.”
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© SLUTFICS. . . please do not repost, steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms, however reblogging and ♡ are greatly appreciated.
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slutfics · 1 month
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warnings & content. adult content. afab reader, no pronouns included(?). very small nsfw but not too much. established relationships, fluff.
writers note. im having a kankuro brainrot, im gaining ideas every time and it’s controlling, the tags are going to be filled with my content and shit (probably). but if you do end up writing for kankuro and perhaps obito, please tag me, im literally being deprived of them.
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boyfriend kankuro who’s love language is making fun of his significant other for the hell of it. you would need to have a tough heart to be his partner, because he needs to have those kind of moments with them. yes they are light and he knows his limits, doesn’t make fun of you of your past and traumas, those are one of the few things he doesn’t joke about. insults are his petnames, however he does use ‘babe’ for you.
boyfriend kankuro who gets jealous easily when someone else is talking to you, he will pull the ‘i don’t know, why don’t you go ask your other lover.’ move on you, he will give you the silent treatment for awhile before he’s all up on you, wanting to cuddle and kiss you. he has issues and is afraid of you leaving him for someone else, he needs a lot of reassuring. he loves and trust you, it’s just the other one who he doesn’t trust.
boyfriend kankuro who loves getting kisses before he leaves for work, he loves getting them in morning, before bed and during work hours. he loves having your soft lips on his own whenever he gets the chance. however, this is mostly away from others, he will only kiss you when the two of you are alone. he’s not a big fan of pda he prefers to keep his affection hidden from others, but he will hold your hand in public and give you welcoming kisses and that’s about it.
boyfriend kankuro who can’t resist the urge to slap your ass whenever he walks past you or you laying in bed, comfortably, only for his heavy hand to smack down on your poor ass. kankuro isn’t an ass man by all means, he just thinks it’s funny to startle you and hearing a small yelp coming from you. do it to him and there will be consequences for your actions. he has a nice ass actually, nice and full, it’s all the working out he does, just give it a hard squeeze and it’s over for you. he honestly thinks a bit funny, just don’t do it too much.
boyfriend kankuro who loves having his hair played with while he lays on your chest after a particular long day of ninja work. he won’t admit it to you, you’ll just have to figure that information out on your own. he’ll sigh loudly and have his head on your shoulder or simply lay on your chest and look up at you in hopes you get the silent message, he’ll also groan loudly until you look at him, that’s when you’ll know what he wants. he looks at you almost silently begging you to run your fingers through his spiky hair. he loves those feelings you give him and he will quickly fall asleep.
boyfriend kankuro who likes to finger you during a mission together inside your tent as everyone else is soundly asleep, with a few ninjas at watch. he will whisper into your ear, while watching you try to hold in your cries as he magically moves his fingers wonderfully inside you, rubbing your walls and curling against that one spot that has you throwing your head back and biting down on your lower lip harshly. he’ll hold down your hips with his other hand if you tried to grind against him. he’s doesn’t want you finishing just yet.
boyfriend kankuro who loves to eat you out after a stressful day at the kazekage office or mission. he will have your legs over his broad shoulders, keeping you spread open for him so he can stuff his fingers inside of your soaking core while his wet lips are latched around your clit. kankuro is a strong man, all he simply needs is a single arm on your abdomen to keep you from moving against him. he’ll stare up at you with a hazy gaze while flicking his tongue against your sensitive nub. he loves how your stomach tenses and how your walls squeezing his fingers. he can have his face between your thighs all night.
boyfriend kankuro who loves when you request a blowjob, especially after he’s done with his puppet building or after training. he loves the feeling of your pretty mouth wrapped around his pulsing cock. he’s clarified a head pusher when he’s close to cumming. he’s also a grower not a show-er. grunts and moans will leave him as he has a tight grip on your hair, rutting into your warm mouth, feeling the wonderful tension of your throat squeezing him, he also loves the way your eyes water when you try to take him deeper down your throat and surpass the gag.
boyfriend kankuro who loves to dirty you with his face paint. your skin will be covered with purple smudges of paint, between your thighs, your neck, your shoulders, any part of your body that he’s capable of reaching, his paint will no longer be neat, but smudge and messy. it really turns him on seeing you such a mess, especially when your panting and sweaty, he can’t help but wanting to go for another round with you. he thinks you’re the prettiest when you’re covered with something of his.
boyfriend kankuro who loves doing ‘corny romantic’ things with you, whether it’ll be cooking, baking, even going as far as talking about the future with you, he adores these soft moments, it makes him feel warm and fuzzy. he could spend the rest of his life with you and he genuinely sees a bright future with you and he hopes he can have that. he will actually lose his mind if the relationship ever ends. you don’t ever have to worry about his loyalty to you, he solely belongs to you and you to him.
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© SLUTFICS. . . please do not repost, steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms, however reblogging and ♡ are greatly appreciated.
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