#naruto fic
heavensculled · 1 day
Could you hate me?
To kill Naruto would be killing myself. It’s an endless cycle of hatred that we were born into; there is no choice in this. We weren’t asked how we felt, or if we even wanted this. No. To kill each other is our birthright. To be lonely forevermore once our other half is slaughtered like a lamb (or a mangy wolf, what is there that is innocent about me anymore? I killed that child long ago, when I left him. Or maybe it was Itachi, Konoha, or anybody else, maybe I wasn’t to blame.) with our own very hands. Bloodied and broken, a heart torn in half — decaying at the seams — as why would I live if I killed him? Death was our gift from the Sage. From the beginning to our end, we’ll take the sword and plunge it into our very hearts which we know better than anyone else.
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To kill Naruto would be killing myself. So why not die together and end it with each other, for the final time? Will you grant me one last selfish request, Naruto? (Wasn’t it your idea, my one and only?)
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23 notes · View notes
uchiha-archives · 5 months
Eternal Love
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Summary: Nobody loves as intensely as an Uchiha, and no Uchiha loves as intensely as Uchiha Madara. He will bring this world to its knees just to avenge her and to be reunited with her again, and as far as he’s concerned, he will succeed. Damn anyone who dares to get in his way.
Genre: Marriage!AU, Established Relationship!AU, Uchiha Couple!AU, Reanimation Jutsu!AU, Fluff!AU, Fluff-Smut!AU, Angst!AU (Barely Any Angst, Just Some Sprinkles - Happy Endings All Around)
Pairings: Uchiha Madara x Wife! Reader, Uchiha Madara x Uchiha! Reader
Warnings: Possessiveness/Protectiveness (Very Mild), Death and Mentions of Death (Mainly Flashbacks), Reanimation of the Dead, War/Conflict (No Matter the Era), Fighting/Mild Violence
Word Count: 8,303
Written: October 27th, 2023, Posted: November 30th, 2023
When you opened your eyes, you weren’t expecting to be greeted by a boy you didn’t recognize with red eyes that you just knew were the Sharingan.
You instinctively raised your guard and as soon as you could feel yourself get in full control of your body you activated your own Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and took a step back, ready to counter if necessary. You had to be prepared, - your vision was still blurry from being woken up and everything was still slightly disorienting even with the Sharingan but you couldn’t let your opponent see that.
Once your vision started to come back into focus you took a quick look around your surroundings and saw Hashirama and Tobirama, standing alongside who you knew to be Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, and a blonde man you didn’t recognize. A little further behind were a few more people you also didn’t recognize, but the hand sign that the pale one held in place let you know that they were one to reanimate you.
You let go of the annoyance you felt at someone using that Jutsu and refocused, looking until your gaze found the boy from earlier whose red eyes you woke to. What you saw made you let out a small gasp. “… Izuna…? Is that you, Izuna?” You took a small step further, your brows furrowing, before you paused. “No, your Chakra is different. But there’s no denying, you look just like him.” You spoke with a small smile on your face, stepping a little closer. You knew it was mostly impossible to see Izuna in the world of the living again but this boy’s face gave you a large burst of optimism.
“Just as smart as I’ve read you to be, the great Uchiha Y/N. You’ve already read everyone’s Chakra signatures beforehand to be prepared in case of battle. What a brilliantly tactical move, as expected from your caliber.” You looked back towards the pale man with the long black hair, your anger growing again before you narrowed your eyes at the younger Senju brother.
“Tobirama,” your voice was calm but extremely firm, “I thought I told you never to use this Jutsu. I also recall telling you that this should never be documented. For this exact reason,” you emphasized. You created the Reanimation Jutsu. It was something you made in a dark time of your life that still hurt you to think about.
It was lovely in your ancestral Uchiha home, passed down from your family for as long as they could remember. It was the same house you lived in with your husband. You enjoyed the happiness that you felt every day, until it felt like it just started to go down from there. Your clan always at war with the Senju clan, the death of your brother-in-law that started your husband’s spiral, your husband’s defection from the village, and ultimately, his death. It broke you in more ways than you could explain.
When the Senju brothers came to your home to tell you of your husband’s death, you almost collapsed on the spot in grief and rage. The younger brother starts your husband’s path of revenge by killing your brother-in-law, and the older brother ends it along with your beloved husband’s life. They had officially taken everything from you.
It took a lot of time, and a lot of understanding, but you learned not to blame the Senju brothers for what had happened to Izuna and Madara. It hurt you every single day, but you just learned to live with it, burying yourself in your work and missions to compensate. It was on one of these days where you were working on a new Jutsu that you invented when Tobirama offered to join and help if you taught it to him. You allowed him as he did not ask you any questions, simply offering his presence in your mourning, never questioning your judgement or your decisions.
When you believed the Jutsu to be complete, you could tell immediately that it was not something that should be used. It was cruel in nature and you ultimately felt that it went against your morals and also the way of an honorable Kunoichi. It was a Jutsu that would not let the dead lay in final rest, instead waking them up in a cold and shrewd manner, letting the caster control the freedom of those that have crossed over to another world. It was unnatural, wrong.
You were desperate to bring back your husband, and you were willing to try anything. But this, you remember thinking as you saw your Jutsu at work, this is not how I want him back. And so, you made Tobirama swear to never record it and let this die with the both of you. Nobody needed to know that something like this was ever possible in this world. Clearly, he didn’t listen.
“I told you that that was a bad idea, Tobirama. Although, it is very good to see you, Y/N.” Hashirama let out a laugh as he patted your shoulder, letting Tobirama continue to sulk behind him as he tried to duck away from your glare, - just as intimidating as the rest of your clan, Tobirama rubbed at his neck.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t write down all of it, I made sure I kept it recorded as an incomplete Jutsu just for good measure. I completely removed a few of the sections that took me weeks to figure out. With what was left in the scrolls, nobody should’ve been able to correctly perform it.” Tobirama tried to alleviate his mistake but the pale one spoke again, drawing your eyes to him.
“It was not a hard Jutsu to make sense of, Lord Second.” He smiled in a way that put you on edge, like he was someone to always be wary of. You let it go for now, knowing you couldn’t do anything about it at this moment, and instead embraced Hashirama.
“No point dwelling on it now. It is good to see you, old friend. You as well, Tobirama,” you called out to the younger Senju who gave you a small smile. “Hiruzen, you’ve aged,” you jested as the man you knew to be the admirable Third Hokage let out a laugh.
“And you are just as beautiful as ever, Lady Y/N.” You gave him a gentle smile before turning to regard the man with the blonde hair and the blue eyes. He was new, a man you did not recognize, and yet you could see the trustworthiness in his eyes. He was a good man, you could tell. Not an ounce of malevolence in his Chakra at all.
“I apologize, but I do not recognize you.” You gave him the room to introduce himself.
“Ah!” The man exclaimed before turning around and pointing to the letters on his coat, “I am the Fourth Hokage, Lady Y/N. My name is Namikaze Minato, an honor to meet the Queen of the Uchiha clan in person.” He was a gentle soul. You smiled at him, giving him a gentle bow of your head to show you respected him. He seems like he made an honorable Hokage.
“Eh?!” You all turned your head to see a woman with bright red hair looking at you in shock. A woman of the Uzumaki clan, you assumed from her red-hot hair and her large levels of Chakra. “What do you mean the ‘Queen of the Uchiha clan’?!”
“She’s the legendary Kunoichi, Uchiha Y/N! How can you not tell, Karin?” It was another boy with white hair and sharp teeth that spoke. From Kirigakure, you could tell by his unique features.
“Suigestu is correct, Karin. And another very important fact: She is Uchiha Madara’s wife. Hence the title of Queen.” The Uchiha boy spoke.
“Wait, if you’re the Fourth,” Hashirama started, “then who’s the Fifth Hokage?”
“It’s your granddaughter, Princess Tsunade,” the pale one replied, making you huff out a laugh as Hashirama started sweating. You had good memories of that sweet girl. She was still extremely young at the time of yours and Tobirama’s passing, - far too young to probably have any recollection of you. However, you still appreciated the Senju brothers for treating you like family, and you’ve never forgotten the first moment you held Tsunade as Hashirama asked you to be her godmother. It was a title you took great pride in.
“Tsuna, huh?” Hashirama looked at you sheepishly as you chuckled. “She was my first grandchild, and she was Y/N’s goddaughter. So we both spoiled her rotten. She even picked up my gambling habit, hahahahaha!” You and Tobirama shook your head at the older Senju.
“Alright,” you called out, “enough for now. I have only two things to ask of you.” You took another step forward before pointing to the Uchiha in front of you. “Firstly, who is this boy?” You then dropped your hand back down before addressing everyone. “And secondly, why have you resurrected us?”
“I am Orochimaru, I am the one who resurrected all of you. This boy,” the pale one spoke as he referred to the Uchiha in front of you, “is Uchiha Sasuke. And he has a few questions for all of you.”
“Is that you, Sasuke?” Hiruzen took a step forward. So he’s from Hiruzen’s time, you figured it was during his second time as Hokage as he had quickly filled you in. He seemed extremely young, this Sasuke. You didn’t dwell on it too long when the boy started to ask you and the others questions about being a Shinobi, about being a part of a clan, a part of a village.
You narrowed your eyes at him. He’s seen a lot, and he’s been troubled by a lot. It’s obvious in not only the exhaustion in his eyes but also in the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan you see glowing, - this boy has suffered his whole life. You knew he wanted answers from not just the Hokages but also from you, because as he spoke he maintained clear eye contact with you the entire time. His gaze pleaded for reason, something to hear that would just make sense. For now though, you would let the past leaders of Konoha speak their pieces, - nobody can doubt their experience in these matters.
“Can we please hurry this up? The Fourth Shinobi War is going on and we do not have a lot of time. The sooner you answer Sasuke’s questions the sooner we can be on the move,” Orochimaru stepped up, making Tobirama lose his calm. As quick as always to anger…
“Why are we here answering meaningless questions when we are needed on the battlefield?!” He always needed Hashirama to keep him in check. And he still does, you mused as you watched him finally step away from the wall after a word from his older brother.
“Always conflict no matter what the era,” Hashirama sighed as you gave him an understanding smile. You gave a look back to the group.
“Which nations are fighting this war?” Everyone knew that you and Tobirama perished in the First Shinobi War, and while you were still reeling from the fact that three more happened after it, you also wanted to know the seriousness of it as well as its threat to the Land of Fire and Konohagakure.
“Actually, Lady Y/N…” Orochimaru seemed to hesitate, and he absolutely refused to look you in the eyes. You narrowed your eyes at him before moving them to the young Uchiha who held your gaze instead of cowering.
“Sasuke, tell me what is going on. Now,” you demanded. Sasuke let out a sigh before staring at you for a moment. He spoke calmly, but the news that he delivered was enough to make anyone cower in fear. Not you, though.
“Uchiha Madara,” Sasuke started, “has been revived by the Reanimation Jutsu, and he is currently trying to place the entire world under a Genjutsu of unimaginable magnitude.”
“Why?” Your question was a simple one. “Why is he trying to do this?”
“Uchiha Madara did not, in fact, die during his battle with Lord First.” Orochimaru spoke again. “Instead, he was seriously injured, and lived till the end of his days in hiding. He has had years to plan this battle.”
You looked at him in shock. All this time, he had been alive? Living in hiding? He was alone all this time. You looked down in sadness. We were supposed to grow old and grey together, and yet I die soon and he spends all his years by himself. All your time alive you were grieving what you thought to be the loss of your husband, lashing out and destroying, when instead you could have spent your time with him had you known.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, it was Hiruzen, a man who knew how your mind worked. “There was no way you could have known, my Lady.”
“He has waged a war against all five of the nations. They have come together to form the Shinobi Alliance and now try to fight together against Madara as we speak. He does all of this, for you, my Lady.” You looked at Orochimaru again before looking to Sasuke as if asking if it was true. Sasuke gave you a nod.
“Madara says that he wants to end all wars and all bloodshed. He calls his Genjutsu the Infinite Tsukuyomi, - to put the entire world in a permanent dream state. He is a man that grows angrier and more desperate. He misses you,” Orochimaru said. “And he’s willing to destroy the world for it.”
“His rage is from Y/N’s death in the First Shinobi War,” Hashirama figured out. “Since then, there have been two more that he has observed and so, this fourth one will be Madara’s supposed war to end all wars.”
“The Infinite Tsukuyomi is Madara’s plan to create a world of his own with only love and peace and happiness, as he explained it. He feels rage at the thought of a war being the reason that he lost his brother and then his wife. He believes he can create a better world this way, where everybody can have their own world within consisting of what makes them happiest.” Orochimaru’s explanation was brief and to the point. “His turning point was hearing of your death while he was in hiding, my Lady.”
You put a hand on each of the Senju brothers’ shoulders as you looked back at the boy you’ve come to know as Sasuke. “Alright, let’s tell him what he wants to know. I believe the sooner we explain, the sooner we can help in the frontlines,” you urged the Hokages to sit down beside you. “And the sooner I can see my husband,” you finished off with a smile, making everyone give you an exhausted look. You and Madara were always a love-sick couple, known by those who lived in your time and those who read about you in scrolls and records.
“Alright, we understand what it is you ask us of, young one.” Hashirama always made people feel open to speak their mind. “You want to know about what it means to be a Shinobi? A part of a clan? A part of a village? We’ll tell you.”
You listened quietly as Hiruzen and the two Senjus explained the village’s history to Sasuke, and you watched the changes in Sasuke’s expressions. It also gave you a chance to listen to what has happened since your own passing as well. The stories you heard made you sad. Uchiha Itachi, the man who sacrificed his family and his life for Konohagakure. For Konohagakure and for his little brother. An admirable Shinobi, you agreed. As was the Fourth Hokage and his own wife, giving their lives for the village.
It hurt to know that the boy you saw in front of you was the last of your clan, - an entire bloodline just wiped out. But you respected Itachi for doing the work nobody else was willing to do. He took the fall for the Elders of the village that were too cowardly to even admit to their own actions and decisions. In a way, Itachi reminded you of Madara, willing to sacrifice for his younger brother. Always protecting him, making sure he was safe within the village, helping him grow stronger, trying to lead him on the right path.
You continued to simply listen as Hashirama and Tobirama told Sasuke of the history between the Uchiha and the Senju. He spoke of your husband with the same fondness in his heart that he held for him all those years ago. But when the Hokages were finished, Sasuke sat in silence. He then slowly stood, letting out a sigh before looking at you.
“And what of you, Lady Y/N? You are the only one who has not yet spoken a word to me. I want to hear your opinion.” Sasuke spoke plainly.
“I have seen you listen intently to the opinions of honorable Hokages through the generations.” You spoke as you also started to stand, “What would you do with mine? I was a Kunoichi of Konoha, and I was a wife to a loving man,” you stated with pride making the two you now knew by the names of Karin and Suigetsu in the back of the room look at you with shock. “My experiences are limited to my life, not to the ones of others. I do not see what you would benefit from hearing my thoughts in this situation.”
“You are an Uchiha from legend, from stories that I would hear from my brother very often. You understand love, happiness, the feeling of contentment. You understand desperation, anger, grief, the loss of a loved one. You must have felt pain like mine when you heard of your husband’s death, especially when it came at the hands of Lord First. I want to know what made you stay. Like my brother, you’ve given for the village in blood, and yet you stayed loyal to the very same village until your dying breath. You are drastically stronger than me. You could beat me even without using either of your hands, which means you had the ability to bring the village down if you really wanted to, but you didn’t do it.” You looked at him with a gentle smile before walking up to him and placing a hand on his cheek. He simply stayed staring into your eyes, now black as his without the Sharingan.
“My husband is angry, - broken, hurt. He has lost much in his life. This village has brought me happiness. Hashirama and Tobirama are people I consider my closest friends, and Sarutobi was a brilliant student. All of these make up a village and a Shinobi. Love, bonds, sacrifice, dedication. My husband felt all of these up until he felt like he was cast away by them.” You gently spoke. “I felt the support of my bonds when I was at my lowest, grieving and in rage at Madara being gone.” You turned to look at your friends. “Hashirama and Tobirama may have fought against my husband, but they stood by me when I was alone. I have fought for this village and given it everything that I have. I am nothing without it. But even if I could go back, I would not change that. I found the love of my life in Konoha, and I was able to marry him and lead a happy life until his death. Or rather, what I thought to be his death. I also remember thinking about how I was protecting him with every mission I would take on, no matter how little. Madara has always watched over me, always kept me safe, and it made me happy that by keeping Konoha safe, I was keeping my beloved safe as well, whether or not he ever really needed my protection,” you finished off with a nostalgic laugh.
Sasuke stared at you for a few moments, before suddenly, for the first time since seeing him a couple of hours ago, you saw him give you a small smile. It was heartwarming to see, especially when he looked like the kind of person who rarely smiles. It showed you he understood your words. He could relate. He understood keeping someone’s legacy alive in your heart. He could see it. You knew he could.
“I won’t let what Itachi stood for go to waste. I won’t let Konoha waste away. We’re going to the battlefield.” Sasuke’s eyes shone with determination. A determined and motivated Uchiha is as dangerous to his opponent as he is unstoppable, you knew, and you were proud of this young boy who has learned to work through his conflicts. Your clan was known for burying their emotions deep down as an act of what they thought to be concealing their weaknesses. However in reality, they only make themselves weaker, instead. They forget that their Sharingans are a window into their heart. It reflects the soul and that is how it is not only awakened, but also grown into higher levels, - even the Eternal Mangekyou. They forget what their eyes represent once they awaken their full potential.
“Now we’re talking!” Hashirama was excited. And as you all jumped through the air, you heard him again. “It may sound odd, but I am excited to see my old friend!” Tobirama sighed at his older brothers words while you smiled back at him.
“I understand. It has been decades since I’ve seen my love. I miss him,” you said with a fond smile while the one you’ve come to know as Suigetsu looked at you like you were crazy.
“Forgive me, Lady Y/N, but you talk about him like you guys are love-sick puppies at the Ninja Academy!” Suigetsu let out a breath in absolute disbelief while Tobirama chuckled.
“Madara may be dangerous, and he may be frightening to most. However, seeing him interact with Y/N puts him in a rare perspective that not many have witnessed first hand. This is something even I cannot deny.” Suigetsu shook his head at the Second Hokage’s words and decided that he wouldn’t get it, ever.
Meanwhile, Naruto was letting Sakura heal him when he saw two people land right in front of him. He let out a gasp as he saw his father and a woman. He couldn’t help but stare at her. She was gorgeous, - black hair, black eyes, dressed like a true warrior, proudly wearing the Uchiha symbol- wait what?
He stared in shock as she shared a laugh with his father. “Not bad, Lord Fourth, but I think I beat you by just that little second!” And he couldn’t believe his eyes at his father poking fun back at her.
“Ah, I must be getting old, my Lady.” What?! ‘My Lady?!’ Naruto stayed looking back and forth at the two interacting until his father turned around to regard him. “Naruto! Hope we’re not too late!”
“Nevermind that, Dad! Who is this? Why is she wearing the Uchiha symbol? Is there another Uchiha person alive?! Again?! Why’re you being so formal with her!?!” Naruto’s mind was going faster than his mouth could keep up and it took Sakura giving him a solid knock on the head to make him stop.
“Geez, Naruto! That’s Uchiha Y/N,” she explained as she continued healing him. “She’s known as the Queen of the Uchiha clan, she’s from way before your dad was Hokage. She’s Uchiha Madara’s wife!” That made Naruto freak out again. Why was Sakura so calm about this? Wasn’t Madara’s wife a bad factor to add to this war? Madara was bad enough as it is, and he didn’t want to know what fighting the woman called the Queen of the Uchiha clan would also entail.
“This is why you pay attention during Iruka Sensei’s lectures,” Sakura sighed out before explaining yours and Madara’s past to Naruto as quickly as she could.
As Naruto listened to the end of Sakura’s explanation, he saw the Third Hokage land carefully on his feet. “You’re both as fast as ever, Minato, Lady Y/N.” He then saw who he knew to be the Senju brothers Hashirama and Tobirama also land.
“We never could beat you, Y/N!” Hashirama laughed out as he stood next to his younger brother. Naruto then froze as Y/N turned to regard him, giving him one of the kindest smiles he’s ever seen directed at him in his life, and he knew that that kind of genuineness cannot be faked. You were trustworthy.
“Don’t worry,” you spoke, “your friend is also on his way.” And Naruto closed his eyes. Sasuke. He must have something to do with your reanimation, he knew.
“Hey, um, big sister Y/N?” Naruto called out, making you look at him in shock, a familiar warmth curling into your chest. Nobody had called you that since Izuna, and it brought an involuntary smile to your lips. You gave a nod to encourage him to continue. “Not that I’m doubting you or anything, big sister, but uh, how exactly do you plan on stopping your extremely crazy and concerningly bloodthirsty husband?” You let out a loud laugh at his words while his father panicked at the way he was addressing Madara in front of you. This kid has no filter - doesn’t even know what a filter is - , and you absolutely loved it. He spoke to you as honestly as if you were really his big sister and it made you adore him. If this was Sasuke’s closest friend, then he has chosen well, they are both perfectly balanced halves, like Yin and Yang.
“You have a lovely son, Lord Fourth.” You told a worried Minato before turning back to the blond kid in front of you. “And Naruto, your father told me you wanted to become Hokage. I think- No, I know you will succeed. You have good friends,” you said as you looked around, “and you have a good heart. Not even the sky is your limit, Ninja of Konoha.”
You can tell this kid wears his heart on his sleeve, and so you could have anticipated the hug. What you couldn’t have anticipated was for him to run forward and squeeze whatever temporary life was flowing through you out of your lungs in his hug. Now this was one life-changing hug.
“What on earth did I miss?” You turned to see Sasuke staring at you in amazement. It seems you were a bit of a crowd favourite already, - all of his past comrades from Konoha were gathered around you, looking at you in awe or wonder, sometimes both. He assumes someone, most probably Sakura, must have explained your past and your goals. The initial reaction to hearing your lengthy title and name is always fear, until they have a conversation with you.
“Sasuke!” Sakura shouting out his name had you a little surprised, but as you watched their exchange you could see that the Kunoichi was enamored with him. You left Sasuke and Naruto to their conversation with their friends while you walked over to your own, quickly gauging the battlefield and all of the warriors, - it was an absolute mess. A man by the name of Hatake Kakashi was quick to bring you and the Hokages up to speed on everything that’s happened, including the involvement of another Uchiha by the name of Obito, Lord Fourth’s student.
“As far as I know, however, Obito’s actions are influenced by Madara,” Kakashi explained as he recalled to you and the others what Obito had told him of his survival in a past accident.
“I’m going to go towards the back, I want a larger view of this mess. Just give me a few moments,” you said as you jumped away. Hashirama gave you a quick thumbs up to acknowledge your words as they continued to listen to Kakashi’s information, - the Senju brothers have seen you do this often.
You could see well from your initial spot, but the terrain was uneven and you always worked better once you got a full view of your surroundings with your Sharingan. It gave you better mobility and helped you avoid any hesitation during combat. If you always knew where to step and what direction to move in, you didn’t even have to take your eyes off of the enemy.
This was actually a tactic that you also showed your husband during one of your sparring sessions together. You both would always choose new locations and alternate in memorizing the location. If it was Madara’s turn, you wouldn’t memorize that day’s terrain choice, and vice versa. This helped you both see the difference in combat efficiency. Perhaps that has been far too effective against the Shinobi Alliance, you thought sheepishly as you recalled Kakashi’s words of always seeing Madara have the higher ground in confrontations, looking down on everyone.
As you were letting your eyes memorize the terrain, your heart stopped at a yell you heard. It’s been decades since you’ve heard that voice. And to hear it again in person instead of in your dreams was a breathtaking feeling that you simply could not define, even if it wasn’t directed at you, specifically.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Hashirama!” He called out, and you heard the excitement in his voice. It brought a smile to your face, - those two were always inseparable, it’s nice to see even that cannot change.
Meanwhile, Hashirama looked up to see Madara staring down at him with anticipation. He let out a sigh, is this the time she chooses to disappear? Tobirama, as if reading his brother’s mind, also sighed out. Your timing is impeccable, Y/N.
Where is that woman when you need her? The Senju brothers were really trying to avoid a full out battle with Madara at this point when it was so unnecessary.
Hashirama pointed his finger at Madara as he called out, “I’ll deal with you later!” And the older Senju brother watched as Madara visibly deflated a little in disappointment before patiently sitting down, shaking his head as he did. Some things never change. Hashirama then turned around, pointing his finger at the Ten-Tailed Beast, “First, I have to stop the Ten-Tails, because it’s charging right at us!”
“Where the hell did big sister go?!” Naruto was absolutely stressed knowing the one person who could help stop this now was not here for some godforsaken reason. “She’s the only person who’s going to have any actual effect on Uchiha Madara and she’s just gone?!”
“Stay calm, Naruto,” Minato spoke calmly, “we just have to keep the Ten-Tails occupied. Once she returns we’ll have the extra power and also the weapon to reason with Madara.” He then turned and gave a smile to his son and his son’s friends. “Don’t worry. If she is anything like what I’ve read about her, then Uchiha Madara will listen. So far, she has more than proven herself, and I have faith that she can help. I have also heard from the First and Second Hokages that she is the only human whose opinion and emotions Madara genuinely values.”
“Now, everyone!” Tobirama spoke, “Just hold off until she returns! Keep the Ten-Tails at bay, and do not risk yourself in attempting to counter any of its moves. We simply hold it off for as long as needed!”
Sasuke and Naruto were already off atop their summonings as Sakura stayed behind with her own summoning to heal those that were injured in the area. The rest of their comrades also dispersed to help contain the situation while Madara simply sat atop the cliff, observing their movements. He didn’t bother listening to whatever they discussed, dismissing it as futile attempts to strategize. Naturally, it would fail against me, Madara scoffed out a quiet laugh.
Hashirama thought this would be a good time for him and his fellow Hokages to go and have some semblance of a civil conversation with his old friend while they kept the situation at bay. “Madara!” He called out as him and his comrades landed on the cliff top behind the seated Uchiha.
“Oh? Ready to face me now, Hashirama?” Madara could feel his blood pumping. He’s been dying for a rematch with the Senju man.
“Actually, I wanted to talk. My friend, there is nothing to gain from this.” Hashirama hoped he’d see reason.
“There is everything to gain from this.” Madara countered his friend easily. “In the Infinite Tsukuyomi, there will be happiness. There will be peace. Everyone can love and be loved. How is this reality better than what I am offering?” Madara’s mind was clear.
“It would all still be a fake reality, Madara. None of your experiences would be real. The peace wouldn’t be real. The love wouldn’t be genuine. The happiness? It would be fake!” Hashirama wanted to get through somehow.
Madara was getting frustrated. “At least there would be happiness! At least there would be something worth living for within the Tsukuyomi.”
“There are reasons worth living for in the real world. You fight for them, and you hold on to it. That’s what makes it worth the suffering. There is happiness and love awaiting everyone in this world, Madara, and I thought you would understand that better than anyone else! Everyone that has walked this earth was given something worth living for, and it kept them going till the end of their days. Everyone deserves to experience the real world as it is with all of its ups and downs. That’s what makes it genuine. That’s what gives life value.” Hashirama hoped his friend would understand.
“I had a reason. I had love, happiness. I had it…” Madara looked down for a moment before looking back up again, eyes full of red-hot rage. “And she was taken from me!” He began shouting. “You took her from me! All of you!” He pointed at them, “You took my one happiness and my one love! First, I was separated from her and then you made sure she wasn’t even in the same plane of existence as me! She died fighting for these real experiences of yours. Anything in this world, including these values you preach about, Hashirama, are absolutely worthless without her. She was my only reason. The only one!” The Uchiha took a deep breath, “I refuse to live in any world or any reality without my wife, never again. And any world that has hurt my wife should simply not exist.” He activated his Susano’o, getting ready to fight, - he wouldn’t hear another word of this. He would not listen to another word defending this monstrosity of a world that took his beloved wife from him. His soulmate.
“Are you happy, elder brother?” Tobirama took a few steps back, “Now you’ve made him angry. The whole point of this was to stall him!”
“I know, Tobirama!” Hashirama let out a quiet curse as he prepared his hands for a countering Jutsu.
“Clearly you don’t know. He doesn’t seem to be very stalled from your tactics, elder brother!” Tobirama couldn’t stop the sarcasm that came flying out of his mouth in his current stress.
“Tobirama, now is absolutely not the time for this!” Hashirama backed away some more as Madara’s Susano’o pulled its sword out of the sheath and got into an offensive stance.
They didn’t think a conversation about love and happiness could go so bad so quickly. But then again, they should have anticipated it considering who it was they were having this conversation with.
Nobody loves as intensely as an Uchiha, Hashirama remembered saying to Sasuke. And no Uchiha has loved or will love as intensely as Uchiha Madara loves his wife. He’ll burn the world and bring her the ashes.
The Hokages braced themselves as Madara’s Susano’o charged forward, sword raised and about to come down for the strike, when suddenly, their surroundings went deathly quiet.
The Hokages breathed out a sigh of quick relief. Tobirama huffed, “By the Gods, Y/N! You couldn’t have cut it any closer if you tried!”
You don’t spare a glance back at the Hokages, though, simply keeping your eyes in front of you. You couldn’t help the smile building on your lips as you saw your husband. He was just as handsome as the last day you saw him, - with his Sharingan and his long hair and his eyes full of love for you. He always managed to make you feel loved. He was doing all of this, for you. Of course, it was questionable, but he was doing it for you. “My love,” you started, hearing yourself choking up. You couldn’t finish your sentence as you saw the shock finally leave your husband.
Madara couldn’t believe his eyes. His wife was here, in front of him, reanimated. He never thought he would see her again, and if he was ever reunited with her in the afterlife, it’s not like they would have any recollection of that in the present living moment, either. And so to see her now, he could do nothing but thank every entity he could think of that she created this Jutsu, regardless of the circumstances in which she did. He was not by her side in her dying breath and she wasn’t there with him as he grew old and frail, - the biggest regrets that Madara can think of from his time alive. “Y/N.” He released his Susano’o, taking long strides towards his wife.
You simply stood in place, still taking him in. You watched his large frame as he walked towards you, and you felt your breath leave you at the intensity with which he grabbed you. He held you close, a hand around your shoulders and another over the back of your head, as if trying to make sure you couldn’t go anywhere. You reached and wrapped arms around his neck, burying your face in his chest and letting a sob finally wrack through your body, finally feeling safe and like you belonged. You finally felt like you could let go and the one person your trusted would be there to catch you, - the only person you’ve ever trusted with your soul, and the only person you will ever trust.
“Y/N,” you closed your eyes as you heard your name fall from his lips, “my Y/N.” His words felt like velvet on your skin and like a melody through your ears.
“Madara,” you breathed out, making the Uchiha man let out a hum. He had been aching to hear your voice for decades. It had been so long since he’d heard you call out his name and to hear it again made him want to break down right there. “You left me,” he heard you whisper. You sounded so upset, and he felt his heart ache and fall apart all over again. Such simple words, but so strong in their meaning. “You left me alone.”
“My darling wife,” he gripped you tighter. “I am so, so sorry. I have no excuse for my actions. I was blind and a fool to have ever thought to leave you, because that is all one must be to ever think to let go of you,” he stated honestly. These were words from his core, ones he has never spoken aloud until now but has always had running in his head. He meant every bit of it. “I was… blinded. Blinded by the hate I felt, the need to avenge Izuna… All of it came to head at some point that I struggle to even remember now. And when I heard of your death, I lost all reason. All I could think of was the ways in which I could’ve kept you safe. I thought the only way to do so now would be to create a new world. A world in which we could be together again, a world in which you couldn’t get hurt. And you would never be hurt because this world would be ours to command as we so wished.” You sighed out gently before pulling away to cup his face in your hands. You gave your husband a smile, leaning to kiss his lips for a moment before resting your forehead against his.
“You never let your soul rest, even in death.” You sighed and you pressed your lips to his cheek. “My husband, my love.” You heard him hum gently. “All I ever needed was you. I don’t need the world because that is what you are to me. You are my world- No, my universe.”
Madara pulled away to look into your eyes, and you saw a vulnerable man right then, - the same one that had always bore his emotions freely to you and only you. He always let you see into his heart. And now, you saw a man who had mourned for his wife for decades. “You never did find peace, even in death. And it was my fault. If it weren’t for that, we could’ve been together all this time. I’m so sorry,” you said softly as you planted another kiss on his lips, “I’m so sorry for causing you so much pain,” you continued apologizing as Madara shook his head at you, a tear of his own falling.
“No,” he stopped you, grabbing your head with both hands to place a kiss on your forehead. “Never tell me it is your fault. I will not accept it. I chose this path, Y/N. I chose to stay in this world. I was blinded by rage and did not see what could have been - you and me, finally together, in eternity. Without restraints.” He held you close again, wrapping his arms around you as he tight as he could, and you did the same.
Naruto watched from a little further away, jaw on the floor, - not too different from the rest of the Shinobi that were present. He turned to Sasuke who was also unable to look away from the scene that seemed to come straight from a fever dream.
“Oi, Sasuke,” he nudged his friend, “Is this all we needed to do? We assembled the entire Shinobi world, formed an alliance, and suffered an unimaginable amount of casualties. All we needed to do,” he paused again, “this whole time, was get her?!” Sasuke’s eyes flashed at his extremely oblivious and extremely loud friend at both the noise level of his sentence and his way of addressing the Queen of the Uchiha clan. He tried to get him to stop when he saw Madara’s head whip around to regard the person who had addressed his wife so brazenly. Too late, Sasuke clenched his jaw.
It took Sasuke every bit of Chakra, - and the full extent of his Sharingan’s abilities, - to move as fast as he did in that moment, stepping in front of Naruto and summoning an arm of his Susano’o to block Madara’s fast approach towards the Uzumaki boy. Naruto let out a small scream as he stumbled back a bit, watching with fear in his eyes as Madara’s raging Sharingan stared into his very soul.
“Idiot,” Sasuke quietly bit out, “is there a single day where you paid attention at the Academy?”
“H-huh?” Naruto turned his head towards Sasuke but his eyes stayed watching the past head of the Uchiha clan that hasn’t backed down just yet. Or gotten far enough away for me to feel comfortable, Naruto thought to himself as he watched warily.
“You will address her, with the amount of respect that she deserves,” Madara ground out. “That woman is Uchiha Y/N. She is Queen of the Uchiha Clan, the Strongest Kunoichi in the Land of Fire, and my wife.”
“He did not know,” Sasuke ground out. The young Uchiha was at his wit’s end. Uchiha Madara was strict when it came to people respecting the Queen of the Uchiha clan. He demanded respect of everyone whether they were directly or indirectly addressing or mentioning her. It irked him that even Tobirama was as casual as he was with her. As far as Madara was concerned, the only person who could address Uchiha Y/N lovingly and without titles was him. “Everyone else would slander her name for they do not understand her worth,” Madara had once said. “They do not see the diamond that she is and I will make sure that they at least recognize that she is a treasure.”
“Madara,” you chastised as you walked towards him. “He’s a sweet boy, he means no harm. He doesn’t need to call me by my title because of who I once was. There are only two titles that have come with me past my life - Kunoichi of Konohagakure, and wife to an honorable man. That is all. Just a Kunoichi, and just a wife.” You spoke as wrapped your arms around his waist and placed your head on his chest. You felt your husband wrap his arms around you again and felt as he began to slowly relax. “There will be those stronger than me.”
“Not in my heart. I know you are the strongest there will ever be.” You let out a little laugh as you heard the stubbornness in your husband’s voice.
“I adore you,” you spoke to him with a smile, “But I am not too upset by what future awaits our clan.” You placed a hand on his cheek before turning to look at Sasuke. “He is a strong boy, with an honorable heart. Named after Hiruzen’s father. And while I believe you to always be the head of the clan in my heart,” you heard your husband let out a light laugh, “Sasuke will be a good leader.” The young boy gently bowed his head at you. “And I believe it will not be long before there are new heirs to the Uchiha clan, and the bloodline is restored,” you spoke with a grin.
Sasuke’s eyes slightly widened at you, before he quickly turned his head away and to the side. “Hn.” The noise he made caused you to let out a small laugh. A typical response from an Uchiha in a moment of speechlessness. And no matter how hard he tried, Sasuke would never be able to hide the pink in his cheeks from you.
“The clan is in capable hands,” you spoke as you turned and found Tsunade standing next to her grandfather and great uncle, “and so is the village, it seems.” Tsunade smiled at you, and you saw vague recognition in her eyes.
“I don’t remember you well, but I grew up hearing stories of you and how you were always by my side while you were alive. I’m proud to have such an amazing Kunoichi as my godmother.” You smiled at her and laid your head on your husband’s chest, feeling him bring a hand up to hold the back of your neck.
“Indeed, I must admit that the village is in respectable hands. She is… a strong woman.” Tsunade seemed shocked to hear words of praise coming from Madara’s mouth, but she was happy to hear it, regardless. She has certainly inherited Hashirama’s Will of Fire, Madara has only seen it so strong in his wife’s eyes until now. And she probably did inherit it from her godmother, Madara’s pride would not allow him to give Hashirama credit for something over his beloved.
You turned back to your husband, taking in a deep breath. “Well, my love? Shall we?” You saw Madara let out a long sigh before tightening his arms around you.
“Perhaps we are done here. I trust you lot can handle Obito?” Hatake Kakashi and his team nodded at Madara’s question. “Good,” your husband hummed. “I think I have some catching up to do with my wife. So much time lost… ” He ran a hand across your cheek.
You smiled, “Luckily, we have eternity to make it up.” You reached up and he met you halfway as he bent his neck, both of you joining your lips together in a kiss. The Senju brothers looked over at Orochimaru and gave him a nod to go ahead with releasing the Reanimation, and he did so quietly.
You could vaguely hear Naruto saying goodbye to his father. You could also make out the voices of the other Hokages talking to their own loved ones, giving them parting words of advice, confidence, pride, and love, - all of which you let fade into the background, focusing solely on your husband in front of you. You had him now, and you absolutely will not let go. You pressed your lips harder against his and felt as he let out a small moan, gripping you tighter to him. You would make sure that this next time you woke again in the after-life, he would be right beside you. You both can finally move on, together and in peace, having nothing to concern yourself with except each other. No war, no conflict, no clans, no rivalry, just a husband and wife finally being able to reach paradise together.
“Together, this time,” you spoke against his lips, feeling your body starting to fade.
“Together,” Madara whispered back to you.
And when you both opened your eyes again in the afterlife, you were still holding on to each other. Nothing would separate you two anymore, you wouldn’t let the forces of the universe get between the two of you anymore. Never again…
Hello and welcome to my blog, everyone! I’m so excited to finally get this first post out. I can’t wait to get more stories out, and I hope you guys enjoy this and any more that’ll come in the future! Thank you guys for reading all of it!
Any similarities to any other posts are purely coincidental and not intentional. Thank you all so very much~
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honeybeedrabble · 5 months
Casanova (Cheating!Sasuke x AFAB!Reader pt. ii)
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CW: Sasuke being a horrible husband/father/baby daddy (like actually he’s horrendous 😭). Throwing up (it’s a little gross, sorry), hand job, lip biting, dry humping, unprotected piv (please don’t be stupid), creampie (PLEASE DONT BE STUPID), breeder!sasuke, shoulder biting, degradation and slight praise, spitting, breast play, lmk what i missed !! (SPOILER WARNING!!!: pregnancy sex)
18+ MDNI
Sasuke went home that night a wreck. His feelings were entirely conflicted. Did he do the right thing? No- of course he did?! You were in need of help and only he could deliver. If anyone else were in his position they would’ve done the same thing. For crying out loud- you practically straddled him and barely left room for denial. Then again… Sasuke didn’t deny you the opportunity… But you were begging for it- needing it-
“Sasuke… is everything alright?” The sweet voice of his wife brought him out of his daze. He cleared his throat before taking a sip of water.
“Y-Yeah… long day…” He said softly, setting the glass back down on the table before picking up his fork and digging into the home cooked meal. The home cooked meal his wife made him. His wife Sakura.
“Do you want to talk about it-“
“No!” He raise his voice nervously. Sarada looked up from her own meal with wide eyes. She glanced from between her mother and her father, a brow raised in confusion.
“Um… Dad?” She asked.
“Is everything okay?” His daughter asked. He looked at her with a broken heart, the product of he and his wife’s love encapsulated in a single child, practically berating him for what he had done to their family. She knows… she has to…
“I um… Yeah… I’m fine. I’m sorry it’s just one of those days, you know? I think I’m just tired.” Sasuke shook his head, then abruptly stood up from the table.
“Going to bed already?” Sakura asked, getting out of her chair to collect his plate and bring it to the sink.
“Yeah, I think so. I’ve had a long day and tomorrow I write my mission report. Dinner was great, Sakura. Goodnight you two.” He said, walking over to the bedroom he and Sakura shared.
Upon returning home he promptly took a shower, scrubbing his whole body of the adultery he committed off, trying to erase the sin from his skin. To no avail- he still felt awful. He felt even worse staring at the bed he would share with his wife, how they slept next to eachother every night they were both home.
Sasuke wanted nothing more than to sleep on the couch- he would even sleep outside after doing what he did. But he knew it would raise suspicions, so he did what he usually would do and got into his pajamas, slipping into the soft bedding and closing his eyes to sleep.
Sasuke woke up to soft hands under his shirt, he recognized them.
“What are you doing?” he grumbled sleepily.
“Sorry, sometimes I do this to our pillows when you’re not home. Bad habit, I forgot you came back tonight.” Sakura smiled, nestling her neck into the crook of his neck.
“Don’t be sorry, we’re married.” Sasuke almost laughed.
“You’re right,” Sakura giggled, her hands trailing down his abdomen slowly. Sasuke inhaled deeply, feeling her hands break past his waistband and land at his crotch.
“What are you up to?”
“Well you said it yourself we’re married. It’s got me thinking about how intimate we used to be. How intimate we should be again.” Sakura said, her hand wrapping around his shaft. Sasukes breath hitched, his hand coming up to caress the arm Sakura had draped around him.
Sakura gently gripped Sasukes shaft, moving up and down his member, a finger tracing along the head of his cock. She bit her lip, her finger pressing into his tip to try to gather any precum he had. Sasuke felt his face grow hot, still guilty about the affair from earlier that day.
“Um… is everything okay?” Sakura asked, her hand stilling around his dick.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I mean… you’re still… y’know….”
Sasukes heart sunk. He didn’t even realize it until now. He shifted under the blankets, backing up into Sakura further.
“Here, try now.”
“Okay,” Sakura hummed, gently kissing his neck. The kisses helped, precum starting to flow out from his cock and he was about half mast a few minutes into the handjob.
But Sasuke couldn’t help it, even though he was comfortable in bed, had his wife next to him and everything he would need to get off, he couldn’t. Not when all he was thinking about was how you mounted and rode him for what felt like hours that afternoon.
“Enjoying yourself?” Sakura purred, licking a stripe up his neck.
“Yeah…” Sasuke lied. After a few more pumps he couldn’t take it anymore and with the hand he had on her arm, he gently pushed Sakuras hand off of him.
“It’s fine, really. I’m just tired. Let’s save this for tomorrow, please?” He asked, still not turning around to face her.
“Oh, yeah sure. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you up.” Sakura said softly.
“It’s fine. Goodnight.”
Sasuke woke up early that morning, he needed to get out of the house desperately. The only way he could get his mind off of you was with work. But said work was writing the mission report on the genjutsu user from just outside the village. The same genjutsu user who held you prisoner to your own urges, eventually holding Sasuke a prisoner of his own as well.
He put his pen down, unable to shake you from his brain. He left the office and took of to your house, not caring how early it was to wake you- he just needed to see you that desperately.
When Sasuke knocked at your door you opened it wiping your eyes. Your skin seemed paler than usual, your body fatigued. He felt bad, assuming he had done a number on you.
“May I come in?” Sasuke asked, looking around nervously.
“What are you? Some kind of vampire?” You asked with folded arms. “Yes you can come inside.” You shut the door behind him as he walked inside.
“Sorry to come by unannounced like this, especially this early…” Sasuke apologized. You shrugged.
“It’s fine, besides… I’ve been up for a few hours already…” You murmured softly, shifting nervously.
“Oh, well I guess it’s good timing then.”
“Maybe for you…” you said.
“Listen I need to talk to you.”
“Yeah, well so do I.” You seemed distant, slightly uncomfortable around Sasuke. He picked up on it quite quickly.
“It’s a good thing we’re on the same page then. About the mission report-“
“I’m pregnant.”
Sasuke paused. He felt adrenaline pumping through him, tensing up every muscle in his body. He could hear your words echo through his mind, over and over again. He couldn’t move.
“I…I’m sorry?” He asked, face as white a ghost, his eyes desperately searching yours to see if you were lying.
“I’m pregnant.” You said again, voice shaking.
Sasuke felt his legs give out, he fell to the ground, his ass hitting your wooden floor heavily as his stomach churned. He dry heaved, already sweating bullets. He ran to your bathroom and vomited profusely into the ceramic pot, his vision dizzy.
“That’s how I found out.” You said, leaning in the doorway. Sasuke flushed, turning on your sink and washed his mouth out, splashing his face with the cold water.
“But you haven’t taken a test yet?”
“No, but it seems pretty obvious to me that I am.”
“How can you be so sure?” He asked defensively, anxiety making him shudder.
“Don’t make such a big deal out of it. I can just go and get the procedure to get rid of it.”
“Get rid of it? Of an Uchiha baby?” Sasuke asked, heart racing.
“Calm down. If you wanted another Uchiha baby maybe you should’ve asked your wife to give you another one.” You snapped, walking away from him.
“You don’t get it, my clan is dead. It needs to be restored!”
“Sasuke for the love of everything, why don’t you fuck off? If your wife finds out about this she’ll kill me. Like… actually kill me. I don’t even know what she’ll do to you.”
Sasuke took a deep breath then let it out, holding your wrist and bringing you to your couch so you could both sit down.
“What happened between us was for the worst. It shouldn’t have happened and we both know that. But what if we just say that the baby isn’t mine? There’s no guarantee they’ll unlock their sharingan.”
“Sounds great! As a matter of fact, I’m confident I can raise your child as a single parent while you run off to your own little family and forget the two of us exist!” You sarcastically exclaimed, eyes burning into sasukes.
“Well what do you want?” He asked, standing up abruptly, raising his voice.
“No Sasuke, what the fuck do you want?!” You yelled, matching his volume and standing up with him.
“I want to pick you up and fuck you right on your kitchen table.” He growled, towering over you. Your eyes widened, the fists you didn’t even know you were clenching suddenly became less tense as you two stared deeply into each others eyes.
You narrowed your eyes at him, then quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and dove in for a kiss. You both were winded on impact, but met each other half way and soon enough tongues were being reintroduced to each other. He tasted like black coffee, and for some reason it turned you on. Knowing that as soon as he woke up and had his morning coffee he was on his way to see you. It was so fucked up, but you couldn’t deny the way it made you feel.
“You’re such a piece of shit…” You murmured against his hungry lips. He let out a soft “mmm” in agreement, unable to break the spell he was in.
His arm grabbed under your knee and pulled it up onto his hip. You wrapped your leg around him and as soon as your sexes met there was an audible sigh shared between the both of you.
“On my kitchen table you say?” You whispered, lips softly pressing against his.
“I’ll fuck you on your porch if you’d let me,” Sasuke moaned, your cunt gently humping against the growing erection in his pants. His hand left your knee and instead attacked your ass cheek with a rough smack. You let out a playful yelp, smiling at him before biting his lower lip, then licking it softly. You let it go and watched as it snapped back.
“I don’t doubt that for a second, Casanova.” You went down to kiss his neck, running your tongue along his adams apple while your hands went down to undo his black cape.
It fell to the ground with a plop, Sasuke had no interjections. Next, you unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders and arm. You touched his warm skin, feeling how toned his chest was. You licked his clavicle and he gently sighed, patting your ass so you could wrap your legs around his hips, you quickly obeyed.
He lifted you up and moved you to your kitchen table, practically tearing your soft pajama tank top off and revealing your soft tits underneath. His mouth watered as his eyes locked onto your hardened nipple, he quickly moved to suck one into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it.
You let out a moan that sounded like it had been ripped from your throat, your hands tangling in his jet black locks. He stuck his hand down your pajama shorts and yanked them off along with your panties. You kicked them off when they had reached your ankles and thrusted your hips up against the hard member that was just behind his pants.
You mewled, begging him to release himself from his pants, your leg wrapping around him again and licked along his jaw.
“Fuck… you want it bad, don’t you?” He asked low in your ear. You nodded, biting your lower lip and looking up at him through your lashes. He sighed then roughly grabbed your jaw in his one hand, squeezing your cheeks until your mouth became a small pout.
“Say it. Say you want me to fuck you.” He ordered, slowly unbuttoning his pants as he held eye contact with your pathetic face.
“I want you to fuck me Sasuke! Please fuck me! I need you so bad, needed you ever since I got to have you yesterday.” You pleaded. He smirked, letting his pants and boxers fall to his ankles before stepping out of them. He retracted his hand from your face and began to stroke at his cock.
“Good girl.” He praised, ramming his cock into you roughly, bottoming out before you could warm up to his size.
You let out a loud moan, legs wrapping around him tightly, the heel of your foot digging into his ass cheek, pushing his hips further into you. You clenched down tightly on his shaft, almost choking on your own spit as you whimpered underneath him. Sasuke grunted, grinding into your walls as his public bone chafed against your clit. You cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a deep kiss, desperate for more of him. He quickly kissed you back, his mouth opening and demanding your tongue inside his mouth again.
He retracted his cock before slamming it back inside of you, too impatient to let you adjust to his size. You didn’t care, the pleasure mixed the pain that came with burning stretch of his girthy member, parting you from the inside and brushing up against your g spot had you begging for more. The feeling of his cock jack hammering inside you had you moaning so loud and so often you couldn’t kiss him back, throwing your head back in ecstasy to moan freely in your kitchen.
Sasuke couldn’t let you tear away any kisses from him and as he pounded away inside of you, rearranging your wet cunt, he tried kissing you again- landing on the corner of your mouth before licking your cheek sloppily. You ran your nails up his back, leaving behind long, thin red line along his muscular back. He grunted loud and painfully, ducking his head down to harshly bite down on your shoulder. You whimpered, clenching down on him and holding his head at your neck.
“Fucking whore…” He grunted, kissing your clavicle.
“M-Me? Y-You’re the one w-who came to my house f-for sex…” you managed to get out. Sasuke slapped the side of your ass and you let out another yelp, clenching around him yet again and dripping down your thighs.
“Don’t talk back to me.” He snapped, grabbing your face harshly, squishing your cheeks again to keep you silent. You whimpered loudly as his pace became even more unapologetically rough, loud squelching filling the room along with a sigh from him with each snap of his hips.
A tear rolled down both your cheek and your leg, Sasukes manhandling become too much for you to bear.
“If you’re not pregnant already you will be by the time i’m done with you.” He huffed, his muscular chest heaving up and down with each heavy breath he took. Your eyes widened, pussy getting even wetter at his words. Sasuke smirked, eyes narrowing.
“You want that? You want me to fuck a baby into you? Ngh- as if I haven’t already…” Your eyes rolled back, nodding your head vigorously as your orgasm quickly approached.
“Say it then. Beg me to get you pregnant, beg me to let you carry my child.” He grabbed one of your bouncing tits and spat on your nipple, rolling it between his fingers.
“P-Please Sasuke… Please let me carry your child… please cum inside me again…” You cried, legs shaking around the man’s waist.
“So fucking wet…” Sasuke moaned, his pace becoming sloppier and more desperate. He kissed you roughly and soon enough your insides were twisting in the most euphoric way possible, your toes curling as your core tightened and legs shook violently against him.
“Mph- Saaa…Sas- Mmm- Sasuke…” You moaned between kisses, your wet pussy squirting on his chiseled abs, your tight walls clamping down on his girth and strangling him for his cum. He moaned against your own moaning lips, shooting his seed deep inside your silky walls, painting you white from the inside.
You two breathed against eachother, still heavy in climax, your mind racing as you cursed yourself for letting him cum inside you again. Maybe if you’re lucky you could still take the morning after pill??
Sasuke stood up, slowly pulling out of your soaked walls.
“haah… aaahhhh…” he lightly moaned, fully retracting as he watching his hot cum pour out of you, too tired to finger fuck it back inside you.
“W-We’re so fucked…” you sighed, legs still twitching. Sasuke let out a loud sigh, bending down to slip back into his pants, pulling them up.
“I know.” He ran his hand through his hair, looking at you as you lay helpless on the table. “Listen, we’ll think of something together, okay?”
“I really hate you,” you murmured, feeling his hand run up and down your thigh reassuringly.
“I know.”
AN: please under no circumstances think i am anti sakura or a sakura hate account 😭😭 this is just a fic and more importantly it is an AU. that is all, enjoy <3
Tag List: @just-your-sensei
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leewritestoomuch · 26 days
Hii!! I love your writing and was wondering if you could write something w the k13 + ss and whether or not they would catch you if you fell. Mybe also if you jumped into their arms, like that one trend a while back (like if they were holding something but you jump at them, what would they do)/and maybe how they are with trust falls!
Would they catch you if you fell?
This’ll be short and sweet
Naruto Uzumaki
He would catch you if you jumped, but he doesn’t even realize he did.
Then he’s confused because… what just happened?
He slowly puts you down
He’d always catch people in a trust fall too, but he can’t bring himself to fall back when doing a trust fall.
He wants to trust, but he can’t.
Sasuke Uchiha
He might step out of the way if he’s not in a good mood or didn’t even process what you were doing.
If he likes you, he’ll likely catch you. Then complain.
Doesn’t trust anybody for a trust fall, but he’ll catch you if you do a trust fall.
Sakura Haruno
Catches you with full intention to do so.
She’ll hold you for a second cuz she’s strong and you don’t bother her.
When she does put you do, she asks what you did that for.
She’ll trust you for a trust fall. She doesn’t trust just anybody, so that’s a compliment.
And of course, she’ll catch you.
Catches you.
Tells you he read about something like this.
Tells you what it means.
If that’s not what you mean, or if it’s outlandish, you choose rather you slap him or explain to him how that’s not okay. Then probably slap him for his response (I don’t agree with slapping ppl, but canon typical violence guys)
He’ll catch you if you do a trust fall. Thinks it’s good for bonding so he’ll fall too!
Shikamaru Nara
Catches you, but is shocked and like “what??”
Puts you down like immediately.
Somewhere in there, he said “what a drag.”
He’s not doing a trust fall, he doesn’t care.
But if you screamed, “trust fall” and just fell back, he’ll catch you.
Choji Akimichi
Catches you without question. He didn’t fully realize what was going on, but he would do it over and purposely catch you too.
He will carry you around if you want afterwards.
Always catches you in a trust fall.
He trusts you and Shikamaru to catch him in a trust fall, but Shikamaru always loudly complains about it so more so you.
Ino Yamanaka
She catches you, but probably scolds you for just jumping on her.
Like give her some warning??
Especially if she had anything in her hands.
She can’t bring herself to fall back in a trust fall, even if she trusts the person. She’ll shout about not wanting to do it, but eventually she’ll do it to prove herself.
She always catches you, but some people will get dropped if they try.
Kiba Inuzuka
He probably does the same thing to you.
Like “CATCH ME” and a man that is way too big and buff is flying through the air, right at you.
So yeah he’d always catch you, but it comes with a cocky comment about how much you wanna be in his arms. Beware.
Randomly springs trust falls on everybody and gets pissed if they let him fall.
He will catch you.
Shino Aburame
He’ll catch you… but he’s so confused.
Don’t do that again…
He’s a little scared?
Might think something is wrong, but he kinda finds it cute when he finds out there is no real reason for it. Like you jumped in HIS arms? 🥹
He’s not up for the trust fall shit, but he’ll catch you if you do it anyways.
Hinata Hyuga
Catches you, but she is nervous and startled.
She probably says something heroic sounding like “I will never drop you.”
She’s sad when you get down out of her arms.
She’ll trust you in a trust fall and catch you too.
Neji Hyuga
Probably steps back and then gets just a little upset that he didn’t catch you, especially if you get hurt.
That or you knock you both down to the ground.
He’ll tell you that you shouldn’t have done that, but he’s sorry.
Same goes for trust falls.
He’s not doing them though, not unless you annoy him half to death to do it.
Rock Lee
He catches you enthusiastically, probably hugs you tightly too.
Now he’s got an idea, and next time, when you least expect it, he’s gonna do the same thing. He ends up knocking you both to the ground because at the speed he jumped, even if you catch him, you’re both going down…
Another type to scream “TRUST FALL!” And fall, and expect you to catch him. He will get up like nothing and say “let’s try again!” If you don’t catch him
He’ll always catch you though.
Catches you and wraps her arms around you as she processes what you did.
She’s startled and maybe even a little alert, but when she pieces it together and realizes it’s you, she slowly puts you down.
She’s willing to do trust falls. She’ll catch you if you catch her. But if you prank her, she will give you that energy back.
Gaara of the Sand
He got startled and the sand blocked you…
He apologizes and probably lightly warns or scolds you about not jumping at him suddenly.
Tells you that you can try again.
He won’t do trust falls, but he’ll catch you with his sand if you do one.
Kankuro of the Sand
He let you fall.
Thought it’d be funny at first, but he’d feel like a total dickhead if you get hurt.
He won’t apologize though, but it’ll be obvious he regrets his decision.
Probably still tells you not to do sudden things like that, or more so, stop putting yourself in danger.
He’s not doing trust falls. If it’s the first time you attempt to jump or fall, again, he’s letting you fall.
Temari of the Sand
She’ll catch you, but immediately puts you down.
Tells you not to jump so suddenly.
Won’t do trust falls, even if she trusts you. Thinks it’s stupid and definitely not happening.
She’ll catch you though, then scold you for doing it.
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iloveslllycatss · 5 months
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— pairing : post naruto vs sasuke fight!sasuke uchiha x fem!reader  — genre : angst , fluff — summary : sasukes always seen the worst in everything, even you. and when he realizes all the hurt he’s caused for you, his word crashes (again) — a/n : i love my man and i love kanye west. LISTEN TO RUNAWAY BY KANYE WEST! (lyrics not in order, i picked the ones that go most with what’s happening) bold + italics is lyrics NOT PROOFREAD.
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SASUKES ALWAYS despised everything. but never you. 
at the beginning, he mistook his love for hate, always complaining about you to himself, yet always willing to protect you. he always pointed out your faults, always thinking about himself. but you? you always prioritized him. he was the reason of your existence, the reason you kept living. 
now that sasuke was back, he had apologized to you for his past, to everyone. his past was something he wanted to forget. he wanted to be better. for himself, for you. but after the two of you got together, it seemed like he only saw the worst in everything. it felt like he wasn’t even interested in you. but you dealt with it, your biggest fear being the possibility of him leaving. you had grown attached to him.
he knew this, of course. he knew you couldn’t leave, and that you wouldn’t even if you had the chance. he knew he was hurting you. sasuke always noticed that look on your face when he said something wrong. he noticed the way you’d look at him with those eyes, the look on your face filled with hurt and disappointment, but you’d quickly conceal your feelings when you saw him. he noticed how you’d always hide how you felt, just so you wouldn’t burden him.
he felt guilty. guilty for the fact he’d hurt you without even trying. for him, it was like a reflex. he unconsciously pushed you away all the time, always keeping that cold, emotionless look on his face, as if he didn’t even care. but he did. and he knew it was getting to you.
and i always find, yeah i always find something wrong, you’ve been putting up with my shit just way too long
he tried to hold back his cruel words, he did. but he’d always end up pushing you away. saying things like ‘you’re annoying’ or ‘shut up’, he never wanted to say those things, they just kinda came out, he’d mutter a small ‘sorry’ after he’d say it, but it still hurt. and he didn’t know how to fix it.
im so gifted at finding what i don’t like the most
you couldn’t remember the last time sasuke told you he loved you, or the last time he’s initiated affection with you. you’d always initiate affection, hugging him and kissing his cheek, he liked it. but sometimes it was a little too much, so he’d lash out, his tone would be cold, and he’d tell u to stop smothering him, or that you were being clingy. he didn’t mean it, of course. he just didn’t know how to tell you without hurting you. he saw himself as a monster, especially when you’d give him that look again. he had hurt you, and he didn’t know how to stop.
you’d grow a little distant after that happened, cutting down on how much affection you’d give him, even if you craved it. you had stopped talking to him as much too.
you always tried to be perfect for him, always willing to change yourself for him. it was always about him. you put his opinion before yours, his feelings before yours, his wants before yours. you couldn’t help it. you loved him with every cell in your body, and you didn’t want him to get bored of you one day and leave.
when sasuke would get angry and he’d come home, he didn’t bother hiding it. his eyes low and cold. his glare piercing into the back of your head, and you felt it. you could feel how pissed he was from just standing by him, the only problem? he’d take it out on you. 
he wouldn’t raise his hand at you or anything, he wouldn’t dream of it. he wouldn’t yell, either. he’d just give you that look of hatred and disgust. not because he felt that way towards you, but because his mind was going crazy at the thought of whatever had pissed him off. when he’d speak to you, he’d blame you for whatever he was mad at, but he’d do it subtly. he didn’t mean it, but he couldn’t help it. sasuke didn’t know how to control his anger without taking it out on someone or pushing them away and keeping it to himself.
and i just blame everything on you, atleast you know that’s what i’m good at
after he’d calm down, he would apologize, first thing when he saw you. his voice would be low and he’d avoid your eyes, keeping an even tone with you. his breathing would be calm, and steady. and you’d forgive him right away, like you always do.
and i always find , yeah i always find , yeah i always find something wrong.
you’ve been putting up with my shit just way too long.
i’m so gifted at finding what i don’t like the most.
so i think it’s time for us, to have a toast.
what really got to him, was when he saw you curled up on the bed at night one day when he got back from a mission. he saw you hugging yourself, under the covers in the dark bedroom. you looked peaceful yet bothered. your sleep wasn’t a good one, and it showed. he felt so guilty for how he’s been treating you. he wanted to be better. he wanted to show you he could be a good boyfriend.
he showered and got dressed, laying next to you on the bed after, he hesitated. only for a little bit, before he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. it startled you a little, you woke up, your vision blurred and your voice drowsy
“sasuke..?” you asked, your voice was low, almost a whisper. you were confused by the sudden affection. but not complaining though, you had wanted this the whole time. and the first words that came out of his mouth surprised you.
“…… im sorry, y/n.” he mutters, quietly. he needed this. just as much as you did.
baby i got a plan, runaway as fast as you can.
his apology made your heart melt. you shifted a little, turning around to face him as he held you. “it’s okay, sasuke. it’ll always be okay” you say, quietly but sweetly. your voice like honey to him. he couldn’t get enough of it.
“.. i don’t understand….. , why you stayed with me for so long , even though i’m always hurting you.” he mutters again, his voice faint. his tone even, and his grip on you tightens.
runaway from me, baby …… run away,
runaway from me, baby …… run away.
when it starts to get crazy,  why can't she just, run away?
baby, I got a plan, runaway as fast as you can..
you stayed quiet, his words hit close to home for you. you didn’t know why you stayed. for you, it was like you just couldnt leave. you didn’t know if you could handle living without him. especially considering all the times you thought you had lost him. you loved him. more than anything. 
you understood why he treated you like that, he’s never been with anyone else, he didn’t know how to act in a relationship. but he was gonna try to be better, for your sake. he’s never been much of a romantic, he didn’t know how or what to do to make you feel good (not sexually u dirty mf 🤓). he was scared you’d leave him. he didn’t know how he’d manage without you. you were the calm to his storm. he couldn’t imagine it. he didn’t want to be with anyone else. just you.
never was much of a romantic, i could never take the intimacy ;
and I know it did damage, cause the look in your eyes is killin me
i guess then you at an advantage, cause you could blame me for everything ;
and I don't know how I'ma manage, if one day you just up and leave.
“i love you, sasuke. i couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.” you murmur, engulfed in his warmth. your voice was quiet, and only truth was told. “i’m not going anywhere, ever.” you say, reassuring him. 
but when you said those words, 3 words, 8 letters. his eyes widened. he couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t believe that you loved him. even after everything he’s put you through. his grip on you only tightens. he’s scared to let you go, scared to lose you if he does. he hesitates a little,
“…….. i love you too. i’m sorry.” he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper, and you just turn your head up at him and press your lips to his jawline softly, a small  show of affection to reassure him some more.
he was gonna try for you. whatever it took, he would do it.
he just wanted to be perfect. for you.
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© spiderruna 2023 , no swiping guys
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
Naruto Worldbuilding Headcanon!
Sort of.
Buffing the Byakugan!
The Byakugan was written as an antithesis to the Sharingan but got mostly forgotten. I’m here to change that.
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Well all know that with the Byakugan you can see the chakra points and have x-ray vision + almost 360 degree vision. Additional powers include:
Microscopic vision: Byakugan users can look at blood samples and whole bodies up to a cellular level. Their eyes are basically a substitute for a microscope, x-ray scans, ct-scans and mris. That part where Sasuke could see Deidara‘s cellular bombs with his Sharingan? We’re scrapping that. Only Byakugan users can do that.
Immunity to most visual genjutsus. Byakugan users can see when someone is using or under genjutsu and have a natural immunity against most Sharingan genjutsus, with only things like Tsukuyomi or other powerful Mangekyou genjutsus posing as an actual threat.
Splitting anything chakra made in half. We’ve seen my man Mukai Kohinata doing this to Itachi’s fire ball jutsu and in Neji’s fight against Kidomaru. Using their gentle fist, anything that is made of chakra can be split in half or atleast damaged. This includes Susanoos. Also, Byakugan users can disable the necessary chakra points of an Uchiha to activate the susanoo.
Detecting shifts in mood. There are changes in your chakra when your mood changes, it’s canon. Byakugan users can see when someone is angry, scared, happy, horny, you name it. They can also tell when someone is lying. If someone is trying to suppress their chakra, they can see it too.
Releasing chakra from all their tenketsu. Neji has done it in the fight against kidomaru. Basically it means they can release normal or elemental chakra out of their chakra points, which makes taijutsu pretty useless against them. Ex. when a Byakugan user releases fire chakra while someone is trying to punch them, they’d burn their hands. Medic nin who have a Byakugan can use this tactic to release healing chakra on their whole body, allowing them to heal themselves without using hand signs or the palm technique, if their chakra control allows it. A Byakugan user can also release tiny portions of chakra on their elbows or legs to make their punches stronger or highten their jumps.
There’s no next level Byakugan like the Mangekyou is for the Sharingan, however Byakugan users suffer no permanent damage from overusing their Byakugan. They temporarily have bad eyesight or even blindness, but it passes.
If you have any other ideas, let me know! Feel free to use these in your fics, hcs and scenarios! Tag or dm me so I can read em all <33
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yu-huuuu · 1 month
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Madara smiled as you nestled your face against his neck. He felt his heart flutter with happiness and tenderness as he heard your giggle while he planted a soft kiss on your head.
His arms wrapped around you as the darkness of the room enveloped both of you, but that didn't even matter to him, not as long as he had you in his arms. The warmth of your body pressed against his lulled him to sleep along with the gentle scent of your silky hair.
Madara scoffed at how ridiculous this whole situation was. The man who lead the grand Uchiha clan, the man who could defeat tailed beasts with just his eyes... was defeated by the warmth and tenderness of your embrace.
"Madara", your soft and sweet voice like honey called out to him from the dimness of his sleep, successfully pulling him away from the reverie you had put him in.
He hummed unwilling to pull away from you, simply not wanting to let go of your warmth. His cold hands warmed with the touch of your back. His heart, which sometimes he felt stopped beating, now beat softly and so wonderfully against his chest, making him feel alive after not being by your side all day.
The soft touch of your hand against his cheek caused him to open his eyes, meeting your gaze that looked at him without any fear. Obsidian met the rich color of your eyes. Madara felt his chest flutter. Unconsciously he leaning his head more towards the warmth of your hand, trying to enjoy your touch as much as he could.
There it went again, his name coming out of your soft lips making his ears feel warm. He leaned in trying to meet your eyes. "Yes?"
"Wake up"
He remained silent for a moment, completely confused about what you meant. "What?"
"Please, wake up", you pleaded as your precious eyes were filled with unshed tears.
"I... I don't understand"
"Madara, please wake up, this can't go on like this"
"Madara... I'm dead"
"Please... wake up"
"Wake up"
Madara woke up from his dream.
Feeling again like a dead man longing for the warmth of a woman who was also dead.
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fluff and angst? yes please
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namelessuchiha · 1 year
baby blue dress — kakashi hatake x reader
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╰┈➤ summary: kakashi hatake had sworn he never wanted to start a family, when you win your way into kakashi’s heart, things begin to change.
╰┈➤ warnings: nsfw (18+), praise kink, breeding kink, mentions of kakashi’s past, creampie, pet names (baby, princess, daddy, etc)
read it on ao3
w.c: 3,060
kakashi had concluded in his adult life that he would never have children of his own. with growing up never knowing his mom and ending up losing his dad at such a young age. he knew he would never want to bring a child into this world to endure the same pain he still held in his heart.
he was turning thirty-two this year. although it was only spring time and his birthday wasn’t for another few months, it weighed on his shoulders slightly. those his age were married, having children. hell, even his students were starting their families.
yet every night upon returning alone to his small bachelor apartment, he relentlessly attempted to convince himself that he was content in life. that nothing was missing.
it was one day, when the cherry blossoms were at their full blossom, that he made his way through the marketplace in konoha. his eyes were glued to the book in front of him. a hand stuck out in front of his face, waving back and forth. “excuse me sir, i believe you dropped this!”
like honey, he had thought. that’s what your voice sounded like to him. enticing and sweet. as he lowered his book, questioning what he possibly could have dropped, your face came into his eye sight.
his eyes widened and eyebrows raised slightly as he took in your glowing form. a bright smile adorned your lips, a floppy sun hat laid on your head, and the prettiest blue sun dress hugged your body in all the right places. he was completely enamoured. he swallowed, realizing that his mouth had become dry, before speaking.
“dropped what, sorry?” he forced out.
you held out your arms, a bouquet of bright flowers held in your hands. he looked into your eyes questioningly, only to see your eyes twinkle.
“they’re freesia’s!” you had said to him, “you look like you’re in need of something to brighten your day. take them, they’re all yours!”
through pink cheeks he had thanked you, and continued on with his day. that night, as he stared at the vase he had bought for the flowers, he couldn’t keep his mind from wondering off the image of your smiling face.
for weeks in between scarce missions and visits with the hokage, he found himself subconsciously walking through the market again, secretly hoping he would run into you again.
it proved to be useless, as he continued being disappointed. he didn’t even know your name, a civilian he had run into by pure luck that had caught his eye. eventually, he gave up attempting to seek you out. 
it was one day, after a particularly mind-numbing day, that lady-luck decided to favour kakashi. he was walking back from a visit at the memorial stone of those he had lost. out of the corner of his eye he saw blue. not just any blue, but the blue belonging to that stunning dress he had seen you in weeks ago.
he stopped in his tracks and whipped his head around. it was you, in that same dress, as beautiful as the day you had pushed flowers in front of him. the same flowers that now sat wilting on his windowsill. he knew this was his one chance, and for some reason his heart strings tugged him in your direction. “hey miss!”
it was these moments that kakashi would later on define as the beginning of the end for him. as the two of you began going on dates and spending time together more frequently.
he found himself even more enamoured by you, learning about your life, your worries, your likes, and your dislikes. truly, it was all so mundane in comparison to the troubles and tribulations that bounced within his skull. but it was so refreshing to him, to speak to someone and forget that once the two of you parted he would be back to his shinobi world.
kakashi fell for you slowly, reluctant to open himself up to someone so pure and kind-hearted in comparison to his blood stained past. this was better than his icha-icha novels that he loved so dearly. he was scared, to lose you as he opened about his past to you.
but when your soft hands cupped his face after he finished speaking, reassuring him, he knew that he has fallen deeply and utterly in love with you.
it was you who had made the first move, after months of pining after one another. the two of you stood outside your front door, bidding each other goodnight after kakashi had walked you home.
“can i try something ‘kashi?” kakashi was sure that through the silence of the night you could hear how loud he gulped.
“yes.” he whispered, scared his voice would give away how badly he was shaking in anticipation for whatever you were about to do.
your delicate fingers slowly pulled down his mask, giving him the chance to stop you if he wished to. when his mask was dropped around his neck, your kind eyes flickered back and forth. taking in every detail of his face.
as kakashi began doubting himself, you were right there to catch him beforehand. “kakashi…” you said airily, “you’re so beautiful.”
as your lips met for the first time, kakashi realized that his books did no justice to this feeling. the feeling of your lips on him caused a weight to fall off his shoulders, and butterflies to erupt not only in his stomach but out into his entire chest cavity.
as seasons changed in konoha and the new year began, the two of you were moving steadily. kakashi’s things had slowly began appearing in your apartment, what started with his toothbrush had quickly turned into your home being littered with his things. you harboured no complaints. as kakashi spent more time in your apartment weekly, you danced around offering for the two of you to move in together. nervous of scaring off your now boyfriend. eventually kakashi announced that he was selling his apartment, which was his way of telling you that he was moving in.
over a year after the two of you getting together, his thirty-third birthday came rolling around. kakashi had woken up to an empty apartment. a note stuck out on the kitchen counter, alerting him that you had gone to work and that you would be home around 6. although he was never a fan of getting older, it stung him a hit that there was no mention of you wishing him a happy birthday.
he shuffled around all day in the apartment, having the day off. his eyes flickered to the clock every few minutes, counting down until you would be home. maybe you had just forgotten this morning.
when you returned home, you smiled at kakashi upon entering. your eyes trailed down at his loungewear and you frowned. “want to go get ready kashi? it’s monday, it’s our weekly date night and I am starving!”
‘so she really did forget it was my birthday…’ he mused.
he silently entered your shared room, changing into street clothes and leaving to meet you at the front door. he felt his heart skip a beat as he saw you in that damn dress. the one he saw you wear all that time ago. that blue dress. his thoughts silences as you smiled up at him. and as you intertwined your fingers together, he too forgot it was his birthday.
except you hadn’t. he fell into your trap as the two of you walked into a barbecue restaurant and you led him to a booth filled with his comrades and friends.
you had turned around and chanted “happy birthday kakashi!” along with the rest of the shinobi sat in the booths.
his cheeks turned pink at the attention as he scratched the back of his neck, “mahh— you guys didn’t have to do all this, thank you.”
as you slid in next to him in the booth, you began to profusely apologize about pretending to ignore his birthday all day, thinking it would ruin the surprise. all was forgiven to him, he knew inside it was something you would not have forgotten. since when did he start caring about birthdays anyway?
later on, after enjoying a meal alongside everyone, kakashi floated around mingling. eventually he ended up next to his two closest friends; gai and asuma.
barely tuning into what gai and asuma were chatting about next to him, he watched you from across the room. a wide smile adoring your lips, that not only lit up the room, but his entire life. on one hip you balanced kurenai and asuma’s child, mirai. feeling like someone was watching you, you glanced over your shoulder and smiled reassuringly at kakashi, blowing a kiss his way.
he felt his lungs stop functioning, his entire world stopped spinning and paused. his eyes played tricks on him, imaging you balancing a child on your hip that had white hair and your eyes.
gai and asuma trailed off in their conversation as they both eyed kakashi’s line of vision. they looked back at each other and chuckled to themselves.
“you okay over there kakashi?” gai spoke loudly, clapping a hand down on kakashi’s shoulder.
kakashi snapped out of his daze, blinking rapidly. “sorry?”
asuma laughed again, “you know, i swore to myself for years that i never wanted to start a family. especially as the years went on, watching my friends around me lose their parents. and then i lost my dad.” he paused, thinking. “but when kurenai told me she was pregnant, my whole perspective changed. now every night that we put mirai to bed, i wouldn’t change a thing.”
later that night, you could barely get kakashi through the door of your apartment without him ripping all your clothes off on the way up the stairs. eventually you had made it inside, shutting the door before being pressed up against it by kakashi.
you giggled as he parted his lips from yours, leaving a trail of wet sloppy kisses down the side of your neck. his tongue trailed a path up and down as he found your sensitive spot, making a moan slip through your swollen lips.
“what’s gotten into you tonight kashi?”
he stopped his ministrations on your neck and ground his hard cock up against your body. leaning towards your ear he whispered, “just need you so badly baby, been craving that sweet pussy all day.”
his wet lips engulfed yours once again, hands curling up into your hair. his thigh nudged itself between your legs, pressing up in between your legs. you whimpered into his mouth, the dress you wore rode upwards as your panties met his pant-clad leg. rocking your hips, causing your sensitive clit to receive some much needed friction.
kakashi pulled back, leaning his forehead against yours as he pressed his thigh up more into your soaking middle. “that’s right baby, fuck yourself on my thigh.”
his large hands trailed down and grabbed your hips, helping you rock back and forth on his thigh faster. moans and whimpers left your lips as your head fell onto his shoulder, unable to keep it up. “keep going, not going to give you this cock until you cum on my thigh.”
“k-kashi—” cutting you off, he crashed his lips down on yours again. letting his tongue slip in and tangle with yours, he continued rocking you towards your first orgasm of the night.
your hips began to stutter as your orgasm approached quickly. “mm— kakashi! gonna cum.” you babbled into his mouth.
“cum for me princess, and i’ll fill you up as a reward for being such a good girl.” he watched as your hips stuttered one last time before your orgasm crashed down on you. your hands gripped onto his shoulders tightly, throwing your head back against the door.
“that’s it, just like that. you look so pretty when you come undone, even prettier when it’s on my cock.” you moaned in post-orgasm bliss at his dirty words.
his hands wrapped around your bare thighs, picking you up effortlessly and carrying you down the hall into your bedroom. he set you down right before the bed. you raised your arms as he tugged your dress over your head, his clothes following suit.
your knees met the ground as you ran your hands up and down kakashi’s built thighs. your eyes met his as one of your hands began lazily pumping his hard cock. the tip was red and angry, pleading for release. precum dripped out from between the slit, you lolled your tongue out, flicking it along the slit to clean up.
his eyes tightly closed as he groaned when your wet lips wrapped themselves around the head of his cock. he grasped your hair with one hand to pull it back from your face. slowly bobbing your head, your hand twisting and pumping what you couldn’t fit inside your mouth.
you hollowed your cheeks out before deep throating his well endowed member. tears sprung to the corners of your eyes as you lightly choked. he pulled your head back, making you release his cock from your mouth with a ‘pop’ sound.
your teary eyes looked up to his flushed face, questioningly. “can’t have you keep going or else i’m going to cum in that pretty mouth of yours.”
helping you up onto your feet, his lips crashed down on yours once again, backing you up onto the bed. once you were laid down, legs dangling off the edge. kakashi broke the kiss and began leaving sloppy kisses down your body all the way to the hem of your lace underwear.
his mouth hovered over your wet mound as you whimpered, feeling his hot breath through your underwear. “please kakashi—“
he chuckled, fingers playing with the hem of your undies. “please what, princess? use your words.”
“touch me, touch my pussy please.”
he hummed, wasting no time by sliding your underwear off and trailing his tongue up your slit.
“mm— you taste so fucking good. sweet like honey.” he said before diving in and flicking his tongue violently against your clit. your legs immediately clamping down on either side of his head as your fingers fisted tightly in his light grey hair.
his long and dexterous index finger ran up and down your slit, as his tongue and lips continued sucking and licking on your clit. slowly and lazily he pumped his finger inside your pulsating hole. loud and breathy moans left your lips as your hips began thrashing around at their own accord. kakashi added another finger and began curling them upwards, finding that sweet spot inside of you only he could find. kakashi’s hips rocked against the edge of the bed, needing the friction against his member.
as your second orgasm began building up, kakashi stopped his assault on your pussy, causing you to whimper. “i-i’m so close!”
“wanna have you cum on my cock.” he rose up from between your legs as you slid yourself higher up on the bed, kakashi crawling overtop of you. his face still wet with your juices as his lips captured yours once again, tangling his tongue with yours so you could taste yourself on him.
leaning back, he pushed your legs up, bending them at the knees. you watched through half-lidded eyes as he dragged his thick dick up and down your dripping pussy. the rubbing of his head on your clit enough to drive you mad as you began begging him once again.
slowly, he slid it into your hot and tight pussy and pressing his body into yours. slowly, he began thrusting as deep as he possibly could, before dragging it back almost all the way out.
you gasped, “a-ah! kakashi, you forgot the– the condom!”
“gonna fuck a baby in you.” he breathed hotly in your ear.
your face flushed even darker, if that were even possible. kakashi had never said such a thing to you. he had said once at the beginning of your relationship that he had never wanted children due to his painful upbringing. every time the two of you were intimate he was sure to wear protection. however, unbeknownst to you, you had opened his heart to options he had thought impossible for himself.
“fuck yes— ah… kashi—“ he continued, beginning to relentlessly pound into your tired and spent pussy. your juices coating his inner thighs and the bed sheets below you.
“want to see you swollen with my baby, won’t stop fucking you every night until you are.” you moaned wantonly, feeling yourself clench around his unforgiving pace inside you. “g-god i can feel you tightening up when i say that. you’d like that wouldn’t you? want me to fuck my cum in you and breed you?”
his thumb had found its way between the two of you, rubbing your clit harshly.
“y-yes daddy! want to— god i want it s-so bad. please, please, please—”
you felt your toes curling as you threw your head back, orgasm washing over you suddenly and so violently that you saw stars through your closed eyelids. kakashi wasn’t far behind you, not with the way your pussy was gripping him so tightly and—
“—hah” kakashi let out a long moan as he pushed as deep as possible, coating your cervix with white spurts of hot cum. his chest heaved as he continued lightly thrusting deeply, thighs twitching from sensitivity.
his sweat covered forehead fell against yours as the two of you breathed heavily. minutes passed before he slowly lifted himself and slid his half-hard cock out from you.
he flopped onto his back beside you, staring up at the ceiling. post-orgasm clarity beginning to wash through you, doubt and nerves began creeping up your throat.
“do you regret that? we can always go to the store and get some plan-b, i-i, if that doesn’t work we can always—”
“i don’t regret it.” he cut you off, “i want to start a family with you.”
he laughed airily, turning on his side to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “you make me want things i never thought would be possible for me. i love you.”
you smiled, “well i hope they get your hair and your perfect face.”
a/n: suppose to be working on unrequited but my brain could just not work until this was completed. a bit rushed but hope u all enjoy 👉👈
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jiangyanlissidepiece · 7 months
We don’t have enough fics about Obito giving Kakashi his eye literally being a marriage proposal
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shisuisui · 6 months
Sparring friends?
wc: 1,3k, fluff, Shisui and Y/n are in their feels
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Age 15
At the Konoha training grounds, far from the tumult of the village, Y/n and Shisui were face to face, circling each other and ready to lunge at every moment. They both had one of their sparring sessions which usually ended up with one of them giving up to not hurt the other and them both sharing some sweets from a small local shop they visited often.
Both were determined to win. Shisui grinned and activated his Sharingan. “Hey, that´s not fair. No Sharingan!” Y/n shouted at him. “Life´s not fair love. You have improved a lot since our last spar. But are you sure you can keep up with the legendary Uchiha Shisui?" She had blushed at the pet name. For some time Shisui had started calling her pet names and she didn´t know what to make out of it. Love, darling, princess… they did not help her crush on her best friend. She had to focus.
Y/n chuckled, her hair shifting slightly as she adopted a combat-ready stance. "Don't underestimate me, Shisui. I'm not going down without a fight." He only flashed her his beautiful, charming smile, and with a swift, fluid motion, Shisui lunged forward, his kunai flashing in the sunlight. Y/n dodged it, her kunai ready in hand. Their blades clashed, each strike resonating with precision and skill. There was no way she could outsmart him with his Sharingan activated. She had an idea but didn´t know how he would react and if it was going to be effective. As they engaged in different attacks and counters, Y/n let out a flirtatious remark, putting on a slightly suggestive tone to her voice. "Is that all you've got, Shisui? I was expecting a real challenge." He countered all her attacks and managed to get a firm grip on both her forearms holding them in between them, trapping her effectively.
Shisui chuckled, their faces mere inches apart as they sparred. His face inched closer until he was close to her ear. "Oh Y/n, I have so much more to show you, of course only if you think you can handle it.” She blushed furiously and blew some smoke into his face, creating a cloud of dust and lighting it up with a click of her teeth. The cloud erupted in flames. At least she could blame her flushed cheeks on the flames in front of her.
He was gone. She slowly turned around, scanning her surroundings. Where was he? He was called Shisui the Body Flicker for a reason. With her chakra, she slowly created a chakra net on the floor which was spreading further and further. With it, she could track all the movements in her surroundings. They knew each other's techniques and strategies so well that their sparring sessions were as much a test of skill as they were a chance to enjoy each other's company. She found him. While checking her surroundings she sensed his chakra. His chakra signature was engraved in her brain. She would find him anywhere. And he knew it, which is why he was suddenly standing behind her, holding the kunai to her neck. Damn it he was fast! She turned her head, looking up at him and showing him the greatest puppy eyes she could muster while wetting her lips and pouting innocently. His gaze faltered. Y/n took advantage of that momentary opening and swept Shisui off his feet, sending him to the ground with a gentle thud. She stood over him, a playful grin on her face. "Looks like I win this round."
Shisui laughed as he lay on the ground, his gaze fixed on the girl above him. The sun behind her gave the impression of a halo around her head while she was basking in the orange light of the afternoon. He was mesmerized, to say the least. Why did it have to be her? Why did he have to fall in love with his best friend? He couldn´t risk this friendship. The Uchiha´s were already frowned upon by most of the villagers, and he couldn´t lose her. So, he just enjoyed every intimate moment he had with her. Tried to memorize every little mark on her face, everything that made her smile, what she disliked, and tried to not think about pressing his lips against her every time he was on the receiving end of one of those dashing smiles.
She held out her hand to help him up. An olive branch is being handed out. But Shisui, mischievous as he is had other plans. He took her hand in his and made a calculated move, attempting to bring Y/n down to the ground. With a swift motion, he lunged toward her, aiming to pin her to the grass. However, Y/n knew him very well and with her quick reflexes and agility, interjected his plans.
As Shisui moved in to execute his manoeuvre, Y/n expertly countered his attack. She deftly moved her body, using his momentum against him. In a fluid and graceful motion, she flipped them both over, and suddenly, she was on top of Shisui, pinning him to the grass. She was straddling his thighs, pinning his arms to the ground. And he let her. She knew that if he wanted to, he could´ve won easily against her. Now their faces were mere inches apart. Shisui´s Sharingan was still activated but his gaze softened as he met Y/n's eyes. "Impressive move darling, but do not underestimate me.” Sending her a wink he grabbed Y/n and used her own momentum to roll them both down a grassy hillside. They had reached a part of the training grounds that had a slope. Shisui and Y/n tumbled down together, laughter escaping their lips as they lost control. Shisui held on tightly onto her, his arms encircling her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck.
When they finally came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, Y/n found herself on top of Shisui again, but this time their bodies closely intertwined. Their laughter faded, replaced by a silence filled with unspoken emotions. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Shisui's Sharingan was like a swirling pool of mystery, drawing Y/n in. She was always fascinated by his eyes. Many feared the power of the red orbs, but she knew a different side. She knew of these red eyes trying everything to protect others. She knew of these eyes that had saved her countless times. And now she was so close to them. So close that their noses were touching. Y/n's eyes held a warmth and affection that was impossible to ignore.
A blush crept on Shisui´s cheeks mirroring Y/n`s own. The tension between the two friends was electrifying. They found themselves drawing closer and closer until their lips were only an inch apart. Shisui watched her carefully for any sign of discomfort. Seeing none he saw it as his cue to close the gap between them. “NIISAAAAAAAN! Where should we train?” Jumping away Y/n and both scrambled to their feet at the sound of a child´s voice. Faces red as a tomato they both watched how a little Sasuke came into view followed by Itachi. When Sasuke saw them both he immediately ran over. “Shisui-nii, Y/n-nee, look Nii-san will teach me how to throw shuriken today.” They both tried to sound enthusiastic while talking to Sasuke concealing their disappointment of their moment being gone. Shisui and Y/n knew what would´ve happened if the little Uchiha hadn´t disrupted them. They were going to kiss each other. And both wanted to do it.
Itachi the smart person that he is realised what was going on. Only raising an eyebrow while looking between Shisui and Y/n he chose not to say anything to not embarrass them further. Sasuke continued rambling and in the end Y/n and Shisui stayed to watch the lesson and occasionally voice their input. Neither mentioning what nearly happened.
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tozettastone · 4 months
Re: my Naruto OC [x, x]
Here she is, in an unedited version of how she learns to hate Uchiha Itachi
She had no name. The illusory shape she was currently inhabiting was a man called "Ryouta," who was a missing-nin of middling skill. He was tall enough and symmetrical enough to look sort of attractive if he cleaned up, but average enough to drop off the radar for most people. He was a kenjutsu master, which would pose an issue for her if she was required to actually engage in combat as him... but since her entire repertoire of skills was built up around the central pillar of avoiding combat, she felt that was pretty unlikely.
The real Ryouta was also off living his own life some hundred and ten miles away, deep in Wind Country, where his negotiations with clients formed data points for her research. His image was simply on... temporary loan.
Here and now, this image of Ryouta was following up on her favourite and very long term pet project: the outlier missing-nin, Kakuzu.
She strolled through the market that had popped up on the industrial outskirts of Rain. It was damp—it was always damp—and the place had been set up on a flat, hard-packed area that had gotten absolutely annihilated during the war by what looked like, perhaps, a lava flow? At its edges, aging electrical wires sagged, and hastily patched up buildings loomed, and on the far side the road went straight out to the river and apparently endless rice paddies.
Despite the setting, the little market was cheerful and bright. People called out to Ryouta as she passed through, calling for him to try their deep fried water bugs on sticks, buy their herbs, or marvel at their machine-woven cloth. Two children, under the watchful eye of an older lady selling jars of hot red chillies, were playing with sticks in the mud, stirring the water in their hand-dug hole as if it were a pot of soup.
Rain as a village was... interesting, from Ryouta's perspective. It operated under a system of benign neglect. That the governing body was presided over by an undead missing-nin and his angelic partner was kind of an open secret among the people who'd lived there long enough. And, historically, those two had chosen to address only violent foreign shinobi, two plague outbreaks, a food crisis, and actual invasions. They rarely intervened to regulate or support the population otherwise. Instead, the village had mostly divided itself into small neighbourhoods of ten or twenty families, and those families typically bartered and supported one another.
Such systems, Ryouta knew, only functioned because their communities were small enough that everyone knew everyone else's business: they kept their own informal tallies of what was polite and who owed what assistance to whom. This was also how such small communities managed crime so efficiently... for a value of "crime," that was defined very casually by whether or not most people found something acceptable, and "management," that stood for vigilante justice, of course.
Such societies became more and more alienated from the causes and effects of crime as they grew larger, until you had something like the Grand Court over in Fire Country, where people who barely knew each other committed crimes against one another and were given sanctions that held no relevance to the victims whatsoever. At that point, all crime was basically against the state, not really your neighbours...
It was a fascinating area of study, although it was not her specialty. Her area of study was more elusive, more secretive, and a lot more dangerous.
There was a shinobi walking through this market, and he was the real focus of her attention.
Hidan was an idiot, so she didn't have to try very hard to evade his senses as she tracked him. She just had to be careful she didn't get too close. Occasionally, he stopped to examine something, and then she stopped, too. Simple, right?
Really, her distance was more of a precaution against his personality than it was against his senses. He would never pick her out of a crowd, but he excelled at pointless, aimless violence, so it was possible that he wouldn't need to pick her out of a crowd. Would he act that way in Rain, where Pein and Konan watched over the population with a view to eradicating shinobi threats? Well. Ryouta wouldn't have chanced it... but Hidan rarely shared her risk aversion.
"That's so cool," she said, leaning over some of the ugliest jewellery in the world. Mostly it was insects trapped in amber, fancifully tied up in bright string to form bracelets. "Do you think my girlfriend will like it, Auntie?"
The lady's babble—of course she would, why, any woman would love a juvenile sand scorpion stuck in a fossil!—washed over her. She was paying more attention to Hidan, who'd stopped to buy a bug on a stick.
The shopkeeper gave him a second one for free. From this distance it was hard to say if he knew who Hidan was and was attempting to ward off death with food, or if Hidan was just kind of reaping the rewards of being beautiful in public. Either way, he looked at it, shrugged, and took it too, twirling the stick deftly between his fingers as he moved on. The fried water bug's legs wagged stiffly with its momentum.
"Ah, I think I should check with her before I spend money on it," Ryouta said regretfully. "What if she doesn't like it, and I can't get her something else because I spent all my money?" The stall lady did not, she noticed, hasten to offer a returns policy. "Thanks for your time, Auntie!"
It became harder to follow Hidan innocuously when he passed the edge of the market. There was no longer a crowd in which to immerse herself. Ryouta wasn't sure how they did it exactly, but she knew that she'd be heavily surveilled if she seemed suspicious. She could hide her identity easily, but it was harder to hide a developed chakra system... and someone might show up to chase her off. She'd been chased off once, as Chiriko, and it wasn't lost on her that the real Chiriko (a genin missing-nin from Sand who'd been part of her pay grading study) had died pretty shortly after. She didn't want that.
Luckily, being chased off once gave her plenty information to come back with a work around. She couldn't hide that she was somewhere in Rain—whatever surveillance technique they used was simply too good, or too large, or... she didn't know. But she could cast a broad enough genjutsu to confuse it. For several hours, she could be everywhere in Rain, all at once.
It was still risky, which was why she also paired it with an illusion that layered over her Ryouta mask. She was Ryouta, and over that, she was a relatively wealthy civilian lady she'd copied from the market, and over that, she was wearing a little seal carved into the back of an amulet, a low level genjutsu for hiding skin blemishes.
If someone—Kakuzu, obviously, because it wouldn't be Hidan—managed to sense her genjutsu, she could surrender the amulet, and that distraction would allow her to drop a little illusion over him, a veil so delicate he'd never even see it.
For anyone else, holding onto four separate genjutsu techniques all at once might be a challenge. But Ryouta had been a missing-nin, and, more importantly, a freelance criminologist specialising in missing-nin, for almost thirty years now. She would never attain half her data if she'd been unable to observe and record her subjects. And her subjects hated to be observed.
She'd been the best genjutsu master in Waterfall by the time she was twelve, and she had only improved since leaving that village.
She flicked a senbon at an urn of hot water to cause a little distraction. A child yelped in startled pain as the ceramic broke, and she took the opportunity to lift a cute brooch off a woman's lapel, because why not? And then she became the civilian lady as she passed through a narrow walkway between stalls, just as everyone was distracted by the broken urn.
She emerged from the market a foot shorter and much less threatening, clutching her bag to her side as she went. Her footsteps were quick and her eyes were cast downwards.
Hidan, ahead of her by two hundred paces, did not notice. He was gnawing a deep fried water bug leg, rolling the snath of his giant scythe on one shoulder so the blades twirled dizzily against the black and red cloud design of his Akatsuki cloak, and strolling along as though he hadn't a concern in the world.
A few years ago, she would have thought that he seemed not to notice and that he was playing a long game whose central goal was to drive her paranoid. But time and experience had given her more insight. Hidan really, truly, did not know when he was being followed.
She had, occasionally, seen Kakuzu point out other followers to him—not her, obviously—and usually with an air of faintly murderous exasperation. Hidan never cared. He was... extremely confident in his immortality.
She followed him through the dreary rundown village of Rain, keeping her distance and tracking him mostly by chakra instead of by actually watching him. His eventual stopping point took her, as she expected, directly to Kakuzu. He was an unmistakable character in the grey weather: tall, with powerful shoulders, bare arms shamelessly displaying Waterfall's old prison tattoos, and the most hostile chakra on the planet.
She knew pair would almost certainly end up in a nearby teahouse, because Hidan was a grade-a whiner and he couldn't be stopped by the paltry forces of death.
Ryouta—in her disguise as a civilian whose name she didn't know—gave the missing-nin a wide berth and ducked her head as she walked straight past the pair. If she predicted them well enough, and went into the teahouse before both of them, she would allay most concerns that they might be being followed.
Outside, the pair were having their usual reunion: Kakuzu a murderous little cloud of angry chakra, Hidan a loud, running commentary of his own exploits.
"Oh, here, I got free shrimp," Hidan offered.
"That's not a shrimp," Kakuzu growled.
She couldn't actually see Kakuzu's face as she was moving towards the back of the store, but his tone wasn't very promising.
"They're all just bugs," shrugged Hidan, slouching into his own seat and cramming it into his face instead. "Fried water bug, shrimp. Fried scorpion, shrimp. Fried yabby, shrimp."
Without any indication that this riveting conversation drifting in from outside concerned her, she flagged down the server for a pot of tea and settled inside the teahouse's main room with her notebook and pen, writing down the details of the date and time and location, was well as a little context from her prior observations.
Kakuzu was at least eighty six years old, by the records of his own village (which was once her village, so she came by the information honestly), so there was a lot to contextualise her notes. His career was really what had set her teenaged self on the path to a criminological study of missing-nin.
The thing about missing-nin was that they lived and died by their professional networks. They needed to form trustworthy interpersonal bonds to ensure they kept up to date with vital industry intelligence (gossip), to hear about new jobs, and to ensure they were negotiating their work at a reasonable market price. The stereotype of the lone missing-nin who trusted nobody was based on a real phenomenon, but rarely did it apply to successful missing-nin, where success was measured by longevity and professional achievements.
Missing-nin who lived like aggressive, paranoid hermits actually experienced lower life expectancies and poor mission outcomes, even compared to other missing-nin. She knew because she'd completed several rounds of observation, data collection and analysis to come up with the theory.
Her study had involved tracking and following thirty two missing-nin, careening across the continent at a breakneck pace, over a gruelling five year period. She would have loved to have expanded her cohort but she was, unfortunately, just one researcher doing extremely difficult and dangerous field work, and tracking thirty two people who had been trained to evade pursuit had been a massive outlay of effort on her behalf. Ten of them had been killed in the first year of her study (which was probably lucky for her), and then five had died over the subsequent four years. As far as it went, her social networking theory had held true for basically all of them. Missing-nin like Orochimaru and Momochi Zabuza, who displayed even inconsistently prosocial attitudes towards other missing-nin, were almost always better off over the five year period of her study.
Except Kakuzu.
Kakuzu was a really significant outlier. She'd been watching him for a long, long time.
He was successful, he had lived a long time, and he showed very little prosocial behaviour. A personal professional network had built up around him like the nacre of a pearl, with him the grit at its centre.
She had her theories about that, too. Kakuzu had got to be so old by borrowing time and chakra from others' hearts and becoming virtually indestructible by way of his kinjutsu, and it allowed him to outlive every one of his contemporaries. She had not been studying missing-nin back when he had become one, but the world had been quite different at that time—hidden villages had been only lately established in a much less stable professional landscape. It was possible that different traits had been more valuable in missing-nin at that time, accounting for his ability to establish himself in that era.
Then again, possibly they had valued exactly the same things. Perhaps if you only doggedly killed everyone who got close to you, and worked very hard to become functionally immortal, you would eventually build up a professional reputation regardless of your character.
She didn't know.
She did know that Kakuzu was within the top two per cent of earners across her study (assuming some room for error), and enjoyed a strong professional reputation among missing-nin and bounty collectors while going virtually unnoticed by the big five villages—even by Leaf, whose Shodaime Hokage he had once tried to assassinate. A clerk had simply decided at some point that Kakuzu must have been dead and removed him from their active records, was the working theory.
She tapped her notebook, outwardly preoccupied, as Kakuzu and Hidan finally came into the teashop. They didn't look at her, although they surely knew she was there. If they really wanted to talk about something secret, probably they would just tell her to leave. Akatsuki were in the employ of Rain, after all... technically. They could do that.
It may not have appeared likely to a casual observer, but Hidan was the person with whom Kakuzu was friendliest. His ability to bounce back from drownings, stabbings and decapitations gave him real staying power.
At first she hadn't liked Hidan. She'd been following Kakuzu for thirty years, keeping track of his absolutely absurd shinobi career, and initially Hidan had represented an intrusion into the private lifestyle she shared with Kakuzu. But he was not obstructive, and once she realised Kakuzu quite liked him, she'd come around on him a bit.
It was selfish of her, she later decided, to resent Kakuzu's young man. Besides, Kakuzu didn't know he was sharing his life with her—perhaps he was lonely.
They were a delight to watch from her quiet corner of the teahouse, really. Kakuzu acted so cold, leaning against the back wall, sipping hot water and grunting a disinterested counterpoint to Hidan's wild gestures and loud commentary. But she felt he was unusually tolerant and engaged, comparatively.
The pair appeared to be waiting for another pair of missing-nin. That was interesting, and lent further credence to the idea that the Akatsuki were centrally organised in Rain. Perhaps they even were Rain? She wasn't sure about the mysterious undead leader, but Konan would have fit right in with the rest of them...
Her observations really went pear shaped when the other two missing-nin walked into the tea house. Hoshigaki Kisame she was pretty familiar with, and he wasn't the problem. It was the other guy.
Uchiha Itachi swept the cloth covering the doorway out of the way with one hand, ducked into the teahouse, and immediately looked straight at her in her corner.
The worst part was, it wasn't as if he actually broke her genjutsu. There was no flaw in it, no place to apply pressure. Her genjutsu was good. Itachi just saw straight through all the visual elements of it with his unholy burning eyes.
He paused in the doorway and said, "I think you are not meant to be here," and then she looked him full in the face and fainted.
"What's your name?" said Uchiha Itachi, the moment she regained consciousness.
She recognised Kakuzu immediately, looking fierce over his shoulder. Hidan next, then Kisame. Really, Uchiha Itachi took her the longest to put a name to, of all of them. He had not been on her radar at all—as missing-nin, the Uchiha bloodline had seemed, unfortunately, too dangerous to include in her studies. And then he'd gone and killed them all anyway, which had seemed to make it a bit of a moot point in a representative sample...
She swallowed. He was waiting for an answer.
Who was she today? Where was she? She blinked rapidly. Teahouse. Sprawled on the table. Lying on her back, surrounded by looming missing-nin. Tea cooling on her belly, not yet cold. No sounds from the staff. Memory rose like bubbles in water.
"Ryouta," she said, finally.
Someone grabbed her by the hair—her REAL hair!—and shook her. "That's not a girl's name."
"Don't touch my fucking hair," she snarled, wrenching her head around. It was Hidan's hand buried in her glossy red curls. Of course it was Hidan. She snapped her teeth at his offending hand, close enough that he yanked his fingers back.
Itachi looked at Hidan, and for just a moment he seemed unable to hide his expression of profound disdain. That was interesting, she thought. Itachi clearly thought he was better than Hidan. Fair enough. So did she. But she would bet Hidan didn't agree with that assessment. She wondered if he knew?
He probably did know. Hidan was oblivious to his surroundings but he had strong interpersonal skills. He picked up on nuances in Kakuzu's behaviour that honestly shocked her.
She glanced between the two, thoughts racing, and then settled her gaze on Itachi. He was the most dangerous to her. She needed to pay attention to him, to be compliant with him, to flatter his ego.
"I haven't had a name in decades."
"I don't recognise her," Kakuzu interjected. She wished this was an opportunity to interview him. What he must remember! But it pretty clearly wasn't the time. "We'll get nothing for her head."
"Waterfall isn't shy about posting bounties. She must not be very important. A small fry, huh...?" Kisame mused. "Well, everyone likes to make a reputation somehow." This idea seemed to amuse him greatly. He showed all his sharp teeth when he smiled.
She knew quite a bit about Kisame, as he was another of her study participants. She had watched his missions and negotiations several times, following quietly in his wake of his large-scale destruction.
But Kakuzu's eyes had narrowed. "No. I didn't sense your genjutsu." He looked towards Kisame, who also shook his head.
If Kisame had sensed her genjutsu she would have had to quit her job. He had so much chakra she could have walked by his side, right in step, and hidden herself beneath its friendly shadow. He would never have known she was there.
Except, well, of course he would have, because now he was travelling with Uchiha Itachi, apparently.
Itachi had taken her amulet, the one inscribed with a vanity seal to hide skin blemishes. He peered at it for a few seconds, and then he looked up at her face again. The sharingan really were demonic to look at, black pinwheels spinning lazily against a red so bright it seemed to glow. The sky probably turned that colour at dawn on the apocalypse.
"I doubt she's a small fry," he said. He had one of those deep voices, the kind that didn't so much 'say,' as 'intone.' Each sentence a gonglike proclamation. Ugh. "What's in this?" He waved her notebook.
She clicked her tongue. "Notes. For my research."
"People who are lying—even shinobi—tend to have certain tells. Humans are naturally afraid of being caught telling falsehoods. Their sweat changes. Their pulse beats faster. They blink more rapidly. They change their rate of eye contact. My eyes can capture all these things. But you..." He tapped the notebook against his palm. "...do not have those tells."
"I'm telling the truth."
"Were you telling the truth when you said your name was Ryouta?"
She shrugged. "A truth."
Hidan scoffed loudly.
"What's the key?" Itachi looked down at her. "You can tell me, or we will discover it on our own eventually."
They would. It wasn't a very hard code. Her notes weren't really that secret. She published her work eventually. She just didn't want to get caught writing them, so she coded them, and then they could have been anything. Mission report. Love notes. Who knew?
With a deep sigh, she told him.
He thumbed through the book. At his level, it really only took him a few minutes to piece together whole sentences. Slowly, his expression changed from confusion to understanding to confusion again. This book wasn't especially important. It had only a few notes about the really big outliers from her most recent five year study, and the tally of negotiations at the back. She always tallied negotiations she saw—because every two years, she produced a record of mission prices for missing-nin, copied them by hand and pamphleteered in dive bars across the continent. Industry research was to be shared, after all.
"You observe a great many missing-nin," Itachi said slowly. He flipped back. Paused. "...A great many. A greater number than I would expect."
He handed her notebook off to Kakuzu, who buried his face in it immediately.
"Everyone needs a hobby..?"
Kisame snorted. "Some hobby."
"This might be the most boring thing I've ever heard," Hidan said, in a worrying tone of mounting dissatisfaction.
"She's been watching you, too, fool," said Kakuzu. That was kind of unfair: she only paid attention to Hidan because he was attached at the hip to Kakuzu. Otherwise, Hidan was another dime-a-dozen missing-nin, distinguished only by his little immortality trick. You got ninja like that, sometimes—incredible combatants who were really one trick ponies, but won all the time anyway because it was one hell of a trick.
"What!" Hidan yelped. "Show me."
"...What makes you think Orochimaru is pretending to be the Yondaime Kazekage?" Itachi asked then, distracting her.
"Ah... Well, he was part of the five year study. I'm just following up on outliers right now. He definitely killed Rasa, but I'm honestly not sure why he's pretending to be him. I theorise he's enjoying bonding moments with the Kazekage's children while wearing their dad's skin."
The bonding moments were genuinely pretty wholesome. That was part of the joyous cruelty of it, probably: Orochimaru didn't mind playing the long game, and he just loved to get a reaction.
"The five year study," Itachi repeated.
"I haven't published it yet. My recent work has been tracking the correlation between prosocial behaviour in missing-nin and professional success and longevity across five years. Orochimaru in particular has proven... erratic."
Kisame, who had stood back to loom behind Itachi, gave a rusty laugh. "Erratic, huh."
Kakuzu, though, had gotten to the back of the book—where her notes on pricing were.
"You," he snarled. He jabbed a finger towards her. "You write the cost list."
His chakra leeched like poison into the air, flooding them all with killing intent.
I am in danger, she thought, with every last squealing cell in her body.
"Ohh," said Kisame. "That."
"Who cares about that," said Hidan, scowling furiously. "She wrote that I'm an idiot!"
She probably wasn't going get a better opening than that. She flexed her own chakra.
"It's not like I'm alone in that opinion. Uchiha Itachi has been looking at you like you're an idiot for the last ten minutes."
Hidan sneered. "Nice try."
"She's right," intoned Itachi's deep voice.
His head snapped up. "What did you say?"
"That's a scary face," Itachi's voice mused. His red eyes spun faster. "Do you think you can beat me with just your skills, Hidan?"
Of course, Itachi himself actually did none of these things. But Hidan obviously did know what Itachi thought of him, after all, because he believed them totally.
Thank god.
She manufactured a sniffing noise from Kakuzu, which was as close as she'd ever heard him get to actually laughing. Hidan, she knew, valued Kakuzu's regard, and he was as close to having it as anyone ever had been. If she was right, thinking that Itachi had insulted him and Kakuzu was amused by it was going to hit all of Hidan's berserk buttons.
She was right.
Hidan lunged—and not at her, but at Itachi.
Which meant that the only person who was a real threat to her genjutsu skills was suddenly very occupied. Phew!
The room exploded into noise as everyone reacted to Hidan's sudden attack.
She pulled layer upon layer of illusions over herself as she rolled off the table, and then she hugged one of the walls, camouflaged like a chameleon, and darted away.
Getting out of Rain was her first priority. Then, she'd fix whatever Hidan had done to her hair—her scalp was still sore where he'd yanked on it, ugh. And then she guessed she'd write down what she remembered of her notes.
It certainly wasn't worth going back for them.
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rokuhatake · 1 year
New Year's Pt.2 18+
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Warnings: 18+ (no minors), inexperienced!reader, tiny bit of jealousy, oral (m&f receiving), pet names, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex (please be smarter than Kakashi & reader here), fingering, lil bit of choking, praise, lots of making out lol
A/N: Sorry it's late and kinda short, I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Word Count: 2.7 K
Who knew a first kiss could be so desperate, so full of need? You didn’t quite understand your feelings for Kakashi before, and you’ll admit that the alcohol led you here tonight – or morning, rather- but the way he kisses you has sobered you right up. You were drunk and silly for coming here, not even truly knowing the reason why, but now his hands are gently grasping your neck, and you’re opening yourself up for him. He wants more, and you’ll gladly give it. 
You become pliable for him while he gropes you. It feels like the natural thing to do, to allow him your body, your lips. It’s all his now, and he uses you expertly.  
His tongue is addicted to the taste of you, never once leaving your mouth while his curious hands explore your skin. Goosebumps chase after his fingertips anywhere he touches you, and he’s satisfied with how noisy you’ve become. He wonders...how many men have been able to make you feel this way? Jealousy takes the reins in his head, causing his grip to tighten around your throat.  
Much to your displeasure, he stops kissing you; but now you can view him in his full glory. You feel love-drunk, maybe a bit silly as well; you just cannot stop staring. The two of you share something intimate now. You share a secret, one he’s never given to someone else.  
“Did you wear this, hoping I would see it?” he ponders hotly while tugging at your tight dress. You nod with a sexy grin on your face. Impossibly, he thinks he’s fallen harder for you. “Fuck...” he draws out before pulling you back in.  
In a moment, his hands are groping you again, now with more urgency. He wants to peel that annoying dress off of you and worship your skin, adorning it with his love marks. He wants to hear how loud you can really be, and he especially wants to hear you call out his name. That’s the first goal, he thinks, to make you scream for him.  
His attention turns to your neck, particularly the spot that makes you arch into his embrace. Already, a dark mark has bloomed, and you don’t seem to mind; he thinks you might actually love it.  
As he makes his way towards the peak of your breasts, he feels your body stiffen ever so slightly, and he removes himself. “You okay?” His throat feels blocked, but he tries his best to sound soft with you. Your cheeks are warm underneath his fingertips, and he searches your face for emotion. You seem...nervous, and of course that rubs off on him.  
“What’s wrong?” He cups your face with such anxiety, you feel sad for him. “Nothing, nothing, I promise. I just uhhh...I dunno. I didn’t prepare myself for this...” He’s confused. Prepared what? 
“What do you mean?” He speaks softly, still caressing your face in his hands. You feel hot and slightly at a loss for words. That alcohol was not strong enough for this.  
“You know...I would have made myself look nicer if I had known the night would end this way.” He grins at you, modestly amused. You could have shown up in oversized pajamas, his reaction would be the same. The dress is lovely but only because it’s you who’s flaunting it.  
He leans into you, kissing the color from your cheeks. “You always look amazing to me,” he murmurs into your hot skin while leaving wet kisses across your throat. You can’t stay nervous around him, not while he’s complimenting you between kisses.  
“Anytime I see you...” he moves your hand to squeeze his crotch, “...you do this to me.” Your innocent look of surprise makes him stir in your hand. “I really could care less if you’re prepared, I always want you.” His voice is richer than you’ve ever heard, it sends shivers through your muscles.  
As if by instinct, his name drops gracefully from your lips; but before you can say more, he silences your voice with a sloppy kiss. You feel dizzy again.  
He can tell you don’t know what to do; your hand hasn’t made any movements of its own. Your only guide is his hand over yours, rubbing just how he likes it. He’s trying to make sure you’re comfortable, but it’s growing harder for him to maintain his cool composure while your hand grows more curious in its exploration of his body.  
Kakashi resumes his work on your breasts, groaning while he sucks onto the supple skin. Your grip is tight around his cock, and you whisper his name, “Ka-kashi...” It’s a desperate whine, and his body responds immediately.  
He’s too impatient; he’s waited long enough to have you, and now you’re here, in his arms with your hand grasping his cock. Why should he make himself wait any longer?  
Without a word, Kakashi gently nudges you towards the largest couch in his living room, never daring to stop kissing your skin. Once the cool leather touches your thighs, you plop down obediently; but he doesn’t join you.  
Kakashi has an idea...you can see it in that devilishly handsome smile.  
“Will you do something for me?” He requests softly while brushing a few loose strands of hair away from your eyes. You’re curious...you have no desire to deny him, so you nod enthusiastically. That seems to please him, and something within you burns with pride.  
He leans to place a chaste kiss upon your lips, then begins to unbutton his pants. Excitement pools into your panties...he wants to use your mouth. Kami, you think you may overheat.  
Once his boxers are removed, your eyes go wide. Surely, he can’t expect you to fit all of that down your throat. You sneak a glance at his face, only to find him grinning at you while he strokes his cock.  
“What’s the matter?” he cocks his head playfully to the side. “You’ve never sucked on something this big?” He reaches to caress your warm cheek with his free hand, still stroking his cock with the other. You shake your head ‘no’. “I’ve never...I mean-not even...”  
Kakashi’s eye widens. That can’t be possible; if he wasn’t about to fuck your throat, he might be annoyed with the obviously daft men of Konoha.  
“That’s okay, Pretty, let me show you how.” His thumb strokes your cheek while you move to the edge of the cushion. His erection is intimidating, too intimidating; you have to maintain eye contact with Kakashi while he moves himself closer to your mouth.  
“Now, just take the tip into your mouth...and start off slow.” He can hardly get the words out. Preferably, he would just take your throat then and there without mercy, but he won’t have you getting scared on him.  
Instead, he gently guides his cock towards your swollen lips, and you give him one more look before bravely taking him into your mouth, just how he instructed. The hiss he releases scares you, but his fingers tangled in your hair ensures that you can’t remove yourself. You look up to him, wondering if you did something wrong when you see the crimson of his sharingan glaring back at you. You moan around his cock, instinctively taking more of him into your mouth while you hollow your cheeks around the length.  
The idea of going down on a man had always made you nervous. Your sexual experience is already minimal at best, but no one had ever seemed interested in using your mouth. After tonight though? You can’t understand that anxious feeling.  
This is fun for you; it’s like your own secret experiment. You’re exploring what makes Kakashi noisy, and you’ve concluded that he loves the back of your throat. Anytime you push yourself to your limits, to where you’re gagging around his length, his eyes roll while incoherent curses spill from his lips. You want him to stop holding back, you can tell he is.  
Your eyes lock with his while you regress to more gentle sucking, and you whine around him.  
“What is it, Pretty?” He grins down at your messy face. Of course, you have no way to tell him what you want, so you place your hands on his hips, then push them towards you. This time, you gag harder than before, but Kakashi gets the hint.  
“Oh...you want me to use your mouth?” He bites his lower lip, dying to fulfill that fantasy of his. When you nod wildly around his cock, something inside of him snaps.  
Without wasting anytime, Kakashi tightly grips your hair and leads you onto his cock. He hardly gives you time to recover when you gag, he just sends you down the thick length again and again. You can’t help but lock eyes with him while he fucks your throat, and the sight almost makes him cum. He’s not ready for that.  
Suddenly, his cock is no longer in your mouth, and you’re panting while drool spills from your lips.  
“Come with me.” Kakashi’s voice is clipped while he pulls you from the couch and into his arms. He kisses you deeply before leading you to a closed door that you presume is his bedroom.  
Kakashi wastes no time now; as soon as your bottom touches the edge of his bed, he’s kneeling before you, sliding his fingers towards your damp panties.  
This is yet another act you have no experience with. You’re starting to think your prior “experience” is child's-play compared to this.  
“Kakashi...” you whisper. He hums into your hot skin. “I’ve never done this either.” Your words make him stop. Now he really is annoyed. How could someone completely neglect your needs, when all he wants is to devour you? He’s been hungry for you for years, and you gave yourself to men who couldn’t take care of you. He’s livid.  
He doesn’t say a word, only nudges your legs open for him so he can easily slide down your panties. Once he eyes your glistening cunt, his mouth waters. He won’t waste any time on words. He just wants to make you scream; and you do.  
His mouth latches around your sensitive clit and he sucks until you’re arching towards the sky while incoherently chanting his name. Just what he likes to hear... 
He smiles impishly over your folds, then eases a single finger into your dripping hole. You seem overstimulated from the added pressure; you’re shaking furiously, fingers grasping desperately into his silver locks. He tries to look at your face, but your head is thrown back into the mattress. He immediately doesn’t like that.  
“Look at me,” he demands. It takes you several seconds before you can obey him, but when you do, the image almost makes you cum. His sharingan is still glaring at you, and he looks gorgeous with his mouth on your cunt. Now, you can’t look away.  
“K-Kaskashi!” You pant. “I’m so close...” Your voice is barely audible, and he can see your eyes begin to close. For the first time, he slaps your thigh. “Don’t look away from me, Pretty, or I’ll stop.” His threat makes you whine, but of course, you obey.  
He pushes deep into you, deeper than before, and continues to suck on your clit. The stimulation is too much, and within seconds, you’re orgasming around his finger while calling out his name.  
He creeps up your body, slowly peeling the dress with him while he softly shushes you. Once your hips are bare to him, he leaves a trail of wet kisses on your skin, leisurely working his way towards your breasts.  
You lift your arms to allow the dress over your body, and he admires your choice to forgo a bra; it allows him to suck them into his mouth once they’re revealed to him.  
He thinks he’ll play with you for a bit, maybe allow you to gather yourself before he continues his rough fucking.  
You notice suddenly, Kakashi is still wearing clothes; you’re completely naked. A frown forms on your lips. “Why aren’t you naked?” You whine softly. The vibration of his laugh on your skin tickles.  
“How thoughtless of me,” he leans to place a sloppy kiss on your lips. “Let me fix that for you.” With a grin, he sits up straight and effortlessly removes this navy long sleeve. Though you’ve already had his cock down your throat this morning, you can’t stop the blush that warms your cheeks. He’s too sexy, in all of his naked, muscular glory. You don’t fail to notice the scars marring his otherwise perfect skin; and you silently promise to give them your full attention later.  
The way you blush for him pokes and prods at his impatience, he can’t keep waiting.  
“Can I have you, Pretty?” His hardened length slides along your folds while he nips at the sensitive skin of your neck. You don’t fully understand his question, so you give a safe answer, “You can have all of me, Kakashi.”  
He groans before nudging into you without warning; your words are wearing down his resolve.  
Even if he wanted to, you’re too tight for him to sheath his length in your cunt. He has to work just the tip in, over and over; he thinks you might cry from the teasing. Already, you’re begging him to fill you up.  
“Please Kakashi...” you pant for him. “Please stop teasing.” Your plea is weak, it’s not enough to satisfy his perverted desires.  
He continues to tease, even when he knows you’re aroused enough to take his cock. Until you beg properly, he won’t fuck you properly.  
“Tell me what you want, use your words,” he commands softly. You whine at first, but you’re not able to deny him.  
“I wanna feel you deeper...” He continues his torturous pace, still not satisfied. “Need to feel you deeper Kakashi! I’ve wanted you for so long, please don’t make me wait anymore.” Tears are hiding in the corners of your eyes while you desperately try to move your hips against his grip.  
Luckily for you, he’s finally satisfied. Actually, more than satisfied; he’s fucking elated. You’ve finally confessed to him, told him everything he needs to hear. He doesn’t waste a second before bottoming out inside of you.  
Pain shoots through his back from your tight grip, but he doesn’t let it stop him for a moment. He’s relentlessly pounding into you while he watches your face contort with pleasure. You’ve probably never had it this good, he thinks. He promises to change that forever.  
While grasping your face in his hands, he makes you lock eyes with him. “Tell me how long you’ve been waiting for this...tell me how badly you’ve wanted me.” He knows speaking will be difficult for you, he just wants to play with you some more.  
“I - Ah! Kakashi...I’ve wanted this, I’ve wanted you for so long.” He bottoms out inside of you, pushing as deep as he can. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve straddled my pillow, wishing it was you instead.” Impossibly, he quickens his pace, hastened by your confessions. “You’re the only person who’s made me cum without even being there.”  
It’s too much for him; while trying to overstimulate you, he’s overdone himself. He’s closer than he wants to be, and he's about to pull out before you lock your legs around his hips. “Please don’t stop,” you beg hotly. “I’m so close, ah! Please ‘Kashi.” Your babbling drives him crazy, and he’s too lost in desire to worry about not wearing a condom. If he was totally honest with himself, the thought only drives him wilder.  
Your orgasm shocks you, the intensity of it almost mind-numbing as Kakashi finishes inside of you. This sensation is addictive, you think.  
He doesn’t pull out, nor does he stop rocking into you. He’s surprised even himself; no one has ever kept his dick this hard. Like a man obsessed, he buries his face in your breasts, sucking roughly on the skin there.  
“I can’t get enough of you...” he confesses to your skin. “You’ve made me wait too long... I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop.” He grins devilishly at you. “Do you want me to stop?” He rocks deep inside of you, pulling a gasp from your lips.  
“Please...” you beg hotly. “Please, don't stop.” He throws his head back before pounding into you once again, fully intending to head your desire.  
He no longer feels guilt for missing your party; having his way with you, even after the sun comes up, is more than worth it.  
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honeybeedrabble · 7 months
Kinktober Day 10: Cheating - Sasuke x AFAB!Reader
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CW: Sasuke x AFAB!reader, cheating sasuke, guilt, sex pollen venom, dubcon (maybe ??), unprotected piv (don’t be stupid), multiple creampie (again don’t be stupid), oral (m receiving), overstimulation, rough sex at the end, breast play, improper use of genjutsu, mention of pricking reader with kunai to release genjutsu, lmg what i missed !!
18+ MDNI
You and Sasuke were sent out on a mission to capture a rogue ninja from just beyond the hidden leaf. There were sighting of her in the land of fire, so you two were scouted out for days, searching for the genjustsu user. Finally you two had tracked her location- more specifically you did. Sasuke had left you alone for only a few minutes when you were ambushed. The woman appeared out of nowhere throwing a kunai at you, which you were able to dodge.
“Thank god that pretty boy left you alone, I was nervous I wouldn’t get the chance to fight you!” She sneered. You lunged, weaving fire style hand signs- something you were told she was weak against. She gasped, getting struck by the small embers that emanated from your attack.
The genjustsu user was quick on offense, spraying a water style attack to combat your first move. Steam surrounded you, and you were alert, ready for her to pop out at any moment for whatever she had left. You could sense the enemy’s chakra behind you and when you turned around she sprang out. She was quick, but no match for your reflexes.
You grabbed her by the arm and threw her down to the ground, she crashed into the dirt with a grunt.
“SHIT!” She gritted through her teeth. You were about to land the finishing blow when suddenly you felt a vine creeping up your leg.
“W-What?!” You were shocked, rose vines growing from nowhere and tying you up, the thorns piercing your skin and where they had punctured you, you felt a burning sensation, far beyond just a simple wound.
“Earth style- roses temptation genjustsu!” She exclaimed. You fell back, the thorns creeping up higher and higher up your thighs. You felt your core tighten and your body temperature raise. You were starting to sweat, a painful arousal stirring in your loins almost immediately.
You heard you name being shouted from beyond the tree line. The genjustsu user swore, before making a break for it. You saw your comerade rushing into the scene, watching you writhe in lustful agony.
“What did she do? How did she hurt you?” Sasuke asked, kneeling down worried at your side. He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and you felt electricity through your veins from the simple touch.
“Ngh- AH!” You moaned loud. “S…She said it was a genjustsu…” You were able to make out. Sasuke grabbed a kunai from his side pouch, slicing the growing vines off of you and pricking you with the sharp tip to try and break the genjustsu. You let out another moan, thighs clamping together tightly. Sasukes eyes widened, he swallowed deeply, you watched mesmerized as his adams apple bobbed up and down before he licked his lips.
“It… It’s not working. It hasn’t broken…” You whimpered, feeling a drop of arousal coat the inside of your panties. The sensation alone was enough to have you arching your back. “S-Sasuke…” You gasped, writhing in the fluffy grass.
“I-I don’t know what to do… Ive never seen… this kind of genjustsu before!” His face was red, and he clutched the kunai tightly. “I’m going to find her and force her to break it-“
“No! D-Don’t you dare leave m-me like this…” You said with fear. “Sasuke I need your help… P-please. It hurts…” Tears ran down your eyes, your hand rested on your breast as you played with it to release some tension. You moaned, biting your lip and looking up at the Uchiha man through your eyelashes.
Sasuke couldn’t deny he was at least slightly aroused by your lewd display, begging him for “help” which he knew meant was to fuck you. He watched you cry and thrash against the ground, your face red with embarrassment while you were at your most desperate with carnal desires. His comerade was in trouble- how could he deny her the help she needed?! Especially when you’re in oh so much pain… The guilt sat heavy on his mind, needing to fuck his partner while his wife was at home worried about his well being.
Before he could make up his mind you got up and pounced on him, bringing him to the ground. He gasped, feeling you grind against his erection between both your layers. You moaned, the feeling of his hard member against your pained clit was a relief like no other. Watching his face redden while you were on top of him only turned you on more. He let out soft sounds, his hand resting on your waist as you rolled your hips into him.
“Ngh- i-it’s just a genjustu. It’s all in your head, you have to fight it!” Sasuke stammered, although his hips rutting back against you was telling a different story.
Pins and needles were all over your body, your cunt was aching to be filled by him- you needed to feel the stretch of cock on a carnal level, tearing at his shirt, crying through the pain of your animalistic craving.
“It’s doesn’t feel like one…” you huff, his shirt coming off and revealing his muscular abs. Sasuke sat up, his hand coming off of your waist and tangling in your hair.
“You… we… need to fight it…” he said softly, face inches away from yours.
“I can’t think straight Sasuke… I need you.” You closed the gap, lips crashing into his own. He didn’t follow his own advice, tanging his tongue with yours the second he was able to slip past your lips.
You pulled your shorts off, then reached for his pants and unbuttoned them, zipping his zipper down and tugging his boxers waistband to the side. His cock sprung loose, his angry red tip lathered with precum. You bent down and shoved him down your throat, he grunted, pulling your hair.
You shoved him down the back of your throat, playing with your cunt from outside your panties. You felt your slick seep through, making your fingers slippery. You used that hand to fondle his balls, starved for his cum.
“Ngh- ahh- shit. It’s t-too much… I… I can’t…” He whimpered, shooting a fat load into your mouth. You gratefully swallowed, playing with your pained pussy to release the tension. The heavenly taste of his salty spend on your tongue was enough to have you seeing stars, plunging your index and middle finger into your weary hole, pulsing around your fingers.
You kept sucking, his legs twitching as you sucked him dry and then some. His eyes began to water, moaning your name to you in the forest. His mind was racing, thinking about Sakura, wishing she had this kind of a mouth on her. He felt awful, drooling over the feeling of your sloppy sucking and comparing it to that of his wife. He felt even worse, knowing yours was better.
“I- oh fuck,” He stammered, eyes threatening to roll back. “I-Is that it? Is it over?” He asked, pulling you off his dick, watching you lick your lips. You shook your head.
“It’s worse now,” you blubbered, face red. Your eyes were still full of tears, a pained expression on your face. Sasuke wanted to help you- really- but he felt awful at the idea of fucking you.
“I know, I know. I’ll do the work, just please Sasuke! My fingers can’t get the job done, it’s hell! My skin feels like it’s burning.” You threw your compression shirt off, tits spilling out. His eyes were fixed on them, you felt his cock harden underneath you again.
“Make it quick…” he muttered, licking his lips.
You quickly mounted him, stuffing his girthy cock into your sopping hole, moaning loudly as you took him balls deep. Sasuke grunted, ashamed of his reactions as he twitched inside of you. You rocked back and forth on him, clit brushing up against his dark hair and your jaw hung loose as you coated his loins with your arousal.
Sasuke stifled a moan, watching your tits bounce up and down as you rode him. He attached his lips to your hard nipple and you cried, pushing his head deeper into your breasts. He licked at your tits, silencing his groans into your chest, embarrassed he was so sensitive from a woman who wasn’t even his wife.
“FUCK! Y-yes sasuke! M-More!” You yelped, feeling your core tighten as your thighs shook.
You came desperately, choking his shaft with your velvety walls as you leaked on his lap. Sasuke moaned, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead while you pumped yourself on him, using his hard cock like he were a simple toy. It was too much for him, he shot hot spurts of cum deep inside of you, your toes curled and you clamped you eyes shut, feeling the euphoria from being so unbelievably stuffed.
It was so perplexing, never had Sasuke been fucked so desperately, this type of sexual energy he wasn’t used to and all he could do was curse himself for enjoying it so much.
He panted, falling back, hitting the ground with his spine as he waited for you to get off of him. But you didn’t. You sat on his cock, breathing heavily with your hands splayed on his chest. While you felt slightly better, you were still at the mercy of your arousal. Sasukes eyes shot open as you slowly started bobbing up and down his shaft again.
“W-What? That’s not enough?” He asked shocked, brows furrowed as your hips rose and fell back against him.
Your eyes were still red, face scrunched into a tortured grimace, teeth gritting as you kept at it.
“N-Not even close.” He let out a whimper, biting his lower lip as he watched his sticky cum leak out of you and stick to where your sexes met, stretching into a stringy mess when you came off, just to pool again when you came down on him.
He threw his head back, hips thrusting into you against his will, diving his overstimulated cock into your tight, wet cunt, bottoming out with a shudder each time his tip hit your hilt. He grabbed one of your tits, thumb rolling over your nipple eliciting a growl from deep within your gut.
You threw your hands on the ground, one on each side of his head. You began to ride him faster, sounds of moans and the slapping from your wet skin on eachother filling the woods. He cried out your name panicked.
“Please! I cant… oh god…” Sasukea legs twitched, hips hitting the grass as he lost his energy.
“Sasuke, m’so sorry,” you mewled. “I’ll be good, just let me do this.” The stretch of his cock nestled deep inside of you felt too good to be true, scratching the itch deep inside of you.
“Soooo…. g-good…” He moaned, regretting his words. This was wrong… he knew it was. Balls deep in his sexy comerade, Sakura had no idea. The worst position to be in, yet the best position to lay down and take some wet pussy after a lengthy mission.
“F-Fuck!” You cried, ripping out a few blades of grass while your assed bounced on his cock with fervor. Soon enough you were a moaning mess, cumming around his member with passion. Sasuke thrashed, feeling you tense around him again. He was so tired, he couldn’t cum again, but the scene was so erotic he felt like he would’ve right then and there if it wasn’t for your appetite.
The burning was back and you screamed, tired of the poison that was seeping through your veins, the poison that made you a cock crazed lunatic. Sasuke was tired too, more so than you. He knew whenever he fucked Sakura next that he would be thinking of this- thinking of you. In the heat of the moment, watching your fucked out face produce a gut wrenching scream he decided that if this moment would fuck up his life forever, he would make it worth it.
Sasuke quickly got up, throwing you to the ground with this powerful arm and grabbed your hip with it. Your eyes widened, watching him lower his pants further before grabbing his cock and parting you in two with his smooth tip. You yelped, scratching his back as he finally gave you the sensation you needed.
“Ngh- GOD YES!” You cried, his dick was pumping in and out of you with an almost violent vigor. He fucked you the way he wouldn’t treat his wife, grabbing your tits and slapping them while he pummeled you. It felt amazing, you propped your head up, watching how his cock disappeared inside of you, only to bulge in your stomach the moment he reached your hilt.
“Fuck- So fucking good….” It came out as a whimper, then an animalistic groan when you threw your hips into his, meeting him whenever he thrusted inside of you.
“Thank you Sasuke, your cock s’fucking good,” tears rolled down your face again and he smirked, licking them off your face before spurting another load inside of you with a throaty groan.
Finally the pain was over, you laid there a fucked out mess unable to think straight- unable to think about the mission. Sasuke buttoned his pants and sat there next to your shirtless with his head in his hand.
“Shit…” He sighed. “Let’s promise to keep this out of the mission report, okay?”
Tag list: @fuckmachine42069 @pasdasin @alien-girl-violet
Next: Day 11 - Pet Play - Kiba X Reader
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leewritestoomuch · 1 month
Reactions to gf wanting to peg them hcs for any naruto men you want? 😋
Naruto Men’s Reaction to GF wanting to Peg Them
WARNING: NSFW. Pegging/anal mentioned.
Characters: Itachi, Kakashi, Rock Lee, Neji, and Gaara.
Update: for clarification, nobody on this list is a dead set no on purpose. I purposely avoided men I think would not even consider.
Itachi Uchiha:
You want to WHAT?
Okay he’s shocked at first. Like he thinks it might be a joke.
But once he realizes you’re serious, he’s hesitant.
He’s not completely against it, but give him some time to think this over. He’s not sure how to feel, and admittedly, he’s a little scared.
He’s never really considered the idea of anything related to butt stuff.
He’d probably give it a try, but you gotta be gentle and slow.
Kakashi Hatake:
He straight up says no at first.
Like haha, no.
But I think it’s less the fact that it goes up his butt, and more the fact that he doesn’t want to get fucked. Like he wants to be in control.
So in order to peg him, you’d have to first get him warmed up to the idea of you being in charge.
I can totally see him liking it and like round about asking to do it again.
Rock Lee:
Easiest to convince without a doubt.
He might be a little frightened about how it’ll hurt, but he’s strong, and he knows that.
When you first suggest it, he blushes BRIGHT RED.
But he’s fairly game to try it.
He’s easier to convince because he’s mostly submissive towards you. So the next time you guys go at it, you’ve got him prepped and ass up for you.
He’s going to ask you to do this more often.
Neji Hyuga:
You wanna put WHAT???? WHERE???
In his ASS???
I have like this hc that sexually, he’s lost as hell. Like he was sheltered or something. Comes with the overly traditional mindset he’s had.
He didn’t really even think they made something to do that… so needless to say, he’s appalled.
This would be something he’d say no to at first, but find himself fantasizing about until he comes back to you about it.
He’s a bit of a switch, so he’s not too concerned with letting you fuck him. He’s been warmed up to that idea already, even if it was harder at first.
Hear me out: he’s game.
I think Gaara would be so infatuated with you, and so grateful for you, that honestly, he’d likely give anything you come up with a chance because he trusts you.
You said you’ll make sure he’s comfortable. He trusts that. Completely.
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bridgetotheskyyy · 1 year
Tumblr media
summary: Deidara meets a superfan
warnings: Smut, 18+, rough sex, choking, pool sex, reader has a bit of a description, reader is complex, mentions of killing
word count: 6.9k
a/n: I had this idea shortly after conceptualizing Apprentice and while I was, like 70 or 80% done with that fic. And now we have this fucking 7k monster. I consider this to be a spiritual successor to Apprentice, maybe a oppositional series of events even? Idk, you decide lol. There are even some similar words and wordy allusions that you may catch haha. Hope you enjoy!
read on ao3 here. (recommended for extra notes)
Kisame’s wicked cackles reverberated across the cavern walls, summoned from the pit of his stomach; Deidara was sure he would pass out sooner rather than later. 
“It seems,” Pain began, eyeing the sculpture in the center of the room, “you have an admirer, Deidara.” 
Deidara’s brow twitched as a blush snuck across his face. His eyes roved over the sculpture ― the naked sculpture.
Tobi threw up his hands in laudation. “It’s so pretty! ”
Kisame laughed harder ― if it was possible. 
“I have taken it upon myself to apologize to (Y/n),” Pain continued over the cackling. “She’s one of our main contributors, after all; we would be amiss to upset her.” 
“When …” Deidara’s brow held a life of its own, “... did she send this?”
“No clue; I had Kisame retrieve it,” Pain explained. “Apparently, we sent the wrong member to entertain her.”
Kisame’s hand hugged the wall. “You’re damn right! ” 
It was as subtle a joke as could be achieved by Pain and it still wasn’t funny. Deidara’s eyes had not once left the sculpture since Pain had signaled for his attendance, saying it was of the utmost importance he appeared. One arm yawned out to the sky while the other snaked around and brushed against the meat of the breasts ― your breasts. One leg stuck out before the other, the fat of the thigh attached concealing the womanhood. 
Your womanhood. 
Both futile attempts to afford the piece some decency. Futile, Deidara guessed, was the point. It was coquetry. A shameless attempt at flirtation on your part. 
And just in case Deidara was too dense to get the message, you’d taken it upon yourself to leave him one, attached to the foot of the sculpture’s dais:
Hello! Please deliver to Deidara. Thank you.  
It even had a smiley face after the period.
Deidara balled his fist. 
What. The. Fuck.
“(Y/n) must be an incredibly beautiful woman!” Tobi admired the piece with fascination, a sparkling heart encasing his eyehole. “Look at the face, and the hips, and the feet ― ”
“Tobi!” Deidara was beet red. “Shut the hell up!” 
“Deidara,” Pain spoke again, unfazed by the cacophony. “I’m sure you’ll be undertaking a journey west? Since (Y/n) has clearly requested you specifically.”
Deidara’s eyes yo-yoed between their leader and the monstrosity of the naked sculpture. He debated it. Of course, all while fantasizing about shoving explosives down the laughing fishman’s throat and turning him into a pile of sardines. 
Tobi can taste one himself, while I’m at it.  
“What?” Irritation bit Deidara’s tone. “We’re fucking prostitutes now?” 
Pain raised holographic brows. “If it ensures peace, then yes.”
Deidara’s mouth dropped. The audacity of it all. How much was he expected to take? 
“We’re waiting, Deidara.”
A pause. He was no fool. This wasn’t a request, it was an expectation. 
“Fine,” Deidara sighed irritably. “I’ll go, all right?”
“You better,” Kisame said, at last recovering from his fit. “Better get those high heels out and start walking the streets, too!”
Deidara was ready to draw blood ― 
“No need to be crude, Kisame,” Pain’s backdropped against another fit of raucous laughter. 
Says the man who puts a naked STATUE in the room.
“ Honestly, ” Kakuzu spat. “Do the rest of us have to be here for this?” 
“I second that!” Hidan said with relief, “Finally, something we can agree on. ”
“Of course,” Pain said. “You were here in the event Deidara tried to refuse.”
Deidara ignored them all. He gave the sculpture one more scan before swallowing dry and awaiting the end of the call. He could not believe your gall. You were so … brazen . A simple love letter couldn’t have sufficed? No? A naked ― What the fuck was the matter with you?
Still, he was … intrigued. Curiosity was a hooking finger, beckoning him forth. Was that really … your body? Your lips? Your thighs? Your …
Deidara swallowed dry again, his tongue sticking to the top of his palate.
He’d go to the village and put an end to your games. 
And maybe …
He wouldn’t let himself go there ― even if his treacherous mind was wandering already.
You sat in your museum of sculptures, head tilted up against the gods you had crafted.
The door creaked open.
“I just received Pain’s crow,” your assistant’s voice rang. “Deidara should arrive in another day or so.” 
Stars were in your eyes but you kept your back to her. “Great!”
Your grand plan relied on whether or not Pain, mysterious leader of the Akatsuki, was morally bankrupt enough to hoe out his members. At any point you could’ve been rejected with your sculpture returned swiftly to you. But it worked. You were thrilled. The first part of the plan had succeeded. 
You were going to see him again.
Your assistant’s footsteps tapped repeatedly over the polish floors upon which you now sat. 
“Hmm.” Doubt deflated some of your enthusiasm. “Do you think it was effective enough? You know, for him?”
Your assistant huffed incredulously. “What? Just because Deidara’s a shinobi means he’s immune to pussy? C’mon. You’re not one of those types that thinks all shinobi are noble and stone-faced, are you, (Y/n)-sama?”
  As if. You guffawed. Nobility wasn’t the issue; hundreds of people scoured the red light districts for carnal game. You told your assistant as such. 
“At least seventy percent are shinobi searching for quick thrills,” You joked. “If my math’s correct, anyway. It could be higher. And I know any one of them would be more than happy if a girl simply threw herself at them without need for reimbursement. But still …” You trailed, gaze tailing down the hardened clay of a kimono-garbed sculpture. “I only wondered. It’s been a long time since … I don’t know how dedicated he is to his little terrorist group, is all. He might not be as amused.”
“You answered your own question, ma’am,” your assistant said. “And even if he wasn’t a shinobi, he’s a man. It’ll go down without a hitch! You worry too much.”
You nodded. She was right: despite the years, you wanted to speak to Deidara in his language. Art. How could he resist such an enticement? How could any man, but especially Deidara, due to the manner in which you had sent your little gift. “Okay. Part one of the plan: Complete!”
“What’s the rest of the plan exactly?” You heard the pat, pat, pat and knew from your many years with your assistant that she was thumping her clipboard against her head. “Dinner? Walk on the beach? Or just … Fucking?”
Your smile was evil. “Yes.” 
You held Deidara in your mind’s palm. Blonde hair, gorgeous face .. . One of the most admired artists in Iwakagure ― no, the most. For  could rival Deidara? Even your knees wobbled in the face of his raw talent, even years later. He was still revered in the art community. Of course, his name grew to possess more notoriety than reverence when he started blowing up things ― and people. But, hey everyone was flawed. 
It was only when he went rogue and abandoned the village did you start your own search for him. Years passed and then … reports of a long-haired, blonde shinobi with profound arsonry acuity. Rogue. Affinity for birds.
Your giggle was shamelessly girlish. “I’d love to woo him.”
Your assistant chuckled. “Aaand you’re not the slightest bit afraid of him? I mean, with all respect, (Y/n)-sama, he’s a criminal. He’s an arsonist. ” 
You licked your lips. “Love me a bad boy.”
“Right,” she said with a chuckle. “Forget I said anything.” 
“I will. Now, let’s get ready.”
“We’re going to see the girl with the pretty feet, aren’t we, Senpai?” 
“I told you to shut your mouth, Tobi.” 
Deidara’s taller partner buoyed from foot to foot as he tailed behind. Deidara didn’t want to think about your body ― your incredibly artful body, artful in more ways than one … 
The sun crept from the sky as it vivified the color of peachskin. Deidara’s eyes darted hither-thither, collecting information. It was all he could do to not summon one of his explosive birds and fly over this entire, forgotten village. The urge to set it ablaze and go home was immense. A part of him had wanted to make such an entrance, but prudency would never allow it. 
Nor would Leader.
Deidara turned back to Tobi just in time to see him pose, a hand visoring his visible eye while the other landed on his hip. 
“Leader said the pretty naked lady would have someone waiting for us,” Tobi said. 
“Hm,” Deidara said. It was true; they would wait for someone to escort them to you. Until then, they remained lost in one of the village’s districts. The streets were alive with noise and peopled with busy folk. Deidara could tell the amount of businesses actually open were sparse.  Pain had called you one of their main contributors … She must be a big wig to have people doing her dirty work for her. Just who were you? And how were you so familiar with him to send such a thing to the Akatsuki headquarters? 
And if you were so rich, why did you squalor in the dirt with the likes of those in this village?
Thoughts bubbled in the back of Deidara’s mind― 
“Hey …!” 
Outside of a food stall a woman eyed them, holding a curtain back with manicured nails.
Bingo . 
“Tobi,” Deidara gestured. “C’mon.” 
“Okay, senpai!” 
Deidara neared the food stall.
The woman ticked her head to the side with a smile. “Enjoy your gift?”
Pink colored Deidara’s cheeks.
“So, you’re escorting us, right?”
The woman backed away to admit them into the food stall, where the people inside, dining on bowls of ramen and mackerel were too engrossed in their meals to notice the cloaked men enter. 
“You got me,” she winked. “C’mon.”
The woman led them behind the bar, where they slinked through the backdoor into the alley. 
“Don’t need anyone asking questions about the cloaks,” she reasoned. “Surprised you didn’t think of that, Oh Great Deidara of Iwakagure.”
“Of course I did!” Deidara said. “I look stupid to you?”
“No,” the woman’s eyes roamed on Deidara now. “You look cute . My mistress really didn’t lie …” 
Deidara averted his gaze as the woman snickered. Tobi gawked. 
“Does lady think Tobi’s cute, too?” 
“Uh,” she blinked. “Sure.” 
Tobi twirled with a squeal. Deidara rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever,” Deidara said. “Just take us to meet her, all right?”
“Sure …” the woman said. 
They traveled through as street lights blared to life, the sky a bruising purple as evening descended.
“I only wanted us in there to help us blend in a bit,” she guided them through the streets. “I hope it wasn’t too troublesome getting here.” 
“We can care for ourselves,” Deidara said, prickly. 
“You don’t have to be so defensive,” the woman said. “I’m just making conversation.”
“I said don’t worry about it,” Deidara snapped. “So … who is this woman? This mistress of yours?” 
“I’m one of her many assistants, yeah,” the woman said, leading them down a dark street, made darker by the light of day dying faster. “I started working for her years ago. I was so amazed by her art and so intimidated by her talent, I didn’t think she’d accept me. But, surprise surprise.”
“Yeah? So how she so rich? She sell her art?”
“Exactly! People come from all over the world to see her exhibits. She brings so much tourism to this ragtag village. She doesn’t even keep her wealth to herself; she donates so much. She should be much richer than she is! She’s a saint, really.”
So she donates to the Akatsuki, the deadpan of the thought laid flat in his mind. Deidara was silent, tailing shortly behind her. Some saint.
“You called me Deidara of Iwakagure.”
“ … Yes, I suppose I did.”
“So … Your mistress … she knows where I’m from.”
The woman was silent now as she led Deidara and Tobi down street steps to a quieter street, nearly bereft of people beside the occasional deadbeat smoker. 
“She from there, too?” 
Deidara went unanswered. 
Hm, so I’m on to something, Deidara noticed the buildings growing taller, treeing up as the raucous of the village slipped away. They traveled further south. Maybe Pain’s got this wrong; maybe this girl’s a fucking black widow and wants revenge on me for something. Figures, he’s sure he’s broken a few hearts in the past he’d long since forgotten about. But then … Why would she donate so much money to our organization? She clearly believes in it.
“We’re here,” the woman-assistant said.
Deidara raised his head ― and kept raising it. 
Shit . 
The mansion was immaculate, easily the tallest of all of its sisters. Its main building was flanked by towers with onioned tips and was encased in a giant garden, all of it shielded by a surrounding wall. 
Deidara stared, bug-eyed.
The doors to the gate’s entrance burst open and a gaggle of girls filed through. 
“They’re here ―!” 
“Ooh~! there’s two of ‘em!” 
“Mistress will be so pleased!” 
Girls stood star-eyed at Deidara while more hugged themselves to Tobi’s arms. 
“Tobi likes pretty girls!”
“We’ll entertain the other one,” the woman-assistant said with a wink. “You just follow us.”
The woman-assistant led them in where the cult of girls drove Tobi away laughing and giggling. 
“This way,” the woman said. 
Deidara followed her, looking around. From the inside, the mansion opened up like some grand palace from myth, folkloric and mysterious. Columns shouldered the brunt of a ceiling that raised into the darkness. The floors were illustrated scenes from what Deidara recognized as actual myths. Valiant samurais rescued princesses with flaring kimonos, dragons ribboned down hallways. The scenes on the walls diverged from the ones of nobility beneath them, were lavish with depictions of wild courtesans and … 
Deidara blushed. 
Begrudgingly, he had to admit you did have taste; the art was a lot, but wove together into one cohesive masterpiece. The hallways the assistant led him down were flanked by vases winking with sheen and overflowed with bell flowers, roses, sunflowers. The hallway widened into a foyer. Something winked in Deidara’s peripheral and when he looked upward saw that the ceiling domed into a orb of glass, giving way to the first few blink of stars. 
He had entered the lion’s den for sure.
“ Deidara … ” 
The sirenic voice compelled his head to a foyer alcove where a figure shrouded the threshold. 
His eyes widened. 
(E/c) eyes glittered at him. Long legs supported swaying hips. Elegant cleavage sinking into a familiar mound of breasts. Delicate hands, hickey-worthy neck … 
And lovely ― and lovely … 
Inwardly, he sighed, defeated.
The naked sculpture colored Deidara’s memory. 
“Deidara!” You parroted in awe. Your expression shifted as you came to smolder at him. “In the flesh. And just in time for dinner.”
Your kimono waterfalled as you left the alcove. Deidara gulped, speechless as you sauntered to him.
“It ―” Deidara’s cheeks grew hot. “It really is you …” 
“It really is me …” 
Your woman-assistant's eyes tennis-balled between you and Deidara before bowing respectfully. “I’ll give you two some privacy.” 
She hurried away down a different alcove. 
Deidara shook his head in a desperate attempt to reclaim his senses. Fucking hell, Dei, get a grip.
“So,” he cleared his throat. “I ―”
“I still can’t believe you’re actually here,” You began to turn, “Let me show you ―”
“Wait, I think we should discuss monetary terms first,” Deidara said in a futile attempt to hold some ground over the woman. 
“Hm?” You blinked. “Didn’t your leader explain things to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“The money comes after the evening,” you winked at him. “Of course.” 
Pain, you fucking ― 
“Deidara …” You revered, pulling the sleeve of your kimono back over your shoulder. “Before dinner, I would love for you to see the rest of my work.” 
“Your,” Deidara deadpanned, blinking, “work?”
“Yes,” You smirked at him. “You enjoyed the piece I already had you review, I presume?” 
Deidara fought to keep things on the issue at hand, but his eyes grew preoccupied with the twinkle in yours. The sky above the two of you had plunged into a chief darkness. Candles flared to life to douse the hall in tangerine light. 
Deidara turned a blind eye to it. “Your assistant called me Deidara of Iwakagure.” 
You eyed him. “Did she …?” you said coyly. “I’m glad she didn’t try and call you anything else; she’s got a mouth on her.”
“How do you know me?” 
You shied away. Your head dipped. Deidara tried to ignore the cuteness of it all. 
Focus, damnit.
“I’m guessing you’re from Iwagakure, too?” Deidara pressed. “What are you playing at?” 
You took your time. “Yeah, Deidara, we have a village in common.” You began to walk, crossing the columns to circle him. “Do you remember the underground competitions that used to be held there?” 
“Hm,” Deidara recalled and relished in the ego trip it afforded him. Dark rooms. Rowdy spectators circled around art pieces under makeshift stage lights like cavemen around fire. It was before he left the Iwagakure, when he was still itching to engage in the village’s indie art scene before growing bored of the whole thing. “I won most of them.” 
“I used to show up early and wait for you to showcase your things,” You glazed with memory. “You were always my favorite.” 
Deidara smirked. “Hm, naturally. So you’re, what, some kind of superfan Not like I’m surprised, but …”
You thread past a column to scoop up a candle holder. 
“You could say that,” you said. I have something to show you, if you follow me.”
He obliged, curiosity hooking him with a second finger. Candle flame lit like thin clovers to ward off the darkness. The flames illuminated the sway of your hips as he trailed. The sleeve of your kimono slipped past your shoulder again, revealing the skin of your neck and shoulder pad to him …
Why am I even noticing? 
You brought him to a room hidden behind a set of rectangular doors.
“This is where I keep them.” 
You pushed the doors open with a strength Deidara wouldn’t have expected. 
Deidara entered ― and stopped.
It was a museum of art; animal pieces blazed his vision; exotic birds in flight, elegant cranes, all shaded and hued with masterful care and, if Deidara hadn’t been who he was, he wouldn’t have been able to recognize them as pieces done with clay. There were apricot-colored foxes, a dragon head amongst a dragon bust. Deidara recognized a few self sculptures in the forest of pieces. Obscure structures too abstract to be assigned to names dotted space, esoteric symbols eluding even him …
“You inspired me to create my own art,” You explained as he gawked. You inched to him and brazenly took his hand in yours.
Deidara jumped from the sudden contact and found your pretty face in the dim light. Stop … stop. A part of him wanted to summon a tongue to taste the salt on your palm. 
“It’s how I’ve made my money,” you continued as you tugged him along the aisles of work like an excited child.
“So you’re that kind of fan,” Deidara said as he recovered. And, what do you want from me?” he chuckled in disbelief, “My critique?”
“Of course.” 
He wasn’t expecting an honest answer forthright. Sincerely, he roved eyes over your work. 
“Hm, well …” he approached one, taking inventory of it head to foot. “Give me the candle.”
You obeyed.
“You’ve got a great understanding of color, I’ll give you that,” Deidara examined. “Painting can be messy, especially on clay ― and honestly so many artists use colors so … bluntly; it makes the whole thing come off as garish.”
“I’ve noticed.”
He laughed at that. “Hm! … You’ve got a great eye. And I don’t hand out compliments easily.” He raised the candle to illuminate another sculpture. “How long did this one take you?” 
“Five weeks,” You answered before chuckling somewhere behind him. “It’s funny, I sketched and re-sketched this one so many times, it was technically seven weeks.”
“A perfectionist. I like that.” 
Deidara found himself smiling. Rarely did he get to talk to someone about art or its many processes. Deidara thought of Sasori and was touched with a tinge of respect for his fallen partner. But, of course, they’re philosophies so often chafed against one another. But you … An image of him helping you craft one of your pieces came to his mind: his hands guiding yours over unsophisticated clay, paint dashing your collarbone, maybe on your lips … 
“Deidara …?”
Your voice brought him out of his thoughts, only for him to realize you were now in front of him. 
“We could talk about this more over dinner.” 
Your hands grazed his forearms and for some reason he didn’t pull away. The alluring scent of your perfume flirted up his nose. 
Deidara’s cock twitched; he kicked himself inwardly. What was he? A fucking teenage boy? He had half of a mind to shove you away, end this … whatever this was.
But none of that happened. Instead, he agreed. And, taking his hand again with fingers threaded through his, you led him out of your museum. 
You let him to the roof of one of your buildings, where moonlight bestowed diamonds over the still waters of your pool and the dinner table waited, illuminated by more candles. 
“You’re a real hot shot now, aren’t you?” Deidara said.
You blushed as he surveyed dinner. “Is it too much?” 
“Nah, if anything it’s just the artist in you dying to come out,” he shrugged. “I respect that.”
You moved to take a seat, Deidara following you. He stopped you, pulling out the chair for you. 
You sank to your chair with a mixture of surprise and thrill. “What a gentleman. ”
“Just showing my respect, is all.” 
You snapped your fingers and two waiters appeared to kneel before you, plates of food in hand. 
Deidara did a double-take. “Wow.”
The waiters displayed the food and took their leave. His favorite: bakudan.
“You think of everything, don’t you?” Deidara said.
“Hm …” he could not pretend as though he was not impressed, but he could try as he took his seat.
He remembered the art shows in Iwagakure. You were always there? Did he ever see you? Even if he had, you would’ve been little more than a nobody to him, another sycophant he rightfully deserved amongst a herd of fawns and nothing more. You’re telling me all that time … I had a groupie groupie?
“Hey,” he said. “Remember when you said you used to attend my showcases.”
You lowered your fork to raise your brows. “I remember ten minutes ago, yeah.”
Deidara’s own brow twitched. Cheeky cunt . Then kicked himself; he didn’t want to think about your cunt. He watched your tongue swipe your plump lower lip ― then kicked himself again. 
“Why didn’t you ever try to talk to me?” Deidara asked. “I mean,” he leaned back in his chair, dangling his fork, “not like I needed any encouragement, even back then, but what gives? If you were such a fan ―”
“I was shy, back then …” You said. You toyed with your food. You had turned bashful, like a schoolgirl. “Still am, to be honest.”
He scoffed. “Hm! Says the woman who sends naked sculptures of herself to people.” 
You waved your fork. “What can I say? You bring out the wild girl in me,” The glint in your eye turned seductive. “Always have …”
Deidara gulped. What did that mean? You play with yourself with me in mind? Is that it?
Thinking that was another mistake;  images of you sieved into his mind. Sweet, feminine hands sinking in between the softness of your thighs, fingers grazing your wet lips to ... 
What did you smell like? Did you smell as good there as you did everywhere else? 
He shook his head. Fuck . 
“So you’re telling me,” Deidara said just to say something, “you have absolutely no issue with what I do.” 
“I don’t know,” You coquetted. “What do you do?”
“Don’t play coy . You contacted Akatsuki. You know damn well what I mean.” 
You were silent. 
“Killing people,” Deidara said. “Blowing them to smithereens. Kidnapping. The gods know what else. You’re cool with all that?”
Your manicured hand wrapped around your wine glass. You raised it, but before bringing it to your lips: 
“Birds of a feather.” 
You drank. 
“Come again?” 
You smacked your lips. “You’re not the only one who’s killed a few.” 
A pause. You set aside your drink before challenging his gaze. 
“Care to elaborate?” he asked. 
“I had an assistant once,” you began. “She told me she was desperate for a job, but you wouldn’t know by the run of her mouth. She complained, took off without warning. But then it turned out she had sticky fingers; she tried to steal one of my pieces. I’d had enough.” You leaned over the table as though you feared Deidara wouldn’t hear. “So I killed her. Used her for my piece after the last.”
“And,” Deidara swallowed, “your current girl …”
“You’ve already met her,” you said. “She’s mouthy, too ― but not to me.” 
You had killed, not only that ― encased a girl inside your work. She had wanted your art, and she had gotten her wish. 
“That’s …” Deidara trailed. “... Amazing.”
You smiled. “So, you see, I have no problem with what you do. Who am I to judge, am I right?” 
“Do the villagers judge you?”
“This village has seen enough strife for a lifetime,” You said. “I don’t think they’d mind learning about indiscretion ― especially if they knew why I killed her.”
Deidara raised an eyebrow. “So you donate bundles of cash to clear your conscience?”
“My conscience is clear,” You said. “People shouldn’t have to suffer any more than they already do. I want this village to prospect. I donate because I want to.” You popped a piece of food into your mouth. “You never answered me, by the way.”
“About what?” 
“The sculpture,” Your eyes narrowed with coquetry again, a glint especially bright and beautiful in your eye with aid from the moonlight. “Did you like it?” 
Deidara’s heart beat especially loud in his ears ― and this time he didn’t kick himself for it. 
“... Yeah,” he relented. “Yeah, I liked it.” 
“And it’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of your work, Deidara,” You raised to leave your seat. “Why don’t you show me something?” 
Deidara’s eyes widened. Far was he ever from an opportunity to flex his brilliance, especially on someone so appreciative ― so 
Enthusiasm straightened your shoulders. “Really? I mean, If you need ―”
“I don’t need anything,” he said, waving you away. “Just stand back!” 
You obeyed, eyes bright from the contagion of his excitement. So aptly memorized did he have the hand signs, Deidara didn’t care to glance at them. Instead, he watched you try to futilely follow his movements. 
Clay spilled like milk from mouths on Deidara’s hands to form into creatures before your eyes ― you blinked furiously and each time you did another creature was born; small dragons, spherical creatures with eyes, birds, and one, growing piece of clay, raising meters above the ground. It looked like a snowman to you but, knowing Deidara, it was leagues more dangerous. 
You stepped back, overwhelmed by the breadth of Deidara’s creation, Deidara’s artistry . 
One of Deidara’s clay birds flapped its wings, swerved in the air and landed gracefully on the cliff of your shoulder. 
“So,” Deidara’s smirk brightened his face and sent a throb to your nether regions, “what do you think?” 
What do I think? You pet the bird’s clay-made wing. What do I think?  
You took a step. The roof crowded with his creatures to dab white ivory among the encroaching night. 
Surely, it helped being a ninja; Deidara possessed powers you could only dream of understanding. Still. Your mouth hung agape at the amount of things he could spring alive from the literal palms of his hand. Your eyes followed up at his bigger piece, more of a monument to you than a mound of clay. 
He’s a god. A god among men. A god of art.
You startled. Some of the pieces began disappearing. They left the roof choking with smoke until only his large, snowman-like piece remained. 
“I see you’ve been stunned into silence by my art,” Deidara said. 
You didn’t reply, only began to step forward. 
“Hm!” Deidara looked away, crossed his arms. “It’s only natural, after all, to have your breath taken away by my artiste.” 
Another step. Another. 
“I’m sure our leader didn’t even tell you what I’m capable of.”
“It’s a good thing, too ―” 
You were running now. 
“It would’ve spoiled the surprise ―” 
You pounced on Deidara. He cried out but you barely heard it as the force propelled you both backward, falling hard and fast into the swimming pool. 
Bubbles spilled from Deidara’s mouth. He could feel your hands on him, somewhere, everywhere ― 
He looked to the surface of the water and swam toward it. He could not feel your hands anymore.
He came up for air, looking around for you. 
Then you emerged ― but he had no time to register it as your arms came around him. You pulled him down toward you, your lips crashing into his in a wet kiss. 
“Mm …!” 
Your tongue ran over the hard shell of his palate. Your hands held his cheeks. Your legs hooked around his waist to trap him between your thighs.
“That was ― mm ― the most ― mm ― amazing thing I’ve ever ― mm! ― seen!”
Deidara’s hands found you ― and immediately met skin; your kimono, having not been able to withstand the pull of the water, slid dangerously past your shoulders, the folds opened wide so he could feel the full cushion of your breasts against him. 
Oh, fuck.
Just as he began to play with your tongue, you broke away.
You faced him with heavy-lidded eyes, drops of water falling from your abused lips. 
“Let me make good on my promises to Pain,” Your hands hooked behind his neck. 
“Wha ― what?”
“Fuck me, Deidara,” Your voice was thick with lust. “I told him the quantity of my donation was completely dependent on how hard you fucked me. It would be an honor to be fucked by such an amazing artist!” 
That sent something to his dick. 
The surprise dissipated. He smirked. “Really …? Is that so …” 
He gripped your throat and hoisted you above him. He heard you gasp and tightened his grip, feeling the twitch of his cock in response to the  victimized sound. 
“Beg for it,” he ordered.
“ Oh … ” You whimpered. Your head fell back as Deidara’s hand served as a brace. 
He reached downward and tugged at the wet bow of your kimono. He yanked it and reveled in it coming apart to reveal the rest of you.
“ Beg. For me .”
Everything you did and had done was a plea for him, he admitted, but the idea of you begging vocally made him painfully hard. His eyes drank in your naked form still half submerged in the water. Wet tits in his face. A droplet of water fell away from a nipple. 
“Please …” came your breathless voice. “Please, fuck me ― oh … ” 
He thumbed at the tempting nipple, pert and so responsive to his touch. 
“ Nothing underneath, ” he feigned chastisement, pinching the nipple between his fingers. “Fucking slut .” 
He tightened his grip twofold and was pleasantly surprised with the moan you rewarded him with. The strict fit of his pants was becoming too much to bear. You jerked in his hold, tits jiggling in his face. 
“ Please, fuck me, Deidara!” 
Satisfied, He set you down and watched you bounce in the water before yanking you forward. He pressed his mouth against yours once again. You reached for him to no avail; he spun you, your back now pressed hard against the side of the pool. He released your mouth to dabble kisses at your neck, biting at pieces of skin. 
“ Fuck …!” You arched and Deidara fell into the dip of your curve.
You gripped his hand to bring it to your face. He stopped kissing you to look at what you had in mind, his tongue still present at his palm. 
Your lips traced his palm and began to kiss the tongue there. 
“Mmm …”
Deidara laughed as you tongue-kissed his hand. “You really are a fucking weirdo, aren’t you?”
The tongue slithered over your own. You released a moan and closed your mouth over the tongue, a flushed red tainting your cheeks. Your hand pressed behind the back of his hand, forcing it to deepen the kiss, to nibble at his tongue. Deidara hitched a breath. You sucked it further into your mouth. 
“ Ah ― y … you wanna suck on something so badly …” Deidara murmured. “MaybeI should give you something more legit, hm …”
You mewled in approval. His tongue retreated from your mouth and he felt a twinge of triumph when you gasped for air. He approached you. A hand ghosted over your neck before ramming you hard against the wall of the pool, the force with which he’d done it so hard he was sure its cement edge imprinted on your upper back. With his other hand he tugged his trousers down. 
You met his eyes.
“Take a deep breath.” 
And he plunged you into the water.
He looked down, watched the water dance as your squiggly reflection gripped his cock and fit it into your mouth. 
Deidara groaned. His head fell back as you hollowed your cheeks and took him in. The water did nothing to stall your mouth; you bobbed your head, stroking what couldn’t fit into your mouth. 
Deidara steadied himself with a hand at the pool’s edge, entranced by how your tongue rolled back to lick his head each time you pulled away, only to take him deep into the back of your throat when pulling in ― 
“ Nargh …! ” 
A hand palmed at his balls while another tightened around his cock. Deidara reached for your head in the water to thread fingers into your head and force you harder onto his cock. 
“ Aah … shit! ” He wanted you to choke on it. He wanted to own your mouth. 
And apparently you wanted that, too; you popped him from your mouth a few times. You hadn’t come up for air once since he’d submerged you, his cock now your only business. He yanked your head up. He forced a kiss, the taste of himself in your mouth driving him mad.
“Enjoying dinner, I see, hm, hah …” he quipped, eyes heavy on your hand still stroking his cock. “What a pro. ” 
“Only for you, Deidara-senpai. ”
You hand abandoned his cock and you licked him off your palm. Without his help you went under, fitting his cock in your mouth a second time. Deidara kept your hair from your mouth as you sucked him. His cockhead hit the back of your throat and, oh , you didn’t choke, only took more, more. Greedy cunt. 
He imagined you practicing this for him, only for him, your senpai. Your mouth hungering for what wasn’t truly there. Deidara squeezed eyes shut; close, close. You were sucking his cock as though his was the only one in the world, worshiping with your mouth and tongue. He imagined your lungs desperate for air, screaming for them, yet your mouth too transfixed to care. 
A fucking servant for him, obedient to his cock. 
Deidara’s cock twitched. His groan was low and rumbling as he spilled his seed into your willing mouth. You sucked hard, jerked him into your mouth. Your mouth slicked with his cum and grew impossibly warm. Saliva and his own seed coated his cock. 
“Aaah-ha- ahh …! ” 
He scalped you as he emptied into your mouth, cum guzzling down your throat.
At last, you popped him from your mouth and emerged before him, mouth and lips thoroughly abused.
Deidara’s gaze cast down on you. He caught his breath in the seconds absent of words. 
“I could use a girl like you,” Deidara exhaled. 
You popped your lips, eyes dreamy and narrow. “I think you just did,”
“Hm! An apprenticeship, then?”
You recovered immediately. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” 
He smirked at his own prospect and pulled you to him. “C’mere.”
He emerged from the pool before helping you follow suit. He removed his black fishnet shirt and flung it away. He drank you in. Naked, in the flesh ― and wet, right when he thought you couldn’t be improved upon.
You settled atop the dinner table and waited for him. Deidara came to you.
“Spread those legs.” 
 You acquiesced. He licked his lips at the sight of your puffy, glistening cunt.
“You wouldn’t be my first,” You said, “but you’ll be my last.”
He slotted into the space you afforded him. He caressed your vulva before giving it a firm slap. You yelped and his lip upturned at the sound. He slid a finger between your folds, encouraged by your appreciative mewls. 
He gripped the fat of your cheeks and forced you to look at him and not his adventurous fingers. 
“Your best. ” 
You hooked your legs behind him as he geared his cock grazed your folds ― 
And thought he might cum just from the sound of your drawn out moan when he slid inside you. 
He bucked from instinct, the firm grip of your twat clouding his senses. Again he went for your throat, the appendage becoming its permanent resting place. 
“This is what you wanted, right?” Deidara breathed out, thrusting hard. “Leader’s gonna get his fucking money’s worth …” 
Hands gripped his wrists tight as he began to fuck you, the table wobbling slightly underneath your mewling body. 
“Yes …! Ye―Yes, oh!” You clung to him, Deidara’s hands upholding you. “ Fuc ― oh, Yes! I owe Pain my life ― oh! ” 
He released your throat just to bite at it. He sunk his teeth into your skin while his hands committed to making scarlet red prints against your ass.
“ Fuck, you’re ―” Deidara stammered. The feel of your cunt swallowing him was too much. He recalled Kisame’s threat to fuck you himself. Not on your life, sharkman . And he felt himself thrust hard just to affirm you were his. He’d set the entire world ablaze before anyone else could experience the wonderful grip of your cunt. “You’re mine. ”
You tugged him to your lips again and kissed him. A moan from you vibrated against his lips. He reached downward to tease your clit and your legs trembled at his sides.
“ Fuck, Deida ―” You flung your head back. “ I’m ― ”
He knocked you onto the table and lifted your legs over his shoulders. He began to pound you, relishing in the bounce of your tits. Plates fell to the floor and shattered as he wrecked your cunt. 
He choked you again, sure there would be a greater hand-shaped bruise once he was through. He flicked your clit, thumbed it. Your scream rumbled under his grip as his balls slapped your ass. 
Your moans grew shrill, and you clenched ―
“ Fuck …! ” Deidara lost himself in your tight cunt. He slapped your clit, grip dangerously tight at your neck―
“Yes, please!” You called out as you came, “Dei― Deidara!”
Spurts of cum left his cock and sucked into your cunt. You convulsed and convulsed. You showed him the whites of your eyes as you came. Deidara held you to him by your thighs. A few more weak thrusts and he gave out on top of you, his chin hiding in the crook of your shoulder.
A few moments passed. Deidara raised his head, caught you over the corner of his eye. “So … everything you wanted?”
“And more, ” You sang.
He maneuvered to place a kiss at the heart of your collarbone, still so fascinated with it. He removed himself from you before assisting you as best as he could. 
“Did you mean it?” You inquired after a few moments more.
“About me being your apprentice?” 
“... Hm,” Deidara shrugged. “Well, I’ll have to check my schedule. But, if it all adds up, I wouldn’t mind having you by my side.” 
You squealed, engulfed him in a hug. 
“Ah, ah!” Deidara fought you off. “Okay, okay, whatever!”
“Oh, I’m so excited! ” You bounced. “So, so ― wait!” 
You pulled back, smirked up at him.
“I almost forgot,” You said. “Your payment … ”
“Two million yen,” Pain said. “All in a single donation ― our highest to date. I assume it went well?” 
“Hm!” Deidara said. “Very!”
“And Miss (Y/n) tells me she’ll be requesting you monthly from now on,” Pain continued. “Each time with the same donation or higher.” 
“Are you telling me Deidara’s dick is going to fund all our expeditions from now on?” Kisame mocked. 
“And the rest of our lives,” Kakuzu’s voice tipped in interest, “if this goes on …”
“Don’t get any ideas, Kakuzu!” Hidan barked. “We’re not whoring ourselves out.”
“Shut up,” Kakuzu bit back. “I’ve never even thought about it. Unless …”
“What girl would wanna fuck you? ” 
“A satisfied and wealthy client means less worry over how we secure our money,” Pain said, ignoring the bickering, “so, in a manner of speaking, yes. Deidara will aid in contributions― as we all should.” 
“Well, then, we’re all set!” Deidara said. 
“There’s just one thing that irks me about this whole endeavor,” Pain said. “... Where is Tobi?” 
“... He didn’t come back with you, did he?” 
“... No.”
Pain sighed.
“... Go back and get him, Deidara.”
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itjazzbicch · 5 months
Special Assignment
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Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Fem Reader 
First time writing for Kakashi, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: Being Kakashi's advisor now that he is Hokage, the reader does a lot for him as the job is tough; annoyed by one of his breaks where he's reading his favorite books, and her smart remarks end up earning her a special assignment...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Swearing, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before ya tap it!), choking, rough sex, orgasm control, pleasurable crying, dumbification
Word Count: 1.5k 
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"Thank you for bringing me these documents. Lord Sixth is handling some important business, but I'll ensure he gets them."
Kakashi's lucky I'm not just his advisor but also his best friend, or I'd be dropping these stacks of paper on the ground. He didn't even leave his office! Just sitting back reading his Icha Icha book!
"And thank you, his advisor," Looking up from his book briefly, I rolled my eyes:
"You're welcome."
"That's not the right kind of attitude to have when you have so much work piled up," He toyed, dodging the paper I went to bap his head with.
"This is your work, not mine! Be grateful!" I growled, sitting and organizing the paperwork, "If you're going to kick back and read, at least read a different book or something."
"But I like this one,"
"Hm, wonder why..."
Side-eyeing each other, I began to work, clicking my pen and mumbling:
"Guess you have to read about sex when you're not good at it."
I didn't look but could feel his eyes on me for a while. The paperwork didn't take up too much of my time; I sped through it, bringing the stack over to his desk:
"Hate interrupting your reading session, but these need your signature."
"Sure," Finally putting the book down, he signed every single one, scratching his head as he thanked, "I do appreciate you handling that while I took a break, Y/N. Thank you."
"It's not a problem," I sighed, turning and returning the papers, "Think it's time for a break of my own."
"I have one more assignment for you, though," Swinging in his chair to face me, he was smirking under his mask as I groaned and huffed:
"Let me guess? More paperwork you don't want to do?"
Suddenly, he turned into smoke. A shadow clone? I was here with him the whole time! When did he make a shadow clone?!
"On your back or bent over. I'll let you choose." He was behind me, his whisper sending chills down my spine.
"I heard your smart little remark earlier," I figured as much but didn't expect him to take me seriously, swallowing a breath as his voice was filled with dark desires, "So, do you accept your assignment?"
"Oh, Kakashi," I had to laugh off the nerves a little, unable to stop the tiny spark I felt from turning into a wildfire. It was too late to turn back, and I didn't want to; glancing at him in the corner of my eye, "I accept."
The confidence in my eyes disappeared with the shadow clone that I thought was him behind me, blindsided yet again, but this time, it was him who took me by the back of the neck, his kiss so hot that it made me gasp.
"Still haven't made up your mind yet?" Kissing with his tongue, I only focused on how he tasted, forgetting what he was talking about till he picked my leg, making me fall onto his desk, "I'll choose then. Besides, I want to see the look on your face when I make you eat your words."
"I really pissed you off, huh?" I whispered, always mesmerized by his handsome face as he had taken his mask off, falling hard for the side of him I never knew, swiping my panties from under my skirt, "Come and prove me wrong."
"You have an assignment you should be worried about," He warned, hand squeezing and trailing up my thigh as I asked curiously:
"What is the main objective for this assignment of mine anyway?"
Taking two fingers and gliding through my wet heat had me biting at my lip, placing his thumb on my clit while pushing into my soppy cunt, pumping a speed that increased with his words:
"We are in my office, so you can't be loud, and you can't cum till I say you can."
His fingers worked against every spot he could reach, attacking my sweet spots strategically, his thumb still working my clit, up and down, round and round till it was raw and throbbing, making me moan out:
"'Kay, Kakashi!"
"Ah ah ah," His tongue clicked, those dark eyes coming down to mine, "Didn't I just tell you not to be loud?"
"S-Sorry," I whispered, moaning hollowly, eyes squeezing shut in sequence with my thighs. Still, it didn't slow his hand down for even a second; my lip trapped between my teeth again as I began clenching around his fingers, having to hold back my orgasm, creating a complex pulsation.
"You poor thing, struggling already, and I'm only using my fingers," He loved to tease me, his tongue along my ear adding to the pleasure that was already too much, "I bet it's hard to hold back when it feels so good."
"Shit-" I hissed through my teeth, the bubble in my core expanding wide, wiggling against the desk as I tried to keep it from bursting, whispering as I found his gaze with water glistening in mine, "Kakashi-"
"Hmm, you do listen after all," Curling his fingers upward and wiggling, ramming up on my clit hard, he finally said what I wanted to hear, "Cum."
Shutting my mouth with my fist, I was gnawing on my knuckles, the relief like a weight off my shoulders as I came, creaming and slicking his hand, feeling myself dripping against my thighs and down to my ass.
Kakashi wasn't going to take it easy on me, still panting and dying for air as he spread my legs wider, my skirt leaving so he could have the open view of the mess I was just from his hand.
"Good thing you took care of all those papers on my desk," Chuckling and leaning down to me, he moved my fist from my mouth, snatching my wrists in one hand, pinning them above my head, his free hand between us, releasing his cock, the tip circling my clamping hole, "What a tight, little thing. Practically begging me to fuck you."
That put a no-good smile on his face. He won and proved me wrong. My beg was proof of victory, but he still had more he wanted to prove, still toying with me:
"You sure? I thought you said I wasn't good at it."
A small gust of wind tickled my burning skin, his cock nearly tearing me apart, hips smacking into mine to make me take every inch, the strength behind it jolting my whole body, whining out:
"I was wrong!"
"I said, be quiet," Quickly glancing to the door, it was locked, thankfully, but he still wasn't satisfied with me just yet, letting go of my wrists to snatch my throat; I could still breathe, but my moans were trapped, and it sent my head spiraling. I was so full, his cock not showing any mercy, stretching me out just for his cock to slam back deep, the hits against my sweet spot making me clench up harder each time.
The way I wanted to scream but couldn't was killing me. Legs aching and shaking, cock drunk, and eyes stuck on that sexy face, that being the only thing from holding back another looming orgasm while he rocked my body with thrusts.
"Struggling again?" Noticing how focused I was on him, he let go of my throat to let me speak, not expecting me to say:
"Kiss me?"
Giving me a soft smile, his lips met mine rather softly despite his cock showing no mercy, pulling my hips off the edge more to hammer in faster, our kiss soon broken up by my tongue:
"You. So. G-goo, good-ngh!"
My mouth hung open, out of my mind as he had fucked me till I was stupid, a string of drool falling from the corner of my mouth, convulsing as my vision began blacking out, heart pounding in my head, and the dam that held my orgasm not able to hold up for much longer.
"I know," His lips felt so hot against my neck, holding my hips and bottoming out, his whisper a blessing upon me, "Cum."
"Oh fuck-" Every sense I could take in started rushing into me, my back suddenly snapping into an arch, tears searing in my eyes as I instinctively latched around him, mushing my face in his chest to muffle my salacious scream, "Kakashi!"
"Damn," He was panting softly, grunting as we could hear the squelching around his cock, my thighs suddenly soaked, dripping down to the desk and floor, slowly spreading my legs to see the mess his cock was still working in, slowing down each thrust.
"I...." My temple was coated in sweat, so hard to breathe, and I felt so heavy, tears leaking from the corners of my eyes as I started to cry, "I've never came so hard before."
Rubbing my back softly helped me ease down, his thumb cleaning my cheeks, "Quite obvious you've never been with someone as good as me."
That was a fact, and I surely wasn't going to make fun of his skill in the future after that; I nodded as I hugged him, "Never." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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