snzinite · 1 month
After digging around and finding some very Not Good things about RVC, I've deleted the voice requests post. Voice AI is a grayer area than other forms of art (cough autotune cough), but from what I've been researching it sounds like most of the time, there isn't any consent from the original actors and that's kind of eeehhh.
Just because people do use models for kink content on tumblr doesn't mean they should, so even though I got excited for a moment at the capabilities I won't be posting anything else with them. Sorry!
Special thanks to @zensations35 and @vahnibee for their help and inputs!
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snzinite · 1 month
got any headcanons for dorothy and/or astgenne? :0
hi anon. id actually like to do both of them, i'll add them both to the List.
as a matter of fact i should really do like a pinned post of the List just so we can all keep track of where i am with that i think
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snzinite · 1 month
hi!! I was so excited when I saw your blog first pop up, I've loved Arknights for so long and never expected anyone would make a snz blog about it!! Was wondering if perhaps I could get some headcanons for Ch'en or Swire? Thank you :)
hi there! i am running low on creative juices atm but we'll be back soon...
always glad to hear from someone else that shares my hyperspecific interest. gonna be honest there is no fire in my heart for ch'/en but we can definitely add sw/ire to the list for sure! love that bratty cat
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snzinite · 1 month
Hopefully I don't get banned for this but I really wanted to share what I've been working on the last little bit because I'm really proud of it so far. @snzinite requested some sort of Ja/ck-O animation from me quite a while ago (honestly it's evolved so much from then that I don't remember what it started as) and as a full time animator I really haven't had the time to do any personal work so it kinda fell by the wayside. However, I've been laid off for almost a year now and in fear of my skills getting rusty, I figured it was high time I start working on this. I also primarily work as a 2D cut-out animator so I really haven't done a lot of hand drawn animation in while and figured I could use the practice. Anyway please enjoy this WIP and I'm excited to share the finished piece (with sound!) and also more animations in the future :3
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snzinite · 2 months
SNZ STATLINE: 6/10 wetness, 4/10 mess, 2/10 pitch, 7/10 volume
deep, harsh, and forceful
clenches teeth
sometimes adds other consonants to the sound (sort of like a HUU'BLESSHH'ew etc) but otherwise fairly consistent especially for the release
decent amount of spray just from the amount of force alone
never really super messy despite that, or at least not as much as you might expect
usually sneezes in twos, sometimes threes separated by half a second. rarely ever a single sneezer, she gets suspicious if there's only one
each sneeze in a given fit gets a little louder, harsher, and wetter
tell-tale nose scrunch a few seconds before she starts to sneeze
sucks in a big lungful of air before each sneeze
sneezes down toward her chest/the floor (not really on herself if she can help it but it's not like it would bother her if she did)
other than her head she doesn't really move all that much when she sneezes, just scrunches her body inwards with the force. really visible in her tail though (and her chest if they're forceful enough)
this is because if she tries to do anything else the contraction of her muscles while sneezing fucks it up
she tries not to hold anything while sneezing for this reason; her grip will clench and she's STRONK
she holds the post-sneeze pose for a little to make sure there aren't any more before shaking her hair back out of her face and licking up any wetness that made it on her face with a decisive tongue-flick (snek)
does not stifle or hold back, ever. the feeling of needing to sneeze but being unable to is the worst feeling ever to her
the only time she really minds sneezing is when she has to do delicate mechanic/electronic work, it really throws a wrench into things
seriously. she has accidentally thrown a wrench while sneezing.
does not care about sneezing in front of people and barely ever acknowledges being blessed
doesn't cover unless she's in danger of sneezing on something or someone that isn't herself, in which case she'll sneeze on her hand, arm, tail, cleavage, whatever. it doesn't really matter to her
just naturally a very sneezy person. if you share a room with her for more than half an hour you'll witness a fit probably
no allergies, but gets sick very easily. illness usually just makes her really congested, but its like swelling/pressure instead of snot
it does make her nose more sensitive to touch and smells though
which is bad when she has to do mechanic work. oil and metal smell pretty strong...
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snzinite · 2 months
Hi. I want to say that I really like your headcanons (and they probably became the final push for me to finally try writing my own). I've played Arknights for a little while (about 3 months), so I don't know the characters that much. My first 6 star opper was Saileach, so I was wondering if there was any chance of seeing her from you someday?
sorry this is so late, i was away on a business trip. i'm beyond flattered i inspired you to start posting stuff! get out there and get weird with it dog.
anyway for SURE ill do sail/each, she's one of my faves.
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snzinite · 2 months
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Batch 2! I was originally going to do Lapp/land, Te/xas, Ha/ze, Stain/less and Ja/ye for this one but then @snzinite gave us an Ex/usiai headcanon and I couldn't not do the trio. Also I gave this one a bit of a darker bg so you could see the spray a little better :3
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snzinite · 3 months
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They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.
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snzinite · 3 months
I can't say I'm all that great at debate or anything like that, so I'm sorry if I'm misinterpreting things or coming across as too difficult or anything, but I can't say I entirely agree with your point about ai text and stuff. I do acknowledge writing is a respectable skill to have, and people like yourself should be acknowledged for it. But... I think calling it's use "morally abhorrent" is a little harsh, especially if you're using it in private. I can't speak on anyone else's experience, but, I for one am certainly no writer. I'm never really proud of anything I could write. Maybe I can learn to be better at it, but I just think it's a little unfair to expect anyone to be here, especially when you aren't looking for anything too in depth. As for commissioning things, that's totally fair. But, I also think it's still a little unfair to assume that's always a readily accessible option for everyone, especially when ai is right there. Requesting things can work, but what if the media you're into is too obscure in this community? I, for one, am into many different things I haven't ever seen around in this space. Again, I'm not great at this kind of thing, and I respect what you and everyone else here does, I just figured I'd voice my own thoughts.
heya anon, sorry it took me a while to respond. it's probably good that i took my time, though--i was pretty heated when i first wrote that post. i've taken some time to reflect, do some research, and listen to other opinions on the subject.
i'm gonna address your points in as orderly a fashion as i can. i appreciate your preface that you don't think you're very good at debate, and that's fine. i don't think a spirited debate is what i'm after either, i just tend to come off that way. a lot of what i do is communicate ideas directly to people, so sometimes i get a little caught up in it.
I think calling it's use "morally abhorrent" is a little harsh, especially if you're using it in private.
true and fair enough. what i was trying to get across with this point, and with most of my post really, was that i was a little miffed that visual AI "art" models were being lambasted while text-based AI models were not. i thought that if people were willing to go this hard against AI-"drawn" images, they should be just as willing to go against AI-"written" text. more on this later, but to reiterate: i think that was probably too harsh a way to phrase it, i agree
in general i think private use is the most defensible form of use of these tools. i think there is an argument to be made against using them at all (propagating the growth, development, and spread of a tool that has already taken human works and will only take more) but let's be real, it is just quantifiably less harmful than publicly posting the works/having the gall to pretend you had a meaningful hand in the writing. thank god i haven't seen any of that.
still, these tools (yes, even AI chatbots) have automated away people's work and are used as the excuse to prune away their jobs. they are built on libraries of stolen work. i'm not saying they can't do any good, but they certainly do bad, or at the very least have been used to do bad.
that being said, i think one area that i initially overlooked them doing good was in filling the role of... well, roleplay. a user on here pointed out to me that c.ai can be used as a safer alternative to snz rp with stangers on the internet, given that it's basically a sexual interaction. i get that. rping with people on the internet can already be vulnerable and uncomfortable as it is, that extra layer of the fact that you are both doing it to get off can be really compromising. chatbots help take that out of the equation and provide a safer alternative (relatively speaking; at least for that reason). i think there may be something to say about some tendencies to use it as a recurring form of escape conversation, but i'm not a psychologist and it's not my wheelhouse. i'll leave that to the studies hopefully being done, and overreliance on escapism isn't really the point of this post.
in short on this one: yeah i guess you got me there. i still have gripes about it but i think i unintentionally overstated them. there's also some potential benefits i think i overlooked.
back to what you actually wrote:
As for commissioning things, that's totally fair. But, I also think it's still a little unfair to assume that's always a readily accessible option for everyone, especially when ai is right there.
here's where you've lost me. let me be clear: art is not a right. art is a good and a service; it is not something that needs to exist because you want it to*. if you're unable or unwilling to commission what you want to see or otherwise wait for someone else to make it, then it won't exist. that's how things were before AI tools. sure, they exist now, but the technology powering them is unethical.
but i digress--if you're not sold on the idea of AI "art" and "writing" being theft at least by abstraction, you probably won't agree with that.
of course, there are other ways of making stuff that don't rely on other people
I can't speak on anyone else's experience, but, I for one am certainly no writer. I'm never really proud of anything I could write. Maybe I can learn to be better at it, but I just think it's a little unfair to expect anyone to be here, especially when you aren't looking for anything too in depth.
here's where that * i wrote up there comes into play: this is the part where i tell you to just do it yourself. you don't seem to have much confidence in your abilities, which i think is a shame. i know to someone who doesn't write that much or at all, AI text generation can seem pretty tempting. but like... i don't know. i've fiddled around with some of the stuff myself just to get a feel for how it works, and the stuff i managed to get is of poor quality and is overall a frustrating process to make that i don't feel as though i learned anything from. is that what you want art creation to be?
anon, i challenge you: write what you want to see. you might not be good at first, and that's okay. you'll only ever get better as long as you keep trying to be. the writers in the community are pretty friendly people, and you can always reach out and form a connection by trading works and asking for review and constructive crit. there are plenty of ways to improve that don't involve getting a machine to spit vaguely snz-related mush at you after the tenth message regeneration.
Requesting things can work, but what if the media you're into is too obscure in this community? I, for one, am into many different things I haven't ever seen around in this space.
with due respect, you picked the wrong person to bring this up to. dog--i run an ark/nights sneeze kink blog. the venn diagram of people that my content applies to probably doesn't number past three digits, and far less of them are probably ever going to read what i write. that's ok. hell, i've gotten some comments from people that don't even know what ark/nights is. i only ever saw one other person making snz stuff for this fandom and thought it could use more, so i started to write it.
i would like for you to consider doing the same instead of starting that new chat. it might not be great at first, sure. but if you mess up, you can learn from those mistakes and try again.
I do acknowledge writing is a respectable skill to have, and people like yourself should be acknowledged for it.
i'm flattered you think so highly of my skills, but i didn't get this way overnight. it took at least two, maybe three. no but seriously, thank you.
Again, I'm not great at this kind of thing, and I respect what you and everyone else here does, I just figured I'd voice my own thoughts.
let me close out by saying that i do appreciate you voicing your opinion, even though it was by and large one i did not agree with. i know you probably approached this mostly from the angle that you just like to use c.ai in private, which i'll say again that i think its probably the most harmless way of using it (as well as the most common one, thankfully). still--i encourage you to take up your pen (keyboard... etc) and write on your own merits. hell, even using your c.ai/chatgpt/whatever logs as inspiration is a good starting point if you're not sure what to write.
but i really hope you are the one who ends up doing the writing, eventually.
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snzinite · 3 months
So I just got Blaze, an operator I've wanted for a while now, and to celebrate I'd like to humbly request a serving of some Blaze head cannons if you please!
yes sir, anon. i was actually just thinking about blaze snz the other day. i'll add her to the List<TM>.
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snzinite · 3 months
SNZ STATLINE: 5/10 wetness, 3/10 mess, 8/10 pitch, 4/10 volume
basically textbook high-pitched/girly sound
sometimes "inverted" where the pre-sneeze sound will be higher pitched with no vocalization afterwards
in general pretty inconsistent spellings/sounds even though the "statline" pretty much holds for all of the sounds
sneezes in ones, sometimes twos, with a few seconds in between
doesn't stifle
sometimes give a "hoo~!" or a "wooo!" of relief afterwards
"covers" in the sense that she'll put a hand below her nose/mouth almost like she's "catching" the sneeze, does relatively little to actually cover anything though
only sneezes into tissues/handkerchiefs if she's already blowing/wiping her nose
really obvious that she needs to sneeze. they almost never sneak up on her and it's the whole nine yards: watery, glazed eyes, shallow breath hitching, sometimes she waves her hand in front of her face, etc.
lots of false starts too
likes to sneeze. she think's it's a really satisfying feeling and likes the eventual relief from tickles and itches when it finally does come
does not particularly like to induce. she likes the thrill of getting to finally sneeze naturally
she'll induce others if they ask or if she can tell they need it and they're comfy. Texas, for example
she'll talk about how good it felt or how much she's been sneezing of she's been doing it a lot
likes to be blessed but doesn't mind if no one does it
no allergies, nose isn't particularly sensitive to scents, touch, or temperature
doesn't get super sick very often but gets a lot of sniffly, sneezy colds
super obvious when she's sick; voice is like heavily weighed down by her congestion. wet sniffles for days
she gets sneezy when she's sick but it doesn't change her sneezes like at all, they're still mostly clean
what sets her off more than anything are physical irritants. cooking spices, flour, makeup powder, dust, heavy pollen, etc.
she constantly has sneezing fits while she's baking
not like it stops her. the blood of a baker flows through almost every Latera/nan
Requested by @micaiah-sneezes :]
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snzinite · 3 months
overwhelmingly agree, first off.
i don't wanna hijack this post, but i do want to use it to springboard off into a discussion that i have had mixed feelings about recently
if we think that AI image generation tools are morally abhorrent (which i do, unequivocally) should we not extend the same condemnation to AI text generation stuff?
i don't wanna beat around the bush, i'm mostly talking about character.ai. i know a fair few people use it in snzblr and post about it
disclaimer that this isn't aimed at any one person, i don't hate you for using it, i just have reservations about its use in general
now i know that simply using the tool to make your favorite characters sneeze or whatever isn't exactly the same thing as making AI "art" and posting it as if it's something you made. i haven't really seen anyone posting their c.ai logs and trying to insist it's the equivalent of fanfiction. even so, i think this use of it pretty neatly falls into the first point in the OP here. if you're using it for private use, or for idea generation... there are still ways to get writing and or ideas that don't involve using AI. there's a TON of writers in the community, some offer comms, if you don't want to commission or read existing stuff you can write it yourself, etc. etc. it all still applies to this point
ironically making your own characters on the site actually comes closer to making and posting visual AI "art" imo. yes i understand that you have to give it a description and train it, but like... this closely mirrors the same process that AI """artists""" go through. they spin the wheel choosing the perfect prompts, and they learn basic photo editing programs and skills to collage and repair images to get what they want. also, even though you have to train the c.ai bots to act like the characters they're supposed to be, they are still built on language models that were trained with books and articles written by people without those people's permission.
idk. i'm hesitant to say that tools like c.ai are bad and i'm not trying to say that people are bad if they use them, but it really rubs me the wrong way that i've seen posts come out against visual AI "art" tools come around, yet i find like... a sort of passive acceptance of AI writing in a part of the community.
in conclusion:
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but maybe you (the reader) disagree? like i said i have reservations about c.ai and stuff like it but i really am just unsure about it all. maybe there's an angle i'm missing here. i'd like to discuss it if you think i'm wrong. just throwing my quill into the ring
Okey Dokey, so no more tiptoeing around the issue, with many people's helpful private opinions, I've come to the conclusion it does need to be addressed.
AI "art." From here on out, anyone I see posting it is getting blocked. I'm not arguing with anyone about this, that's not what I'm here for, but I've seen it too much as of late, and I feel I should at least say something about it, especially as an artist myself. There's never an excuse for it.
- Need a visual/reference of what your oc(s) would look like, but don't think highly of your own artistic abilities? Surprise! There are still plenty of ways to obtain one, without using AI. The amount of incredibly talented artists in this community, some of whom are in need of commissions. The incredibly talented artists who sometimes draw for free, out of hobby or perhaps need for practice. And then even if neither of those work for you, try some of the character customization mediums we've all used before, that have existed on the internet for years now. (Think Gacha, Picrew, etc. Even if it's seen as "cringe" by some people, it's better than this.) Or hey, try drawing it yourself. "Bad" art is allowed, and everyone starts somewhere. Even if you don't like how what you're drawing looks at first, you will eventually if you keep trying, I promise you. Watch speedpaints, animatics, cartoons, study the way things look through your human eyes, and apply them to your process. Learn. Grow.
- Ignorance? There is no way that you've dipped your toes in AI generated images, without knowing what needs to occur for an AI to generate said images. It does not come from thin air. These robots use real people's faces to produce images of people, real animals to produce images of animals. So, in the case of "art," that's right, they're using a real artist's artwork to produce it. In short, stealing. If you've not heard about this by now, and have still been using AI generators to generate "art," then I'd have to assume you've been doing it blindfolded.
- Just for fun - or worse - for fet? ...Let's be serious. As I've explained above, there's no reason to be using it at all, but especially here on fucking SNZBLR of all places! Like... Guys, this is a sneezing kink/fetish community. And you're really knowingly using a robot - which grotesquely melds together other people's work - to generate fetish content? Do we... not realize how gross that is?
I'm not coming after anyone specifically, because I've seen more than just one person doing this, but if the shoe fits, wear it. And that's all I'm saying about this. I'm really tired of seeing it, so if those of you doing it won't change, I will. Though considering the blatant disregard some of you have for human artists, one blocking you shouldn't bother you too much, right? ♥
Anyways, sorry if I freaked anyone out with my cryptic ass posts from before, I was hesitant to say anything, because I didn't wanna start shit, but sometimes it's just not worth it to bite your tongue. If the snzblr art community can (rightfully) come down on tracers, then we should be doing the same with AI "art."
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snzinite · 3 months
SNZ STATLINE: 5/10 wetness, 2/10 mess, 9/10 pitch, 6/10 volume
actual sneeze kind of blends together and sounds sort of harsh but it's tempered by an extremely girly, softer ending
extremely itchy sounding
sneezes in fits of two to three, sometimes more
drops her head to sneeze
like she doesn't necessarily bend over or stoop down, she like cranes her neck downwards
sneezes into a tissue if available, turns away from people if not
she'll stifle the next fit if there's another after the first during a moment
stifles are almost louder than the actual sneeze gang
puts a hand over her mouth/nose when stifling
drawn out, shallow hitches over the span of a couple of seconds before a fit
no sneefies :(
you really see it in her eyes more than anything; they grow panicked and then unfocused
no allergies, doesn't get sick very easy
scents are fine
but her nose is SUPER sensitive to touch, temperature, and other sensations
literally her own hair falling onto her nose will get her hitching
you know what REALLY gets her going? static shocks.
you know what her extremely unstable electric arts give her to several parts of her body? static shocks.
you know what happens when she loses control of her arts because she sneezes so much? static freaking shocks
she thinks it's horrible and she hates it. it's a nasty little feedback loop
covering her nose helps a little
not too concerned about sneezing in front of others in and of itself, she just fears her arts getting out of control
appreciates being blessed at least... it's a small but welcome comfort
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snzinite · 3 months
Reblog if you're an ace snzfucker (any orientation on the asexual/aromantic spectrum)
I'm really curious how many of us there are.
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snzinite · 3 months
SNZ STATLINE: 5/10 wetness, 10+/10 mess, 4/10 pitch, 6/10 volume
i've decided as i study sneeze sounds that the english alphabet fails me, and i don't really care to get creative with bolding or italics so i'll just describe what it's like
it's short and somewhat explosive, has a sort of cough vibe to it/the short of chest/throaty sound in the release if you know what i mean. if anyone has a way to spell that sound hmu
very messy, but that isn't the worst of it
folks shes a squid. her snot is inky.
it's sticky and stains everything black except her own skin, but it's still extremely visible against it
if she were to spray it would aerosolize some of it
thankfully she always, ALWAYS sneezes into her gloves or her black handkerchief, which she pretends is an oiling rag if it ever comes up (they look equally as stained and dirty)
oh god she is mortified of sneezing in front of almost anyone. anything but that please she begs you
she's slightly more comfortable in front of other aegir like the aby/ssal hunte/rs etc
but in general she thinks of her sneezes as messy and gross
she doesn't even let her guard down when she's on her own, she'll just try to blow whatever's irritating her out of her nose incessantly to the point of rubbing her nose raw. something something the devil you know is better than the devil you don't i guess
hates being blessed because it means she has to confront the fact that she sneezed in front of someone all over again
she's super sympathetic to how other people feel about sneezing and whether they want it acknowledged or not as a result
buildups are breathy and last for around ten seconds. she has a lot of false starts because she figures better safe than sorry
stifling still causes her to drip so she figures there's no point
she holds back and fights off sneezing for as much as humanly possible
she's totally the person who is always sniffling wetly or scrunching/rubbing her nose every ten seconds when she's sick
allergic to most tree pollen, but it's nothing drowning herself in allergy meds can't stymie
not photic per se but bright light makes her nose a lot more sensitive to everything (in addition to her eyes being sensitive to bright light in general)
immune system is torn between being strong for an aegir and being worn down by land-dwelling illnesses so it nets out to being average strength
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snzinite · 3 months
Nothing to See Here
2k words. yes that is the fic name. i finally finished something that wasn't a headcanon! yippee!! this is for @messysneezer who requested a fic involving Mudrock. sorry this took so long, i was busy for all of January so I didn't have much time to write write. this ended up being a little longer than i pictured. i hope you enjoy it!
female sneezes (mudrock) / allergies (pollen but mostly dust), some talk about mess and spray but not really much of either
Mudrock had never been inside of a Leithanien library before. Even in a town as small as this, it was something of a wonder. The ladders moved themselves to and fro, guided by the unseen hand of the musical arts of the gramophone units. Their music was soft and ambient, and their effects were more seen than heard. Books levitated themselves off the shelves for the clientele, going so far as to flip through themselves if one decided they were only looking to have a peek instead of a read. Warm lighting splashed visibility around classy decor of ornate stone and lacquered wood. She would have liked to spend a few days in this building alone… were it not for a few problems.
She scrunched her shoulders together as she pressed her finger into her lip through the sneeze. She had been waiting for that one to work its way out of her ever since she had to slip out of her suit. 
A particularly nasty Leithanien caster unit had managed to tail what remained of her squad as they made a desperate play to soldier on to Kazdel. Her men lacked the strength or the willpower to square off against them now, so their only hope had been to ditch their equipment in a safe location and scatter about this border town in disguises. She rolled her shoulders, feeling the silky smooth straps of her casual dress glide across them. The feeling almost didn’t register against the soreness from months of having her armor and mud plates weigh down on them. She wore clothing, yet she felt almost naked.
Speaking of feeling naked, the brief moment of being exposed to the grass pollen-laden air of springtime Leithanien had been enough to cause her allergies to flare up. Not exactly pleasant in its own right, but it could prove deadly if it caused her to be found. She rubbed the underside of her nose back and forth, subtly massaging her septum and the outside of her nostrils to ease them of the stinging itch that throbbed. It helped until it didn’t, and the sensation of a fingernail scratching and itch sent a tingle up to her sinus, until–
She exhaled after that one, nearly losing control but managing to stifle at the last second. The volume definitely increased a few notches, and she had officially drawn the notice of the denizens of the library. An older Caprinae man shushed her with a disapproving glare before adjusting his reading spectacles and going back to his tome.
(“Excuse me,”) she whispered as an apology before rubbing her nose again. It felt warm to the touch, with moisture beginning to collect at the insides of her nostrils. She attempted to sniffle it back. In that moment, she discovered two new unfortunate things about the situation.
One: this library was very dusty. The inhale caused her to just about feel every particle of dust that was invited into her already irritated, sensitive nasal passages. It made the itching migrate to the top of her throat for the time being, but she knew that it wouldn’t stay there for long. Apparently, the grand mastery of Leithanien arts units did not extend to cleaning functions. Now that she could feel it, she saw it on every surface, book, and floor she could lay eyes on.
Two, and much more immediately deadly: a Spire Caster, one of the most elite arts users in the Leithanien military, had made their way into the library while she had occupied herself with worrying about her allergies.
She took an involuntary breath of alarm and ducked behind a shelf. Her heart began to hammer in her chest. How many of her people had also chosen this library to hide out in? She hadn’t seen any come in, but the place was fairly large; it didn’t mean there weren’t any here. She willed herself to calm down. There was a reason she chose this place–detection arts were thwarted by thick sheafs of matter, and what better place to find such obstacles than a library?
The shot of adrenaline dulled the itching for a moment, but as she calmed it returned with a vengeance. She tried to swallow to tame it, but a pang of scratchiness lanced through her mouth into her nose. She took a hitching breath, then two–
“Haehh–choo! Hah-kxnt-choo!”
And stifled with all of her willpower against the side of her wrist. As soon as she was satisfied that she wasn’t going to sneeze again, she risked opening her eyes and shooting glances around her. The Elafia woman who shared the aisle with her gave her a strange, pointed look, but everything more or less remained the same otherwise. 
She shook her head a bit and sniffled again. Blinking made her realize that tears had begun to pool at the corners of her eyes. She wiped at them with a delicate touch so not as to irritate her eyes.
Stifling meant she was now congested as all hell, not relieved of any of the itching, and generally miserable… but at least that meant her nose was clogged up to any other irritants looking to extend the misery further. She could still breathe in some troublemaking dust if she wasn’t careful, but low, shallow breaths would hopefully prevent that. She tested it out. The breath only fanned the embers of a sneeze rather than set it ablaze, so she managed to relax a little on that front.
The next step was to get clear of that Spire Caster by any means necessary. Not sneezing was half the battle–not casting out a metaphorical flare to her location was only one aspect, but merely being seen would be enough. She began to walk through the aisleways between shelves. She kept her pace measured as leisurely or academic; frantic footfalls of a run would more or less shout out that she was exactly who they were looking for.
She neared the center of the floor now. The dust on the shelves was thicker here. It made the roof of her mouth itch just looking at it. Her lips had parted so she could breathe entirely through her mouth. Any movement of air through her nose was bound to be futile and noisy at her luckiest. She needed to leave this place and regroup with her squad, but she couldn’t risk making a move so soon after she’d spotted the enemy. 
Think, she forced herself. Stop thinking about how much you need to sneeze. You’re supposed to be a scholar, remember? What kind of scholar enters a library and doesn’t look at any books?
She reached for one at random, and her heart skipped a beat as it levitated itself into her hands. She had seen it earlier, but it turned out to be quite another thing to experience it personally. She did her best to ignore the puff of dust produced by it opening its cover for her and flipping through its pages. It would have been useless to her even if she wasn’t struggling to see through watering eyes, though. She had picked up enough Leithanien to hold a conversation, but she still couldn’t read more than directory signs.
She shut the book and tucked it under her arm. She paced around the corner, hopeful to find a reading table or chair in the corner of a room to keep watch over the area from when she froze.
Standing in the middle of the small space between shelf-aisles was the Spire Caster. They didn’t look like they were looking her way, but the unseeing face of their white masks always gave precious little away.
The jolt of fear caused Mudrock to suck in a lungful of air as she pivoted her heel back to press her back against the shelf she had just walked from. She stopped herself, but it was too late; the breath had already disturbed the contents of her sinuses. The resulting noise was no more than a deep snuffle, but that was the least of her worries. The tickle that danced in her nose spiked its heels into her, and she hitched once, twice, and–
“Hah-choo.” That was fine, but she wouldn’t get away with just that. “Hah-choo!” A little louder, but both had been contained fairly well. But the tickle only magnified, and she could only draw in a huge breath. Her mouth hung open. The world seemed to stop. She felt a tear roll down the outside of her eye off of her face.
Cover yourself! The thoughts came crashing in. Hold your nose shut! But they had come too late.
“HUUUESSSHHoo!” She sneezed down toward the floor, fully uncovered. Mercifully, the lighting wasn’t right for her or anyone else to see the resulting spray. Unmercifully, she wasn’t done–
“HAAUUUUESSSSSSHH-OO!” She brought a hand up in a reflex after the next one, but it wouldn’t have done her much good anyway. She had nothing to sneeze into but her bare hand and arm, and neither would have muted the sound. Thankfully, letting these out had reduced the itching dramatically, and she managed to end off the fit with a “HA—-choo!”
Her sinuses had cleared themselves of their congestion somewhat, too. She was much less uncomfortable now. Unfortunately, she was also probably much more heard by the Spire Caster. She whipped around to look for them. She did not have to look long.
The Spire Caster rounded the same corner she had just moments ago. The robed figure stood somewhat shorter than Mudrock, but their presence made her feel small. The black eye sockets of their mask bore down on her like hateful coals. She remained rock still, hand frozen over her face as though it would prevent them from sucking her soul out. Which, for all she knew, was just the sort of terrible spell that Spire Casters were capable of.
They held her gaze for a moment, then gave a chuckle as they dug around in their pocket.
“Let me guess. Foreigner? Grass season?” Their voice was soft, muted further behind the mask.
Oh. Right. They have no idea what me or my squad look like without our gear. This line of thinking was interrupted by a wordless panic followed by a single, stifled sneeze.
“HET–ngt-choo.” It took Mudrock a moment to find her voice again. When she did, her first syllable was choked with phlegm. “How did you know?”
“Well, the horns are more or less a dead giveaway,” they said. “And this time of year is always the worst for grass pollen. My sister has it worse than you do, and we’re from the C Minor Spire.”
She didn’t know what the C Minor Spire was, but she did recognize the bundle of gilded cloth she was handed from the Spire Caster’s pocket: a handkerchief.
“Oh,” she said, before forcing her brain to engage in nicety mode. “Thank you, but I couldn’t possibly.”
“It’s just a simple cloth. Please, keep it. If you’re planning on staying in this nest of dust, it sounds like you’ll need it.”
She hung in a pause before taking the handkerchief from them. She hadn’t made a mess of her face by sneezing, but removing her hand and showing her face felt like a barrier being breached by the enemy. She brought it back up by burying her nose in the cloth and blowing to get what remained in her nasal passages out of her. It felt nice on her irritated face; warmed by the Spire Caster’s body heat so it wasn’t uncomfortably cold, but not so warm that it aggravated any sensitive skin. “Thank you,” she managed.
“It’s nothing,” the Spire Caster said. “I hope you manage to feel some relief.” They turned away to leave, but they only made it one step before stopping. “Oh, right. Pardon me for asking, but you wouldn’t happen to know of any Sarkaz mercenaries by the name of Mudrock, would you?”
Nothing else could catch her off guard today. “Mud… Rock? Sounds like a silly mercenary name, no?”
The Spire Caster snorted. “Silly or not, he’s responsible for a lot of dead people. Be careful if you run into him or his men.”
“Will do,” she said, savoring the irony over a sniffle. “Thank you.”
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snzinite · 3 months
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Alright, let's kick things off with part 1 of my ar/knights snzdraws. This series is based off of @snzinite 's headcanons for the following characters : Utage Mudrock Mulberry Estelle Harmonie
If you like these, please go check out the headcanons they're based off of!
✨Please do not reblog to non-snz blogs!✨
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