sorcererest-sorcerer · 15 hours
Good god you are a detective.
(I sent you this ask bro)
Where is @the-tiniest-sorcerer ?
Hm... You know, it's been a little while since I've seen him. Last I heard, he was working with an army of ants in a war against some beetles.
(ooc, I think tiny is the same blogger as @sorcererest-sorcerer , and though they're back, idk if they want to keep up with tiny)
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we should bring back the supernatural fandom somehow having an extremely specific gif for literally every occasion though
i know you guys are still out there. i know you still have your .gif folders. don't pretend you're not.
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The least relatable part of this is rolling something successfully 6 times
Wizard who got tired of fighting and casts fucked up unethical spells like “super brain hemorrhage” to end them faster
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The Sorcerer laughs, “It is no matter. Allow me.”
He steps to the side, revealing a table already set with tea and two chairs that had not been there before. The Sorcerer’s favorite trick.
“The teapot is enchanted to pour the pourer’s favorite brew.”
Icarus feels a new sensation. The Sorcerer’s aura is still in effect, but now the Lead Sorcerer has one of his own. It is as if you are more aware of your place in the lead mines, more connected to the machinery and above all else the lead.
You are the linchpin for this entire operation, and you feel that control over all your creations comes with greater ease.
The lead mines are empty, save for the automatons, but Icarus it seems has not yet returned home.
“Ah… he’s still out. I suppose I will just have to wait for him.”
The Sorcerer glances at @lead-spider
“You don’t talk do you?”
The automaton shakes its tiny head. Evidently not, but it doesn't seem particularly upset about it either.
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You mean like this one?
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It’s my birthday!!!!
Give me wizard gifts
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A Bismuth! I can make many potions of tummy settling with this. Much appreciated!
It’s my birthday!!!!
Give me wizard gifts
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The most sacred of arcane objects.
Thank you
It’s my birthday!!!!
Give me wizard gifts
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It’s my birthday!!!!
Give me wizard gifts
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The light of Icarus’s mana coagulates into what is distinctly lead paint, which colors the page in intricate filigree describing all the spells and magical powers associated with lead sorcery.
“Icarus… you are one of my greatest friends upon this realm. I came to see you.”
The lead mines are empty, save for the automatons, but Icarus it seems has not yet returned home.
“Ah… he’s still out. I suppose I will just have to wait for him.”
The Sorcerer glances at @lead-spider
“You don’t talk do you?”
The automaton shakes its tiny head. Evidently not, but it doesn't seem particularly upset about it either.
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“I could send them your way for training if you like. They have to come to me first for the powers anyway. I’ll keep you in the loop.”
The lead mines are empty, save for the automatons, but Icarus it seems has not yet returned home.
“Ah… he’s still out. I suppose I will just have to wait for him.”
The Sorcerer glances at @lead-spider
“You don’t talk do you?”
The automaton shakes its tiny head. Evidently not, but it doesn't seem particularly upset about it either.
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The fact that he’s not actually struggling but just learned a habit from watching his human buddy snap bamboo is so precious.
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“That reminds me…”
The Sorcerer opens the book to an empty page.
“Would you do me the honor of adding your lead sorcery to the compendium? You see, each page represents one of the sorceries stolen by the Crown, but it doesn’t do that anymore. Its new purpose is to gift the power of sorcery.”
“Doing this will give you a magical boost, as the first lead sorcerer, but then others may come along and choose lead sorcery for themselves. You won’t lose anything. Just feed the book some mana like you would casting a spell.”
The lead mines are empty, save for the automatons, but Icarus it seems has not yet returned home.
“Ah… he’s still out. I suppose I will just have to wait for him.”
The Sorcerer glances at @lead-spider
“You don’t talk do you?”
The automaton shakes its tiny head. Evidently not, but it doesn't seem particularly upset about it either.
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“Oh! That would be my divine presence.”
“I’m sort of a demigod now… of sorcery… I’m empowered by the presence of other sorcerers, but I also increase the power of the sorcerers around me.”
“I’m also way more powerful in general, which is why I could transform the crown.”
The lead mines are empty, save for the automatons, but Icarus it seems has not yet returned home.
“Ah… he’s still out. I suppose I will just have to wait for him.”
The Sorcerer glances at @lead-spider
“You don’t talk do you?”
The automaton shakes its tiny head. Evidently not, but it doesn't seem particularly upset about it either.
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“What are you talking about?”
The lead mines are empty, save for the automatons, but Icarus it seems has not yet returned home.
“Ah… he’s still out. I suppose I will just have to wait for him.”
The Sorcerer glances at @lead-spider
“You don’t talk do you?”
The automaton shakes its tiny head. Evidently not, but it doesn't seem particularly upset about it either.
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*slams you with my fucking PUSSY
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“I came to tell you that finally I did it!”
“The Sorcerer’s Crown is no more!”
The Sorcerer produces a large tome titled “The Compendium of All Known Sorceries.” The words on the cover are surrounded by a familiar, simple gold ring.
“This book is the Crown, only now it has a new form and a new purpose. It can grant sorcery to those who choose it. With this book, I can undo the damage of the Sorcerer War, and perhaps redeem myself in the process.”
Again you feel that strange sensation of your powers being drained and amplified simultaneously. It is definitely coming from the Sorcerer and not the book.
The lead mines are empty, save for the automatons, but Icarus it seems has not yet returned home.
“Ah… he’s still out. I suppose I will just have to wait for him.”
The Sorcerer glances at @lead-spider
“You don’t talk do you?”
The automaton shakes its tiny head. Evidently not, but it doesn't seem particularly upset about it either.
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She knows nothing and understands all
HUGE news everyone now that my druid is level 5 its finally happened
after all this time
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she has a + to their nature
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