Happy pride, my only goal this month is to not let you forget for a fucking second that this website is transphobic and horrible down to its core. Don’t give them money, make an absolute stink about the fact that their CEO personally permabanned a trans woman, leaked all her sideblogs, then chased her to Twitter to pursue a personal vendetta. Remember that this is not a safe place for the queer community, and that has nothing to do with us, the queer members of the userbase, and everything to do with the continuing actions of Tumblr’s staff.
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Ref Sheet for The Boss!
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(Lovely art by @tarphi! :D)
more under the cut :3
The Boss's appearance is like a living silhouette, and often shifts around. Usually has a pretty wide frame. Sometimes he's more solid (see ref. image), but he's usually just a shadow with pupilless white eyes. (Not like Peter Pan's or Dr. Facilier's shadow, he's just pich-black.)
His smile is similar to his eyes, but he only does it rarely to be menacing.
Voice is deep, mostly monotone, and a bit rough.
Never seen wearing anything but his overcoat, tie, fedora, dress pants, and dress shoes, all equally as shadowy as he is.
He disappears behind corners and into shadows, and appears behind shoulders. He enjoys spooking people like this, but he'd never admit that.
The Boss is the founder and owner of the Nork York Storage Company (a.k.a. The Warehouse), taking its name from the city it resides in. No, that isn't a typo.
No one knows for sure when or where he and the Warehouse came from, he's just... been here. About 50 years ago (maybe more) he appeared out of nowhere and built a sizable business almost overnight with assets of entirely untraceable origin. Anyone who tries to investigate it either quits or disappears (with one notable exception, Monroe, who became the Warehouse's archivist).
Buys, finds, (and steals) a menagerie of items for the Warehouse (notably animatronics), and is constantly seeking to grow his “collection.”
The Warehouse takes clients from all over; the general public, government offices, crime rings, probably demons too if they pay well.
Cold, but not rude or impersonable, just stoic. He's actually pretty charismatic when he wants to be, he is a businessman after all. Despite this, he usually regarded as a very intimidating man.
Knows way too much. He's not omniscient, but if you're talking to him, he knows your address.
Doesn't raise his voice, and almost always keeps his cool.
Does not take kindly to disrespect and will make that known.
Briefcase, tucked into coat.
Cigars and zippo lighter.
Large key ring for the Warehouse.
Modified Smith & Wesson Model 27 revolver loaded with .38 Special. Never seems to run out of ammo.
Being literally just a shadow, the Boss can be kinda weird to draw. Using white outlines for clarity or monochrome shading/lighting like in the ref. image is a good idea. Lighting his face is discouraged.
The vagueness of his form is a part of his design though! I'd recommend leaning into it :3.
Never uses contractions (Can not instead of can't; I will instead of I'll.)
Insists upon translating his name when speaking in another language. To that end, he knows dozens of languages.
Despite The Warehouse's shadiness, his employees are paid well and receive benefits. Not out of compassion, mind you, only to keep them loyal.
Most rumors about him are about his use of blackmail, bribery, and manipulation to get what he needs, but only because he's good at covering his tracks when he uses force.
bonus doodles by @tarphi and @spaghettiandeyeballs (feat. FTR)
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