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I’m so normal about them. have some memes
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you know that one post that’s like “any dude can be a babygirl, but it takes a man to be a malewife”? hob is malewife. dream is babygirl. sorry. thank you.
this is indisputable fact, why are you apologising
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drawing for the sandman dtiys
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Let them gaze at each other, Johanna and enjoy the show as we do…
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Petition to make this the Sandman “this is fine” meme
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This Matthew the Emotional Support Raven ficlet was inspired by a prompt from @once-in-a-blue-moon-rising which you can see below. Please give the original post some love as well.
Dream sat at a table in the library, slouching in the comfortable chair with his long legs stretched in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He was reading a not-yet-written novel by a teenage girl in Denmark. It was quite good and he was considering what dreams he could send her that would inspire and motivate her to bring the book into being. 
He was aware - as he was aware of so many things - when Matthew crossed from the waking world back into the Dreaming. He felt Matthew enter the library shortly thereafter, and then wingbeats were followed by a soft landing on the table. Dream did not look up from his book. 
“Was it a dreamstone, Matthew?” 
Something hard thunked on the table. That was unexpected, but still not enough to make Dream put the book down. 
“No,” Matthew said, “not a dreamstone.” 
Dream hummed and turned a page. “Very well. Thank you.” 
He had read another two paragraphs before he realized that Matthew hadn’t left yet. 
“That’s all for now, Matthew. You are free to go.” Again Dream turned his full attention back to the book. 
Talons clicked closer to him on the wood and feathers rustled. The hard object was pushed along the table. 
“Was there something else, Matthew?” 
“Um yeah, actually.” 
Dream read another sentence while he waited for Matthew to elaborate but when no further comment was forthcoming he finally put down his book to see Matthew directly on the other side.
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“Um, I got this. For you.” Matthew ducked his head and pushed forward a large sapphire pendant. “I know you had to let your ruby be destroyed and this isn’t magical or anything, it’s just a rock but it’s a pretty rock and I dunno I thought you might like it.” He made a shrugging gesture with his wings, but the look on his face was distinctly hopeful. 
“This is of the waking world,” Dream said. “How did you acquire it, Matthew?” 
“Window was open in the fake-dreamstone-lady’s house.” 
“You stole it?” 
“Well,” Matthew shifted from foot to foot, “I mean, yes, technically, but she’s a bad person! She was taking money from people by convincing them that she had a dreamstone! Is it really stealing if it’s from a bad person?” 
“Confidence artists have existed for nearly as long as humans have been telling stories,” Dream told him. “Their use of their own dreams and the dreams of their marks is fascinating.” He picked up the sapphire and held it up to the light as he spoke. It was lovely. 
“Ok, but this con artist left her window open. Furthermore, I am a raven and it is shiny. Really any raven in the area could have done the exact same thing.” 
Dream lowered the gem and studied his unconventional raven with a sigh, but couldn’t keep the smile from playing at the corner of his mouth. 
Matthew shifted uncomfortably. “Look, if you want I can take it back I guess.” 
“No,” Dream said, looking down at the gem again, “I accept the gift in the spirit in which it is given.”
Matthew’s expression brightened. “Really? You like it?”
“I do. It is beautiful, Matthew. Thank you.” 
Dream pulled the chain over his head and the sapphire sat in the center of his chest. 
“You’re welcome!” Matthew fluffed his feathers proudly. 
Dream sat back in his chair and reached for the book. “I am going to be reading for a while longer,” he looked away from Matthew so as not to convey any preference, “you may stay if you wish.” 
“Yeah, I guess if you don’t mind some company.” Matthew took a tentative step closer. 
Dream felt himself smile and reached a hand toward the raven. Matthew stepped on and Dream brought him to his lap, where Matthew quickly settled. 
“Is this ok?” Matthew asked. 
Dream found his page in the book and began stroking the feathers of Matthew’s back with his free hand. “Yes, Matthew. This is okay.” 
It was, Dream idly mused, far more than that.
UPDATE: There is now art of this story by the fantastic @wyvernquill! Check it out and give it some love!
I previously asked for prompts of real ravens and I have one still waiting to be written. Work has been kind of brutal lately so it may take me some time to get to, but if you send me a picture or a video of a real raven, I will (when real life permits) write you a ficlet inspired by it!
Master post of my Matthew the Emotional Support Raven ficlets
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Full Moon over the Temple of Poseidon l Lolos Marios
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Tossed it away like a fistful of dead roses…
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The hive-mind collectively rejoiced as it assimilated its first human mind. That was until the collectives first intrusive thought.
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They say you can sneak almost anywhere openly if you wear a safety vest and carry a ladder. A group of heroes trying to infiltrate the Demon King’s castle end up using that trick.
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A part of me that's missing
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I long to kill the writers block fairy
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Loki Show Progression
Season 1
Loki: I hate you
Mobius: not according to this picture I drew of us holding hands.
Season 2
Mobius: I don’t know you
Loki: not according to this picture I drew of us holding hands.
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I don't appreciate this slander, Wade.
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Back just to say Owen went to the Vancouver Canucks game today and I thought he looked nice so I wanted to share
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i love seeing my mutuals hyperfixate over stuff i know nothing about, ‘cause i’m just sitting there cheering them on like “do we like that person you’re talking about? no?? BIG no?? oKAY BOOO BOOOOOOO WE DON’T LIKE THEM” like a confused but really trying parent
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i really really love trish
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