strapslinger · 16 days
why do you keep tagging Life Is Strange on non Life Is Strange related things.
I was gonna do some life is strange related stuff, it’s in my drafts I just haven’t posted it yet, my bad will be posting that soon tho
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strapslinger · 17 days
Toxic!Ellie x fem!reader
You were her ex, but you still loved her.
cw: Ellie is toxic, Mentions of drinking, fingering, barely proofread (my first time writing nsfw soo)
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You and Ellie had broken up months ago and you were invited to one of the parties she was hosting. You hadn’t seen Ellie in a long time and you were hoping you would catch up with her because you still wanted her.
You were so excited and got ready, you did your makeup nice, you wore a little lacy short dress, it was something that would make anyone stare. It covered your ass, just not completely.
As you got ready for the party, you texted your friend to be the designated driver because you knew you would be drinking tonight. You got your purse, your keys and some weed. You waited outside for your friend to pick you up for what felt like forever, you felt nervous to see Ellie for the first time in months.
You got in your friends car and went to the party, as soon as you walked into Ellie’s house, she looked you down and gave you a big grin.
“Where’s the alcohol tonight?” You asked with genuine curiosity, you were genuinely surprised the place wasn’t trashed yet, like it normally was..
Ellie looked you up and down again and smiled. “In the kitchen, just no throwing up everywhere and we’ll be good, yeah?” This comment caught you off guard and you wanted to reply back with something snarky but you didn’t.
You walked into the kitchen and poured yourself a half cup of vodka. You spaced it out a little so you would feel more of the effects later. You refilled it occasionally but the taste never bothered you. You felt better after taking a few big sips and every racing thought in your mind was silenced.
You went to find Ellie and a few girls were all over her, kissing her neck and giving her the love you felt like she was craving, they all were pretty, you felt pretty like them because they were dressed similarly to you, but you looked at Ellie, who was giving you a big grin.
You started to get more confident and energetic when the alcohol started working its course. You felt better, and more confident that you could actually talk to her without stumbling over your words. You felt like you were floating and the time passed by ever so slowly.
You had liquid courage in your system and it showed in your eyes, whenever you tried to strike up a conversation with someone it went smoothly. You went into Ellie’s room looking for her, and there she was, sitting on her bed playing her Nintendo Switch.
She glanced up at you and then at what you were wearing and then turned off her Nintendo switch. You sat on her bed and couldn’t stop gazing into her eyes, there was something in her bright-ish green eyes that you missed with all of your heart.
You missed her, she felt like home in every way possible, you just didn’t see that before.
“yknoww we should likee..catch up because I reallyy miss youu” you slurred, your words sounded like gibberish but she nodded her head.
“Soo..how’ve you been?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at your giggling fits. You gazed into her eyes and she was giving you that same puppy eyed look she’d always given you when she wanted something.
“Come here, I miss you.” She said, almost demanding that you come closer to her, without even answering her question, you scooted closer to her on the bed.
Her bright purple LEDs made the whole thing feel unreal to you, it felt like a dream because you were almost wasted. Her room and bed felt like clouds almost and you were a giggly mess.
She pulled you in, giving you a few light kisses on your cheek, she went down to your neck and started giving you light hickeys, and then the feeling intensified. The sudden pleasure made you moan “mmphh..elliee” you hugged onto her waist and then she tugged on your dress.
“Can I?..” she asked with those same puppy dog eyes, you nodded and began to take off your dress.
She began to kiss all down your stomach, making you whine out in pleasure. She almost ripped off your bra by trying to unbuckle it from the back. She looked down and saw the absolutely soaked panties you were wearing. She tugged at those too, slipping them off in a rush.
She put a hand over your thigh while stroking your soaking wet cunt. You moaned out but she kissed you to try to keep you quiet. She put her fingers in and started making little circles, eventually speeding up her pace, pumping her fingers in and out.
“mmphh Ellie I’m close..” you whined out, she just kept going, pumping her fingers in and out faster but eventually went slower. You felt your orgasm coming, she continued to pump in and out, touching your sweet spot,
“Cum for me baby.” She started pumping her fingers in and out, and eventually your eyes almost rolled back in your head due to the rush of pleasure. You felt a rush of euphoria and relief while she felt you all over her fingers.
She gave you a kiss on the cheek and rubbed your stomach. “Did so good for me baby” she said in a sleepy voice.
You and her hopped in the shower after and washed each others hair, the connection felt so real and out of touch but it felt comforting, you were her.
a/n: sorry the nsfw isn’t that good, I’m really trying but it’s so hard to write. This will be my format for now, I was gonna reformat all of my other stories but I just took them down due to how short they were.
Words: 901
Time: probably around like 2-3 hours
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strapslinger · 21 days
“How do we expect to be anything when we don’t try to be anything”
ex!ellie x reader
cw: Ellie is a little cold, mention of smoking, she’s mean in some parts but it’s mostly just fluff after the breakup, not really proofread😭
a/n: sorry I haven’t written for ages, I’ve been busy and I kinda just forgot about tumblr for a while (ignore the borders on the photos if their there for you)
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You and ellie had been broken up for 2 weeks, you felt like you couldn’t live without her. Ellie was your everything, she helped you through the tough days at school; the longs days at work, and the depressing days at home.
Before you two had broken up all she did was ignore you, she was cold and distant and it hurt. Everything reminded you of her after the breakup. especially the leaves outside that matched her tattoo on her arm, the coffee pot that she had made you coffee in on hard days. It was definitely hard and you missed her, but you tried to convince yourself that you didn’t.
You had never blocked her number or changed her contact name, and it just hurt all the more. You had tried texting her, but she just left you on read so you just stopped texting her altogether. You reminded yourself that she was cold before she even broke up with you.
You thought about her every day and every night, you thought about the pleasure she had given you in the past, the little gifts she gave you when you were feeling sad.
On one cool but warm night, she had texted you. Your heart immediately sank. Why was she texting you this late? You questioned yourself, wondering if she found out something or just wanted something.
“Hey” she texted you, your heart dropped to your ass. You left her on read for a few minutes and then you texted her back. “hi.” You didn’t want to see her or even text her back, but yet you forced yourself to because you wanted to be something again.
The next day you had to go into school, you had to see Ellie. You got through the day and then you had PE for your last period and Ellie was also in that class. You went into the changing room and saw Ellie, she gave you a cold glare but walked over to you after getting changed. You gave her a slight smile but she didn’t reciprocate it.
“what do you want, Ellie?” you asked coldly. Your expression remained cold and threatening while her expression changed to an apologetic one. She missed you.
“This is gonna sound fucking stupid..but I miss you.” She spat out, this made your heart hurt because you had been so cold to her.
She looked you up and down and looked as if she was expecting a response to that, your face softened and you now had a look of surprise with a mix of empathy on your face.
she kept going on, she sounded genuine like she really did miss you. “I miss your voice, I miss the way you kissed me after a hard day at work, I miss when you would help me with my homework, I miss everything about you and everything reminds me of you.”
Everything she said made you question why she even broke up with you, you knew it was because of a stupid reason, but then you got an idea, to invite her over after school.
“I miss you too..how about you come over after school to talk about it..? We can grab food too if you want.” You said without even thinking about it. You missed her loved her. You wanted her back in your life.
She nodded her head and opened her arms for a hug, you almost jumped into her arms with how much you missed her touch. Her touch was intoxicating, it felt like a drug.
“I love you” she said in a warm, low tone. You reciprocated the same words as you clung onto her. “I love you too”
After school, you drove home and she drove to your house, you made sure to get her favorite food and yours too which was yours as well. She got to your house a few minutes after you had gotten there. You let her in and led her to your room, your parents weren’t home so you were open to doing whatever she wants to do.
She still had her backpack and you had wanted to do what you and her did best, which was smoke. You got out a pipe and some weed, but before you were able to open the bag, Ellie held out her own weed. “You can have this, it’s for me being an asshole a few weeks ago.”
You took it and stuffed the bowl with it and lit it, taking a huge hit. You coughed a little but you handed it to her after you were done. She took a few smaller hits and passed it back to you. You and her passed it around until the bowl was finished, when you were feeling pretty high, you and her had gotten pretty close again. You leaned in and gave her a peck on her lips, you felt happy and relaxed and you giggled like you had never done before.
You looked at her, you felt happy and content when you were with her. She leaned in and kissed you again, wrapping her arms around your waist and hips.
“How do we expect to be anything when we don’t try to be anything” she said, looking at you with loving eyes.
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strapslinger · 21 days
Donate to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza - €10,754/20,000
2. Help Shadi's Family Evacuate Gaza - $1,306 / 15,000
3. Help Ruaa And Her Siblings Evacuate Gaza - $7,171/ 15,000
4. Help Mohammed Aljbour Evacuate his family - €2,121 / 10,000
5. Supporting Samah's family to survive the war - $30,805 / 35,000
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