Epilogue:  Mayi
Mayi and Melkei welcomed their first child, a perpetually curious pink-haired girl they named after a missing grandparent, in the crush of the great immigration.  They weren’t the first to leave-conscientious mild springers in the tertiary sector, they took incentives to stay and help with the processing of new arrivals, repairing the sequelae of violence and neglect and teaching them the language(s) and culture of their new home.  She loved the rainforest.  But it was the last place on Amenta to be settled for a reason.  And eventually, the pain of being separated from her family became too much, and her child was missing departed friends, and it was time to join them. 
They all lived.  The only reason Mayi’s mother didn’t die on the job is because that would have been traumatizing for her students.  Her cousin once-removed and his siblings (all of them red-haired, adding to everyone’s confusion) mostly stayed in aquaculture,  and even more of them stayed in food.  The Oyand Shrimp grew into a tense and serious-minded young woman, who worked as a project manager for a major construction management company, while her brother continually struggled with the after-effects of trauma. 
Mayi lived a long life surrounded by family and community.  She worked in the government as a translator and wrote music for local games and community theatre productions and mentored younger artists in her free time. There were sorrows, of course, illnesses of body and mind, rivalries and dramas, and the hazards that came from living in a civilization with shallow roots (which the people of Miovay always thought they were the best prepared for), but in the end, she judged her life as having been rich and satisfying.  Her own kids grew up and worked in a selection of jobs that only made sense on Miovay, and married into families who had come from a half-dozen different countries, and had their own ups and downs and children.  
When Mayi was fifteen, a friend asked her to provide music for a short segment  for Learning Together, a locally produced educational show.  The segment, which involved the singer counting from one to ten in Miovay’s major languages while a kaleidoscope of fruit (count the fruit!) was cut into dancing pieces (count the pieces!) and assembled into fruit cups hopping along with the beat  (count the cups!) with syrup poured on top (count again!).  Of everything she ever wrote, it reached the biggest audience and was the best-remembered.  
She was cool with it.
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I’m going to have to cut back my online presence a bit-I know this means there are some great asks I won’t get to (also, some truly terrible ones, at this point in my life I do not have the spare energy for “Thanks for taking an interest in red culture!  No, I’ve never engaged in cannibalism.” type responses.)  
I’m having a baby, I want to engage in a deeper study of Cenemi, and I will be preparing for a series of assessments as I prepare for whatever comes next (My cousin works in aquaculture, Shrimp’s elder brother is a construction worker, and my mother is the kind of teacher who sits on curriculum committees, so...).   It feels really strange to turn down so much work, but at this point I literally don’t have time for anything other than family, my own art or preparing for colony life.
And so, on my way out, a confession. 
There was a particular video game company that once hired me to do some music for a planned expansion and they were the worst. Expected me to read minds, gave me tight deadlines and then wouldn’t give me feedback for weeks afterwards, didn’t pay me on time.  It quickly became clear that I was never going to work with them again.  Getting fired would have been a relief.  
And there was this one character who was just...if there was a character reds would headcanon as a secret red, it would be them.  Magician from elsewhere, evasive about their past, lots of sorrowful gazing into the sunset.  
So I put little musical cues from red traditionals all through their battle theme. And the more they annoyed me the ‘worse’ I made it.  And they never noticed.  It’s all still there.
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Miovay’s northern spring starts in....seven months.
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It...exists in that middle space.  People were closing up before any official announcement was made, but our government knows what kind of citizens it has, they had a plan for where to put the traffic cones.  I’m pretty sure all the bars and restaurants put in extra orders when the Beyond went out  (I made some food ahead of time) .  
Dude, you wouldn’t be crashing someone’s wedding, it’s the FTL Spurge.  I think you sincerely want to celebrate that.  Just be generous?
So the Beyond came back.
Also the ships coming in right now are carrying reds who were living in Biyan.
(Also Miovay, FTL conditions, castehopping Isel relatives, we’re just generaly pleased)
We will be throwing a very large Splurge (I will not be drinking at it).  If you expected a quick response on anything, it’s de facto a holiday now, adjust your expectations accordingly.
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So the Beyond came back.
Also the ships coming in right now are carrying reds who were living in Biyan.
(Also Miovay, FTL conditions, castehopping Isel relatives, we’re just generaly pleased)
We will be throwing a very large Splurge (I will not be drinking at it).  If you expected a quick response on anything, it’s de facto a holiday now, adjust your expectations accordingly.
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is Afen Kisantami a secret red?
1.  There’s no such thing as a secret red.
2.  I bought a credit in the last auction before FTL was announced, clearly nobody tells me anything.  
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Red mothers doubly so.
I have thought about it.  There’s certainly demand.  I was already in the process of learning Cenemi, and northern spring is a time when things slow down a bit anyway, so it’s not like I have to immediately change directions, thank the stars.
Did I mention I just bought a credit?
Wait what's wrong with your profession?
But the music side of things-both composing and translation-I make most of my money working on commercial projects where the main teams are located in other countries.  That depends on cheap, easy communication, which might not be a sure thing if I’m on another planet.
I’m not quite sure how the trade-deals-and-gov’t papers side of the translation business is going to go.  I’m certainly not going to starve.
But it’s also true that a planet of our own would mean many more children and therefore a lot of ‘orange’ jobs opening up, reactivating my mother’s well suppressed desire to see me follow in her footsteps.
I don’t think anyone’s in a position to make an intelligent decision yet.  It probably won’t hurt if I learn the math and science I missed out on as a 3-4 year old.  Thank you mother for these useful materials.
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Wait what's wrong with your profession?
But the music side of things-both composing and translation-I make most of my money working on commercial projects where the main teams are located in other countries.  That depends on cheap, easy communication, which might not be a sure thing if I’m on another planet.
I’m not quite sure how the trade-deals-and-gov’t papers side of the translation business is going to go.  I’m certainly not going to starve.
But it’s also true that a planet of our own would mean many more children and therefore a lot of ‘orange’ jobs opening up, reactivating my mother’s well suppressed desire to see me follow in her footsteps.
I don’t think anyone’s in a position to make an intelligent decision yet.  It probably won’t hurt if I learn the math and science I missed out on as a 3-4 year old.  Thank you mother for these useful materials.
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So my mother showed up with a giant pile of books and 2 keys worth of assessment-prep material.  “In case you end up switching professions.”
This took her two days.
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All Orvara did was look at a group of persons, fail to recognize them as persons when they introduced themselves, lie to their faces to make killing them easier, and then stand around with their thumbs up their asses as the persons died miserable, slow, starving deaths in the cold.
Seems like a pretty good measure of the relevant qualities to me.  Fuck Orvara, they should not go to space.
Regardless of your views on red rights, it doesn’t help anyone to prevent Orvara from having access to faster-than-light travel. They cannot undo what they’ve already done, and denying them such access only serves to hurt Orvara’s citizens for no benefit. While of course such arguments don’t apply to any country that uses such a method in the future (given sufficiently pro-red-person postulates), as Anitam would presumably wish to deter other countries from doing the same thing, punishing countries for actions taken years ago will not have such a deterrent impact. 
While there is an argument to be made that there may be aliens in the universe, and it would be a disaster if a country exterminated an entire species of aliens due to differences in pollution protocol, punishing Orvara on such grounds is at best using a poor proxy for the relevant quality. Orvara did not pioneer the Orvaran solution because it was unusually anti-red person, but because it was unusually high in theologian density. Other metrics of treatment of red people show Orvara as fairly typical. Furthermore, Orvara has an unusually positive attitude towards hyposensitive people, which can be seen both in policies, such as the illegality of Natural Aversion Therapy, and in more general surveys of attitudes [1].  
(Oyand, on the other hand, clearly lacks the necessary organizational skills to safely administer a colonization mission.)
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How dare you suggest that the genius of our age is a shitting trashlover!!!
The genius of our age spent time as an umbrella green. The genius of our age’s new revolutionary technology is going to make sure that as Amenta ventures into space we spread the radical values of Not Murdering An Entire Group Of People Just Because We Feel Like It. The genius of our age is better than you at morality.
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Hear hear.
With any luck this is how arguments about caste abolitionism are going to go from now on!
It’s official: the greatest green of our age isn’t even green. If the caste apologists had had their way – if our existing caste laws had been enforced successfully – then we wouldn’t have FTL right now.
If you’re a caste apologist, then you get to just shut up forever, because you tried to prevent us from getting planets.
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really gonna need it?
I’m currently oscillating between “We shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves.” and “Miovay, casteless season-having jewel in the skyyyyyyyyy!”
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I think we have six days to prepare for the biggest splurge in history.
Either we’re going to have something to celebrate or we’re really, really going to need it.
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I think it has been proven that-even under exceedingly difficult circumstances- the Mioleen leadership doesn’t leak.
Four million? Holy soap, Cene must be paying y'all *all of the ni* for this batch
I think…I think the mystery of where the resettlement board thought it was putting all the Cenemi reds has been solved.
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Four million? Holy soap, Cene must be paying y'all *all of the ni* for this batch
I think...I think the mystery of where the resettlement board thought it was putting all the Cenemi reds has been solved.
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All things that needed to be confirmed and signed have been confirmed and signed.
Sent appropriate notices to the immediate family,
extended family
Made appointment to have our implants removed, forwarded the confirmation to their office so that goes smoothly.
Also there has been squealing and tears.
...I’m taking a nap.
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