stuffedsock · 1 year
Silly mornings
English isn't my native tongue so if you see any mistakes sorry! Had a thought about some cute domestic John and reader's mornings. So here's that blurb.
John woke up later than he usually did and he blamed last night activities on that. Rubbing his beard and eyes to get dream out , he slowly stretched and was disappointed to find your part of the bed empty. Looking over at the clock on the wall it made sense, it was almost noon and you were probably getting hungry but he would have preferred waking up to your pretty face.
He slowly got up and he could feel his muscles protesting, he grunted and shot a few choice words to the empty room. He was getting old.
After a quick visit to the bathroom he shuffled to the sound of your voice in the apartment. And what a sight you were. The Sun shining trough the curtains and hitting you just right and making you look like an angel, his one and only. The wedding band glistening on your finger and you wrapped in one of his shirts. John could stand there in the doorway forever listening to you sing along to the radio and dance to the beat while getting your tea ready.
Too soon you turned around and saw him, the smile was brighter than the Sun and it warmed him to his core. You didn't stop singing tho. You turned up the radio and picked up the spoon you were using to mix the sugar in your tea.
Your impromptu mic was doing a great job, you were twirling and singing your heart out, slowly coming towards him. He could feel his cheeks hurting from the smiling he was doing.
Not for a moment you did not stop the act, slowly taking his arm and guiding him further into your kitchen and towards the fridge. Signaling him to open it, he saw breakfast waiting for him inside all ready on a plate for him, he just needed to warm it up. Before he could kiss you as a thank you, your act continued and a tea cup was shown to him, steaming hot and a cigar next to it, all prepped on the counter. God he loved you.
You did a last twirl and molded into him. "Morning John!" The kiss you gave him was slow and passionate, like you haven't seen him in a long time. It made John want to propose to you again, just to hear you say yes.
He rubbed his beard on your face to hear you giggle and kissed your face all over. "Mornin' popet." John guided you with your teas to your little terrasse looking over the sunny England day. He kissed your head and went back in for his cigar and to put his breakfast to heat up.
He left the radio on and brought all the plates outside. You looked so beautiful just sitting there folded into the two-seater you insisted on buying that barely fit but was amazing for cuddling for you two and watching the stars.
John sat next to you and started eating, the silence was comfortable and your warmth next to him was making him sleepy once again.
You were magical and he promised himself he'll make sure to show you how much you mean to him every second of the day.
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stuffedsock · 1 year
Teach me that word
English is not my native tongue so if you see any grammar mistakes sorry! This is my personal head-cannon that Kim really likes older partners, I don't know where it came from or why I just really dig it so I went with it. The reader character is gender neutral, as always, and is part of the KorTac (non-military branch)
Unlike most of his teammates Kim didn't mind the med bay. He had his laptop with him, the amenities, pretty and nice staff and a good view.
And most of all he got visits from you. He looked at the clock on his laptop and exactly on the dot he heard your footsteps enter his room. He shuffled a bit up his bed and prepared for your attack. Not a second to soon he was smothered into your warm arms.
"Hi handsome! How was your day? Is your leg doing better?" He knew better then to try and answer now. Kim felt your kisses on his face, your soft hands in his hair, on his cheeks. He melted into the attention you were giving him. No amount of gambling ever felt this fulfilling. He regretted not putting his laptop away in time, since it now occupied his hands and not your supple flesh.
You moving away gave him the opportunity to shuffle the laptop onto the nightstand and get his hands on you. A moment later he felt your lips on his fingertips and even after all the time spent together he still felt his cheeks turn pink.
Oh and that smile you gave him, you exactly knew what you were doing to him. You took his hands and cupped them so gently and put your face in his hands. Your eyes sparkled with mischief and he felt his face redden more.
"Kiiiiim~ What was that word you loooooved me to call you from now on?" Oh no, he knew where this was going and he quickly tried to distract you with kisses and snugs. The laugh and snort that came out of you were going to be filed in his mind forever and engraved for when he was on deployment.
Once he pulled away from you, Kim just looked at you. Your lips were plump from the kisses, your eyes while glazed still shined with mischief and oh your cheeks. They were the prettiest glow on this Earth. He wanted to frame this moment forever.
He felt your hand on his tight, and the rubbing was definitely supposed to be more than innocent. "So, the word Kiiim~"
With a laugh and a huff and folded himself into you, his head in the crook of your neck breathing in your wondaful scent. "S..ang..m" It was more a mumble and he knew you would not let this go, but he would try to distract you with his hands on your waist and kisses on your neck.
The hum you let out was music to Kim's ears. The hand on his tight was still rubbing circles into it and the hand on his back moved to his hair.
The pull was unexpected but thrilling. He was forced to meet your eyes and your smiling face. "The word Kim Hong-jin. I want to hear it, now please." And who was he to deny you.
"Seobangnim." The word held so much meaning to him, he wanted it to be real, he wanted you to say yes. But the damn pain meds and exhaustion made him spill it before he could do it properly. You deserved the whole nine yards of romance and fuck it you were getting it, if it was the last thing he was doing.
He watched your face for recognition of the word, but found none. He both felt relieved and anxious. You were not a person to be kept in the dark, you loved knowing and learning.
He could see you silently try to word it out. "Songbangnim?" The questioning tilt to your voice as cute, the downward look of uncertainty and a bit of shame for not getting it the first time was doing something to him. It was fraying his last threads of sanity and all he wanted was for you to be part of him now and forever.
Kim worded it out slowly, and let you repeat it as many times as you wanted to. With every repeat he felt his heart clench and he swore he felt his eyes mist, your hand never stopped rubbing the circles in his tight. His hands now on your neck and thumbs rubbing your cheeks mid word attempt.
"You are doing so good, aein." Kim couldn't resist anymore he kissed you with everything he couldn't say now. He wanted to make it special, needed to. You deserved it.
Before you could speak he mumbled into your lips. "I have a few weeks off due to my leg here. I should be out next Saturday how about we go out on a date and I explain to you in detail what the word means?"
"I'll hold you to that Mr. Handsome~"
Seobangnim - husband
Aein - sweetheart and it is supposed to be gender-neutral (hopefully google did not lie to me)
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stuffedsock · 1 year
Always ready to try
Just some cute fluff. John is scared of dogs, I read that somewhere don't know if it's cannon or not but I am going with it. English isn't my first language so if there are any mistakes sorry!
John was very uncomfortable. There was a decently sized dogs head on his tight and it was looking at him with those big eyes that screamed "please give me pets". He unfortunately was actually scared of dogs. The Staffie? He though, it could be a Pittie he was never the one to know the difference between breeds was shaking from the speed of it's tail waggling and it was snorting. It made John think it was having trouble breathing.
He didn't feel comfortable touching it. Looking around the room he found most of the occupants engaged in conversations and his cousin no where to be found, he could feel the drool seeping into his new pants. Ew.
"Mordred! Down! Come here." He heard a stern voice say. The dog, Mordred, moved with a huff and a final slobber on his pant leg to the voice. John looked into the direction the dog went and he felt his heart clench.
They stood there, looking both exasperated and having such gentle-loving hands on the little block heads back that was grunting and huffing in love of the attention it finally got. "You can't do that Mordred. We talked about this, you know how to respect peoples personal space. You little nob!" Mordred did not seem to pay a lick of attention to the words you spoke to him, only enjoying the rubs he was getting.
John was staring at this point, he knew he should say something, introduce himself maybe find the dog as an excuse to...to do anything you were so captivating. The smile and the vivid twinkle in your eyes was calling to him, it was so long since he felt this tongue-tied. He could feel his face form a smile.
"Now, Mordred let's go apologies." His heart skipped a beat and he was hyperaware of the wet spot your dog left. His hand went to his Mohawk and he ruffled it to get rid of his nerves.
"Hi, ugh...?" You gestured toward him, and he hoped he gave you one of his winning smiles. "John MacTavish, and this is Mordred I met." He winked at you and the laugh you gave him made him grin even harder.
"Yes, this little block head is Mordred, sorry about your pants." The dog huffed as if it new it was being talked about, and the pat you gave it made it snuggle into your leg further.
The conversation flowed easily with you. He never laughed so easily, felt so comfortable, so...unbothered. John did not have to be the charming soldier who brings the mood up and keeps the team together here. Here, he can be John and he really appreciated it. He appreciated how you made it easy, you took his ques about topics he was uncomfortable and casually talked over them and he really hoped to get your number later.
It wasn't long before John again felt Mordred's head on his tight, the dogs huffs and snorts making him stand on edge. While he understood now, that the dog was the sweetest cuddle bug ever his fear of dogs wasn't going to go away in a day.
He felt your had on his tight and the dog was in a second off of him.
"I am so sorry John! I don't know what's gotten into him! He's usually so well behaved. He really must like you a lot to keep trying to get you to pet him. I know you are not really comfortable with dogs, I'm so sorry..."
John grabbed your hand gently and squeezed it. "Hey, it's okay. I know I'm irresistible but I could use some help with getting used to the little block head. How about next week we meet up and we try exposure therapy, ey?"
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stuffedsock · 1 year
His little piece of heaven
English is not my first language and I just wanted to let my domestic plot bunnies run wild. This is mostly fluff and short.
He was always a light sleeper. From his early childhood to the military installing in him alertness at all times, Simon knew sleep would be few and far between. Even here, in the soft sheets, with them by his side.
He closed his eyes and focused on his partners warmth seeping trough the sheets that were between them. Simon buried his nose deeper into the juncture where their neck and shoulder met and folded himself into them more. He could hear the soft happy sigh they let out and feel them melting more into the embrace.
Even though he could not go back to sleep, this peace and softness they crated, he'll bask in until his body or they required him to move. Until then he'll think about that little box he has been keeping in the back of the drawer.
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