sxgitta Β· 2 years
popping in to say hi and that i haven’t forgotten any of you angels. things have been rough & im tired and work a lot. considering trying to make a comeback.Β 
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sxgitta Β· 3 years
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Shadowhunters - S03E16 β€œ Stay with Me  ” Β 
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sxgitta Β· 3 years
hey im alive, yall.
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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2.03 // 2.05
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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izzy lightwood + 2b outfits [1 of 3]
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
Magnus had to admit to himself that he has an affinity for leaving hickeys. He’s a naturally jealous and possessive person, just in his nature from having everything taken from his as a child and a young adult. It wasn’t exactly something that he could change about himself, so…it was a thing. And boy did Alec look ever so pretty with the dark marks littering his pale skin, claiming his as Magnus’ for everyone to behold. He was actually rather proud of himself if he were being honest, and the smirk on his face definitely stated that quite clearly. Whoops.
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β β€œIt’s a love bite, baby,” Magnus still couldn’t rid himself of the smug little grin. As soon as he could tell Alec was panicking, however, the grin dropped and Magnus snapped his fingers, hiding the pieces of art from view, despite how much Magnus would like them to be visible. β€œThat’s okay, love. I don’t have to mark you if you don’t want me to.” He didn’t want to embarrass his Shadowhunter boyfriend.
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β ( COPIED FOR @stardustcreated​ )
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ALEC BLINKED WHEN THE MARKS disappeared, ❝ no, i don’t mind them.. i a--.. actually really LIKE them, magnus. ❞ he said, turning to face him while walking up to grab the lapels of his jacket. ❝ i um.. ❞ he leaned in to kiss him gently, ❝ i just -.. maybe next time not right before i have a big meeting. with lots of important, business-y shadowhunter people. ❞ he said, taking a deep breath. ❝ i’m the head of the institute, you know. i have to be PROFESSIONAL. but like.. put them all over my chest, or my thighs. ❞ he whispered into his ear, ❝ even my collarbone, or my hips... or my nipples. ❞ he said, leaning around to the other side to bite his earlobe.
❝ i want all of your LOVE BITES all over me... and when this meeting is over, perhaps you can bring those back to visibility. ❞ he hummed. ❝ let’s practice ? ❞ he suggested. he didn’t want to upset magnus, or have magnus stop MARKING him to show him that he belonged to his lover.
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
pops back in right before i gotta go to work. lmao.
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
β€œBut only you can change yourself.”
He’d watched the other struggle, watched as Alec thought he was doing what he thought was best even though it would only bring him pain. It wasn’t like he’d tried to tell him that he wouldn’t be happy. Each time he tried and was met with resistance was another bit of pain for him. Pain he had thought he might not have to experience again yet pain nonetheless. Sighing, he knew it was pointless to keep talking to Alec about this. Magnus knew they would end up going around and around in circles and he had far more important things to do than deal with a shadowhunter who couldn’t make up his damn mind. That and he did have clients that would be coming to meet with him. Clients that were willing to pay money for his time and wouldn’t question every little thing he did. β€œI can’t help you with this. Only you can. And it seems like you’re determined to stay this person.”
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ALEC LISTENED TO MAGNUS SPEAK, actively trying not to make eye contact with him. not because he made him uncomfortable, but because he was RIGHT. only alec could change this thing about himself. this PROBLEM. anything he said would just be another EXCUSE. he wasn’t sure he COULD make up his mind. ❝ i’ve never been able to BE anyone else, magnus. ❞ he said, looking to the side, trying to fidget with the strap for his weapons on his leg. ❝ you can’t help me. i know that. but i’m not even sure how to help MYSELF. ❞ he admitted, finally looking up at him. ❝ i don’t know HOW to pick one thing over the other. i don’t know HOW to give myself something. i don’t know how to GIVE UP my world to be myself. i could lose everything and i don’t know how to make that decision and lose everything and every ONE i love. because if i choose.. THAT path, i’ll shatter the pathway to the other one, and i’ll have NOBODY. ❞
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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Dominic as Jace Herondale on ep. 1x01 of Shadowhunters (2016)
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Magnus had been desperately hankering for some time alone with his husband. Seriously, one of Magnus’ love language was quality time, and the other was touch, so…it was really fucking with him. He’d just wanted a nice, romantic date with his man and luckily, the two managed to piece some time off together and Alec took him on a lovely picnic in a field full of poppies. It was beautiful. I mean, Magnus was thoroughly enjoying the food and wine, but hey, he wasn’t going to complain about Alec climbing into his lap and pushing him against the plush blanket.Β 
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β β€œIn front of all these poppies?” Magnus asked, brow arched as he secured his hands around Alec’s hips to keep him steady.Β β€œYou really know how to romance a man.” 
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β // continued from x | @sxgitta​
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ALEC GAVE A SOFT CHUCKLE at magnus’ choice of words. he looked around, staring at a few of the poppies near them before returning his gaze to magnus, ❝ why yes, magnus.. in front of ALL these POPPIES. ❞ he said, voice low as his nose brushed against magnus’ softly and gently. ❝ nobody’s around... nobody can see or hear us. well, save for the poppies. but i don’t think they’ll care. ❞ he smirked, leaning down to kiss him, reveling in the fact that magnus’ hands were resting on his hips. he took his own hand and pushed them up magnus’ shirt while running his palm up his abdomen to his chest.
❝ i’ve had a great teacher. ❞ he smiled. he loved and cherished ANY alone time he got with magnus, because it seemed like lately there wasn’t much of it to go around so he took what he could get and didn’t complain. MUCH.
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
apologies for everyone i owe things for. i think i kinda wanna start fresh, save for a few replies i have with certain people. so like this for a fresh plot call !
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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Top 10 Malec Kisses as voted by my followers:
#2: That was graceful. – Shadowhunter.
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
I don’t know much about the world, but it seems like if you take #good god and add it to #this is so cute, you end up with #sxgitta.
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
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- will you marry me?
- only if you’ll marry me too.
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sxgitta Β· 4 years
stardustcreated replied to your post: stardustcreated replied to your post β€œmeadow. our...
no i LOVE it it made me die laughing for ten minutes LITERALLY jdklajdas
LMAO GOOOOOD. pls reply to that one first lmaooo
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