#// i also blame rue for this idea because rue said ghost and I RAN WITH THE IDEA SO FAST
boyfriaends · 28 days
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what if you could date a ghost?
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hpdabbles · 3 years
Lovely Nightmares
Based off the Dig Two graves by @childotkw. Thank you again for permission to use as based idea! 
“We find the defendant guilty on all charges.” 
Harry stares upwards in shock as Tom Riddle- the boy he considered a friend, the one he told everything to, the one he believed made it all worth while to go to Hogwarts- turn his head away from him after damning him with his lies. He did well, playing the terrified bystander to someone who lost themselves in bloodlust and violent tendencies. 
His witness statement made a few eyes tear up in pity for the muggleborn who had been tricked by the halfblood into cruel silence for the mistreatment he had to endure under Harry’s thumb until a fresh corpse forced him to speak out. He took everything he once thought made their friendship real and twisted it, to make him appear a murder.
A murder that the Ministry of Magic has now sentence to life in Azkaban. 
Harry had not been fond of Myrtle Warren, mostly due her forceful flirtish behavior against him and other boys as well as her whining voice but he would never have hurt her much less kill her. In fact Harry often put himself between the girl and the bullies who followed her around. How people could forget that he never know. 
Yes the last time he spoke to her, left the Ravencalw in tears but that was because Harry had rejected her as gently as he could. After she ran away from him unable to stand the rejection, she was found hours later dead in one of the girls bathroom. 
Harry had been horrified and truly sorry to see the confuse ghost flout about lost in a way only the departed could be. She was so young, a soul that can not find rest even after her death. He along with the rest of the school were evacuated from their dorms, everyone speaking about the murder. The houses were keep separated  in order to keep better track of the young, while preparations were made to have everyone sent home
It would be Hogwarts last year if the killer could not be found as it no longer meant the future of magic were safe within their walls. Harry was sadden to see such a important place go, especially as one of the first students to originally walk it’s halls, but he had been more worried about Tom because there were rumors that Warren had been killed for being a muggleborn.
Tom Riddle, the human mortal, was also a muggleborn. It tore Harry up inside to think he could be next. A victim. That he could disappear from this world. 
He went to see him when he got the chance only for Tom to point him out to a pair of Aurors with wild desperate eyes “He did it! Harry Potter killed Myrtle Warren!” 
Harry tried to defend himself but with the evidence Tom managed to present to the authorities he was dragged away with the school watching. The worst part had been Myrtle who was flouting one inch above the ground in the grand hall,  her unseeing eyes watching him go with tears rolling down her face.  “Why Harry...I loved you”
Her confession made it all the worst for him. Harry knew the Ministry of Magic tended to believe guilty until proven otherwise but even before he stepped into his court hearing he knew it was a kangaroo court.
They all believed he did it, the court hearing was just a formality.  
“Harry James Potter shall be sentence to life in Azkaban for the crimes including the murder of Muggleborn Myrtle Warren, possession of illegal potions, Possession of dark magic, and commenting a murder on Hogwarts sacred ground.”
“What?! But I didn’t do it! Tom is lying! He’s lying!” Harry shouted in outrage struggling even as Aurors appears to drag him away. A strong grip on his shoulder and legs to the point of bruising is nothing compare to the smug eyes of Tom Riddle as the doors start to close. Harry allows his eyes to flash the bright green of his father’s magic for a second just to watch that attractive face spam in surprise.  “You’ll pay for this Riddle. I hope the guilt eats you alive. I hope it never lets you rest!”
“That’s enough out of you” sneers the woman who is moving him. Harry turns to her just in time to watch her wand light up before everything goes dark. As he is falling, he forces words past his lips so the whole courtroom can hear his final words.  
“I will make sure everyone in this room pays.” They do not know they ring with not just truth but with a curse. It would take them days to discover it but by then it would far too late. 
He wakes to the sound of crashing waves, freezing cold and the screams of the inmates. Harry had been stripped of his Gryffindor uniform leaving him black and white stripped robes, his feet were bared and he has bruises all along his body. He laid on the stone ground, with no windows, no bed or bathroom from what he could tell. Flickers of near by torches made it hard to see but he thought there was a woman across from him leaning against her cell bars like a broken doll. 
A dementor stood at his open cell door, likely left that way so that one of them could “accidently” feed on him while the guards were away, hovering uncertainty.  Harry scowled at it. “What are you looking at?”
The creature twisted it’s head, taking a breath. The cold increased, causing shivers to run along Harry’s body, his human side effected by the magic of sorrow even though his father’s blood keep him level headed. It would take a while but eventually the coldness would sustained. The creature made a odd crocking sound that attracted the attention more of it’s kind. 
The woman let out a whimper when the flouting masses of darkness glided by her cell. She threw her self away from them, pressing her bone skin back to the far wall. Harry silently sent her a apology even as his body finally adjusted to the Dementors peering at him from under their cloaks of shadows. 
“I’m not a circus act” Harry snapped at them, standing up and stretching  his arms above his head. A satisfyingly pop run up and down his back which sent the dementors into a frenzy, more of that odd croaking filling the air. It took him a moment to realize they were excited by him. 
He squinted at them. Ah, these were young. Maybe only two thousand years old. They had never come across him or his father, because they were behaving much like teenagers meeting their idol. Not that he could blame them, Harry’s dad was pretty important to the likes of them.
A giant black dog rose up from the shadows in the corners then, causing the Demontors to go wild as the dog strutted by them wagging it’s tail to a pair on the right. The creatures did three flips in the air as they swoon. They would be gloating later to any of their kind that the great Grim had given them a haughty smirk no doubt. Harry rolled his eyes as the door twisted into his uncle Sirius. 
“Harry!” The man said joyously, his dark curls framing his grinning face as the adult waved a finger at him. The spark of laughter in his silver eyes- a nice choice of his humanoid form Harry thinks. This one most definite matches humans’ idea of beauty- lets the half being know his uncle finds this all hilarious.  “Why am I picking up my nephew from mortal prison? James is besides himself, young man. He allowed you to come down the these realm for a few years and you get thrown in jail!”
“Riddle framed me.” Harry shrugs slightly embarrassed his new life on Earth ended so abruptly. “He told everyone that I murdered someone.”
Sirius frowned, his canine peaking over his lip as he studied the boy who quickly laid down face first allowing his soul to detach from his body. “I thought you two were close. Why would he do that?”
“I don’t know but i intend to make his life hell.”
The Grim tilted his head as the soul of his nephew- Death’s son created between the personification of the end and a muggleborn woman named Lily many many eons ago- rose from it’s physically anchor his father created.
Since Harry is both half alive and half dead he could come and go between worlds. Usually James-as Death preferred to be called- ever few millennia would bend to his son’s boredom and send him down to Earth. It was a nice vacation from all the filing, soul collecting and transporting of souls the boy had to do. In truth James saw it more as sending Harry off to summer camp to experience more from his mother’s side instead of reincarnating him into a human anchor he design.
Lily lived in the Beyond, as she was full mortal, while James and Harry lived in a never ending castle in Between. They visited Lily in her private heaven often with James confidently heading over there after work but Harry yearn for the real world and not the one created by James’ will or Lily’s fondest memoires.
He had experience empires rise and fall, had taken many names and faces to match whatever whim of appearance James took up-last millennia he had sported blond hair and blue eyes which meant Harry did as while- but no one had ever made him feel as alive as Tom Riddle has.
“How do you plan to do that?” Sirius asked waving at the group of Dementors goodbye while opening his shadow so Harry could travel to his father’s realm. 
“I’m going to appear in all of his dreams until the day he dies.” Harry growled sinking into the darkness. “The dream scape is the place I can bend to my will and Riddle will rue the day he ever double-crossed me.”
“Alright but you are going to be the one explaining to your father that you want to appear in a teenage boy’s dreams and not me. He never forgive me if I helped his dear baby Harry flirt like that.”
The darkness swallowed them up on Harry’s squeaking of denials his body left under the protection of Dementors who were the only witness to the strange happening. 
Miles away Tom Riddle looked over at the Gryffindor table missing the strong green stare that always looked back him more then he will ever be willing to admit. He shivers abruptly when a cold sensation of a hand runs along the back of his neck to his shoulders. 
That night he dreamed of Harry Potter by the black lake, smile soft and green eyes glowing. He took Tom’s hand to guide him into the water with a sweet laugh that made everything slow down as Tom jumped through the waves of a invisible breeze. Harry looked happy as they splashed about, the sky a clear blue for once and Tom could not look away from the vision Harry made.
Midway through the dream the water turn to blood, Harry’s smile fell and his heavy betrayed eyes bore into Tom’s as he the smell of copper rose. The mortal found himself incased in blood slowing dragging him down as he struggle to escape the chains the liquid had become around him. 
No matter how hard he fought nothing could stop him from sinking further and further down all the while Harry watched him slowly drown. Tom tried to scream for help, to reach out towards him but the boy was unmoved until all he could see besides the red was Harry’s lips moving.
 “Why Tom...why did you do it?”
Tom Riddle woke screaming drench in cold sweat. 
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theradioghost · 6 years
I MUST know the rationale behind the ranking of most dumbass podcast characters.
some spoilers because, you know, sometimes these people are so bad at making good decisions that it completely alters their worldstate,
Rudyard FunnLook at him. Look at everything he’s ever done.
Jon Sims/Doug Eiffel“got kidnapped/held hostage by horrible monsters four times in as many months” versus “flung offinto deep space at least four times”? how’s a girl to choose between them
Juno SteelDespite steady and promising improvement, the lady is working against 38 yearsof terrible, terrible decisions and has a long way to go yet. And I have yet to forgive him for the end of The Final Resting Place.
Dr. Howard YoungWhere do I start. Thought FUTURE wasa good idea. Told OCEAN to fuck off. Did not consider just how bad an ideareturning to Halcyon was. Did not consider that fleeing into Floor 13 was a badidea. Somehow acted like an idiot in every conversation he ever had with theAIs he built. Managed to die several dozen times.
Mark SollingerNihilistic eldritch cults and transformation into a terrible robot-creature isnot the most effective way to help your friend!!!!! And it didn’t even work
Esther RobertsI love her (most versions of her) but she’s the only person upon whom I would everwant to inflict a basic college-level ethics class, and maybe then a few more ontop of that.
The entire fucking Stamatis familyWOULD YOU THREE GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER
Anthony PartridgeLovely guy, deserved better, did drivehis wife away out of blindness and also killed a man
Julian, the JanitorSweetheart, please thinkbefore you act. Manages to be highly-ranked in bad decision making entirely within his own daydreams.
Martin BlackwoodAlso a sweetheart. Needs to stop idolizing his crush andrealize that said crush is plummeting headfirst down a well of eldritchdarkness and that maybe that’s not a healthy situation for either of them.
Carlos the Scientist circa It Devours!I don’t blame him, I’m just sad.
Antigone FunnShe deserves the world and is definitely the more sensiblesibling. And yet she is clearly also her brother’s twin.
Dr. Robert MontagueAccidentally died and then ran around the spaceship and yelledat his dad captain about thirty seconds after waking up from a coma andfinding out he had been dead.
Dipshit Poletti (formerly Extinction Event Poletti, formerlyPanda Bear Poletti, formerly Earthman Poletti, formerly Gerald Poletti)If those names don’t say enough I don’t know what I can tellyou, but also consider everything else he’s ever done, and the fact that he’s currently in prison because he’s willing to believe anything that ghosts tell him.
Mick MercuryHe’s so bad at everything. I love him. He’d be higher on thelist except that somehow he always manages to show up and produce the exact profoundwisdom that both Juno and real-world-me need to hear right at that moment. Also because he is a shining beacon of hope and love and light. I may be biased on this one but if you don’t expect that by now then I don’t know what to tell you.
Michael TateI’m so, so proud of him, and I’m so so proud of his recovery,and walking into that elevator on his own was such a significant moment for hischaracter and his growth, but it was also a stunningly dumbass move.
Neil Hastbury-RueBad at ghosts. Worse at judgment.
Dr. Sally GrissomMore ethically competent than virtually everyone at ODAR,but that’s not the highest bar in the world. Fell out of a ceiling and then smoked weed with her boss on a cafeteria floor while her secret government facility was in “a double agent is stealing world-altering secrets” lockdown.
Gore“I said I was a vampire, I didn’t say I was a good one.”Also, terrible taste in women, no pun intended.
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