#// which is to draw them in a hamilton broadway AU LOLOL
californiatowhee · 2 months
HALLO!!! so before I ask I just wanna express how much i love your art :3 your work really brings a smile onto my face every time i see it, your style’s very endearing in the sense that IT JUST WORKS!!! oh and I love how you color the most, HEAVY ON THE DRUNK PHOENIX ART AAAAA (its one of my fav works of yours!!! the texts never fail to make me giggle, even if I’ve read it over a million times)
and so I wanna ask abt your ethnicity hcs on the ace attorney cast, particularly phoenix and miles because I’ve always been so drawn to the way you illustrate their eye shape (cause it kinda reminds me of mine!2!!! and that alone makes me very giddy) IDK!! Something about is just so “eye catching”, i love it a lot! just couldn’t help but wonder if it has something to do with what you think their ethnicity is or if its just how you like drawing their eyes
ohhhhh gosh this ask makes me so happy for many reasons (the compliments make me want to simultaneously swoon and run away blushing 🥰) but the big one is that yay this means my eye shapes came off as deliberate, lol! i don't know how much sense it actually makes but yeah i do like to hc a lot of the cast as asian american since, well, they are in japanifornia, and i know all about being an asian american living in california 😆 for me phoenix is japanese, miles is chinese, and trucy is half desi via zak. these are the only solid-ish hcs i have so far (just because clearly all i think about are phoenix and miles lmao) and i don't know if any of it will ever explicitly come up in art/fic, so thanks for letting me ramble a little bit about it here, anon 🧡 (and for all the other nice things you said aaaaa)
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