#;;🍕 open starter
cowabungaxcarl · 6 months
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tag dump !
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of starters based on one of the five love languages: acts of service. send “REVERSE” for my muse to do the action for yours instead.
Send 🏠 to clean my muse’s house for them
Send 🧽 to do the dishes for my muse
Send 💵 to pick up the bill for my muse
Send 🍽️ to make a meal for my muse
Send ☕ to make my muse a cup of coffee / tea
Send 🚗 to fix my muse’s car for them
Send 🎉 to throw a party for my muse
Send 🎁 to give my muse a present
Send 📺 to watch my muse’s favorite movie / show with them
Send 🛁 to run a bath for my muse
Send 🖐️ to give my muse a massage
Send 🚪 to hold the door open for my muse
Send 📚 to pick up an item my muse has dropped
Send 💊 to pick up medicine for my muse
Send 🌱 to do yard work for my muse
Send 🛒 to pick up groceries for my muse
Send 👂 to listen to my muse vent / ramble
Send 🥰 to comfort my muse when they’re upset
Send 🤒 to take care of my muse when they’re sick / injured
Send 🍰 to bake my muse’s favorite treat for them
Send 🥤 to bring my muse a water / lemonade / soda while they’re working outside
Send 🚘 to give my muse a ride
Send 📖 to teach my muse something new
Send 🏆 to let my muse win
Send 🛏️ to let my muse sleep in
Send ✈️ to help my muse plan a vacation
Send 😴 to make my muse take a break when they’re tired / overworked
Send 👗 to help my muse pick out an outfit
Send 💄 to help my muse do their makeup
Send 🔈 to offer my muse some advice
Send 🪛 to fix up a broken object / appliance in my muse’s house
Send 🥪 to offer my muse food off your own plate
Send 👕 to do laundry for my muse
Send 📕 to help my muse with their homework
Send 🩹 to patch my muse’s wounds for them
Send 🍸 to make my muse their favorite alcoholic beverage
Send 🍕 to order a pizza for my muse
Send 🧵 to mend a hole / tear in my muse’s clothes for them
Send 🚶 to run an errand for my muse
Send 💇 to give my muse a haircut
Send 🫴 to help my muse up when they fall
Send ☔ to share an umbrella with my muse on a rainy day
Send ❄️ to shovel the snow off my muse’s walkway for them
Send 👜 to carry my muse’s bag for them
Send 🎶 to play my muse’s favorite song for them
Send 🧥 for your muse to give my muse their jacket when it’s cold out
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sparsilelove · 1 year
hello, what time is it? time for a fresh starter call thing 🥴
open to everyone, mutuals or otherwise. aiming for 1-2 lines lol good luck ish. send me an ask with the relevant emojis ✨ i'll do up to two per person who wants anything!!
🍬 › anyone from my roster / 🍕 › bowie halliday (felix mallard) / 🍔 › tennessee logan (jacob elordi) / 🧁 › sebastian hawk (joe keery) / 🍿 › nell orchard (samara weaving) / 🍭 › kamran mustafa (riz ahmed) / 🍪 › elliott hawthorne (charlie hunnam) / 🍫 › eddie mancini (frank grillo)
🌹 › do whatever you want ish / 🌵 › nsft from the jump / 🍀 › vibe check (platonic to start) / 🍁 › not slice of life (supernatural or similar) / 🪴 › first meeting / 🌻 › established relationship / 🌼 › alexa play we used to be friends by the dandy warhols
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oseathepebble · 2 years
🍕 : our muses to eat pizza together (Tristan treat Tsukiko to some pizza for their birthday?)
🍕 : our muses to eat pizza together
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It was the day after their birthday, and Tsukiko was still processing the amazing time they had. They had gotten so many birthday wishes and gifts that it made their heart feel full
They were in their room, finding a place for all the things they got yesterday when they got a knock on their door. "Come in!" Tsukiko called out
Tristan opened their door. "Hey, Tsukiko! I got you something!" He said. "It's in the lounge,"
"Oh? But you already got me a gift for my birthday yesterday? I don't need more things," Tsukiko was a bit intrigued, but was a bit shy at receiving gifts
"Yes, it's a late birthday present, but it's also technically for both of us. Now come on!" Tristan grabbed Tsukiko's arm and led them down to the lounge
On the table was pizza. it was just a simple pepperoni pizza, but it smelled amazing. The smell alone made Tsukiko's mouth water. "Pizza?" They asked
"Yup! We didn't get much of a chance to talk yesterday, you know with everyone going up to you, but I thought that we could use this time to talk and you know, eat pizza!" Tristan gave their friend a big smile
"You know, I actually really wanted to spend some time with you yesterday at the party so this is great!" Tsukiko and Tristan sat down on the couch and began to eat the pizza
The two started catching up on everything they experienced at the party and their plans for the upcoming week
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glamchicken · 2 years
`  «  🍕  —  ooc.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  prompt.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  inbox.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  wishlist.  »  `       `  «  🍕  —  promo.  »  `   `  «  🍕  —  self promo.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  save.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  psa.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  starter call.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  q.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  dash game.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  music.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  art.  »  ` `  «  🍕  —  open.  »  `
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iamvegorott · 2 years
Can I combine these two with danti please? it’s got good comfort fluff potential
.you’re not alone. you never were
.we can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want. 🍕
"You’re not alone. You never were."
"We can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want."
Dark stood outside, staring up at the stars and moon and trying to will his brain to go silent. It was a spinning chaotic collection of thoughts that just made his chest ache. Memories of mistakes in the past hit him, the recollection of being left alone for years brought a burning pain to his eyes. He had a want to cry, he wanted to curl up and break down, but he couldn’t move, he could only stand and stare. 
“Darky?” Anti’s voice wasn’t heard at first. “Darky-baby? What are you doing? It's two in the morning? You’re usually in your office or bed right now.” 
“I’m-” Dark stopped when his voice cracked. 
“It's one of those nights, isn’t it?” Anti asked, catching the red in Dark’s eyes. “I got you.” Anti looped his arm through Dark’s and started leading him back to the Manor. “You’re not alone, you know? You never are, not anymore.” 
“I know,” Dark spoke softly, thankful to have someone else tell his body what to do. His head was still fogged but the thoughts started to tuck away as Anti spoke. 
“We can order pizza or watch a movie, whatever you want.” Anti opened the door and had Dark go in first. 
“Isn’t it too late to order pizza?” Dark asked, waiting for Anti to come in and close the door. 
“It’s never too late when you can glitch to a different timezone.” Anti giggled, going back to holding Dark’s arm and guiding him through the halls. 
“I don’t think I can eat, but you’re more than welcome to get yourself some.” Dark went into the bedroom with Anti, once again waiting for him to close the door. 
“Tell me what you want," Anti said.
“The movie didn’t sound too bad.” Dark cleared his throat. “And some…um…”
“Are you asking for some cuddles?” anti lightly teased and Dark only nodded his head. “You’re adorable.” Anti poked at Dark’s nose and continued before Dark could protest. “Get comfy and I’ll set up the flick.” dark could only smile as Anti went to work. He went and changed as he was instructed to and he crawled into the bed. 
“Hey.” Dark greeted as Anti joined him. 
“Hey.” Anti greeted back with a giggle. “Come here.” Anti tugged at Dark to move closer to the middle of the bed before plopping down on his chest. 
“Thank you," Dark said, kissing the top of Anti’s head.
“I’d do anything for you.” Anti hummed. Dark wrapped an arm around Anti and pressed his face into his hair, finding comfort and just listening to the movie that was now playing in the background. 
Soft and sweet sentence starters: link
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theburgerlist · 3 years
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𝙂𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙙 🍕 They’re big up north and now they’re trying to crack the south. @wearerudyspizza has JUST opened on Wardour St in Soho @rudyspizzasoho serving up authentic Neapolitan pizza. There’s a good choice of pizzas on the menu, and they are the only Neapolitan pizza place that I know of that have a pizza with tuna on it! So obviously that’s the one I got. If you’re about to cuss me out for having tuna on a pizza then you’ve obviously never tried it before. Anyway, they’ve got a great selection of starters, including a meat and a veggie platter with cheeses, hams, breads. Plus a dessert I’ve not had before called a Tartufo. It’s good pizza, the dough is soft, but not soft enough to break my top 3, but would be a top choice for pizza in central London for me. . . . . . #pizza #pizzas #pizzatime #pizzalife #pizzalove #pizzalover #pizzalovers #pizzaslut #pizzahut #pizzanapoletana #neapolitanpizza #pizzagram #pizzaporn #pizzaslice #pizzagourmet #pizzapizzapizza #pizzamania #pizzanight #pizzaday #pizzaitaliana #london #londonfood #timeoutlondon #londonfoodblogger #londoneats #pizzaislife #pizza🍕 #🍕 #pizzaria #pizzaparty (at Wardour Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRGc-5_H3nJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gentlebcnes · 4 years
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( text ) : I SHOULD NOT BE HAVING AN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS OVER PIZZA ( text ) : yet....here i am..... ( text ) : how is it that EVERY POSSIBLE PIZZA PLACE IS CLOSED RIGHT NOW?? 😤 ( text ) : i just want 🍕🍕🍕 !!! 
open text message starter feat. barry allen !
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dunkinarrows · 5 years
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             “if i didn’t know any better, i’d think you were spying on me.” clint had finally given up and just walked on over to the other person staring him down from across the food court. he had met more than enough spies in his life to know what spying looked like, and this was no different. he had been in hiding for quite some time, not so shortly after the events after the avengers’ breaking up. the only thing bugging him about this particular person, was that he couldn’t make out their features. he didn’t know who this was. could have been the sunglsses, but he couldn't risk taking them off.  “who sent you? fury? coulson? oh, wait, wait- don’t tell me! it was rogers.”
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oseathepebble · 2 years
🍕 : our muses to eat pizza together - Secret late-night pizza in Pomefiore for Savvy and Adrien and some of their friends. Don't let Vil find out!
🍕 : our muses to eat pizza together
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It was night at Poemfiore dorm and most of the students were fast asleep. All except for 3
Adrian lightly knocked on the door to Savvy's room, just enough for her to know he was there
Savvy cracked open the door. When she saw it was Adrian, she let out a sigh of relief. "Is anyone else joining us?" She whispered to him as to not wake anyone up
"Epel," Adrian responded back in a whisper. The two quietly snuck through the halls of their dorm before ending up at Epel's room. They did the same thing. Quietly knocked before sneaking through the halls again
The three ended up at the front gates of their dorm. They looked around before spotting a few heads in the bushes. "Psst! Psst!" A voice called the three over
The Pomefiore students walked over to the bushes. Inside were Cater, Lilia, Kalim, and Damien
"Eh? Damien?" Adrian whispered in a shocked voice. "Why are you here?"
"Jamil asked me to follow Kalim. He didn't want to come here for. . . reasons," Damien's head turned towards Savvy's direction
Savvy just rolled her eyes. "Did you guys bring the pizza?" She asked, trying to move the conversation along
Cater pulled out two boxes of pizza. "Yup! Where are we gonna eat this? I don't think eating the bushes is ideal," He stood up and got out of the bushes
"I think a know a place, follow me," Epel fast walked past the fountain in the front courtyard and down the stairs. He pointed to the spot next to the stairs. "We shouldn't be seen from the dorm if we sit here,"
"Wow Epel! This is a great hiding spot! Great job!" Kalim praised the first year. The seven students sat down on the floor and started to dig into the pizza
After a bit, the pizza was gone and all seven were satisfied. The students cleaned up and they all said their goodbyes. The non-Pomefiore students left and the three Pomefiore students went back to their dorm rooms, successfully avoiding getting caught by Vil
As a visual, this is where they're eating
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