#;biffhorrific (time)
abouttiime · 2 years
“Canonical” verses
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In May of 1986, Marty’s mind was on graduating high school and stopping the bank from selling off Doc’s things, but when the DeLorean (WASN’T IT DESTROYED BY THAT TRAIN?) shows up, Marty must go back in time to rescue his best friend from gangsters in 1931. Things don’t go according to plan…
(This verse’s timeline also includes a vague period of time after the events of the game.)
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Pre- and post-time travel respectively. The latter takes place after Marty returns to 1985 until the events of the game.
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What if he hadn't gone to 1955? Basically, a number of what-if scenarios, placing a Marty McFly brand new to time travel in various situations his poor, confused self can barely handle.
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Set in 1955, any film.
stranded in 1955 - an au for that shitty scenario in which marty doesn’t make it, you know, back to the future
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Movie-verse future (teen Marty and adult Marty)
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Set within the timeline of events in the third film.
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Seamus McFly, Marty’s great-great-grandfather. Had a brother named Martin. Marty is named after them. Marty met Seamus, his wife Maggie, and their son William when he traveled to 1885 to rescue the Doc. Seamus warned him about letting others provoke him into fights, as that was what killed his brother. 
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Clarabelle “Clara” Clayton Brown - verse info tba
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Set within the timeline of events that took place in the summer and fall of 1931 in Hill Valley. While returning to 1986 from 1931, Doc disappears from existence and Marty is stranded in a terrifying alternate timeline of his hometown.
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Verse is set within the events and timeline of the comics.
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Marty circa 2015 (not movie verse. no hoverboards, flying cars, etc.) or just generally Marty in the future. His personal future, whether that be in 2015 or not.
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Marty Jr & Marlene verse - more info tba
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
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      ❝ Oh... shit. ❞ Marty was still a little dizzy after getting knocked out earlier, but considering, well, everything-- he's surprisingly calm about this development. Not that he knew what the hell was going on anyway; they were winging this. He just hoped Doc was having a better time than he was. 
      ❝ Biff-- he said you were in Switzerland. ❞
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frnkieroismydaddy · 2 years
I hate being awake at weird times and having cool info because how do you tell your mom's boyfriend that his birthday is not only the Ides of March but also George McFly's death in the biffhorrific timeline
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shadowmcfly · 7 years
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The wonderful Al White and I during Day 2 of We're Going Back in Filmore, CA. Al played the father who chased Marty out of his house in Biffhorrific 1985. "We ain't gonna be terrorized!". I ran into Al a few times throughout the event, and each time he was so kind and seemed to be having a great time mingling and enjoying the event. He was humbled how many people requested photos and autographs! Class act.
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coalessscence · 6 years
10, 20, and 30 for your 3 most active muses
( unpopular questions for my muses! )10. If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
herb: i feel like herb can be a bit claustrophobic. for this reason, i’m going with bus- even though i’m sure he’d be endlessly annoyed by the people on a bus and the entire experience of it. that being said, he probably did take the greyhound across country a few times, probably with his dad, when he was first out of college- and when his dad ‘fired’ him, he probably took one long trip on it, back home, alone. he and lucille each own a car, though, so now that sort of thing isn’t so important- besides, they live in the midwest, where there isn’t a ton of public transportation.
mira: she is one to be just about anywhere, and there’s plenty of places she might be that aren’t big on subways, and likely aren’t big on buses. but assuming both options are open to her, i think she would probably prefer the subway. i think she’d find more interesting about the subway. i think there’d be more of a variety of things happening in and around, and on, a subway that she’s like t observe and analyse, more odd people for her to chat with, and more for her to overall see. it would also be faster, less drawn out. the only think she would hate would be the heat. it would probably wreak havoc on her hair and makeup.
linda: an interesting case because she lives in hill valley, a small town in california that doesn’t appear to have much of either thing. surely, however, there must be some kind of public bus situation that comes through the town, even if hill valley doesn’t own it. again, assuming she had access to both, i think she’d dislike both equally, but i think she’d prefer to take a bus at night than a subway at night, because of the heat and the crowded-together nature. not to mention, she’d probably never take transportation during the day due to more potential crowds, she’d rather find someone who knows someone who knows someone and hitch a ride in their car. or, if marty is available in the right timeline, get him to take her in his truck. but i’ll say... the bus.
20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
herb: i find this tough, because herb appears to dislike everyone, but that’s not really true and he doesn’t really wish actual harm on them. in many cases, he actually cares about them a lot, he’s just emotionally constipated. coming to it from that angle it’s hard to say who he genuinely dislikes in a way that he’d be willing to kill them? even with a no consequences guarantee... i can’t think of anyone.
mira: i think a part of her would love to take out her mother, for the abuse she received as a child. another part of her would like to take out her abuser, for the things he and his men did to her. another part of her would just find someone that had done some so heinous, but had yet to be caught, and take them out. yet, i don’t know if she could bring herself to do it. i think that would cross a line for her. 
linda: although it would vary, because in some timelines i can’t see her leaving her haven of apathy enough to do anything so dire, i d think that in many timelines/verses she would kill biff tannen. she would have her own biff tannen must die segment. biff has harmed her family, and possibly even her, even if canonical media hasn’t shown it (though maybe the comics have idk i still gotta read them whOOPS) and she would probably consider that a worthy and strategic move. verses like the tannen crime family from the game, possibly the citizen brown timeline from the game as well depending on when in the verse it might happen, and probably the original timeline of the first movie. i don;t think that she’d do it in the 1985A verse though, which might be surprising since it’s nicknamed the biffhorrific timeline and is obviously the worst one- but that’s because if she killed him, they would all go under as a result of the stopping of funds, and the “protection” he offers them. so with some exceptions- biff tannen.
30. If your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
herb: it would be something lucille makes for sure- some kind of casserole or pan-fry, i think, because that seems like the meat-and-potatoes, american “dad got home and we’re throwing this meal together” thing, based on my personal experience in the midwest with a working dad and stay at home mom, and i think that something of that nature is probably his favorite.
mira: she would probably find a very legitimate and un-arguable loop-hole to comply to the standards of the question but still get variety. i am, unfortunately, not as smart as she is, so it’s hard to say what that would be. but trust me when i say that while me making a character so smart as mira was essentially me playing myself, i know enough to know that she would never allow a metaphorical question like this to tell her what to do.
linda: is that one person who says “pizza” bc it’s the most Obvious loophole to getting different toppings.
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abouttiimeadjacent · 6 years
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Marty almost dies
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abouttiimeadjacent · 6 years
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
i know i always go back to this but it’s important bc this is like... basically where my main verse starts and is pretty damn relevant to marty and his entire mindset... towards the end of the game, this is the scene: 
citizen brown (an alternate doc from a dystopian hill valley in 1986) has just been erased from existence (bc emmett, young doc, is back on the path of science-- it’s a whole thing) after edna strickland stole the delorean and used it to go back from 1931 to 1876.  marty says goodbye to emmett and has given him a newspaper clipping from the future and tells him that he can’t look at it until he gets the key to the city (in 1986).  this newspaper clipping is marty’s ticket home so it’s pretty damn important that doc managed to not lose it for 55 years.  anyway--
after emmett goes back inside the science expo, doc (doc doc this time, fresh from the ceremony where he got the key to the city) shows up in another delorean (very important.  it’s not the same car as the one edna stole) and it’s great bc he’s like... you know, not citizen brown.  here’s a doc we recognize.  great.  rad.  fucking amazing.  
but he doesn’t know why marty was in 1931 in the first place.  this is odd because marty went back to 1931 to get doc out of jail and doc was in jail bc they thought he (carl sagan) was the speakeasy arsonist.  (he wasn’t.  it was edna.  anyway--)  doc (that timeline’s doc.  not the original, but the one from the start of the game.  he was erased from existence too.  just a bad time.)  went back to 1931 bc he wanted to solve some historical mysteries-- including-- marty’s grandmother.  because he was making a book about the mcfly family in hill valley to give marty as a graduation gift.
a theory?  possibly this new timeline’s doc is just better at not getting arrested?  maybe marty’s grandmother wasn’t so much a mystery in this timeline for... reasons?  bc doc gave the book to marty which meant he would’ve had to do research and while he definitely did a lot of it the traditional way, he also had to time travel a bit. 
but this is the part that really doesn’t make sense.  based on the fact that doc and clara still end up together, we can probably pretty safely assume that the events in the movies still take place more or less the same way.  but-- this is a completely different marty who would’ve had to not only grow up w a familiy who was different than our marty (the one you see in the movies / spend the game playing as) but also spent the last 7-ish months spending more time with doc and his family because they didn’t leave hill valley.
so the question is what happened to that timeline’s marty mcfly?  at the end of the first movie, marty getting back to the future happens at about the same time as that timeline’s marty going back to 1955.  and he alters things differently and ends up in a different timeline.  you know.  whatever.  that’s how it works.  but at the end of the game... where is that timeline’s marty?  where did he go?  he didn’t take the delorean-- doc used it and the one edna had was erased so...
and it’s not like, by the way things work in bttf, marty couldn’t just be in the timeline with the other him... like he might just... be out there and that could be awkward at some point.  they only spend a few hours in the biffhorrific timeline but doc does go to visit the version of him who had been lobotimized (a detail marty is still not aware of like god can you imagine?)-- but my point is, it’s not like they just cancel each other out.  
it just bothers me that there’s no explanation for him not being there (such as w marty watching himself travel back to 1955, or by telling us that the alternate marty is in switzerland or at math camp).  it’s just like-- not acknowledged.  and since it usually is, it bothers me.  
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
“canonical” verses
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In May of 1986, Marty’s mind was on graduating high school and stopping the bank from selling off Doc’s things, but when the DeLorean (WASN’T IT DESTROYED BY THAT TRAIN?) shows up, Marty must go back in time to rescue his best friend from gangsters in 1931. Things don’t go according to plan…
(This verse’s timeline also includes a vague period of time after the events of the game.)
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Pre- and post-time travel respectively. The latter takes place after Marty returns to 1985 until the events of the game.
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What if he hadn't gone to 1955? Basically, a number of what-if scenarios, placing a Marty McFly brand new to time travel in various situations his poor, confused self can barely handle.
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Set in 1955, any film.
stranded in 1955 - an au for that shitty scenario in which marty doesn’t make it, you know, back to the future
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Movie-verse future (teen Marty and adult Marty)
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Set within the timeline of events in the third film.
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Seamus McFly, Marty’s great-great-grandfather. Had a brother named Martin. Marty is named after them. Marty met Seamus, his wife Maggie, and their son William when he traveled to 1885 to rescue the Doc. Seamus warned him about letting others provoke him into fights, as that was what killed his brother. 
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Clarabelle “Clara” Clayton Brown - verse info tba
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Set within the timeline of events that took place in the summer and fall of 1931 in Hill Valley. While returning to 1986 from 1931, Doc disappears from existence and Marty is stranded in a terrifying alternate timeline of his hometown.
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Verse is set within the events and timeline of the comics.
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Marty circa 2015 (not movie verse. no hoverboards, flying cars, etc.) or just generally Marty in the future. His personal future, whether that be in 2015 or not.
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Marty Jr & Marlene verse - more info tba
            KIM POSSIBLE AU VERSES          //          MISC VERSES
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abouttiimeadjacent · 7 years
ooc: tag dump!! (part iii)
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