#<- thats my text tag btw. if you were curious
bowserpunk-vevo · 9 months
i wanna share some of my favourite stims with all yall :D for some time ive been looking for ways to handle... the whole being alive thing... and id have really liked to have seen some stims that arent as common, cuz those dont do me *that* much good :0 (they are still great, these in the list are just better for me !!!) okay so here they are, in no particular order !!! 1. music - it gets me pumped up when needed, but also calmed down, or motivated, or helps me think/not think, and helps me feel things more or, when necessary, less !!!
2. cooking - its my version of working out, im in a flow state, its fun and repetative, but not *too* repetative, and i enjoy eating a lot too so its a win win !!!
3. walking - i just enjoy walking a lot :0 standing too, but walking especially !!! i do it just for fun, or if im thinking about something. walking is especially an activity for when im in physical pain :0
4. things touching my face - idk, its just nice !!! i mostly do it when im happy or content, and it goes best with laying down and being wrapped up in a blanket so that it also touches my face !!!
5. humming/singing - this is also a happy stim !!! i mostly do it when im very very excited, but sometimes its just a fun thing to do :D
6. squinting - this one is for when im experiencing a too strong positive emotion :0 mainly happens in conversations with my lovely partner in crime, but sometimes when a character in media i enjoy is doing something emotional
7. pressure/touch - a more basic one... i enjoy feeling some kind of pressure somewhere on my body !!! so much so, that i cant fall asleep unless im either laying on my arms, or under a heavy blanket. also when im in physical pain, it makes me feel better when im roughly stroking my legs or arms
8. idk if this is a stim, but sometimes i have to unfocus my gaze for a few seconds... idk why, it just feels nice, so im adding it too ! it is in my control, but i dont think about it so it surprises me lol :P
9. Helluva Boss - dont lynch me, i am aware of the controversial nature of it... it just skratches an itch in my brain so much :0 the animation especially, with those designs and all !!! and the voice acting too, especially Blitzo, he just sounds funky :0 i enjoy watching compilations of the show, cuz then i dont have to focus on the plot or anything, just get the good chemicals in my brain !!!
10. fangs/claws - i enjoy watching fangs and claws move aroud :0 like gifs of animals, or cosplayers, or cgi/animated creatures !!! still images are also good, but animated is better !!! if theres a tag with stimboard with just claws or fangs id pay for that :0/lh
i think 10 is enough for now :D these are some of my fave stims, and hopefully this list was of some use for yall, if only for a fun read :D !!! see ya laterz, my dudes :)
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Closer (Salem!Agatha Harkness x Reader)
Request: hii i asked about requests a couple days ago i think but i couldnt think of a request until now, but could you possible do an agatha x reader fic w the only one bed trope? (maybe slight enemies to lovers although thats hard in such a short thing) :) love ur writing so much btw its incredible <3 (anon)
Summary: you and Agatha are forced to share a bed while out for the coven
A/N: thank you, sweet anon 🥰 this wasn’t my best work but I needed to post to get out of my writing slump. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless 🖤
Tag List: @nyx-aira @poetsdeadxo @crystalline-possession @sarahp-stan @clxwnnyy @lilibeth-tate @highgaytohell @amethyst-bitch @paulawand @shinkomiii @imstacysmomtm @agnessharknes @academiagaymess @harknessimp
GIF credits: @rosalie-starfall
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“Agatha Harkness.”
You sipped your cider as you watched the other witch give her name to the front desk of the inn. The two of you had stopped here to rest on your way to the apothecary, which was still a full two days away by horse. Thankfully, the inn was covertly run by witches, one of the few left in the East.
You had been less than thrilled when Evanora decided you and Agatha would be the ones to go to the apothecary this time. The two of you were the same age and were often lumped together in the coven, even though you couldn’t be more different. You often clashed because of your different viewpoints.
You saw magic as a privilege and a tool. Something you could use to do good in the world. But Agatha? She saw magic as a means for power. Oh, how that girl loved power.
The younger Harkness didn’t seem much happier about having to take the journey with you. She’d even tried to convince Evanora to let her go alone but the elder witch was set in her decision.
“She’ll have a good influence on you,” Evanora had said to her daughter.
You couldn’t help the smug smile that had made its way onto your face, much to the disdain of Agatha.
You were brought out of your reverie by the *thunk* of Agatha’s cup hitting the table you were sitting at as she sat down. “Our room will be ready soon,” she said.
“Okay,” you said. “Thank you.” You gave her a soft smile as an afterthought. You supposed you could make an effort to be nice.
Agatha’s eyes met yours as she gave you a nod. Not having anything else to say, you went back to sipping from your mug while Agatha pulled a book out of her bag.
You nearly spat your drink out when you saw the book. “Agatha!” You hissed at her. “You’re not supposed to have that.”
The brunette was nonchalantly flipping through a book with a dark cover of intricate carvings. You recognized it as one of the few dark texts that Evanora had in her personal library, usually locked up and off-limits.
Her blue eyes met yours again, this time her brow raising. “What,” she said mockingly. “Are you going to go tell on me?”
“Don’t be so childish,” you huffed. “I don’t care what you do or read in your free time, just maybe don’t pull out a book like that in a room full of witches.”
Sure enough, when Agatha looked around the room, there were a few curious eyes watching her, and more specifically, the book in her hands. “Fair enough,” she said, and slipped the book back into her bag.
You couldn’t help yourself, you had to ask. “Why do you have to break the rules and read that anyway? You know dark magic is forbidden.”
Agatha let out a light laugh, much to your annoyance. “Oh Y/N,” she smiled, leaning closer and resting her chin on her hand. “You’re so naive.”
You furrowed your brows and were about to interrupt but she kept going.
“Dark magic is unlike anything you’ve ever known,” she said lowly, and you found yourself leaning closer to hear her over the sounds of the other patrons. From your proximity, you could see the excitement shining in Agatha’s eyes.
“The way it flows through you, so rich. And when you finally get to release it, it’s the best feeling in the world.” You felt your breathing pick up hearing about the magic you knew you shouldn’t be talking about. The way Agatha described it had you hanging on to every word.
“Harkness!” A voice called from the front desk, making your head snap in its direction.
“That’s us,” Agatha stood up and gathered her things before walking to the desk. It took you a moment to collect yourself, and as you followed her you realized your heart was racing.
After grabbing your room key, the both of you made your way upstairs to your room. You followed Agatha in as she opened the door but nearly bumped into her when she froze halfway in.
“Wha-oh.” Peering over Agatha’s shoulder you saw what had made her stop.
There was only one bed.
Agatha seemed to overcome her surprise as she continued walking into the room, while you stood there, face warm. “Shouldn’t we ask them for a different room?”
“What,” Agatha said mockingly. “You don’t know how to share?”
You clenched your jaw when you saw her smirk and walked over to the bed to unpack your things. You were relieved to see you’d packed your nightgown, not wanting to sleep in the dress you’d worn all day.
You turned away from where Agatha was unpacking her own things on the other side of the bed. Facing the wall, you quickly took off your clothes and slipped into your nightgown.
When you turned back around, your eyes met Agatha’s blue ones before the other witch quickly averted her gaze. Had she been watching you? The thought made something unfamiliar flutter in your chest.
You watched as she turned around and slid off her clothing. The smooth expanse of her back faced you and you found yourself unable to look away from the exposed skin. It looked so smooth, adorned with freckles begging to be traced by your fingers.
You suddenly became aware of your staring and looked away, flushed, just as Agatha turned back around. What had gotten into you?
Shaking your head as if that would get the thoughts out, you walked over to the bucket of water in the corner of the room to wash your face.
When you dried off, you turned to see Agatha had already made herself comfortable in bed. “It’s late, and we have an early start tomorrow,” she said, pausing to blow out the candle on the nightstand. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you replied, slipping into the covers next to her, ready to sleep.
You tried, you really did. But you just couldn’t get comfortable, and you were all too aware of Agatha’s presence next to you. After turning over for another time, Agatha groaned, startling you.
“Did I wake you up,” you asked sheepishly.
“I was never asleep,” Agatha said, turning to face you. You could just barely make out her features in the dark. “What is wrong with you? Is this some ritual you do before bed?”
You sighed, ignoring her sarcastic tone. “You’re sleeping on my side.”
Agatha was silent for a moment. “Your side,” she asked incredulously.
“Of the bed. I usually sleep on that side,” you shrugged.
“Oh my gods you’re such a baby,” Agatha let out a short laugh and sat herself up. “Well, come on then.”
“What?” You sat up as well.
“If switching spots means I can get a wink of sleep I’ll gladly do it.”
“Oh w-” you were interrupted by Agatha’s hand on your waist guiding you towards her. Suddenly, your legs were on either side of hers as you straddled her.
Your breath hitched when Agatha’s eyes met yours, shining in the little bit of moonlight filtering in through the window. You could see the smile playing about her lips, and you found yourself unable to look away from them.
Reluctantly, you slid off of her as she moved to the other side, immediately missing the feel of her hands on you. “Thank you,” you near-whispered, trying to ignore the sound of your heartbeat in your ears.
“Goodnight Y/N,” Agatha yawned and snuggled deep into the covers.
“Goodnight,” you replied, but her breathing had already evened out, indicating she’d fallen asleep.
Settling into the covers, you soon did the same.
You woke up at dawn the next morning. As you slowly opened your eyes and took in your surroundings, you realized two things.
One, Agatha was pressed against your back, so close you could feel the warmth from her body. And two, her arm was slung over your waist, obviously having made its way there at some point last night.
You stiffened, but then immediately relaxed, not wanting to wake her up. You could feel her breath tickling the back of your neck, making your stomach do flips.
Soon enough, Agatha woke up next to you. You closed your eyes and tried to steady your breathing, not wanting her to realize you were awake. You felt her pull away from you, removing her arm from your waist hastily. The mattress shifted as she got out of bed, and you pretended to sleep as she got dressed.
“Good morning,” you said once she was dressed, feigning a yawn.
“Finally,” Agatha said, but her usual snark was missing. “Get dressed, we have to go.”
Agatha left the room as you got dressed and returned soon after with two muffins. You took the one she offered you and your fingertips brushed, making you feel warm all over again.
You sighed to yourself as you followed Agatha out. This was going to be a long trip.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
No Love Lost (Part 1)
Harrison Osterfield x CF!Reader
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A/N: uh hi. so this is a lot. this was going to be a one-shot originally but then it hit 15k words so here’s some of that. I did as much research into cystic fibrosis as i could (thats what cf means btw). Thanks to @loverholland who helped me edit this (and future parts). Also this is my submission for @starksparker summer writing challenge. I had the prompt of “I know you. What’s wrong” and its used pretty bad but this will make up for it hopefully. its a whole mess of aus. there some fuck boy in there, some best friend. brace for impact.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: talk of death, talk of hospitals, talk of sickness, swearing,  messing with tenses, a ridiculous amount of parentheticals (yes they’re supposed to be there), cheesy writing
Harrison was sweet. You had to admit it. One of the nicest people you’d ever come by. He was your best friend all throughout school, he stuck by you through all the coughing fits, your plethora of medicines, and the multiple times you’d caught bronchitis or something along those lines, not to mention all the other things that come with being a teen in high school; drama, puberty, stress. You were insanely thankful that he put up with all his own problems as well as yours, health or otherwise, and everything that came with having cystic fibrosis.
You were diagnosed at five, after the third time you’d caught pneumonia. Most people are diagnosed before the age of two but either a) you weren’t screened for it at birth or b) your doctors missed something. Just your luck.
You didn’t really know what it meant at first. Just that now you had to take these medicines, pills, and use inhalers (which hurt on bad days). Your favourite part was always the gummy vitamin that you had to -no, got to- take. You heard your mom talking about how important it was that you cleared your airway every day and that you did some of, if not all, the exercise the doctors wanted you to take. They made your lungs burn.
Your mother, however, felt guilty. She blamed herself for your sickness, but her guilt was helping no one affected. She should’ve known that you were growing too slowly and that your breathing problems weren’t normal. She feels horrible.
But if she had and you’d been diagnosed earlier or later or exactly when you were, you would still have cystic fibrosis.
You started to understand what it was at the age of eleven after you’d decided to research it yourself. You knew better than to WebMD it. Long since being diagnosed, you weren’t looking for a cure, just an understanding of what this meant for you.
You found out too much. Things that you were certain a normal 11 year old wouldn’t know about. But you weren’t normal. Anything but.
You found out that the average person with cystic fibrosis died at the age of 37, it’s most common in Northern Europe and least common in Africans and Asians. Although not recognized until the 1930s, certain aspects of cystic fibrosis were identified as early as 3,000 BC, likely due to the migration of people, gene mutations and nourishment. One in Four people have cystic fibrosis. About eighty percent of people with cystic fibrosis die from it. There’s no known cure, if there is one at all.
Your first (and only, so far) double lung transplant happened about a year later. You remember the feeling of knowing something was wrong too vividly. Headed down the stairs, your twelve year old self had already run through your extensive morning routine but you couldn’t shake the feeling of something caught in your lungs. You had to breathe through your mouth to feel like you were getting anywhere near enough oxygen.
“Have you cleared your airways yet” Your mother had asked upon hearing how rough your voice sounded when combined with how much your chest heaved when you breathed. You nodded and she asked you to go to it again. It was on your way back down the steps when it had become instantly more difficult to breathe. Calling for your mom, your voice was weak and wheezed its way through the words. It felt like you were suffocating. You gripped the stair railing tight in your hand as you felt your vision start to tunnel. With whatever luck you still had, you made it to the bottom of the stairs without collapsing and she rushed you to the hospital.
You don’t know what they did to make it better temporarily but you remember being hooked up to all sorts of antibiotics to slow the mucus build up while they found a pair of lungs for you. A month later and they had found a pair. You spent the next while in the hospital from the surgery while the doctors monitored you.
Lung transplants either work or they don’t. There’s no in between. No ‘it works but could be better’. They do, or they don’t.
Your mother would tell you when you were older that yours almost didn’t work. You almost didn’t wake up, but you wouldn’t remember any of it when she told you so.
You were overjoyed when you got to go back to school, you knew you weren’t healed, you still had cystic fibrosis, but you were doing better. That’s when you met Harrison.
With Harrison, you felt like you could be somewhat. He didn’t know about your CF at the time, you held it back to not drive him away. You suppressed coughs as much as you could. He was good though. A good person, a kind soul. So good that when you were with him, you were normal. You felt like a normal kid. You forgot about the multiple inhalers that sat on the bathroom counter and the bottles of pills next to them. You forgot about the doctors, and your enzymes or lack thereof. With Harrison, you forgot you were dying.
He started to get curious when you were missing school a lot and played it off as a cold when you would cough a lot at one time, but Harrison isn’t an idiot and you’re his friend; he knew something was up.
So you told him. You told him you had cystic fibrosis. He seemed confused so you continued on. You explained that while it also affects your pancreas, intestines, and kidneys, it meant your lungs were weak and prone to infection. Mucus builds up inside your lungs and other parts of your respiratory system. You told him that if your lungs get worse then you’ll likely need a transplant.
He nodded along and promised that he understood but you knew he didn’t fully understand what it meant, just as you had.
You didn’t tell him you were dying.
Not then. Not at all.
He’d found out on his own that it meant you were dying. You never asked how. The pair of you were in your living room at the age of fourteen, in the middle of a game of Mario Party. The computer Boo was winning. You could tell that something was bothering him but weren’t sure if it was something to ask about, you did anyway.
“Haz? What’s bothering you?” You spoke as the Luigi on the screen moved 6 spaces.
“Nothing, I’m fine” He stared distantly towards the screen, it’s more likely he’s looking past it.
“And lying. I know you. What's wrong?" No response. "Harrison, tell me” You refused to press any buttons, letting the die on the screen roll above your characters head until he gave you an answer.
Harrison looked down into his lap, fumbling with some of the buttons on the remote. His voice comes out small and meek, “You’re dying”
“No, I’m not,” Some weird instinct told you to lie about it and protect his feelings, but the glimmer of hope he had when he looked at you made you wish that you hadn’t said that. “I mean, I am. But I’m not bad” You hesitate on ‘bad’, unsure of how you want to phrase things. You knew you had to be careful of what you say. “I’m not even on a transplant list yet,” His expression shifted to worry, “It’s a good thing” He somewhat relaxed. “It means that I’m managing it well. And I am. I take care of myself, take all the medication I need to. It’s a lot but I do it”
The look on his face made your heart go soft. Somewhere between worry and relief, happy and sad.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner” You whispered, your gaze falling to the floor. You felt bad about telling him, that’s for sure. But for once you wanted to be normal.
“It’s okay,” Harrison’s voice was almost as quiet as yours, the overly happy game music playing in the background (it really didn’t help with the mood). He looked over at you and your expression made his heartbreak. “Hey,” he grabbed your attention, “This doesn’t change anything. No love lost, yeah?”
You nodded. “What I meant is that you don’t have to worry about me” That was the end of it. You rolled a five.
The next few months saw a shift in your relationship. It’s not that you spent any less time together, quite the opposite actually. Harrison wanted to spend so much time with you, most of which consisted of the two of you doing anything either of you could think of. More games of Mario Party (you won more often, he’d say he let you but he definitely didn’t), going out for food, bowling, laser tag, you name it.
He also took care of you. No matter how much you said you didn’t need it and you didn’t want to bother him, you’d get text messages at the same time every day asking if you’d taken your enzymes, or cleared your airways, or if you were close to running out of anything.
Harrison was sweet. He was sweet to you and you couldn’t be more thankful.
High school came and the world watched on as the two of you grew closer than ever. He was there as soon as he could be whenever you were in the hospital and even if you weren’t, he was at your house or you were at his as much as you could be.
Looking back, you weren’t sure how you didn’t see it.
While you were still Harrison’s best friend, he spent time with a lot of other girls. You weren’t dumb. You saw the way they looked at him. Their looks were anything from ogling or as if he was the moon. Their never-ending night light. The one that lit up the dark for them.
It was cheesy and sometimes (usually) gross, but he never looked at them that way. Even while his arm was wrapped around them in the halls he was either making some joke towards you (you’d say he was bullying you, but you weren’t that hurt) or laughing at something someone else had said or done.
Every two weeks there was a different girl on his arm. It didn’t really make sense to you. He was so nice and caring towards you but then these girls that he claimed to have feelings for barely got a second glance from him.  Even still, part of you wanted to be in their position, if only for the title that came with it.
You fell in love with Harrison slowly. Like when you come home late and don’t want to wake anyone, so you shut the door precariously, even the small click after it’s shut is too loud. Or like waiting for a flower to grow. Checking on it until you saw the first sprout and then the first leaf.
Your sudden realization, your ‘click’, was when you’d heard one of the girls talking about him after they’d ended things. You weren't sure if you could call it a breakup, we’re they even official? Who knows.
Water ran from the tap in the bathroom as you washed your hands, you couldn’t help but listen to the conversation she was having on the far side of the room. It was whispered and sobbed but you still managed.
“What’d he say?” Her friend, you thought her name was Olivia, places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“He just said he didn’t feel anything for me anymore” Harrison ex-thing, her name was Erica, (she was one of the “you are the moon” starers) barely got out the last word before sobs racked her body, her upper body and torso shook forcefully with each one. She was really hurt. “Said that there was something about someone else. I don’t get it. It was three weeks how could there be someone else”.
If it was three weeks then why are you so worked up over it? You fought not to roll your eyes.
“Erica, I told you that he was a bad idea. I told you that he’d hurt you. And you still…” Olivia trailed off with a sigh. Some best friend.
“I don’t know. Maybe I thought I could change him or something. Fuck, I don’t know. He’ll always be a fuckboy I guess. Can’t wait to see who he’s got next week” Sarcasm drenched her words. She sniffled, wiping her eyes.
You dried off your hands and left the bathroom.
It hurts to hear people talk so horrendously about your best friend. That wasn’t the Harrison that you knew, the Harrison you knew was gentle and caring and wore his heart on his sleeve. What about you made him that different?
Harrison came over that night, you helped him with his English paper and then the two of you retreated to doing your own things on your phones. He laid on your bed and you used his stomach as a pillow, lying perpendicular to him. Your legs hung off the bed a little, but you didn’t care.
The room was silent for at least fifteen minutes with the exception of the odd chuckle followed by the other asking to look at whatever it was they laughed at. That was until you piped up. Your mindless scrolling only lasts so long before you fall into your own thoughts.
“Heard Erica talking about you in the bathroom today” You let your hand fall to your chest, phone facedown against your sternum. Harrison didn’t really talk about the girls he was involved with. At least not with you. You weren’t sure why but never pressed.
“Yeah? What’d she say?” His eyes didn’t leave his phone.
“She was talking to Olivia, I think it was Olivia. The one who sits next to Tom in English”
“Yeah, Olivia” Harrison confirmed.
“Yeah her. And she -Erica-  was saying about how you broke up with her and said that there was someone else. And then Olivia said something about how she warned her not to go for you because you’re a bad idea and you’d only hurt her and shit like that”  
“Sounds like Liv” Harrison chimes in.
“Then Erica said that she thought she could change you or something like that? I don’t know. It was just weird to hear them talk so bad about you when what I see is the polar opposite” You started your scrolling again.
“People talk Y/N. She was just upset I guess. That’s okay” You nodded and there was a moment of silence
“Just out of curiosity. Why do you go through girls so fast?”
“I just don’t feel anything with them really. I know what I want, and sadly it’s things that I don’t think they’d ever be able to give, or have, or be”
“What do you want?” Your question threw him off guard and he had to pause for a second.
“I want pure love. It’s not driven by lust. A kind of love where I don’t have to worry about what I look like or how I act around them because I know they’ll love me just the same. One where we have electric conversations one moment and then the next we’re in silence but it’s fine. Because it’s comfortable. I want to have a connection. I want the kind of love where you’d die for the other person. I’d die for a love like that. And it’s something that I don’t think I could get from Erica or Megan or Hannah. No matter how long we’re together”
“But you’re not even going to stick around long enough to see if there is all that with them?”
“No. I know it makes me sound like an asshole but I know what I want. I just have to wait until that love realizes what they want”
You thought for a moment. Maybe it made sense? In some weird, twisted, ‘i’m an asshole but don’t want you to think so’ sort of way. “Okay” You trailed off.
“Also we were only a thing for like three weeks why is she this upset”
“That’s what I thought!” The two of you laughed and settled back into a comfortable silence.
You’d since learned to trust what you knew about Harrison, disregarding parts of what was said that night. He was kind, and took care of you, and cared deeply about so many things. You knew about his reputation, but you didn’t care. He was your best friend, and what kind of friend would you be if you changed your opinion based on what other people said. Certainly better than ones who date the guy who broke your heart (*cough* Olivia, *cough cough*) The same one who warned you not to date him.
And sure enough, the following week, Olivia and Harrison were together.
Olivia was the longest he’d been with someone that you knew about. A whole eight weeks was a record for Harrison. It almost made you think that maybe he was capable of finding love on his own. And that made you happy. Happy for him.
Then there was that damn click. That fucking leaf. The one that made you sad when you saw them in the halls, her hand in his. The same one that made your stomach drop when he'd kiss her cheek before class.
Although his time never wavered with you, you couldn't help but wish it was you under his arm. With his lips against your skin.
High school ended, Harrison went on to drama school. It fit, he’d always been dramatic (haha very funny Y/N) but you were proud of him for pursuing his dream of acting. You’d gone onto university as well. Although the two of you didn’t see each other nearly as much, you were still his best friend, and him yours. The texts to take your meds had changed from whenever you had to take one to only every morning, and the two of you would talk that night.
June Twenty-Second. You’d finished all your exams two months ago. Still riding on the high of being a university graduate, you didn’t expect for it to drop so fast.
You were put on the transplant list your sophomore year of university. But you were getting worse, you’d moved up significantly since being put on. June Twenty-Second is when your doctor told you that if you couldn’t get one of the next few lungs, you’d be out of time.
When you’d discovered that you were dying when you were eleven, you struggled to cope with it. Slowly but surely, you’d learned to accept that you couldn’t live forever, and if you’d been asked a month ago how you felt about death, you know how you would have answered. You would have said that it’s a part of life. That every journey has its end. You would have said that no matter what you did you couldn’t change anything and you were okay with dying. Maybe it was your time.
But when your doctor finally, officially tells you that they don’t know if they'll get you a pair of lungs in time, one thing comes to mind.
I’m not ready for this.
Immediately followed by another thought.
haz tags:
@summernykole @hjosterfield @imagines-andshizz @thequeensardine @artemisiaarm @sincerelymlg @butithasntkilledyouyet @bitchymathematician @ixchel-9275 @honeyyhuggs @nedthegay @ohyouremymedicine @awkwardfangirl2014 @parkerpeterholland @screeching-student-unknown
@osterfieldholland01 @happymagicbee @headsup-itsmostlypeter @starlightfound @spideyyypeter @empressdreams @isabellyduh
Others who i think might enjoy or hate me for it (or already do)
@wazzupmrstark @parkerpuffwrites @parrkerspeters @nnatasha @lamptracker (really i just want you to read this)
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Haaau. Oooh. Thats sweet. Do i really say holiii that much? I havent noticed. Okay, let's blame tumblr. It's not as if it works perfectly so...😂 Oooh, yes!! I'm in. Tag me in whatever you want. The meme of H and the lamb was hilarious. I love that comparison. Jajajajajja Gosh, can you imagine when he sings Familiar all by himself? Without JBalvin to do that part? If he sings the whole song when he comes to Spain, fans will lose it😂 (1). ((Any update of Liam the cat?))
HI!!!!! I don’t know! You have say it just a couple of times, really, but this girl says all the time and you reminded me of her, and now she reminds me of you,jejje. Honestly, that lamb is Honey! Jajajja. He’s like that too! He looks at you like: what? Do you have something to say? No? okay, bye. Jajaja. And let’s be honest, harry is very meme material,jajajajajja. (I’m so behind in his tour updates, btw. Haven’t seen anything🤦🏻‍♀️) Liam is coming in a couple of weeks? The 4th. Imagine if he sings in Spanish!!! I would die! If he does, he will do it Perfect (Perfect is capitalized bc of the song, omg). I’m sure he’s learning new words in Spanish. Hola sacapuntas, ¿como están todos? 🤣🤣🤣
Oh nono. Dont apologise. I was just laughing at myself. But thanks for the effort💖 This asks was easy to figure out. Oh, dont worry. Im more concerned about the inbox eating my asks (are they safe or are they lost? I never know) than you not answering. Really. (2)
Right? Like, you take the effort to write something and then you put it out there, without knowing if it will reach their destination or not. And at least with me, you know for sure if the ask is missing or not. But when you write people who has a lot of ask you’re like: did the ask get lost or did I say something rude? Are they ignoring me or have the blocked me??? Hjdfojriofjnoeirvjerv @staff!! Work on it!!!!
I dont like the sentence that goes “seria mucho mejor si participa”. Its nothing, but…me chirría* bcs of the possible undertone. Im very sensitive. Thats it. Though i must say that they compensate it with tge next sentence “voy a hacerte todo *lo que me permitas*”. Bcs consent!! Thats important. Oh, same. I dont usually hear anything in Spanish, mainly bcs i havent found anything that i like. Oh, you have almost the whole week free? Thats good!! (3) *i cant think of how to translate it xd
Jo, I haven’t read the lyrics yet (sorry Liam, I’m a very busy person,😅), but yes, you might be right. That sentence… if she isn’t participating… what are you doing then? And yes, that other sentence is better. I have to take my work (as a fan,lol) more seriously. Sdicsjdlncinsldcnlcjvls LOUIS JUST TWEETED LIAM???? Jfdbhkdbffvdfkv WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!No, but my friends are idiots, jajajja, because I like a lot of Spanish music, actually. Like from the 80s and such,jajajajaj. And once, we were watching OT el reencuentro, and I knew all the songs and they wouldn’t stop teasing me, jajajaj. And o was like: see?? I like Spanish music. OLD Spanish music. Now, even Bisbal sings reguetón 🤦🏻‍♀️.I have to babysit my cousin on Wednesdays starting this week, so good. Bc I only work on Tuesdays and weekends. And someone else have offered me to babysit their children occasionally, so good good. More money for me to spend on the boys.
No idea what is Terra Chat. I guess i was too young? But i do remember messenger! You talked for 6h each day? Thats insane! I could not talk for so many hours. I would run out of topics or something. First time you failed anything, and you 6? Wow. Go big or go home, right? Jajajajaja. Luckily i dont think i’ve ever had any problem with the internet🤔. Its a lifesaver, really. (4)
Seriously, Terra’s chat was the boom back them, jajajja. But I was like 15, so maybe you were still starting to walk, jajajaa (I DON’T KNOW!!)? And yes we would talk for 6h every day. I would eat dinner at my computer, the days I would eat something at all. I lost 4kg the first week I started talking with him,jajajaja. IT WAS TRUE LOVE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (gaaa, I used to be the most embarrassing teenager you can imagine,jajaja (haven’t change much, I admit)) [philosophy moment of the day] Kids from today’s day should know the struggle to not be able to text every moment of every day. Having to compact your words into 180(?) caracteres, bc you only could send a text, and it costed money! EVERY. TEXT! Uffff, that gives personality to someone,jajaja. They have so easy to communicate these days😌. [end of philosophy moment]
You also have a JHO shirt????😍😍😍😍 one shirt for each? Well then, 2 more to go. I’ll swear, someday i’ll get myself something like that. What?! You didnt like Niall??? Soraya!! How so? He was lovely! Yes!! He (& his team) is doing so good! He’s conquering the world and im here for it. And also, his new dressing style is a blessing. I love the trousers he wears for the shows. He looks really handsome😍 (5)
The better part of them putting out they’re careers at different times is that you don’t notice you’re spending so much money,jajaja. Because everything is so expensive!!!! Don’t remind me, I’m ashamed I didn’t like him. 🤦🏻‍♀️. It’s not that I didn’t like like him. I just didn’t see anything special about him?? How??? Was I blind??? Probably! But now I just jsdkhfiowjefijowef  love everything about him. And yes, absolutely yes no his new style. I can’t wait to see him in person, omg!!! I’m so excited already, jajajaja.
Over again? Listen, can you belive that i discovered very recently that when they sang “hole in the middle of my heart like a polo” there werent talking about shirts?!! I used to hate that sentence bcs it made no sense to me! But they are talking about candys!! Of course. Solo songs. How did i forget?? Small stage? Mymy. You are a genius😂 Oh cool. I know nothing about cameras, but this one has an impressive name. JAJAJA. (6)
Jajajajajaja, I was shocked too when I knew about that too!  Jajajaja, I remember thinking, oh that’s makes much more sense that a shirt with a hole??? Jajajajajja. But I love that song live, seriously. You’d have to hear me and see me the concerts I perform in my car!!!  🤣🤣🤣🤣. I lose it with that song! My dream? To drive for 5-6-7 hours singing every 1d and solo songs, singing (screaming) every song, and with other four friends/fans. That’s my dream. Jajajaja. No dram job. No being rich. No nothing. Just singing 1d songs, jjajajaja.
Okaaay. I will call you if necessary. Same goes for you. JBieber and Zayn? What about them? Are they making a colabo or something? Are you asking about my toughts on them?? Sorry. Im a bit lost. (7)
No god, how could you Thing they would be collaborating, 😖, jajajajaa. No no. Your thoughts on them. Nah, I asked be I was going to tell you things my mom says about them, but I don’t want to offend you if you like them, jejeje.
Guess what. My friend (who is the most up-to-date on pop culture and music, and the one i always tell my theories to) called me yesterday “la reina del ocultismo”. (Just bcs i said that Shawn latest song sounded queer to me). JAJAJAJAJAJA. Anyway, I felt so proud. I might be crazy, but at least i have cool name. And i dont get bored🤷 (8)
LA REINA DEL OCULTISMO!!! Oh yes!!!! Jajajajajaa. Hey, I don’t follow very close Shawn, just what I see in my dash, or I’ve hear the songs they play on radio, but girl!!! He so gay!!! (And I don’t want to be offensive, okay? Offensive as in assuming he’s gay or something (wow, they just started playing It Isn’t in My Blood by Shawn,jajja) just because stereotypes). I saw and interview the other day, and he’s stance…mymy. But, well, again, I don’t know anything about him. “I might be crazy, […]And i dont get bored” #aboutme, jajjaja. And, please, share you’re crazy theories with me!!! Jajaja
YES YES YES. Of course i read fics. I read them everywhere, shamelessly. On the train, on the subway, at college, at family dinners (that one was risky, i must admit). JAJAJA. But sadly i have too many fics on the “to read” list. Bcs i dont feel like reading something with the length of a book on the phone, and also bcs once i start i cant stop until im done, so its quite inconvenient if i have to study. So, yes. I read them. What were you reading yesterday??? (9)
Same!! I read fics everywhere. I don’t worry to much about my family knowing I’m reading, bc no one understands English. But I freak out every time I let my iPad with a fic opened, bc they can see Harry’s or Louis’ name and I don’t want them to know I’m reading about them,😅😅. I run out of fics to read sometimes! That’s how much I read, jajajja. They’re always part of my bedtime routine, jajajjajaa. And, well, I was reading a fic, I liked it a lot, but I checked the author and she’s a bit “questionable”, so… I’ll reserve my opinion, if you don’t mind. I read someone’s opinion on the fact that people write stories about Harry and Louis, but then they don’t think they’re gay (as in part of LGBT+ community), and believe Louis is a dad, and all the rest. And they said why that is wrong, bc they’re fetishizing gay relationships. And it made sense. And if a queer person (I don’t know if I can use that word, sorry) says that, I have to believe it, y'know. So, when I read a fic from an author I don’t know, I check their blog, just to see. And I saw that, so I won’t be sharing the fic, sorry (which is a pity, but… 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Yeah. It was totally predictable. I know know. But…he looked cute. Well rested. Happy. And we had been deprived for too long so it was a gift to see him again. Thats it for tonight. Sleep well😙 (10)
He always looks well rested after a few days with his boy,jajajaj. I can’t wait to see what the future has planed for him. And also, I’m so curious about this new LiLo thing 🤔🤔. What’s all about? They now tweet each other. Liam talks about him all the time… we’ll see, we’ll see.
Well, that was a productive morning shift, jajaja. I’ve been almost 4h writing this,jajajajaa. The whole morning! Now, I have to check everything is correct before I close to go for lunch,jajajja. Thank youuuu. Bye bye!!
Pd: waaaa, I almost forget about my limo (liam,jajja). Well, I was going to bed, but before it I looked out the window, and called him. I was calling for a good half an hour. And then a black cat appeared, and I thought hey! they are coming! Then another black and wait cat came. And I didn’t stop calling Liam. And HE CAME!!! He came to my window, where Honey and I were. And I told him to jump, but his so fat… jajajjaa. So I called at my house phone so my mom would go to open the backdoor, and I went out from the front door. And when I reached my window he was up there, but he couldn’t go in, bc I had closed it, so Honey wouldn’t go out. And he jumped and went to the back door to wait for my mom no open the door, and then he run and run till my room, jajajaj, to see if there was food in his bowl. And, just that. They I “bath” him. And gave him a pill to desparasitarle(?), and put him a collar para las pulgas? Jajaja. And then I feed him. He was exhausted and hungry. My poor boy. I don’t know why he keeps going ou, if he doesn’t like it,jejeje.  Honey kept smelling him bc he smelled different, just FOR A DAY OUT!! (Jo, hablo TANTO!!!) Thanks for asking, love.
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